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- job: homebrew_template
dependsOn: multi_build
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
buildType: current
downloadType: specific
- script: |
osxhash=`shasum -a 256 $osxpkg | cut -d " " -f 1`
.> pull .base

  Here's what's changed in .base after the merge:
  Added definitions:
    1.    unique type ANSI.Color
    2.    ability Abort (+2 metadata)
    3.    builtin type Any
2021-05-12T01:43:07.8532430Z ##[section]Starting: Request a runner to run this job
2021-05-12T01:43:08.0378711Z Can't find any online and idle self-hosted runner in current repository that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-18.04'
2021-05-12T01:43:08.0378831Z Can't find any online and idle self-hosted runner in current repository's account/organization that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-18.04'
2021-05-12T01:43:08.0379037Z Found online and idle hosted runner in current repository's account/organization that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-18.04'
2021-05-12T01:43:08.1876815Z ##[section]Finishing: Request a runner to run this job
2021-05-12T01:43:16.7080880Z Current runner version: '2.278.0'
2021-05-12T01:43:16.7108834Z ##[group]Operating System
2021-05-12T01:43:16.7109807Z Ubuntu
2021-05-12T01:43:16.7110333Z 18.04.5
2021-05-12T01:43:16.7110775Z LTS
aryairani / gist:3d80578fda7996908f6d5834a5e4288e
Created April 11, 2021 05:17
The output from converting a codebase that includes unisonweb/base
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
arya@jrrr unison % stack exec unison -- -codebase c --old-codebase init
Initializing a new codebase in: /Users/arya/unison/c
arya@jrrr unison % stack exec unison -- -codebase c --old-codebase
I've started a codebase API server at
2020-06-01 12:00:14.741795 [ThreadId 5] -
haskell-lsp:Starting up server ...
2020-06-01 12:00:14.750066 [ThreadId 5] - ---> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"initialize","params":{"processId":28616,"rootPath":"/Users/arya/unison/master/","rootUri":"file:///Users/arya/unison/master/","workspaceFolders":[],"capabilities":{"workspace":{"applyEdit":true,"configuration":false,"workspaceEdit":{"documentChanges":true},"workspaceFolders":false,"didChangeConfiguration":{"dynamicRegistration":false},"didChangeWatchedFiles":{"dynamicRegistration":false},"symbol":{"dynamicRegistration":false},"executeCommand":{"dynamicRegistration":false}},"textDocument":{"synchronization":{"dynamicRegistration":false,"willSave":true,"willSaveWaitUntil":true,"didSave":true},"completion":{"dynamicRegistration":false,"completionItem":{"snippetSupport":true,"commitCharactersSupport":false},"contextSupport":true},"hover":{"dynamicRegistration":false},"signatureHelp":{"dynamicRegistration":false},"references":{"dynamicRegistration":false
aryairani / gist:a360646c8d8705f9d3e939f62b9119c2
Last active May 22, 2020 16:08
grep -v 'SQL\|key rotation\|keepalive'
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Signal/1.33.4 Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Electron/8.2.1 Safari/537.36 node/12.13.0 env/production
INFO 2020-05-21T16:57:39.374Z app ready
INFO 2020-05-21T16:57:39.375Z starting version 1.33.4
INFO 2020-05-21T16:57:39.399Z updateSchema:
Current user_version: 20;
Most recent db schema: 20;
(deprecated) schema_version: 77;
INFO 2020-05-21T16:57:39.778Z Initializing BrowserWindow config: {"show":true,"width":832,"height":550,"minWidth":680,"minHeight":550,"autoHideMenuBar":false,"backgroundColor":"#3a76f0","webPreferences":{"nodeIntegration":false,"nodeIntegrationInWorker":false,"contextIsolation":false,"preload":"/Applications/","nativeWindowOpen":true,"spellcheck":true},"icon":"/Applications/","x":0,"y":23}
INFO 2020-05-21T16:57:39.978Z spellcheck: user locale: en-US
aryairani /
Created May 17, 2020 22:49
confusing benchmarks

With -O2 accidentally

changes to SlimCopy..hs MB*s
no change 329.2
State.Strict 230.9
Writer.Strict 176.3
Writer.Strict + State.Strict 176.5
Index 386.9
Index + Map.Strict 321.7
Index + State.Strict 230.6
✔ ~/unison/pt/1408-numbered [pt/1408-numbered|…770]
12:57 $ cabal v2-run unison
Up to date
_____ _
| | |___|_|___ ___ ___
| | | | |_ -| . | |
Welcome to Unison!
aryairani / log.txt
Created April 14, 2020 20:53
playing with git 1
ndnd:tmp arya$ git init --bare repo.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/repo.git/
ndnd:tmp arya$ git clone repo.git 1
Cloning into '1'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
ndnd:tmp arya$ git clone repo.git 2
Cloning into '2'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
aryairani / monads.u
Last active March 29, 2020 20:39 — forked from pchiusano/monads.u
Converting between algebraic effects and monads
-- This gist shows how we can use abilities to provide nicer syntax for any monad.
-- We can view abilities as "just" providing nicer syntax for working with the
-- free monad.
ability Monadic f where
eval : f a -> a
-- Here's a monad, encoded as a first-class value with
-- two polymorphic functions, `pure` and `bind`
type Monad f = Monad (forall a . a -> f a) (forall a b . f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b)