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Created March 21, 2011 15:32
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<meta content="Guardian_2011-05-09" name="dtb:uid"/>
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<text>The Guardian (Unofficial)</text>
<text>The Guardian</text>
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<mbp:meta-img src="masthead.gif" name="mastheadImage"/>
<text>Table of Contents</text>
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<navPoint playOrder="1" class="section" id="Main-section">
<text>Main section</text>
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<navPoint playOrder="2" class="article" id="item-001">
<text>Nick Clegg and David Cameron agree key changes on NHS plans</text>
<content src="001.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Deputy PM tells Andrew Marr show that GPs should not be forced to sign up to new commissioning consortiums</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Nicholas Watt and Denis Campbell</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="3" class="article" id="item-002">
<text>Nato units left 61 African migrants to die of hunger and thirst</text>
<content src="002.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Exclusive: Boat trying to reach Lampedusa was left to drift in Mediterranean for 16 days, despite alarm being raised</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Jack Shenker in Lampedusa</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="4" class="article" id="item-003">
<text>Greece bailout fails to halt debt woes</text>
<content src="003.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Secret talks reveal Greece is unable to meet obligations under last year's €110bn eurozone rescue package</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ian Traynor, Helena Smith, Nicholas Watt and Lisa O'Carroll</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="5" class="article" id="item-004">
<text>Rich list: it's like the recession never happened</text>
<content src="004.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Fortune of £70m needed to make UK's wealthiest 1000, who are worth just 4% less than in 2008</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Simon Goodley</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="6" class="article" id="item-005">
<text>Twitter user reveals alleged details of secret injunctions</text>
<content src="005.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Pressure intensifies to identify people who have taken out gagging orders to protect their reputations or privacy</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Owen Bowcott and Ben Quinn</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="7" class="article" id="item-006">
<text>Thousands to march through London in protest over cuts to disability benefits</text>
<content src="006.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Protest organised by hundreds of disabled people's groups to culminate with lobby of MPs</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Karen McVeigh and Sam Jones</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="8" class="article" id="item-007">
<text>Jobcentre staff 'sent guidelines on how to deal with claimants' suicide threats'</text>
<content src="007.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Employees 'receive six-point plan telling them to take each threat seriously' as clamp on benefits takes effect</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">John Domokos</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="9" class="article" id="item-008">
<text>Incoming – review</text>
<content src="008.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">The Cut, Halesworth, Suffolk</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Michael Billington</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="10" class="article" id="item-009">
<text>Social network users have twice as many friends online as in real life</text>
<content src="009.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Research finds that one in 10 people has either met their best friend online or believes they will meet good friends on web</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ben Quinn</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="11" class="article" id="item-010">
<text>Norwich 'gunman' hit by Taser after 32-hour siege</text>
<content src="010.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Man shot in back after ignoring police demands to get on the ground has been charged with firearms offences</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Agencies</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="12" class="article" id="item-011">
<text>David Laws faces reprimand over expenses claim</text>
<content src="011.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Report from parliamentary watchdog likely to say former Liberal Democrat chief secretary to the Treasury broke rules</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="13" class="article" id="item-012">
<text>Madeleine McCann's mother reveals suicidal thoughts in new book</text>
<content src="012.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Kate McCann writes of how at times she wanted to swim out to sea and 'let the water relieve me of this torment'</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Sam Jones</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="14" class="article" id="item-013">
<text>Scotland independence vote could contain 'financial autonomy' option</text>
<content src="013.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Alex Salmond says he is prepared to compromise and offer more choices than a simple yes or no vote for Scottish people</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Severin Carrell, Scotland correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="15" class="article" id="item-014">
<text>Lib Dems launch scheme to identify deprived older people</text>
<content src="014.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">'Material deprivation' indicator will assess quality of life including whether they socialise and get one filling meal a day</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Nicholas Watt</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="16" class="article" id="item-015">
<text>Four held after man was stabbed to death in street</text>
<content src="015.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Two men and two women in custody after 50-year-old killed after fight at party in Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Press Association</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="17" class="article" id="item-016">
<text>Miscarriage of justice: supreme court to rule on its true meaning</text>
<content src="016.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Millions of pounds in compensation for people wrongfully convicted hinges on decision by nine judges</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Sandra Laville, crime correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="18" class="article" id="item-017">
<text>Police hold closed hearings to sack 477 officers for misconduct</text>
<content src="017.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">FoI request reveals hearings held in private into offences ranging from perverting course of justice to criminal activity</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ben Quinn</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="19" class="article" id="item-018">
<text>What price 14 years in jail for a murder conviction that was overturned?</text>
<content src="018.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Four years of freedom have brought Andrew Adams no job or home. He wants this week's ruling to bring him compensation</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Sandra Laville, crime correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="20" class="article" id="item-019">
<text>Virginity tests for immigrants 'reflected dark age prejudices' of 1970s Britain</text>
<content src="019.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Home Office files suggest that at least 80 female migrants from subcontinent may have undergone such tests</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Alan Travis, home affairs editor</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="21" class="article" id="item-020">
<text>Ministers face calls for apology as extent of 1970s 'virginity tests' revealed</text>
<content src="020.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Practice used to 'check marital status' of Asian migrants more widely administered than first thought, Home Office files show</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Alan Travis, home affairs editor</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="22" class="article" id="item-021">
<text>Singing to children may help development of language skills</text>
<content src="021.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">New book claims that 'signature' melodies and inflections of traditional rhymes prepare children's brains for language</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Amelia Hill</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="23" class="article" id="item-022">
<text>Climate change adviser warns of coming test for Cameron's green credentials</text>
<content src="022.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Prime minister may have to step in to defuse cabinet split over cutting emissions by 2030 to 60% of 1990 levels</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="24" class="article" id="item-023">
<text>Lansley health reforms may wreck NHS, doctors warn David Cameron</text>
<content src="023.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">GPs body writes to prime minister saying that the proposed focus on competition within the service is misplaced</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Denis Campbell, health correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="25" class="article" id="item-024">
<text>Osama bin Laden must have had Pakistan support network, says Obama</text>
<content src="024.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Barack Obama raises pressure on Pakistan to investigate whether its people were involved in helping Bin Laden hide</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ed Pilkington in New York, Declan Walsh in Islamabad and Saeed Shah in Abbottabad</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="26" class="article" id="item-025">
<text>Egypt promises justice after Copts and Muslims clash in Cairo</text>
<content src="025.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Fighting broke out over false rumours that a Christian woman was being prevented from converting to Islam</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ian Black in Cairo</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="27" class="article" id="item-026">
<text>Libyan woman 'raped by Gaddafi troops' flees to Tunisia</text>
<content src="026.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Iman al-Obeidi has reportedly been given refuge in Tunis after escaping with help of defecting military officer</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Martin Chulov in Tripoli</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="28" class="article" id="item-027">
<text>Iran helping Syrian regime crack down on protesters, say diplomats</text>
<content src="027.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Claim comes as four women shot dead by security forces in first use of violence against an all-female demonstration</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Simon Tisdall and foreign staff in Damascus</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="29" class="article" id="item-028">
<text>UN chief presses Israel to release Palestinian funds</text>
<content src="028.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Ban Ki-moon and Norway lead calls for Israel to hand over tax revenues withheld over Palestinian reconciliation agreement</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="30" class="article" id="item-029">
<text>Missing Canadian tourist Rita Chretien found alive in Nevada</text>
<content src="029.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Chretien rescued after seven weeks surviving on trail mix and creek water – but search for her husband, Albert, continues</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ed Pilkington in New York</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="31" class="article" id="item-030">
<text>Cannes showing for scathing portrait of Nicolas Sarkozy's rise to power</text>
<content src="030.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Inspired by British satire In The Loop, first French film to tell story of a serving president breaks last taboo</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Angelique Chrisafis in Paris</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="32" class="article" id="item-031">
<text>Private equity firm CVC could block Murdoch bid for F1</text>
<content src="031.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Exor and News Corporation are thought to be mulling the possibility of creating a consortium with a plan for the development of Formula One</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Christian Sylt and Caroline Reid</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="33" class="article" id="item-032">
