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Created September 19, 2019 11:54
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qluupp:12:51:➜ webui (2.6.0-branch) ✗) % shadow-cljs --verbose --config-merge '{:output-dir "target/yapster-web/js" :compiler-options {:closure-defines {er-webui.env/app-deployment-platform "web" er-webui.env/api-url "" er-webui.env/expected-api-version "2.6.0" er-webui.env/client-build-version "" er-webui.env/sentry-release "yapster-" er-webui.env/log-level "info"}}}' release yapdev
shadow-cljs - config: /Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/shadow-cljs.edn cli version: 2.8.52 node: v12.5.0
WARNING: The org.clojure/clojurescript dependency in shadow-cljs.edn was ignored. Default version is used and override is not allowed to ensure compatibility.
WARNING: The org.clojure/clojure dependency in shadow-cljs.edn was ignored. Default version is used and override is not allowed to ensure compatibility.
[:yapdev] Compiling ...
-> build target: :browser stage: :configure
<- build target: :browser stage: :configure (3 ms)
-> Resolving Module: :main
<- Resolving Module: :main (1053 ms)
-> build target: :browser stage: :compile-prepare
<- build target: :browser stage: :compile-prepare (1 ms)
-> Shadow JS Cache read: 154 JS files
<- Shadow JS Cache read: 154 JS files (47 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/core.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/core.cljs (36 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/inspect.cljs
-> Cache read: cljsjs/raven.cljs
-> Cache read: clojure/set.cljs
-> Cache read: clojure/string.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/inspect.cljs (16 ms)
<- Cache read: clojure/string.cljs (12 ms)
<- Cache read: cljsjs/raven.cljs (14 ms)
<- Cache read: clojure/set.cljs (13 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/utils.cljs
-> Cache read: cljs_time/internal/core.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/utils.cljs (11 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs_time/internal/core.cljs (11 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/pprint.cljs
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/reader_types.cljs
-> Cache read: cljs_time/core.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/reader_types.cljs (11 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/errors.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs_time/core.cljs (13 ms)
-> Cache read: taoensso/truss/impl.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/pprint.cljs (68 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/test.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/errors.cljs (68 ms)
<- Cache read: taoensso/truss/impl.cljs (68 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/commons.cljs
-> Cache read: taoensso/truss.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/test.cljs (13 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/impl/commons.cljs (8 ms)
<- Cache read: taoensso/truss.cljs (8 ms)
-> Cache read: cats/protocols.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader.cljs
<- Cache read: cats/protocols.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: cats/context.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader.cljs (18 ms)
<- Cache read: cats/context.cljc (13 ms)
-> Cache read: promesa/protocols.cljc
-> Cache read: org/bluebird.cljs
-> Cache read: cats/core.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/edn.cljs
<- Cache read: org/bluebird.cljs (6 ms)
<- Cache read: promesa/protocols.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: promesa/impl/scheduler.cljc
-> Cache read: promesa/impl.cljc
<- Cache read: promesa/impl.cljc (210 ms)
<- Cache read: promesa/impl/scheduler.cljc (217 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/tools/reader/edn.cljs (221 ms)
<- Cache read: cats/core.cljc (222 ms)
-> Cache read: prpr/util/variant.cljc
<- Cache read: prpr/util/variant.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/reader.cljs
-> Cache read: promesa/core.cljc
<- Cache read: promesa/core.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: cats/labs/promise.cljc
-> Cache read: schema/utils.cljs
<- Cache read: cats/labs/promise.cljc (11 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/reader.cljs (18 ms)
-> Cache read: prpr/promise/platform.cljs
-> Cache read: taoensso/encore.cljs
<- Cache read: schema/utils.cljs (69 ms)
-> Cache read: schema/spec/core.cljs
<- Cache read: prpr/promise/platform.cljs (322 ms)
<- Cache read: taoensso/encore.cljs (321 ms)
-> Cache read: taoensso/timbre/appenders/core.cljs
<- Cache read: taoensso/timbre/appenders/core.cljs (67 ms)
<- Cache read: schema/spec/core.cljs (333 ms)
-> Cache read: cats/util.cljc
-> Cache read: taoensso/timbre.cljs
-> Cache read: schema/spec/variant.cljs
<- Cache read: cats/util.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: schema/spec/collection.cljs
-> Cache read: schema/spec/leaf.cljs
<- Cache read: schema/spec/variant.cljs (5 ms)
-> Cache read: prpr/cats/monoid.cljc
-> Cache read: cats/data.cljc
<- Cache read: schema/spec/collection.cljs (7 ms)
<- Cache read: schema/spec/leaf.cljs (6 ms)
-> Cache read: prpr/cats/reader.cljc
-> Cache read: prpr/cats/writer.cljc
<- Cache read: cats/data.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: prpr/cats/monoid.cljc (7 ms)
-> Cache read: deferst/kahn.cljc
-> Cache read: cats/monad/state.cljc
<- Cache read: prpr/cats/writer.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: prpr/cats/reader.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: schema/core.cljs
<- Cache read: taoensso/timbre.cljs (120 ms)
-> Cache read: clojure/walk.cljs
-> Cache read: prpr/promise.cljc
<- Cache read: cats/monad/state.cljc (659 ms)
<- Cache read: deferst/kahn.cljc (661 ms)
<- Cache read: schema/core.cljs (656 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/interop.cljs
-> Cache read: reagent/debug.cljs
<- Cache read: clojure/walk.cljs (1705 ms)
<- Cache read: prpr/promise.cljc (1701 ms)
-> Cache read: prpr/cats/prws.cljc
<- Cache read: reagent/interop.cljs (1165 ms)
<- Cache read: prpr/cats/prws.cljc (45 ms)
<- Cache read: reagent/debug.cljs (1198 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/impl/util.cljs
-> Cache read: deferst/system.cljc
<- Cache read: reagent/impl/util.cljs (4 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/impl/batching.cljs
<- Cache read: reagent/impl/batching.cljs (6 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/ratom.cljs
<- Cache read: deferst/system.cljc (241 ms)
-> Cache read: deferst/core.cljc
<- Cache read: deferst/core.cljc (18 ms)
<- Cache read: reagent/ratom.cljs (241 ms)
-> Cache read: re_frame/loggers.cljc
-> Cache read: reagent/impl/component.cljs
<- Cache read: re_frame/loggers.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: re_frame/utils.cljc
<- Cache read: reagent/impl/component.cljs (6 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/utils.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/impl/template.cljs
<- Cache read: reagent/impl/template.cljs (7 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/dom.cljs
<- Cache read: reagent/dom.cljs (5 ms)
-> Cache read: reagent/core.cljs
<- Cache read: reagent/core.cljs (15 ms)
-> Cache read: re_frame/interop.cljs
<- Cache read: re_frame/interop.cljs (6 ms)
-> Cache read: re_frame/registrar.cljc
-> Cache read: re_frame/trace.cljc
-> Cache read: re_frame/db.cljc
<- Cache read: re_frame/registrar.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/db.cljc (9 ms)
-> Cache read: clojure/data.cljs
<- Cache read: clojure/data.cljs (76 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/trace.cljc (85 ms)
-> Cache read: re_frame/interceptor.cljc
-> Cache read: re_frame/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: re_frame/interceptor.cljc (8 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/core/match.cljs
