UTC: 2022-06-09 10:03
This file is automatically generated by the update_all.ps1 script using the AU module.
Ignored | History | Force Test | Releases | TESTING AU NEXT VERSION
Finished 5 packages after .87 minutes.
1 updated, 1 pushed, 0 ignored
1 errors - 1 update, 0 push.
Icon | Name | Updated | Pushed | RemoteVersion | NuspecVersion |
prtgdesktop | True 🔸 | True | 22.7.0 | 22.6.0 |
Icon | Name | RemoteVersion | NuspecVersion | Error |
ssis-vs2019 | 4.0 | Can't validate URL; Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (429).":https://marketplace.visualstud ... |
Can't validate URL
Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (429).":https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/SSIS/vsextensions/SqlServerIntegrationServicesProjects/4.0/vspackage
Icon | Name | Updated | Pushed | RemoteVersion | NuspecVersion |
bower | False | False | 1.8.12 | 1.8.12 | |
gulp-cli | False | False | 2.3.0 | | |
markdownlint-cli | False | False | 0.31.1 | 0.31.1 | |
prtgdesktop | True 🔸 | True | 22.7.0 | 22.6.0 |
bower - checking updates using au version 2021.7.18
URL check
nuspec version: 1.8.12
remote version: 1.8.12
No new version found
gulp-cli - checking updates using au version 2021.7.18
URL check
nuspec version:
remote version: 2.3.0
No new version found
markdownlint-cli - checking updates using au version 2021.7.18
URL check
nuspec version: 0.31.1
remote version: 0.31.1
No new version found
prtgdesktop - checking updates using au version 2021.7.18
URL check
nuspec version: 22.6.0
remote version: 22.7.0
New version is available
Automatic checksum skipped
Setting package description from README.md
Updating files
$Latest data:
Checksum32 (String) 7d92fb95a228c4d4f01644de4da5cc105dbde420
Checksum64 (String) 2aa7c1f192fa3877b56f3693e06ccaf98876601b
ChecksumType32 (String) SHA1
ChecksumType64 (String) SHA1
FileType (String) exe
NuspecVersion (String) 22.6.0
PackageName (String) prtgdesktop
Url32 (String) https://downloads.paessler.com/prtg_desktop/22.7.0/32bit/prtg-desktop-offline-22.7.0-32bit.exe
Url64 (String) https://downloads.paessler.com/prtg_desktop/22.7.0/64bit/prtg-desktop-offline-22.7.0-64bit.exe
Version (String) 22.7.0
setting id: prtgdesktop
updating version: 22.6.0 -> 22.7.0
(\s*checksum64\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"2aa7c1f192fa3877b56f3693e06ccaf98876601b"
(\s*url\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"https://downloads.paessler.com/prtg_desktop/22.7.0/32bit/prtg-desktop-offline-22.7.0-32bit.exe"
(\s*checksumType\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"SHA1"
(\s*url64\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"https://downloads.paessler.com/prtg_desktop/22.7.0/64bit/prtg-desktop-offline-22.7.0-64bit.exe"
(\s*checksumType64\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"SHA1"
(\s*checksum\s*=\s*)"([^*]+)" = $1"7d92fb95a228c4d4f01644de4da5cc105dbde420"
Attempting to build package from 'prtgdesktop.nuspec'.
Successfully created package 'D:\a\1\s\automatic\prtgdesktop\prtgdesktop.22.7.0.nupkg'
Package updated
Chocolatey v0.10.13
2 validations performed. 1 success(es), 1 warning(s), and 0 error(s).
Validation Warnings:
- A pending system reboot request has been detected, however, this is
being ignored due to the current command being used 'push'.
It is recommended that you reboot at your earliest convenience.
Attempting to push prtgdesktop.22.7.0.nupkg to https://push.chocolatey.org
prtgdesktop 22.7.0 was pushed successfully to https://push.chocolatey.org