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Биография шекспира на английском языке с переводом

Биография шекспира на английском языке с переводом

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Биография Уильяма Шекспира
топик Уильям Шекспир (2) / William Shakespeare (2) с переводом
Биография Шекспира на английском языке

Уильям Шекспир краткая биография. For all his fame and celebration, William Shakespeare remains a mysterious figure with regards to personal history. There are just two primary sources for information on the Bard: Naturally, there are many gaps in this body of information, which tells us little about Shakespeare the man. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, allegedly on April 23, Church records from Holy Trinity Church indicate that he was baptized there on April 26, Young William was born of John Shakespeare, a glover and leather merchant, and Mary Arden, a landed local heiress. William, according to the church register, was the third of eight children in the Shakespeare household—three of whom died in childhood. His fortunes declined, however, in the late s. It is surmised by scholars that Shakespeare attended the free grammar school in Stratford, which at the time had a reputation to rival that of Eton. As the records do not exist, we do not know how long William attended the school, but certainly the literary quality of his works suggest a solid education. What is certain is that William Shakespeare never proceeded to university schooling, which has stirred some of the debate concerning the authorship of his works. William was 18 at the time, and Anne was 26—and pregnant. Their first daughter, Susanna, was born on May 26, The couple later had twins, Hamnet and Judith, born February 2, and christened at Holy Trinity. Hamnet died in childhood at the age of 11, on August 11, For the seven years following the birth of his twins, William Shakespeare disappears from all records, finally turning up again in London some time in Rowe notes that young Shakespeare was quite fond of poaching, and may have had to flee Stratford after an incident with Sir Thomas Lucy, whose deer and rabbits he allegedly poached. There is also rumor of Shakespeare working as an assistant schoolmaster in Lancashire for a time, though this is circumstantial at best. It is estimated that Shakespeare arrived in London around and began to establish himself as an actor and playwright. Evidently, Shakespeare garnered envy early on for his talent, as related by the critical attack of Robert Greene, a London playwright, in His company was the most successful in London in his day. He had plays published and sold in octavo editions, or "penny-copies" to the more literate of his audiences. Never before had a playwright enjoyed sufficient acclaim to see his works published and sold as popular literature in the midst of his career. While Shakespeare might not be accounted wealthy by London standards, his success allowed him to purchase New House and retire in comfort to Stratford in William Shakespeare wrote his will in , bequeathing his properties to his daughter Susanna married in to Dr. To his surviving daughter Judith, he left? This is probably more of a romantic myth than reality, but Shakespeare was interred at Holy Trinity in Stratford on April His words have endured for years, and still reach across the centuries as powerfully as ever. Even in death, he leaves a final piece of verse as his epitaph:. Blessed be the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Биография Уильяма Шекспира на английском языке. Публикация и использование любых материалов сайта на других проектах и в СМИ запрещено! Нарушители будут преследоваться по закону! По всем вопросам, замечаниям, предложениям обращайтесь homeenglish mail. Even in death, he leaves a final piece of verse as his epitaph:

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