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arush /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24 — forked from imkevinxu/
# Convert an animated video to gif
# Works best for videos with low color palettes like Dribbble shots
# @param $1 - video file name like ``
# @param @optional $2 - resize parameter as widthxheight like `400x300`
# Example: vidtogif 400x300
# Requirements: ffmpeg and gifsicle. Can be downloaded via homebrew
arush / gist:1940064
Created February 29, 2012 11:11 — forked from leesbian/gist:1854374
Remove quotes that belong to anonymous users with expired cookies (because they'll never be able to retrieve them)
* Clean expired quotes (cron process)
* @param Mage_Cron_Model_Schedule $schedule
* @return Mage_Sales_Model_Observer
public function cleanExpiredQuotes($schedule)
Mage::dispatchEvent('clear_expired_quotes_before', array('sales_observer' => $this));
var crypto = require('crypto')
, uuid = require('node-uuid');
function recurly () {
recurly.prototype.sign = function (privateKey, params) {
var protectedString = makeProtectedString(params);
var secureHash = makeHash(privateKey, protectedString);
var signature = secureHash+"|"+protectedString;
// You can do that in your Chrome Console
// Load the initial object, like an Attempt
var attempt = new Parse.Object("Attempt"); = "myId";
// Get the relation "handler" from the attempt object
var relation = attempt.relation("products");
dau as (
-- This part of the query can be pretty much anything.
-- The only requirement is that it have three columns:
-- dt, user_id, inc_amt
-- Where dt is a date and user_id is some unique identifier for a user.
-- Each dt-user_id pair should be unique in this table.
-- inc_amt represents the amount of value that this user created on dt.
-- The most common case is
-- inc_amt = incremental revenue from the user on dt