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| INFO: The new image(s) can be found here:
| /home/ed/git/intel-iot-refkit/build/tmp-glibc/work/intel_corei7_64-refkit-linux/refkit-image-minimal/1.0-r0/deploy-refkit-image-minimal-image-complete/refkit-image-minimal-intel-corei7-64-20170913143406/
| The following build artifacts were used to create the image(s):
| ROOTFS_DIR["primary_uefi"]: /home/ed/git/intel-iot-refkit/build/tmp-glibc/work/intel_corei7_64-refkit-linux/refkit-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/boot
| ROOTFS_DIR["secondary_uefi"]: /home/ed/git/intel-iot-refkit/build/tmp-glibc/work/intel_corei7_64-refkit-linux/refkit-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/boot
| ROOTFS_DIR: /home/ed/git/intel-iot-refkit/build/tmp-glibc/work/intel_corei7_64-refkit-linux/refkit-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs
| BOOTIMG_DIR: /home/ed/git/intel-iot-refkit/build/tmp-glibc/work/intel_corei7_64-refkit-linux/refkit-image-minimal/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/share
| KERNEL_DIR: /hom
#!/bin/sh -e
# prepare minimal debian directory
BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d --suffix=-kubeadm-build -p .)
mkdir debian
cat <<EOF > debian/control
$ ./
Starting Portfolio Value: 10000000.00
info: 2017-03-03 13:05:00, ETH/USDT: **** Long Entry ****
info: 2017-03-03 13:05:00, ETH/USDT: position: 0 calc position size: 1650.215085505904
info: 2017-03-03 13:10:00, ETH/USDT: 1 order executed: price: 19.05, value: 31436.60, commm 0.00, cost basis: 19.05, stock price: 19.15
info: 2017-03-03 13:10:00, entry price: 19.04999991
info: 2017-03-03 13:10:00, (long position) stop loss order 2, stock = ETH/USDT, entry price = 19.04999991, stop price = 18.444018296582964
info: 2017-03-04 11:10:00, long trail exit order id = 3, stock = ETH/USDT, trail exit price = 19.212522983228705
info: 2017-03-04 11:15:00, ETH/USDT: 3 order executed: price: 19.15, value: 31436.60, commm 0.00, cost basis: 19.05, stock price: 19.19
// Allocate is the call that you can use to allocate a set of devices
// from the registered device plugins.
func (m *ManagerImpl) Allocate(node *schedulercache.NodeInfo, attrs *lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes) error {
pod := attrs.Pod
devicesToReuse := make(map[string]sets.String)
// TODO: Reuse devices between init containers and regular containers.
for _, container := range pod.Spec.InitContainers {
if err := m.allocateContainerResources(pod, &container, devicesToReuse); err != nil {
return err
func (m *ManagerImpl) allocateContainerResources(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, devicesToReuse map[string]sets.String) error {
for k, v := range container.Resources.Limits {
glog.V(3).Infof("Making allocation request for devices %v for device plugin %s", devs, resource)
resp, err := e.allocate(devs, pod.Annotations)
// allocate issues Allocate gRPC call to the device plugin.
func (e *endpointImpl) allocate(devs []string, podAnnotations map[string]string) (*pluginapi.AllocateResponse, error) {
if e.isStopped() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(errEndpointStopped, e)
return e.client.Allocate(context.Background(), &pluginapi.AllocateRequest{
ContainerRequests: []*pluginapi.ContainerAllocateRequest{
DevicesIDs: devs,
PodAnnotations: podAnnotations,
$ CSVDIR=./csvdir zipline ingest -b csvdir
Loading custom pricing data: [####################################] 100%[2017-10-14 16:20:29.459062] DEBUG: SSO: sid 0
Loading custom pricing data: [####################################] 100%
Merging daily equity files: [####################################]
$ zipline run -f ./ --state-file ./bla --bundle csvdir --data-frequency daily --start 2017-8-1 --end 2017-9-1
[2017-10-14 16:22:57.106392] WARNING: Loader: Refusing to download new benchmark data because a download succeeded at 2017-10-14 16:07:40+00:00.
[2017-10-14 16:22:57.192596] INFO: algo: initialize: newvar does not exist yet
[2017-10-14 16:22:57.192704] INFO: algo: TradingAlgorithm(
$ find ./csvdir
$ CSVDIR=./csvdir zipline ingest -b csvdir
Loading custom pricing data: [####################################] 100%[2017-10-14 16:11:13.440816] DEBUG: SSO: sid 0
Loading custom pricing data: [####################################] 100%
Merging daily equity files: [####################################]
$ python -u ./ --port 7497 --clientId 1
Starting Portfolio Value: 0.00
Server Version: 76
TWS Time at connection:20170802 15:05:50 UTC
init done
debug: 2017-08-02 04:00:00, stdev: 1.19183891529
debug: 2017-08-02 04:00:00, stdev: 2.94351312894
debug: 2017-08-02 04:00:00, AAPL-STK-SMART-USD: position: 0:0.0, price: 159.2, high: 159.3, low: 159.19, stdev: 1.1918, gapdir: 0.94, gapz: -2.5000, nebe: 2.0000
debug: 2017-08-02 04:00:00, AAPL-STK-SMART-USD: close_today: 159.2, long_entry_target: 160.381838915, range_today_sd: 0.0922943516853, gapdir: 0.94
$ diff -u test/m4.stripped.patched.ok.txt test/m4.stripped.patched.nok.txt
--- test/m4.stripped.patched.ok.txt 2017-07-21 07:05:22.572000000 +0000
+++ test/m4.stripped.patched.nok.txt 2017-07-21 07:05:31.936000000 +0000
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
000000000000001c 0000000000000000 0 0 4
[28] .shstrtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 0002247c
0000000000000132 0000000000000000 0 0 1
- [29] .interp PROGBITS 000000000002d000 00023000
+ [29] .interp PROGBITS 0000000000023000 00023000
000000000000001c 0000000000000000 A 0 0 8