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Aleksandr Piatkin aspyatkin

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rtomayko / Tests Is Wrong
Created January 28, 2009 20:50
Why "require 'rubygems'" In Your Library/App/Tests Is Wrong
In response to all the responses to:
You should never do this in a source file included with your library,
app, or tests:
require 'rubygems'
The system I use to manage my $LOAD_PATH is not your library/app/tests
nickyp / self_signed_cert.rb
Last active September 4, 2023 23:46
create a self-signed certificate using ruby-openssl
We couldn’t find that file to show.
leandrosilva / README
Last active March 17, 2023 19:05
Parsing Syslog files with Python and PyParsing
$ python sample.log
{'appname': '', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '68898', 'priority': '132', 'message': 'bla bla bla warn'}
{'appname': '', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '68902', 'priority': '131', 'message': 'bla bla bla error'}
{'appname': 'Dock', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '154', 'priority': '11', 'message': 'CGSReleaseWindowList: called with 5 invalid window(s)'}
{'appname': 'WindowServer', 'timestamp': '2012-09-06 15:19:32', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'pid': '79', 'priority': '11', 'message': 'CGXSetWindowListAlpha: Invalid window 0'}
$ python sample.log | grep
{'priority': '132', 'timestamp': '2020-03-04 12:42:40', 'hostname': 'codezone.local', 'appname': '', 'pid': '68898', 'message': 'bla bla bla warn'}
alicial / amz-s3-bucket-policy
Created September 13, 2012 18:26
Amazon S3 Bucket Policy to prevent hot linking
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Id": "0c762de8-f56b-488d-a4a4-20d1cb31df2f",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Allow in my domains",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
marcelom /
Created December 5, 2012 18:06
Tiny Python Syslog Server
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Tiny Syslog Server in Python.
## This is a tiny syslog server that is able to receive UDP based syslog
## entries on a specified port and save them to a file.
## That's it... it does nothing else...
## There are a few configuration parameters.
LOG_FILE = 'youlogfile.log'
leifg / Vagrantfile
Last active November 12, 2023 08:31
Add a second disk to system using vagrant
file_to_disk = './tmp/large_disk.vdi' do |config| = 'base'
config.vm.customize ['createhd', '--filename', file_to_disk, '--size', 500 * 1024]
config.vm.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', file_to_disk]
magnetikonline / LineEndings.sublime-settings
Last active October 20, 2021 18:18
Sublime Text 3 - Display file line ending details in status bar.
// To show line endings type on status bar
"show_line_endings_on_status_bar": true,
// show an alert when the line ending is on the list
// eg: "alert_when_line_ending_is": ["Windows","Unix","CR"]
"alert_when_line_ending_is": ["Windows"],
// auto convert line endings on file open
"auto_convert_line_endings_to": "Unix"


Now located at

Why it was moved

Github gists don't support Pull Requests or any notifications, which made it impossible for me to maintain this (surprisingly popular) gist with fixes, respond to comments and so on. In the interest of maintaining the quality of this resource for others, I've moved it to a proper repo. Cheers!

konklone / ssl.rules
Last active May 19, 2024 18:02
nginx TLS / SSL configuration options for
# Basically the nginx configuration I use at
# I check it using
# To provide feedback, please tweet at @konklone or email
# Comments on gists don't notify the author.
# Thanks to WubTheCaptain ( for his help and ciphersuites.
# Thanks to Ilya Grigorik ( for constant inspiration.
server {
petems /
Created December 7, 2013 15:23
Bash Script to check if rbenv for RVM is installed
command_exists () {
command "$1" &> /dev/null ;
if command_exists rbenv
echo 'rbenv found, no action needed'
elif command_exists rvm