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Richard Moorhead autodidacticon

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autodidacticon / docker-compose.yml
Last active May 19, 2017 10:53
docker - zookeeper, kafka, kafka-manager
image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
- "32772:2181"
image: wurstmeister/kafka:latest
- "9092"
- zookeeper:zk
# see also
import gzip
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from functools import wraps
import boto
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from pandas import DataFrame
from import SQLTable, pandasSQL_builder
autodidacticon / redshift.sql
Last active July 25, 2016 14:42
Redshift cheat sheet
-- see current table locks
select s.schema, l.lock_owner_pid, s.table from svv_table_info s, stv_locks l where l.table_id = s.table_id;
-- see current queries
select * from stv_recents where status = 'Running';
-- kill process
select pg_terminate_backend(pid);
-- table size on disk
// create the root namespace and making sure we're not overwriting it
// create a general purpose namespace method
// this will allow us to create namespace a bit easier
MYAPPLICATION.createNS = function (namespace) {
var nsparts = namespace.split(".");
var parent = MYAPPLICATION;
// we want to be able to include or exclude the root namespace
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# save your battery, fix settings for apps that default to use the discrete gpu
fix_app_gpu_defaults() {
[[ -d "$1" ]] || { echo "App not found: $1" >&2; return 1; }
defaults write "$1/Contents/Info.plist" 'NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching' -bool true
autodidacticon / vim.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15 — forked from mgrouchy/vim.rb
require 'formula'
class Vim < Formula
homepage ''
url '', :revision => 'eaf81729ef02'
version '7.4'
def features; %w(tiny small normal big huge) end
def interp; %w(lua mzscheme perl python python3 tcl ruby) end
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0600 /dev/null /swapfile
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1k count=2048k
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
echo "/swapfile swap swap auto 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10
echo vm.swappiness = 10 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
autodidacticon / states.json
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Bounding coordinates of US states, json, minified

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname