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Created February 1, 2018 09:47
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2018-01-01T00:00:00Z 2018-02-01T00:00:00Z

From ≈2018-01-01T00:00:00Z to ≈2018-02-01T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 1708
Open tickets after: 1719
Number of tickets touched: 205

Resolved tickets (104)

[resolved] RT#123493 Spurt to filehandle deprecated
[resolved] RT#124281 colonpairs in [POD] config options always produce strings
[resolved] RT#126413 WhateverCode loses topic inside given modifier
[resolved] RT#126433 Parameter coercion with type smiley doesn't work
[resolved] RT#126569 xx-repeated expression enclosed in parens can't access the topic $_ of a statement modifier
[resolved] RT#126742 config items should not include quotes for string values
[resolved] RT#126856 No spaces allowed around .^ and .? (^42 .^methods.say)
[resolved] RT#126973 No sink warnings when Inf or NaN is in sink context ( ∞ )
[resolved] RT#126984 WhateverCode in given doesn't get refreshed when entering surrounding block in Rakudo
[resolved] RT#127016 Date can have undefined year
[resolved] RT#127051 error for 1/1.WHAT
[resolved] RT#127135 Infinite Loop with missing second arg on .subst-mutate 
[resolved] RT#127226 QUOTE does not remove backslash with adverb :b
[resolved] RT#127291 temp fails to set hashes with non-string key type constraints
[resolved] RT#127365 Bizarre speed results when .hyper are used
[resolved] RT#128054 In a string enclosed in parens, a {}-interpolation can't access the topic $_ of a statement modifier
[resolved] RT#128692 useless uses of "useless use ... in sink context" warning in sink context
[resolved] RT#128712 quote colon form in identifier lacks line number
[resolved] RT#128935 "where" clauses are parsed, but not enforced, in "my" expressions
[resolved] RT#129790 Giving a sub to a map fails
[resolved] RT#129801 Nesting LEAVE and ENTER phasers says "Cannot reference undeclared local 'enter_result__1"
[resolved] RT#130086 multiple eof-s support on $*IN
[resolved] RT#130477 Pod config parses colopairs but simply stringifies whatever it matched
[resolved] RT#130479 Type coercion in signature gives warning on optional named arguments
[resolved] RT#130575 Variables inside a try {} block used with `andthen` don't always get updated to correct values
[resolved] RT#131123 Useless use of useless use in smartmatch + block + try
[resolved] RT#131197 List.splice issues superfluous warning: "Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context"
[resolved] RT#131251 Useless use warning triggered on assignment forms of reverse metaops
[resolved] RT#131305 Useless Useless Use Warning when invoking colonpaired routines
[resolved] RT#131331 Wrong useless use warning in grep + try + after
[resolved] RT#131499 Incorrect useless use warning in `andthen`/`notandthen`/`orelse`
[resolved] RT#131502 Incorrect useless use warning when WhateverCode is passed as arg to Callable
[resolved] RT#131548 andthen weirdness with lexicals
[resolved] RT#132172 `orelse` + block in a string gets the wrong $_
[resolved] RT#132211 combination of `andthen` and `orelse` causes closed over variable to never update
[resolved] RT#132337 Code block inside `andthen`/`orelse` doesn't close over lexical variables correctly
[resolved] RT#132632 . List and hash configuration value formats are not yet implemented (NYI)
[resolved] RT#132673 Container has no information about parametric type
[resolved] RT#132675 IO::Path.dir may be using the wrong CWD
[resolved] RT#132718 BUG: Unhandled kind 3 with int32 argument
[resolved] RT#132741 Broken on FreeBSD and OpenBSD
[resolved] RT#132742 FreeBSD and OpenBSD Builds now dependent on gmake
[resolved] RT#132780 Issue with one and none Junctins when passed as parameter
  [closed]    GH#651 Untwine Pod
  [closed]   GH#1212 Uninitialized $_ and weird blowage (<a b c>[$_ xx 2] with 1)
