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Last active July 7, 2022 17:05
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  • Save bdunnette/66b458fd4d1b4d545950363391a6657c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bdunnette/66b458fd4d1b4d545950363391a6657c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"name": "derby_name_scraper.ipynb",
"provenance": [],
"collapsed_sections": [],
"include_colab_link": true
"kernelspec": {
"name": "python3",
"display_name": "Python 3"
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"id": "view-in-github",
"colab_type": "text"
"source": [
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Open In Colab\"/></a>"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"id": "fMO1Y1Qj5LWt"
"source": [
"Generating [derby names]( from publicly-accessible lists\n",
"Adapted from Max Woolf's notebook:\n",
"Inspired by Janelle Shane's blog post:"
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "zxMLEnyTe7B_"
"source": [
"import string\n",
"import random\n",
"from datetime import datetime\n",
"from pathlib import Path\n",
"import concurrent.futures\n",
"from google.colab import files\n",
"from bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n",
"import requests\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from sklearn.utils import shuffle"
"execution_count": 13,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "7a49OXrue_NW"
"source": [
"training_file = Path(\"derby_names.txt\")\n",
"model_name = 'derbynames' "
"execution_count": 14,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "51mDvze3U621"
"source": [
"session = requests.Session()"
"execution_count": 15,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 441
"id": "IZn313h1VH3M",
"outputId": "7f91ec51-c4d1-4e1f-bd0c-1f028647a01a"
"source": [
"url = \"\"\n",
"print(\"Downloading names from %s\" % url)\n",
"drc_df = pd.concat(pd.read_html(url))\n",
"drc_df = drc_df.rename(columns={\"#\":\"Number\"})\n",
"drc_df['url'] = url\n",
"execution_count": 16,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"Downloading names from\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" Name Number \\\n",
"0 Sausage Roller M14 \n",
"1 James Mean 27 \n",
"2 Yvel Saint Laurent 14 \n",
"3 Pancake 1928 \n",
"4 Robert Quadriguez 101 \n",
"... ... ... \n",
"38793 Hitney Spears NaN \n",
"38794 Scrap-tin Marvel 616 \n",
"38795 Mazel Tough NaN \n",
"38796 PainDemic 6 \n",
"38797 Veruca Salty NaN \n",
" League Country \\\n",
"0 Arcadia Roller Derby United Kingdom \n",
"1 Manchester Roller Derby United Kingdom \n",
"2 Knights of Oldham Roller Derby & Rainy City Ro... United Kingdom \n",
"3 Rainy City Roller Derby United Kingdom \n",
"4 Crash Test Brummies United Kingdom \n",
"... ... ... \n",
"38793 NaN United States \n",
"38794 WFTD United Kingdom \n",
"38795 NaN United States \n",
"38796 NaN United States \n",
"38797 DRRD Canada \n",
" Registered url \n",
"0 1st January, 1970 \n",
"1 20th January, 2014 \n",
"2 20th January, 2014 \n",
"3 20th January, 2014 \n",
"4 20th January, 2014 \n",
"... ... ... \n",
"38793 5th July, 2022 \n",
"38794 5th July, 2022 \n",
"38795 6th July, 2022 \n",
"38796 6th July, 2022 \n",
"38797 7th July, 2022 \n",
"[38798 rows x 6 columns]"
"text/html": [
" <div id=\"df-7112bf55-87c5-4216-90ff-2c6e6dde8201\">\n",
" <div class=\"colab-df-container\">\n",
" <div>\n",
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>Name</th>\n",
" <th>Number</th>\n",
" <th>League</th>\n",
" <th>Country</th>\n",
" <th>Registered</th>\n",
" <th>url</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>Sausage Roller</td>\n",
" <td>M14</td>\n",
" <td>Arcadia Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td>United Kingdom</td>\n",
" <td>1st January, 1970</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>James Mean</td>\n",
" <td>27</td>\n",
" <td>Manchester Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td>United Kingdom</td>\n",
" <td>20th January, 2014</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>Yvel Saint Laurent</td>\n",
" <td>14</td>\n",
" <td>Knights of Oldham Roller Derby &amp; Rainy City Ro...</td>\n",
" <td>United Kingdom</td>\n",
" <td>20th January, 2014</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>Pancake</td>\n",
" <td>1928</td>\n",
" <td>Rainy City Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td>United Kingdom</td>\n",
" <td>20th January, 2014</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>Robert Quadriguez</td>\n",
" <td>101</td>\n",
" <td>Crash Test Brummies</td>\n",
" <td>United Kingdom</td>\n",
" <td>20th January, 2014</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>...</th>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>38793</th>\n",
" <td>Hitney Spears</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>United States</td>\n",
" <td>5th July, 2022</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>38794</th>\n",
" <td>Scrap-tin Marvel</td>\n",
" <td>616</td>\n",
" <td>WFTD</td>\n",
" <td>United Kingdom</td>\n",
" <td>5th July, 2022</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>38795</th>\n",
" <td>Mazel Tough</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>United States</td>\n",
" <td>6th July, 2022</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>38796</th>\n",
" <td>PainDemic</td>\n",
" <td>6</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>United States</td>\n",
" <td>6th July, 2022</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>38797</th>\n",
" <td>Veruca Salty</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>DRRD</td>\n",
" <td>Canada</td>\n",
" <td>7th July, 2022</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"<p>38798 rows × 6 columns</p>\n",
" <button class=\"colab-df-convert\" onclick=\"convertToInteractive('df-7112bf55-87c5-4216-90ff-2c6e6dde8201')\"\n",
" title=\"Convert this dataframe to an interactive table.\"\n",
" style=\"display:none;\">\n",
" \n",
" <svg xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\"viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n",
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" </svg>\n",
" </button>\n",
" \n",
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" cursor: pointer;\n",
" display: none;\n",
" fill: #1967D2;\n",
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" .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
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" box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);\n",
" fill: #174EA6;\n",
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" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #3B4455;\n",
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" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #434B5C;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n",
" filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));\n",
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" <script>\n",
" const buttonEl =\n",
" document.querySelector('#df-7112bf55-87c5-4216-90ff-2c6e6dde8201 button.colab-df-convert');\n",
" =\n",
" google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';\n",
" async function convertToInteractive(key) {\n",
" const element = document.querySelector('#df-7112bf55-87c5-4216-90ff-2c6e6dde8201');\n",
" const dataTable =\n",
" await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',\n",
" [key], {});\n",
" if (!dataTable) return;\n",
" const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +\n",
" '<a target=\"_blank\" href=>data table notebook</a>'\n",
" + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n",
" element.innerHTML = '';\n",
" dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';\n",
" await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);\n",
" const docLink = document.createElement('div');\n",
" docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;\n",
" element.appendChild(docLink);\n",
" }\n",
" </script>\n",
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" </div>\n",
" "
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 16
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "v0o8T_WdCy7X",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 441
"outputId": "7c99f7cd-9349-4adb-c5e0-368eadd31b14"
"source": [
"url = \"\"\n",
"print(\"Downloading names from %s\" % url)\n",
"twoevils_df = pd.read_html(url,skiprows=1)[0]\n",
"twoevils_df.columns = [h.replace('Skater','').strip() for h in twoevils_df.iloc[0]]\n",
"twoevils_df = twoevils_df.rename(columns={'Date Added':'Registered'})\n",
"twoevils_df = twoevils_df.iloc[1:-1 , :].dropna(how='all')\n",
"twoevils_df['url'] = url\n",
"execution_count": 17,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"Downloading names from\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" Name Number Registered League \\\n",
"1 !(ED REF 2012-02-20 Santiago Roller Derby \n",
"2 !Wolfespit 16 2011-02-01 Chilli Padi Derby Grrrls \n",
"3 \"A\" Cup Annihilator 36A 2010-10-13 Billings Roller Derby \n",
"4 \"Bobby\" Val Halen 1984 2011-02-24 Roller Derby Quebec \n",
"5 \"Chupa'clark'bra\" 333 2012-01-09 Killa Hurtz Roller Girls \n",
"... ... ... ... ... \n",
"40537 Zuul REF 2008-04-13 Orange County Roller Girls \n",
"40538 Zuzi Power 33 2012-04-20 White Horse Warriors \n",
"40539 Zwen Garden E13 2011-03-24 Deja Vu Roller Derby \n",
"40540 Zyklon C HCN1 2010-03-08 Croydon Roller Derby \n",
"40541 €SsŠ 17 5-17-12 Kouvola Rock n Rollers \n",
" url \n",
"1 \n",
"2 \n",
"3 \n",
"4 \n",
"5 \n",
"... ... \n",
"40537 \n",
"40538 \n",
"40539 \n",
"40540 \n",
"40541 \n",
"[40541 rows x 5 columns]"
"text/html": [
" <div id=\"df-f643a921-16e7-4519-981e-d9a50f2972b1\">\n",
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" <div>\n",
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>Name</th>\n",
" <th>Number</th>\n",
" <th>Registered</th>\n",
" <th>League</th>\n",
" <th>url</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>!(ED</td>\n",
" <td>REF</td>\n",
" <td>2012-02-20</td>\n",
" <td>Santiago Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>!Wolfespit</td>\n",
" <td>16</td>\n",
" <td>2011-02-01</td>\n",
" <td>Chilli Padi Derby Grrrls</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>\"A\" Cup Annihilator</td>\n",
" <td>36A</td>\n",
" <td>2010-10-13</td>\n",
" <td>Billings Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>\"Bobby\" Val Halen</td>\n",
" <td>1984</td>\n",
" <td>2011-02-24</td>\n",
" <td>Roller Derby Quebec</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>5</th>\n",
" <td>\"Chupa'clark'bra\"</td>\n",
" <td>333</td>\n",
" <td>2012-01-09</td>\n",
" <td>Killa Hurtz Roller Girls</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>...</th>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>40537</th>\n",
" <td>Zuul</td>\n",
" <td>REF</td>\n",
" <td>2008-04-13</td>\n",
" <td>Orange County Roller Girls</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>40538</th>\n",
" <td>Zuzi Power</td>\n",
" <td>33</td>\n",
" <td>2012-04-20</td>\n",
" <td>White Horse Warriors</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>40539</th>\n",
" <td>Zwen Garden</td>\n",
" <td>E13</td>\n",
" <td>2011-03-24</td>\n",
" <td>Deja Vu Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>40540</th>\n",
" <td>Zyklon C</td>\n",
" <td>HCN1</td>\n",
" <td>2010-03-08</td>\n",
" <td>Croydon Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>40541</th>\n",
" <td>€SsŠ</td>\n",
" <td>17</td>\n",
" <td>5-17-12</td>\n",
" <td>Kouvola Rock n Rollers</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"<p>40541 rows × 5 columns</p>\n",
" <button class=\"colab-df-convert\" onclick=\"convertToInteractive('df-f643a921-16e7-4519-981e-d9a50f2972b1')\"\n",
" title=\"Convert this dataframe to an interactive table.\"\n",
" style=\"display:none;\">\n",
" \n",
" <svg xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\"viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n",
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" \n",
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" display: none;\n",
" fill: #1967D2;\n",
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" .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #E2EBFA;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);\n",
" fill: #174EA6;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #3B4455;\n",
" fill: #D2E3FC;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #434B5C;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n",
" filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));\n",
" fill: #FFFFFF;\n",
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" <script>\n",
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" document.querySelector('#df-f643a921-16e7-4519-981e-d9a50f2972b1 button.colab-df-convert');\n",
" =\n",
" google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';\n",
" async function convertToInteractive(key) {\n",
" const element = document.querySelector('#df-f643a921-16e7-4519-981e-d9a50f2972b1');\n",
" const dataTable =\n",
" await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',\n",
" [key], {});\n",
" if (!dataTable) return;\n",
" const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +\n",
" '<a target=\"_blank\" href=>data table notebook</a>'\n",
" + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n",
" element.innerHTML = '';\n",
" dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';\n",
" await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);\n",
" const docLink = document.createElement('div');\n",
" docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;\n",
" element.appendChild(docLink);\n",
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" </div>\n",
" "
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 17
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 1000
"id": "boZuLM56VHv1",
"outputId": "a56e5071-da3c-46d0-ae94-e909147b63b0"
"source": [
"initial_letters = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.punctuation\n",
"rdr_df = pd.DataFrame()\n",
"def get_page_names(initial_letter, timeout=30):\n",
" temp_names = []\n",
" url = \"{}\".format(letter)\n",
" print(\"Downloading names from {}\".format(url))\n",
" try:\n",
" response = session.get(url=url, timeout=timeout)\n",
" r = session.get(url)\n",
" soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, \"lxml\")\n",
" rows = soup.find_all('ul')\n",
" # Use only last unordered list - this is where names are!\n",
" for idx, li in enumerate(rows[-1]):\n",
" # Name should be the text of the link within the list item\n",
" name = li.find('a').get_text()\n",
" temp_names.append(name)\n",
" except requests.Timeout:\n",
" print(\"Timeout!\")\n",
" pass\n",
" return temp_names\n",
"for letter in initial_letters:\n",
" try:\n",
" temp_names = get_page_names(initial_letter=letter)\n",
" temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'Name':temp_names, 'url':url})\n",
" rdr_df.append(temp_df)\n",
" except Exception as e:\n",
" print(e)\n",
" pass\n",
"execution_count": 18,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from!\n",
"Downloading names from\"\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from$\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from'\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from*\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from,\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from;\n",
"Downloading names from<\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from>\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from[\n",
"Downloading names from\\\n",
"Downloading names from]\n",
"Downloading names from^\n",
"Downloading names from\n",
"Downloading names from`\n",
"Downloading names from{\n",
"Downloading names from|\n",
"Downloading names from}\n",
"Downloading names from\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"Empty DataFrame\n",
"Columns: []\n",
"Index: []"
"text/html": [
" <div id=\"df-d1862007-8faf-4083-ad6d-10f892d4b6bd\">\n",
" <div class=\"colab-df-container\">\n",
" <div>\n",
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
" <button class=\"colab-df-convert\" onclick=\"convertToInteractive('df-d1862007-8faf-4083-ad6d-10f892d4b6bd')\"\n",
" title=\"Convert this dataframe to an interactive table.\"\n",
" style=\"display:none;\">\n",
" \n",
" <svg xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\"viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n",
" width=\"24px\">\n",
" <path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\" fill=\"none\"/>\n",
" <path d=\"M18.56 5.44l.94 2.06.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94-.94-2.06-.94 2.06-2.06.94zm-11 1L8.5 8.5l.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94L8.5 2.5l-.94 2.06-2.06.94zm10 10l.94 2.06.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94-.94-2.06-.94 2.06-2.06.94z\"/><path d=\"M17.41 7.96l-1.37-1.37c-.4-.4-.92-.59-1.43-.59-.52 0-1.04.2-1.43.59L10.3 9.45l-7.72 7.72c-.78.78-.78 2.05 0 2.83L4 21.41c. 0 1.02-.2 1.41-.59l7.78-7.78 2.81-2.81c.8-.78.8-2.07 0-2.86zM5.41 20L4 18.59l7.72-7.72 1.47 1.35L5.41 20z\"/>\n",
" </svg>\n",
" </button>\n",
" \n",
" <style>\n",
" .colab-df-container {\n",
" display:flex;\n",
" flex-wrap:wrap;\n",
" gap: 12px;\n",
" }\n",
" .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #E8F0FE;\n",
" border: none;\n",
" border-radius: 50%;\n",
" cursor: pointer;\n",
" display: none;\n",
" fill: #1967D2;\n",
" height: 32px;\n",
" padding: 0 0 0 0;\n",
" width: 32px;\n",
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" .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #E2EBFA;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);\n",
" fill: #174EA6;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #3B4455;\n",
" fill: #D2E3FC;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #434B5C;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n",
" filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));\n",
" fill: #FFFFFF;\n",
" }\n",
" </style>\n",
" <script>\n",
" const buttonEl =\n",
" document.querySelector('#df-d1862007-8faf-4083-ad6d-10f892d4b6bd button.colab-df-convert');\n",
" =\n",
" google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';\n",
" async function convertToInteractive(key) {\n",
" const element = document.querySelector('#df-d1862007-8faf-4083-ad6d-10f892d4b6bd');\n",
" const dataTable =\n",
" await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',\n",
" [key], {});\n",
" if (!dataTable) return;\n",
" const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +\n",
" '<a target=\"_blank\" href=>data table notebook</a>'\n",
" + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n",
" element.innerHTML = '';\n",
" dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';\n",
" await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);\n",
" const docLink = document.createElement('div');\n",
" docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;\n",
" element.appendChild(docLink);\n",
" }\n",
" </script>\n",
" </div>\n",
" </div>\n",
" "
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 18
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "8cWhdy6cZLwD",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 441
"outputId": "bb975ba9-8f70-4a8c-f41c-cc0602941d34"
"source": [
"print(\"Downloading names from {}\".format(url))\n",
"r = session.get(url)\n",
"soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, \"lxml\")\n",
"rows = soup.find_all('h5')\n",
"urls = [r.find('a')['href'] for r in rows]\n",
"names = [r.find('a').get_text() for r in rows]\n",
"wftda_df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':names,'url':urls})\n",
"execution_count": 19,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"Downloading names from\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" Name url\n",
"0 9mm Ram-Paige\n",
"1 A. Grue\n",
"2 A’Blazing Grace\n",
"3 Adam Smasher\n",
"4 Admiral Mayhem\n",
".. ... ...\n",
"546 Yu Cypher\n",
"547 Yvel Saint Laurent\n",
"548 Zebra 3\n",
"549 Zero\n",
"550 Zombie Dearest\n",
"[551 rows x 2 columns]"
"text/html": [
" <div id=\"df-7c91b16d-2c37-4d7a-ad7c-19ecb72ddd21\">\n",
" <div class=\"colab-df-container\">\n",
" <div>\n",
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>Name</th>\n",
" <th>url</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>9mm Ram-Paige</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>A. Grue</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>A’Blazing Grace</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>Adam Smasher</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>Admiral Mayhem</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>...</th>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>546</th>\n",
" <td>Yu Cypher</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>547</th>\n",
" <td>Yvel Saint Laurent</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>548</th>\n",
" <td>Zebra 3</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>549</th>\n",
" <td>Zero</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>550</th>\n",
" <td>Zombie Dearest</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"<p>551 rows × 2 columns</p>\n",
" <button class=\"colab-df-convert\" onclick=\"convertToInteractive('df-7c91b16d-2c37-4d7a-ad7c-19ecb72ddd21')\"\n",
" title=\"Convert this dataframe to an interactive table.\"\n",
" style=\"display:none;\">\n",
" \n",
" <svg xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\"viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n",
" width=\"24px\">\n",
" <path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\" fill=\"none\"/>\n",
" <path d=\"M18.56 5.44l.94 2.06.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94-.94-2.06-.94 2.06-2.06.94zm-11 1L8.5 8.5l.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94L8.5 2.5l-.94 2.06-2.06.94zm10 10l.94 2.06.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94-.94-2.06-.94 2.06-2.06.94z\"/><path d=\"M17.41 7.96l-1.37-1.37c-.4-.4-.92-.59-1.43-.59-.52 0-1.04.2-1.43.59L10.3 9.45l-7.72 7.72c-.78.78-.78 2.05 0 2.83L4 21.41c. 0 1.02-.2 1.41-.59l7.78-7.78 2.81-2.81c.8-.78.8-2.07 0-2.86zM5.41 20L4 18.59l7.72-7.72 1.47 1.35L5.41 20z\"/>\n",
" </svg>\n",
" </button>\n",
" \n",
" <style>\n",
" .colab-df-container {\n",
" display:flex;\n",
" flex-wrap:wrap;\n",
" gap: 12px;\n",
" }\n",
" .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #E8F0FE;\n",
" border: none;\n",
" border-radius: 50%;\n",
" cursor: pointer;\n",
" display: none;\n",
" fill: #1967D2;\n",
" height: 32px;\n",
" padding: 0 0 0 0;\n",
" width: 32px;\n",
" }\n",
" .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #E2EBFA;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);\n",
" fill: #174EA6;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #3B4455;\n",
" fill: #D2E3FC;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #434B5C;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n",
" filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));\n",
" fill: #FFFFFF;\n",
" }\n",
" </style>\n",
" <script>\n",
" const buttonEl =\n",
" document.querySelector('#df-7c91b16d-2c37-4d7a-ad7c-19ecb72ddd21 button.colab-df-convert');\n",
" =\n",
" google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';\n",
" async function convertToInteractive(key) {\n",
" const element = document.querySelector('#df-7c91b16d-2c37-4d7a-ad7c-19ecb72ddd21');\n",
" const dataTable =\n",
" await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',\n",
" [key], {});\n",
" if (!dataTable) return;\n",
" const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +\n",
" '<a target=\"_blank\" href=>data table notebook</a>'\n",
" + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n",
" element.innerHTML = '';\n",
" dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';\n",
" await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);\n",
" const docLink = document.createElement('div');\n",
" docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;\n",
" element.appendChild(docLink);\n",
" }\n",
" </script>\n",
" </div>\n",
" </div>\n",
" "
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 19
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {
"id": "0gNRhesUVAT0",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 458
"outputId": "3f3beffe-332b-4180-d780-1d87fcec259e"
"source": [
"name_df = pd.concat([twoevils_df,drc_df,rdr_df,wftda_df],ignore_index=True)\n",
"# remove parenthetical phrases from names - eg \"(cleared)\"\n",
"name_df['Name'] = name_df['Name'].str.replace(r\"\\([^()]*\\)\", \"\").str.strip()\n",
"name_df = name_df.loc[name_df['Name'].str.len()>1]\n",
"execution_count": 20,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stderr",
"text": [
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version.\n",
" This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" Name Number Registered League \\\n",
"0 !(ED REF 2012-02-20 Santiago Roller Derby \n",
"1 !Wolfespit 16 2011-02-01 Chilli Padi Derby Grrrls \n",
"2 \"A\" Cup Annihilator 36A 2010-10-13 Billings Roller Derby \n",
"3 \"Bobby\" Val Halen 1984 2011-02-24 Roller Derby Quebec \n",
"4 \"Chupa'clark'bra\" 333 2012-01-09 Killa Hurtz Roller Girls \n",
"... ... ... ... ... \n",
"79885 Yu Cypher NaN NaN NaN \n",
"79886 Yvel Saint Laurent NaN NaN NaN \n",
"79887 Zebra 3 NaN NaN NaN \n",
"79888 Zero NaN NaN NaN \n",
"79889 Zombie Dearest NaN NaN NaN \n",
" url Country \n",
"0 NaN \n",
"1 NaN \n",
"2 NaN \n",
"3 NaN \n",
"4 NaN \n",
"... ... ... \n",
"79885 NaN \n",
"79886 NaN \n",
"79887 NaN \n",
"79888 NaN \n",
"79889 NaN \n",
"[79853 rows x 6 columns]"
"text/html": [
" <div id=\"df-2affed15-dd8c-4887-b79b-60ad203e36d1\">\n",
" <div class=\"colab-df-container\">\n",
" <div>\n",
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>Name</th>\n",
" <th>Number</th>\n",
" <th>Registered</th>\n",
" <th>League</th>\n",
" <th>url</th>\n",
" <th>Country</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>!(ED</td>\n",
" <td>REF</td>\n",
" <td>2012-02-20</td>\n",
" <td>Santiago Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>!Wolfespit</td>\n",
" <td>16</td>\n",
" <td>2011-02-01</td>\n",
" <td>Chilli Padi Derby Grrrls</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>\"A\" Cup Annihilator</td>\n",
" <td>36A</td>\n",
" <td>2010-10-13</td>\n",
" <td>Billings Roller Derby</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>\"Bobby\" Val Halen</td>\n",
" <td>1984</td>\n",
" <td>2011-02-24</td>\n",
" <td>Roller Derby Quebec</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>\"Chupa'clark'bra\"</td>\n",
" <td>333</td>\n",
" <td>2012-01-09</td>\n",
" <td>Killa Hurtz Roller Girls</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>...</th>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>79885</th>\n",
" <td>Yu Cypher</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>79886</th>\n",
" <td>Yvel Saint Laurent</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>79887</th>\n",
" <td>Zebra 3</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>79888</th>\n",
" <td>Zero</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>79889</th>\n",
" <td>Zombie Dearest</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"<p>79853 rows × 6 columns</p>\n",
" <button class=\"colab-df-convert\" onclick=\"convertToInteractive('df-2affed15-dd8c-4887-b79b-60ad203e36d1')\"\n",
" title=\"Convert this dataframe to an interactive table.\"\n",
" style=\"display:none;\">\n",
" \n",
" <svg xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\"viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n",
" width=\"24px\">\n",
" <path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\" fill=\"none\"/>\n",
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" </svg>\n",
" </button>\n",
" \n",
" <style>\n",
" .colab-df-container {\n",
" display:flex;\n",
" flex-wrap:wrap;\n",
" gap: 12px;\n",
" }\n",
" .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #E8F0FE;\n",
" border: none;\n",
" border-radius: 50%;\n",
" cursor: pointer;\n",
" display: none;\n",
" fill: #1967D2;\n",
" height: 32px;\n",
" padding: 0 0 0 0;\n",
" width: 32px;\n",
" }\n",
" .colab-df-convert:hover {\n",
" background-color: #E2EBFA;\n",
" box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);\n",
" fill: #174EA6;\n",
" }\n",
" [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert {\n",
" background-color: #3B4455;\n",
" fill: #D2E3FC;\n",
" }\n",
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" '<a target=\"_blank\" href=>data table notebook</a>'\n",
" + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n",
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"execution_count": 21,
"outputs": [
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"data": {
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" // Send a message to notify the kernel that we're ready.\n",
