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fragments of scrolls surround me

Aron Gabor ashnur

fragments of scrolls surround me
View GitHub Profile
# swaykill: Kill a window with a click in Sway
set -e
if ! command -v slurp jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Please install slurp and jq" >&2
exit 1
# swaykill: Kill a window with a click in Sway
set -e
if ! command -v slurp jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Please install slurp and jq" >&2
exit 1
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am ashnur on github.
* I am totemizer ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASCUc_CbG-cPhh_yKZHEDj31vcWlLN5HgMSkfZcHtf_NlAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
ashnur / core.cljs
Created March 19, 2021 17:45 — forked from frankiesardo/core.cljs
(ns stop-worry.core
(:require ["react" :as react :rename {createElement $}]
["react-dom" :as dom]
[goog.object :as obj]
[cljs.core.async :as async]))
(extend-type object
([o k] (obj/get o (name k)))
Vcxsrv [:<display>] [option]
Vcxsrv runs as the given display-number, which defaults to 0.
To run multiple instances, use unique display-numbers.
-a # default pointer acceleration (factor)
-ac disable access control restrictions
-audit int set audit trail level
Vcxsrv [:<display>] [option]
Vcxsrv runs as the given display-number, which defaults to 0.
To run multiple instances, use unique display-numbers.
-a # default pointer acceleration (factor)
-ac disable access control restrictions
-audit int set audit trail level
ashnur / DevEnv.MD
Created August 17, 2020 11:32 — forked from seefood/DevEnv.MD
Development Env recommendations, my humble 2 cents.

Basic tools you want to know

We are managing our code versions with Git. It's like Subversion, Perforce and other VCS you may have worked with, but with a P2P twist. Although we work with a central server (github, gitlab and the like), it is just one of many types of workflows used in the industry, so here are some of the major points you need to know:

Let's start with the basics of how X Window System works. X uses client-server model. An X server program runs on a computer with a graphical display and communicates with various client programs (X clients). The X server acts as a go-between for the user and the client programs, accepting requests for graphical output from the client programs and displaying them to the user (display), and receiving user input (keyboard, mouse) and transmitting it to the client programs.

In X, the server runs on the user's computer, while the clients may run on remote machines. This terminology reverses the common notion of client–server systems, where the client normally runs on the user's local computer and the server runs on the remote computer.

Let's start with the basics of how X Window System works. X uses client-server model. An X server program runs on a computer with a graphical display and communicates with various client programs (X clients). The X server acts as a go-between for the user and the client programs, accepting requests for graphical output from the client programs and displaying them to the user (display), and receiving user input (keyboard, mouse) and transmitting it to the client programs.

In X, the server runs on the user's computer, while the clients may run on remote machines. This terminology reverses the common notion of client–server systems, where the client normally runs on the user's local computer and the server runs on the remote computer.