  [closed]   GH#1261 Silent Failure When Binding To Map Key
  [closed]   GH#1283 Issue 1238: Fix Hash clone not retaining all attributes
  [closed]   GH#1304 Chainable ops silently fail to be chained when negated
  [closed]   GH#1305 LTA Error when assigning to Range element
  [closed]   GH#1319 KEEP + for loop = useless useless use warning
  [closed]   GH#1327 `say` in some case throws malformed arg instead of P5ism error
  [closed]   GH#1328 Large diff between HLL and nqp performance in code example
  [closed]   GH#1329 my int $x; ( $x += 42 is slower than $x = $x + 42)
  [closed]   GH#1336 X::Multi::NoMatch dumps too much output
  [closed]   GH#1339 Provides for fixes for several POD bugs:
  [closed]   GH#1349 Skip using a WhateverCode doesn't work
  [closed]   GH#1359 Fix RT#127051
  [closed]   GH#1363 Fix RT#127016
  [closed]   GH#1364 Vague unit-scope error msg for semi-colon at end of a header  [LTA]
  [closed]   GH#1367 Using a hash variable in a regex should give a better error message
  [closed]   GH#1368 "42 < $a < 666" should be faster than "42 < $a && $a < 666", but is 2x as slow
  [closed]   GH#1369 `PROCESS::<$FOO>` set in sub EXPORT does not work in modules
  [closed]   GH#1371 sub EXPORT loaded inside precompiled module doesn't seem to be run
  [closed]   GH#1375 Issue 1304: Preserve operator chaining when operators negated
  [closed]   GH#1377 t/02-rakudo/08-repeat.t on rakudo 2017.12 on Linux
  [closed]   GH#1379 Add test to finish Issue 1305 (LTA Range Error)
  [closed]   GH#1380 Incompatible pointer type warning in NativeCall tests
  [closed]   GH#1382 `--optimize=off` does not get propagated to &EVAL
  [closed]   GH#1384 Any.skip fails when trying to use a WhateverCode
  [closed]   GH#1386 Remove `RAKUDO_MONKEY_BUSINESS` env var
  [closed]   GH#1387 Increment/Decrement on RatStr dies
  [closed]   GH#1389 No “Useless use” warning for xor
  [closed]   GH#1390 Meta assign reverse opt
  [closed]   GH#1392 Useless assignment in sub wanted
  [closed]   GH#1393 List.sink does not sink
  [closed]   GH#1394 Malformed UTF-8 when''), :port(80)) on Windows
  [closed]   GH#1395 Fix RT#126669
  [closed]   GH#1396 Issue 1261: Throw BIND-KEY Exception instead of using Failure
  [closed]   GH#1397 .ords.rotor(2=>-1,:partial) doesn't work
  [closed]   GH#1400 Issue 1397: Reifiy pending elements in Seq prior to rotor call
  [closed]   GH#1401 Custom trait_mods don't get passed right when used on multies with automatic protos
  [closed]   GH#1402 Fix RT#132214
  [closed]   GH#1404 Consider removing file “src/Perl6/DebugPod.nqp” from the master branch
  [closed]   GH#1407 P6opaque: no such attribute '$!storage' on type … in a Hash when trying to bind a value
  [closed]   GH#1408 Remove file src/Perl6/DebugPod.nqp
  [closed]   GH#1409 «$x» should leak a Slip?
  [closed]   GH#1410 supply/react “already vowed” regression
  [closed]   GH#1411 --> List:D[Int] is parsed as a coercer
  [closed]   GH#1416 my int $n; nqp::if($n,1) is 4.5x slower than non-native version
  [closed]   GH#1422 Duplicate parsing for ∞
  [closed]   GH#1423 Fix duplicated parsing for ∞
  [closed]   GH#1428 whenever outside react/supply is no longer allowed (one broken module + …?)
  [closed]   GH#1429 Degenerate .tail(Callable) crashes with confusing error
  [closed]   GH#1430 “1” is whitespace according to uniprop
  [closed]   GH#1432 `temp`/`let` lose `is default` of hashes and arrays
  [closed]   GH#1435 Array.clone loses descriptor and Nils
  [closed]   GH#1438 Bag.pick is not working with arguments
  [closed]   GH#1441 Post release
  [closed]   GH#1446 Fix function signature
  [closed]   GH#1447 List.roundrobin does not work as a method on List objects.
  [closed]   GH#1448 Issue 1304 Continued: Re-enable negated chaining on the JVM
  [closed]   GH#1452 add myself per invitation from @lizmat
  [closed]   GH#1454 Fix Iterator.Rotor when cycle contains Whatever or Inf
  [closed]   GH#1455 LEAVE say now - ENTER now dies deeply

