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/RobotPosition.c Secret

Created June 24, 2015 10:48
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void robotPosition::initialDistance(emc::IO &io, emc::LaserData &scan){
// Measure how how much distance is left in this corridor
StoredDistance = takeMeasurement(io, scan);
void robotPosition::readyForCorner(emc::IO& io, emc::LaserData& scan){
// Reset the Variables which mark whether a Special Situation ended and if the
// robotPosition-measurement has been taken.
MeasurementAfterTaken = false;
CornerFininshed = false;
UTurnDetected = false;
// Before a corner the following steps have to be exectued in this particular order:
// * The robot has to remeasure its position with respect to the wall
double LeftInCorridor = takeMeasurement(io, scan);
// To find the new position of the PICO Robot this LeftInCorridor has to be subtracted
// from the distance measured (StoredDistance) when at the start of this corridor
// * The PICO Robot position is updated to the new coordinate
StoredDistance = LeftInCorridor;
// * For the Landmark which is being mapped, one coordinate can already be saved
// depending on the orientation of the robot, this will help in making the estimate
// of the LandMark
// * Then the Odometry data can be saved as such that after the turn we can determine
// the position relative to the start again.
// * An Estimate has to be given on the location of the special situation which is
// begin detected. This is for the Solving Algorithm an indication whether we have
// already visited that node (Return value of Function)
// For this we only have to correct for the current offset to the node, here it is assumed
// that the position of the LandMark with respect to the robot is almost constant upon
// detection. Assumed is that it detects the Landmark a constant DIST_BEFORE_LANDMARK before
// the midpoint of the junction. Note that at this point we only require an estimate of the
// landmark
void robotPosition::CorneringFinished(choices Direction){
Direction.F = 0;
Direction.R = 0;
Direction.B = 1;
Direction.L = 0;
// Updating the PICO robot's position
updatePICOPositionAfter(Direction, CurrentOdometry);
// Rest is only Map the Junction! and
CornerFininshed = true;
bool robotPosition::Cornering(choices Direction, emc::IO& io, emc::LaserData& scan){
// In this function we see whether the robot has turned 90 degrees, if so a new
// LRF measurement is made to determine the position of the robot relative to the next
// junction
Direction.F = 0;
Direction.R = 0;
Direction.B = 1;
Direction.L = 0;
// Second, check whether the robot has turned 90 degrees
if(Direction.R==1 && !MeasurementAfterTaken){ // Which means turn Right Clockwise Rotations are in Odometry Negative!
if((CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < -PI/2 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > -PI/2 - ROT_DEV)||\
(CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < 3*PI/2 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > 3*PI/2 - ROT_DEV)){
// Turn is finished, make a new measurement now
StoredDistance = takeMeasurement(io,scan);
MeasurementAfterTaken = true;
return false;
if(Direction.L==1 && !MeasurementAfterTaken){ // Which means turn Left Counter-Clockwise Rotations are in Odometry Positive!
if((CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < PI/2 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > PI/2 - ROT_DEV)||\
(CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < -3*PI/2 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > -3*PI/2 - ROT_DEV)){
// Turn is finished, make a new measurement now
StoredDistance = takeMeasurement(io,scan);
MeasurementAfterTaken = true;
return false;
if(Direction.B==1 && !MeasurementAfterTaken){ // Which means U-turn
if((CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < -PI + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > -PI - ROT_DEV)||\
(CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < +PI + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > +PI - ROT_DEV)){
// Turn is finished, make a new measurement now
StoredDistance = takeMeasurement(io,scan);
MeasurementAfterTaken = true;
return false;
if(Direction.R==1 && MeasurementAfterTaken){
if((CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < -3*PI/4 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > -3*PI/4 - ROT_DEV)||\
(CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < 5*PI/4 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > 5*PI/4 - ROT_DEV)){
UTurnDetected = true;
if(Direction.L==1 && MeasurementAfterTaken){
if((CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < 3*PI/4 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > 3*PI/4 - ROT_DEV)||\
(CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a < -5*PI/4 + ROT_DEV && CurrentOdometry.a - SavedOdometry.a > -5*PI/4 - ROT_DEV)){
UTurnDetected = true;
return MeasurementAfterTaken;
#include <emc/io.h>
// ########## Robot Position ##########
#define ROT_DEV 0.1
#define SPEC_SIT_RADIUS 0.3
#define PI 3.14
enum Orient { North, West, South, East };
struct globalPosition{
double PositionX;
double PositionY;
Orient Orientation;
} ;
struct choices{
int F;
int R;
int B;
int L;
class robotPosition {
unsigned int NrPointsPerSide;
globalPosition PICOPosition;
globalPosition CurrentLandMark;
double StoredDistance;
emc::OdometryData SavedOdometry;
emc::OdometryData CurrentOdometry;
// Private Functions:
// --- takeMeasurement
double takeMeasurement(emc::IO &io, emc::LaserData &scan);
// --- updatePICOPositionAfter
void updatePICOPositionAfter(choices Direction, emc::OdometryData& CurrentOdo);
// --- secondCoordinateLandMark
globalPosition secondCoordinateLandMark(emc::OdometryData& CurrentOdo);
// --- updatePICOPositionBefore
void updatePICOPositionBefore(double DistanceFromLastLandmark);
// --- estimateLandMarkPosition
void estimateLandMarkPosition();
// --- firstCoordinateLandMark
void firstCoordinateLandMark();
bool MeasurementAfterTaken;
bool CornerFininshed;
bool UTurnDetected;
// --- Constructor
robotPosition(unsigned int NrPoints);
// --- initialDistance
void initialDistance(emc::IO &io, emc::LaserData &scan);
// --- readyForCorner
void readyForCorner(emc::IO& io, emc::LaserData& scan);
// --- Cornering
bool Cornering(choices Direction, emc::IO& io, emc::LaserData& scan);
// --- presentPICOPosition
void presentPICOPosition();
// --- presentLandMarkPosition
void presentLandMarkPosition();
// --- presentAngle
void presentAngle();
// --- getGlobalXPos
double getGlobalXPos();
// --- getGlobalYPos
double getGlobalYPos();
// --- CorneringFinished
void CorneringFinished(choices Direction);
// --- Destructor
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