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azharuddinkhan3005 /
Last active August 6, 2018 11:53
Curemint setup instructions

Download the files from google drive!!.

CureMint setup

  • Install VirtualBox 5.2.14 and Vagrant 2.0.2

  • Download the custom vagrant box and the Vagrantfile

  • Install the vagrant-disksize plugin

    • vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
  • Windows user's install git bash (or cygwin (preferable))

azharuddinkhan3005 /
Last active July 31, 2018 06:49
Curemint Workflow.

Before we start any of the operations after you do vagrant ssh(after going inside the guest system) please run these two steps

git config --global "<your github email ID>"
git config --global "<your github username>"
  1. We have our local repository in place where the master branch refers to Pantheon's Dev env.

  2. We need to have the workflow in conjunction with GitHub.(

azharuddinkhan3005 /
Last active July 31, 2018 06:42
Curemint Extra setup required.

Setting up NFS(only for mac/linux users):

  • From within the vagrant box run
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
  • Then we need to make the entries for the files to host via NFS for which we need to do the following
sudo vi /etc/exports

Download the files from google drive!!.

pttgc setup

  • Install VirtualBox 5.2.14 and Vagrant 2.0.2

  • Download the custom vagrant box and the Vagrantfile

  • Install the vagrant-disksize plugin

    • vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
  • Windows user's install git bash (or cygwin (preferable))

Before we start any of the operations after you do vagrant ssh(after going inside the guest system) please run these two steps

git config --global "<your github email ID>"
git config --global "<your github username>"
  1. We need to have the workflow in conjunction with GitHub.(

  2. When we go to our local repository and run git remote -v then we get this

Before we start any of the operations (on your host system) please run these two steps

git config --global "<your github email ID>"
git config --global "<your github username>"

If done earlier then leave it!

Carrying on..

  1. We need to have the workflow for TMT Admin in conjunction with GitHub.(

Before we start any of the operations (on your host system) please run these two steps

git config --global "<your github email ID>"
git config --global "<your github username>"

If done earlier then leave it!

  1. We need to have the workflow for TMT Api in conjunction with GitHub.(

  2. Clone the repository into web &gt; tmtapi.

Before we start any of the operations (on your host system) please run these two steps

git config --global "<your github email ID>"
git config --global "<your github username>"

If done earlier then leave it!

  1. We need to have the workflow for TMT FE in conjunction with GitHub.(

  2. Clone the repository into web &gt; tmtweb.

azharuddinkhan3005 /
Last active April 9, 2021 11:12
Custom IF WBs analysis

Workbooks that were referenced during analysis.(The state of the WBs when referred to, were dated between 20th Aug - 22nd Aug 2019)

  1. UPR - Asia Shared Site - UPR - New Client Request Form_v2.0 (1)
  2. Unilever - Crown NAM - New Client Request Form - UL Domestic v2.6
  3. TWE - New Client Request Form+Custom IF with CP v16
  4. Volvo - Crown Global - New Client Request Form_Volvo_v1.4
  5. BP - Asia - New Client Request Form_British Petroleum Asia Pacific v1.6
  6. HAVI - NAM Client Configuration Workbook v1.8

CDS Mapping

After having a look into the CDS mapping sheet of the above mentioned WBs, I came across three patterns
azharuddinkhan3005 /
Last active January 7, 2020 13:28
CCF DevOps amends/requirements

Pipeline amends/requirements:

  1. Deployment of individual feature branch:

    • create a feature branch from developer fork which will follow the following pattern (CCFSGU-<ticket_number>-<hypen-separated-short-description>)
    • using the feature branch PR code, we will perform the deployment build on the EC2 instance
    • the deployment build will for spawn for each feature branch, which will inturn set up a new drupal instance, with the existing set of configs(drush si(or site-install) --existing-config)
    • the (behat) test cases will be run in the build process on the Drupal Instance on the EC2 instance, which will help us provide the build status on the PR of the feature branch.
    • After the build has passed for the feature branch, then the PR would be merged manually on the required env branches(pointing to specific envs on the Acquia cloud, probably dev OR stage OR master)
  2. Capability to host individual feature branch on an Acquia env instance