<text>ITV expected to report first decline in ad revenues for 18 months</text>
<content src="032.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">ITV advertising revenues in May and June expected to have dropped by 7% and 20% respectively – the first fall since November 2009</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Mark Sweney</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="34" class="article" id="item-033">
<text>Top banks poised to drop legal challenge over PPI mis-selling</text>
<content src="033.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">• Barclays may have to set aside £1.4bn to cover PPI claims• Total cost of settling PPI claims estimated to reach £9bn</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Jill Treanor</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="35" class="article" id="item-034">
<text>MG Rover directors banned from running companies after collapse</text>
<content src="034.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">'Phoenix Four' disqualified from directorships after paying £42m in bonuses while running car firm into the ground</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Simon Goodley</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="36" class="article" id="item-035">
<text>There are no good answers in Libya. But war should never be the default</text>
<content src="035.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Libya shows again that successful regime change can be brought about only by ordinary people, not by foreign bombs</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Gary Younge</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="37" class="article" id="item-036">
<text>SlutWalk is not sexual liberation</text>
<content src="036.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Women need to take to the streets to condemn violence, but not for the right to be called 'slut'</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Gail Dines and Wendy J Murphy</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="38" class="article" id="item-037">
<text>Mexico's failed war against the drug gangs</text>
<content src="037.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Mexicans are calling for an end to the battle against organised crime that has cost 40,000 lives</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Luis Hernández Navarro</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="39" class="article" id="item-038">
<text>They gave us Lembit Opik, but we still need Lib Dems</text>
<content src="038.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">The Lib Dems can be infuriating, but a third party is vital if we want to avoid politics-as-bloodsport, and maintain democracy</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Julian Glover</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="40" class="article" id="item-039">
<text>Who are you calling dour?</text>
<content src="039.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Each nation has a set of personality traits: with the SNP's electoral win, Scotland's have changed</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Lesley Riddoch</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="41" class="article" id="item-040">
<text>Only a real game-changer can reverse Tory entrenchment</text>
<content src="040.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">David Cameron's evident pride may come before a fall. A Labour-Lib Dem rapprochement is now a distant inevitability</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Jackie Ashley</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="42" class="article" id="item-041">
<text>United States of Amazement</text>
<content src="041.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Those who fear Brand America might be broken need to visit New York, preferably with a child</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Peter Preston</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="43" class="article" id="item-042">
<text>Biodiversity: It's the ecology, stupid</text>
<content src="042.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">At every level, human civilisation is underwritten by the planet's countless and still mostly unidentified wild things</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Editorial</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="44" class="article" id="item-043">
<text>Corrections and clarifications</text>
<content src="043.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Corrections and clarifications column editor</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="45" class="article" id="item-044">
<text>In praise of … Havergal Brian</text>
<content src="044.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">His Gothic Symphony is the ultimate cult neglected work by a British composer forgotten by all but the fanatical few</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Editorial</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="46" class="article" id="item-045">
<text>Country diary: Dentdale, Yorkshire Dales</text>
<content src="045.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Tony Greenbank</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="47" class="article" id="item-046">
<text>Liberal Democrats: The hard road back</text>
<content src="046.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">The rose garden love-in a year ago was understandable in some ways but it was a political misjudgment</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Editorial</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="48" class="article" id="item-047">
<text>Scotland redraws the political map</text>
<content src="047.html"/>
<navPoint playOrder="49" class="article" id="item-048">
<text>They think it's all over – it may be now</text>
<content src="048.html"/>
<navPoint playOrder="50" class="article" id="item-049">
<text>Grist to mill for the chattering classes</text>
<content src="049.html"/>
<navPoint playOrder="51" class="article" id="item-050">
<text>Custody and care</text>
<content src="050.html"/>
<navPoint playOrder="52" class="article" id="item-051">
<text>Say no to sex bill and the Mary Whitehouse treatment</text>
<content src="051.html"/>
<navPoint playOrder="53" class="article" id="item-052">
<text>Severiano Ballesteros obituary</text>
<content src="052.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Charismatic Spaniard widely seen as the best European golfer of all time</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">John Huggan</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="54" class="article" id="item-053">
