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Argon arunma

  • Singapore
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arunma / git-cheatsheet
Last active April 21, 2018 09:39 — forked from TomyJaya/
# Cloning a remote repository (SSH)
git clone <user@server:path/to/repo.git>
e.g. git clone
# Cloning a remote repository (https)
git clone <URL>
e.g. git clone
# Checking the Status of Your Files
git status
# Minimum TODOs on a per job basis:
# 1. define name, application jar path, main class, queue and path
# 2. remove properties not applicable to your Spark version (Spark 1.x vs. Spark 2.x)
# 3. tweak num_executors, executor_memory (+ overhead), and backpressure settings
# the two most important settings:

Haskell, Stack and Intellij IDEA IDE setup tutorial how to get started

Upon completion you will have a sane, productive Haskell environment adhering to best practices.


  • Haskell is a programming language.
  • Stack is tool for Haskell projects. (similar tools for other languages include Maven, Gradle, npm, RubyGems etc)
  • Intellij IDEA IDE is a popular IDE.

Install required libraries

sudo apt-get install libtinfo-dev libghc-zlib-dev libghc-zlib-bindings-dev

arunma /
Created February 13, 2019 14:26 — forked from PurpleBooth/
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


arunma /
Created January 3, 2024 04:48 — forked from worldofprasanna/
Multiple screen terminal capture using asciinema & tmux

Commands Reference

  1. Start a new tmux named session tmux new -s terminal-capture
  2. Split the screen using these commands,
  • vertical split <C-b>"
  • horizontal split <C-b>%
  1. To navigate between the panes,
  • To goto Left pane <C-b> left-key
  • To goto Right pane <C-b> right-key
  • To goto Top pane up-key

Oh my zsh.

Oh My Zsh

Install ZSH.

sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh

Install Oh my ZSH.

Oh my zsh.

Oh My Zsh

Install ZSH.

sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh

Install Oh my ZSH.