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"colab": {
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"height": 17
"outputId": "3360d215-37b6-49b3-f864-5d5360e14b34"
"source": [
"names_only = name_df[['Name']].drop_duplicates().sort_values(by=['Name'])\n",
"execution_count": 22,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
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"<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>"
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" // Send a message to notify the kernel that we're ready.\n",
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"download(\"download_9f6c6065-9328-438a-acf5-57a236414532\", \"derby_names.txt\", 977554)"
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"height": 17
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"source": [
"numbers = name_df[['Number']].drop_duplicates().sort_values(by=['Number'])\n",
"execution_count": 23,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>"
"application/javascript": [
" async function download(id, filename, size) {\n",
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" const channel = await;\n",
" // Send a message to notify the kernel that we're ready.\n",
" channel.send({})\n",
" for await (const message of channel.messages) {\n",
" // Send a message to notify the kernel that we're ready.\n",
" channel.send({})\n",
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" for (const buffer of message.buffers) {\n",
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"download(\"download_8244f549-29a6-4bad-b290-24088db3b991\", \"derby_numbers.txt\", 64253)"
"metadata": {}
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"names_numbers = name_df[~name_df['Number'].isna()][['Name','Number']].drop_duplicates().sort_values(by=['Name','Number'])\n",
"metadata": {
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"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 17
"outputId": "aa4e436c-45fc-4a46-b118-c9bed2b4835c"
"execution_count": 24,
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"<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>"
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" // Send a message to notify the kernel that we're ready.\n",
" channel.send({})\n",
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"download(\"download_2eb1fe29-c49a-49b0-b183-12cc530dedb0\", \"derby_names_numbers.tsv\", 1137001)"
"metadata": {}
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
!(ED,REF,2012-02-20,Santiago Roller Derby,,
!Wolfespit,16,2011-02-01,Chilli Padi Derby Grrrls,,
!nkcred!ble Foxx,013,"27th October, 2015",Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
"""A"" Cup Annihilator",36A,2010-10-13,Billings Roller Derby,,
"""A"" Cup Assassin",53n3,"21st January, 2014",Hammer City Roller Girls,,Canada
"""Betty"" Say Your Prayers",,"19th June, 2015",,,United States
"""Bobby"" Val Halen",1984,2011-02-24,Roller Derby Quebec,,
"""Chupa'clark'bra""",333,2012-01-09,Killa Hurtz Roller Girls,,
"""DD"" Stroyer",7-11,"27th October, 2015",,,United States
"""G"" RUFFE",,"14th November, 2014",,,United States
"""Hawii""",10,2012-03-19,Cen-Tex RollerGirls,,
"""MANTRACKER""",6,2012-02-29,Red Rock 'N Roller Derby,,
"""Mush""inator",7,2011-11-23,Rockin Rural Roller Girls,,
"""No Cupcake""",2800,"9th March, 2014",confluence crush,,United States
"""Queen"" Simmons",75,"7th April, 2015",Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,United States
"""Rage""ing Blockoholic",40 oz.,"22nd May, 2015",Burning River Roller Derby,,United States
"""Release the Kraken"" Clattenburg",COACH,2012-04-11,Balsam Mountain Roller Girls,,
"""Shock""Ira",9,2012-01-13,Mac Town Rebel Rollers,,
"""Social Lee"" Hawkward",337,"29th January, 2017",Wisconsin men's roller derby,,United States
"""Taken Away""",007,"27th January, 2014",,,United States
"""Tosh"" Pit",5150,"21st January, 2014",Derbal Remedy,,United States
# CruncHER,44,"7th October, 2017",,,Canada
# CruncHER,,"8th April, 2017",Rolla Rockets,,United States
#1 Psycho,,2010-10-04,Walla Walla Sweets Roller Girls,,
#Cazalikes,13,"19th January, 2017",Lobishomes MRD,,Spain
#DizIsMyHand,999,"10th February, 2017",Oxford Wheels of Gory,,United Kingdom
#GIANT WOMAN,8,"7th November, 2015",,,United Kingdom
#Hyphen,98,"11th February, 2015",South Island Sirens,,Australia
#N.R.G.,45,2012-03-05,River City Rollergirls,,
#Pirate Killings,5,2012-03-05,River City Rollergirls,,
#Ruthless,607,"25th April, 2016",,,Australia
#derbyname,,"29th February, 2016",Green Mountain Roller Derby,,United States
#smashtag,545,"25th June, 2014",Prairieland Punishers,,United States
$2 Pistol,.45,"20th January, 2014",North Texas Derby Revolution,,United States
$2 Pistol,,2011-06-17,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
$3 bill,STAFF,2007-09-26,Carolina Rollergirls,,
$HITTING HELL,815,"8th November, 2017",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
$Hockaholic,37,2011-05-03,Bay Rollers,,
$Hot,,2011-02-01,Harbor City RollerDames,,
$LOT MA SHEEN,,2011-02-02,Burning River Roller Girls,,
$Trawbury $hotcake,969,2012-02-12,South Okanagan Roller Derby Association,,
$haki loka,28,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
$mash'n'P!nkP@ssion,1P48,"24th January, 2014",Okaloosa Rollers,,United States
$umiko $hit,23,"24th January, 2014",Lado Oscuro Roller Derby,,Argentina
'67 Chevy Impaler,kaz 2y5,"22nd January, 2014",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
'Av 'Er Maria,696,"13th December, 2015",Plymouth City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
'Bouta HurtYa,LCKY7,2012-06-11,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
'Bouta HurtYa,Lky7,"22nd January, 2014",Tokyo roller girls,,Japan
'Ell Onwheels,,"16th April, 2016",Maine Roller Derby,,United States
'Ellfire,9,"13th January, 2015",Nottingham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
'Envy',6,"22nd January, 2014",,,Australia
'Kaneage!',E61,2011-11-03,Brisbane City Rollers,,
'Lil Diablo,72,2006-04-01,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
'Merica,1019,"3rd May, 2014",Sulphur City Steam Rollers,,New Zealand
'Murica,#1,"15th December, 2014",Bcrd,,United States
'NYA,23,2012-03-05,Scenic City Roller Psychos,,
'Orrible Ref-enbacher,,"21st January, 2014",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
'T' Ram'her Doll,35,"24th July, 2016",Barnsley Black Heart Rollers,,United Kingdom
'Tuff Crust Pizza,11,"10th December, 2014",New Jersey Roller Derby,,United States
'aardClarke,28,"4th June, 2015",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
'ell's bells,330,"21st July, 2016",Surrey Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
'onya,,"10th November, 2017",Mount Militia Derby Crew,,New Zealand
**Halen's Angel**,5150,"17th June, 2014",Bathurst Roller Derby,,Australia
*Buck's,c4f3,"12th October, 2017",Calebrutes United League,,France
*Dru Blood*,,"18th August, 2016",Glass City Rollers,,United States
*Glitter*Split'her*Barbie*,>3>3>3,5/7/12,San Angelo Roller Girls League,,
*Kel*Fire*Warrior*,703,"9th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
*Nauti-Seacups*,7,"21st January, 2014",Miami's Vice City Rollers,,United States
*Pinky* The *Glitterator*,1923,2012-04-21,Brewcity Bruisers,,
*Risky*,42,"7th February, 2020",Resurrection Roller Derby,,United States
*RockerCat*,10-4!,2012-02-20,Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,
*TetriK~A*,x7,"20th April, 2017",Aukan Roller Derby,,Chile
*Tetrik-a-kultuS*,777,"9th March, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
*Turbol Girl*,8,2012-02-20,Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,
+madam ROSENROT,13,"2nd April, 2014",LMRDM,,Mexico
-Johnny Crash-,8,"9th October, 2018",Saintes,,France
. Matrix,317,"17th February, 2015",,,United Kingdom
...,,"27th September, 2021",,,Slovenia
"....,",,"13th September, 2019",,,United Kingdom
.....,,"24th October, 2020",,,United Kingdom
......,,"5th June, 2020",,,United Kingdom
.......,....,"10th June, 2019",,,United Kingdom
...Pain,B17,"21st January, 2014",303 Roller Derby,,United States
.357 MADAME,5,2011-05-12,Northshore Roller Derby,,
.357 Maggie,6040,2011-10-04,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
.38 SpeShell,38,2010-07-05,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
.44 Maggs,44,"20th July, 2016",rough diamond Rebels,,United States
.50 Cal,.50,2011-07-09,Magic City Rollers,,
.50 Caliber Killer,550 rpm,2011-10-27,Rolling Hills Derby Dames,,
.50 Kal Kitten,748,2012-01-13,Med City Mafia,,
.CC Rip Jaw,,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
.Vicious Vinifera,14%,2011-04-03,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
/ER,LD50,"23rd January, 2014",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
0phelia Payne,512,"24th January, 2014",Calgary Roller Derby Association,,Canada
1 Hit Wonder,1,2010-09-13,Appalachian Rollergirls,,
1 N The Chamber,419,"21st January, 2014",Beach Brawl Sk8r Dolls,,United States
1 UP,101,2009-09-07,Queen City Roller Girls,,
1 hit wanDa,R2D2,"23rd January, 2014",cap city wild childs,,United States
"1,000 Hurts",1313,2008-11-01,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
1/2 Blood Princess,394,2012-06-10,Fierce Valley Roller Girls,,
1/2 Eve.L,333,2010-09-22,Sintral Florida Derby Demons,,
1/2 Nelson Nellie,13,2011-08-09,Crossroads City Derby,,
1/2 Pint Assassin,23,"13th April, 2015",Illinois Valley Vixens,,United States
1/2 Pint Destroy Her,295,2010-12-21,Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby,,
1/2 Pint Jack,77,2009-10-26,Tulsa Derby League,,
1/2 Pint Painbuster,18,2011-04-03,Hermiston Roller Divas,,
1/2 Pt Menace,73,"23rd May, 2015",Border City Roller Girls,,United States
1/2 pint mayhem,,2012-02-15,Rock Island Rollers,,
1/2 pt. Smack,28,2008-06-19,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
1/2Pt.Dynamite,#.5*,"2nd February, 2015",mistresses of Mayhem,,United Kingdom
1/2Xican,1/2,2010-11-30,Illinois Valley Vixens,,
1/4 Pound-Her,25 cents,2009-08-14,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
10 Cent,10,2009-03-19,Central Coast Roller Derby,,
10 Guage Rage,143,2011-02-08,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
1080'sKaty,123,2011-09-20,Varsity Derby,,
10Acious-D,10,2012-04-21,Brewcity Bruisers,,
10acious V,BAMF,"22nd January, 2014",Dead Girl Derby,,United States
1111111,,"18th February, 2014",,,Zimbabwe
12 Gage,30.6,2011-08-08,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
12 Gauge,88,2008-01-31,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
12 Gauge,12,"20th January, 2014",Wirral Whipiteres,,United Kingdom
12 Guage Dollface,,"6th April, 2016",,,Canada
12 Guage Tinkerbell,48,2009-12-30,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
12 Volt,,,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
12Gauge Paige,,2011-08-31,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
13itch Cassidy,13itch,"24th January, 2014",Naughty Pines,,United States
13th Floor Hellevator,666,2011-01-12,DuPage Derby Dames,,
15X,,2011-08-31,Rebelles Roller Derby,,
16th.note.slicer,3,2012-06-11,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
18 WHEELHER,1075,"25th February, 2014",DaVille Roller Derby,,United States
18 WHEELHER,1075,"21st January, 2014",DaVille Vixens,,United States
18 Wheel'Her,HH6,2008-10-15,Rogue Rollergirls,,
18-Hour Broad,36D,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
1PAC,Coach,2011-02-11,Choice City Rebels,,
1Sabre,16,"3rd September, 2016",Sheffield Steel Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
1atom12,1A12,"22nd January, 2014",Bath City Roller Girls,,United States
1st ClassAzz,224,2011-04-14,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
1st Degree Marie,121,2006-10-16,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
1st Degree Marie,999,"3rd April, 2016",Cornwall Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
2 Buck Chuck $2,2,2008-01-11,Atomic City Roller Girls,,
2 C.A.S.T.,,2008-09-28,North Star Roller Girls,,
2 Cali N.Tay,,"22nd October, 2015",,,Canada
2 Chaangz,,"6th August, 2015",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
2 Eris Human,2,"6th August, 2018",Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
2 Faced,25/8,2009-06-17,South Side Roller Derby,,
2 Hot 4 Teacher,24,"20th July, 2014",Cast Iron Skaters,,United States
2 Pack ShockHer,REF,2011-04-15,Jet City Rollergirls,,
2 Pack ShockHer,,"21st January, 2014",West Coast Derby Knockouts,,United States
2 Quik,360,2007-05-05,Port City Roller Girls,,
2 Sweet,9,2009-06-09,Riverside Riptides,,
2 Tone Maude,,2010-09-09,Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,
2 Tone Maude,150cc,"21st January, 2014",Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,United States
2-Stroke,150cc,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
21 Guns,m60,2010-10-16,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
24 Karat Cake,99.9%Au,2010-02-18,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
24K Solid Cold,.999fine,2011-09-08,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
24k Solid COLD,#999,"2nd May, 2018",Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,United States
28,Baboune,"5th November, 2015",Boucherie de Paris,,France
2Eyes,,"29th April, 2016",Crime City Rollers,,Sweden
2Fun4U,24,2010-09-17,NorCal Rollergirls,,
2G breaker,75,"2nd May, 2018",Bad Rangers,,Poland
2G breaker,75,"2nd May, 2018",Polish,,Poland
2Gbreaker,75,"2nd May, 2018",Polish,,Poland
2Katty,,2011-02-03,Bunbury Roller Derby,,
2Pac Hologram,40oz,"13th May, 2014",Steel City Roller Derby,,United States
2Pacalypse,187,2011-04-10,Prairieland Punishers,,
2Pains,628,"10th May, 2016",Arizona Derby Dames,,United States
2QL,,"16th April, 2014",North East Roller Derby,,Australia
2TimesQuick,11,2008-04-29,Sioux City Roller Dames,,
2Tough4U,7777,2011-02-18,Bakersfield Junior Roller Derby,,
2master mike,30,"14th October, 2014",Mons'ter Munch Derby Dudes,,Belgium
2nadi4u,84,2009-05-22,Ventura County Derby Darlins,,
2nd Offendment,1791,"15th September, 2016",Referee,,United States
2nd Skin,5050,2011-09-08,Rotterdam Death Row Honeys,,
2nd skin,5050,"22nd May, 2015",Rotterdam Roller Derby,,Netherlands
2tiers,1/2 pt,2012-03-08,Seaway Roller Derby Girls,,
2xForce,,2011-02-05,Houston Roller Derby,,
3 Beers,,"21st January, 2014",IDOO,,Canada
3 Full Mags,7%,"23rd February, 2014",,,United States
3 Second Solo,22,"31st March, 2018",Key West Derby Dames,,United States
3 beers,REF,2011-12-19,Peterborough Roller Derby League,,
3 on the Tree,R-3,2011-07-25,Reno Roller Girls,,
30 Sec Ref,REF,2011-05-18,Sault Roller Derby,,
30 core,staff,2009-09-22,Radioactive City Rollergirls,,
3D,3D,2011-01-06,Soul City Sirens,,
3D,3D,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
3X FELAN,CDC-8,2011-09-07,Central California Area Derby,,
3rd Degree Burns,,2010-05-27,CoMo Derby Dames,,
3° Heart Block-Her,3°,"23rd January, 2014",Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,United States
4 Alarm Blaze,4,2010-11-09,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
"4 Closer, The",44,2009-05-05,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
4 Leaf Cleaver,777,2006-12-18,Naptown Roller Girls,,
4 leaf clobber,317,"21st January, 2014",Downriver Dollz,,United States
4-Ache Club,2468,"5th February, 2016",Hwy 14 Roller Derby Association,,Canada
4-Alarm Gilly,16,2010-04-02,Thunder Bay Roller Derby,,
4-Stroke Fanny,35%,2010-02-27,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
40 Watt Halo,711,"22nd May, 2015",Cedar Valley Derby Divas,,United States
41 Dash,423,2010-02-20,Maui Roller Girls,,
412,,"6th August, 2015",,,United States
42 Ref,42,2008-07-07,Light City Derby,,
44 Mag,44,"1st March, 2017",Rebel Army Derby,,United States
44 Magnum,44,2010-01-31,Taranaki Roller Corps,,
48Crash,6,"28th February, 2014",Rum City Derby Dolls,,Australia
4Foxx Ache,11,"21st November, 2014",Roller Derby Östersund,,Sweden
4ft FURY,411,"13th September, 2016",Silver Bridge Bruisers Roller Derby,,United States
4ft. Fury,"4'11""",2011-10-03,Floral City Roller Girls,,
4s Mush Her,444,"3rd August, 2016",Rose City Rollers,,United States
5 Foot Fiend,5,"22nd January, 2014",East Vic Roller Derby,,Australia
5 Scar Jeneral,5,2006-09-10,Dixie Derby Girls,,
5 ft Assassin,22,"21st January, 2014",Kokomo City of Fists Rollergirls,,United States
5 ft feisty,5,2011-10-07,One World Roller Derby,,
5 lb. Fall,.454,2010-04-17,WI River Valley Rollergirls,,
5 pound servings,,2011-06-10,Fort Lewis Bettie Brigade,,
5' of Fury,60in,2010-01-15,Pacific Roller Derby,,
50 Shades of Mayhem,666,"8th October, 2018",Forest City Derby Girls,,Canada
50 Shades of Pink,50,"25th February, 2016",St. Chux Derby Chix,,United States
50 VinCent,REF,5-17-12,Kouvola Rock n Rollers,,
50ft Queenie,REF,2010-03-05,Nashville Rollergirls,,
51-FiFi,911,"21st January, 2014",Sonoma County Roller Derby,,United States
5150,,"21st October, 2015",,,United States
59 Inch Nail,411,2011-02-28,Rock Coast Rollers,,
5FootMama,99,2009-03-24,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
5WOUNDS,1000,2011-07-14,Tri-Valley Roller Girls,,
5ft Assassin,22,5/6/12,City of Fists Rollergirls,,
5ft Feral,5ft,2011-05-11,Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,
5th Element,1403,"21st January, 2014",Swansea city roller derby,,United Kingdom
5th Wheel,Coach,2011-07-07,Thunder Bay Roller Derby,,
5uhnami,5,2011-08-29,Alachua County Rollers,,
6 Feet Thunder,6'0,"10th March, 2015",Sac City Rollers,,United States
60 Grit,60,2011-08-09,Hellgate Rollergirls,,
66Katillac,V8,2010-01-15,Pearl River Roller Derby,,
6FT Under,,2006-03-13,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
6ft A Sexxxy,#6',"15th April, 2014",Berkshire Band-Itz Roller Derby,,United States
6ft Fortress,#U,2009-12-17,Dallas Derby Devils,,
6ft Hussy,511,2010-07-14,Victorian Roller Derby,,
6ft Thunder,1GOD,"1st April, 2014",Wreck Some Warriors,,United Kingdom
6ft one-der,006,2011-01-02,Umpqua Valley Roller Vixens,,
7 Deadly AliSins,619,2012-02-28,Tri Valley Roller Girls,,
7 Deadly Spins,4,"21st January, 2014",Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,United States
7 Deadly Spins,1ra,2011-09-08,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
7 Nation Army,,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
7% Solution,,2011-07-07,Northside Rollers,,
7mm Maggie,1701,2012-02-07,Carson Victory Rollers,,
7tequila,,"18th January, 2019",,,United States
8 Ball,Retired 2/28/13,2006-08-15,Chippewa Valley Roller Girls,,
8 Bit Brawler,8,"21st July, 2021",Carson Junior Victory Rollers,,United States
8 Mean Wheeler,18,2007-04-03,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
8 Track,08,,Texas Rollergirls,,
8 Wheeled Wrath,503,"11th March, 2014",Confluence Crush Roller Derby,,United States
8-Bit,,"1st March, 2017",CVRG,,United States
8-bit Betty,409,2011-11-19,Greenville Derby Dames,,
8-bit kitten,14,"20th May, 2017",Geelong Roller Derby League,,Australia
80 Atch D,364,2011-04-17,Taranaki Roller Corps,,
80 Grit,96,2011-05-26,Antihero Derby Alliance,,
80beats,80,"21st January, 2014",Wheels of Fire Roller Derby,,Brazil
86'N'Vixen,931,2010-08-04,Farm Fresh Roller Girls,,
8Bit Betty,1337,"1st June, 2016",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
8Wheel Ambush,1054,2011-05-30,Black Diamond Roller Derby,,
8mean MacKenzie,18,"20th January, 2014",,,Canada
8th Deadly Sin,808,2011-04-11,Northland Nightmares,,
9 Lives,-1,"30th October, 2017",SDDD,,United States
9 Lives Isis,9,2009-01-05,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
9 Mil Killah,09,"23rd January, 2015",Mountain Home Mayhem Roller Derby,,United States
9 lb Hammer,1/2,2008-09-29,Burn City Rollers,,
9.mmel,19,2011-02-12,Reef City Roller Girls,,
90 Degree Johnson,90¡,2009-04-23,Queen City Roller Girls,,
99 Percent Sure,3,"9th April, 2014",BCRG Bath City Roller Girls,,United States
99 Problems,215,2010-05-12,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
99 Problems,215,"21st January, 2014",Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,United States
9Milly,86'd,2010-08-13,McLean County MissFits,,
9lb Hammer,144 oz,"20th January, 2014",Blue Ridge Rollergirls,,United States
9mm,14,"27th November, 2018",Brazos Valley Roller Derby,,United States
9mm Migraine,9,2012-04-22,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
9mm Migraine,09,"22nd February, 2014",Towns Villains Roller Derby,,Australia
9mm Ram-Paige,,,,,
9mm Ram-Paige,,"27th March, 2015",,,United States
:Punish-Her,7734,"28th September, 2018",Revolution Roller Derby,,United States
<3less Woo,595,"29th June, 2016",Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,United States
@darnitjen,87,"23rd April, 2014",Granite State Roller Derby,,United States
A B Old Tricksee,,2011-07-26,Bundaberg City Rollers,,
A Blonde with No Name,,2011-03-07,Burn City Rollers,,
A Bomb,235 U,,NJ Hellrazors,,
A Bomb,235U,"21st January, 2014",NJ Hellrazors,,United States
A Bout To Snap,13,2012-01-17,Riptide Rollers,,
A Boy Named Rob,,2008-07-14,Connecticut Death Quads,,
A Boy Named Sue,,2011-10-30,Jet City Rollergirls,,
A Boy Named Tsunami,STAFF,2007-06-29,Palmetto State Rollergirls,,
A Cage N Scrapper,6668,2011-08-26,Capital City Rollers,,
A Cup Annihilater,34A,"14th September, 2018",Capital City Crushers,,United States
A Cup Annihilater,34A,"13th October, 2016",Capital City Crushers,,United States
A Cute Abrasion,611,"3rd February, 2018",RRG,,United States
A Cute Distress,33,"14th January, 2018",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
A Cute Fury,,2011-05-06,Winnipeg Roller Derby,,
A Cute M I,2,2010-12-16,Rocky Mountain Rollerpunks,,
A Cute Psychosis,,"24th September, 2016",Heartland Roller Derby Association,,Canada
A Cute Trauma,Code 3,2010-01-21,Dirty Verde Roller Derby,,
A Danger Devil,210,2009-02-07,Mamas Bad Derby Girls,,
A Devil Named Dalyla,3M TA3,2010-11-12,Dallas Derby Devils,,
A Few Screws Lucy,5150,"21st January, 2014",Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,United States
A Few Screws Lucy,5150,2009-06-08,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
A Fishy Ate Her,,"29th July, 2016",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
A Fist Called Wanda,49,2011-04-29,Stockholm Roller Derby,,
A Grue,NSO,"18th March, 2015",Mad Rollin' Dolls,,United States
A Grue,,2011-11-26,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
A Hart WreckHer,247,"20th April, 2017",Unforgiven Roller Girls,,United States
A Hart WreckHer,24/7,2011-09-26,Derby Revolution of Bakersfield,,
A Jax,33,2009-01-18,Sun State Roller Girls,,
A Jent,070,2010-08-11,Quad City Rollers,,
A Kate 47,,2009-08-25,Tri-County Rolling Militia,,
A La Missicana,,2011-05-09,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
A Latte Chaos,tripleshot,2010-01-15,Pacific Roller Derby,,
A Latte Treble,749,"1st February, 2016",Roswell Roller Derby,,United States
A Lethal Weapon,10,,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
A Lil' Catty,9 Lives,2011-10-11,Athens Ohio Roller Derby,,
A Lil' Psychotic,8,"12th May, 2017",Avon River Rollers,,Canada
A Little Bit of BAMbi,30,"22nd January, 2014",Cairns Derby Dolls,,Australia
A Little Mayhem,47,"7th October, 2017",No Label Society,,United States
A Little Witchy,STAFF,2012-01-27,Oz Roller Girls,,
A Lottie Pain,89,"23rd February, 2019",Railtown Loco Rollers Crewe,,United Kingdom
A Mii,343,"10th November, 2017",Molly Roger Rollergirls,,United States
A Nuffsaid,19,2012-03-24,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
A Piece of Merry,1225,2011-10-12,Central Michigan Roller Derby,,
A Pimp Named Slickback,,"18th March, 2016",Chico Roller Derby,,United States
A Precious Mess,13,2011-07-08,North Pole Babes in Toyland,,
A Pretty Big Deal,808,2011-05-06,Rodeo City Rollergirls,,
A Price,2-pay,2009-05-22,Fort Myers Derby Girls,,
A Quads 47,,2012-03-22,Mambas Negras Roller Derby,,
A Rd Nek,wd-40,"21st January, 2014",Cape Cod Roller Derby,,United States
A SASSY LIL FANCY,323,2009-01-02,Castle Bombers Roller Girls,,
A Sass Cyn,1021,"20th May, 2014",,,United States
A Sass n' Furious,,"6th January, 2018",,,Canada
A Sass'n Smart Ass,,"24th May, 2021",wine town rollers,,United States
A Sassy Nador,559,"21st January, 2014",Helsinki Roller Derby,,Finland
A Train Wreck,,"8th May, 2018",,,United States
A Whacks Queen,25:17,2007-02-07,Arizona Roller Derby,,
A muse,,"4th April, 2014",,,Canada
A$$-LESS-A,15,"5th April, 2014",Rawlins Pen-Up Girls,,United States
A$AP Blocky,487,"1st November, 2018",,,United States
A$phalt,54,"13th May, 2015",Southern Oregon Roller Girls,,United States
A'Doll Essence,14,2012-04-03,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
A'Maiming Grace,5,2011-09-23,Blue Ridge Rollergirls,,
A'Reesa Franklin,369,"8th March, 2015",South Seas Roller Derby,,Australia
A'Sassin Spitfire,006,2012-04-16,Halifax Roller Derby,,
A'blazin'Grace,143,2011-10-15,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
A'deelya Punchez,777,2009-05-15,Dirty Verde Roller Derby,,
A'fric A. Nature,19,2009-08-23,Dominion Derby Girls,,
A'gogo Commando,00,"24th January, 2014",Black HIlls Roller Derby,,United States
A-B POSITIVE,,"28th March, 2015",GB-EMS,,United Kingdom
A-BOMB,51,"1st June, 2015",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
A-BOMBination,REF,2011-01-27,Harmonic Violence RollerGirls,,
A-Block,2012,2006-07-12,Maine Roller Derby,,
A-Block,2012,"21st January, 2014",Maine Roller Derby,,United States
A-Bomb,5337,"28th February, 2015",,,Canada
A-Bomb Knockers,47,2011-06-20,Eindhoven Rollers,,
A-Bombinatrix,14,2010-08-17,Pacific Roller Derby,,
A-Bump,94,"18th March, 2014",Aalborg Roller Derby,,Denmark
A-CUTE Injury,911,2012-01-23,Big Bucks High Rollers,,
A-Cup Cake,34A,2010-10-15,Tahoe Derby Dames,,
A-Damn Ref,REF,2007-09-06,River City Rollergirls,,
A-Dubb Derailer,,"21st January, 2014",Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
A-Ha Gabor,48,"20th January, 2014",Greensboro Roller Derby,,United States
A-Hol,83,"19th May, 2015",The Marion Marauderz,,United States
A-Ken Bones,911,2010-11-27,W.A. Roller Derby,,
A-Leah-nation,31,2010-11-13,Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,
A-Lianne,area 51,2011-01-27,Harmonic Violence RollerGirls,,
A-Lister,153,"19th June, 2018",Durham City Rolling Angels,,United Kingdom
A-Lotta Backside,3-21,2010-09-30,Angel City Derby Girls,,
A-Moxxi-Villain,50,"3rd August, 2015",Chippewa Valley Roller Girls,,United States
A-No OFFlimits,926,2011-06-07,City of Fists Rollergirls,,
A-Pain,7,"21st January, 2014",Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls,,United States
A-RACH-Nophobia,29,"28th January, 2015",Petersburg Ragnarok Rollers,,United States
A-ROAR-A,231,"24th January, 2014",Dead River Derby,,United States
A-Rach-Naphobia,,"18th August, 2014",,,United States
A-Rizzy McFisty,,2010-08-13,McLean County MissFits,,
A-Skate from New York,,2011-11-16,Rose City Rollers,,
A-Train,55,2007-02-26,NorCal Rollergirls,,
A-Yo Adrian,K.0,"21st January, 2014",Tokyo Roller Girls,,Japan
A-cute Injury,911,"18th January, 2016",Big bucks high rollers,,United Kingdom
A-knee-ta Break,,"11th March, 2019",,,United States
A-mean-oh Acid,21,"22nd November, 2018",Chrome Sirens Roller Derby,,Poland
A-need-ta Break-her,,"11th March, 2019",,,United States
A-nek Breaker,13th,"12th October, 2014",The Anguanas - Vicenza Roller Derby,,Italy
A-skate from New York,718,"14th February, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
A-tomic,46,"19th May, 2017",Towns villains roller derby,,Australia
A. A. Ron,42,"26th October, 2016",Atlanta Men's Roller Derby,,United States
A. Bonnie Tona,171,"26th August, 2017",Gray City Rebels,,Brazil
A. Crusher,414,2012-01-23,Gothenburg Roller Derby,,
A. Cup Killer,32-29-36,2007-02-24,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
A. D. Dee-mented,28,"11th April, 2017",Yellow Rose Derby Girls,,United States
A. Grue,,,,,
A. Handful,12,2010-10-04,709 Derby Girls,,
A. Jiffy,17,2011-06-30,"Quadfathers, The",,
A. Joy Ride,11,"20th January, 2014",MIA Derby Girls,,United States
A. Kay,47,2010-08-30,San Antonio Roller Derby,,
A. Lee Thal Vixen,91,2009-07-08,Central New York Roller Derby,,
A. Mean O. Acid,09,"1st April, 2014",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
A. Moral,42,2011-06-13,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
A. NiLe8HeR,789,2007-04-01,South Side Roller Derby,,
A. Nobody,Staff,2010-07-29,Oklahoma Victory Dolls,,
A. Sassy-Nation,.50 cal,"4th April, 2014",Rawlins Pen-Up Girlz,,United States
A. Scare. Agus,,2010-03-19,Rose City Rosebuds,,
A. Shotta Brandy,PC,2011-10-20,Bakersfield Rollergirls,,
A. Whiskey ChaseHer,K9,2011-12-20,Pacific Roller Derby,,
A.C. SleighedHer,1993,2011-01-02,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
A.C.E,732,"20th January, 2014",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
