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Created August 24, 2017 08:46
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soa records bind

soa records bind

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List of DNS record types - Wikipedia Zone file - Wikipedia DNS資源紀錄(Resource Record)介紹 強いBIND DNSサーバを構築する 第五回 SOAレコードとゾーン転送 | ユーロテック情報システム販売株式会社 Chapter 8. DNS Resource Records (RRs) - ZYTRAX DNS Records Explained with Syntax and examples, DNS Zonendatei – Wikipedia SOA Resource Record – Wikipedia DNS: Understanding The SOA Record | Peer Wisdom What is a SOA record? - DNSimple Help This list of DNS record types is an overview of resource records (RRs) permissible in zone files of the Domain Name System (DNS). It also contains pseudo-RRs. In the hosting industry, the Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most critical pieces, right behind websites themselves. Without DNS, that website you Eine Zonendatei ist Teil der Konfiguration des Nameservers BIND für das Domain Name System. Sie besteht aus einer Liste von Resource Records (RR). What is a SOA record and how to add a SOA records in DNSimple. Chapter 8. DNS Resource Records (RRs) DNS resource records (RRs) describe the characteristics of a zone (or domain) and have a binary or wire-format, which 前回作成したbind dns マスターサーバのゾーン設定をたたき台として、soaレコードの各種パラメータとゾーン転送を SOA bedeutet Start of Authority (dt. Beginn der Zuständigkeit) und ist wichtiger Bestandteil einer Zonendatei im Domain Name System (DNS). Ein SOA-Record Start Of Authority,這種 record 放在 zone file 一開始的地方,每一個記錄檔只能有一個 SOA,而且一定是檔案中第一個“記錄 DNS Records Explained with Syntax and examples DNS Records Tutorials,A record,AAAA,NS,CNAME,MX,SOA,SRV,TXT,PTR,NAPTR File format. The format of a zone file is defined in RFC 1035 (section 5) and RFC 1034 (section ). This format was originally used by the Berkeley
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