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Created November 29, 2017 23:02
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OBS 20.1.3 (64bit, windows) log file uploaded at 2017-11-29, 18:02:40
17:20:18.299: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz
17:20:18.299: CPU Speed: 3312MHz
17:20:18.299: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
17:20:18.299: Physical Memory: 16336MB Total, 11976MB Free
17:20:18.299: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 15063 (revision: 726; 64-bit)
17:20:18.299: Running as administrator: false
17:20:18.299: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
17:20:18.299: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
17:20:18.299: Game Bar: Off
17:20:18.299: Game DVR Allowed: Yes
17:20:18.299: Game DVR: On
17:20:18.299: Game DVR Background Recording: Off
17:20:18.300: Game Mode: Off
17:20:18.300: Portable mode: false
17:20:18.311: OBS 20.1.3 (64bit, windows)
17:20:18.311: ---------------------------------
17:20:18.312: ---------------------------------
17:20:18.312: audio settings reset:
17:20:18.312: samples per sec: 48000
17:20:18.312: speakers: 2
17:20:18.313: ---------------------------------
17:20:18.313: Initializing D3D11...
17:20:18.313: Available Video Adapters:
17:20:18.315: Adapter 1: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
17:20:18.315: Dedicated VRAM: 2127134720
17:20:18.315: Shared VRAM: 4270135296
17:20:18.315: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1600, 900}, attached=true
17:20:18.315: output 2: pos={-1920, -81}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
17:20:18.316: Loading up D3D11 on adapter AMD Radeon R7 200 Series (0)
17:20:18.328: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
17:20:18.945: ---------------------------------
17:20:18.945: video settings reset:
17:20:18.945: base resolution: 1600x900
17:20:18.945: output resolution: 1064x600
17:20:18.945: downscale filter: Bicubic
17:20:18.945: fps: 60/1
17:20:18.945: format: NV12
17:20:18.946: Audio monitoring device:
17:20:18.946: name: Default
17:20:18.946: id: default
17:20:18.946: ---------------------------------
17:20:18.948: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
17:20:18.949: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
17:20:18.951: [AMF] Version 2.2.4 loaded (Compiled:, Runtime:, Library: 1;4;4;0;17.30.1041;201707201852;CL#1437322).
17:20:19.003: [AMF] <Id: 1> Unable to create H264/AVC encoder, error AMF_NOT_SUPPORTED (code 10)
17:20:19.026: [AMF] <Id: 2> Unable to create H265/HEVC encoder, error AMF_ENCODER_NOT_PRESENT (code 36)
17:20:19.059: [AMF] <Id: 3> Unable to create H264/AVC encoder, error AMF_NOT_SUPPORTED (code 10)
17:20:19.090: [AMF] <Id: 4> Unable to create H265/HEVC encoder, error AMF_ENCODER_NOT_PRESENT (code 36)
17:20:19.090: [AMF] [H264/AVC] Not supported by any GPU, disabling...
17:20:19.090: [AMF] [H265/HEVC] Not supported by any GPU, disabling...
17:20:19.097: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
17:20:19.098: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
17:20:19.098: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
17:20:19.098: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
17:20:19.098: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.29.0']
17:20:19.100: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI64.dll': The specified module could not be found.
17:20:19.100: (126)
17:20:19.391: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
17:20:19.398: No blackmagic support
17:20:19.415: ---------------------------------
17:20:19.415: Loaded Modules:
17:20:19.415: win-wasapi.dll
17:20:19.415: win-mf.dll
17:20:19.415: win-dshow.dll
17:20:19.415: win-decklink.dll
17:20:19.415: win-capture.dll
17:20:19.415: vlc-video.dll
17:20:19.415: text-freetype2.dll
17:20:19.415: rtmp-services.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-x264.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-vst.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-transitions.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-text.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-qsv11.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-outputs.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-filters.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-ffmpeg.dll
17:20:19.415: obs-browser.dll
17:20:19.415: image-source.dll
17:20:19.415: frontend-tools.dll
17:20:19.415: enc-amf.dll
17:20:19.415: coreaudio-encoder.dll
17:20:19.415: ---------------------------------
17:20:19.415: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
17:20:19.416: Encoder ID 'ffmpeg_nvenc' not found
17:20:19.416: Encoder ID 'ffmpeg_nvenc' not found
17:20:19.417: All scene data cleared
17:20:19.417: ------------------------------------------------
17:20:19.437: WASAPI: Device '1 - SAMSUNG (AMD High Definition Audio Device)' initialized
17:20:19.437: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{c55ead24-b065-494d-8fd9-7640592273e5}' not found. Waiting for device
17:20:19.443: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Afterglow Universal Wireless Gaming Headset)' initialized
17:20:19.447: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Afterglow Universal Wireless Gaming Headset)' initialized
17:20:19.451: Switched to scene 'pvp,net'
17:20:19.451: ------------------------------------------------
17:20:19.451: Loaded scenes:
17:20:19.451: - scene 'Scene':
17:20:19.451: - scene 'pvp,net':
17:20:19.451: - source: 'Window Capture' (window_capture)
17:20:19.451: - source: 'Audio Input Capture' (wasapi_input_capture)
17:20:19.451: - scene 'in-game':
17:20:19.451: - source: 'Window Capture 2' (window_capture)
17:20:19.451: - source: 'Audio Input Capture 2' (wasapi_input_capture)
17:20:19.451: ------------------------------------------------
17:20:19.482: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 21 milliseconds
17:20:19.705: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds
17:21:41.368: Encoder ID 'ffmpeg_nvenc' not found
17:21:41.377: Settings changed (outputs)
17:21:41.377: ------------------------------------------------
17:21:43.013: Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!