<text>Enid Seeney obituary</text>
<content src="053.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Ceramic designer known for her popular Homemaker range</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Simon Moss</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="55" class="article" id="item-054">
<text>Clemency – review</text>
<content src="054.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Linbury Studio, London</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Tim Ashley</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="56" class="article" id="item-055">
<text>Weatherwatch: hay fever arrives early</text>
<content src="055.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Paul Brown</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="57" class="article" id="item-056">
<text>The weather in April</text>
<content src="056.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">David Brazier (MeteoGroup)</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="58" class="article" id="item-057">
<text>Arabic exodus likely to lead to tighter border controls in Europe</text>
<content src="057.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">European Commission responds to French and Italian pressure over immigration by proposing more of 'Fortress Europe'</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ian Traynor</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="59" class="article" id="item-058">
<text>Vodfafone connects with JustGiving to raise funds for charities</text>
<content src="058.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Thinktank ResPublica estimates that donations to charities via text messages could total £96m a year by 2014</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Rebecca Smithers Consumer affairs correspondent</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="60" class="article" id="item-059">
<text>Tunisia reinstates curfew after protests</text>
<content src="059.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Tunis to be shut down from 9pm until 5am until further notice after clashes between anti-government protesters and police</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Angelique Chrisafis</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="61" class="article" id="item-060">
<text>María Pagés and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui – review</text>
<content src="060.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Sadler's Wells, London</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Sanjoy Roy</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="62" class="article" id="item-061">
<text>Little Eyolf – review</text>
<content src="061.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Jermyn Street theatre, London</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Lyn Gardner</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="63" class="article" id="item-062">
<text>Flowers from Tunisia – review</text>
<content src="062.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Torch, Milford Haven</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Elisabeth Mahoney</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="64" class="article" id="item-063">
<text>The Great Folk Jukebox – review</text>
<content src="063.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Royal Festival Hall, London</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Robin Denselow</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="65" class="article" id="item-064">
<text>Apple has toppled Google as the world's most valuable brand</text>
<content src="064.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Apple catapults to the summit of top 100 global brands with an 84% increase in its estimated value to $153bn (£93bn)</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Mark Sweney</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="66" class="article" id="item-065">
<text>Google doodle celebrates Roger Hargreaves's Mr Men books</text>
<content src="065.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Google unveils 16 doodles of characters from much-loved books by English author and illustrator</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ben Quinn</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="67" class="article" id="item-066">
<text>Afghan forces fight Taliban after attacks in Kandahar</text>
<content src="066.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Provincial governor says at least 18 fighters have been killed after waves of Taliban attacks on officials in Kandahar</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Reuters</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="68" class="article" id="item-067">
<text>Bin Laden: Pakistan instructs global media to stop 'illegal broadcasts'</text>
<content src="067.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">TV regulator imposes new licence requirement after critical coverage from Abbottabad</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Declan Walsh in Islamabad and Saeed Shah in Abbottabad</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="69" class="article" id="item-068">
<text>John Walker, founder member of the Walker Brothers, dies aged 67</text>
<content src="068.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Tributes paid to songwriter, vocalist, guitarist 'and gentleman with lots of style' who played pivotal role in band</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ben Quinn</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="70" class="article" id="item-069">
<text>Al-Qaida inmate killed in Iraqi jail battle</text>
<content src="069.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Fighting between prisoners and security officers in Baghdad kills at least 18, including al-Qaida mastermind of church attack</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Reuters</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="71" class="article" id="item-070">
<text>Muslim-Christian clashes kill 10 in Cairo</text>
<content src="070.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Two churches set on fire after claims a Christian woman was being prevented from converting to Islam</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ian Black in Cairo</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="72" class="section" id="Sport">
<content src="071.html"/>
<navPoint playOrder="73" class="article" id="item-071">
<text>Manchester United beat Chelsea to move to verge of title</text>
<content src="071.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Kevin McCarra at Old Trafford</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="74" class="article" id="item-072">
