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arunthampi /
Last active February 2, 2018 23:15 — forked from jmhobbs/
Create scrolling text gifs for Slack

Makes little scrolly text jiffs in Flywheel colors.


  • imagemagick brew install imagemagick
  • gifsicle brew install gifsicle
  • u r on a mac


// jQuery Slug Generation Plugin by Perry Trinier (
// Licensed under the GPL:
jQuery.fn.slug = function(options) {
// Only do something if the element exists
if(this.length != 0) {
var settings = {
slug: 'slug', // Class used for slug destination input and span. The span is created on $(document).ready()
hide: true // Boolean - By default the slug input field is hidden, set to false to show the input field and hide the span.
arunthampi / game.rb
Created April 24, 2017 01:10
Mine Sweeper Game
class Cell
attr_accessor :has_mine, :revealed
def initialize(has_mine, grid, row, col)
self.has_mine = has_mine
self.revealed = false
@row = row
@col = col
@grid = grid
require 'rubygems'
require 'excon'
def download_file(url, source_path = nil)
error = nil
if source_path.nil?
source_path = File.join("/tmp", "output")
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
def import_users!
return if bot.blank?
slack_client =
Team.with_advisory_lock("team-import-#{self.uid}") do
object_nesting_level = 0
current_user = {}
current_profile = {}
require 'uri'
class Slack
def initialize(token)
@token = token
def call(slack_api, method, params = {}, &block)
arunthampi / wufoo.css
Created July 16, 2013 00:00
Nitrous:Enterprise wufoo css
/* Backgrounds */
html {
background-color: white;
.wufoo {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 15px;
arunthampi / gist:5271762
Created March 29, 2013 16:05
bundle exec kitchen test
Aruns-MacBook-Air:bluepill arun$ bundle exec kitchen list
/Users/arun/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bundler/gems/test-kitchen-847540a8d8aa/lib/kitchen/shell_out.rb:73:in `rescue in run_command': Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' (Kitchen::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed)
---- Begin output of vagrant --version ----
STDERR: Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
There was an error loading a Vagrantfile. The file being loaded
and the error message are shown below. This is usually caused by
a syntax error.
arunthampi / foobar_config.yml
Created November 28, 2012 03:48
# This will create a file called github_private_key.yml (since the context is set to global)
# and will look like this:
#github_private_key: blabla
# bombay will include these vars_files while invoking ansible-playbook
context: global
arunthampi / install_node_via_nvm.yml
Created November 25, 2012 16:02
- name: Clone NVM
action: git repo=git:// dest=/home/${user}/.nvm
- name: Download Node.JS 64-bit
action: get_url url=${version}/node-${version}-linux-x64.tar.gz dest=/home/${user}/.nvm/node-${version}-linux-x64.tar.gz
- name: Unpack Node
action: command tar -xzf node-${version}-linux-x64.tar.gz creates=/home/${user}/.nvm/${version} chdir=/home/${user}/.nvm