<- Cache read: re_frame/subs.cljc (9 ms)
-> Cache read: cats/monad/either.cljc
-> Cache read: re_frame/events.cljc
-> Cache read: re_frame/cofx.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs/core/match.cljs (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/vector.cljc
<- Cache read: cats/monad/either.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/vector.cljc (5 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/cofx.cljc (8 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/events.cljc (9 ms)
-> Cache read: plumbing/fnk/schema.cljs
-> Cache read: re_frame/std_interceptors.cljc
-> Cache read: re_frame/router.cljc
<- Cache read: re_frame/std_interceptors.cljc (98 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/router.cljc (98 ms)
<- Cache read: plumbing/fnk/schema.cljs (99 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/discover.cljc
-> Cache read: pathetic/core.cljs
-> Cache read: re_frame/fx.cljc
<- Cache read: pathetic/core.cljs (5 ms)
-> Cache read: cemerick/url.cljs
-> Compile CLJS: plumbing/core.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/discover.cljc (11 ms)
<- Cache read: cemerick/url.cljs (7 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/fx.cljc (10 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/protocols.cljs
-> Cache read: re_frame/core.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/env.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/env.cljc (226 ms)
<- Cache read: re_frame/core.cljc (228 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/protocols.cljs (229 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs_time/internal/parse.cljs
-> Compile CLJS: schema/coerce.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/interceptors.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/handler.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs_time/internal/parse.cljs (7 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs_time/internal/unparse.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs_time/internal/unparse.cljs (6 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs_time/format.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/interceptors.cljc (20 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/util/vector.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/handler.cljc (19 ms)
-> Compile CLJS: clojure/math/combinatorics.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/handle_api_calls.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs_time/format.cljs (8 ms)
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/util/vector.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/protocol.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs_time/coerce.cljs
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/protocol.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs_time/coerce.cljs (7 ms)
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/schema.cljc (6 ms)
<- Compile CLJS: schema/coerce.cljs (194 ms)
Cache skipped due to warnings: schema.coerce
<- Compile CLJS: plumbing/core.cljs (647 ms)
Cache skipped due to warnings: plumbing.core
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/key.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/handle_api_calls.cljc (998 ms)
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/key.cljc (262 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs_uuid_utils/core.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs_uuid_utils/core.cljs (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/types.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/api/effects.cljs
<- Compile CLJS: clojure/math/combinatorics.cljc (1040 ms)
Cache skipped due to warnings: clojure.math.combinatorics
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/flavours.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/api/effects.cljs (352 ms)
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/types.cljc (352 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/flavours.cljc (318 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/distinct_vector_callback.cljc
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks.cljc
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/edn_codec.cljc
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/types/entity_instances.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/edn_codec.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/util/string.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/distinct_vector_callback.cljc (7 ms)
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/util/string.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/sort_name_callback.cljc
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/search_key_callback.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/default_value_callback.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/sort_name_callback.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/unsafe_created_at_callback.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/search_key_callback.cljc (5 ms)
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/types/entity_instances.cljc (14 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/media_refs.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/util/edn.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/users/entities.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/default_value_callback.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/media_refs.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/spec/gen/alpha.cljs
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/unsafe_created_at_callback.cljc (9 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/util/edn.cljc (13 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/spec/gen/alpha.cljs (9 ms)
-> Cache read: oops/helpers.cljs
-> Cache read: cljs/spec/alpha.cljs
<- Cache read: er_model/users/entities.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: oops/config.cljs
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/entities.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/entities.cljc (359 ms)
<- Cache read: oops/helpers.cljs (364 ms)
-> Cache read: oops/messages.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/spec/alpha.cljs (363 ms)
-> Cache read: oops/schema.cljs
-> Cache read: oops/sdefs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_model/schema.cljc (881 ms)
<- Cache read: oops/config.cljs (867 ms)
-> Cache read: oops/state.cljs
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/hierarchy/traits/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/users/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: oops/sdefs.cljs (536 ms)
<- Cache read: oops/schema.cljs (793 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/users/schema.cljc (287 ms)
<- Cache read: oops/messages.cljs (795 ms)
<- Cache read: oops/state.cljs (287 ms)
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/concatenated_key.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/hierarchy/traits/schema.cljc (287 ms)
-> Cache read: oops/core.cljs
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/concatenated_key.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/external_uids.cljc
-> Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/concatenate_keys_callback.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/reaction_counts.cljc
<- Cache read: er_cassandra/model/callbacks/concatenate_keys_callback.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/external_uids.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema/media_refs.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/hierarchy/entities.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/entities.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/entities.cljc (177 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema/media_refs.cljc (182 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/reaction_counts.cljc (188 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/hierarchy/entities.cljc (177 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/orgs/org_users/naming.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema/message.cljc
