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Last active July 1, 2022 13:48
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Gitlab Release JS
const _importDynamic = new Function('modulePath', 'return import(modulePath)');
const fetch = async function (...args) {
const { default: fetch } = await _importDynamic('node-fetch');
return fetch(...args);
const pkg = require('./package.json')
const PROPERTIES = {
host: '',
projectId: '<PROJECT-ID>',
function endpoint(path) {
return `${}${path}`
function makeCommitUrl(commit_id) {
return `[${commit_id}](${PROPERTIES.repositoryUrl}/-/commit/${commit_id})`
async function getTagBeforeLatest() {
let tagname = 'v' + pkg.version
let response = await fetch(endpoint(`/projects/${PROPERTIES.projectId}/repository/tags`), {
headers: {
"Private-Token": PROPERTIES.token
let data = await response.json()
let tags = data.filter(tag => != tagname)
let prevTag = tags[0].name
return prevTag
async function generateChangelog() {
let prevTag = await getTagBeforeLatest()
let response = await fetch(endpoint(`/projects/${PROPERTIES.projectId}/repository/commits?ref_name=${prevTag}...v${pkg.version}`), {
headers: {
"Private-Token": PROPERTIES.token
let data = await response.json()
let notes = {
feat: {
title: 'Features',
lists: []
fix: {
title: 'Fixes',
lists: []
docs: {
title: 'Docs',
lists: []
style: {
title: 'Styles',
lists: []
refactor: {
title: 'Refactors',
lists: []
pref: {
title: 'Prefs',
lists: []
build: {
title: 'Builds',
lists: []
chore: {
title: 'Chores',
lists: []
ci: {
title: 'CI',
lists: []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].title.startsWith('feat')) {
notes.feat.lists.push(`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('fix')) {
notes.fix.lists.push(`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('build')) {`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('chore')) {
notes.chore.lists.push(`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('docs')) {`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('style')) {`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('refactor')) {
notes.refactor.lists.push(`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('pref')) {
notes.pref.lists.push(`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
if (data[i].title.startsWith('ci')) {`- ${data[i].title} - Commit: ${makeCommitUrl(data[i].short_id)} by ${data[i].committer_name}`)
// Genereate tamplate
var markdown = `# Changelog v${pkg.version}\n`
// Features notes
if (notes.feat.lists.length) {
markdown += `\n#### :triangular_flag_on_post: ${notes.feat.title}\n`
for (let i = 0; i < notes.feat.lists.length; i++) {
markdown += notes.feat.lists[i] + '\n'
// Fixes notes
if (notes.fix.lists.length) {
markdown += `\n#### :hammer_and_wrench: ${notes.fix.title}\n`
for (let i = 0; i < notes.fix.lists.length; i++) {
markdown += notes.fix.lists[i] + '\n'
// Docs notes
if ( {
markdown += `\n#### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: ${}\n`
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
markdown +=[i] + '\n'
// Styles notes
if ( {
markdown += `\n#### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: ${}\n`
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
markdown +=[i] + '\n'
// Refactors notes
if (notes.refactor.lists.length) {
markdown += `\n#### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: ${notes.refactor.title}\n`
for (let i = 0; i < notes.refactor.lists.length; i++) {
markdown += notes.refactor.lists[i] + '\n'
// Prefs notes
if (notes.pref.lists.length) {
markdown += `\n#### :paintbrush: ${notes.pref.title}\n`
for (let i = 0; i < notes.pref.lists.length; i++) {
markdown += notes.pref.lists[i] + '\n'
// Chores notes
if (notes.chore.lists.length) {
markdown += `\n#### :house: ${notes.chore.title}\n`
for (let i = 0; i < notes.chore.lists.length; i++) {
markdown += notes.chore.lists[i] + '\n'
// Build notes
if (notes.chore.lists.length) {
markdown += `\n#### :building_construction: ${}\n`
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
markdown +=[i] + '\n'
// CI notes
if ( {
markdown += `\n#### :construction_worker: ${}\n`
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
markdown +=[i] + '\n'
return markdown
async function createRelease() {
try {
let tagname = 'v' + pkg.version
let releaseNotes = await generateChangelog()
let params = JSON.stringify({
name: "New release " + tagname,
tag_name: tagname,
description: releaseNotes
let response = await fetch(endpoint('/projects/' + PROPERTIES.projectId + '/releases'), {
body: params,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Private-Token": PROPERTIES.token
method: "POST"
let data = await response.json()
} catch (error) {
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