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require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/makepot.php';
if ( !defined( 'STDERR' ) ) {
define( 'STDERR', fopen( 'php://stderr', 'w' ) );
* Extend to add text domain check

(c) April Arcus 2015


Many important sans serifs can be organized on a single axis from geometric to humanist.

Radically Geometric

* How to:
* $('div.container').imagesLoaded(function(){console.log('all images loaded in .container');});
* In case you need to support IE8, you need to use HTML5shiv **and** need to modify jQuery the following way:
'use strict';
$.fn.imagesLoaded = (function(){
var imageLoaded = function (img, cb, delay){
asadkn / wp-instagram-widget.php
Created February 12, 2019 19:47
Flood prevention and persistent storage for data of WP Instagram Widget.
Plugin Name: WP Instagram Widget
Plugin URI:
Description: A WordPress widget for showing your latest Instagram photos.
Version: 2.0.3
Author: Scott Evans
Author URI:
Text Domain: wp-instagram-widget
Domain Path: /assets/languages/