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Created December 2, 2020 07:35
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pyinstaller tutorial
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"source": "# Using Pyinstaller\n\n### Python workshop - Fabien Mathieu"
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"source": "``pyinstaller`` creates standalone executables from Python. It is for situations where you cannot / don't want to install things on a computer:\n- Make a portable version of your program\n- Computer dedicated to a demo (USB thumb) / VPC (net drive)"
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"source": "This tutorial is for Windows 10 with Conda. The way to use pyinstaller may slightly differ on other os/Python distribs."
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"source": "You need a ``.py`` file! See the examples provided separately."
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"source": "You need to create a minimal environment. We call the one for the tutorial myplot_env\n- Check your environments with ``conda env list``\n- Create your environment with ``conda create --no-default-packages -n myplot_env python``\n - ``no-default-packages`` ensures you just have things like ``python``, ``pip``, and ``setuptools``\n - ``python`` will install the latest stable distribution\n- Enter your environment with ``conda activate myplot_env``\n- Tips:\n - Don't use the python native ``venv`` command to create a venv if you have a conda distribution. It didn't work for me (isolation issues)."
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"source": "Make your code run in the venv\n- Does ``python`` work?\n - *hello world* should.\n - *plot* should miss ``numpy`` and ``matplotlib``.\n- Do ``pip install packagename`` until it does.\n - ``conda`` and ``pip`` have not the same way to install packages. ``numpy`` is much more compact with ``pip install`` than with ``conda install``.\n - This is why you do ``pip`` (smaller footprint) inside a ``conda`` venv (easy to set).\n- Note that some devs usually start writing their code (step #1) directly inside the venv to avoid the ``pip`` trial and error.\n - Pro: no trial and error\n - Con: high probability to pollute your venv with useless packages"
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"source": "- Leave the venv: ``conda deactivate``\n- Remove the environment: ``conda remove --name myplot_env --all``\n- Remove the ``build`` dir"
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