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avitale / totalsize.jl
Last active February 16, 2020 12:51
Total size of Julia objects
module Totalsizeof
importall Base
export totalsizeof
# Helper: Pointer cache is used to break circular references in objects and avoid double countings
is_seen!(x, ptr_cache) = in(pointer_from_objref(x), ptr_cache) || (push!(ptr_cache, pointer_from_objref(x)); false)
# Helper: Catch types without size method
sizeof_catch(x) = try sizeof(x) catch 0 end
avitale / totalsize.test.jl
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Test for totalsizeof
using Base.Test
@test totalsizeof(4) == sizeof(4)
@test totalsizeof(4.0) == sizeof(4.0)
@test totalsizeof("Test") == sizeof("Test")
@test totalsizeof('\t') == sizeof('\t')
@test totalsizeof(Nothing) == sizeof(Nothing)
# Array of Integer
a = [1,2,3]