<text>Sir Alex Ferguson basks in the euphoria as United's 19th title inches closer</text>
<content src="072.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Chelsea can mathematically overtake them but this was the day the London club stopped doing the sums</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Daniel Taylor at Old Trafford</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="75" class="article" id="item-073">
<text>Park Ji-sung's positioning puts Manchester United in control</text>
<content src="073.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">The champions-to-be, driven forward by their South Korean midfielder, played with greater appetite to shake a laboured Chelsea</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">David Pleat</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="76" class="article" id="item-074">
<text>Arsenal's title challenge comes to an end with meek surrender at Stoke</text>
<content src="074.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Joe Lovejoy at Britannia Stadium</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="77" class="article" id="item-075">
<text>Mick McCarthy has no answers but Wolves win to escape bottom three</text>
<content src="075.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">• Manager cannot explain success in big games• And he is delighted with Hunt and Fletcher</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Stuart James at Molineux</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="78" class="article" id="item-076">
<text>Steven Fletcher shoots down West Brom to take Wolves out of drop zone</text>
<content src="076.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Stuart James at Molineux</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="79" class="article" id="item-077">
<text>Kenny Dalglish: Liverpool are no longer a two-man team</text>
<content src="077.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">• Liverpool manager is pleased with attacking options• Reds have taken 16 points from the last seven games</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Tim Rich</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="80" class="article" id="item-078">
<text>Neil Lennon challenges Rangers' opponents after Celtic beat Kilmarnock</text>
<content src="078.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ewan Murray at Rugby Park</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="81" class="article" id="item-079">
<text>Watching Seve Ballesteros play was a life-affirming experience</text>
<content src="079.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">The Spanish maestro's followers gave him motivation and received astonishing feats in return</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Richard Williams</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="82" class="article" id="item-080">
<text>Leicester's rally to beat London Irish cannot appease Richard Cockerill</text>
<content src="080.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Leicester 32-23 London Irish</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Mike Averis at Welford Road</mbp:meta>
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<text>Saracens send warning to Gloucester with their 11th successive win</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Harlequins 13-16 Saracens</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Ian Malin at The Stoop</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="84" class="article" id="item-082">
<text>Gloucester set up Saracens visit with crushing defeat of Sale Sharks</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">• Home side cut loose in the second half to secure 51-point lead• Exeter Chiefs leapfrog Wasps to claim eighth place</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Agencies</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="85" class="article" id="item-083">
<text>Up and Under: James Haskell to decide on Stade Français future</text>
<content src="083.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">The England back-rower will decide on where he will play next season following the Amlin Challenge Cup final</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Paul Rees</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="86" class="article" id="item-084">
<text>Halifax howlers clear path for late run by Bradford Bulls</text>
<content src="084.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Halifax 34-46 Bradford Bulls</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Andy Wilson at The Shay</mbp:meta>
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<text>Leeds need miracle to keep Premiership status after Northampton defeat</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Northampton 31-24 Leeds</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Robert Kitson at Franklin's Gardens</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="88" class="article" id="item-086">
<text>Alan Tait calls for relegation review as Newcastle escape drop at Bath</text>
<content src="086.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Bath 42-12 Newcastle</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Michael Aylwin at the Recreation Ground</mbp:meta>
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<text>Sebastian Vettel wins again as Red Bulls dominate Turkish Grand Prix</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">• Red Bull principal hails 'phenomenal' display from Vettel• Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button endure difficult race</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Paul Weaver Istanbul</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="90" class="article" id="item-088">
<text>Sussex ease to victory over Middlesex but Matt Prior fails to shine</text>
<content src="088.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">• Prior scores four runs on return to county action• Ian Bell impresses but Northants beat Warwickshire</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Press Association</mbp:meta>
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<text>Novak Djokovic stuns the clay king Rafael Nadal in Madrid final</text>
<content src="089.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">• Serb beats world No1 7-5, 6-4 on Spaniard's home soil• Victory was 32nd in best start to a season for 27 years</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Reuters</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="92" class="article" id="item-090">
<text>Manny Pacquiao outscores Shane Mosley to retain WBO welterweight title</text>
