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Created August 23, 2010 13:11
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(ns chat.session
[ InetSocketAddress]
[java.util.concurrent Executors]
[org.jboss.netty.bootstrap ServerBootstrap]
[ Channels ChannelPipelineFactory SimpleChannelHandler]
[ DefaultChannelGroup]
[ NioServerSocketChannelFactory]
[org.jboss.netty.buffer ChannelBuffers]
[org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder Delimiters]))
(defn encode
"Creates a buffer prepared for a Flash XMLSocket"
[(.getBytes str "UTF-8")
(byte-array [(byte 0)])])))
(def flash-policy-file
(str "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
"<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"\">"
"<allow-access-from domain=\"\" to-ports=\"4711\"/>"
(defn- login
[this user-name]
[user (@chat.user/users user-name)]
(if user
(chat.common/login this user)
(str "error No such user: [" user-name "]" ))))
(defn- handle-message
[this msg]
[msg-seq (.split #" " msg)
command (first msg-seq)
args (rest msg-seq)]
(= "login" command) (apply login this args)
:else (str "error Unknown Command: " command))))
(defn- session-parse
[this msg]
(.isEmpty msg) "error Empty Message"
(= '<' (get msg 0)) flash-policy-file
:else (handle-message this msg)))
(defn- receive
[this msg]
[user (this :user)
reply (if user
(user :parse msg)
(session-parse this msg))]
(when reply
(this :write reply)))))
(defn- write
[this msg]
[netty-channel ((this :state) :netty-channel)]
(when (.isOpen netty-channel)
(.write netty-channel (encode msg)))))
(defn- disconnect
[user (this :user)]
(when user
(user :send :logout))))
(defn dispatcher
[agt message & args]
[this (partial dispatcher agt)]
(= message :agent) agt
(= message :state) @agt
(= message :user) (@agt :user)
(= message :receive) (apply receive this args)
(= message :write) (apply write this args)
(= message :disconnect) (apply disconnect this args)
(= message :send)
(apply chat.common/send-message agt args)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "unknown message in [" "session" "] " message))))))
(defn- set-user
[session user]
(conj session {:user user}))
(defn- close
[netty-channel (session :netty-channel)]
(when (.isOpen netty-channel)
(.close netty-channel))
(conj session {:user nil})))
(defn create
(partial dispatcher
{:netty-channel netty-channel
:user nil
:set-user set-user
:close close})))
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