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* Html5 LocalFileSystem polymer webcomponent
* AOUT 2010 - MAI 2014 | Stephane Labbe
* Released under the MIT license
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js">
* Html5 LocalFileSystem polymer webcomponent
* AOUT 2010 - MAI 2014 | Stephane Labbe
* Released under the MIT license
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js">
* Html5 LocalFileSystem polymer webcomponent
* © AOÛT 2010 - MAI 2014 | Stéphane Labbé
* Released under the MIT license
'use strict';
/* styles for the custom element itself - lowest specificity */
:host { display: block; }
<template if="{{ systemOk === false }}">
<div class="alert alert-danger">
Your browser don't support FileSystem api. <a href="">Please, download chrome</a><br/>
(function() {
// Start polymer
Polymer('polymer-filesystem', {
created: function() {
// bind function 'callBackRefreshList' and 'callBackFsmChangeState' with 'this' current context
this.fsm = new fileSystemManager(this.callBackFsmChangeState.bind(this));
console.log("fin created");
<link rel="import" href="elements/filesystem.html">
root <---- folder root (will contain mongos log)
├───cfg-a <---- folder of first config database of a sharded cluster (will contain data and log of that node)
├───cfg-b <---- folder of second config database of a sharded cluster (will contain data and log of that node)
├───cfg-c <---- folder of third config database of a sharded cluster (will contain data and log of that node)
├───s1 <---- folder of shard #1 with one replicatSet s1
│ ├───a <---- folder of first node of replicatSet s1 (will contain data and log of that node)
│ ├───b <---- folder of second node of replicatSet s1 (will contain data and log of that node)
│ └───c <---- folder of third node of replicatSet s1 (will contain data and log of that node)
└───s2 <---- folder of shard #2 with one replicatSet s2
├───a <---- folder of first node of replicatSet s2 (will contain data and log of that node)
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Batch script to deploy MongoDB shard cluster.
REM For more detail on MongoDB shard cluster, see :
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
echo Start
set mongo_home_path=C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\bin
set root_path=D:\temp\mongodb
set data_path=%root_path%\data_sharded
configS1 = {
"_id" : "s1",
"members" : [
"_id" : 1,
"host" : "localhost:37017"
"_id" : 2,
"host" : "localhost:37018"