<- Cache read: oops/core.cljs (192 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/orgs/org_users/naming.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/format/regex.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/orgs/org_users/denormalization.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/orgs/org_users/denormalization.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/url.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/format/regex.cljc (9 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema/message.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/recent_messages.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/format/mentions.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/util/url.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/schema/enums.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/schema/enums.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/format/mentions.cljc (15 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/recent_messages.cljc (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/reactions/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/unencoded_caches.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/schema.cljc (15 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema/enums.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema/enums.cljc (7 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/reactions/schema.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/onboarding/entities.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/unencoded_caches.cljc (18 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/country_codes.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/entities.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/util/country_codes.cljc (5 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/onboarding/entities.cljc (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/enums.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/entities.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/tags.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/orgs/entities.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/enums.cljc (7 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema/tags.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/permissions/compare.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/permissions/compare.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/vector.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/orgs/entities.cljc (24 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/util/vector.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/org_users/notify/entities.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/orgs/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/org_users/notify/entities.cljc (12 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/orgs/schema.cljc (20 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/onboarding/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/schema.cljc (22 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/db/persistence.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/org_users/notify/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/onboarding/schema.cljc (24 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/character.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/schema.cljc (25 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/hierarchy/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/character.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/device.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/app_db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/device.cljc (59 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/app_db.cljc (59 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/org_users/notify/schema.cljc (72 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/schema.cljc (10 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/tab.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/hierarchy/schema.cljc (73 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/on_boarding_page/db.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/admin_console/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/schema.cljc (77 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/helpdesk/entities.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/websocket/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/permissions.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/on_boarding_page/db.cljc (8 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/schema.cljc (19 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/tab.cljc (10 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/gifs/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/db/persistence.cljc (88 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/helpdesk/entities.cljc (15 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/diagnostics/app_db/db.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/helpdesk/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/admin_console/db.cljc (26 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/gifs/schema.cljc (22 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/diagnostics/app_db/db.cljc (13 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/multi_image_upload/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/db.cljc (7 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/manage_devices/db.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/giphy/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/websocket/schema.cljc (34 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/manage_invites/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/permissions.cljc (38 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/do_not_disturb/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/multi_image_upload/db.cljc (11 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/helpdesk/schema.cljc (21 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/helpdesk/db.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/do_not_disturb/db.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/schema.cljc (26 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/giphy/db.cljc (26 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/buffers.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/manage_invites/db.cljc (28 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/helpdesk/db.cljc (19 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/manage_devices/db.cljc (34 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/buffers.cljs (7 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_helpers.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/db.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/dispatch.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_helpers.cljs (307 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/db.cljc (308 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/dispatch.cljs (306 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/app_context.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs/env.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/channels.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/middleware.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs/env.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/tagged_literals.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/channels.cljs (6 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/tagged_literals.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/timers.cljs
