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Ben Cole bcole808

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bcole808 / characterLimitCounter.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Character limit indicator for text input fields
* Character Limit Counter displays an indicator below a text field telling the user how many characters they have left.
* Add the attribute maxlength="XX" to your text input.
* Add the class "characterLimitCounter" to your text input.
var characterLimitCounter = {
initialize : function() {
bcole808 / Score boost function.php
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Increase a float and then slowly reduce the amount of the increase until there is no longer an increase applied.
* This function takes in a float and returns a float that has been incrased based on the number of days elapsed since creation
* The purpose is to boost a number that is newer and slowly decrease that boost until it is no longer applied after the active period has ended.
// Number of days the boost is active - Bounded by 0 and the
// beginning of the sauce degradation phase.
define(ACTIVE_PERIOD, (float) 5);
bcole808 / wp_print_tags.php
Created February 28, 2014 21:21
This file prints out Wordpress tags in a comma separated list and shows how many times each tag is used.
<?php $tags = get_tags(array('orderby'=>'count', 'order'=> 'DESC')); ?>
<?php foreach($tags as $tag) {
echo $tag->name . ',' . $tag->slug . ',' .$tag->count;
echo '<br>';
} ?>
bcole808 / numberAbbreviation.php
Created March 5, 2014 17:18
Shorten large numbers into abbreviations (i.e. 1,500 = 1.5k)
* Shorten large numbers into abbreviations (i.e. 1,500 = 1.5k)
* @param int $number Number to shorten
* @return String A number with a symbol
function numberAbbreviation($number) {
$abbrevs = array(12 => "T", 9 => "B", 6 => "M", 3 => "K", 0 => "");
bcole808 / arrSortObjsByKey.php
Created March 5, 2014 17:20
Sort a multi-domensional PHP array of objects by key value
* Sort a multi-domensional array of objects by key value
* Usage: usort($array, arrSortObjsByKey('VALUE_TO_SORT_BY'));
* Expects an array of objects.
* @param String $key The name of the parameter to sort by
* @param String $order the sort order
* @return A function to compare using usort
bcole808 / get_cached_template_part.php
Created March 5, 2014 17:23
Wordpress template part caching system. Allows parts of a Wordpress template to be stored as site transients in order to speed up the rendering of your theme template parts.
* Retrieves a template part and caches the output to speed up site
* NOTE: Because we are caching display of posts, we need to make sure to delete the transients when posts are updated or published that might affect these template parts.
* Uses this function in conjunction with the WP cache:
* @param $slug (string) (required) The slug name for the generic template.
* @param $name (string) (optional) The name of the specialized template.
* @return (string) HTML output of the template part.
bcole808 / animateSingleNumber.js
Created March 11, 2014 15:59
Animate a number inside of an element from one number to another; makes numbers look like they are counting up or down really fast!
* Takes a jQuery element $elem and animates the inner HTML if it is a number.
* Counts up to 'final_num' from 'start_num' over 'duration' milliseconds.
animateSingleNumber : function($elem, final_num, start_num, duration) {
var original_num = $elem.html();
// If not set, take inner HTML of elem
if (!final_num) final_num = parseFloat($elem.html().replace(/,/,''));
bcole808 / anchorScrolling.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Smooth scrolling to anchors using jQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a[href^="#"]').on('click',function (e) {
// How fast should the transiion be?
bcole808 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
How to implement the WordPress Media Uploader

WP Media Uploader implementation

Starting in WordPress version 3.5, a new multimedia uploader is available to developers! Wohooo! This allows users to pick or upload an image file and then have that object data returned to your javascript for use any way you like.

In your functions.php file

Make sure to call wp_enqueue_media() from within the admin_enqueue_scripts action hook. This magically adds all dependencies to the page. Includes sugar, spice, and everything nice.

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', my_enqueue_scripts);
bcole808 / wpms_fix_upload_paths.php
Created June 13, 2014 18:57
wp_upload_dir() multsite fix
* Filter the results of wp_upload_dir()
* In WordPress Multisite systems that were installed prior to 3.5 the system uses the folder structure /wp-content/blogs.dir/XX to store uploaded files for each blog.
* The URL used to access these files follows the format /SITENAME/files/ but the function wp_upload_dir() does not match this format
function wpms_fix_upload_paths($data) {