<content src="090.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">• Mosley starts strongest but succumbs to Pacquiao's left• American left reeling by end but no knockout for Filipino</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Matt Christie in Las Vegas</mbp:meta>
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<text>Recital back on song with victory in the Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">• Kieren Fallon rides first winner for Ballydoyle since drugs ban• Aidan O'Brien wants Fallon to ride Recital in the Derby</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Chris Cook at Leopardstown</mbp:meta>
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<text>A dose of Gary Pallister on club TV is an ideal remedy for title angst</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Once you give up all the tedious debate and analysis, gazing with an all-consuming potato-love at one club is very restful</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Barney Ronay</mbp:meta>
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<text>Passionate, proud and a supreme talent: Seve Ballesteros remembered</text>
<content src="093.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">Those who saw Seve Ballesteros in his prime can count themselves lucky to have witnessed a true genius</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="96" class="section" id="G2">
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<navPoint playOrder="97" class="article" id="item-094">
<text>Canada's MPs really are getting younger</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Six university students have made it into parliament</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Jon Henley</mbp:meta>
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<text>Welcome to WikiMaths – home of hard sums</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">The Polymath Project throws mathematical conundrums open to all to tackle</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Matt Parker</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="99" class="article" id="item-096">
<text>Sarah Palin, quit bashing Obama</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Your stint on Twitter has not been a resounding success. Leave the president alone and pick on someone who's more your level</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Rachel Roberts</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="100" class="article" id="item-097">
<text>The art of Rubik-cubism</text>
<content src="097.html"/>
<mbp:meta name="description">A collective in Toronto is using the cubes to recreate well-known artworks</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Patrick Kingsley</mbp:meta>
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<text>Pass notes No 2,971: Elvis Presley</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Has the King of Rock'n'Roll finally lost his iconic status? Yes, if American parents are anything to go by</mbp:meta>
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<text>It's official – new words for Scrabble lovers</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Be the first to use VLOG or NANG!</mbp:meta>
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<text>'Do not cry': a nurse's blog brings comfort to Japan's tsunami survivors</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">An anonymous blog written by a Japanese nurse as she cared for victims of the tsunami has given strength to survivors and fellow relief workers</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Justin McCurry</mbp:meta>
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<text>The edit... celebrity hair watch</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Five celebrities creating hair fashion</mbp:meta>
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<text>The fashion briefing</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Sheikha Mozah's masterclass in glamour, plus campaigning T-shirts by Katharine Hamnett</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Simon Chilvers</mbp:meta>
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<text>No one's sure what Twitter or the royal family are for</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">But that shouldn't stop us discussing Kate's wardrobe (in 140 characters or less)</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Hadley Freeman</mbp:meta>
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<text>'The cast all abused me': the pain of playing Shylock</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">What's it like to play Shakespeare's most controversial character? As a new RSC production opens, Patrick Stewart, Antony Sher and other former Shylocks reveal all</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Maddy Costa</mbp:meta>
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<text>From Mel to Melancholia: Cannes 2011 top 10 preview</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">Lars Von Trier's apocalypse story takes on Mel Gibson's bizarre comeback in Peter Bradshaw's list of 10 films sure to have Cannes abuzz</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Peter Bradshaw</mbp:meta>
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<text>Another view on Open See</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">The Refugee Council's Jonathan Ellis is full of praise for an exhibition that avoids the 'exploitation' charge by letting refugees tell their own stories</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Interview by Laura Barnett</mbp:meta>
<navPoint playOrder="110" class="article" id="item-107">
<text>Throwing eggs at Justin Bieber is like declaring war on digestive biscuits</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">What's inauthentic about the marketing and meme-creation skills required to propel a manufactured pop band into the Biebersphere?</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Sam Leith</mbp:meta>
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<text>TV review: Atlantis and Lord Sugar Tackles Football</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">It wanted to be another Pompeii, but Atlantis was always the second best ancient disaster</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Zoe Williams</mbp:meta>
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<text>Sudoku 1,868 easy</text>
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<text>TV turn-ons and turn-offs</text>
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<mbp:meta name="description">This week's hits and misses</mbp:meta>
<mbp:meta name="author">Sarah Dempster</mbp:meta>
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<text>Kakuro 1,203 medium</text>
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