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Baurzhan Konurbayev baurzhan-konurbayev

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I'll be omitting syscalls with ellipsis.
The first thing that happens after you press enter is that bash resolves
curl to /usr/bin/curl and then forks(). The strace output is from the
forked process.
Fist execve() the /usr/bin/curl binary and pass an array of arguments to it.
execve("/usr/bin/curl", ["curl", ""], [/* 8 vars */]) = 0
t2psyto / gist:f5453707d2658173715f49293d096fe5
Created July 14, 2017 04:15
powershell oneliner for encode/decode base64 to file
# encode from binary file to base64txt
powershell -C "& {$outpath = (Join-Path (pwd) 'out_base64.txt'); $inpath = (Join-Path (pwd) 'data.jpg'); [IO.File]::WriteAllText($outpath, ([convert]::ToBase64String(([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($inpath)))))}"
# decode from base64txt to binary file
powershell -C "& {$outpath = (Join-Path (pwd) 'outdata2.jpg'); $inpath = (Join-Path (pwd) 'out_base64.txt'); [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outpath, ([convert]::FromBase64String(([IO.File]::ReadAllText($inpath)))))}"