A.C.E.,732,2011-02-02,Savannah Derby Devils,,
A.D. Sixer,86,2007-07-12,River City Rollergirls,,
A.D.H.Dave,1024,"18th September, 2015",Staffordshire Devil Dogs,,United Kingdom
A.D.H.Diva,222,2010-09-18,Arizona Rollergirls,,
A.G.G.R.O. Gal,68,2012-03-05,Gray City Rebels,,
A.K.,47,"14th March, 2016",Wasteland Derby Dames,,United States
A.K. Annie,47,2008-06-20,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
A.K.47,,"3rd April, 2016",PRD,,United States
A.K.A. Dollface,666,2012-03-17,Space Coast Rocket Jockeys,,
A.K.K.,47,2010-06-30,Madison Junior Derby Divas,,
A.M. Wood,REF,2011-10-04,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
A.Nightmare,77.7,2011-05-10,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
A.O. Lesgo,27,2009-12-16,Detroit Derby Girls,,
A.T. Hellion,404,2006-10-31,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
A.T. Sixit,86,2010-03-30,Camel City Thrashers,,
A.V.O.,000,2010-09-08,Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby,,
A.W.O.L.,30 Foot Fall,2008-01-14,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
A.lice Murder,2,2010-12-01,Cannibales Dolls,,
A.nna K.oncussiona,47,"21st January, 2014",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
A.riel Humdinger,357,2010-07-16,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
A10 Shun Seeker,Coach,2011-07-12,Valleys Roller Dolls,,
AAA beef,7,"21st July, 2016",Heartland,,Canada
AABWS,91,2012-03-05,River City Rollergirls,,
AC Dizzy,10,"21st January, 2014",Copenhagen Roller Derby,,Denmark
AC Skater,13,2007-06-29,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
AC Slaughter,4,2011-07-11,Angel City Derby Girls,,
AC Slayer,227,"3rd February, 2017",Hartford Area Roller Derby,,United States
AC Teasy,21,2011-10-17,Oslo Roller Derby,,
AC/BleedHe,5,"30th January, 2014",De Kevins,,Belgium
AC/DAISY,,"29th December, 2016",Rockcity Rollers Eindhoven,,Netherlands
AC/DAISY,,"28th March, 2017",,,New Zealand
AC/DC,408,"22nd September, 2014",Drive-By City Rollers,,United States
AC/DIZZY,33,"28th January, 2014",Enchanted Island Roller Derby League,,Puerto Rico
ACABELLA,1312,"11th February, 2014",,,Finland
ACUTE Discomfort,10,2008-04-03,Rose City Rollers,,
AClay-47,47,"30th May, 2014",Wrecksome Warriors,,United Kingdom
ADDIEtude,,"11th January, 2017",,,United States
ADE HELL VICE,2782,"17th November, 2015",Worcester Wyldlings,,United Kingdom
ADHDemon,8DD,"23rd January, 2014",Sheffield Steel Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
ADsinthe,80%,2011-12-03,Tyne and Fear Roller Derby,,
AERIS THROTTLE,,2012-04-13,Blacksnake Roller Girls,,
AFRO DIE T5,46664,2009-03-05,RockTown Rollers,,
AFROdita,,"17th November, 2018",,,Spain
AGGRO Culture,Staff,2010-09-17,No Coast Derby Girls,,
AH!fro Desia,3013,"30th March, 2016",Shoreline Roller Derby,,United States
AHSATAN,213,2011-07-06,Perth Roller Derby,,
AJ 2PR3TI,523,2011-11-20,Des Moines Derby Dames,,
AJ Dropavich,14,,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
AJ Panther,1117,2012-03-12,Eastern Carolina Brawling Betties,,
AJ Renegade,2,2011-12-12,Iowa Rollin' Aces,,
AJ Smack It,42,"2nd May, 2018",Whakatane Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
AJ Tizzy,,2011-01-05,Sun State Roller Girls,,
AJent Mayhem,78,"21st January, 2014",Inland Empower Derby,,United States
AJent Mayhem,78,2012-01-27,Oz Roller Girls,,
AK,47,"16th March, 2016",Buenos aires roller derby,,Argentina
AK Assazzin,AK47,2011-03-07,Eastside Derby Girls,,
AK CupQuake,64,"3rd May, 2016",Rage City Rollergirls,,United States
AK Cupquake,1964,2011-02-02,Rage City Rollergirls,,
AK Dre,47,2012-02-01,Hel'z Belles,,
AK Kick Ass,10,"11th March, 2015",Heather Hellraisers,,Sweden
AK Metal Angel,907,"21st January, 2014",North Pole Babes in Toyland,,United States
AK Rolling 7,762,5/15/12,Lake City Roller Dolls,,
AK SK8 Trooper,Ref,2010-11-29,Fairbanks Rollergirls,,
AK V!ckey Verky,5,2012-01-24,Snake Pit Derby Dames,,
AK-40Devin,600 rpm,2011-03-17,Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,
AK-40oz.,40,"24th January, 2014",Detroit / DETRiot,,United States
AK-47,311,"8th February, 2015",,,United States
AK-TA,47,"18th August, 2014",Complot Derby Club,,Chile
AK40 Steffy,762,"16th March, 2014",State College Area Rollers,,United States
AK66,,"26th March, 2019",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
AKA Mimi,625,2011-05-16,Garden State Rollergirls,,
AKA RANDY,REF,2012-04-07,Tri-County Rolling Militia,,
AKA Rogue,07,"21st January, 2014",Arch Rival Roller Girls,,United States
AKA Staycee,L7,2011-05-16,Garden State Rollergirls,,
AKAHavoc,22,2006-04-21,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
AKroma dead,#99,"24th January, 2014",Lado Oscuro,,Argentina
AL B. BACH,REF,2008-12-08,NEO Roller Derby,,
AL B. Nasty,010,2009-03-05,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
AL Hyène,32,"2nd September, 2018",The Burning Mussels,,France
AL Patino,,"9th January, 2020",Amiens roller derby,,France
AL- Driver- mad,13,2008-10-03,Lincolnshire Bombers,,
AL.B.Mangles,,2009-11-24,Van Diemen Rollers,,
ALEX in PUNCHherLAND,69,"11th February, 2017",Back Alley Brats,,United States
ALEXANDROID,1011,"20th January, 2014",Greensboro Roller Derby,,United States
ALIEN AL,100%,"20th January, 2014",The Inhuman League,,United Kingdom
ALKAZAR,,2010-10-25,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
ALLY AZ STONED,5-0,2011-05-24,Independent Ref,,
ALLgore Morguen,187,2010-09-21,Lakeland Derby Dames,,
ALYSOUP,53,"26th March, 2015",Roc City Roller Derby,,United States
ALotaASSets,A55,2011-07-03,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
AM I Mental,77,2009-04-14,Denver Roller Dolls,,
AMA-ANGER MANAGEMENT ALEX,,2008-06-02,A-Town Derby,,
AMBERcrombie & Fists,#41,"10th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin Dolls,,United States
AMMO,,2009-09-12,Mountain Derby Girls,,
AMMONITION,22,"23rd May, 2014",,,United States
AMMOzon,55,"7th June, 2016",,,United States
AManTa HarmYer,41,"20th January, 2014",Surrey Jammerwockies ( Surrey Rollerboys ),,United Kingdom
AManTa HarmYer,P41N,"21st January, 2014",Surrey Jammerwockies,,United Kingdom
ANA-TEKILLYA,10/24,"15th February, 2015",,,United States
ANAIMAL,285,"28th January, 2016",,,United Kingdom
ANAMASTOR,30,"12th December, 2017",Lisboa Roller Derby Troopers,,Portugal
ANAbel Lector,21,"23rd January, 2014",Faultline Derby Devilz,,United States
ANG-ry Kitty,721,2011-06-13,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
ANG-ry-Angel,,"3rd September, 2016",,,United Kingdom
ANGEL KILLher,619,2009-05-02,Shore Points Roller Derby,,
ANGry couGAR,2ice,"5th March, 2014",Angie Garcia,,United States
ANIMAL,2,"22nd January, 2014",Airbomb Rollers,,Netherlands
ANN Atomic Bomb,182,"9th September, 2014",The Anguanas - Vicenza Roller Derby,,Italy
ANNIE OOPS,06,"21st January, 2014",Cen-Tex Rollergirls,,United States
ANNKrAnate,47,"15th October, 2017",Maniac Monsters Mainz,,Germany
ANTI-SYL-CLONE,11,2012-04-10,Kent Roller Girls,,
APA CHI,H311,"21st January, 2014",WWRD,,United Kingdom
APPAULING,1975,"18th March, 2015",Blackpool Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
AR Ivan,REF,2011-08-28,Oakland Derby Diamonds,,
ARES,B17,"5th February, 2014",COMBATIVOS,,Colombia
ARM'd 'n' scandaLass,9x23mm,2011-11-19,Greenville Derby Dames,,
ARRRGUILE,8055,"6th January, 2016",Toronto Roller Derby,,Canada
ARSENIXX,33,2012-01-16,B.M.O. Roller Derby Girls,,
ARTROO-DEETOO,R2D2,"20th August, 2014",Middlesbrough Milk Rollers,,United Kingdom
AS-BEAU,101,"29th July, 2014",FMRD,,United Kingdom
ASAP Quinn,,"28th July, 2016",,,United States
ASBO Amber,2,"18th July, 2014",The Imposters Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
ASBO Amber,2,2011-04-28,Imposters Rollergirls,,
ASBO-loute Carnage,46,"28th February, 2020",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
ASHTRIX,225,2011-08-02,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
ASS-TEX- WARRIOR,1524,2012-01-20,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
ASSASSINista,AK-47,2009-02-03,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
ASSault Shaker,AK-47,2008-11-12,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
ASSault Shaker,AK47,"10th November, 2014",Jerzey Derby Brigade,,United States
ASSaulty Cracker,78,2009-03-10,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
ASSley Snipes,517,"21st February, 2018",Ventura County Derby Darlins,,United States
ASTRAPE,,"5th February, 2020",,,United States
ASTeRoID STORM,244,"29th November, 2014",Diamond Valley,,Australia
ATG,,2010-10-08,Jet City Rollergirls,,
ATOMIC LEE,108,"23rd January, 2014",,,Brazil
ATOMICTAWNY,,"25th January, 2018",,,United States
ATOMIK,115,"22nd August, 2014",Alp'n Rockets Roller Derby,,Italy
ATROPA B.,3713,"21st March, 2014",BURNING MUSSELS LE HAVRE,,France
ATTACKACARDIC,911,2012-02-02,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
ATilly The Hunt,205,"28th February, 2014",Rum City Rink Rats,,Australia
AUDIENCE OF ONE,145,"10th November, 2014",Brighton Roller Dollz,,United States
AUDtopsy,007,"15th April, 2016",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
AUSTIN POWER,169,"2nd February, 2019",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
AUdTOPSY,>U,2007-01-04,KC Roller Warriors,,
AWOL,30 foot fall,"21st January, 2014",Suburbia roller derby,,United States
AWeSoMe Welles,REF,2009-11-06,Romsey Town Rollerbillies,,
AX'cess Denied,403.1,"26th January, 2014",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
AXcess denied,,2011-09-29,Salisbury Rollergirls,,
AYLANATOR,2,"7th April, 2019",Boulder county bottle rockets,,United States
AZ Riot,13,2008-12-12,NOVA Roller Derby,,
Aaron Grievances,,2011-01-12,Dead Girl Derby,,
Ab-Salute Attitude,101,2008-03-19,Rushmore Rollerz,,
Ab-solutely Evil,27,"19th June, 2016",,,Canada
AbNormal Bates,REF,2010-11-25,Central Michigan Roller Derby,,
AbSinthia ChaseHer,AA XXX,2008-07-10,Man's Ruin Roller Derby,,
AbStar,14,"10th April, 2016",Westside Derby Dollz,,Australia
Abacus,619,"19th September, 2017",Greenville Derby Dames,,United States
Abacus,619,2009-07-16,Greenville Derby Dames,,
Abad Don,266,2008-10-30,Mens UK Roller Derby Association,,
Abadabadoo,14D,2010-11-23,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Abaddon,,"9th January, 2015",Durham Region Roller Derby,,Canada
Abandon All Hope,413,2011-05-31,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Abandon Whips,05,2011-09-18,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Abattre,1969,2011-08-23,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
Abb-literate-her,8,2012-03-13,Rum City Derby,,
Abba Den Snabba,555,"20th January, 2014",ume radical rollers,,Sweden
Abba StabYa,22,2012-01-30,Hammer City Roller Gilrs,,
Abba Zabba,86,,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Abba den snabba,555,2011-03-18,Ume Radical Rollers,,
Abbetite for Destruction,87,2011-03-10,Twin State Derby,,
Abbey Knock Her Down,428,"20th January, 2014",North Texas Derby Revolution,,United States
Abbey Road Rage,1969,"8th May, 2019",GO-GO Gent Roller Derby,,Belgium
Abbey Road-Rage,9,"23rd October, 2016",Down N Derby,,United States
Abbey RoadBlock,909,"23rd January, 2014",Wagga Derby Dolls,,Australia
Abbey Roadkill,1969,5/2/12,LA Derby Dolls,,
Abbey Roadrage,5/28,2010-02-26,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Abbey Roadrash,09,"23rd May, 2018",,,United States
Abbey Rogue,0-2-60,2008-04-29,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Abbey Rogue,1969,"22nd January, 2014",Dead Girl Derby,,United States
Abbie Cadaver,,2011-08-02,Oz Roller Girls,,
Abbie Cadaver,95,"21st January, 2014",Port City Roller Derby,,United States
Abbie Cadaverous,138,"26th July, 2015",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Abbie Cuss,44,"22nd January, 2014",Traverse City Roller Derby,,United States
Abbie Mischief,318,2006-10-09,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Abbie Normal,74,"18th February, 2014",Angel City Derby Girls,,United States
Abbie Profane,600,"26th June, 2016",TXRG,,United States
Abbie Slaps,998,2012-02-11,Low Down and Derby,,
Abbie-Tude,278,"24th January, 2014",Rockabellas Roller Derby League,,Australia
Abbottoir,16,"21st January, 2014",Hallam Hellcats,,United Kingdom
Abbra Veda D'Asalt,37,2008-08-27,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Abbs of Steel,8,2009-03-31,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Abbsolute,18,2011-04-29,Mountain Mauler's Roller Derby,,
Abbstract,9696,"16th May, 2019",Philly Roller Derby,,United States
Abby,77,"17th February, 2015",deskarriadas roller derby,,Chile
Abby Arsenic,1/3 t.,"21st January, 2014",AZ Derby Dames,,United States
Abby Arsenic,1939,2010-04-01,AZ Derby Dames,,
Abby Cadabra,14,2007-11-14,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Abby CafPow,15,"11th December, 2016",New Hampshire Roller Derby,,United States
Abby Dasher,90,"20th January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Abby Hide,69,"11th October, 2016",La boucherie de Paris,,France
Abby McStabby,13,2010-02-28,Acadiana Good Times Rollers,,
Abby Mcfly,22,"22nd December, 2015",Easo Avengers,,Spain
Abby Negative,10,2009-11-01,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Abby Nor Mall,,"4th January, 2015",,,United States
Abby Normal,145,"8th March, 2016",West Coast Derby Knockouts,,United States
Abby Normal,13,"16th June, 2021",,,United States
Abby Normal,503,,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Abby Normal,74,"27th April, 2017",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Abby Noxious,N204,2007-05-17,Disaster City Roller Girls,,
Abby Road Rash,,2009-05-02,Montana Derby Girls,,
Abby Ruthless,84,2011-03-21,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Abby Ruthless,84,"21st January, 2014",Beet City Bombers,,United States
Abby SINthe,2013,"10th October, 2019",Bath City Roller Girls,,United States
Abby Sciu to Kill,4N6,5-18-12,Abilene Derby Dames,,
Abby Sciutokill,4N6,"20th January, 2014",Dark Horse Roller Derby,,United States
Abby Sessive,13,2011-03-24,Southland Slashers Roller Derby,,
Abby Sessive,13,"21st January, 2014",Southland Slasher,,United States
Abby Thuggin',888,2011-11-10,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Abby Toir,,2007-12-14,Honolulu Derby Girls,,
Abby WHAMblock,20,"21st April, 2016",Emerald City Roller Derby,,United States
Abby-Ca-Slam,,"11th September, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Abbylicious,12C,"24th January, 2014",River City Renegades,,United States
Abbynormal,,"7th December, 2019",Kennebec valley,,United States
Abbyss,23,"24th January, 2020",Fredericton Junior Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Abc Storm,10,"11th October, 2015",Rocket Dolls RD Coimbra,,Portugal
Abe Drinkin,stats/mgr,2008-04-09,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Abe Froman,010,2010-10-19,The Regulators,,
Abel Refwel,Ref,2011-01-08,Oly Rollers,,
Abercrombie & Fists,99,2012-02-27,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Abi Fury,192,2011-05-24,Haunted City Rollers,,
Abi Fury,192,"28th January, 2014",Haunted City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Abi Gale Force,44,"23rd January, 2014",Twin Towns Derby Brats Inc,,Australia
Abi Obourne,5,"12th June, 2017",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
AbiKill,956,"23rd February, 2015",Crossroads City Derby,,United States
Abigail Atoms,17,"21st June, 2016",,,United States
Abigator Death Roll,G8R,2010-04-09,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Abilanche,46,"21st June, 2014",JRDA,,United States
Abina Badgirl,26,2008-01-30,DV8 Derby Skaterz,,
Abisinthe,41,"8th June, 2014",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Abita! Down,,2011-12-07,Windy City Rollers,,
Able C-Man,REF,2010-06-17,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Ablockalypse Pow!,505,"14th October, 2014",MKRD,,United Kingdom
Abnorma Gene,13,"23rd January, 2014",,,United States
Abnorma Jean,91,2010-11-14,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Abnorman,045,2010-12-23,Low Down and Derby,,
Abombinatrix,369,"24th April, 2015",Westside Roller sports LadyHawks,,United States
AbominabaLily,11,"21st January, 2014",Northamptonshire Roller Derby League,,United Kingdom
Above Rubies,P:31:10,"21st January, 2014",Dark Horse Roller Derby,,United States
Abra Cadaver,,"15th October, 2021",Durham City Rolling Angels,,United Kingdom
Abra Kadabra,,2009-03-05,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Abra Macabre,13,2011-03-12,Furness Firecrackers,,
Abra-ka-stab-ya,,"18th October, 2017",,,United States
AbraKadaver!,1055,2010-12-08,Bellingham Roller Betties,,
AbraSHELdabra,12,2011-02-25,Billings Roller Derby,,
AbracaBam,34,2011-06-07,Battle Creek Cereal Killers,,
AbracaJabYa,467,"4th January, 2016",,,United States
Abracastabya,401,2007-01-04,Palmetto State Rollergirls,,
Abracazebra,917,"18th October, 2014",Wirral Whipiteres,,United Kingdom
Abraham Drinkin,4 score and 7,2007-10-25,New York Shock Exchange,,
Abrasion Hussey,76,"17th March, 2016",The Bay Rollers,,Australia
Abrasion Hussy,455 c.i.,2007-07-03,Nashville Rollergirls Revolutionaries Rec League,,
Abrasion Ivy,135 decibels,2010-09-22,Sintral Florida Derby Demons,,
Abrazion Perzwaysion,6968,2011-02-14,Pensacola Roller Gurlz,,
Abrazion Perzwaysion,6968,"7th February, 2014",Whidbey Island Roller Girls,,United States
Abridged Burner,,"11th October, 2016",,,United States
Abs of Steel,11,"21st January, 2014",Amsterdam Derby Dames,,Netherlands
Abs-Solution,999,2010-11-23,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Absinthe Minded,272,"8th April, 2014",Suffolk Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Absinthe Minded,,2008-01-25,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Absinthe O'Malice,666,2011-12-18,Aloha City Rollers,,
Absinthe of Conscience,1134,2011-02-25,Billings Roller Derby,,
Absinthe-minded,,"6th July, 2020",,,United States
Absolut CARRnage,214,"12th July, 2017",Roller Girls of the Apocalypse,,Germany
Absolut Khaos,120 proof,2011-01-29,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Absolut Khaos,120,"12th April, 2016",Texas Derby Divas,,United States
Absolut Rebel,910,"25th February, 2018",,,United States
Absolut Stella,512,2009-01-15,ManchVegas Rollergirls,,
Absolut Tearher,80 Proof,2012-04-22,Wreckin Roller Rebels,,
Absolut Viking,,"10th July, 2016",Renegade rebels,,United Kingdom
Absolut Viking,3 crowns,2010-08-03,Renegade Rebels,,
Absolut Viva,,"2nd June, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Absolute Orkan,15,2011-12-27,Zombitches,,
Absolute PandeMOMium,2992,"20th June, 2017",Rolla rockets,,United States
Absolutely Daft,,2011-11-30,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Absolutely Scabulous,.08 BAC,2009-11-30,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Absolutely Stabulous,90%,2011-01-21,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Absolutley Scabulous,.08,"21st January, 2014",Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Abstract LabRat,1408,"21st January, 2014",Crow City Roller Girls,,Canada
Absynthe Minded,13,"18th September, 2019",GCRD,,United Kingdom
Abuela Sauce,420,"20th March, 2014",Español.,,Argentina
Abuela Sauce,420,"21st April, 2014",Parias Roller Derby,,Argentina
Abusement Park,"6'2"" to ride",2011-08-07,Northshore Roller Derby,,
Abusement Ride,321,5-20-12,River City Rollers,,
Abuzement,43,"21st January, 2014",Shasta Roller Derby,,United States
Aby Rightbehindya,3,2012-02-19,York Minxters Roller Derby,,
Ac slayed-her,REF,2010-01-04,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Ac!d Drop,35,2012-02-13,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Acacia Finest,2s3,2009-12-21,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Acadian Axel Broad,,2012-03-03,Capital City Rollers,,
Accabadora,41Bis,"28th May, 2019",Rolling Rezdôre,,Italy
Accelerati,11,"9th July, 2014",Oil City Derby Girls,,Canada
Access Dunai'd,195,"31st May, 2014",North East Roller Derby,,Australia
AcciDent Plan,11,2009-03-19,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Accident Pwn,O69,"8th May, 2015",PERV,,United States
Accidental Horcrux,19,"28th January, 2014",Emerald Coast Roller Derby,,United States
AccostHer Wilde,1854,2008-07-13,Acadiana Good Times Rollers,,
Accountabilabuddy,1+1,2011-03-09,Chocolate City Cherry Bombers,,
Accounter strike,86,"6th March, 2017",Karlstad Roller Derby - Sun City Rollers,,Sweden
Accute Crippler,24/7,2011-02-18,Bakersfield Junior Roller Derby,,
Ace Assassin,777,"3rd July, 2015",Convicts city rollers,,Australia
Ace Asunder,091,"19th December, 2014",Stitch City Rollers,,Sweden
Ace Bandage,1621,2008-03-15,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Ace Benedict,4,2009-04-20,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
Ace Bondage,,2008-04-09,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Ace Defective,1167,2012-02-13,Albany All Stars,,
Ace Hellcat,F6F,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Ace Hellcat,F6F,2010-06-07,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Ace Hex-You-All,6,"14th May, 2016",,,United States
Ace It Up,161,"16th May, 2016",PMRDL,,Australia
Ace Kelly,,"6th March, 2017",DRD,,Ireland
Ace Kicker,22,2011-01-11,Lafayette Brawlin' Dolls,,
Ace Laveaux,,2011-04-13,Swansea City Slayers,,
Ace O'Breaks,369,2011-07-07,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Ace O'Malley,13,"15th July, 2016",,,United States
Ace O'Malley,51,"6th March, 2017",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Ace Of Blades,11,"26th August, 2015",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Ace Of Sk8z,18,"10th April, 2016",,,United States
Ace S. Wild,13,2007-07-23,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Ace Scrimmer,3E06,"24th January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ace Skatetura,411,2011-12-05,Towns Villains Roller Derby,,
Ace Vegas,444,2012-02-02,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Ace VenClawher,8384,2010-07-06,Wakey Wheeled Cats,,
Ace Wench-Tura,K9,2010-08-07,Imposters Roller Girls,,
Ace Wenchura,333,2010-08-17,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Ace Wenchura,31,"29th February, 2016",Cornwall Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ace Wheeley,,2010-11-01,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Ace Wonderroll,14,"25th March, 2019",,,Sweden
Ace of Aches,A8,"21st January, 2014",Bay State Brawlers,,United States
Ace of Aches,214,"21st January, 2014",Happy Valley Derby Darlings,,United States
Ace of Bass,,"29th March, 2018",,,United States
Ace of Blades,,2006-06-21,Tragic City Rollers,,
Ace of Grace,,2011-09-18,Derby Lite,,
Ace of Hearts,82,2008-09-19,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
Ace of Jades,666,"21st January, 2014",Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ace of Mace,30,"1st April, 2019",,,United States
Ace of Payne,4 of a Kind,2010-08-02,Sun City Roller Girls,,
Ace of Sk8s,83,"8th March, 2016",West Coast Derby Knockouts,,United States
Ace of Skates,2,"20th January, 2014",New York Shock Exchange,,United States
Ace of Skates,2,2011-02-08,New York Shock Exchange,,
Ace of Space,,2008-06-03,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Ace of Spade,333,"7th March, 2016",Auburn Gold Diggers,,United States
Ace of Spades,,"29th January, 2017",Inland Northwest Roller Derby-Pixies,,United States
Ace of Sprains,13,"26th February, 2017",Middle Georgia Derby Demons,,United States
Ace of Sprains,40,"1st February, 2022",MMDG,,United States
Ace to Your Face,,2009-09-08,Mission City Brawlin Betties,,
Ace-Sassin,,"22nd January, 2014",,,Australia
Acer Spades,,"16th October, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Aces Cracked,747,"21st January, 2014",Wine Country Crushers,,United Kingdom
Aces Dragon,42,2011-03-02,Mountain Derby Girls,,
Aces Dragon,626,"21st January, 2014",High Country Mountain Derby Girls,,United States
Aces Heidi,REF,2011-12-15,Burn City Rollers,,
Aces HiJaq'd,9-23,2011-02-22,Oxford Wheels of Gory,,
Aces N Sk8s,,2010-03-09,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Aces RedRum,187,"18th May, 2015",Grand Haven HellKats,,United States
Aceta Menacin',500mg,2012-02-21,Bleeding Heartland Rollergirls,,
Acetylean,153,"25th January, 2016",Lindsay Roller Derby,,Canada
Acey D. Cee,30,2010-03-01,Chicago Outfit,,
Acheron Styx,26BC,2011-04-05,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Achilles Squeal,33,2011-07-26,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
Achilles wheel,0110,"3rd May, 2014",Northampton Shoetown slayers,,United Kingdom
Achilles' Fools,Bcubed,2009-11-05,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Achilles' Wheels,,"13th May, 2019",,,United States
Achilles' wheel,,"16th June, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Achillies Heel,6,"29th March, 2016",Big River Brawlers Roller Derby,,United States
Achtung Schlachtung,0691,"17th April, 2015",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Acid Alice,33,"11th February, 2015",Yuc-Town Rollin' Bombshells,,United States
Acid Amy,16,2011-07-31,Pink Peril Roller Derby,,
Acid Angel,23,2010-05-06,Voodoo Derby Dollz Roller Derby Association,,
Acid Annie,9,"18th September, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Acid Annie,300mg,"28th November, 2014",San Gabriel Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Acid Assassin,3.14,2007-11-21,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Acid Barrett,REF,2010-09-14,Kallio Rolling Rainbow,,
Acid Bath,,2011-08-18,Brighton Roller Dollz,,
Acid Blondie,213,2011-06-02,Terrorz of Tiny Towns Roller Derby,,
Acid Burn,255,"25th January, 2016",,,United States
Acid Burn,14,2011-06-24,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
Acid Byte,369,"24th July, 2016",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Acid Doll,buck05,2011-01-05,Tournament City Derby,,
Acid Frankie,37,5-20-12,River City Rollers,,
Acid Hole,406,"6th May, 2014",,,United States
Acid Hole,406,"24th January, 2014",Dockyard Derby Dames,,United States
Acid Laced,15,"3rd June, 2015",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Acid Pain,1116,2011-01-06,Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,
Acid Pest,,2010-06-02,Rose City Rosebuds,,
Acid Plum,4884,"24th January, 2014",Santiago City Roller Girls,,Chile
Acid Rain,10,"21st May, 2018",,,United States
Acid Rayn,39,"2nd February, 2019",Heartland Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Acid Reflex,73,2012-06-01,Wichita Falls Derby Dames,,
Acid Reign,13,"13th February, 2018",Hellgate Hellions jr,,United States
Acid Reign,27,"28th January, 2015",Missfits Roller Derby,,United States
Acid Reign,C-4,2009-03-04,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Acid Reigns,68,"19th May, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Acid Trip,00,"21st January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Acid Vicious,23,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
Acourta Pain,1q.t.,2011-02-22,Salisbury Rollergirls,,
Acrid Apeham,79,2009-06-15,Bremen Rollergirls,,
Acromankillah,88,2011-04-07,Alachua County Rollers,,
ActiFist,314,"29th January, 2017",V Town Roller Derby,,United States
Action Dan,27,"21st February, 2014",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Action Elvis,A36,"14th May, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Action Elvis,A36,2011-03-13,Severn Roller Torrent,,
Action Girl,7,2010-11-29,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Action Jackson,,2012-01-16,Burning River Roller Girls,,
Action Jaxon,25,"21st January, 2019",Fredericton Junior Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Action Jaxson,7,2006-12-30,Wilkes Barre Roller Radicals,,
Action Jaxson,7,"21st January, 2014",Roller Radicals,,United States
Action Nutz,REF,2011-07-31,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Actual Bodily Harm,29,"5th February, 2016",York Minxsters,,United Kingdom
Actual Size,,"20th January, 2014",NSO,,Norway
AcuPunch'er,Ki1,"22nd January, 2014",RWRG,,United Kingdom
AcuPunch'er,Ki 1,2011-09-06,Royal Windsor Rollergirls,,
Acute Angel,<90°,2008-04-11,Texas Rollergirls,,
Acute Exposure,239 (Pu),2010-02-16,Alachua County Rollers,,
Acute Pain,10/10,2006-02-28,Tragic City Rollers,,
Acute Toxicity,151,2011-03-21,Dutchland Rollers,,
Acute Weapon,94,2011-01-12,Dead End Derby,,
Acyd Rayne,72,"27th April, 2015",Den of Angels,,United States
Ad'Hell,1921,"29th May, 2014",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
AdRock,46N2,2012-03-15,Derby Lite,,
Ada Baby,M16,,Philly Rollergirls,,
Ada BloodLaces,303,"30th May, 2015",Yellow Rose Derby Girls,,United States
Ada Bloodlace,0101,2011-06-24,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Ada Hatelace,1337,2007-01-19,Windy City Rollers,,
Ada Loathelace,,"26th July, 2021",,,United States
Ada LoveSkates,256,"30th November, 2021",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Ada Loveless,1815,2010-06-02,London Rollergirls,,
