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Beginners Guide to Data Types


Text, using ""; for example:

  1. "My name is Bailey"
  2. "I live in Denver, CO."

Integers & Floats


What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

Empathy is the foundation for all my strongest relationships. The ability to connect with other people through their experiences has allowed me to build lasting friendships and recognize the complexity of each individual. It has changed the way I see the world and not take anyone for granted. There have been countless times in my life that practicing empathy has made me a better listener and all around person because putting yourself in someone else's shoes forces you to reframe a problem or situation.

I used to work as a graphic designer for a nonprofit in downtown Denver called The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. A big part of my job was creating resources for individuals, especially educators, that illustrated ways to teach kindness and empathy and practice them in your daily life. Making these graphics and reading the comments from strangers that followed our social media channels made me recognize the importance of

baileydunning /
Created November 4, 2020 20:06
Overlook: class structure planning


Data Model


{"id":1, "name":"Leatha Ullrich"}

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings