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Last active December 23, 2023 03:19
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# Source:
# Creating A Cluster #
# GKE with Istio: (
# EKS with Istio: (
# AKS with Istio: (
# Deploying The Application #
cd go-demo-8
git pull
kubectl create namespace go-demo-8
kubectl label namespace go-demo-8 \
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/app-db
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
rollout status deployment go-demo-8
curl -H "Host:" \
# Drainining Worker Nodes #
cat chaos/node-drain.yaml
kubectl describe nodes
export NODE_LABEL=""
chaos run chaos/node-drain.yaml \
# Uncordoning Worker Nodes #
kubectl get nodes
cat chaos/node-uncordon.yaml
diff chaos/node-drain.yaml \
chaos run chaos/node-uncordon.yaml \
kubectl get nodes
# Making Nodes Drainable #
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
get deployment
export CLUSTER_NAME=[...] # Replace `[...]` with the name of the cluster (e.g., `chaos`)
# NOTE: Might need to increase quotas
# If GKE
gcloud container clusters \
resize $CLUSTER_NAME \
--zone us-east1-b \
# If EKS
eksctl get nodegroup \
--cluster $CLUSTER_NAME
# If EKS
export NODE_GROUP=[...] # Replace `[...]` with the node group
# If EKS
eksctl scale nodegroup \
--cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \
--nodes 3 \
# If AKS
az aks show \
--resource-group chaos \
--name chaos \
--query agentPoolProfiles
# If EKS
export NODE_GROUP=[...] # Replace `[...]` with the `name` (e.g., `nodepool1`)
# If AKS
az aks scale \
--resource-group chaos \
--name chaos \
--node-count 3 \
--nodepool-name $NODE_GROUP
kubectl get nodes
# Repeat the previous command if there are no three `Ready` nodes
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
get hpa
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
patch hpa istio-ingressgateway \
--patch '{"spec": {"minReplicas": 2}}'
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
get hpa
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
get pods \
--output wide
chaos run chaos/node-uncordon.yaml \
kubectl get nodes
# Deleting Worker Nodes #
cat chaos/node-delete.yaml
diff chaos/node-uncordon.yaml \
chaos run chaos/node-delete.yaml \
kubectl get nodes
# NOTE: You might need to terminate the node that was removed from Kubernetes
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get pods
# Destroying Cluster Zones #
# Regional and scalable GKE:
# Regional and scalable EKS:
# Regional and scalable AKS:
# Destroying What We Created #
cd ..
kubectl delete namespace go-demo-8
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