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How to install OCI8 on Ubuntu 16.04 and PHP 7.1

How to install OCI8 on Ubuntu 16.04 and PHP 7.1


Install Oracle Instant Client and SDK

Step 1

Download the Oracle Instant Client and SDK from Oracle website. (Need to login in Oracle page)

Files: and

Step 2

Create a new folder to store Oracle Instant Client zip files on your server.

Upload the Instant Clients files inside this folder.

mkdir /opt/oracle

Step 3

Now we need to extract the files.

cd /opt/oracle

Step 4

Next, we need to create a symlink to Instant Client files.

ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/ /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/
ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/ /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/

Step 5

Add the folder to our ldconfig.

echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1 > /etc/

Step 6

Update the Dynamic Linker Run-Time Bindings


Done. Now we can proceed to the next part.

Install Additional Packages

To install the OCI8 extension, we need to install some additional package on our server.

Step 1

Run these command:

apt-get install php-dev php-pear build-essential libaio1

Step 2

Once installed, we need to get the OCI8 file.

pecl install oci8

When you are prompted for the Instant Client location, enter the following:


Step 3

We need to tell PHP to load the OCI8 extension.

echo "extension =" >> /etc/php/7.1/fpm/php.ini
echo "extension =" >> /etc/php/7.1/cli/php.ini

Step 4

Check if the extension is enabled.

php -m | grep 'oci8'

If returns oci8, its works!

Step 5

Restart the PHP-FPM

service php7.1-fpm restart

Now you can connect to Oracle DBMS from your PHP applications.

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