Half-resolved (tests needed) (4)

[testneeded] RT#130261 Error message for unclosed curly quote points to the last line of the file
[testneeded] RT#131813 Segfault with --profile
[testneeded]   GH#1361 Coercers with DefiniteHOW as target don't work when source is empty
[testneeded]   GH#1413 Weird issue with `zef install`

Updated tickets (34)

      [updated] RT#123776 Binding a variable at BEGIN time doesn't stick aruond for runtime
      [updated] RT#124679 [@LARRY] Rakudo allows using '#`' (embedded comment) without following opening bracket, should not
      [updated] RT#125641 error messages when right bracket is missing: (), [], "" and so on
[open→rejected] RT#126296 Foo:D type on attribute should imply 'is required' and not need intialiser
     [new→open] RT#126702 failing test in S06-multi/subsignature.t: wrong multi candidate called when slurpy and named are passed
 [new→rejected] RT#126914 Block less try fails to catch exception
 [new→rejected] RT#128710 combining :D, a where clause and Nil results in empty type object
      [updated] RT#129373 Explicit `return` prevens Failure explosion in sinkage
      [updated] RT#129811 Implicit return of Failure Broken in routines with native return type constraints
      [updated] RT#129926 Make everything in Learning Perl 6 work
     [new→open] RT#130327 MoarVM panic: Collectable 0x2aba12277918 in fromspace accessed
     [new→open] RT#130485 » is no longer shuffled (<a b c d>».say)
      [updated] RT#130532 Failing tests for itemization of arguments with infix:<Z> after introduction of Rakudo::Internals.OneValueIterator
      [updated] RT#131003 Heap corruption when using Gumbo
      [updated] RT#131099 is assoc('list') gives "MVMArray: Can't pop from an empty array"
[open→rejected] RT#131243 Interpolating a Hash in a regex treats it as a list and errors out
      [updated] RT#131414 Failure to detect use of coercion on vars when smiley type constraint is used
      [updated] RT#131622 Failures don't get sunk when last in for loop
     [new→open] RT#132043 When IO::Notification is watching a file, the `path` attribute doubles the filename
      [updated] RT#132104 EvalServer leaks threads and memory when using Proc::Async
     [new→open] RT#132306 parameters, even if unused, make stuff slower ( f1($a, $, $, $, $, $) vs f2($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) )
      [updated] RT#132668 OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey
      [updated]   GH#1199 Make sure bots and other things work OK with rakudo/issues
      [updated]   GH#1235 Caller-$/-setting is too invasive
      [updated]   GH#1259 SEGV when running whateverable tests
      [updated]   GH#1280 Memory “leak” in whateverable
      [updated]   GH#1281 Argless default for .classify()
      [updated]   GH#1289 [6.d BLOCKER] Implement a Way to Know Caller's Language
      [updated]   GH#1292 MOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method
      [updated]   GH#1314 Bad error when mistakenly using `substr` as `subst`
      [updated]   GH#1340 Short script 'misusing' an iterator crashes Rakudo
      [updated]   GH#1341 state variable resets for each loop of a loop expression
      [updated]   GH#1355 +@a/+a slurpies produce inconsistent results
      [updated]   GH#1356 Let's remove most (if not all) perl5-oriented error messages for variables

All new tickets (119)