Ada Loveless,8,"23rd February, 2015",Hallam Hellcats,,United Kingdom
Ada Lovemace,1101,"11th July, 2017",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Ada Mantium,121,"21st January, 2014",Kerr County Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ada Rollerlace,,"5th July, 2017",Ladies of Helltown,,Brazil
Ada Roughface,,"14th January, 2018",Swedish Royal Roller Derby,,Sweden
Ada Shoveface,,"28th May, 2019",Cambridge Rollerbillies,,United Kingdom
Ada Shovelace,1024,"22nd January, 2014",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Ada Shovelace,1969,"20th July, 2015",Marietta Derby Darlins,,United States
Adairya To!,Triple Dog Dare,2009-04-01,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Adalaide Herout,416,"22nd April, 2016",jet city roller girls,,United States
Adam Antichrist,666,2010-03-29,New York Shock Exchange,,
Adam Away,77,"25th February, 2019",Wasteland Roller Derby,,United States
Adam Bomb,35,"10th July, 2014",Capital City Derby Dolls,,Canada
Adam Collider,,2011-10-19,Ventura County Derby Darlins,,
Adam MidWest,Ref,2012-03-26,Demolition City Roller Girls,,
Adam Rant,,2007-04-26,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Adam Smasher,137,"24th June, 2016",Lansing Derby Vixens,,United States
Adam Smasher,,,,,
Adam Splitter,94,2010-11-24,Pensacola Roller Gurlz,,
Adamant Eve,,2008-01-14,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Adamantium,119,2012-04-30,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Adamn Good Call,REF,2008-03-21,Providence Roller Derby,,
Adamphetamine,STAFF,2011-11-07,Confluence Crush Derby,,
AddKicks,87,"12th February, 2016",Rotten Rebels Dordrecht,,Netherlands
Adderoller,86,2007-05-24,CoMo Derby Dames,,
Addie Brawl,30,"22nd January, 2014",Muscogee Roller Girls,,United States
Addie Countant,REF,2010-07-13,Tall City Roller Betties,,
Addie Finitum,86,2011-04-03,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Addie Kedavra,13B,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Addie Kedavra,,2011-11-29,Red Stick Roller Derby,,
Addie Mortem,93,2010-05-02,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
Addios Bichitos,d0ce,2012-01-06,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Addy 2 d'juster,n10s,"29th June, 2014",Lil Chicago Roller Derby League,,Canada
Addy Hominem,11,"21st January, 2014",First Settlement Derby Dames,,United States
Addy Pose,K9,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Addy Quit,707,"28th August, 2019",Rose City Wreckers,,United States
Addy Rawl,525,2009-09-07,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Addy Tude,5-51,2009-09-23,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
AddyTude,314,"26th September, 2017",Carson Junior Victory Rollers,,United States
Adelaide U. Out,TKO,2009-01-21,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Adele Linquent,0o,2010-09-01,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Adelirious,87,"10th March, 2019",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Adhominem Attack,399,"27th November, 2015",,,United States
AdiKt'D MisFit,04,"6th November, 2014",Sis Q Rollerz,,United States
AdiNa SciZorHanDz,714,2008-09-08,Roc City Roller Derby,,
Adjudicator,42,2011-12-18,Aloha City Rollers,,
Adkins Riot,119,2011-03-05,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
Administrator of Pain,77mg,2011-11-07,Confluence Crush Derby,,
Admiral Crunch,4 stars,2011-06-16,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Admiral DeJenerate,311,"22nd January, 2014",Undead Bettys,,United States
Admiral Dejenerate,311,2011-11-20,Undead Bettys,,
Admiral Jackbar,Announcer,2009-08-13,Radioactive City Rollergirls,,
Admiral Mayhem,,,,,
Admiral Mayhem,5 gold stars,2010-06-07,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Admiral Packbar,42,"20th January, 2014",Greensboro Roller Derby,,United States
Admiral Painway,525,"31st January, 2014",Roller Derby Iceland,,Iceland
Admiral Painway,2378,"20th January, 2014",Limerick roller derby,,Ireland
Admiral Rixon,1404,"21st January, 2014",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
Admiral Smackbar,83,2010-05-27,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Admiral Snackbar,312,"21st January, 2014",Windy City Rollers,,United States
Admiral Todd,REF,2011-12-09,Okaloosa Rollers,,
Admiral Trackbar,TR4P,"23rd January, 2014",Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,United States
Admiral snackbar,,2008-07-22,Windy City Rollers,,
Adolf Glitter,,2010-06-04,Mississippi Brawl Stars,,
Adolf Hits Her,1933,2009-10-19,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Adolf Hitter,11,"21st January, 2014",Energetic City Roller Derby Assc.,,Canada
Adolf Whistler,,2008-10-20,Rated PG Rollergirls,,
Adoll Hitter,<3,2011-04-07,Valdosta Venom Roller Derby,,
Adolla Doom,00,2011-10-11,Athens Ohio Roller Derby,,
Adora Brawl,<3,"20th January, 2014",Worcester Roller Derby,,United States
Adora Brawl,<3,5-29-12,Worcester Roller Derby,,
Adora Brawl,<33,"5th February, 2019",,,United States
Adora Bully,146,"24th January, 2014",Southern Delaware Rollergirls,,United States
Adora Carnivora,585,"8th March, 2017",Jblm Bettie Brigade,,United States
Adora Diamond,,2008-04-30,Rushmore Rollerz,,
Adora-Bull,12,2011-12-11,Columbia QuadSquad Minis,,
Adorabloodthirsty,413,"9th March, 2015",Grid City Division,,United Kingdom
Adorabullet,9mm,2012-03-15,Omaha JR Rollergirls,,
Adrena Chrome,247,2011-11-13,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Adrena Lin,77,"12th March, 2016",Inverclyde Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Adrena-Jen Rush,8,2011-03-27,Devil Dog Derby Dames,,
AdrenaLyn,SK8,"21st January, 2014",Wrexham Rejects,,United Kingdom
AdrenaNina,14,"12th January, 2019",Stray Beez Rimini Roller Derby,,Italy
Adrenaline Crush,10,"17th November, 2018",,,United States
Adrenaline Glitter,187,"30th August, 2017",Splatter Fairies Marburg,,Germany
Adrenaline Junkie,,2011-01-30,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Adrenalyn Crush,,2010-10-25,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Adrenna Lynne,High Five,2007-07-09,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Adrian's Revenge,V11,"5th February, 2014",Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,United States
Adrian's Revenge,V11,2012-04-08,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Adriennaline,,"7th December, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Adrienne Balboa,,2012-04-21,Loco Roller Derby,,
Adrénadine,72,"11th March, 2018",Chambér'hyènes,,France
Adrénalinss,12,"28th January, 2014",Nantes derby girl,,France
Adverse Ariel,78,2010-05-21,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Adverse Reaction,38,"12th December, 2014",,,United States
Advillain,800mg,2010-05-20,Undead Bettys,,
Advo Kat Dabra,7,"16th August, 2016",,,United States
Adèle Linquent,0o,"21st January, 2014",BMO Roller Derby Girls,,France
Aenemy of Daylight,46&2,2010-05-02,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Aeon Flex,2415,2010-01-20,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Aeon Flex,,"27th November, 2018",BVRD,,United States
Aeon FluxYouUp,68,2010-09-01,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Aeon Trux,877,"5th February, 2020",Cherry City Roller Derby,,United States
Aeon Trux,,2011-04-20,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Aerial Force,1,2010-12-08,San Antonio Roller Derby,,
Aerial Spectre,ac130,2012-02-09,Fabulous Sin City Roller Girls,,
Aerial Strike,1212,2007-04-14,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Aeris Gainzbrah,,"26th October, 2016",York Minxters,,United Kingdom
AeroDIEpaniC,2097,2011-12-17,Plymouth City Roller Girls,,
Aerodymanic,36,"30th May, 2015",Lothian Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Aerosmash,15,2011-04-19,Limestone CrusHers Roller Derby,,
Aeroswift,133,2012-02-22,Wicked Island Roller Derby,,
Aeroswift,133,"27th January, 2014",Enchanted Island Roller Derby League,,Puerto Rico
Aeryn Stun,,2011-11-03,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Aff Ro,,2008-03-16,Duke City Derby,,
Affirmative Smacktion,40 acres,2008-09-02,Naptown Roller Girls,,
Affirmative Tracktion,1961,"24th December, 2015",Vermont Mens Roller Derby,,United States
Affliction,5,2010-02-01,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
Affliction Addiction,33,2009-02-04,MO-KAN Roller Girlz,,
Afithyated,6B,2012-01-05,Tulare Roller Derby,,
Afrdiety,,"23rd July, 2017",San Marcos river rollers,,United States
Afreakin blond-e,26,2011-01-18,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Afreudisiac,496,"24th June, 2015",Rocket Dolls Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
Africa Connor,63,"7th October, 2016",,,Argentina
African Anarchy,,2011-11-03,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Afrika Slambaataa,,2011-05-20,Mississippi Brawl Stars,,
Afro Die T,826,"20th June, 2014",Eastside Derby Girls,,United States
Afro Disiac,sexty-six,2010-07-11,South Bend Roller Girls,,
Afro Disiac,6,"24th January, 2014",South Bend Roller Girls,,United States
Afro Dotty,773,2012-02-04,DuPage Derby Dames,,
Afro Dykee,213,2012-02-03,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
Afro Jamurai,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Afro-Dite,17,"27th January, 2015",,,France
Afro-Dizzi-Jax,UB40,5/8/12,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
AfroVenoMiss,72,"5th March, 2014",Mid America Rebel Rollers,,United States
Afrodisiac,11,"30th January, 2015",301 derby dames,,United States
Afrodite,9,"2nd August, 2015",Twin City Knockers,,United States
Afrodite fighter,,"18th June, 2017",,,United States
Afronaut,24,"25th January, 2014",Shanghai Roller Derby,,China
Afronaut,2×,2011-07-13,Dolly Rockit Rollers,,
After Party,,2011-05-16,Brighton Roller Dollz,,
After School Special,3:05,2012-03-02,Cedar Valley Derby Divas,,
AfterDoom DeLight,138,2011-09-21,ToadSuck Derby Dames,,
AfterParty,2AM,"24th January, 2014",Detroit Derby Girls,,United States
AfterShock,99,2010-03-13,Taranaki Roller Corps,,
Afterburner,1477,2010-03-01,Central Michigan Roller Derby,,
Afterburner,1477,"2nd February, 2014",Central Michigan Mayhem,,United States
Afterdoomdelight,,"12th October, 2016",,,United States
Aftermath,409,2011-03-22,Northern Arizona Roller Derby,,
Afternoon D-Lightning,256,2012-06-11,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Afternoon DD-Lite,34DD,2008-03-25,Ventura County Derby Darlins,,
Agassiz,17,"3rd April, 2014",Tenerife Roller Derby,,Spain
Agat' my ass on you,19,"8th July, 2017",Magic Island Roller Derby Circle,,Brazil
Agata Beastie,72,2010-05-19,Bear City Roller Derby,,
Agata Ch_kabitchski,19,2008-07-16,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Agatha Crispy,972,"9th June, 2018",Roller Derby Bordeaux Club RDBC,,France
Agatha Crispy,826,"16th April, 2015",Hudiksvall Rollergirls RDC,,Sweden
Agatha Crushtie,66,2010-11-14,Nidaros Roller Derby,,
Agatha Frisky,80,2006-12-18,Texas Rollergirls,,
Agatha Frisky,,"26th November, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Agatha Frisky,626,"3rd March, 2021",Convict City Rollers,,Australia
Agatha Frisky,2319,"3rd March, 2021",Convict city rollers,,Australia
Agatha Kris B,21,"14th January, 2019",Rat City Roller Derby,,United States
Agatha Power 'tum tum',,"20th January, 2014",Freaky Mons'ter Derby Ladies,,Belgium
Agatha Twisty,,"8th November, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Agave Maria,,"24th June, 2015",Derby City Rollergirls Rec League,,United States
Agenda,REF,2011-05-31,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Agenda,007,"8th June, 2017",,,Denmark
Agenda,337,"14th January, 2015",Lowcountry Highrollers,,United States
Agent 86,REF,2007-10-23,Philly Rollergirls,,
Agent Anger,7,2010-11-23,Copenhagen Roller Derby,,
Agent Automatic,STAFF,2007-09-10,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Agent B,OO7,2012-03-14,Red River Roller Derby,,
Agent B. Fatal,,2011-10-20,Bear City Roller Derby,,
Agent Büüty,68,"2nd September, 2018",Helltown hellcats,,Sweden
Agent Carnage,86'd,2012-03-29,Shore Points Roller Derby,,
Agent Carter,110,"22nd February, 2016",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Agent Cherry Maim'her,003,2011-10-04,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Agent Cody Spanks,007,2012-04-01,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
Agent Cooper,808,"20th January, 2014",Croydon roller derby,,United Kingdom
Agent Cry Check,,"1st September, 2016",,,United States
Agent Dana Scurry,42,2010-06-16,Central City Rollergirls,,
Agent Dreadpool,,2011-03-31,Coastal Plains Derby Dames,,
Agent Gale Cooper,227,2010-03-01,Chicago Outfit,,
Agent H,28,"22nd March, 2017",Gippsland Lakes Roller Derby,,Australia
Agent H,00H,2011-09-18,Radioactive City Rollergirls,,
Agent Koko Kaboom,6,"22nd May, 2015",Jacksonville RollerGirls,,United States
Agent Maulder,X13,2007-11-30,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Agent Mauledher,1121,"21st January, 2014",Green Mountain Derby Dames,,United States
Agent Orange,TBA,"2nd August, 2016",TBA,,Australia
Agent Orange,,2008-07-13,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Agent ProvacatHer,,2012-03-13,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Agent Scar-let,8,"21st January, 2014",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Agent Scar-let,COACH,2012-02-03,Dub City Derby Girls,,
Agent Skullie,187,2006-12-10,Rubber City Demolition Dolls,,
Agent Skully,095,"14th January, 2018",Glasgow Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Agent Skully,25%,"24th February, 2016",,,United States
Agent Skully Crasher,DD10,"22nd July, 2014",BoomTown Roller,,Ireland
Agent Smith,8,"26th March, 2017",303 Roller Derby,,United States
Agent Sparling,78,2012-01-24,Big Bucks High Rollers,,
Agent Sully,22,2010-10-03,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Agent T. Bagher,10,2006-08-01,Duke City Derby,,
Aggie Battery,,2007-01-15,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Aggie Battery,,,,,
Aggievator,44cal,2011-02-16,Brazos Valley Derby Girls,,
Aggravated Assault,1024,"17th April, 2016",Southshire Roller Derby,,United States
Aggress Shan,81,2010-06-28,Otautahi Roller Derby,,
Aggressica,71,2011-08-11,Haunted City Rollers,,
Aggressica Jones,,"2nd January, 2016",,,United States
Aggretsuko,,"22nd October, 2017",,,United States
Aggro Alice,89,2011-03-03,Haunted City Rollers,,
Aggro Amazon,25,2007-09-14,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Aggro Lavigne,,"9th June, 2020",,,United States
Aggro Vader,22,2006-11-12,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Aggro Vera,,"7th July, 2015",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
AggroAnnie,39,2009-10-02,Triple Sword Roller Girls,,
Aggrodite,26E,"21st January, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Aggrodite,26E,"22nd January, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Aggrosaurus,R0AR,"20th January, 2014",Tri-City Roller Girls,,Canada
Aggroskatin',4U,"14th February, 2014",South Coast Roller Girls,,United States
Aggy Agro,265,2011-06-28,Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,
Agnes Khan,747,2011-08-13,Vette City Roller Derby,,
Agnes O'Neill,454,"21st January, 2014",Strong Island Derby Revolution,,United States
Agnes Tick,86,"29th December, 2021",Woodland Area Roller Derby,,United States
Agnes Våld,,"16th May, 2019",Örebro Roller Derby,,Sweden
Agnus Die,RIP,2009-05-15,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Agony,187,2009-12-30,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
Agony Andy,708,2010-07-09,Champaine-Urbana Rollers,,
Agony Annt,7,2010-07-23,Dublin Roller Girls,,
Agony Christie,82,"20th April, 2017",San Fernando Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Agony Christie,27,"3rd May, 2018",Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,United States
Agony Jane,22,2011-06-20,Eindhoven Rollers,,
Agony von Grimm,XIII,"22nd March, 2015",,,United States
Agora Phobia,,2012-04-01,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Agreta Garbo,147,2011-10-31,2x4 Roller Derby,,
Agrippa S'Mass,19,2011-01-25,Rockford Rage,,
AgroPelter,0722,2011-11-12,Wirral Whipiteres Roller Derby,,
Agrodite,_½,2011-10-14,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Agrowe,,"27th May, 2014",Hawkes Bay Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Agusta Wind,59,2008-05-06,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Agyness Mean,T355,2012-02-13,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Ahkin Ixu,27,2010-12-01,Cannibales Dolls,,
Ai Da Queen,12,"30th March, 2016",Sun City Rollers,,Sweden
AiSSKicker,913,"3rd April, 2014",Squamish Women's Roller Derby,,Canada
Aida Brain,8749,2012-03-26,Greensboro Roller Derby,,
Aidan Abet,Title 18,2008-04-08,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Aidee Dee,,2008-02-11,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Aidee Dee,22,"6th April, 2016",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Aidy Sixx,27/8627,"6th August, 2019",MWA/Illiana Derby Dames,,United States
Aiiight,,2012-01-08,CT Rollergirls,,
Ail AsiV,891,"31st January, 2017",,,United States
Aileen Invasion,701,"11th October, 2018",Burning River Roller Derby,,United States
Ailers the Impalher,82,2010-03-11,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Aim 'n Halle Lewya,133:1,2008-12-19,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Aim 'n' Maim,134,"5th April, 2014",Hereford Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Aim DeKill,3,2008-02-14,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Aim DeKill,3,"21st January, 2014",Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Aim N Buster,7734,2006-08-04,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Aim N. Buster,7734,"27th April, 2017",Wreckin Roller Rebels,,United States
Aim N8 Her,34,2009-09-16,South Florida Rollergirls,,
Aim-N-8r,736,2011-09-07,Tulsa Derby Brigade,,
AimMeNition,30.06,"5th April, 2015",Westside Wreck Hers,,United States
Aimed & Dangerous,f67,2010-01-18,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Aimee ArmaLite,AR-15,"20th January, 2014",FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,United States
Aimee ArmaLite,AR15,2009-07-29,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Aimee T. VilHorror,13,2007-02-24,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Aimin 4 U,623,2011-06-08,Midnight Sun Roller Girlz,,
Aimin' Atchya,23,"21st January, 2014",Happy Valley Derby Darlings,,United States
Aimless,013,2011-02-17,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
Aimless Mayhem,37,"22nd January, 2014",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
Aimless Renegade,79,"25th January, 2014",Woodstock Warriors,,Canada
AimsLow,711,"21st January, 2014",Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,United States
Aimz 4 You,22,2012-04-26,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Aimz Unition,45 cal,"15th November, 2016",,,United States
Aimzz 2 Kill,2020,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Aim’n atcha,,"6th November, 2017",,,Canada
Ain't Miss Behavin',Retired 1/12/13,2011-02-08,Girls Rollin in the South (GRITS),,
Ain't My First Rodeo,8Sec,2011-03-30,High City Derby Divas,,
Ain'tMy First Rodeo,8SEC,"21st January, 2014",High City Derby Divas,,United States
Aine Ass,12,2007-08-02,Black-n-Bluegrass Rollergirls,,
Aines,11,"5th March, 2014",,,Argentina
Ainia,AC-21,2012-03-27,Cordoba Roller Derby,,
Air Peste,77,"25th January, 2014",Roller Derby Lorient,,France
Air-Wreck,17,"23rd July, 2015",Kalamazoo Men's Roller Derby,,United States
Air-Wrecka,7,"5th April, 2016",Anchor City Rollers,,Canada
AirWrecka Yo Face,12,"27th August, 2015",Druid City Dames,,United States
Airea,51,2012-04-25,Sintral Florida Derby Demons,,
Airy Skate Olson,,2012-01-02,Bay State Brawlers,,
Aitch Bomb,4,"11th May, 2016",Eastside Derby Girls,,United States
Aiva-ator,42,"22nd August, 2014",Brid Rock n Rollers,,United Kingdom
Aj La Kaos,,2012-04-23,Glasgow South Side Slayers,,
Ajax,2112,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Ak-40oz,,2006-04-15,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Akata,47,2011-07-02,Metropolitan Roller Derby,,
Akayomi,1337,"5th February, 2014",ThunderQuads Roller Derby Masculino,,Argentina
Akes N Panes,,2011-10-08,Dundee Roller Girls,,
Akilla Accalia,00,2011-03-27,Spoon River Speed Demons,,
Akilla Da Hunni,434,2011-11-25,Gold Coast Roller Derby,,
Akilla the Fun,507,"20th July, 2015",Cleveland Mens Roller Derby \ Central Ohio Roller Dolls,,United States
Akilla the Hun,1349,"28th January, 2016",Eastside Derby Girls,,United States
Akilla' the Honey,660,2012-04-16,Revelstoke Roller Derby Association,,
Akilles Wheel,3,,Memphis Roller Derby,,
Akillya hun,7734,"23rd September, 2014",Ketchikan rainforest roller girls,,United States
Akin Keister,,2007-04-10,Texas Rollergirls,,
Akira Dreena,21,"29th January, 2014",Nantes Derby Girls,,France
Akka Armoff,801,2011-07-21,Murder City Roller Girls,,
Akroma dead,#99,"24th January, 2014",Lado Oscuro,,Argentina
"Al ""K"" puccino",117,"3rd April, 2015",Porcelain Dolls,,France
Al Anilhate'ya,772,2011-08-12,Arizona Derby Dames,,
Al B Sore,,2010-08-17,Morgantown Roller Vixens,,
Al B. Itup,REF,2010-07-11,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Al Ca-Pwn,99,"17th May, 2015",,,Canada
Al Capwn3d,REF,2009-02-24,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Al Carbonne,66,2011-09-06,Nantes Derby Girls,,
Al Chemie,283,"23rd February, 2015",Riverside Rebels Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Al Chimiste,210,"1st October, 2021",Les Passeuses Dâmes,,France
Al Cohaulin,151,5-18-12,Abilene Derby Dames,,
Al Cohaulin',151,"21st January, 2014",Abilene Roller Derby,,United States
Al Diablo,1m1,"21st January, 2014",Oil City Derby Girls,,Canada
Al Diablo,\m/,2011-05-04,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Al Ejectcha,GTFO,"10th February, 2015",West Coast Derby Knockouts,,United States
Al Ejectcha,REF,2010-03-03,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Al Exicutioner,0512,2010-02-15,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Al Exploz,90,"1st May, 2014",B.M.O Roller Derby Girls,,France
Al Kapwn,n00b,"21st June, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Al Killya,86,2006-07-11,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Al Kohaul,37,"9th July, 2014",Capital City Derby Dolls,,Canada
Al Mighty,013,"24th May, 2018",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Al NaturAL,5.56,2009-03-22,Rogue Rollergirls,,
Al O'Fear-Her,ph6,2012-02-10,Norfolk Brawds Roller Derby,,
Al Strapone,,2011-03-14,MTL Roller Derby,,
Al Yank-a-chik,508,2012-03-14,River Regions RollerGirls,,
Al-Lix-Her,65,2009-08-25,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Al-pocalypse,42,"20th January, 2014",Preston Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Al-pocalypse,42,2011-11-01,Preston Roller Girls,,
Ala Big Bella,99PRBLMS,2012-03-17,Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,
AlaBAMison,205,2010-11-28,Greensboro Roller Derby,,
Alabama Ballbreaker,303,"6th July, 2015",Plymouth City Roller girls,,United Kingdom
Alabama Gamma,1306,2011-05-04,Glasgow Roller Girls,,
Alabama Hotpocket,420,2011-11-14,Chocolate City Cherry Bombers,,
Alabama Hurley,13,2010-06-18,South Island Sirens Roller Derby,,
Alabama SlamHer,814,"6th July, 2015",Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby,,United States
Alabama SlamHer,503,"7th February, 2017",Soul City Sirens,,United States
Alabama Slamber,42,"6th February, 2015",Rodeo City Rollergirls,,United States
Alabama Slamma,,"12th January, 2016",North Star Roller Girls,,United States
Alabama Slammer,205,2009-12-10,Rocky Mountain Riot,,
Alabama Slammher,820,"28th April, 2017",Oil City Roller Derby,,Canada
Alabama Succotash,88,2011-08-25,Alberni Valley Roller Girls,,
Alabama Whip-Maim,84,"20th March, 2016",North Cheshire Victory Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alabama Whirley,88,2008-11-11,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Alabama slam'her,,"19th May, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Alabama whipman,,2008-10-03,Lincolnshire Bombers,,
Alabaster Disaster,112,2012-04-22,Wreckin Roller Rebels,,
Alablaster,216,2009-09-07,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Aladdin Pain,216,"20th February, 2016",,,United States
Alaia the Slaya,7,2012-04-11,Balsam Mountain Roller Girls,,
Alaine Asylum,1933,"19th September, 2014",BuxMont Roller Derby Dolls,,United States
AlakaDamn,137,"8th January, 2019",Madison Roller Derby,,United States
Alan Smith,,,,,
Alana Kedavra,047,"10th August, 2015",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
AlannaSlamma,11,"30th January, 2014",Bow Valley Roller Derby,,Canada
Alarm Belle,130dB,"13th June, 2016",Dead End Derby,,New Zealand
Alaska Massacre,,"23rd January, 2014",Charm city roller girls,,United States
Alaska Massacre,,2012-04-15,Diamond State Roller Girls,,
Alaska Now Hit Later,907,2012-03-18,JBLM Bettie Brigade,,
Alaska Thunderthighs,5000,"13th June, 2015",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alaskan Assassin,,2010-03-01,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Alaskan Thundra,907,"21st January, 2014",Wine Town Rollers,,United States
Alassin Sane,1973,2008-01-14,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Alayna Bobbit,5150,5/2/12,Tall City Roller Betties,,
Alba Damned,409,"27th January, 2016",Fair City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alba Quirky,101b,"21st January, 2014",Paper Valley Roller Girls,,United States
AlbaToss,74,2010-09-30,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Albatard,F0X,"26th March, 2014",Graouwheels,,France
Albert the Scoreboard Guy,STAFF,2007-09-10,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Alberta AWOL,101,"20th June, 2014",Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls,,United States
Alberta Pooholes,P00,2012-01-26,COMO Derby Dames,,
Albino Wookie,REF,2007-08-28,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Albrecht,319,2010-12-07,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Albus DumbleRoll,,,,,
Albus Pom-Pom-Gore,333,"9th October, 2018",Holy Terror,,France
Albus Rumblemore,,"31st March, 2016",,,United States
Albus Tumbledore,5298,"9th June, 2014",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Alby CHOass,,2006-10-14,Northwest Skate Club,,
Alby Damned,24,"16th October, 2014",Dorset Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
AlcaSpaz,22,"21st January, 2014",New Jersey roller derby,,United States
Alcalina,23,2011-07-02,Metropolitan Roller Derby,,
Alcatraz Babe,NM8,2011-12-12,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
AlchEmi,007,"29th July, 2015",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alchemist,79,2011-05-03,Bay Rollers,,
Alchemy Alice,P1LL,2011-08-01,W.A. Roller Derby,,
Alchemy Valkyrie,,"16th May, 2020",,,United States
AlcohRollic,69 %,"16th April, 2015",helltown hellcats,,Sweden
AlcohRollic,69,5/8/12,Helsingborg Roller Derby Club,,
Alcoholly,0.08,,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Alcoholocaust,0.40%,2011-08-02,Unforgiven Roller Girls,,
Alda Sudden,15,2009-09-22,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Alda Wayupta,11,2010-09-23,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Alda Wayupta,11,"20th January, 2014",Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,United States
AldanaMite,5,"20th January, 2014",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Alde Pantzue,Size 5,2011-01-14,Missile Mountain Roller Derby,,
Aleatcha Heart Out,45,2010-12-03,Route 66 Derby Chix,,
Alec Brawlwin,24,"21st January, 2014",Deep Valley Belligerents,,United States
Alec Brawlwin,24,2011-01-23,Redding Rollergirls,,
Alecia Ecstasy,39,2011-03-09,Elm City Derby Damez,,
Alecto,106,"21st January, 2014",Wheat City Roller Derby League,,Canada
Alecto,106,2012-01-09,Wheat City Roller Derby,,
Alecto Fury,57,5-29-12,Worcester Roller Derby,,
Alectra Cute,64,"21st January, 2014",paper valley roller girls,,United States
Alehya Bruised,19,2011-05-27,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Aleigh Danger,,"16th January, 2016",Eastside Junior Derby,,United States
Aleister Brawley,93,"1st April, 2018",Dirt City Roller Rats,,United States
Alejandroll,26,2010-09-26,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Alekto,161,"22nd July, 2019",SBG KNOCKouts Roller Derby Salzburg,,Austria
Alemana,131,"9th March, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
Alesha Kick-some,847,2011-01-05,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Alessa Evil,"$9,104",2008-05-27,Philly Rollergirls,,
Alevia Bleeding,.25,2008-09-16,Tri-County Rolling Militia,,
Alevya Suffrin,,2011-11-22,Salt City Derby Girls,,