17:22:25.067: Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!
17:23:22.424: Encoder ID 'ffmpeg_nvenc' not found
17:23:22.429: Settings changed (outputs)
17:23:22.429: ------------------------------------------------
17:26:43.453: Encoder ID 'ffmpeg_nvenc' not found
17:26:43.471: Settings changed (general, outputs)
17:26:43.471: ------------------------------------------------
17:26:53.699: Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!
17:27:27.950: Device Remove/Reset! Rebuilding all assets...
17:27:29.758: Device '1 - SAMSUNG (AMD High Definition Audio Device)' invalidated. Retrying
17:27:33.116: WASAPI: Device '1 - SAMSUNG (AMD High Definition Audio Device)' initialized
17:29:37.499: ---------------------------------
17:29:37.499: video settings reset:
17:29:37.499: base resolution: 1600x900
17:29:37.499: output resolution: 1064x600
17:29:37.499: downscale filter: Bicubic
17:29:37.499: fps: 60/1
17:29:37.499: format: NV12
17:29:37.526: Settings changed (advanced)
17:29:37.527: ------------------------------------------------
17:29:38.385: Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!
17:29:54.119: ==== Shutting down ==================================================
17:29:54.267: Switched to scene '(null)'
17:29:54.268: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Afterglow Universal Wireless Gaming Headset)' Terminated
17:29:54.308: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Afterglow Universal Wireless Gaming Headset)' Terminated
17:29:54.326: WASAPI: Device '1 - SAMSUNG (AMD High Definition Audio Device)' Terminated
17:29:54.346: All scene data cleared
17:29:54.346: ------------------------------------------------
17:29:54.437: Freeing OBS context data
17:29:54.455: == Profiler Results =============================
17:29:54.455: run_program_init: 1243.55 ms
17:29:54.455: ┣OBSApp::AppInit: 9.802 ms
17:29:54.455: ┃ ┗OBSApp::InitLocale: 0.951 ms
17:29:54.455: ┗OBSApp::OBSInit: 1226.29 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣obs_startup: 1.264 ms
17:29:54.456: ┗OBSBasic::OBSInit: 1197.28 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::InitBasicConfig: 0.587 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::ResetAudio: 0.169 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::ResetVideo: 633.762 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::InitOBSCallbacks: 0.004 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::InitHotkeys: 0.059 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣obs_load_all_modules: 469.438 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(coreaudio-encoder.dll): 0.619 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(enc-amf.dll): 140.952 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(frontend-tools.dll): 1.535 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(image-source.dll): 0.003 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-browser.dll): 0.04 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-ffmpeg.dll): 0.423 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-filters.dll): 0.013 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-outputs.dll): 0.004 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-qsv11.dll): 284.053 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-text.dll): 0.382 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-transitions.dll): 0.005 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-vst.dll): 0.002 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-x264.dll): 0.002 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(rtmp-services.dll): 0.795 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(text-freetype2.dll): 0.044 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(vlc-video.dll): 0.027 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-capture.dll): 0.05 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-decklink.dll): 5.417 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-dshow.dll): 0.935 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-mf.dll): 14.133 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-wasapi.dll): 0.003 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┗reset_win32_symbol_paths: 0.085 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: 0.397 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::CreateHotkeys: 0.024 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::InitService: 0.807 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣OBSBasic::InitPrimitives: 0.125 ms
17:29:54.456: ┗OBSBasic::Load: 34.081 ms
17:29:54.456: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=0.002 ms, median=0.009 ms, max=1717.42 ms, 99th percentile=0.485 ms, 99.9676% below 25 ms
