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Created May 14, 2019 15:56
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| File | Code | |--|--| | [ELIZABETH/List-Util
``…/Util.pm6`` :*155*:]( |\*.Numeric).unique(:with(\&infix:\<==\>)).List | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*19*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Red::AST $a, Red::AST $b) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*22*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Red::AST $a, Numeric() $b is rw) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*25*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Red::AST $a, Numeric() $b is readonly) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*28*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Numeric() $a is rw, Red::AST $b) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*31*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Numeric() $a is readonly, Red::AST $b) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*53*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Red::AST $a, Red::AST $b) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*56*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Red::AST $a, Date $b is rw) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*59*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Red::AST $a, Date $b is readonly) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*62*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Date $a is rw, Red::AST $b) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*65*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Date $a is readonly, Red::AST $b) is export { | | [FCO/Red
``…/Operators.pm6`` :*427*:]( | multi infix:\(Red::AST $a, Red::AST $b) is export is tighter(\&infix:\<==\>) { | | [JEFFOBER/Math-Vector3D
``…/`` :*285*:]( | ### multi sub infix:\<==\> | | [JEFFOBER/Math-Vector3D
``…/`` :*288*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>( | | [JEFFOBER/Math-Vector3D
``…/Vector3D.pm6`` :*198*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Math::Vector3D:D $v1, Math::Vector3D:D $v2 --\> Bool) is export { | | [JGOFF/Perl6-Parser
``…/19-operators.t`` :*2673*:]( | # XXX "@a\<=='a'" illegal | | [JGOFF/Perl6-Parser
``…/19-operators.t`` :*2678*:]( | my @a; @a \<== 'a' | | [JGOFF/Perl6-Parser
``…/19-operators.t`` :*2685*:]( | }, Q{\<==}; | | [JGOFF/Pod-To-HTMLBody
``…/01-tree.t`` :*1340*:]( | ==\> and \<== | | [JGOFF/Pod-To-HTMLBody
``…/01-tree.t`` :*1347*:]( | '\' '==\> and \<==' '\' | | [JMASLAK/Net-BGP
``…/AFI-SAFI.pm6`` :*27*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Net::BGP::AFI-SAFI $a, Net::BGP::AFI-SAFI $b --\>Bool:D) { | | [MATIASL/Pygments
``…/`` :*80*:]( | (r'((?\<==\~)\|(?\<=\\())\\s\*/(\\\\\\\\\|\\\\[^\\\\]\|[^\\\\/])\*/[gcimosx]\*', | | [MATIASL/Pygments
``…/`` :*314*:]( | 'not', '\<==', '==\>', '\<\<==', '==\>\>', | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*22*:]( | has Sub $.print is rw; # (DateTime :$time, Str :$messages, Str :$trace); \<== not yet implemented... | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*23*:]( | has Sub $.die is rw; # (DateTime :$time, Str :$messages, Str :$trace); \<== not yet implemented... | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/lang-class.t`` :*23*:]( | my @dow = \<\>; # \<== data set array values | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/lang-class.t`` :*33*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-de-lang-class.t`` :*22*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-en-lang-class.t`` :*23*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-es-lang-class.t`` :*26*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-fr-lang-class.t`` :*24*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-id-lang-class.t`` :*22*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-it-lang-class.t`` :*20*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-nb-lang-class.t`` :*20*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-nl-lang-class.t`` :*23*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [TBROWDER/Date-Names
