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Simple BigReactors Reactor Control program
Reactor producing RF:
bigreactors-control [-s] [turnOn [, turnOff] ]
-s makes the program not print anything to the screen; will automatically enable this option if there is no screen and GPU available
Optional arguments are turnOn and turnOff, allowing you to specify when to turn the reactor on and when to turn it off. Default values are 0.1 and 0.9
If you have turbines connected to the computer and the reactor is in steam-producing mode, it will automatically detect that.
In turbine mode, it will try to keep the turbines at a certain speed.
bigreactors-control [-s] [-b] [desiredSpeed [, acceptedSpeed] ]
ask-compu /
Last active February 26, 2019 20:36
from __future__ import print_function
import hexchat
import dbus
import re
__module_name__ = ''
__module_version__ = '0.0.3'
__module_description__ = 'Spotify controller'
__module_author__ = 'Scout @'
import pickle
import json
import urllib
import os
import time
hourAgo = time.time() - 3600
def getWeather():
if os.path.getmtime("weather.pkl") < hourAgo:
from datetime import datetime
import pygame
from pygame.mixer import Sound
from ui import colours
from ui.widgets.background import LcarsBackgroundImage, LcarsImage
from ui.widgets.gifimage import LcarsGifImage
from ui.widgets.lcars_widgets import *
from ui.widgets.screen import LcarsScreen
from ui.widgets.sprite import LcarsMoveToMouse
import sys
def command1(option1="Undefined", option2="Undefined"):
print("This is command1 with " + option1 + " and " + option2)
def command2(option1="Undefined", option2="Undefined"):
print("This is command2 with " + option1 + " and " + option2)
commands = {'cmd1': command1, 'cmd2': command2}
mode character
ask-compu /
Last active June 18, 2017 16:31
Putty Replacement Script
PS3=$'Welcome to the PuTTY replacement script.\nPick an Option: '
options=("80s Apple II BBS" "Server" "Raspberry Pi" "Quit")
select opt in "${options[@]}"
case $opt in
"80s Apple II BBS")
ask-compu / .conkyrc google now pink fixed
Last active January 21, 2017 21:01
Conky Google Now Fixed
# Conky Google Now style #
# Conky settings #
background no
update_interval 1
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
# Window specifications #
own_window yes
Simple BigReactors Reactor Control program
Reactor producing RF:
bigreactors-control [-s] [turnOn [, turnOff] ]
-s makes the program not print anything to the screen; will automatically enable this option if there is no screen and GPU available
Optional arguments are turnOn and turnOff, allowing you to specify when to turn the reactor on and when to turn it off. Default values are 0.1 and 0.9
If you have turbines connected to the computer and the reactor is in steam-producing mode, it will automatically detect that.
In turbine mode, it will try to keep the turbines at a certain speed.
bigreactors-control [-s] [-b] [desiredSpeed [, acceptedSpeed] ]
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' - Phenny HTTP Metadata Utilities
Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer,
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
Modified by Jordan Kinsley <>