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Created September 17, 2017 17:58
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RT #132108 Test output should not be buffered even for non-TTYs (prove -j 8 …)
    + Merge pull request #1156 from book/book/enum-pred-succ [627de783]
    + Fix path for Collation tests [e6a695b2]
    + Log remaining changes [bdbb7e4a]
    + Update ChangeLog with more Unicode/string related MoarVM changes [24d6c66f]
    + refer to "want list?" var in permutations iterator properly [1ca81432]
    + same fix for Combinations as Permutations [488ca6f0]
    + Resolve Releasable warnings [b76f7ccb]
    + Fix needless buffering when running prove with -j [d3f542d6]
    + Oops. Un-buffer stderr, not stdin [aca6f9bf]
    + Frequent bumps are good before the release [85514723]
    + Merge pull request #1160 from rakudo/unbuffered-for-prove [9073a4dc]
    + remove bad comment of srand [9eeb3571]
    + Merge pull request #1161 from Gnouc/nom [7b9e1037]
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