  [resolved] RT#132673 Container has no information about parametric type
  [resolved] RT#132675 IO::Path.dir may be using the wrong CWD
       [new] RT#132694 Coercion type Str(Any) returned from .keyof is not the same object as Str(Any)
       [new] RT#132699 Dependent roles problem
      [open] RT#132710 Warning message for duplicated tighter trait
      [open] RT#132711 Stupidly using `is assoc` with unary prefix operator has an error message from the deep
      [open] RT#132713 Order of `is assoc` and precedence traits matter, but should it?
  [resolved] RT#132718 BUG: Unhandled kind 3 with int32 argument
  [resolved] RT#132741 Broken on FreeBSD and OpenBSD
  [resolved] RT#132742 FreeBSD and OpenBSD Builds now dependent on gmake
  [resolved] RT#132780 Issue with one and none Junctins when passed as parameter
       [new] RT#132784 make install fail on termux/Android 6.0.1
       [new] RT#132785 MoarVM build fail on termux/Android 6.0.1
      [open] RT#132794 Junction as default value needs to throw if it would autothread
      [open]   GH#1357 IO::Path.mkdir's behaviour poorly defined / routine doesn't fail when it should
      [open]   GH#1358 Signature.perl incorrectly handles coercers
    [closed]   GH#1359 Fix RT#127051
      [open]   GH#1360 `Failure` in a `for` statement modifier as last statement of Callable fails to blow up
[testneeded]   GH#1361 Coercers with DefiniteHOW as target don't work when source is empty
      [open]   GH#1362 Make Deprecations skip core locations by default
    [closed]   GH#1363 Fix RT#127016
    [closed]   GH#1364 Vague unit-scope error msg for semi-colon at end of a header  [LTA]
      [open]   GH#1365 Type smileys silently noop on indirect symbol lookups
      [open]   GH#1366 Proc.status should be a private method
    [closed]   GH#1367 Using a hash variable in a regex should give a better error message
    [closed]   GH#1368 "42 < $a < 666" should be faster than "42 < $a && $a < 666", but is 2x as slow
    [closed]   GH#1369 `PROCESS::<$FOO>` set in sub EXPORT does not work in modules
      [open]   GH#1370 .assuming in sub EXPORT breaks if module is precompiled
    [closed]   GH#1371 sub EXPORT loaded inside precompiled module doesn't seem to be run
      [open]   GH#1372 Map instead of Hash from sub EXPORT results in missing error about non-dynamics via CALLER::
      [open]   GH#1373 LTA error when trying to exclusive-lock a read-only IO::Handle
      [open]   GH#1374 SEGV with QAST tree in core Actions
    [closed]   GH#1375 Issue 1304: Preserve operator chaining when operators negated
      [open]   GH#1376 LTA:  Missing closing-quote not caught, instead "=begin comment" is ignored.
    [closed]   GH#1377 t/02-rakudo/08-repeat.t on rakudo 2017.12 on Linux
      [open]   GH#1378 LTA error when `:v` adverb used with `~` without correct precednce
    [closed]   GH#1379 Add test to finish Issue 1305 (LTA Range Error)
    [closed]   GH#1380 Incompatible pointer type warning in NativeCall tests
      [open]   GH#1381 Blocks with implicit signature behave like bare blocks when sunk
    [closed]   GH#1382 `--optimize=off` does not get propagated to &EVAL
      [open]   GH#1383 Type capture in parametarization NYI
    [closed]   GH#1384 Any.skip fails when trying to use a WhateverCode
      [open]   GH#1385 /@foo/ is 163x slower than `.grep: contains` and 83x slower than `.contains: any @foo`
    [closed]   GH#1386 Remove `RAKUDO_MONKEY_BUSINESS` env var
    [closed]   GH#1387 Increment/Decrement on RatStr dies
      [open]   GH#1388 `enum Foo <x y z> does Bar` doesn't DWIM
    [closed]   GH#1389 No “Useless use” warning for xor
    [closed]   GH#1390 Meta assign reverse opt
      [open]   GH#1391 EVAL is not thread safe (by design?)
    [closed]   GH#1392 Useless assignment in sub wanted
    [closed]   GH#1393 List.sink does not sink
    [closed]   GH#1394 Malformed UTF-8 when''), :port(80)) on Windows
    [closed]   GH#1395 Fix RT#126669
    [closed]   GH#1396 Issue 1261: Throw BIND-KEY Exception instead of using Failure
    [closed]   GH#1397 .ords.rotor(2=>-1,:partial) doesn't work
      [open]   GH#1398 Single-argument-rule slurpy `+foo` leaks memory when passed a `Range`.
      [open]   GH#1399 Sequence operator `...` leaks memory
    [closed]   GH#1400 Issue 1397: Reifiy pending elements in Seq prior to rotor call
    [closed]   GH#1401 Custom trait_mods don't get passed right when used on multies with automatic protos
