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Проблемы высшего образования в сша

Проблемы высшего образования в сша

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Система образования в США
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Proceedings and debates of the th Congress. Digest of Educational Statiatics, Chronology, documents, bibliographical aid. Manpower report of the President. The American Economic Review. The American political Science Review. US News World Report. Training Handbook and Reference Guide for Evaluators of Educational Qualifications.. Philosophy and education The latter works - University in the Modern World. Education and the New America. State and Local Government: Social Forces Influencing American Education NSSE. Oceania The Eisenhower diaries. President"s recommendations relating to education. Colonial Times to Bloomington; School Review NY. State and local government: Formative Ideas in American Education. The Great Training Robbery NY, Higher Education and Social Stratification UNESCO, Paris, American Higher Education NY, American Higher Education, Academic Science, Higher Education and the Federal Government: Ideological Coalitions in Congress, London Le systeme educatif americain. The latter works - J Training Handbook and Reference Guide for Evaluators of Educational Qualifications.. University in the modern world. America in the technotronic Age. The uses of the University. Accounting on the United States economic growth - Economic value of education. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. President"s Recommendations Relating to Education.

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Проблемы высшего образования в США
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