``…/007-ru-lang-class.t`` :*22*:]( | my @v = @::($n); # \<== interpolated from $n | | [VRURG/IP-Addr
``…/Addr.pm6`` :*605*:]( | multi infix:\<==\> ( IP::Addr:D $a, IP::Addr:D $b ) is export { | | [VRURG/IP-Addr
``…/Addr.pm6`` :*609*:]( | multi infix:\<==\> ( IP::Addr:D $a, Str:D $b ) is export { | | [VRURG/IP-Addr
``…/Addr.pm6`` :*613*:]( | multi infix:\<==\> ( Str:D $a, IP::Addr:D $b ) is export { | | [WARRINGD/HTML-Canvas-To-PDF
``…/render-pdf-test-sheets.pdf`` :*16316*:]( | 􏿽x8Cx􏿽xAC.B:􏿽xAA􏿽xAD􏿽xED􏿽xE6􏿽xBDg􏿽xEE�􏿽x89􏿽x85􏿽xA1􏿽xEFDG�"􏿽x91�X􏿽x96�?\~\<􏿽x86a􏿽xFC􏿽xFC􏿽xFC􏿽xAA􏿽xAB􏿽xAB􏿽x816􏿽xE0I5􏿽x97􏿽xF0􏿽xEC􏿽xF5􏿽xC3\>􏿽x92S�N߬􏿽xEF�􏿽xC4􏿽xC0􏿽xB4􏿽xBB�ux􏿽x91 | | perl6-all-modules/􏿽xA5􏿽xB4􏿽xB6􏿽xB6�􏿽x80T 􏿽x9Ac􏿽xEB�@�􏿽xA45<􏿽xCF����Ί􏿽xB02􏿽xA1E􏿽xC9e(􏿽x95􏿽xB0􏿽xE7C􏿽xDE7􏿽xE6􏿽xD0􏿽xCD􏿽xC7a􏿽xC7􏿽xF2􏿽xC4 | ��􏿽xA89􏿽x8B􏿽xBE􏿽xB9h􏿽x9A􏿽xEB􏿽xD11�􏿽xE5􏿽xF5;J􏿽x95 | | [FCO/Test-Fuzz
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*33*:]( | \<== map({.^name =\> lazy .generate-samples}) | | [FCO/Test-Fuzz
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*34*:]( | \<== grep({try {lazy .generate-samples}}) | | [FCO/Test-Fuzz
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*35*:]( | \<== @types | | [Perl6-Noise-Gang/p6-Music-Helpers
``…/`` :*131*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Note:D $lhs, Note:D $rhs) is export { | | [Perl6-Noise-Gang/p6-Music-Helpers
``…/`` :*135*:]( | multi infix:\<===\>(Note:D $lhs, Note:D $rhs) is export { | | [andydude/p6-c-parser
``…/Actions.pm6`` :*306*:]( | method equality-operator:sym\<==\>($/) { | | [andydude/p6-c-parser
``…/Grammar.pm6`` :*323*:]( | rule equality-operator:sym\<==\> { \ } | | [andydude/p6-c-parser
``…/Lexer.pm6`` :*383*:]( | token punct:sym\<==\> { \ } | | [colomon/Math-Polynomial
``…/`` :*45*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Math::Polynomial $a, Math::Polynomial $b) is export(:DEFAULT) { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/19-operators.t`` :*2673*:]( | # XXX "@a\<=='a'" illegal | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/19-operators.t`` :*2678*:]( | my @a; @a \<== 'a' | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/19-operators.t`` :*2685*:]( | }, Q{\<==}; | | [grondilu/clifford
``…/Clifford.pm6`` :*43*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(MultiVector $A, MultiVector $B) returns Bool is export { $A - $B == 0 } | | [grondilu/clifford
``…/Clifford.pm6`` :*44*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(Real $x, MultiVector $A) returns Bool is export { $A == $x } | | [grondilu/clifford
``…/Clifford.pm6`` :*45*:]( | multi infix:\<==\>(MultiVector $A, Real $x) returns Bool is export { | | [masak/007
``…/`` :*723*:]( | func infix:\<::\>(lhs, rhs) is tighter(infix:\<==\>) is assoc("right") { | | [masak/007
``…/`` :*813*:]( | func infix:\<..\>(lhs, rhs) is looser(infix:\<==\>) { | | [masak/007
``…/Equal.pm6`` :*4*:]( | # These multis are used below by infix:\<==\> and infix:\ | | [masak/007
``…/Val.pm6`` :*69*:]( | ### of comparisons or match operations, such as \`infix:\<==\>\` or \`infix:\<\~\~\>\`. | | [masak/007
``…/Val.pm6`` :*561*:]( | ### consider using infix:\<==\> on the respective type objects instead: | | [masak/007
``…/methods.t`` :*430*:]( | outputs $program, "1\\n", "index() on Array uses infix:\<==\> semantics"; | | [moznion/p6-Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*22*:]( | has Sub $.print is rw; # (DateTime :$time, Str :$messages, Str :$trace); \<== not yet implemented... | | [moznion/p6-Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*23*:]( | has Sub $.die is rw; # (DateTime :$time, Str :$messages, Str :$trace); \<== not yet implemented... | | [perl6/doc
``…/5to6-perlop.pod6`` :*136*:]( | C\<==\> and C\ both work as in Perl 5. | | [perl6/doc
``…/hashmap.pod6`` :*296*:]( | upon which the object identity operator (L\<===\>) rests. Order and containers | | [perl6/doc
``…/hashmap.pod6`` :*298*:]( | is never L\<===\> to another. | | [perl6/doc
``…/js-nutshell.pod6`` :*156*:]( | Node.js has two equality operators: C\<==\> and C\<===\>. | | [perl6/doc