-> Cache read: cljs/analyzer.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/app_context.cljc (16 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async/impl/timers.cljs (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/terms_and_conditions/common.cljc
-> Cache read: cljs/core/async.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/terms_and_conditions/common.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/yapster_lite/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: cljs/analyzer.cljc (51 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/map.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/middleware.cljc (62 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/re_frame.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/burger_menu/handlers.cljs
<- Cache read: cljs/core/async.cljs (65 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/yapster_lite/subs.cljc (62 ms)
-> Cache read: tailrecursion/cljson.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/re_frame.cljc (23 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/map.cljc (23 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/on_boarding_page/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: tailrecursion/cljson.cljs (347 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/app_version.cljc
-> Cache read: alandipert/storage_atom.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/on_boarding_page/subs.cljc (363 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/burger_menu/handlers.cljs (386 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/globalization.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/burger_menu/views.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/backbutton.cljs
<- Cache read: alandipert/storage_atom.cljs (18 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/app_version.cljc (21 ms)
-> Cache read: cuerdas/vendor/xregexp.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/core/helpers.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/auth_store.cljc
<- Cache read: cuerdas/vendor/xregexp.cljs (15 ms)
-> Cache read: cuerdas/regexp.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/globalization.cljc (25 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/exception.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/backbutton.cljs (161 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/burger_menu/views.cljs (161 ms)
<- Cache read: cuerdas/regexp.cljc (137 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/util/exception.cljc (135 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/core/helpers.cljc (160 ms)
-> Cache read: prpr/promise/lastcall.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/auth_store.cljc (155 ms)
-> Cache read: chord/channels.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/format/time.cljs
-> Cache read: cognitect/transit.cljs
-> Cache read: cuerdas/core.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/reset.cljc
<- Cache read: cognitect/transit.cljs (8 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/promise.cljs
-> Cache read: chord/format.cljc
<- Cache read: chord/channels.cljc (21 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/mime.cljc
<- Cache read: cuerdas/core.cljc (19 ms)
<- Cache read: prpr/promise/lastcall.cljc (22 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/id.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/format/time.cljs (22 ms)
<- Cache read: chord/format.cljc (11 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/api/coerce.cljs
-> Cache read: chord/client.cljs
<- Cache read: er_model/util/mime.cljc (5 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/id.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/orgs/api/schema.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/api/schema.cljc
<- Cache read: chord/client.cljs (11 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/api/ajax.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/api/coerce.cljs (18 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/api/schema.cljc (21 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/reset.cljc (46 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/reactions/api_schema.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/orgs/api/schema.cljc (28 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/iframe.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/api/ajax.cljs (25 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/push.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_transfer/upload.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/promise.cljs (59 ms)
-> Cache read: cljs_hash/goog.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/android_permissions.cljs
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/reactions/api_schema.cljc (36 ms)
<- Cache read: cljs_hash/goog.cljs (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/file.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_transfer/upload.cljs (26 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/pubsub.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/iframe.cljs (43 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/android_permissions.cljs (24 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/timestamp.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/push.cljs (36 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/api.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/timestamp.cljc (6 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/pubsub.cljc (15 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/resume.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/keyboard.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/resize.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/resize.cljs (24 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/splashscreen.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/keyboard.cljs (28 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/status_bar.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/file.cljs (48 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/offline_db.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/splashscreen.cljs (15 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/resume.cljs (46 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/api.cljs (134 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/status_bar.cljc (100 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/offline_db.cljs (93 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/error.cljc
-> Cache read: clojure/zip.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/universal_links.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/image_picker.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/url_scheme.cljs
<- Cache read: clojure/zip.cljs (5 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/error.cljc (6 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/message/media_refs.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/zipper.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/camera.cljs
