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ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1Q4P04BhLDdzHKQ1yWng/n7IR86s1WerMfgkg9D1CAhsIiQuEP0u55mzvKth14+giXGWs/qsVNI17q8bhp3XXAAMW6zpqBYlzhk+KQ2a7SAM9OmPik8jKaUirbIZN2daqMvntYV3Iu7IrQHFsd/YPNT50g8cnws5sNgqEdPOatNR9ZfApBlUTsyyJoIDz9ikACUR9vLEPJ+XuvRjB2EtULdW42c4rOx7NPOXXmF5SUsNerqr7LS0QgJyshENjnRg0imsN54sJ5V232Ck3m7ytVRX0EUtDoRxRsFHwFtIRaxQaFP5hZeUy+ADZpJr3qrqw5nsTfd5Gsp/xV6+A8AyH
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1Q4P04BhLDdzHKQ1yWng/n7IR86s1WerMfgkg9D1CAhsIiQuEP0u55mzvKth14+giXGWs/qsVNI17q8bhp3XXAAMW6zpqBYlzhk+KQ2a7SAM9OmPik8jKaUirbIZN2daqMvntYV3Iu7IrQHFsd/YPNT50g8cnws5sNgqEdPOatNR9ZfApBlUTsyyJoIDz9ikACUR9vLEPJ+XuvRjB2EtULdW42c4rOx7NPOXXmF5SUsNerqr7LS0QgJyshENjnRg0imsN54sJ5V232Ck3m7ytVRX0EUtDoRxRsFHwFtIRaxQaFP5hZeUy+ADZpJr3qrqw5nsTfd5Gsp/xV6+A8AyH
buff = ""'1.txt', 'r').each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^----- /i && buff != ""
puts "--> " + buff
puts "[ " + tags.join(", ") + " ]"
while rline= gets do
tag= rline.chomp!
print "--> " + tag
break if tags.include?(tag)
print " not okay.\n"
def can_haz_link?(link)
(/^\//.match(link) || Regexp.compile("^"+@base).match(link)) && !@collection.include?(link)
{% active_docs version: "1.0" %}
<div class='api-docs-wrap'></div>
$(function(){ ThreeScale.APIDocs.init([]); });
"description":"This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at <a href=\"\"></a> or on, #swagger. For this sample, you can use the api key \"special-key\" to test the authorization filters",
"title":"Swagger Petstore",
}, = function (args, opts, callback, error, parent) {
var options = (opts.parent)? this.parent.options : opts;
return this.execute(args, options, callback, error, parent);
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "Swagger Petstore",
"description": "A sample API that uses a petstore as an example to demonstrate features in the swagger-2.0 specification",
"termsOfService": "",
"contact": {
"name": "Swagger API Team",
"email": "",
require 'nokogiri-plist'
require 'pry'
olddoc = Nokogiri::PList("old.xml"))
newdoc = Nokogiri::PList("new.xml"))
oldtracks = olddoc["Tracks"].map{|id, track| track}
newdoc["Tracks"].each do | id, track |
# gem "taglib-ruby"
require 'taglib'
require 'fileutils'
folder = "/Users/aurelian/Music/The Gathering/2007 - A Noise Severe"
Dir["#{folder}/**/**"].each do | alot | do | file |