``…/js-nutshell.pod6`` :*158*:]( | C\<==\> is the loose equality operator. When comparing operands with the same | | [perl6/doc
``…/js-nutshell.pod6`` :*178*:]( | The inverse of C\<==\> is C\. | | [perl6/doc
``…/js-nutshell.pod6`` :*180*:]( | Perl 6 has another operator similar to C\<==\>: C\. Instead of casting operands | | [perl6/doc
``…/js-nutshell.pod6`` :*190*:]( | C\<===\> is the strict equality operator. This returns true if both operands are | | [perl6/doc
``…/js-nutshell.pod6`` :*217*:]( | The inverse of C\<===\> is C\. | | [perl6/doc
``…/list.pod6`` :*184*:]( | L\<===\|/routine/===\> infix operator. If you want to use another way to | | [perl6/doc
``…/math.pod6`` :*56*:]( | L\\<===\>\|/routine/===\> is very close to the actual | | [perl6/doc
``…/mop.pod6`` :*80*:]( | comparison, and is how the C\<===\> infix operator is implemented. | | [perl6/doc
``…/objects.pod6`` :*101*:]( | L\\<===\>\|===\> identity operator: | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*46*:]( | X \| Sequencer \| \<==, ==\>, \<\<==, ==\>\> | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1628*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Any, Any) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1629*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Int:D, Int:D) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1630*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Num:D, Num:D) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1631*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Rational:D, Rational:D) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1632*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Real:D, Real:D) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1633*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Complex:D, Complex:D) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1634*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Numeric:D, Numeric:D) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1876*:]( | sub infix:\<===\>(Any, Any) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1887*:]( | For value types, C\<===\> behaves like C\: | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*1898*:]( | C\<===\> uses the L\ method to obtain the object identity. | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2827*:]( | =head2 infix C«\<==» | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2844*:]( | \<== grep({ /\<[PE]\>/ }) # (3) Look for P or E | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2845*:]( | \<== map({ .tc }) # (2) Capitalize the words | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2846*:]( | \<== \ # (1) Start with the input | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2851*:]( | \<== sort() # (4) Sort, result is \ | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2852*:]( | \<== grep({ /\<[PE]\>/ }) # (3) Look for P or E | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2853*:]( | \<== map({ .tc }) # (2) Capitalize the words | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2854*:]( | \<== \; # (1) Start with the input | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2858*:]( | \<== sort() | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2859*:]( | \<== grep({ /\<[PE]\>/ }) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2860*:]( | \<== my @caps # unlike ==\>, there's no need for additional statement | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2861*:]( | \<== map({ .tc }) | | [perl6/doc
``…/operators.pod6`` :*2862*:]( | \<== \; | | [perl6/doc
``…/rb-nutshell.pod6`` :*458*:]( | For example, using C\<==\> tries to convert the values to numbers, and C\ | | [perl6/doc
``…/rb-nutshell.pod6`` :*475*:]( | This is a very common matching operator which is similar to C\<===\> in Ruby. Here are | | [perl6/doc
``…/rb-nutshell.pod6`` :*491*:]( | Please note that, in this case, C\<===\> is not symmetric; in the first | | [perl6/doc
``…/rb-nutshell.pod6`` :*641*:]( | that Ruby uses the C\<==\> comparison for each condition, but Perl 6 uses the | | [perl6/doc