Alex Android,451,"11th February, 2019",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alex Calibur,1903,2012-04-12,Les Quads de Paris,,
Alex DeLarge,655,"21st January, 2014",Rat City Rollergirls,,United States
Alex DeLarge,264,"26th January, 2014",Visby Valkyries Roller Derby,,Sweden
Alex Mode,03,2012-03-22,Mambas Negras Roller Derby,,
Alex P. Beatin',Chanel 3,2008-10-28,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Alex Slamdrea,520,"26th March, 2015",Roc City Roller Derby,,United States
Alex Smack,9,2010-01-15,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Alex Smack,,"16th May, 2015",,,United States
Alex Terminateu,27,2008-06-07,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Alex Termine,64,"20th July, 2015",Paris Rollergirls,,France
Alex Tricity,2-2,"21st January, 2014",Gulf Coast Rollergirls,,United States
Alex Tricity,2-2,2012-03-07,Bayou Outlaw Roller Girls,,
Alex in Chains,C4,"23rd January, 2014",VRDL,,Australia
Alex in Wonderslam,119,"16th July, 2017",Bruise brothers,,United States
AlexAngryA,341,2011-12-14,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Alexa DOOM,00,"22nd January, 2014",Roller Girls of the Apocalypse,,Germany
Alexa DeLarge,717,2011-12-15,Burn City Rollers,,
Alexa Limbs,,2011-06-13,Roe City Rollers,,
Alexa Q. Shun,2,"31st March, 2014",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Alexa Rough,,2007-05-31,Salt City Derby Girls,,
Alexa SkarsHard,3,"21st January, 2014",Nickel City Roller Derby,,Canada
Alexa Skarshard,3,2012-01-24,Nickel City Roller Derby,,
Alexa Vendetta,11,2012-03-05,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Alexa-Cute-Her,2000 Voltz,2008-03-28,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Alexacuted,20,2012-03-15,A'Salt Creek Roller Girls,,
Alexamber the Great,1337,"18th April, 2014",,,United States
Alexander Slamilton,,"19th October, 2015",,,United States
Alexander Slamilton,97,"18th February, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Alexander Slamilton,10,"8th September, 2017",Texas Rollergirls,,United States
Alexandra McMean,26,"22nd March, 2016",London Rockin' Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alexandra Slamilton,1781,"3rd February, 2017",Two Rivers Roller Derby,,United States
Alexandra Slamilton,,"28th September, 2017",,,United States
Alexecutioner,874,"14th December, 2015",,,Canada
Alexi Lawless,,2011-05-27,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Alexia Tarabody,734,"22nd August, 2015",Toronto Roller Derby,,Canada
Alexis Bleedel,21,"21st January, 2014",Platte Valley Roller Vixens,,United States
Alexis Bleedel,21,2012-01-09,Tri City Rolling Thunder,,
Alexis Wrexas,789,2011-04-07,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Alexorcist,157,"10th March, 2015",,,United Kingdom
"Alexorcist, The",666,2007-08-02,Fort Myers Derby Girls,,
Alexplode,093,"14th January, 2022",Erie Roller Girls,,United States
Alexplosion,800M,2011-08-22,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
Alexplosion,800M,"14th May, 2014",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Aleysha Kixom,714,"25th January, 2018",,,United States
Aleyta the Mistreata,18,"24th January, 2014",Prairie Fire Roller Girls,,United States
Alf,12,"9th June, 2014",Nottingham Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Alf A Wolf,,,,,
Alf A Wolf,140,"16th June, 2016",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Alf Pinte,25 CL,"2nd May, 2014",Roller Derby Bordeaux Club,,France
Alfa Kher Ahp,9095,"20th January, 2014",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Alfred Bitchblock,42,2008-09-04,Mens UK Roller Derby Association,,
Algebrawler,192,"3rd September, 2017",,,Canada
Algol,M45,2012-03-27,Cordoba Roller Derby,,
Alhurta Einschwine,314,2010-08-08,Perth Roller Derby,,
Ali Allways,69,2010-05-02,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
Ali AssAssinateHer,CUZ,2008-11-24,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Ali B. Back,,"16th May, 2015",,,United States
Ali Bam Bam,55,"21st January, 2014",Red Lion Roller Derby,,Germany
Ali Cat-astrophe,,"28th July, 2017",Downtown Derby Dolls,,United States
Ali Go Brawlin',128,"21st January, 2014",Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls,,United States
Ali Ka-Boom,757,"22nd March, 2015",Mouse River Rollers,,United States
Ali Kaida,175,2007-01-02,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Ali Mae,12s,2010-12-12,Belle City Roller Girls,,
Ali McBrawl,17,2007-07-30,GTA Rollergirls,,
Ali Mony,"$10,000 a month",2006-11-17,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Ali Oops,,"27th December, 2014",,,United States
Ali Pocalypse,,"13th May, 2014",J-town Roller Girls,,United States
Ali Pocolypse,15,2011-06-02,Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,
Ali Skator,927,2009-04-08,Fort Myers Derby Girls,,
Ali Von Damage,12,"21st January, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ali Von Damage,12,2011-01-21,Oxford Roller Derby,,
Ali bastard,717,"10th October, 2015",,,United States
Ali-Gato,111,2011-06-21,El Paso Roller Derby,,
Ali-Oop Von Toot-Loop,15,"21st January, 2014",Hallam Hellcats,,United Kingdom
Ali-Oops,27,"8th December, 2017",Rockyview Rollerderby Association,,Canada
Ali-Oops,704,"6th January, 2020",Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,United States
Ali-Tude,101,2011-07-07,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Ali3 Kitt3n,976,2010-11-29,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
AliJ,21,2010-04-19,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
AliSin Chains*,,2009-09-25,Windy City Rollers,,
AliSkater,666,2010-11-29,Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,
Alias,002,"21st April, 2018",Norrköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Alias Graceless,1843,2010-07-11,South Bend Roller Girls,,
Alibi,77,2010-11-24,Monadnock Region Roller Derby,,
Alicat Tastrophe,M80,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Alice 'N' Wonderwheels,0460,"21st January, 2014",Carson victory rollers,,United States
Alice Abernasty,303,"9th September, 2019",Maniac Monsters Mainz,,Germany
Alice Affliction,89,2009-04-26,Gold Coast Roller Derby,,
Alice And Kicking,301,"17th October, 2015",B-Town Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Alice Cull'em,1901,2010-08-04,Cardiff Dragon Dolls,,
Alice D,02,"20th October, 2019",Riot Rollers Darmstadt,,Germany
Alice En'Rage,2,2009-10-06,Dublin Roller Girls,,
Alice In Pummelland,54,"25th July, 2014",,,United States
Alice Inferno,88,2007-12-07,Halifax Hellcats Roller Derby,,
Alice Insane,81,2011-10-17,Kouvola Rock n Rollers,,
Alice Loop-her,33,2010-11-13,Kamloops Roller Derby Association,,
Alice Madness,182,"4th January, 2017",Bembel Town Roller Girls,,Germany
Alice Malice,224,"13th November, 2017",Capital City Derby Dolls,,Canada
Alice N Pain,,2007-09-23,South Side Roller Derby,,
Alice N'Skates,43,2011-09-07,MoKan Rollergirls,,
Alice Pazuul,333,"24th October, 2018",Liberty Dolls - Almada Roller Derby,,Portugal
Alice Rumbledore,,2009-01-05,Providence Roller Derby,,
Alice Saltya,240,2010-03-05,Maine Roller Derby,,
Alice Sin Thunderslam,115,2009-09-25,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Alice Skullen,22,2010-11-06,Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,
Alice Stupor,4,2010-07-11,South Bend Roller Girls,,
Alice Tear,29,"18th February, 2015",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Alice Trooper,,"1st November, 2016",Stitch City Rollers,,Sweden
Alice Térique,1610,"31st January, 2016",Boucherie de paris,,France
Alice Undead,13,2012-03-09,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Alice Verboten,118,2011-03-28,Eves of Destruction Roller Derby,,
Alice Whup-Her,55,5/12/12,Spartanburg Deadly Dolls,,
Alice in Malaceland,10/9,2010-04-08,Hidden City Derby Girls,,
Alice in PUNderland,106,"9th June, 2017",SO Derby,,United States
Alice in Pounderland,9,2011-03-21,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
Alice in Rumbleland,,2012-01-30,Rock Island Rollers,,
Alice in Skates,3,"1st July, 2017",Queretaro Roller Derby,,Mexico
Alice in Thunderland,106,"19th September, 2019",,,United States
Alice in Thunderland,62,"26th January, 2016",San Diego Derby Dolls/Nashville Roller Girls,,United States
Alice in Woundherland,9,"2nd July, 2016",Derby City Roller Girls,,United States
Alice in Woundherland,4,2010-12-16,Rocky Mountain Rollerpunks,,
Alicia Bitchardson,666,"11th December, 2020",,,United States
Alicia Keys your car,8,"22nd January, 2014",Grunge City,,United States
Alicia Slaughterstone,16,2007-11-08,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Alicia Teaze,,,,,
Alicia Teaze,520,2008-03-10,No Coast Derby Girls,,
Alida boutit,,2008-02-08,Duke City Derby,,
Alie Boma-yé,4x4,"27th November, 2015",Roller Derby Bordeaux Club,,France
Alie Sin Chains,4-5-02,"2nd March, 2014",Auburn Outlaws Roller Derby,,United States
Alien,99 prblms,"21st January, 2014",Buenos Aires Roller Derby,,Argentina
Alien,27,"16th December, 2019",,,New Zealand
Alien Assassin,007,2010-11-30,Sac City Rollers,,
Alien BiBi,21,"28th January, 2015",Athens Roller Derby,,Greece
Alien Invade-Her,997,2011-10-16,Pensacola Roller Gurlz,,
Alien InvadeHer,997,"11th December, 2016",Pensacola Roller Gurlz,,United States
Alien Mind,,2011-10-20,Bear City Roller Derby,,
Alien Psyx Fiend,A51,2011-04-28,Undead Bettys,,
Alien Queen,353724,"5th January, 2015",ANJOU DERBY GIRLS,,France
Alien She,5,2011-01-02,Fog City Rollers,,
Alien Skate Fiend,1793,2011-02-13,Middlesbrough Milk Rollers,,
Aligatueuse,No.160,"6th April, 2016",Dissidentes,,Belgium
Alikates,3,"8th February, 2022",,,Spain
Alioop,16,2010-06-28,Otautahi Roller Derby,,
AlisDog,7,2012-03-27,Cordoba Roller Derby,,
Alise T'kill,007,2011-11-12,Dieppe Roller Derby,,
Alisin Derbyland,21,2010-11-09,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Alisin Underwear,8,2010-07-03,Sunshine Coast Roller Girls,,
Alisin Wonderbra,80D,2008-06-06,Cedar Rapids Rollergirls,,
Alison Blunderland,1386,"4th August, 2016",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Alison Chains,3.14,,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Alison Chains,77,"2nd January, 2017",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Alison Hell,696,"22nd January, 2014",Tilleville's Valkyrie Warriors,,Netherlands
Alison Payne,,"11th September, 2015",,,United States
Alison Plunderland,14,"12th August, 2016",,,United States
Alison Thunderland,18,2009-09-10,Dundee Roller Girls,,
Alisyn Hell,333 only half evil,2009-04-10,Central Alberta Roller Derby Association,,
Alita,89,"17th November, 2017",,,Spain
AlixiR,REF,5-23-12,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Aliyah Steel Hurtain,88,2009-06-01,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Alka Miss,Au 79,2008-11-17,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Alkali Mettle,PS1,2012-01-12,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Alkaline Trina,612,2011-09-30,El Paso Roller Derby,,
AlkoHOOL,STAFF,2011-10-27,S'KŠthchen Roller Derby,,
All Apologies,7,"7th February, 2014",Roller Derby Panthers,,France
All Beef Ambie,19,2011-03-01,Kingsford Krush,,
All Beef Patty,100%,2008-12-22,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
All Beef Surprise,3715,"20th February, 2017",Wisconsin United Roller Derby,,United States
All Bets Off,21,"22nd January, 2014",SisQ Rollerz,,United States
All Bets Off,21,2011-03-05,Sis-Q Rollerz,,
All Confidential,83,2010-03-01,SinCal Derby Vixens,,
All Hallows' Eve,31,"9th July, 2015",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
All Hollows Eve,31,2006-10-02,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
All I am,REF,2012-04-30,Methow Valley Roller Girls,,
All In,,"29th January, 2018",Rainbow Warriors,,Sweden
All Nate Long,,2011-02-04,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
All Night Dinah,24/7,2006-06-17,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
All On Ya,25,2008-12-19,Sonoma County Roller Derby,,
All Out,101,"18th May, 2015",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
All Sass Lorraine,28,"25th January, 2015",Tri City Roller Derby,,Canada
All Scar,L1,"21st January, 2014",Amsterdam Derby Dames,,Netherlands
All Seeing Ivy,85,"21st January, 2014",Bourne Bombshells,,United Kingdom
All Systems Go,,2009-03-29,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
All That Giltters,1970,"21st May, 2016",Darwin Roller Girls,,Australia
All That Jaz,34DD,2010-04-15,Crossroads City Derby,,
All That Jazz,10,"20th January, 2014",Curfew Skate Crew - RWRG Junior League,,United Kingdom
All Time Low,17,"21st January, 2014",South Side Derby Dolls,,Australia
All Torque,REF,2010-02-23,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
All Ways Maxxxi,8 hrs,2008-08-21,Star City Rollergirls,,
All You Can Eat A.Y.C.E.,"4'7""",2012-03-23,Five 40 Roller Girls,,
All Your Yeahs,,"30th September, 2017",,,United Kingdom
All about Tater,REF,2010-02-04,Charm City Roller Girls,,
All in Malin,19,"25th October, 2017",LKPG Go'Rullaz RDC,,Sweden
All or Muffin,0506,"26th September, 2017",Roller Derby Groningen,,Netherlands
All that Chaz,0007,2010-01-17,Hellfire Harlots,,
All the Way Mae,912,"8th March, 2016",West Coast Derby Knockouts,,United States
All the Way Mae,912,"27th January, 2014",Providence Roller Derby,,United States
All the way Mae,99,"22nd January, 2014",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
All you can hit,78,"5th October, 2018",Bloody Wheels RD Torino,,Italy
All-In Apocalypse,14,2011-04-26,East Coast Devastation,,
All-Jack'd-up,.47,2008-07-13,Star City Rollergirls,,
All-in,031,2011-08-25,Gothenburg Roller Derby,,
All-in BrawlHer,1702,"3rd February, 2014",Rocky roller derby,,Australia
AllUpInYa Pepper,100 degrees,2010-12-30,V Town Derby Dames,,
Allagasher,92,2009-04-17,Maine Roller Derby,,
Allah Inyahbiz,133,2011-02-08,Missile Mountain Roller Derby,,
Allan Alpha,666,2010-12-09,Cowtown Butchers Mens Roller Derby,,
Allan Quay,,"1st September, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Allbie Dayum'd,,2011-10-16,DC Rollergirls,,
Alle Gory,,"21st January, 2014",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Allegra Castrata,4,2012-04-11,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Allegra Fury,808,"7th March, 2017",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Allen Wench,2048,"11th October, 2019",,,United States
Allen Wench,5,2010-04-26,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Alles Klar,71,"14th May, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Alles Klar,71,2011-08-22,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
Alley Banger,,2010-11-03,Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Girls,,
Alley Capone,16,"21st January, 2014",Rushmore Rollerz,,United States
Alley Capone,750ml,2009-11-29,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Alley Catastrophic,,2008-11-05,Montana Derby Girls,,
Alley IQ,86,"7th January, 2016",Big River Brawlers,,United States
Alley Kat,,2006-04-21,Renegade Rollergirls (OR),,
Alley Oops,716,"3rd April, 2014",Texas Rollergirls,,United States
Alley Oops,42,2006-08-04,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Alley's Demeanor,55,"21st January, 2014",OC Roller Girls,,United States
Alli Catraz,1098,"22nd January, 2014",Ohio Roller Girls,,United States
Alli Catraz,10-98,2006-03-17,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Alli Kat,,"17th November, 2015",Lowcountry Highrollers,,United States
Alli Lawless,6.02,"6th July, 2015",Brazos Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Alli N. Abduction,51,2010-11-27,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Alli Snatcher,972,2011-04-11,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Alli-Gator Pi,3.14,2011-06-04,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Alli-Get-Her,99,"21st January, 2014",East Texas Bombers,,United States
Alli-Kat Scratch,9 lives,2010-09-26,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Allie B. Back,T2,2008-11-19,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Allie B. Back,T2,"22nd January, 2014",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Allie B. Bashin',1232,2010-08-11,Fog City Rollers,,
Allie B. Bashin',1232,"24th January, 2014",Fog City Rollers,,Canada
Allie Blaster,,"3rd December, 2016",,,United States
Allie Bye,51/50,"24th December, 2015",Arizona Derby Dames,,United States
Allie Bye,51/50,2011-04-11,Arizona Rollergirls,,
Allie Gator,18FT long,"22nd January, 2014","Mad Rollin Dolls (Madison, WI)",,United States
Allie Gator,18 Ft Long,2007-10-19,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Allie Kspaz,,"21st January, 2014",Shoreline Rollerderby,,United States
Allie MossHeart,90's,2011-08-06,Royal Victory Derby Girls,,
Allie Ollie,718,"23rd January, 2014",Barcelona Roller Derby,,Spain
Allie Shankabitch,35,2010-03-05,Vette City Roller Derby,,
Allie Whoops,1up,2011-05-10,Maine Roller Derby,,
Allie kat,,"1st April, 2015",,,United States
AllieCat,1081,"8th June, 2016",Balsam Mountain Jr Roller Derby,,United States
Allieoop,,"19th March, 2017",Worcester Wydlings,,United Kingdom
Allifornication,310,2011-05-16,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Alligately,989,"23rd January, 2014",Crash Test Brummies,,United Kingdom
Alligator Allie,7ate9,2009-03-12,South Side Roller Derby,,
Allison Chains,062,"24th June, 2016",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Allison Chainz,,"2nd March, 2018",,,United States
Allison Goldslap,3.14,2010-12-27,One Love Roller Dolls,,
Allison Hellrod,616,2011-07-20,South Bend Roller Girls,,
Allison Plunderland,26,2008-04-01,Rushmore Rollerz,,
Allison Rollerland,AK-47,2010-04-19,Rubber City Rollergirls,,
Allison WonderSlam,10/6,"21st January, 2014",Yellow Rose Derby Girls,,United States
Allison Wonderslam,13,2010-04-02,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Allisonic Boom,359,"19th September, 2018",Confluence Crush Roller Derby,,United States
Allisyn Slaughterland,7 1/2 Exactly,2009-01-19,Tri-County Rolling Militia,,
Alliwishes HipCheckHer,808,"21st January, 2014",Rock Island Rollers,,United States
Allkillmist,48,"21st January, 2014",Barnsley Black Heart Rollers,,United Kingdom
Allodynia,3,2011-03-30,High City Derby Divas,,
Allons-y,Ref,"18th December, 2018",,,United States
Allons-y,23,"26th February, 2016",,,Canada
Allspark,83,2011-04-25,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Allspark Havoc,535,"24th January, 2014",709 Derby Girls,,Canada
Allup Enyo Grill,,2011-01-14,Mission City Brawlin Betties,,
AllureNkill,111,2011-07-07,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Alluya R. Doomed,,2008-09-23,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Alluya R. Doomed,79,"21st January, 2014",Emerald City Roller Girls,,United States
Ally Avalanche,300,2010-12-13,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
Ally BeraCuda,27,2010-02-05,Rogue Roller Derby,,
Ally Gory,711,"21st January, 2014",Alamo City Roller Girls,,United States
Ally Kazaam,123,2008-07-04,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Ally Macom,4,"20th January, 2014",Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,United States
Ally McBeer,321,"29th August, 2017",SAM Roller Derby,,France
Ally McHit,,"8th April, 2016",Anjou Derby Girls,,France
Ally McKill,25,2006-03-29,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Ally McSteel,52,"23rd August, 2015",North Star Roller Girls,,United States
Ally McWheel,358,"9th May, 2014",Rat City Rollergirls,,United States
Ally McWheel,444,"17th October, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Ally Merckx,,5-25-12,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Ally Oakie,,2009-11-02,Oil City Derby Girls,,
Ally Pally,,"31st August, 2020",,,United Kingdom
Ally Tricshok,,"10th February, 2016",,,Australia
Ally Zae,375ml,2011-11-07,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Ally's in Wonderland,,"18th January, 2019",Androscoggin Fallen Angels,,United States
Ally-AWOL,47,"29th May, 2016",,,United States
Ally:Luia,0,2008-09-12,Rainy City Roller Girls,,
AllyOops,,"6th January, 2020",,,United Kingdom
Allyn UR Grill,,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Allyn Ur Grill,,,,,
Allysun Thunderland,106,"1st July, 2016",,,United States
Alma Bichess,702,,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Alma Geddon,42,2010-09-05,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Alma Haters,H8,2011-03-20,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Alma Haters,H8,"11th June, 2014",,,United States
Alma Mauler,799,"7th June, 2017",El Paso Roller Derby,,United States
Almafuerte,v8,"16th March, 2016",Buenos Aires Roller Derby,,Argentina
Almageddon,,"13th March, 2019",,,Sweden
Almendra,43,"23rd June, 2016",Malditas Lisiadas Roller Derby,,Argentina
Almighty CrISIS,,2012-04-05,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Almost,335,"21st July, 2015",New Orleans Brass Roller Derby,,United States
Almost Faye Mous,15mn,2009-07-16,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Almost Shameless,73,"30th January, 2016",South Shore Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Alood,511,2012-03-26,Boulder County Bombers,,
Alot 2 Luv,143,2010-02-20,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Alota V,21,2011-08-16,Apple City Roller Derby,,
Alota V'anne Gina,79,2011-04-10,Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Girls,,
Alotta Action,Staff,2011-12-23,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Alotta Amazon,,,,,
Alotta Attitude,DV8,2008-05-23,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
Alotta Bottom,1126,2010-10-12,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Alotta Calamity,3,5-22-12,Saint Cloud Area Roller (SCAR) Dolls,,
Alotta Heartless,7,2011-02-05,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Alotta Heartless,7,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Alotta Leggz,M80,2011-03-13,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
Alotta Moves,180,2010-03-04,San Fernando Valley Junior Derby,,
Alotta Patron,80proof,2009-04-16,Redding Rollergirls,,
Alotta Pushie,4,2011-02-11,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
Alotta Red Hotta,29,"21st January, 2014",Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,United States
Alotta Riot,040,2011-03-15,Crime City Rollers,,
Alotta Traction,206,"3rd April, 2014",RockyView Roller Derby Assoc,,Canada
Alotta Trouble,Old No. 7,,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Alottablackenblue,1ve,"21st January, 2014",Mean city,,United Kingdom
Alovicious,8,,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Alpaca Bole,RX,2011-11-29,Drive-By City Rollers,,
Alpaca Pistol,,2012-03-05,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Alpaca Punch,383,"20th January, 2014",Hub City Derby Dames,,United States
Alpaca Punch,82,"29th January, 2019",Air Raid Roller Derby,,United States
Alpaca Punch,10,2011-09-24,Chattanooga Roller Girls,,
Alpaca Punch,84,"30th April, 2017",Canberra Roller Derby League,,Australia
Alpaca Punch,14,"23rd April, 2015",Brazos Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Alpacalypse Nigh,665,"30th March, 2016",Mansfield Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Alpha Beat,68,"6th July, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Alpha Bette,9,2011-01-18,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Alpha Bettie,88,"29th April, 2016",Hervey Bay Rollerz,,Australia
Alpha Betty,2,"20th July, 2015",River City Rollergirls,,United States
Alpha Betty P'Skatey,42,"17th July, 2014",Sheffield Steel Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Alpha Bitch,1,2008-12-02,Cajun Rollergirls,,
Alpha Bitch,1,"21st January, 2014",Cajun Rollergirls,,United States
Alpha Blocker,,2011-12-09,Capital City Derby Dolls,,
Alpha Cat,187,2010-11-30,Illinois Valley Vixens,,
Alpha Dog,K9,"21st January, 2014",Western Australia Roller Derby (WARD),,Australia
Alpha Ginger,713,2011-12-01,Lil Chicago Roller Derby,,
Alpha Ginger,713,"3rd April, 2014",Lil Chicago Roller Derby,,Canada
Alpha Helix,46,2010-03-09,Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,
Alpha Kenny,1,2009-06-30,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Alpha Lima,L98,"21st January, 2014",SRT,,United Kingdom
Alpha Lima,L98,2010-09-29,Severn Roller Torrent,,
Alpha Mail Me,1million,2011-02-13,Gray City Rebels,,
Alpha Negra,17A,"21st January, 2014",Di-Dollz Roller Derby,,France
Alpha Nemesis,,"12th April, 2014",Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,United States
Alpha Q,2,"3rd February, 2015",Nerike Knockouts,,Sweden
Alpha Q Up,719,"7th May, 2014",Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,United States
Alpha Q. Up,719,2009-12-10,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Alpha Roll,208,"20th June, 2018",Resurrection Roller Girls,,United States
Alpha Vixen,114,"14th June, 2016",Deadly Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Alpha Whisky,10-4,"23rd February, 2017",Stockholm Roller Derby,,Sweden
AlphaDeath Soup,1213,"11th August, 2016",Toowoomba City Rollers,,Australia
Alphabeat,87,"6th July, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Alphabeth,REF,2009-06-18,Boston Derby Dames,,
Alt Cunningslam,77,"22nd February, 2021",DRG,,United Kingdom
Altar Boi,1408,"16th August, 2014",MMDG,,United States
Alter Schwede,21,2012-02-14,Zombie Rollergirls,,
AlterKATEshun,11,2011-07-27,Brighton Roller Dollz,,
AlterKation,,2012-02-10,Royal Windsor Rollergirls,,
Altered Ego,2,"10th June, 2014",Cornwall Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Altered Skates,12,"23rd January, 2014",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
Althea N. Hell,Coach,,Chicago Outfit,,
Altitude Adjustment,1983,2012-01-14,Rocktown Rollers,,
Altitude of Attitude,666,2008-09-25,Taranaki Roller Corps,,
Alto Frizz,2,"9th May, 2015",Indómitas Roller Derby,,Argentina
Alto Mambo,420,"6th December, 2014",Atomic Bombs,,Argentina
Altus Mortem,2169,"9th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Alucard,598,"24th January, 2014",Rocky Roller Derby,,Australia
Alumi'Naughty,5,"10th October, 2017",Appalachian Hell Betties,,United States
Alumin'Naughty,665.9,"5th May, 2017",Appalachian Hell Betties,,United States
Aluminum Overcast,B17,2011-06-24,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Aluna Tiq,23,"5th April, 2015",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Alva Nother,"1, 2, 3, Floor","21st January, 2014",NOVA Roller Derby,,United States
Alx Slams Her,713,2011-03-03,Timber Town Derby,,
Aly McSqueal,42,"21st January, 2014",Reaper Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Aly Sylum,8,2007-06-21,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Aly Sylum,8,"4th June, 2015",Auburn Outlaws Roller Derby,,United States
Aly-Kat-Astrophe,911,"29th January, 2014",Backwoods Bombshells Roller Derby,,United States
Aly-Kate Contusions,1148,"21st January, 2014",Killamazoo,,United Kingdom
Aly-Kate Contusions,1148,2010-08-26,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Alyen,,"18th February, 2019",Lutèce Destroyeuses,,France
Alys D'Malice,G72,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Alysassin,I-264,2011-08-12,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Alysha Kaos,47,2011-01-19,Severn Roller Torrent,,
Alysin WonderSlam,713,"12th January, 2017",Worcester Roller Derby,,United States
Alyss Banned,22,5/6/12,Oxford Roller Derby,,
Alyss Banned,1640,"21st January, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Alyss D. Tripp,25,"16th March, 2017",Valley of the Derby Dollinquents,,United States
Alyss Hurt,1865,"21st January, 2014",Northamptonshire Roller Derby League,,United Kingdom
Alyssa Smash,45,2012-02-10,Alamo City,,
Alyssette Action,,2011-11-12,Portneuf Valley Bruisers RDA,,
Alyssit ASSault,905,"21st January, 2014",Dunedin Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Alyxx A Cooter,337,2012-01-04,NOtown Roller Derby,,
Alzado,77,2010-01-04,GateKeepers Roller Derby,,
Alzheim'Hurt,4G0T,"17th February, 2014",,,France
Am-Trax,707,2010-01-18,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
AmBruiseYa,1029,"21st January, 2014",Red Stick Roller Derby,,United States
AmErica The Bootyful,1776,2008-09-23,Dominion Derby Girls,,
AmNasty International,910,2010-09-14,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
AmTastic,10-43,2009-02-26,Springfield Rollergirls,,
Amahits,514,"2nd September, 2015",,,United States
Amalay Ya-Out,87,"21st December, 2017",Midstate Mayhem Roller Derby,,United States
AmanEater,38D,"9th January, 2015",mistresses of mayhem,,United States
Amanda Hug & Kick,36362,2012-01-10,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Amanda Hug 'N' Kiss,X0,"27th July, 2014",Orangeville Roller Girls,,Canada
Amanda Hug N Kill,010,"22nd May, 2015",Hill City Rollers,,United States
Amanda Hug'N K!x,K155,"3rd February, 2015",Northcoastnightmares,,Canada
