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hofmannsven /
Last active February 2, 2024 20:47
Raspberry Pi Cheatsheet
blacktm /
Last active May 26, 2024 15:13
A Bash script to install Ruby on the Raspberry Pi
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installs Ruby using rbenv/ruby-build on the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)
# Run from the web:
# bash <(curl -s
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the Ruby version you want to install
dpickett /
Created December 1, 2010 15:31
scripted way to start your work in a Rails project
export WORKING_DIR=~/work/textaurant
cd $WORKING_DIR; mvim; gitx
tmux start-server
tmux new-session -d -s Textaurant -n work
tmux new-window -tTextaurant:1 -n server
tmux new-window -tTextaurant:2 -n test
tmux send-keys -tTextaurant:0 'cd $WORKING_DIR' C-m
thilo / custom_steps.rb
Created June 4, 2010 09:33 — forked from terrainoob/custom_steps.rb
capybara with subdomains
Given /^I visit subdomain "(.+)"$/ do |sub|
#host! "#{sub}" #for webrat
Capybara.default_host = "#{sub}" #for Rack::Test
Capybara.app_host = "http://#{sub}" if Capybara.current_driver == :culerity
# As far as I know, you have to put all the {sub} entries that you're
# using in your /etc/hosts file for the Culerity tests. This didn't seem to be
# required for Rack::Test