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection/zipper.cljc (8 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/message/media_refs.cljc (11 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/format/api_version.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/messages.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/format/api_version.cljc (14 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/format/mentions/hashtags.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/url_scheme.cljs (46 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/newlines.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/format/mentions/hashtags.cljc (19 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/uuid.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/groups/intersection.cljc (34 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/handler_fn.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/universal_links.cljs (49 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/newlines.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/url.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/uuid.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/hiccup.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/handler_fn.cljc (8 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/messages.cljc (39 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/attr.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/image_picker.cljs (57 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/camera.cljs (54 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/core.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/hiccup.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/email.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/mentions.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/attr.cljc (5 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/util/email.cljc (5 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/hashtags.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/url.cljc (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/hashtags.cljc (25 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/mentions.cljc (28 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/media_ref.cljc
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/mentions.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/media_ref.cljc (12 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/mentions.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/search/db.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/core.cljc (51 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components.cljc (40 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group/subs.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/links.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/email_addresses.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group/subs.cljc (12 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/app_db_reaction.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/search/db.cljc (29 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/search/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/app_db_reaction.cljc (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/subs.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/intersection/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/subs.cljc (41 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/links.cljc (44 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/db.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/subs.cljc (24 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/email_addresses.cljc (58 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/timelines/db.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/db.cljs (15 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/search/subs.cljc (39 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/helpdesk/questions.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/subs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/intersection/subs.cljc (34 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/subs.cljc (37 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/notifications/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/timelines/db.cljs (98 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/notifications.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/timelines/subs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/notifications/subs.cljc (93 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/subs.cljs (100 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/giphy/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/helpdesk/questions.cljc (100 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/timezones.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup.cljc (120 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/helpdesk/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/notifications.cljc (10 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/giphy/subs.cljc (10 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/title_panel/subs.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/timezones.cljc (14 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/timelines/subs.cljs (20 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/fetch/refresh.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/do_not_disturb/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/subs.cljc (13 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/helpers.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/title_panel/subs.cljc (16 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/dom.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/helpdesk/subs.cljc (22 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/helpers.cljc (15 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/subs.cljc (47 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/globalization.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/dom.cljs (21 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/timeout.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/handlers.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/do_not_disturb/subs.cljc (28 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/subs.cljc (41 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/subs.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/fetch/refresh.cljc (36 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/util/timeout.cljc (12 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/ping.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/globalization.cljs (35 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/handlers.cljs (42 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/ping.cljc (33 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/effect_helpers.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/refresh_basic_data.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/subs.cljc (52 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/fetch.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/effect_helpers.cljs (20 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/refresh_basic_data.cljc (32 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/fetch.cljs (44 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/mentions.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/mentions.cljs (38 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_cache.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream.cljs (39 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/pong.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/messages.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/notifications.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/participant_feed_posts.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/default.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/votes.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_cache.cljs (37 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_transfer.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/file_cache.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/pong.cljs (57 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/messages.cljs (62 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/offline_db.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/participant_feed_posts.cljs (64 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/offline_edit_messages.