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Michaël Gallego bakura10

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* The task is to rewrite the Hydrator component using the RecursiveIteratorIterator stuff. This will allow us A LOT
* of nice stuff, while being able to still have speed thanks to the C implementation. The most important things of
* using RecursiveIteratorIterator is to allow the usage of setMaxDepth, as well as plug FilterIterator (current hydrator
* filters are slow)
* The idea is to allow the hydrators recursively hydrate other things. For instance, if we have:
class ObjectA
Another idea I had was to create a pre_routing middleware, that would change the URL, so that next step Expressive would
"dispatch" to the next middleware
class MyMiddleware
private $mapping;
public function __invoke($request, $response, $out)
$var = $request->getAttribute('job');
$middleware = $this->mapping[$var];
hpclass AdminEditForm extends Form
* {@inheritDoc}
public function init()
'type' => 'User\Form\UserFieldset',
'name' => 'user',
public function coucou()
foreach ($this->nSide as $n) {
namespace SlmQueue\Controller;
use SlmQueue\Controller\Exception\WorkerProcessException;
use SlmQueue\Exception\SlmQueueExceptionInterface;
use SlmQueue\Worker\WorkerInterface;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
* @license MIT
* @author Michaël Gallego <>
class RestAggregateHydrator extends AggregateHydrator
* Hydrators are runned in a specific order to allow pre-process at each step
return array(
'queue_manager' => array(
'my-object' => array(
'factory' => 'MyFactory',
'options' => array(
* @ORM\Entity
* @REST\Controller(item="UserItemController", collection="UsersController")
class User
* @REST\ExposeAssociation
public function getLatestMissions($categoryId = null, $query = null)
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
// blabla
$query = $qb->getQuery()
->useResultCache(true, 480);
$paginatorAdapter = new PaginatorAdapter(new DoctrinePaginator($query, true));