``…/setbagmix.pod6`` :*56*:]( | method (i.e. the same way that the L\<===\> operator checks identity). For value | | [perl6/doc
``…/structures.pod6`` :*42*:]( | in the sense that C\<===\> will say it is; as it is shown, different values of the | | [perl6/doc
``…/Bag.pod6`` :*19*:]( | C\, items that would compare positively with the L\<===\> operator are | | [perl6/doc
``…/BagHash.pod6`` :*15*:]( | items that would compare positively with the L\<===\> operator are considered the | | [perl6/doc
``…/Enumeration.pod6`` :*165*:]( | =head2 method C\<===\> | | [perl6/doc
``…/Enumeration.pod6`` :*169*:]( | multi infix:\<===\> (Enumeration:D \\a, Enumeration:D \\b) | | [perl6/doc
``…/Junction.pod6`` :*43*:]( | C\<2\|3\>. The next autothreading step is over C\<\< infix:\<==\> \>\>, which produces | | [perl6/doc
``…/Junction.pod6`` :*183*:]( | The reason is that C\<==\> (and most other operators) are subject to | | [perl6/doc
``…/List.pod6`` :*799*:]( | result list. C\ uses the semantics of the L\<===\> operator to decide | | [perl6/doc
``…/List.pod6`` :*863*:]( | Like L\\>, C\ uses the semantics of the L\<===\> operator to decide | | [perl6/doc
``…/Mix.pod6`` :*17*:]( | items that would compare positively with the L\<===\> operator are | | [perl6/doc
``…/MixHash.pod6`` :*14*:]( | items that would compare positively with the L\<===\> operator are considered the | | [perl6/doc
``…/Num.pod6`` :*70*:]( | To test for C\, use L\ method or L\<=== operator\|/language/operators#infix\_===\>: | | [perl6/doc
``…/ObjAt.pod6`` :*12*:]( | If two objects compare equally via C\<===\>, their C\<.WHICH\> methods return | | [perl6/doc
``…/Set.pod6`` :*14*:]( | compare positively with the L\<===\> operator): | | [perl6/doc
``…/SetHash.pod6`` :*14*:]( | compare positively with the L\<===\> operator): | | [perl6/doc
``…/Test.pod6`` :*154*:]( | C\<===\> operator will be used instead; accepts an optional description of the | | [pierre-vigier/Perl6-Math-Matrix
``…/Matrix.pod`` :*839*:]( | of the first matrix on a particular position has to be numerically equal (as checked by I\<==\>) to the element | | [ppentchev/Serialize-Naive
``…/01-simple.t`` :*16*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Point:D $p1, Point:D $p2) | | [ppentchev/Serialize-Naive
``…/01-simple.t`` :*27*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Circle:D $c1, Circle:D $c2) | | [ppentchev/Serialize-Naive
``…/02-twigils.t`` :*16*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Point:D $p1, Point:D $p2) | | [ppentchev/Serialize-Naive
``…/02-twigils.t`` :*27*:]( | multi sub infix:\<==\>(Circle:D $c1, Circle:D $c2) | | [retupmoca/P6-Net-IMAP
``…/IMAP.pm6`` :*15*:]( | note '\<== '\~$line; | | [retupmoca/P6-Net-POP3
``…/POP3.pm6`` :*24*:]( | note '\<== '\~$line; | | [retupmoca/P6-Net-SMTP
``…/SMTP.pm6`` :*25*:]( | note '\<== '\~$line; | | [sergot/http-useragent
``…/UserAgent.pm6`` :*165*:]( | $.debug-handle.say("\<\<==Recv\\n" \~ $response.Str(:debug)) if $.debug; | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/`` :*85*:]( | @pbytes \<== $mySHA1 \<== $myMD5 \<== generate\_packet(); | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/Sum.pm6`` :*82*:]( | my @a \<== $s \<== (1,2); | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/sum.t`` :*56*:]( | @a \<== $f \<== (4,5); | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/sum.t`` :*93*:]( | @b \<== $g \<== (4,5); | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/sum.t`` :*126*:]( | @c \<== $h \<== (4,5); | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/sum.t`` :*138*:]( | #@d \<== $h.partials \<== (2,3); | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/HTTP.sp`` :*142*:]( | debug "HTTP \<== {$response.code} {$response.message} $self", "\\c[GLOBE WITH MERIDIANS]"; | | [supernovus/perl6-datetime-math
``…/Math.pm6`` :*103*:]( | #multi infix:\<==\>(DateTime $a, DateTime $b) is export { | | [titsuki/p6-Algorithm-KdTree
``…/Response.pm6`` :*40*:]( | my @array \<== map { 0e0 } \<== [0..^$c-dim]; | | [titsuki/p6-Algorithm-KdTree
``…/02-insert.t`` :*27*:]( | my @array \<== map { .Num } \<== (1..512); |
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