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/offline_edit_messages.cljs (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/offline_edit_messages.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/notifications.cljs (69 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/push.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/votes.cljs (69 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/file_cache.cljs (42 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/stream/default.cljs (79 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/util/addressees.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_transfer.cljs (52 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers/file_transfer.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/offline_edit_messages.cljs (49 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/offline_db.cljs (55 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group/events.cljs (47 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/conversations/message/video.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/org_user/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/push.cljs (50 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/util/addressees.cljs (42 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/multi_image_upload/media_types.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/multi_image_upload/media_types.cljc (4 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/intersection/util.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers/file_transfer.cljs (41 ms)
-> Compile CLJS: er_model/connectors/filestore/content_types.cljc
<- Cache read: er_model/conversations/message/video.cljc (15 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_upload.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/emoji.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/emoji.cljs (12 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions.cljc (29 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/intersection/util.cljs (25 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers/assoc_views.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/events.cljs (94 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/intersection/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers/assoc_views.cljc (35 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers/edit_handlers.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/file_upload.cljs (56 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers/tab_switch.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/media_capture.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/org_user/events.cljs (88 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/message_list_item/events.cljc
<- Compile CLJS: er_model/connectors/filestore/content_types.cljc (84 ms)
Cache skipped due to warnings: er-model.connectors.filestore.content-types
-> Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/conversions.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/media_capture.cljs (42 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/db.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/picture_uploader.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/intersection/events.cljs (65 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers/edit_handlers.cljs (61 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/newsfeed/conversions.cljc (34 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/util.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/util.cljc (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers/tab_switch.cljs (78 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/helpdesk/events.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/db.cljc (36 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/markup/truncate.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/events.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/message_list_item/events.cljc (72 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/picture_uploader.cljs (50 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/helpdesk/events.cljc (36 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/markup/truncate.cljc (42 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/yapster_lite/events.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/comments.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/hashtag_search/events.cljs (57 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/title_panel/events.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/events.cljc (60 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/events.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/search/events.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/timelines/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/yapster_lite/events.cljc (39 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/do_not_disturb/events.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/handlers.cljs (65 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/giphy/events.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/comments.cljs (57 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/gifs/giphy.cljc
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/notifications/events.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/mention_suggestions/events.cljs (47 ms)
<- Cache read: er_model/gifs/giphy.cljc (21 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/logger.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/giphy/events.cljc (40 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/timbre.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/title_panel/events.cljc (75 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/platform/transitions.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/search/events.cljs (69 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/js_dialogs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/timbre.cljs (13 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/do_not_disturb/events.cljc (58 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/animation.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/timelines/events.cljs (78 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/yapster_lite/views.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/js_dialogs.cljs (11 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/height_container.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/effects.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/logger.cljs (27 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/context_menu.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/platform/transitions.cljs (18 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/full_screen_page.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/notifications/events.cljs (59 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/reactions_views.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/handlers.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/effects.cljs (22 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/subs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/full_screen_page.cljs (29 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/handlers.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/height_container.cljs (39 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/subs.cljs (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/tab_bar/views.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/context_menu.cljs (55 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/tab_bar/subs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/newsfeed/reactions_views.cljs (41 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/animation.cljs (73 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/yapster_lite/views.cljs (81 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/text_field.