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b0ndurant / quete_conditions.php
Last active March 9, 2018 21:04
quete conditions
$weapons = ['fists', 'whip', 'gun'];
$opponentWeapon = $weapons[rand(0,2)];
if ($opponentWeapon == 'fists') {
$indiana = 'gun';
} elseif ($opponentWeapon == 'whip') {
$indiana = 'fists';
} elseif ($opponentWeapon == 'gun') {
$indiana = 'whip';
b0ndurant / codephp2.php
Created March 6, 2018 10:00
quete tableau et boucle php
$indiana_jones = array
('Indiana Jones et le Royaume du Crâne de Cristal'=>'Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen',
'Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade'=> 'Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Denholm Elliot',
'Indiana Jones et le Temple maudit'=> 'Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw ,Jonathan Ke Quan');
foreach ($indiana_jones as $key1 => $value1) {
echo "Dans le film ".$key1." les acteurs principaux sont ".$value1. "<br/>";
b0ndurant / codephp1.php
Created March 5, 2018 16:20
quete chaine de caractere
$message = "0@sn9sirppa@#?ia'jgtvryko1";
$chiffre_cle = strlen($message)/2;
$sous_chaine = substr($message, 5, $chiffre_cle);
$word = array("@", "#", "?");
$rep = array(' ');
$new = str_replace ($word, $rep, $sous_chaine);
echo strrev($new);
echo "<br/>";
b0ndurant / variable.php
Created March 5, 2018 14:33
quete variable php
$name = 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade';
echo "$name";
echo "</br>";
$vue = false;
if ($vue);
echo "non";
echo "</br>";
b0ndurant / quete_unix.txt
Created February 27, 2018 10:33
quete unix
1 cat hint1
2 cd mystery/people head -n 20 people
3 head -n 20 people mystery/people
4 cat hint2
5 grep "CLUE" cremescene mystery/crimescene
6 cat hint3
7 cat hint4
8 grep "Annabel" people mystery/people
9 cat hint5
10 head -n 173 streets/Mattapan_Street | tail -n 1
b0ndurant / sauron.html
Last active February 20, 2018 21:54
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
b0ndurant / ftp.html
Last active February 18, 2018 19:05
<!doctype html>
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