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Last active November 14, 2015 14:44
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(int, int) LocateRange<TKey, TValue> (SortedList<TKey, TValue> list, Func<Tkey, bool> beforeRange, Func<Tkey, bool> inRange, Func<Tkey, bool> afterRange)
// searches list for the range of items that meet the specified criteria
// returns (-1, -1) if nothing found or the indices if it is
// example searching a string keyed list by items that start with some value:
// given:
// var list = SortedList<string, ...>
// string term
// call:
// let (var startIndex, var endIndex) = LocateRange(
// list,
// item => string.Compare(term, item) < 0 && !item.StartsWith(term),
// item => item.StartsWith(term),
// item => string.Compare(term, item) > 0
// );
var comparer = list.Comparer;
var length = list.Count;
// Implementation: joint binary search.
(int, int) SearchFirst(int i, int j, bool foundFirst, bool foundLast)
bool IsFirstFound(int index) => isInRange(list.Keys[index]) && (index < 1 || !isInRange(list.Keys[index - 1]));
bool CutLeft(int index) => beforeRange(list.Keys[index]) || IsFirstFound(index);
foundFirst = foundFirst || IsFirstFound(i);
if (i > j) return (-1, -1);
if (foundFirst && foundLast) return (i, j);
if (!foundFirst)
var testIndex = i + ((j - i) >> 1);
if (CutLeft(testIndex)) i = testIndex;
(int, int) SearchLast(int i, int j, bool foundFirst, bool foundLast)
bool IsLastFound(int index) => isInRange(list.Keys[index]) && (index > length - 2 || !isInRange(list.Keys[index + 1]));
bool CutRight(int index) => afterRange(list.Keys[index]) || IsLastFound(index);
foundLast = foundLast || IsLastFound(j);
if (!foundLast)
var testIndex = j - ((j - i) >> 1);
if (CutRight(testIndex)) j = testIndex;
return SearchFirst(i, j, foundFirst, foundLast);
return SearchLast(i, j, foundFirst, foundLast);
return SearchFirst(0, length - 1, false, false);
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