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askagirl / elixirphoenix.bash
Created April 18, 2017 10:30 — forked from likethesky/elixirphoenix.bash
Installing Elixir & the Phoenix framework with Homebrew on OS X
$ brew update && brew doctor # Repeat, until you've done *all* the Dr. has ordered!
$ brew install postgresql # You'll need postgres to do this... you may also need to 'initdb' as well. Google it.
$ brew install elixir
$ mix local.hex # Answer y to any Qs
$ createuser -d postgres # create the default 'postgres' user that Chris McCord seems to like -- I don't create mine w/a pw...
# Use the latest Phoenix from here: -- currently this is 1.0.3
# ** Answer y to any Qs **
$ mix archive.install
askagirl / automobile.ipynb
Created May 27, 2017 14:57 — forked from martinwicke/automobile.ipynb
Estimator demo using Automobile dataset
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
askagirl /
Created May 21, 2018 01:40 — forked from cheungnj/
Convert asciidoc to Github Flavored Markdown
# Adapted from
# Using asciidoctor and pandoc
# Install pandoc and asciidoctor
$ sudo apt install asciidoctor
$ sudo wget
$ sudo dpkg -i pandoc-
# Convert asciidoc to docbook using asciidoctor
askagirl / clone-git-repo.txt
Created November 27, 2019 07:50 — forked from fernandoaleman/clone-git-repo.txt
How to clone git repo with all branches and tags
# Clone repo
git clone --mirror app/.git
# Change into app directory
cd app
# Update git config
git config --unset core.bare
# Checkout master branch
askagirl /
Created December 6, 2019 07:51 — forked from makella/
Spin the color wheel!!

Spin the color wheel!

Inside of CARTO Builder we offer a set of default color schemes, CARTOColors, that can be used for both qualitative and quantitative data.

But what about the times when you want to customize the colors on your map, because of its theme, a predefined brand color, or just because? There are a variety of tools and guidelines available to find harmonious color combinations that can be brought into Builder to customize your map.

Another option to get started, that we outline here, is using the CartoCSS color function spin to get started with custom color schemes, particularly for qualitative data.

With the basic building blocks in place, this function can be used in a variety of ways on many different maps. To demonstrate, we'll generate a series of well-known [color harmonies](

askagirl / 00_nginx.config
Created January 7, 2020 04:56 — forked from 480/00_nginx.config
자주 쓰는 ebextensions 설정
# 장시간 http 연결로 인한 끊어짐을 방지키 위해 long idle time out 허용 하기
# nginx proxy 에 셋팅 + ELB 의 idle timeout 수정
mode: "000644"