    [closed]   GH#1402 Fix RT#132214
      [open]   GH#1403 Consider removing the :caption key from table POD’s %config hash
    [closed]   GH#1404 Consider removing file “src/Perl6/DebugPod.nqp” from the master branch
      [open]   GH#1405 Coercers as `of` in subsets appear to silently fail
      [open]   GH#1406 Warning about non-useless use of `so`
    [closed]   GH#1407 P6opaque: no such attribute '$!storage' on type … in a Hash when trying to bind a value
    [closed]   GH#1408 Remove file src/Perl6/DebugPod.nqp
    [closed]   GH#1409 «$x» should leak a Slip?
    [closed]   GH#1410 supply/react “already vowed” regression
    [closed]   GH#1411 --> List:D[Int] is parsed as a coercer
      [open]   GH#1412 Parametarization with DefiniteHOWs is ignored
[testneeded]   GH#1413 Weird issue with `zef install`
      [open]   GH#1414 Class attribute constraints applied on elements of array attribute, not the attribute itself
      [open]   GH#1415 Suspicious 3.5x perf loss in a loop when BEGIN/CHECK phasers used in outer scope
    [closed]   GH#1416 my int $n; nqp::if($n,1) is 4.5x slower than non-native version
      [open]   GH#1417 Return type constraint check fails with parametrized role
      [open]   GH#1418 Special-case the adverbs placed directly after a postfix/postcircumfix
      [open]   GH#1419 A simple change of `use` ordering causes a surprising breakage
      [open]   GH#1420 FreeBSD issues
      [open]   GH#1421 Sieve of Eratosthenes 42x slower than Perl 5
    [closed]   GH#1422 Duplicate parsing for ∞
    [closed]   GH#1423 Fix duplicated parsing for ∞
      [open]   GH#1424 Calling nqp::getstd***() with standard streams should reset state of handles
      [open]   GH#1425 Semantic change with List.WHICH
      [open]   GH#1426 Inconsistent behaviour with defaults on required parameters/attributes
      [open]   GH#1427 Inconsistent syntax for declaring required params/attributes
    [closed]   GH#1428 whenever outside react/supply is no longer allowed (one broken module + …?)
    [closed]   GH#1429 Degenerate .tail(Callable) crashes with confusing error
    [closed]   GH#1430 “1” is whitespace according to uniprop
      [open]   GH#1431 illegal reflective access
    [closed]   GH#1432 `temp`/`let` lose `is default` of hashes and arrays
      [open]   GH#1433 `let`/`temp` fail to restore holes in arrays
      [open]   GH#1434 Array.clone does not clone holes correctly
    [closed]   GH#1435 Array.clone loses descriptor and Nils
      [open]   GH#1436 Path operations are not threadsafe on Windows
      [open]   GH#1437 misleading error message with ".=" and "sprintf"
    [closed]   GH#1438 Bag.pick is not working with arguments
      [open]   GH#1439 Unreachable error message in contextualizer rule
      [open]   GH#1440 Memory leak with NativeCall
    [closed]   GH#1441 Post release
      [open]   GH#1442 Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1 (with HTTP::UserAgent)
      [open]   GH#1443 Generating contributor list shows duplicate names for one email
      [open]   GH#1444 Array.reverse with holes creates Mu holes, rather than Any
      [open]   GH#1445 We do need signal(SIGINT) supplies to work together somehow
    [closed]   GH#1446 Fix function signature
    [closed]   GH#1447 List.roundrobin does not work as a method on List objects.
    [closed]   GH#1448 Issue 1304 Continued: Re-enable negated chaining on the JVM
      [open]   GH#1449 Error message talks about “family 0”, but does no explain what 0 is
      [open]   GH#1450 Signals ignored after signal taps are closed
      [open]   GH#1451 SEGV if the path for MVM_COVERAGE_LOG is not writable
    [closed]   GH#1452 add myself per invitation from @lizmat
      [open]   GH#1453 Please improve the class IO::Path routines copy() and move() 
    [closed]   GH#1454 Fix Iterator.Rotor when cycle contains Whatever or Inf
    [closed]   GH#1455 LEAVE say now - ENTER now dies deeply
      [open]   GH#1456 Review codebase for bugs with `none` Junctions
      [open]   GH#1457 `where Foo|Bar` misoptimized for Junction arguments
      [open]   GH#1458 Symbols that start with core namespaces always get exported
      [open]   GH#1459 Bad error when referencing non-existent symbol in sub EXPORT
      [open]   GH#1460 Hypers in interpolation only work on first method
      [open]   GH#1461 dispatch:<.=> is busted when used with `\foo` variables
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