Amanda Jamitinya,9,2007-03-15,Duke City Derby,,
Amanda Klymon,999,2010-01-18,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
Amanda Lorian,501,"16th March, 2018",Bradentucky Bombers,,United States
Amanda May-Harm,U2,2007-11-19,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Amanda Napalmer,,"2nd September, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Amanda Pummeler,672,2011-11-25,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Amanda Raege,33,2010-06-29,Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,
Amanda Reckon With,,2009-06-23,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Amanda Sluggin Fist,,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
Amanda Smash N Burn,17,2009-08-25,Route 66 Roller Derby,,
Amanda Spank,1212,5/1/12,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Amanda Stroyer,411,"3rd August, 2017",Saskatchewan Roller Derby League,,Canada
Amanda Tori Massacre,187,2011-08-25,Southland Slashers Roller Derby League,,
Amanda Tori Meanness,444,"23rd July, 2016",,,United States
Amanda Tori Suicide,,2010-08-13,McLean County MissFits,,
Amanda Torture,,2007-02-05,Palmetto State Rollergirls,,
AmandaConda,,2011-01-06,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
AmandaRama,Buy 1 Get 1,2010-07-04,Eerie Roller Girls,,
Amandaconda,24,"5th October, 2017",Mass Attack Roller Derby,,United States
Amandaconda,1919,"14th October, 2014",Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls,,United States
Amandageddon,17,2011-12-02,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Amandaheim Steamroller,,2010-12-29,Grand Rapids Area Roller Derby,,
Amandatory Beating,04,"24th June, 2016",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Amandatory Beating,59,2011-01-29,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
Amandatory Sentence,L1fe,2011-04-19,Limestone CrusHers Roller Derby,,
AmandeStroyer,187,2007-07-19,Sac City Rollers,,
Amandominator,31DD,2011-03-03,Timber Town Derby,,
Amanita,986,"15th October, 2014",,,Argentina
Amanita Death Cap,,"8th November, 2017",,,United States
Amanita Doctor,,"9th October, 2020",,,Canada
Amanita M,440,"23rd January, 2015",Emerald City Roller Girls,,United States
Amanita Velano,6,2011-07-25,Terrassa Derby Rockets,,
Amanite Punkoïde,23,"10th November, 2017",Chambér'hyènes,,France
Amanta Kill,658,2010-12-20,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Amarchy,340,2010-10-29,Roc City Roller Derby,,
Amaretto Sourpuss,,2007-01-31,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Amaro the Mighty Toosh,7,2010-07-27,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Amarok Star,1,"24th January, 2014",Warrnambool Roller Derby,,Australia
Amaru La Maquina,95,"24th October, 2016",Montreal roller derby,,Canada
Amaryllis,21,"3rd February, 2018",Wreckin Roller Rebels,,United States
Amasian,,2007-09-24,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Amayalate Her,911,"7th April, 2014",Seattle Derby Brats,,United States
Amayalate Her,911,2009-03-02,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Amazing Blaze,,2007-02-13,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Amazing Disgrace,38,,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Amazing craze,3:33,2012-04-16,Tropic Terrors Derby League,,
Amazing graze,2047,"29th August, 2014",Bourne bombshells,,United Kingdom
Amazombie,,2009-11-17,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Amazon,212,2006-09-21,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Amazon,314,"21st January, 2014",Renegade Derby Dames,,Canada
Amazon,,"22nd November, 2018",Cherry City Roller Derby,,United States
Amazon Annie,34B,2010-05-07,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Amazon Assassin,403,"18th October, 2017",Avon River Rollers,,Canada
Amazon Assassin,222,2006-11-28,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Amazon Avenger,42,"29th January, 2014",Central Michigan Mayhem,,United States
Amazon BEAst,834,"6th September, 2014",,,Germany
Amazon Battle Vixen,0116,"22nd January, 2014",Roe City Rollers,,United States
Amazon Blazin,222,"20th January, 2014",Sacred City Derby Girls,,United States
Amazon Chic,17,2010-06-14,North Coast Roller Derby,,
Amazon Disaster,26,2006-11-01,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Amazon Dragstar,1100,"30th June, 2014",Kent roller girls,,United Kingdom
Amazon Dragstar,1100,2010-03-30,Croydon Roller Derby,,
Amazon Dragstar,1100,"26th January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls Rec League,,United Kingdom
Amazon Grace,#41,"21st January, 2014",Sin City Rollergirls,,United States
Amazon NotCalm,355,2012-02-17,Salina Sirens Roller Derby,,
Amazon Primal,21,"23rd July, 2015",Western Mass Roller Derby,,United States
Amazon Prime,,"23rd July, 2015",Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Amazon Prime,257,"10th March, 2018",Roughneck Roller Derby,,United States
Amazon Savage,G9,5/4/12,Toxic Lima Roller girls,,
Amazon TripleB,55B,2009-03-18,No Coast Derby Girls,,
Amazona,005,"19th August, 2017",La Plaza Roller Derby,,Argentina
Amazona,027,"26th February, 2016",,,Argentina
Amazona,11,"11th January, 2019",2x4,,Argentina
Amazona Pride,15,"19th January, 2017",Sicarias del Cierzo - Zaragoza Roller Derby,,Spain
Amazonda Fox,696,"20th November, 2015",,,Denmark
Amazonian,16,2011-02-14,Dorset Rollergirls,,
Ambashador,,2012-01-18,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Ambassador Castrate,REF,2010-02-28,Acadiana Good Times Rollers,,
Ambazooka,5150,"27th May, 2015",Palouse River Rollers,,United States
Amber Ail,151,2007-01-23,Battle Born Derby Demons,,
Amber Alert,44.1,,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Amber Alert,4,"21st January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Amber Alert!,44.1,"11th February, 2015",Los Angeles Derby Dolls,,United States
Amber Block,612,2012-04-27,Renegade Rollergirls AZ,,
Amber Cadaver,666,"31st December, 2014",Duke City Roller Derby,,United States
Amber Dextrious,5011,2011-12-29,Cowboy Capital Rollergirl_s,,
Amber Etta,9mm,2008-03-04,Richmond Derby Demons,,
Amber Graves of Slain,86,2011-05-02,Rome Rollergirls,,
Amber Lager,31,2007-07-24,Springfield Rollergirls,,
Amber Rage,400,2010-01-11,Greenville Derby Dames,,
Amber Skates of Pain,,2011-02-25,Billings Roller Derby,,
Amber Slam'er,123,2011-03-02,Pirate City Rollers,,
Amber Valant,3,"2nd October, 2018",Rhein-Neckar Delta Quads,,Germany
Amber Violence,27,"30th September, 2018",Wakey Wheeled Cats,,United Kingdom
Amber Waves Of Pain,,"8th January, 2017",,,United States
Amber Waves of Pain,11,"18th July, 2017",Wilkes-Barre Scranton Roller Radicals,,United States
Amber Waves of Pain,24,"3rd March, 2017",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Amber Wavez of Pain,,2010-09-27,Mountain Derby Girls,,
Amber Zerker,M80,2010-10-20,NEO Roller Derby,,
Amber waves of pain,25,"13th September, 2017",Cumberland Killbillies,,United States
Amberantula,7,"21st January, 2014",Five 40 Roller Girls,,United States
Amberetta Pistol,0.45,2012-04-26,Port Scandalous Roller Derby,,
Ambergeddon,16,"1st December, 2017",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Ambergeddon,,"22nd July, 2015",Denver Roller Derby,,United States
Ambergeddon,2012,2010-01-24,V-Town Derby Dames,,
Amberglar,36,"20th January, 2014",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
Amberlance,8o8o,"11th June, 2014",Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,Japan
Ambersaurus Wrecks,666,"21st January, 2014",NORTHERN BEACHES ROLLERS GIRLS,,Australia
Ambertron,3001,2012-01-12,Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,
Ambi N,,2011-06-17,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Ambisinister,22,2012-06-09,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Ambitchious,321,"11th September, 2015",Suck City Rock and Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
Amboid,101,2011-07-12,Valleys Roller Dolls,,
Ambrat,27,2007-07-07,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Ambrika,,2007-06-20,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Ambrosia Alley,Big 0,2010-01-26,Maui Roller Girls,,
Ambruisia,959,2007-05-10,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Ambruisya,1029,"21st January, 2014",Red Stick Roller Derby,,United States
AmbsterDamned,213,"20th January, 2014",Missfits,,United States
AmbuLance,*911,2011-03-10,Colorado Roller Derby,,
Ambush,,2010-10-03,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Ambush,3,"25th May, 2015",WestCo,,United States
Ame N. Atyou,AK47,2011-10-22,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
Amebis,2217,"24th January, 2014",Santiago City Roller Girls,,Chile
Ameels on Wheels,,"24th July, 2020",,,United States
Amefyst,24,"17th September, 2017",San Diego Roller Derby,,United States
Amefyst,8517,"22nd January, 2014",toronto roller derby,,Canada
Amefyst,8517,2011-08-08,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Amelia Airbourne,6017,"15th January, 2015",Portage la prairie,,Canada
Amelia Airfart,2,2011-01-03,Traverse City Roller Derby,,
Amelia Airhead,00,2011-01-29,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Amelia Annihilate-her,1391,"19th August, 2014",boomtown rollers,,Ireland
Amelia B Killya,85,"21st January, 2014",Naptown Roller Girls,,United States
Amelia Bear-Hart,,"27th June, 2017",Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,United States
Amelia Bekillia,,"27th February, 2019",,,United States
Amelia Blackheart,929,2011-02-21,High City Derby Divas,,
Amelia Boomer,19,2011-11-20,Des Moines Derby Dames,,
Amelia Bravehart,169,2012-01-04,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
Amelia BurnHard,923,"9th February, 2016",Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
Amelia DareHeart,'37,"30th May, 2017",Arizona Derby Dames,,United States
Amelia Dareheart,1349,2012-03-12,Eastern Carolina Brawling Betties,,
Amelia Dareheart,,"18th October, 2016",Whitecourt Roller Derby League,,Canada
Amelia Diehard,21,"23rd February, 2016",No Coast Derby Girls,,United States
Amelia Diehard,30,2011-10-08,Peterborough Roller Derby League,,
Amelia Evilhart,55,"22nd January, 2014",Enterprise Roller Derby,,United States
Amelia HitsHard,1937,"20th January, 2014",Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,United States
Amelia Impairhart,107,"15th January, 2015",Winnipeg Roller Derby League,,Canada
Amelia NoHeart,8314,"21st January, 2014",South Shore Roller Girls,,United States
Amelia Pound,09,"29th January, 2014",Eves of Destruction,,Canada
Amelia R.I.P Heart,1937,2011-02-22,Salisbury Rollergirls,,
Amelia Scarehart,635,"15th February, 2015",,,United States
Amelia Scareheart,B52,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Amelia Slaughter-Heart,1111,"20th July, 2015",Deadly Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Amelia SpareParts,2,"12th November, 2014",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
Amelia TearApart,26,"20th June, 2016",,,United States
Amelia TearYa'Part,317,2010-10-29,Roc City Roller Derby,,
Amelia Tearheart,24,"17th December, 2016",,,United States
Amelia Tearheart,99,2010-03-22,CT RollerGirls,,
Amelia Tearoutyourheart,88,2012-02-10,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Amelie BombsHell,13,2011-07-25,Terrassa Derby Rockets,,
Amelie Ju-on,5-6000,2011-09-01,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Amelie Pushain,555,"21st January, 2014",Deadly Darlings Düsseldorf,,Germany
Amelie Vilain,10e,2011-08-10,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Ameliorator,76,2011-03-20,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Amer-Wreckin' Pie,3.14,"10th February, 2014",Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,United States
Amer-Wreckin' Pie,3.14,2010-12-03,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Ameri Can Scream,911,"30th August, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Ameri-Cannon,50 Skates,2011-02-17,Riverside Roller Belles,,
AmeriKim,1776,2011-03-08,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
America Ferocious,,2010-11-09,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
American Bad Sass,L7W,"29th January, 2014",Floral City Roller Girls,,United States
American Bad Sass,L7W,2011-01-21,Floral City Roller Girls,,
American Gravy,1776,2010-04-16,Stl Gatekeepers Roller Derby,,
American Grefe-ity,1776,"19th April, 2017",,,United States
American JustAss,217,2012-04-09,Central New York Roller Derby,,
American Maid,27,"21st January, 2014",Reading Derby Girls,,United States
American Midol,18,"9th January, 2016",Your Mom Men's Roller Derby,,United States
American Pie,1963,2011-01-09,Cedar Rapids Rollergirls,,
American Psycho,911,"31st October, 2018",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
American Psychomore,,2011-12-21,Red Stick Roller Derby,,
Americana,414,"12th December, 2016",South Side Roller Derby,,United States
Amerykah Trevino-Martinez,1909,2010-02-27,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Ames to Maim,410,2010-06-07,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Amest,23,2011-03-21,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
Amethyst Rockstar,5,2012-03-09,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Amethyst Uzbrukums,19:19,2011-03-31,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Amethyste,94,"3rd February, 2014",,,France
Ami De Cour,59,2010-03-17,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Ami-Geddon,7,2006-09-21,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Ami-Geddon,7,"22nd January, 2014","KCRW, DGD",,United States
Amie Blockabitch,,2012-01-07,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Amievillehorror,315,2011-06-02,South Florida Rollergirls,,
Amilla the Hunt,22,2010-09-24,North Idaho Roller Derby,,
Amina Acid,80p,"20th July, 2015",Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls,,United States
Amino Acids,372,"29th September, 2017",Blue Jay Rollers,,Brazil
Amita Lick-n,,2010-05-10,Syndicate Roller Girls,,
Amity Calamity,3,"21st January, 2014",Dirt City Roller Rats,,United States
Amityville Floorher,187,"22nd January, 2014",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Amityville Floorher,187,2011-11-02,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Ammie Oakley,.44,2012-01-27,Oz Roller Girls,,
Ammo Aimee,111st,2010-12-25,Clarksville Roller Derby,,
Ammonition,,2011-01-29,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
Ammosurf,2WO,2011-04-23,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Ammosurf,2W0,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Ammozon Grace,41,"27th May, 2018",,,United States
Amms Unition,M-16,2011-12-14,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Ammunition Anna,AK47,"8th July, 2014",Grand Junction Roller Girls,,United States
Ammunition Anna,7.629,2010-08-02,Grand Junction Roller Girls,,
Amnesia Lemon,5,2012-03-30,Boulder County Bombers,,
Amooze-Booche,208,2010-02-15,Naptown Roller Girls,,
Amor de Madre,1983,"1st May, 2020",Black Thunders Derby Dames,,Spain
Amory Warrior,2113,"21st January, 2014",Central Maine Derby,,United States
Amoxikillin,67,2012-06-07,LA Derby Dolls (Trademarked Name),,
Amoxivillyn,1111,"24th December, 2015",Beloit bombshells,,United States
Amoxyvillan,,"4th September, 2020",Van Dieman Rollers,,Australia
Amp-U-Tator,07,"21st January, 2015",Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,United States
Ampersand What!,187,"20th October, 2015",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Amperslammed,2007,"20th January, 2014",Coventry City Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
AmphetaMEAN,43,"9th February, 2018",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Amphét’Lamine,275,"13th November, 2019",RDD,,France
Amstel Standin',370455V,2007-01-27,Burning River Roller Girls,,
AmsterDam,420,2010-09-14,Columbia QuadSquad,,
AmsterSlam,20,5/8/12,South Side Roller Derby,,
Amsterdam It!,662,5-25-12,Mitten Mavens,,
Amsterdam Slam,24,2011-06-23,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Amtrack Ashley,20,5-30-12,Battle Creek Damzel Dollz Jr Roller Derby,,
Amunisha,187,2009-11-13,Arizona Roller Derby,,
Amy Animal,999,2007-07-02,Rubber City Rollergirls,,
Amy Farrah Foul'er,414,"3rd April, 2014",St. Albert Heavenly Rollers,,Canada
Amy Farrah FoulHer,81G,"20th January, 2014",Evolution Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Amy Farrah Fowl-her,1337,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Amy Feral Foul-Her,2,"21st January, 2014",Tri City Roller Girls,,Canada
Amy Feral Fouler,Official,"20th May, 2019",,,United States
Amy Feral Fouler,,,,,
Amy Fister,617,,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Amy Grindhouse,317,"22nd August, 2019",Angel City Derby,,United States
Amy Grindhouse,825,2008-02-28,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Amy No Namy,,2008-10-21,Windy City Rollers,,
Amy Pound,11,2011-11-07,Confluence Crush Derby,,
Amy RoughHouse,28,"19th July, 2019",,,United States
Amy Roundhouse,129,"21st January, 2014",Steel City Roller Derby,,United States
Amy Roundhouse,,"26th May, 2021",Central Jersey Roller Vixens,,United States
Amy Roundhouse,27,"11th February, 2015",River City Dames Of Anarchy,,United States
Amy Sandry,3919,"22nd November, 2016",Tamponneuses,,France
Amy Sin Grace,1776,2012-06-11,Arizona Rollergirls,,
Amy Smackhouse,72,"31st March, 2017",,,United States
Amy Spears,1098,2009-12-22,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Amy Spears,1098,"22nd January, 2014",Ohio Roller Girls,,United States
Amy Sweetheart,15,2011-01-23,Mississippi Valley Mayhem,,
Amy Thystle,NSO,"15th November, 2016",Jacksonville Roller Girls,,United States
Amy Toxin,919,"21st January, 2014",Uppsala Roller Derby,,Sweden
Amy T’ Ville Horror,309,"21st January, 2014",NORTHERN BEACHES ROLLERS GIRLS,,Australia
Amy Von Agony,.308,2010-12-03,Route 66 Derby Chix,,
Amy Wackhouse,10/12,"9th June, 2014",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Amy Warhol N.,15,2008-10-31,NEO Roller Derby,,
Amy Whackhouse,1940,2011-03-29,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Amy Wine-Ho,23,"30th August, 2017",SCRG,,United States
Amy WineBox,0.08,"3rd April, 2014",BadFish Roller Derby,,United States
Amy Winemouth,04,"8th January, 2016",PFM,,United States
Amy of Darkness,43,2006-03-17,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Amy the RipHer,13,2010-10-18,Lahti Roller Derby,,
Amy-nition,100,2012-02-09,Catawba Valley Rollergirls,,
AmyG.Warrior,302,2011-02-26,Eerie Roller Girls,,
AmyLe Wilde,13,2012-02-01,Mountain Derby Girls,,
AmyTville,D12,2011-03-20,Classic City Rollergirls,,
AmyTville,D12,"23rd January, 2014",Classic City Rollergirls,,United States
AmyZon,1826,"8th November, 2016",Buxmont Roller Derby Dolls,,United States
Amygeddon,2012,2012-03-04,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Amygeddon,05,"26th January, 2014",Otautahi Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Amygeddon,2012,"23rd January, 2014",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
Amykazeee,308,2008-12-09,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Amyn AtCha,11,2008-09-29,Burn City Rollers,,
Amynition,M16,2011-11-12,Inland Empire Derby Divas,,
Amyzing Disgrace,30,"21st January, 2014",Sick Town Derby Dames,,United States
Amyzon,27,2007-04-13,Prison City Derby Dames,,
Amyzon,27,"24th January, 2014",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
An A Stesia,AK-47,2009-02-16,El Paso Roller Derby,,
An Bo Lynn,1536,"20th January, 2014",Code Red Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
An C Hammer,64,2010-04-04,One Love Roller Dolls,,
An D HD,,2010-07-16,Mitten Mavens,,
An Dracula,,2008-10-24,Big Bucks High Rollers,,
An-G-Ogram,69,2012-06-06,Rock City Rollers,,
An-Isla-nator,,2012-01-17,Tournament City Derby,,
AnGirr Andi Struction,42,"12th April, 2015",lilac City Roller Girls,,United States
AnKILL Biter,1369,"5th February, 2018",CTRD,,United States
AnTraxx,22,"14th September, 2015",Austin Anarchy,,United Kingdom
Ana Bender,750,2006-08-08,Windy City Rollers,,
Ana Bollocks,00,,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Ana Bollocks,00,"14th September, 2016",Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,United States
Ana Bomination,77,"21st January, 2014",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Ana Dare,48 MHz,2009-07-27,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Ana Galactic,49,"2nd May, 2018",,,United States
Ana Hammerfest,621,"1st May, 2015",,,United States
Ana Highway to Hell,8338,2010-04-28,Treasure Valley Rollergirls,,
Ana Hysteria,696,"10th June, 2016",Freaky Mons'ter Derby Ladies,,Belgium
Ana Killingspree,47,2007-04-03,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Ana Knockee,13,2012-03-17,Greenbriar Roller Vixens,,
Ana Matobeatya,wh00sh,2010-02-11,Glass City Rollers,,
Ana Matronique,22,"27th January, 2014",Detroit Derby Girls,,United States
Ana Maul,W1LD,"22nd January, 2014",,,Australia
Ana Maul,447,"20th November, 2017",Hemet Roller Derby,,United States
Ana Mayhem,55,2007-07-11,Blazin' Banditas Roller Derby,,
Ana P. Shock,,2011-10-31,Dorset Roller Girls,,
Ana Phylaxis,21,"21st January, 2014",Dunedin Derby,,New Zealand
Ana Pocalypse,97,"22nd October, 2014",Yuc-Town Rollin' Bombshells,,United States
Ana Rampage,33,2007-04-24,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Ana S. Tease-ya,IV,"30th September, 2019",,,United States
Ana Saucy,AD650,2012-01-24,4 Corners Rollergirls,,
Ana ShayTana,269,2012-04-16,Halifax Roller Derby,,
Ana Slays Ya,8,2007-07-23,Naptown Roller Girls,,
Ana Sthetic,,2009-02-19,Syndicate Roller Girls,,
Ana Thema,83,2007-01-17,MTL Roller Derby,,
Ana Venger,16,2011-02-28,Rock Coast Rollers,,
Ana W.Balls,929,"2nd April, 2014",Roller Derby Ensenada,,Mexico
Ana Warpath,1914,2006-06-30,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Ana-kill Skyroller,163,2012-04-23,The Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,
Ana-rk E,999,"15th March, 2017",Hemet Roller Derby,,United States
Ana. L. Rape,,2010-04-24,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
AnaMaulicious,042,"21st February, 2019",Ridgecrest Roller Derby,,United States
AnaR'Kick,13,"22nd October, 2014",Rocket Dolls Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
AnaTazeYa,40,2011-05-02,Three Rivers Roller Derby,,
Anabamer Slammer,808,"15th July, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Anabamma Slamma,1111,2011-11-13,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Anabolic,000,2010-06-07,Bay Rollers,,
Anabolic Rage,,2011-08-02,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
Anachronism,5.8 on the Richter Scale,2009-07-01,Windy City Rollers,,
Anaconda,88,2006-03-07,Oly Rollers,,
Anacrazia,31,2011-07-17,Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,
Anacringe Skywalker,254,"6th September, 2017",B.C. Rollers,,United States
Anacringe Skywalker,8008,2010-10-12,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Anaheuser Sqush,,2011-06-22,Quad City Rollers,,
Anais Ninja,1111,"9th July, 2019",,,United States
Anais Sin,,2009-11-19,Dead City Derby,,
Anaiysa Pye,,"18th December, 2020",,,United States
Anakin Skyblocker,C3PO,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Anakin Skyskater,REF,2012-03-24,Independent Ref,,
Anakin Slaywalker,22,"23rd November, 2015",,,United States
Anal Abreu,2,5-17-12,Kouvola Rock n Rollers,,
Anal Bell,3,"14th April, 2020",Gallatin Roller Derby,,United States
Anal Entry on Gentry,0,"28th September, 2019",Gallatin roller derby,,United States
Anal Leakage,2,"6th November, 2021",Gallatin Roller Derby,,United States
Anal Tex,REF,2009-06-30,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Anal eyes her,1969,"28th September, 2019",Gallatin roller derby,,United States
Analicious,1010,"31st October, 2019",Roller Derby Rimouski,,Canada
Analyse This,394,"5th November, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Anaphylactic Shock,,2009-05-10,Rose City Rosebuds,,
Anarchick,13,2008-07-14,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Anarcho-Syndiclit,26,2011-01-08,Oly Rollers,,
Anarchy Fetish,17,2010-06-30,Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,
Anarchy Kournikova,47,2006-04-14,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Anaslaysia,481,"13th October, 2015",DDD,,United States
Anass Rhammar,209,"26th May, 2017",Tucson Roller Derby,,United States
Anastasia Beaverhausen,86,"29th December, 2016",,,United States
Anastasia Beaverhausen,ME 36,2010-09-27,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Anasty Riot,11,"19th March, 2016",LKPG Go'Rullaz RDC,,Sweden
Anatazeya,40,"21st January, 2014",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Anatomy Pain,206,"4th September, 2016",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
Anatoxin,- 273,"21st January, 2014",Suck City Rock n' Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
Anayaphylactic Shock,314,"21st January, 2014",Bluestone Rollerderby,,United States
Anaïs Ninja,101,2009-03-09,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Anchor Rage,907,2011-11-27,Bellingham Roller Betties,,
Anchor Wench,1955,2011-12-31,Rock Island Rollers,,
AnchorWench,1955,"21st January, 2014",Rock island rollers,,United States
Anchors A'Slay,1775,"1st April, 2014",,,United States
Andale!,60,2011-04-18,Brandywine Roller Girls,,
Andariel,2,"27th April, 2016",Ridge Meadows Rumble Bees,,Canada
Andee WarDoll,2,"21st October, 2021",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Andi Capps'em,.357,2006-08-04,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Andi Konda,,"15th January, 2015",,,United States
Andi Linquent,265,2011-11-28,Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild,,
Andi Slamberg,E0A,"2nd April, 2014",,,Canada
Andi Slamberg,E0A,2010-08-07,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Andi Soccabitch,38 Exp,2009-03-28,Red Stick Roller Derby,,
Andi Structible,,"20th January, 2014",Sioux Falls Baby Dollz,,United States
Andi Struction,10,2006-04-21,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Andi Warhell,4520,2012-01-10,The Greenvillains,,
Andi-social,,"21st March, 2018",,,United States
Andi-social,77,"11th June, 2018",,,United States
Andicent Proposal,1000000,2008-10-24,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Andie Blackchick,200W,"2nd May, 2014",Roller Derby Bordeaux Club,,France
Andie Maims,REF,2010-09-10,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Andie Pandy,,2010-02-06,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Andimonium,1,"14th October, 2015",DuPage Derby Dames,,United States
Andiroxs N Rolls,6,2010-01-24,V-Town Derby Dames,,
Ando Commando,11B,"21st January, 2014",Nickel City Roller Derby,,Canada
Andraste,219,"21st January, 2014",Greensboro Roller Derby,,United States
Andrea Genius,,2009-12-01,Sonoma County Roller Derby,,
Andrea the Giant,F4,2008-06-26,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Andreas' Fault,9.OW,2008-03-14,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Andrematon,REF,2011-04-19,Crossroads City Derby,,
Andrewgenous Maximus,42,"12th May, 2016",NEA Roller Derby,,United States
Andro-Ginny,17,"6th October, 2015","Nerike Knockouts, Örebro Roller Derby",,Sweden
Androgynous Rex,,"20th August, 2016",,,United States
Android 18,18,"19th January, 2016",Big Bucks High Rollers,,United Kingdom
Andromeda Pain,803,"7th May, 2014",LKPG Go'Rullaz RDC,,Sweden
Andromeda Sprain,_,,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Andromeda Sprain,,"18th September, 2014",,,United States
Andy Biotic,,2008-04-09,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Andy Capp,REF,2007-08-09,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Andy Clockwise,360,"16th November, 2014",Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Andy Clockwise,360,2011-03-09,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Andy Hard Candy,777,"4th April, 2014",Devil State Derby League,,Australia
Andy KP,,"20th May, 2017",Le Havre - Burning Mussels,,France
Andy Molisher,0MG,2011-02-15,Cedar Rapids Rollergirls,,
Andy Oakley,22,"13th May, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Andy Oakley,22,2011-04-11,Rose City Rollers,,
Andy Roll-Haul,31,"7th April, 2016",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Andy Slamberg,,,,,
Andy Stark 28,207,"25th October, 2015",Malditas Lisiadas rd,,Argentina
Andy War Haul,54,"6th July, 2015",Texas Rollergirls Rec League,,United States
Andy War-Hole,,"28th July, 2015",,,Canada
Andy Warbrawl,231,2011-05-06,Rodeo City Rollergirls,,
Andy Wardoll,620,"10th February, 2014",Monterey bay derby dames,,United States
Andy Warwheels,216,"24th January, 2014",Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,United States
Andy matter,,2008-12-30,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Andy-Social,404,"3rd July, 2016",Full Metal Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Andy-Social Behaviour,999,"8th September, 2018",Harland Wolves Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
AndySocial,73,"19th June, 2014",The Inhuman League,,United Kingdom
Ane Eerie,£20,2012-01-16,rocKArollers,,
Anesta TizHer,10-9-8,2010-10-11,High City Derby Divas,,
Anesthesia,22,"9th May, 2015",Desalmadas Roller Derby,,Argentina
Anesthesia Referhousin,86,2012-03-22,Durango Roller Girls,,
Anet ballSlayer,G51,2011-03-31,Rebellion Roller Derby,,
Aneta Brains,666,2011-02-02,Savannah Derby Devils,,
Ang Xiety,coach,2008-05-05,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
AngHell on Wheels,36,"26th May, 2020",Mason-Dixon Roller Vixens,,United States
AngHella,530,2011-01-23,Mississippi Valley Mayhem,,
AngXiety Rush,36,2008-10-04,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Angageddon,117,"12th August, 2014",BKDD,,Canada
AngeMatronic,63,2011-04-19,Crossroads City Derby,,
Angefreak,33,"26th April, 2016",Railtown Loco Rollers,,United Kingdom
Angel Abaddon,999,"10th October, 2018",Sundsvall Demolition Rollers,,Sweden
Angel Adoom,667,2011-12-16,Heart of Appalachia Roller Derby,,
Angel Askew,,5/9/12,Tweed Valley Rollers,,
Angel Assassin,39,"8th April, 2017",Brighton Roller Dollz,,United States
Angel Cakes,77,"3rd April, 2014",OSRDA,,Canada
Angel Cakes,77,2011-05-06,Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,
Angel DDelight,74,"20th January, 2014",Croydon roller derby,,United Kingdom
Angel DeFright,136,2010-07-02,Wakey Wheeled Cats,,
Angel Deville,,2009-05-21,Black Hills Wildfire Roller Derby,,
Angel Dustt,09,,Windy City Rollers,,
Angel Eh?,A1,"8th February, 2014",Northumberland Roller Girls,,Canada
Angel Feud Cake,143,"17th April, 2020",Eves of Destruction,,Canada
Angel GabriHell,999,"22nd December, 2014",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Angel Gone Twisted,101,"1st February, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Angel Grinder,187,2009-09-15,Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,
Angel Hazelknock,24,"31st January, 2017",Roller Grrrl Gang,,Germany
Angel Luv Assault,,2009-05-29,Renegade Rollergirls (So Cal),,
Angel Maker,11,2010-03-10,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Angel N Havok,1313,2008-09-17,Inland Empire Derby Divas,,
Angel N. DisGuys,999,"14th August, 2015",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Angel N. Shadows,256,2006-10-24,Northern Ohio's wRECk Roller Derby,,
Angel O'Ruin,42,2011-07-13,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Angel O'deth,999,"21st January, 2014",Brass Knuckle Derby Dames,,Canada
Angel Rage,737,2011-08-28,Bay City Rollers,,
Angel Retentive,2x2,2012-06-11,Arizona Rollergirls,,
Angel Rood Cake,777,2009-07-16,Fairbanks Rollergirls,,
Angel Slam,69,2007-12-29,DV8 Derby Skaterz,,
Angel SláyHèr,006,"21st January, 2014",Western Sydney Rollers,,Australia
Angel The Assassin,6FT,"18th April, 2014",Daville Roller Derby,,United States
Angel Van Bam,333,2011-01-21,Coffs Coast Derby,,
Angel Vicious,7,2011-03-01,Kingsford Krush,,
Angel Von Carnage,666,2010-09-29,NV East Roller Girls,,
Angel Von Devilish,9139,2010-06-28,ICT Roller Girls,,
Angel Von Slaughter,ISO3200,2008-09-19,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
Angel VonDevilish,9139,"8th December, 2016",ICT Roller Girls,,United States
Angel a Mercy,11:11,2011-01-03,Traverse City Roller Derby,,
Angel kill-her,,"23rd January, 2015",,,Canada
Angel of Agony,98,2008-04-01,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Angel of Anarchy,,2010-08-17,South West Sydney Rockets,,
Angel of Beth,02,2010-08-11,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Angel of Death A.O.D.,705,2008-06-09,South Side Roller Derby,,
Angel of Hell,81,"23rd January, 2014",Tweed Valley Junior Rollers,,Australia
Angel of Hursty,11,2011-04-10,Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Girls,,
Angel of Mayhem,30,2009-01-19,Sac City Rollers,,
Angel of Shove'n You,14,5-18-12,Ark Valley High Rollers,,
Angel of Steph,7,"9th December, 2015",Nottingham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Angel of deaf,18,"1st March, 2016",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
Angel'a Misfortune,,2010-06-28,Kingston Derby Girls,,
Angel-X,71,2010-11-01,NEO Roller Derby,,
Angel-a Pain,Romans 5:3,2010-07-16,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
AngelEye,22,"19th August, 2016",Death Derby Crew,,New Caledonia
Angela Anaconda,11,"19th January, 2017",As Lobas de Morgana,,Spain
Angela Anaconda,11,"19th January, 2017",As Lobas de Morgana «Ourense»,,Spain
Angela BASH-It,1913,"16th January, 2017",Dominion Derby Girls,,United States
Angela Death,XIX,,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Angela Mangle,228,"17th January, 2015",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Angela Momentum,I_,2009-03-13,Romsey Town Rollerbillies,,
Angela Slamsbury,186,2010-04-05,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Angela Slamsbury,186,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Angela Slamsbury,,"16th May, 2015",,,United States
Angela armbreaker,713,2012-01-14,South Simcoe Rebel Rollers,,
Angela smAshes,14,2010-12-12,Mid-State Sisters of Skate,,
Angelethal,138,2007-01-11,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Angelfire,c_,2006-10-12,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Angelfire,,"10th December, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Angelic Anger,69,2010-03-13,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Angelic Destroyer,060,"5th October, 2015",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Angelic Poison,2,"4th June, 2015",Oxford Wheels of Gory,,United Kingdom
Angelic Poison,25 oz,2007-12-05,Green County Roller Girls,,
Angelic Strict9,808,2012-01-20,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Angelica Gression,4,2008-04-22,Saskatoon Roller Derby,,
Angelicut yo face,,2012-03-11,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Angelik'a Pocalypse,80,"24th January, 2014",Hervey Bay Rollerz,,Australia
Angelina Clobberina,,2009-04-26,Tragic City Rollers,,
Angelina Devilina,,2010-11-03,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Angelina Gotti,13,2010-07-05,Peace Region Roller Dolls,,
Angelina Parolee,,"10th November, 2020",,,United Kingdom
Angelina Parolee,REF,2009-10-09,OKC Outlaws Roller Derby,,
Angelina Rollie,91,2009-02-05,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Angellica della Morte,,2006-09-30,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Angelndisguyz999,999,"11th September, 2021",,,United States
Angelous of Me,169,2012-06-07,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Anger Apocalypse,4,5/16/12,Devil Dog Derby Dames,,
Anger Management,76,2009-12-04,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Anger Roo,R00,"21st January, 2014",Roller Derby Leicester,,United Kingdom
Anger Vandal,7/17,2011-06-18,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Angerbelle,,"28th February, 2018",Glasgow Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Angermissmanagement,6243,"3rd February, 2017",Fog city rollers,,Canada
Angerstein,C911,2010-10-19,El Paso Roller Derby,,
Anghel X,777,2011-09-27,Electric City Roller GrrrlZ,,
Angi Septic,31ml,2006-12-13,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Angie Action,17,2010-08-10,Gothenburg Roller Derby,,
Angie BamBam Bruiser,511,2010-12-27,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Angie O'Nasty,15,"20th January, 2014",Granite State Roller Derby,,United States
Angie O'Nasty,15,2011-07-12,Granite State Roller Derby,,
Angie O'Plasty,,"18th May, 2018",,,United States
Angie O. Genesis,REF,2010-09-10,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Angie Social,38,"24th January, 2014",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
Angie Van Hellion,,2008-09-24,Bakersfield Rollergirls,,
Angie-O-Gram,33,2011-02-01,Harbor City RollerDames,,
Angie-lina Rollie,77,"28th August, 2014",Texarkana Roller Derby League Dolls of Destruction,,United States
AngieSeptic,186,"23rd January, 2014","Sirens of Smash , Nelson Bays",,New Zealand
Angina Pectoris,,"26th May, 2015",Kenora Roller Derby League,,Canada
Angiotomy,46N2,"21st January, 2014",Nickel City Roller Derby,,Canada
Angla Vyle,1066,2009-12-22,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Angles Shacgyver,139,2011-06-19,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Angrea,,"1st April, 2016",Dundee Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Angrea 'n' Angrea,161,2011-02-01,South West Sydney Rockets,,
Angri-la,,2008-08-12,London Rollergirls,,
Angry Amy,66,2012-01-04,Gallatin Roller Girlz,,
Angry Ann,56,2009-02-20,Gem City Rollergirls,,
Angry Ant,,2011-02-17,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
Angry Aries,473,"7th May, 2014",BRDD,,United States
Angry Bacon,911,"1st July, 2015",Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby,,United States
Angry Bear,31,"2nd September, 2016",Toulouse Quad Guards,,France
Angry Beaver,17,2007-06-19,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Angry Bird,23,2012-04-13,One World Roller Derby,,
Angry Bird,,"10th February, 2016",,,Australia
Angry Birt,5000,2011-12-14,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Angry Birt,5000,"24th September, 2019",,,United States
Angry Boo,82,"4th July, 2015",Mons'ter Munch Derby Dude,,Belgium
Angry Butes,173,"9th April, 2015",Lisbon Grrrls Roller Derby,,Portugal
Angry Cupcake,12,"20th December, 2014",,,Germany
Angry Fairy,1300cc,"21st January, 2014",,,Australia
Angry Fairy,,2010-03-24,Macarthur Area Roller Derby,,
Angry Girl,61,"19th August, 2017",La Plaza Roller Derby,,Argentina
Angry Granola,3,2006-09-25,River City Rollergirls,,
Angry Grrrl,AKD14,2007-12-04,Central Coast Roller Derby,,
Angry Jonny,REF,5/9/12,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Angry Ladybug,6699,2011-10-17,Namur Roller Girlz,,
Angry Mayfly,,2007-10-01,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
Angry Mimi,86,2012-02-08,Holy Wheels Menace from Liege,,
Angry Monk,E3,2010-11-02,Connecticut Death Quads,,
Angry Nirds,1337,2011-07-11,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Angry Panda,4,5-23-12,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Angry Penguin,19,2012-02-02,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Angry Rocks,19,"28th January, 2014",Haunted City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Angry Weka,10,5/7/12,Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,
Angry WhopHer,42,"21st January, 2014",Capital City Crushers,,United States
Angry Wrench,sk8 t3ch,2006-11-06,Rose City Rollers,,
Angry beaver,10,"10th December, 2014",,,United States
AngryBird-T,430,"22nd January, 2014",ColumbiaQuad Squad,,United States
AngryGay Inglesias,REF,2010-09-14,Kallio Rolling Rainbow,,
Angryka,13,"6th August, 2019",,,Germany
Angst Muffin,.30-06,2011-02-17,Twin City Knockers,,
Angthrax,33,2007-11-14,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Angua Wheel2far,906,2010-09-27,Munich Rolling Rebels,,
Anguela Merguez,16,"24th January, 2014",,,France
Anguish Litorture,abc21,"22nd January, 2014",Kingston REC n Rollers,,Canada
Angur Ban,M20,2011-02-13,Rebel County Rollers,,
Angus Beef,A1,2009-04-22,Rock City Riot,,
Angus Con,,2007-04-02,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Angy-O-Blasty,66,"21st December, 2016",Badlands Hellraisers Roller Derby,,Canada
Anhellicka,,2012-03-06,Wichita Falls Derby Dames,,
Anhtrucks,18,"21st September, 2018",Wonderclan,,Argentina
Ani DeBreako,,2009-10-11,Tragic City Rollers,,
Ani DiShankAHo,101,2012-03-06,Treasure Valley Rollergirls,,
Ani Hellation,420,"20th January, 2014",Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,United States
Ani Mae Moxie,5n2,"21st January, 2014",Eastside derby girls,,United States
Ani Mal,74,"8th March, 2015",Ayrshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ani Position,i69,2010-02-16,Winnipeg Roller Derby,,
Ani Position,,"12th April, 2014",Winnipeg Roller Derby League,,Canada
Ani T'kilya,818,"6th April, 2014",northstar rollergirls,,United States
Ani Up,coach,2011-08-04,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Ani bal,88,"4th October, 2014",Sam Roller Derby,,France
Ani diStrangle,88,2012-04-18,Niagara Roller Girls,,
Ania Marx,321,"21st January, 2014",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Anick Anger,999,2010-11-11,Toronto Junior Roller Derby,,
Anicki Awaits,74,"14th May, 2019",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Anida Blade,99,2006-07-30,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Anida Blade,99,"22nd March, 2018",Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,United States
Animal,900,"29th February, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Animal Bolche,FT 17,"17th November, 2014",,,Argentina
Animal Brynstincts,3.14,2011-12-13,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
Animal Brynstincts,777,"5th March, 2015",Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,United States
Animal Control,,2009-10-13,Sioux City Roller Dames,,
Animal Crack Her,386,2007-07-20,Spokannibals,,
Animal Crack Her,,"25th February, 2021",,,United States
Animal Lee,451,2012-03-23,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Animal Manley,72,2011-04-18,Cornwall Roller Derby,,
Animal Mother,2nd Base,2009-02-01,Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,
Animayhem,42,"27th April, 2014",Wicked City Derby Damez,,United States
Animel,313,2011-05-17,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Animel cooky,37,2012-02-12,Dirty Verde Roller Derby,,
Anir'Attack,17,"23rd January, 2015",Rocket Dolls Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
Anisu,17,2011-07-02,Metropolitan Roller Derby,,
Anita Alibi,26,"22nd January, 2014",Grey Bruce Roller Derby,,Canada
Anita Alibi,5th,"21st January, 2014",DDRD,,United States
Anita Am Blance,911,2010-11-09,Dirty Verde Roller Derby,,
Anita Amputate,333,2011-11-10,Diamond Valley Roller Derby,,
Anita Applebomb,14,,Windy City Rollers,,
Anita B. Chu,.50 cal,2011-04-29,Renegade Rollergirls (CA),,
Anita B. Cracken,5,2010-11-12,Emerald Coast Roller Derby,,
Anita B. Cracken,,"21st January, 2014",Emerald coast roller derby,,United States
Anita B. Naughty,18,"12th March, 2019",Granite State Roller Derby,,United States
Anita B. Naughty,18,2012-01-06,Bangor Roller Derby,,
Anita BReAKE,ME2,"30th January, 2014",Roller Derby Ísland,,Iceland
Anita Bandaid,(Ref) 4X4,"24th January, 2014",Midstate Sisters of Skate,,United States
Anita BangHer,21+,2008-11-21,Boston Derby Dames,,
Anita Bashea,M97,"30th August, 2014",GTA Rollergirls,,Canada
Anita Battle,,2008-07-17,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Anita Beam,99,2011-12-14,Chemical Valley Rollerigirls,,
Anita Beam 99,99,2011-12-16,Chemical Valley Rollergirls,,
Anita BeatErAss,,"3rd September, 2020",,,United States
Anita Bier,312,,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Anita Blunt,3.5,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Anita Blunt,,2011-01-17,Coos County Rollergirls,,
Anita Bodybag,99,2010-04-26,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Anita Bonghit,420,2009-10-10,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Anita Bopabitch,216,2007-01-01,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Anita Bourbon,or 2,2011-11-23,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Anita BrickInTheWall,161,"21st January, 2014",Freaky Mons'ter Derby Ladies,,Belgium
Anita Buffao,42,2012-04-23,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby,,
Anita Chainsaw,992,2009-01-29,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Anita Chainsaw,992Life,"21st January, 2014",Garden State Rollergirls,,United States
Anita Cold One,40 oz,"21st January, 2014",Sarnia roller derby,,Canada
Anita Cold One,40 oz,2012-04-03,Lambton County Derby League,,
Anita Confess,,2007-11-01,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Anita Cookie,4,2008-11-20,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Anita Cupcake,,2011-05-26,Rushmore Rollerz,,
Anita Destroy,11,2008-05-28,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
Anita Disaster,333,2012-02-05,Midwest Mayhem Roller Derby,,
Anita Disloc8her,988,2011-09-12,Marietta Derby Darlins,,
Anita Donut,0,2007-01-02,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
Anita Doobie,53,2009-09-07,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Anita Doobie,53,"21st January, 2014","Queen City Roller Girls (Buffalo, NY)",,United States
Anita Double,63,"31st March, 2015",Snake Pit Derby Dames,,United States
Anita Drink,27,2011-06-22,Northern Lightning Rollergirls,,
Anita Evil,,"10th January, 2020",,,United States
Anita Fingerbang,0,2008-08-19,North Star Roller Girls,,
Anita Fix,4,2006-05-10,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Anita Getcha,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Anita Getcha,29,"30th January, 2015",Seattle Derby Brats,,United States
Anita Greencard,1174,2009-03-05,Renegade Rollergirls (CA),,
Anita Grenade,M-79,2008-11-01,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Anita Greyhound,,,Cape Fear Killers,,
Anita Guinness,16oz,"16th March, 2014",Red Bank Roller Vixens,,United States
Anita HardOne,NC-17,2007-06-14,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Anita Hardwood,24/7,"24th May, 2018",North Shore Rough Ryders,,United States
Anita Hirter,209,"6th August, 2015",Mount Miltia Derby Crew,,New Zealand
Anita Hit Sum One,420,"24th September, 2018",Dock Yard Derby Dames,,United States
Anita Hit Sum Won,420,2006-06-17,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Anita JamBayou,cat5,"17th April, 2014",Battle Born Derby Demons,,United States
Anita Kalamidad,24,"9th April, 2019",Nafarriors Roller Derby Iruña,,Spain
Anita Kalash,47,2010-11-22,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Anita Kill,222,2005-06-01,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Anita Knapp,8,2009-11-19,Black Hills Derby Girl League,,
Anita Len Yo,,2007-04-07,Duke City Derby,,
Anita Mandabeats,,2011-06-17,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Anita Margarita,64oz,2008-10-30,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Anita Martini,9,2007-08-27,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Anita Morgue,,"13th August, 2014",,,United States
Anita Nother,1051,2009-08-25,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Anita Nother,1051,"2nd April, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Anita Notherhit,,"28th April, 2019",,,United States
Anita Painkiller,357,"13th February, 2015",Midwest Derby Divas,,United States
Anita Painkiller,357,2011-01-11,Sauk Valley Sirens,,
Anita Patron,,2010-05-23,Little City Roller Girls,,
Anita Priest,666,2010-02-26,Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls,,
Anita Priest,666,"20th January, 2014",Orlando Area Derby Revoltion,,United States
Anita Punchya,8008's,2011-09-16,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Anita Richman,24,2011-01-10,Bakken Derby Girls League,,
Anita Riot,138,,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Anita Scotch,5150,2008-04-08,Redding Rollergirls,,
Anita Sedative,20mg,2010-10-08,Renegade Rollergirls (OC),,
Anita Shampain,8,2011-12-03,Tweed Valley Rollers,,
Anita Slayer,7,2011-01-29,Bash Valley Clobber Girls,,
Anita Smack,14,2011-05-19,South Bay Derby Mizfitz,,
Anita SmackaBitch,14,"25th August, 2017",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
Anita Smackin',26,"21st January, 2014",PRDR,,United States
Anita Smashyou,J9,"21st January, 2014",Hawkesbury/Hills Area Roller Derby (HARD),,Australia
Anita Spankston,,2008-10-06,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Anita Spankya,2,2008-08-17,Undead Bettys,,
Anita Switchblade,,2011-06-21,Rose City Rollers,,
Anita Target,32 oz,2010-11-10,NEO Roller Derby,,
Anita Tension,27,2006-09-21,North Star Roller Girls,,
Anita Tequila,5/5,2011-02-15,Central Mass Roller Derby,,
Anita Tuf-Moth'r,08,"21st January, 2014",Battle Creek Ceresl Killers,,United States
Anita Tuf-Moth'r,08,2009-02-12,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Anita Valium,29,2006-03-13,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Anita Whacksa Beaver,1523,2010-07-16,Mitten Mavens,,
Anita Whiskey,90 proof,2010-07-09,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Anita Whiskey,90 proof,"21st July, 2015",Paradise Roller Girls,,United States
Anita X-Ray,1354,"20th January, 2014",Spindletop Rollergirls,,United States
Anita Zombie,0321,2011-04-22,Rome Rollergirls,,
Anita spur,411,2009-03-12,Sioux City Roller Dames,,
Anitta Bandade,1X3,"3rd April, 2014",BADFISH roller derby,,United States
Anitta Veneno,696,2011-10-31,2x4 Roller Derby,,
Anja Downigan,8,2007-02-24,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Anja Knees,911,"21st January, 2014","Sluts United, Norrköping Rollerderby",,Sweden
Anja Patellas,X0X0,"24th June, 2014",Tampa Roller Derby,,United States
Anja Patellas,<3,2010-10-12,Eastside Derby Girls,,
Anjabolika,0815,2012-03-05,Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,
Anjaina Heartbeat,FA5T,2012-02-05,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Anjasaurus Wrecks,,"12th May, 2016",Granite State Roller Derby,,United States
AnjelDust,394,"3rd January, 2017",,,New Zealand
Ankle Bite Her,411,"6th February, 2015",Rodeo City Rollergirls,,United States
Ankle Bite Her,#411,"7th May, 2014",Rodeo City Rollergirls,,United States
Ankle Biter,147,"21st January, 2014",South Side Derby Dolls (S2D2),,Australia
Ankle Bitin' Annie,Sweet 16,2009-02-01,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Ankle Breaker,,2011-04-01,Norfolk Bruizin' Bettys,,
Ankle Grinder,91,2009-03-09,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Anktion,19,2011-09-09,Vienna Rollergirls,,
Ann 'Oi,138,2011-10-18,Riverside Roller Belles,,
Ann Alizarine,66,2011-04-27,Rotterdam Death Row Honeys,,
Ann Archy,867-5309,2008-12-08,Reno Roller Girls,,
Ann Atomic,U-235,,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Ann Drogyny,37,2009-04-05,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Ann Droid,88,,Hurricane Alley Roller Derby,,
Ann Droid,4,"3rd February, 2016",Mass Attack Roller Derby,,United States
Ann E. Archy,711,"2nd February, 2016",SMRG Lil' Nemesisters,,United States
Ann E. Briated,9,2006-10-09,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Ann Eurysm,104,"11th September, 2018",Minnesota Rollergirls,,United States
Ann F.N. Tank,5150,"20th January, 2014",Limerick Roller Derby,,Ireland
Ann Feta Mean,077,"14th August, 2017",Ridgecrest Roller Derby,,United States
Ann Grr,9,"21st January, 2014",Miami Roller Derby,,United States
Ann Halen,1984,2007-02-13,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Ann Happy,114,"20th January, 2014",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Ann Hell-Sling,,2010-04-13,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Ann Heuser Butch,46,2006-07-12,Houston Roller Derby,,
Ann Hooligan,FTW,2010-02-03,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Ann I Hilate,10,"21st January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Ann Killbiter,16,2010-04-30,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Ann Munition,357,,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Ann Narky,,"24th January, 2014",Copper Coast Roller Derby,,Australia
Ann Narky,94,"30th January, 2014",CRDA,,Canada
Ann Nilator,,"6th September, 2015",Rat City Rollergirls,,United States
Ann O'Steel,86,"24th January, 2014",Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,United States
Ann O'War,19,2011-07-11,South West Sydney Rockets,,
Ann O'War,19,"21st January, 2014",Sydney Roller Derby League,,Australia
Ann Ominous,0915,"11th July, 2016",Mad Wreckin Dolls,,United Kingdom
Ann Philanders,,2007-12-20,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Ann R Kissed,0,2006-02-18,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Ann R. Kissed,Star Stompers,"21st March, 2016",,,United States
Ann Sane,2012,2007-11-08,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Ann Slanders,STAFF,2012-06-13,Dutchland Rollers,,
Ann Staydown,910,2012-04-05,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Ann T Venom,88,"14th May, 2014",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Ann T. Christ,666,"6th September, 2015",Roskilde Roller Derby,,Denmark
Ann T. Gravity,9.8,2010-01-07,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Ann T. Histamine,,2011-09-11,Nashville Rollergirls,,
Ann T. Social,54,"8th June, 2017",Arlington Derby Avengers,,United States
Ann T. Venom,88,2011-08-22,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
Ann T. Virus,24pt,"21st January, 2014",Strong Island Derby Revolution,,United States
Ann Thrash,22,2006-03-24,AZ Derby Dames,,
Ann Thrax,9,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Ann Thwacks,10,"21st January, 2014",Roller Derby Leicester,,United Kingdom
Ann Thwacks,10,2012-01-17,Dolly Rockit Rollers,,
Ann Tipathy,68,"27th November, 2017",SDRD,,United States
Ann Tix,207,2007-11-11,West Texas Roller Dollz,,
Ann U Rysm,858,"4th March, 2014",Hazard County Hellions,,United States
Ann Ville,925,"30th May, 2014",Coventry City Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Ann assASSin,650cc,"21st January, 2014",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Ann guish,,2008-12-30,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Ann o'Maly,7007,"13th March, 2019",Roller derby Erfurt,,Germany
Ann o'maly,7007,"1st February, 2018",Roller Derby Erfurt,,Germany
Ann'Blockable,13,"28th September, 2014",Rhein-Neckar Delta Quads,,Germany
Ann-Abuse,250mg,2007-07-26,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Ann-Sniper,9,2012-04-24,Bembel Town Rollergirls,,
Ann-Sniper,9,"21st July, 2015",Bembel Town Rollergirls,,Germany
AnnAssassin,187,"16th March, 2018",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
AnnXiety,918,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Anna B. Lektor,59,,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Anna Banana Split,13,"9th February, 2015",Floral City Roller Girls,,United States
Anna Barbera,707,2007-04-28,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Anna Bolic Skate,,"30th October, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Anna Bolika,12,"12th April, 2014",Bone Breakin Kittens,,Germany
Anna Bomb,5,2008-10-28,Sudbury's Rock City Rollers,,
Anna Bomination,31,"26th January, 2014",Waterford Viqueens,,Ireland
Anna Brasion,10,2006-07-30,Chi*Town Sirens Roller Derby,,
Anna Conda,1301,"7th September, 2015",Northern Lightning Rollergirls,,Netherlands
Anna Conned Her,35,"6th February, 2014",VRDL,,Australia
Anna D. Killa,777,2007-04-19,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Anna Din,12,2011-10-16,Valleys Roller Dolls,,
Anna Elation,40,"29th September, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Anna Filactic,3,"4th April, 2014",Pile O Bones Derby Club,,Canada
Anna Filactic,3,2008-06-12,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Anna Kalashnikov,47,2010-11-10,Capital City Rollers,,
Anna Karabine,,"3rd November, 2017",Les Quads de Paris,,France
Anna Key,,"21st August, 2017",,,Germany
Anna Key,,"30th June, 2016",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Anna Key,49,2012-02-16,Rocky Roller Derby,,
Anna Ki,H8,"29th January, 2014",Borderland Brawlers Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Anna Killakova,,2010-04-07,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Anna Kornercarver,,"29th December, 2014",Convict City Rollers,,Australia
Anna L. Beads,888,2011-02-02,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Anna Liez,83,2011-01-23,Mississippi Valley Mayhem,,
Anna Lytical,1027,"21st January, 2014",Gem City Rollergirls,,United States
Anna Malinstinct,314,2008-09-29,Burning River Roller Girls,,
Anna Maul,,"23rd January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Anna Maul,77,"30th June, 2015",Montgomery Roller Derby,,United States
Anna Maul,212,"5th May, 2014",Bath Roller Derby Girls,,United Kingdom
Anna Miettinen,730,"22nd January, 2014",Helsinki Roller derby,,Finland
Anna Miettinen,,"22nd January, 2014",Kallio Rolling Rainbow,,Finland
Anna Mosity,H8,"21st January, 2014",joint base lewis mccord,,United States
Anna Mosity,H8,2007-09-23,Fort Lewis Bettie Brigade,,
Anna Mossity,130,"21st January, 2014",Brisbane Waters Bruisers,,Australia
Anna Nicole Smite,,2008-08-11,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Anna Nicole Smithereens,,2011-05-17,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Anna Nicole Smithereens,00,"20th January, 2014",Atlantic Coast Roller Girls,,United States
Anna Nicole Spliff,420,"1st February, 2020",Powerpuff roller derby,,United States
Anna Nimiti,,"28th April, 2015",,,United States
Anna Nimmity,219,"6th April, 2017",Kingsford Krush Roller Derby,,United States
