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ricky-bruner /
Last active April 1, 2020 01:54
Here is a list of Technical Questions asked during Technical Interviews around Nashville
  1. What does inheritance mean to me

  2. What is polymorphism in c#

  3. How does abstraction help development?

  4. What does overloading a method do for us?

  5. What is object oriented programming and what does it mean to me?

You've written a script and are producing an independant film about software engineers. It's going to quickly become an expensive venture so it'd be good idea to start managing your budget now. And since the movie is about hackers, it's probably best that your budgeting tool be run from the terminal.

Most of the little things in the budget have already been handled. The only things that'll you'll have to manage are the cast, crew, and locations. You'll start with an existing codebase, and some of the cast and crew that have already signed on have already come preloaded into the program. Any additional ones will have to be entered by the users of the budgeting tool. The inital budget stands at $1M, but if you're running low on funding, you can bring on additional executive producers who are willing to financially contribute to the project.


  • When app starts, the following information should be displayed:

    • [Name of the movie]
  • Starring: [top 2 paid cast members]