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public static float LerpF( float value, float in0, float in1, float out0, float out1 )
float normed = (value - in0) / (in1 - in0);
float result = out0 + (normed * (out1 - out0));
return result;
balaam / gist:ea47ba520cbf40bcfc2e
Created July 30, 2014 07:12
Combinitoric mess
function clone(s)
local t = {}
for k, v in pairs(s) do
t[k] = v
return t
-- Generate all possible combinations, then filter
list =
{n="old", p=1}
function add(effect)
for i = 1, #list do
local priority = list[i].p
local BACKUP_PATH = "./backup/"
function dofile (filename)
local f = assert(loadfile(filename))
return f()
balaam / gist:ae6378ca4f149de36c6c
Created November 14, 2014 09:22
Unity Serialiser Helpers
public struct SaveDataVector3
float x, y, z;
public SaveDataVector3(Vector3 v)
x = v.x;
y = v.y;
z = v.z;
list =
{ y = 2 },
{ y = 3 },
{ y = 1 },
{ y = 1 },
{ y = 8 },
table.sort(list, function(a, b) return a.y > b.y end)
balaam / Pandoc hackery
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Hackery for pandoc
s = "![Encounter tileset.](./collision_tileset.png)\\"
s = string.gsub(s, "!%[(.-)]%s*%((.-)%)%s*\\",
function(comment, path)
local ret = "![%s](%s)\\\n\\begin{center} \\emph{%s} \\end{center}\n\n"
return string.format(ret, comment, path, comment)
local addFigs = true
-- print("Markdown -> TeX")
-- print("...")
-- os.execute('pandoc -s ./ -o ./middle.tex --latex-engine="xelatex" -V --highlight-style espresso documentclass="report"')
-- print("Done.")
-- print(" ")
-- print("TeX -> PDF")
balaam / gist:2850821296a924d81af4
Created July 30, 2015 03:54
Lua code for a fractional function.
function frac(v)
return v - math.floor(v)
print(1.6, frac(1.6))
print(2.0, frac(2.0))
print(1356.9999, frac(1356.9999))
balaam / stats.lua
Last active September 2, 2015 04:09
mBase =
body = 4,
mind = 5,
vitality = function(stats)
local bodyWeighting = 0.5
local mindWeight = 0.1
return stats:Get("body") * bodyWeighting + stats:Get("mind") * mindWeight
hp_max = function(stats)