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/handlers.cljs (45 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/slide_panel_heading.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/views.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/tab_bar/views.cljs (43 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/org_user_profile_pic.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/handlers.cljs (76 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/notifications.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/tab_bar/subs.cljs (40 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/notifications.cljs (14 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/org_user_last_seen.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/context_menu/views.cljs (36 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/group_profile_pic.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/page.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/text_field.cljs (43 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/org_user_last_seen.cljs (14 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/slide_panel_heading.cljs (49 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/org_user_profile_pic.cljs (62 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/content_height_notifier.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/org_user_list_item.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/group_profile_pic.cljs (47 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group_list_item.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/scroll_container.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/page.cljs (54 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/subs.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/orgs.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/content_height_notifier.cljs (43 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/subs.cljs (18 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/components/time.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/org_user_list_item.cljs (51 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/time.cljs (13 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/shift_swap_date_state.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/components/scroll_container.cljs (48 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_name.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/views.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/shift_swap_date_state.cljs (17 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/edit_shift_swap_times.cljs
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_icon.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group_list_item.cljs (61 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group/edit_members.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/orgs.cljs (55 ms)
-> Cache read: er_model/util/set.cljc
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_name.cljs (21 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/touch.cljs
<- Cache read: er_model/util/set.cljc (5 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/touch.cljs (18 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/util/touch/swipe.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/util/touch/swipe.cljs (25 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/components/window_list/views.cljs (65 ms)
-> Cache read: er_webui/components/swipable/views.cljs
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_icon.cljs (56 ms)
Failed reading cache for er-webui.components.swipable.views: .shadow-cljs/builds/yapdev/release/ana/er_webui/components/swipable/views.cljs.cache.transit.json (Too many open files)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/directory/group/edit_members.cljs (60 ms)
<- Cache read: er_webui/views/conversations/edit_shift_swap_times.cljs (72 ms)
compilation failed
{:tag, :resource-ids ([ "er_webui/views/directory/group/edit_members.cljs"] [ "er_webui/components/swipable/views.cljs"] [ "er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_icon.cljs"] [ "er_webui/views/conversations/edit_shift_swap_times.cljs"]), :errors {[ "er_webui/views/directory/group/edit_members.cljs"] #error {
:cause "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/views/directory/group/edit_members.cljs (Too many open files)"
:message "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/views/directory/group/edit_members.cljs (Too many open files)"
:at [ open0 "" -2]}]
[[ open0 "" -2]
[ open "" 195]
[ <init> "" 138]
[$fn__11496 invokeStatic "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11496 invoke "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11409$G__11402__11416 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$fn__11470 invokeStatic "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11470 invoke "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11422$G__11398__11429 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$reader invokeStatic "io.clj" 102]
[$reader doInvoke "io.clj" 86]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 154]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 667]
[clojure.core$slurp invokeStatic "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.core$slurp doInvoke "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[$get_source_code invokeStatic "data.clj" 322]
[$get_source_code invoke "data.clj" 296]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 783]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invoke "compiler.clj" 762]
[$par_compile_one invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 895]
[$par_compile_one invoke "compiler.clj" 850]
[$par_compile_cljs_sources$fn__11897$iter__11919__11923$fn__11924$fn__11925$fn__11926 invoke "compiler.clj" 968]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 152]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyTo "" 144]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 665]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ invokeStatic "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ doInvoke "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 425]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 156]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 669]
[clojure.core$bound_fn_STAR_$fn__5749 doInvoke "core.clj" 2003]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 397]
[clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
[java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run "" 266]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker "" 1149]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run "" 624]
[java.lang.Thread run "" 748]]}, [ "er_webui/components/swipable/views.cljs"] #error {
:cause "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/components/swipable/views.cljs (Too many open files)"
:message "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/components/swipable/views.cljs (Too many open files)"
:at [ open0 "" -2]}]
[[ open0 "" -2]
[ open "" 195]
[ <init> "" 138]
[$fn__11496 invokeStatic "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11496 invoke "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11409$G__11402__11416 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$fn__11470 invokeStatic "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11470 invoke "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11422$G__11398__11429 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$reader invokeStatic "io.clj" 102]
[$reader doInvoke "io.clj" 86]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 154]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 667]
[clojure.core$slurp invokeStatic "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.core$slurp doInvoke "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[$get_source_code invokeStatic "data.clj" 322]
