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Documenting things

Brandon Weaver baweaver

Documenting things
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baweaver /
Last active March 7, 2023 04:43 — forked from blairanderson/
Dependency Injection in Ruby. Originally from Jim Weirich’s blog which does not exist except for googles cache. (I wanted headers, so fork it is)

Dependency Injection in Ruby 07 Oct 04


At the 2004 Ruby Conference, Jamis Buck had the unenviable task to explain Dependency Injection to a bunch of Ruby developers. First of all, Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC) is hard to explain, the benefits are subtle and the dynamic nature of Ruby make those benefits even more marginal. Furthermore examples using DI/IoC are either too simple (and don’t convey the usefulness) or too complex (and difficult to explain in the space of an article or presentation). I once attempted to explain DI/IoC to a room of Java programmers (see, so I can’t pass up trying to explain it to Ruby developers.

Thanks goes to Jamis Buck (the author of the Copland DI/IoC framework) who took the time to review this article and provide feedback.

What is Dependency Injection?

baweaver / serializer_benchmarks.rb
Created March 19, 2021 06:04 — forked from aishfenton/serializer_benchmarks.rb
Performance comparison of different ruby serializer methods
# sudo gem install bson
# sudo gem install bson_ext
# sudo gem install yajl-ruby
# sudo gem install json
# sudo gem install msgpack
require 'rubygems'
require 'benchmark'
require 'yaml'
require 'bson'
divisible_by = -> n, v { v % n == 0 }.curry
(1..100).each { |v|
puts case v
when divisible_by[15] then 'FizzBuzz'
when divisible_by[3] then 'Fizz'
when divisible_by[5] then 'Buzz'
grouped_join = -> join:, group_join:, group_count: 3 {
-> list {
list.each_slice(group_count).map { _1.join(join) }.join(group_join)
# 9x9 Game Board Grid
grid = [[*0..8]] * 9
cell_seperator = ' '
baweaver /
Created February 11, 2021 07:14
One more day to go.


Enumerable. Debatably one of, if not the, most powerful features in Ruby. As a majority of your time in programming is dealing with collections of items it's no surprise how frequently you'll see it used.



Some knowledge required of functions in Ruby. This post focuses on foundational and fundamental knowledge for Ruby programmers.


Enumerable. Debatably one of, if not the, most powerful features in Ruby. As a majority of your time in programming is dealing with collections of items it's no surprise how frequently you'll see it used.



Some knowledge required of functions in Ruby. This post focuses on foundational and fundamental knowledge for Ruby programmers.

def roman_numeral(n) = case n
in 1000..3000 then 'M' + roman_numeral(n - 1000)
in 900..999 then 'CM' + roman_numeral(n - 900)
in 500..899 then 'D' + roman_numeral(n - 500)
in 400..499 then 'CD' + roman_numeral(n - 400)
in 100..399 then 'C' + roman_numeral(n - 100)
in 90..99 then 'XC' + roman_numeral(n - 90)
in 50..89 then 'L' + roman_numeral(n - 50)
in 40..49 then 'XL' + roman_numeral(n - 40)
in 10..39 then 'X' + roman_numeral(n - 10)
# Pattern to match a link: <a/>
node in { name: 'a' }
# Pattern for a link with a class: <a class="foo"/>
node in { name: 'a', class: 'foo' }
# Pattern to select that link: <a class="foo">{.}</a>
node => { name: 'a', class: 'foo', children: }
# Pattern to select the target URL: <a class="foo" href="{.}"/>
baweaver / matchable_example.rb
Created January 31, 2021 07:42
Quick Pattern Matching interface demonstration
require 'matchable'
class Person
include Matchable
deconstruct :new
deconstruct_keys :name, :age
attr_reader :name, :age
baweaver / ruby_galaxy_poker_pattern_matching.rb
Created January 28, 2021 19:53
Variant of pattern matching example from RubyGalaxy talk
class Card
SUITS = %w(S H D C).freeze
RANKS = %w(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A).freeze
RANKS_SCORES = RANKS.each_with_index.to_h
include Comparable
attr_reader :suit, :rank
def initialize(suit, rank)