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Assaf Arkin assaf

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assaf / gist:205689
Created October 9, 2009 03:55
MySQL/EBS volume hourly snapshot
We couldn’t find that file to show.
class ActionMailer::Base
# Using this on staging server: never send emails to actual people.
# (Ocassionaly pulling live data into staging server)
def perform_delivery_safemail(mail)
addr = mail.to_addrs.first = %{"#{ || addr.address}" <test@... your email ...>}
perform_delivery_sendmail mail
class ActionMailer::Base
# We're using the SendGrid SMTP API to send emails to a large distribution
# list. During testing, we want to validate that each recipient received a
# copy of the email. Do that by looking for emails sent to a distribution
# list and creating multiple copies, one for each recipient.
def perform_delivery_test(mail)
mail.ready_to_send # All duplicates must have same message id
smtpapi = JSON.parse(mail["X-SMTPAPI"].to_s) if mail["X-SMTPAPI"]
if smtpapi && smtpapi["to"]
mail.delete "X-SMTPAPI"
require "resque"
require "resque/failure/multiple"
require "resque/failure/redis"
# Configure Resque connection from config/redis.yml. This file should look
# something like:
# development: localhost:6379
# test: localhost:6379:15
# production: localhost:6379
Resque.redis = YAML.load_file(Rails.root + 'config/redis.yml')[Rails.env]
# Rails 2.3 metal file to incorporate Resque Web UI inside Rails application.
# Uses HTTP Basic Authentication, until I can figure out how to get Authlogic
# working here. Accepts only users listed in ADMINS.
require "resque/server"
# since Authlogic is not keeping up, see
class Sinatra::Request
def self.before
# Allows something like:
# map.admin "/:action/:id", controller: :admin, conditions: { host: "" }
module ActionController
module Routing
class RouteSet
def extract_request_environment(request)
{ method: request.method, host: }
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [06]
chdir /var/app/current
exec run_bundle unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb -E production
post-start script
sleep 5
rm -f /var/app/shared/system/maintenance.html
end script
Sinatra is already a tested and proven development option and we plan to continue our quest to make Sinatra development so flexible that it can be used for the smallest one line app or an advanced e-commerce consumer site without sacrificing what makes the development experience so pleasant.
assaf / gist:771508
Created January 9, 2011 07:16
Simple test case for the Zombie protocol
z = require("./src/index")
z.listen null, (err)->
console.log "Listening"
console.log err if err
requests =[
assaf / gist:1207141
Created September 9, 2011 19:41
rescueFrom for jQuery AJAX requests
rescue_from = {}
# Associate status code with an HTTP status code. First argument is the status
# code, second argument is a function that accepts the XHR object. For example:
# $.rescueFrom 404, (xhr)-> alert("Oh no, page not found!")
$.rescueFrom = (status, fn)->
rescue_from[status] = fn
# Default handling for unsuccessulf HTTP status code. Finds and calls most
# appropriate handler based on the HTTP status code (see `$.rescueFrom`).