[$get_source_code invoke "data.clj" 296]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 783]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invoke "compiler.clj" 762]
[$par_compile_one invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 895]
[$par_compile_one invoke "compiler.clj" 850]
[$par_compile_cljs_sources$fn__11897$iter__11919__11923$fn__11924$fn__11925$fn__11926 invoke "compiler.clj" 968]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 152]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyTo "" 144]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 665]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ invokeStatic "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ doInvoke "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 425]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 156]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 669]
[clojure.core$bound_fn_STAR_$fn__5749 doInvoke "core.clj" 2003]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 397]
[clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
[java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run "" 266]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker "" 1149]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run "" 624]
[java.lang.Thread run "" 748]]}, [ "er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_icon.cljs"] #error {
:cause "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_icon.cljs (Too many open files)"
:message "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/views/conversations/conversation_icon.cljs (Too many open files)"
:at [ open0 "" -2]}]
[[ open0 "" -2]
[ open "" 195]
[ <init> "" 138]
[$fn__11496 invokeStatic "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11496 invoke "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11409$G__11402__11416 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$fn__11470 invokeStatic "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11470 invoke "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11422$G__11398__11429 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$reader invokeStatic "io.clj" 102]
[$reader doInvoke "io.clj" 86]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 154]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 667]
[clojure.core$slurp invokeStatic "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.core$slurp doInvoke "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[$get_source_code invokeStatic "data.clj" 322]
[$get_source_code invoke "data.clj" 296]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 783]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invoke "compiler.clj" 762]
[$par_compile_one invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 895]
[$par_compile_one invoke "compiler.clj" 850]
[$par_compile_cljs_sources$fn__11897$iter__11919__11923$fn__11924$fn__11925$fn__11926 invoke "compiler.clj" 968]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 152]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyTo "" 144]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 665]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ invokeStatic "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ doInvoke "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 425]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 156]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 669]
[clojure.core$bound_fn_STAR_$fn__5749 doInvoke "core.clj" 2003]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 397]
[clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
[java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run "" 266]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker "" 1149]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run "" 624]
[java.lang.Thread run "" 748]]}, [ "er_webui/views/conversations/edit_shift_swap_times.cljs"] #error {
:cause "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/views/conversations/edit_shift_swap_times.cljs (Too many open files)"
:message "/Users/mccraig/dev/employeerepublic/repos/yapster/webui/src/cljs/er_webui/views/conversations/edit_shift_swap_times.cljs (Too many open files)"
:at [ open0 "" -2]}]
[[ open0 "" -2]
[ open "" 195]
[ <init> "" 138]
[$fn__11496 invokeStatic "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11496 invoke "io.clj" 229]
[$fn__11409$G__11402__11416 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$fn__11470 invokeStatic "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11470 invoke "io.clj" 165]
[$fn__11422$G__11398__11429 invoke "io.clj" 69]
[$reader invokeStatic "io.clj" 102]
[$reader doInvoke "io.clj" 86]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 154]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 667]
[clojure.core$slurp invokeStatic "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.core$slurp doInvoke "core.clj" 6942]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 410]
[$get_source_code invokeStatic "data.clj" 322]
[$get_source_code invoke "data.clj" 296]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 783]
[$maybe_compile_cljs invoke "compiler.clj" 762]
[$par_compile_one invokeStatic "compiler.clj" 895]
[$par_compile_one invoke "compiler.clj" 850]
[$par_compile_cljs_sources$fn__11897$iter__11919__11923$fn__11924$fn__11925$fn__11926 invoke "compiler.clj" 968]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 152]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyTo "" 144]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 665]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ invokeStatic "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_ doInvoke "core.clj" 1973]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 425]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 156]
[clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
[clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 669]
[clojure.core$bound_fn_STAR_$fn__5749 doInvoke "core.clj" 2003]
[clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 397]
[clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
[java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run "" 266]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker "" 1149]
[java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run "" 624]
[java.lang.Thread run "" 748]]}}}
ExceptionInfo: compilation failed (compiler.clj:981) (compiler.clj:915) (compiler.clj:908) (compiler.clj:1024) (compiler.clj:1014) (compiler.clj:1302) (compiler.clj:1159) (api.clj:256) (api.clj:248) (build.clj:393) (build.clj:384)
shadow.cljs.devtools.api/release* (api.clj:322)
shadow.cljs.devtools.api/release* (api.clj:309)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/do-build-command (cli.clj:29)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/do-build-command (cli.clj:26)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/do-build-commands (cli.clj:51)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/do-build-commands (cli.clj:40)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/main/body-fn--14538--auto----15395 (cli.clj:168)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/main (cli.clj:167)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/main (cli.clj:134)
clojure.core/apply (core.clj:669)
clojure.core/apply (core.clj:660)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/-main (cli.clj:221)
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli/-main (cli.clj:219)
clojure.lang.Var.applyTo (
clojure.core/apply (core.clj:665)
clojure.main/main-opt (main.clj:514)
clojure.main/main-opt (main.clj:510)
clojure.main/main (main.clj:664)
clojure.main/main (main.clj:616)
clojure.lang.Var.applyTo (
clojure.main.main (
qluupp:12:53:➜ webui (2.6.0-branch) ✗) % ulimit -n
qluupp:12:54:➜ webui (2.6.0-branch) ✗) %
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