17:29:54.456: audio_thread(Audio): min=0 ms, median=0.068 ms, max=4.524 ms, 99th percentile=0.217 ms
17:29:54.456: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.201 ms, median=4.762 ms, max=2218.15 ms, 99th percentile=29.992 ms, 80.7343% below 16.667 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣tick_sources: min=0.001 ms, median=2.201 ms, max=2190.55 ms, 99th percentile=16.939 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣render_displays: min=0.001 ms, median=0.601 ms, max=128.132 ms, 99th percentile=27.13 ms
17:29:54.456: ┗output_frame: min=0.152 ms, median=0.501 ms, max=65.283 ms, 99th percentile=0.863 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.069 ms, median=0.324 ms, max=65.179 ms, 99th percentile=0.593 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.026 ms, median=0.081 ms, max=63.162 ms, 99th percentile=0.475 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┣render_main_texture: min=0.003 ms, median=0.013 ms, max=9.496 ms, 99th percentile=0.034 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┣render_output_texture: min=0.002 ms, median=0.032 ms, max=34.215 ms, 99th percentile=0.079 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┣render_convert_texture: min=0 ms, median=0.02 ms, max=19.327 ms, 99th percentile=0.057 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┗stage_output_texture: min=0 ms, median=0.011 ms, max=15.521 ms, 99th percentile=0.295 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.007 ms, max=29.82 ms, 99th percentile=0.017 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┗gs_flush: min=0.008 ms, median=0.159 ms, max=7.864 ms, 99th percentile=0.42 ms
17:29:54.456: ┗output_video_data: min=0.076 ms, median=0.156 ms, max=16.405 ms, 99th percentile=0.32 ms
17:29:54.456: video_thread(video): min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=0.119 ms, 99th percentile=0.016 ms
17:29:54.456: OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: min=0.172 ms, median=0.175 ms, max=0.298 ms, 99th percentile=0.298 ms
17:29:54.456: OBSBasic::ResetVideo: 5.129 ms
17:29:54.456: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.464 ms, median=19.766 ms, max=44.702 ms, 99th percentile=32.484 ms, 0.745342% below 16.667 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣tick_sources: min=0 ms, median=0.877 ms, max=35.348 ms, 99th percentile=18.883 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣render_displays: min=0.002 ms, median=17.92 ms, max=43.321 ms, 99th percentile=30.387 ms
17:29:54.456: ┗output_frame: min=0.07 ms, median=0.618 ms, max=25.512 ms, 99th percentile=1.054 ms
17:29:54.456: ┣gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.069 ms, median=0.449 ms, max=25.278 ms, 99th percentile=0.626 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.045 ms, median=0.405 ms, max=25.246 ms, 99th percentile=0.517 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┣render_main_texture: min=0.017 ms, median=0.022 ms, max=24.967 ms, 99th percentile=0.065 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┣render_output_texture: min=0.002 ms, median=0.058 ms, max=0.283 ms, 99th percentile=0.125 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┣render_convert_texture: min=0.001 ms, median=0.045 ms, max=0.627 ms, 99th percentile=0.083 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┃ ┗stage_output_texture: min=0 ms, median=0.255 ms, max=1.967 ms, 99th percentile=0.371 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=0.013 ms, 99th percentile=0.003 ms
17:29:54.456: ┃ ┗gs_flush: min=0.016 ms, median=0.036 ms, max=0.368 ms, 99th percentile=0.087 ms
17:29:54.456: ┗output_video_data: min=0.079 ms, median=0.164 ms, max=3.062 ms, 99th percentile=0.369 ms
17:29:54.456: video_thread(video): min=0 ms, median=0.001 ms, max=0.011 ms, 99th percentile=0.004 ms
17:29:54.456: =================================================
17:29:54.456: == Profiler Time Between Calls ==================
17:29:54.456: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=24.578 ms, median=25.263 ms, max=1742.19 ms, 71.7632% within ±2% of 25 ms (0% lower, 28.2368% higher)
17:29:54.456: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=1.639 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=2218.17 ms, 78.9439% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (1.31779% lower, 19.7383% higher)
17:29:54.456: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=4.463 ms, median=19.78 ms, max=44.709 ms, 0.124378% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.124378% lower, 99.7512% higher)
17:29:54.456: =================================================
17:29:54.625: Number of memory leaks: 1
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