Anna Nomalie,,2007-02-12,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Anna Notherthing,11,,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Anna Pave-U'Over,4000,2011-08-15,Richter City Roller Derby,,
Anna Phylactic Shock,2,"12th November, 2018",Dirty River Roller Derby,,Finland
Anna Phylaxis,O2,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Anna Phylaxis,-O2,2009-11-06,Darlings of Destruction,,
Anna Phylaxis,O2,"18th June, 2014",Demolitia Derby Queens,,United States
Anna PocoLips,2010,2008-10-04,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Anna Queen Skatewalker,3778,"20th March, 2014",The Painted Birds,,Uruguay
Anna Salt,1/3 tsp,2008-05-04,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Anna Sasin,5,,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Anna Sassin,762,"10th May, 2014",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Anna Seize Ya,0U81,"9th February, 2014",,,United States
Anna SeizeYa,OU812,5/6/12,City of Fists Rollergirls,,
Anna Septic,,2010-03-03,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Anna Tramp,8,,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Anna Trocity,×,2006-08-04,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Anna Turny,07,2012-02-12,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Anna Wrecks Ya,99,,Boston Derby Dames,,
Anna Wrexx-It,Sx00,2007-11-19,No Coast Derby Girls,,
Anna kissed,41,"27th July, 2014",Bath roller derby,,United Kingdom
Anna maul Instinct,8,"12th March, 2014",Jet City Rollergirls,,United States
Anna-Fillactic Shox,995,"10th December, 2014",Confluence Crush Roller Derby,,United States
Anna-Key,17,"20th June, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Anna-lyse this!,40,"26th September, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Anna-maniac,999,2006-12-16,Omaha Rollergirls,,
AnnaBaslamma,1339,2009-04-16,Reno Roller Girls,,
AnnaChronism,184,"31st January, 2016",Toowoomba City Rollers,,Australia
AnnaConda,42,"29th May, 2016",,,United States
AnnaHELation,142,"10th November, 2017",Nottingham Hellfire Harlots,,United Kingdom
AnnaHell Lee,4.12,"31st July, 2017",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
AnnaKin SkyBlocker,OB1,2011-07-26,Camel City Thrashers,,
AnnaMalistic,145,"15th February, 2017",Limerick,,Ireland
AnnaMaul,24,"21st January, 2014",Nickel City Roller Derby,,Canada
AnnaSheDidn't,595,2012-04-02,Stockholm Roller Derby,,
AnnaTomicallyCorrect,U2,2009-06-06,Ring City Rollergirls,,
Annabel Apocalipstick,17,2009-11-14,Helsinki Roller Derby,,
Annabel Leethal,,"23rd February, 2017",Charm City,,United States
Annabel Leethal,11,"20th January, 2014",River City Rollergirls,,United States
Annabel Leethal,13,2012-04-25,East Coast Devastation,,
Annabelle Lecter,8,2007-08-05,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Annabelle Lickter,666,"26th November, 2016",South Side Derby Dolls,,Australia
Annabelle the Cannibal,29+,2010-02-18,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Annabionic,,2011-11-16,Comox Valley Rink Minx Rollergirls,,
Annaconda,24,"16th September, 2015",Västerås Roller Derby,,Sweden
Annageddon,5,"22nd December, 2014",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Annageddon,81,"10th February, 2018",Brisbane City Rollers,,Australia
Annakill Skywalker,sk8r,2010-11-14,Nidaros Roller Derby,,
Annakin Skyroller,,"7th January, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Annaleash,18,"2nd September, 2015",Kerr County Roller Derby,,United States
Annamal,1019,"22nd April, 2014",Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,United States
Annamantium,119,"2nd August, 2016",Preston Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Annamation,83,"23rd September, 2017",,,United States
Annamatrix,0101,"9th April, 2015",East Side Rollers,,United States
"Annamaul ""Wo-man!",11,2010-11-09,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Annamosity,,"26th October, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Annaphylactic Shock,911,"26th January, 2014",Central Maine Derby,,United States
Annapocalypse Pow,!,2010-12-15,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Annarchist,79,"20th March, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Annarchy,32,"21st June, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Annarchy,73,"19th December, 2014",Stitch City Rollers,,Sweden
Annarchy in the Dbq,20,2011-01-02,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Annasaurus Rekt,42,"23rd March, 2016",Southern Harm Derby Dames,,United States
Annasaurus Wrecks,72,"10th November, 2015",Hallam Hellcats,,United Kingdom
Annaslaysia Killsemov,47,2008-03-07,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Annasoreass Wrecks,44,2010-12-01,Squamish Roller Derby,,
Annassassin,76,"13th December, 2017",Dock city rollers,,Sweden
Annasty Hit,8,2010-07-15,Royal City Rollergirls,,
Annathrax,187,2011-03-27,Greenville Derby Dames,,
Annatilation,10,2012-02-21,Corpus Chrisite Maiden Texas Derby,,
Annatomic,,"17th January, 2020",,,United States
Annatomic Bomb,247,"27th September, 2016",Fair City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Annatomic Bomb,321,2009-06-23,Rainy City Roller Girls,,
Annatomic Weapon,533,2011-03-01,South Island Sirens Roller Derby,,
Anne Archy,63,"25th August, 2016",Border City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Anne Arkie,(anarchy),,Windy City Rollers,,
Anne Arky,86,"6th January, 2016",Nottingham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Anne Boleyn-You-Over,1536,2009-11-10,Gainesville Roller Rebels,,
Anne Bones,99,2011-05-13,Vette City Roller Derby,,
Anne Bowlin’,79,"2nd March, 2018",,,United States
Anne Brawl-in,1536,2011-07-03,Toowoomba City Rollers,,
Anne Brawlyn,1533,2012-02-03,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
Anne Bulance,911,"21st January, 2014",Rollergettes,,Canada
Anne Dearing,,2010-11-24,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Anne Frankenstein,c. 1818,2010-04-05,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Anne Fresse,8,"3rd May, 2016",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Anne Grenade,15,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Anne Headaway,4.48,2011-09-09,Vienna Rollergirls,,
Anne Hedonic,773,"26th March, 2015",Angel City Derby Girls,,United States
Anne Huerism,68x,"20th January, 2014",Muscogee Roller Girls,,United States
Anne Huerism,68X,"20th January, 2014",Muscogee Roller Girls,,United States
Anne Persand,&,2008-09-09,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
Anne Persand,7,"20th January, 2014",ref/NSO,,United States
Anne R. Key,4079,"10th June, 2014",,,Canada
Anne Rollen,VIII,2006-04-21,Tragic City Rollers,,
Anne Shank,13,"6th May, 2014",,,United States
Anne Shank,13,2006-08-11,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Anne Slam,8383,2008-04-29,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Anne Smashaway,253,2011-01-29,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Anne Spank,16,2012-04-17,Northampton Shoetown Slayers,,
Anne Starr,7D,2011-01-23,Mississippi Valley Mayhem,,
Anne Stesia,202,"7th April, 2016",The Painted Birds,,Uruguay
Anne Surly,Retired 10/4/13,2010-11-23,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Anne T. Orthodox,754,2009-12-16,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Anne T. Social,A86,"20th January, 2014",WA Roller Derby,,Australia
Anne T. Social,10-81,"24th January, 2014",Diamond State Roller Girls,,United States
Anne Tag-A-Knee,442,"20th January, 2014",Memphis Roller Derby,,United States
Anne Tag-A-Knee,442bc,2009-10-19,Memphis Roller Derby,,
Anne Tagonize,Exit 62,,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Anne Tastical,21,2012-04-11,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Anne Teak,,2008-10-27,Derby Lite,,
Anne Thrax,999,"21st January, 2014",Dunedin Derby,,New Zealand
Anne Tifah,,"12th January, 2021",,,United States
Anne Yeurism,480,"14th October, 2014",Capital City Crushers,,United States
Anne goLA,3,2009-12-03,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Anne of Cleavage,STAFF,5/8/12,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Anne the Bonny Basher,42,2009-02-10,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Anne-grr Issues,10,2010-12-25,Evolution Rollergirls,,
Anne-grr Issues,10,"20th January, 2014",Evolution Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Anne-gry She-Hulk,1014 mHz,"11th March, 2014",Hartford Area Roller Derby,,United States
AnneSleaze,14,2011-03-11,Northern Lightning Rollergirls,,
Anneilator,,"8th October, 2017",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
Anneka Vice,8472,"20th January, 2014",Preston Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Anneka Vice,8472,2011-04-04,Preston Roller Girls,,
Annekin Skytalker,,"18th May, 2014",Meatgrinders Bremen,,Germany
Annevel Knievel,319,"21st January, 2014",DuPage Derby Dames,,United States
Anni Hilate,11,"21st January, 2014",Munich Rolling Rebels,,Germany
Anni Hilate,11,5-29-12,Munich Rolling Rebels,,
Anni Ka-Boom,403,"14th May, 2014",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Anni Lastwords,83,"8th November, 2021",El Paso Roller Derby,,United States
Anni Pacquiao,,2011-10-13,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Anni R U OK,838,"7th March, 2018",Kent Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Anni-Maul,,"4th April, 2015",Montgomery Roller Derby,,United States
AnniE-mergency,911,"24th January, 2014",Blue Mountains Roller Derby League,,Australia
AnniHilate,11,"20th January, 2014",Borderland Brawlers Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
AnniMosity,,"5th December, 2016",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Annia LateHer,57,2007-03-22,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
AnniahLation,1708,"21st January, 2014",Wisconsin River Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Annie,259,"9th March, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
Annie Agony,77,,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Annie Ankle Biter,,2008-05-04,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Annie Annihilater,25,"22nd January, 2019",Tri-County Roller Derby,,Canada
Annie Anthrax,.444,2010-12-30,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
Annie Atomizer,27,2011-10-28,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Annie Autopsy,ch 2o,2010-03-17,Ridge Meadows Roller Derby,,
Annie Banani,37,2010-10-26,Eerie Roller Girls,,
Annie Bananie,8135,"30th August, 2017",Fair City rollers,,United Kingdom
Annie Biotix,1%er,2012-02-29,Red Rock 'N Roller Derby,,
Annie Block n' Deck Her,911,2012-01-17,Riptide Rollers,,
Annie Bomber,#25,"21st January, 2014",Mac Town Sugar Skulls,,United States
Annie Bruiser,,"30th December, 2014",,,United States
Annie Choakley,25,,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Annie Chokley,24,"17th December, 2016",,,United States
Annie Christ,7,,Philly Rollergirls,,
Annie Christ,,"26th November, 2020",,,United States
Annie Cleave'er Bitz,f2.8,2012-04-10,Dublin Roller Girls,,
Annie Cockledoux,333,2008-10-03,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
Annie Cunttuvei,77,2011-02-06,Lahti Roller Derby,,
Annie Filth,67,2011-11-01,Mount Shasta Mighty Rollers,,
Annie Frax,803,"26th November, 2014",B-Town Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Annie Freeze,274,"21st January, 2014",Rage City Rollergirls,,United States
Annie Freeze,LN2,2011-06-18,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Annie Get Your Gun,44,"5th September, 2017",Fair City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Annie Hero,,2007-09-18,Western NJ Outlaws,,
Annie Hero,115,"22nd December, 2015",Babe City Rollers,,United States
Annie Hill,8,5-25-12,Mother City Mayhem Roller Derby,,
Annie Knuckles,47,"13th May, 2014",,,United States
Annie Knuckles,47,2009-04-22,Chemical Valley Rollergirls,,
Annie Lastwords,321,"21st January, 2014",Greensboro Roller Derby,,United States
Annie Lastwords,,2011-06-10,Greensboro Roller Derby,,
Annie Lethal-Hits,f5/6,2009-03-09,DC Rollergirls,,
Annie Madder,e+,"21st April, 2015",,,United States
Annie Mae-Hem,510,"21st January, 2014",JBLM Bettie Brigade,,United States
Annie Malistick,219,"21st January, 2014",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
Annie Malistick,219,2009-12-31,Boston Derby Dames,,
Annie Maul,111,,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Annie Maul,650,"16th March, 2014",Red Bank Roller Vixens,,United States
Annie Maul,15,"10th July, 2014",North Cheshire Victory Rollers,,United Kingdom
Annie May Maven,819,5/12/12,Jr. Jacksonville Rollergirls,,
Annie Mayhem,501,"20th January, 2014",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Annie Moon,,"9th April, 2021",Barcelona Roller Derby,,Spain
Annie Morphs,44,2012-03-10,Bay State Brawlers Roller Derby,,
Annie Nilator,7711,2007-11-17,Bradentucky Bombers,,
Annie OakCliff,.22cal,2012-01-20,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Annie Okie,30/30,5/2/12,Tall City Roller Betties,,
Annie OneDice,89,"19th January, 2020",,,Netherlands
Annie Oops,06,2009-10-01,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Annie Orphan Maker,321,"20th January, 2014",North Texas Derby Revolution,,United States
Annie Orphan Maker,321,2012-02-06,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Annie Ouchley,1885,2010-08-28,Marietta Derby Darlins,,
Annie R.U.O.K.,,2011-10-19,Ventura County Derby Darlins,,
Annie Reksic,10 lbs,"2nd April, 2014",Sac City Rollers,,United States
Annie Reksic,10,2009-01-22,Sac City Rollers,,
Annie Savage,451,5/15/12,Hellfire Harlots,,
Annie Shenanigans,33,2011-03-28,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Annie Skeptic,808,2010-09-18,Arizona Rollergirls,,
Annie Smokley,7,2007-02-19,Hurricane Alley Roller Derby,,
Annie Social,1,2011-08-31,Rockcity Rollers,,
Annie Social,1,"21st January, 2014",Rockcity Rollers,,Netherlands
Annie Takers,5678,2008-10-14,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Annie Thingoes,247,2010-08-08,Perth Roller Derby,,
Annie Tomical 91,,2012-04-24,Cincinnati Rollergirls,,
Annie Von Carnage,3,2010-05-11,Bay City Rollers,,
Annie War Doll,86d,2010-06-17,Flathead Valley Roller Derby,,
Annie Warhead,W80,2010-09-15,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Annie Winehouse,43,"1st June, 2016",Rotten Rebels Dordrecht,,Netherlands
Annie Wrecksion,"9""",2007-05-04,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Annie-Maniac,,"15th September, 2017",SCRD,,United States
Annie-Philaxtic Shock,,"14th March, 2017",,,United States
Annie-R-U-OK,8008,"7th January, 2018",Madams of Mayhem,,United States
AnnieOxidant,E300,2011-10-15,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
Anniekillator,84,"24th January, 2014",Inferno City,,Mexico
Annietime Anniewhere,247,2007-04-11,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Annieville Horror,112,"4th January, 2016",Confluence Crush Roller Derby,,United States
Annifest Destiny,88,"15th January, 2015",San Diego Roller Derby,,United States
Annihil8HER,9mm,"30th January, 2014",Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,United States
Annihilasian,H5N1,2007-05-18,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Annihilating Annie,422,2011-08-01,Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,
Annihilator Gator,8,"21st January, 2014",Two Rivers Roller Derby,,United States
Annika Smashen,7of9,"15th October, 2014",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Annika Smashen,7OF9,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
Annika Sörenslam,16,"20th January, 2014",ICT Rollergirls,,United States
Annikilante,13,"17th January, 2017",Lion Girls Roller Derby,,Spain
Annikin Smacktalker,R2D2,2008-03-08,Coos County Rollergirls,,
Annirexia,13,"24th February, 2015",Sis-Q Rollerz,,United States
Annirexia,13,"11th June, 2014",Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,Japan
Annita Hit-a Bitch,code-217,2010-11-30,Ark Valley High Rollers,,
Annmad,Retired 2/11/13,2007-04-20,MTL Roller Derby,,
Annoyed Android,42,2009-06-19,Spindletop Rollergirls,,
Annsanity,96,2007-03-17,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Anntagonist,,2008-01-17,Valley Fever Roller Demons,,
Anny-killadora,54 46,"24th January, 2014",Español,,Colombia
Anny-killadora,54 46,"24th January, 2014",FRP,,Colombia
Annya C. Stars,7,2009-11-03,Lilac City Rollergirls,,
Annycheck,29,2011-05-17,Bear City Roller Derby,,
Annyong,21,"21st January, 2014",Rat City Roller Girls,,United States
Anomellie,382,"21st January, 2014",Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,United States
Anomellie,382,2007-10-14,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Anomie of the State,503,"24th January, 2014",Sac City Rollers,,United States
AnonyMASK,,"2nd September, 2016",WA Roller Derby,,Australia
Anonymiss Skater,303,2010-02-23,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Anonymoose,101,2012-04-10,Illinois Derby League,,
Anonymous Octopus,977,"2nd November, 2018",York minxters,,United Kingdom
Another chick in the wall,ju57,"8th June, 2019",O-Town Roller Derby,,Denmark
Ant Queen,88,"28th January, 2014",Soulless Witches Roller Derby,,Brazil
Ant Raxx,v2.0,2011-08-10,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Ant Thrax,22,2011-03-01,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
Antagone,,2007-01-25,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Antero,111,"21st January, 2014",The sons of the peaches,,Finland
Antero Kontrol,REF,5-17-12,Kouvola Rock n Rollers,,
Anthrax,Annie,"22nd May, 2015",No Coast Derby Girls,,United States
Anthrax Angel,,2010-03-05,Hub City Derby Dames,,
Anthrax Angel,777,"14th June, 2016",Druid City Derby Dames,,United States
Anthrax Annie,12 Gauge,2010-12-03,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Anthrobrawlogist,2007,2011-04-01,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Anti Barbie,14.9,2010-08-10,Murder City Roller Girls,,
Anti Em,215,"21st January, 2014",Big Easy Rollergirls,,United States
Anti Em,215,2006-10-16,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
Anti Entity,665,2008-08-31,DC Rollergirls,,
Anti Hero,40,2008-10-09,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Anti-Krista,18,2012-03-15,A'Salt Creek Roller Girls,,
Anti-Social Dee,74,"21st January, 2014",VCDD,,United States
Anti-Social Dee,74,2009-02-09,Ventura County Derby Darlins,,
Anti-Syl-Clone,11,"21st January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
AntiBully,REF,2011-08-01,La Crosse Mens Derby,,
AntiChristopher Lee,Ref,2010-12-11,Helsinki Roller Derby,,
Antibody,,2011-07-07,Mountain Gateway Sisterhood of Steel,,
Antichristin,665,"11th December, 2015",Bear City Roller Derby,,Germany
Antidote,100,"13th May, 2014",Philly roller girls,,United States
Antidote,,2007-06-20,Philly Rollergirls,,
Antimateria,72,"13th November, 2015",,,Mexico
Antinomy,70X7,2012-02-06,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Antoinette Lavey,665 1/2,2006-06-25,Philly Rollergirls,,
Anton Deck,23,2012-04-07,Dolly Rockit Rollers,,
Anton Deck,,,,,
Anubis's Keeper,411,2012-04-16,Halifax Roller Derby,,
Anublitz,,2009-08-28,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Anvil Adams,,"26th January, 2014",Brighton Roller Dollz,,United States
Anvil SmasHerNasty,30,"21st December, 2015",Peoria Push,,United States
Anvil SmasHerNasty,30,2011-08-15,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
Any Lethel,20cc,2010-02-15,Florida Hardcore Derby League,,
Any Rant,.05mm,2011-05-17,North Star Roller Girls,,
Any Soul's a Goal,616,"16th April, 2015",Northamptonshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
AnyBody KillHer,420,2010-08-02,Grand Junction Roller Girls,,
Anya Allnight,3.14,2010-07-14,Brandywine Roller Girls,,
Anya Arson,0,"21st January, 2014",State College Area Rollers,,United States
Anya B Hinds,13,2008-01-14,Fox Cityz Foxz,,
Anya Badside,007,"27th January, 2014",Lowcountry High Rollers,,United States
Anya Badside,007,2009-02-09,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Anya Baque,ccs252,2012-04-18,Niagara Roller Girls,,
Anya Booty,4,2010-01-06,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Anya Case,,2010-07-20,Richland County Regulators,,
Anya Dixon,45,"21st January, 2014",Ft. Myers Derby Girls,,United States
Anya Dixon,Colt 45,2007-08-02,Fort Myers Derby Girls,,
Anya Face,234,2007-02-14,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Anya Heels,6 shooter,2007-06-08,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Anya Kankels,151,2009-03-29,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Anya Knees,12,,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Anya Knees,8,"16th February, 2014",Psycho City,,United States
Anya Kneez,1971,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Anya Mam,Y0,5/15/12,Hellfire Harlots,,
Anya Marx,123,"21st January, 2014",OADR,,United States
Anya Marx,321,"19th August, 2016",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Anya Neezenbeg,68+1,2010-04-05,Dead Girl Derby,,
Anya Neezenenbeg,68 +1,"22nd January, 2014",Kansas City Roller Warriors,,United States
Anya Nerves,3.14,2008-12-19,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Anya Ragg,,2008-06-14,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
Anya Rass,27,"21st January, 2014",Grey Bruce Roller Derby,,Canada
Anya Rass,27,2012-04-26,Grey Bruce Roller Derby,,
Anya Six,6,"2nd April, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Anya Tailgate,4x4,2012-04-01,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Anya Tukhus,A55,2010-04-12,DC Rollergirls,,
Anya rastaday,,"15th May, 2015",,,United States
Anya the Bunny Slayer,11:11,2007-05-27,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Anyah Sass,23,2011-01-09,Skate the Wilderness,,
Anyka Painyka,98,2008-03-26,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Análoga,,"25th April, 2018",,,Chile
Aoife Epic,4,"22nd January, 2014",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
Apa,89,"19th August, 2017",La Plaza Roller Derby,,Argentina
Apache Rose Peacock,REF,2006-08-07,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Apache Star,444,2011-08-09,Crossroads City Derby,,
Apan,2,"21st January, 2014",The Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,Sweden
Ape Shit,,"12th January, 2017",,,United States
Ape-Rilla,0.2.60,"15th September, 2016",Big River Brawlers Roller Derby,,United States
Apehanger Alice,008,"23rd February, 2015",San Diego Derby Dolls,,United States
Apertorture,F14,"26th January, 2014",Detroit Derby Girls,,United States
Apertorture,f14,2012-03-09,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Apes of Wrath,19,2011-08-22,Shoreline Roller Derby,,
Apeschit,888,2008-01-27,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Apeshit Daisy,20,"28th October, 2021",Monkey Wrench Rollers,,Sweden
Apex,14,2011-03-30,High City Derby Divas,,
Apex,86,"14th May, 2017",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Apex Drift,404,"24th August, 2021",Swansea City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Apex Predator,300,"27th January, 2014",Palouse River Rollers,,United States
Apex Predator,35,5-29-12,Memphis Roller Derby,,
Apex Quim,04,"26th March, 2014",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Apex Spin,3x23,2011-12-25,London Rollergirl_s Rec League,,
Apex Twin,606,"24th March, 2014",Super Smash Brollers,,United Kingdom
Apex Twin,9,2012-06-11,Drive-By City Rollers,,
Apex Twin,180db,"29th March, 2015",Rainy City Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Apex Twink,707,"18th April, 2017",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Apex Warrior,86,"4th June, 2016",Murray River Derby Dames,,Australia
Aphro-Bite-Me,,"24th January, 2020",,,United States
Aphrobitey,210,"20th January, 2014",Blue Ridge Rollergirls,,United States
Aphrobitie,88,2010-11-20,580 Roller Girls,,
Aphrodite,25,"6th March, 2015",DaVille Vixens Rollergirls,,United States
Aphrodite For Destruction,0008,"31st March, 2016",Oxford,,United Kingdom
Aphrofighty,510,"26th May, 2020",CRD,,United States
Aphrofighty*,,2009-06-01,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Aphromighty,,"2nd May, 2018",VJRD,,Canada
ApoKlipsis,33,"11th February, 2017",Metropolitan Roller Derby,,Chile
ApocAlex,471,"4th September, 2017",,,United Kingdom
ApocElyse,22,"28th October, 2014",Jerzey Derby Brigade,,United States
ApocaHips,1318,"2nd June, 2015",Tucson Roller Derby,,United States
ApocaLips,1,"4th November, 2014",Rocket Dolls-Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
ApocaLoops,2012,2010-05-04,Prison City Derby Dames,,
Apocahips,512,2012-01-20,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Apocalex,56,2011-09-05,Croydon Roller Derby,,
Apocalippz,86,,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Apocalipsis Dan,52,"7th February, 2014",,,Argentina
Apocalipstick,,"15th May, 2016",stoke city rollers,,United Kingdom
Apocalipstick,28,"20th January, 2020",Sundsvall Demolition Rollers,,Sweden
Apocalipstick!,1337,2006-07-14,Rose City Rollers,,
Apocalisa,27,2011-04-14,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Apocaliz Now,AK-47,2007-07-31,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Apocallisto,7,"21st January, 2018",PsykoQuads,,France
Apocalotts,24,"4th April, 2017",Bristol Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
ApocalypSo,50,2011-05-27,Amsterdam Derby Dames,,
Apocalypchick,86,2011-04-22,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
Apocalypse Alice,3845,"1st October, 2014",Foothills Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Apocalypse Cow,77,2011-03-09,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Apocalypse Dream,57,"27th July, 2018",Black Thunders Derby Dames Madrid,,Spain
Apocalypse Eve,2060,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Apocalypse Frau,21,"22nd March, 2016",Two Rivers Roller Derby,,United States
Apocalypse Meow,9 lives,2011-02-28,Rock Coast Rollers,,
Apocalypse Meow,924,"22nd September, 2017",Providence Roller Derby,,United States
Apocalypse Meow,13,"2nd January, 2015",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Apocalypse Nerd,42,2009-04-19,Ballarat Roller Derby,,
Apocalypse-Pwnie,PWN1,2012-02-21,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Apocalypse-Pwnie,PWN1,"21st January, 2014",Newcastle Roller Derby League,,Australia
Apocalypso,76,"16th August, 2016",Texas Derby Divas,,United States
Apocalypso Affliction,,"27th February, 2014",KRG,,United States
Apocalypstick,218,"2nd May, 2016",Third Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Apocalypstick,,"4th October, 2017",E-Ville Roller Derby,,Canada
Apocalyptic Cupcake,1221,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Apocalyptic Gemocide,616,2012-02-16,Rocky Roller Derby,,
Apocalyptic J,151,"24th August, 2015",Druid City Dames,,United States
Apocalyptic Storm,1558,"21st January, 2014",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Apocasylvia,F16,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Apollo,,2010-04-13,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Apollo Anton,N0-N0,2012-01-17,Soul City Sirens,,
Apollo's Mistress,19,2011-05-11,Nightmares on Main Street,,
Apollonia Thunderpussy,1512,2009-02-16,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Apolo Ana,3E8,"21st January, 2014",Tampa Roller Derby,,United States
Apoplexa,30,"26th October, 2015",B-Town Brawlers Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Apostrofiend,241,2011-05-08,Chicago Outfit,,
Apotha-Scary,682,"31st May, 2018",,,United States
ApotheScary,REF,2011-06-07,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
Apothecarrie,,2008-10-06,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Apothic Cary,,"3rd September, 2015",,,United States
Apothic Dread,V1N0,2012-01-16,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Appauling,73,"21st January, 2014",Tyne and Fear,,United Kingdom
Appetite 4 Destruction,87,"22nd March, 2017",Gippsland Lakes Roller Derby (GLRD),,Australia
Appetite 4 Destruction,87,"23rd January, 2014",Sale City Rollers,,Australia
Appie Shaker,,"30th October, 2014",Rockcity Rollers,,Netherlands
Apple Badazz,π,"14th January, 2015",Inka Queens,,Peru
Apple Clobber,3.14,2010-01-29,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Apple Cyanider,112,2012-06-02,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Apple Got 'em Queen,,2012-06-13,Twin State Derby,,
Apple Hackintosh,,2010-03-22,Windy City Rollers,,
Apple Hardcore,,2007-06-01,Bellingham Roller Betties,,
Apple Jacked,2-2,2011-04-25,Dark River Derby Coalition,,
Apple Lucy,5/500,2011-08-16,Apple City Roller Derby,,
Apple Punch,7,2012-02-18,Eastside Rock'nRollers,,
Apple Rumble,11:11,"19th March, 2014",East Vic Roller Derby,,Australia
Apple Rumble,11:11,2012-04-01,East Vic Roller Derby,,
Apple Sass,2 cups,"13th July, 2014",,,Canada
Apple Sass,62,2012-01-26,COMO Derby Dames,,
Apple Slice*Ya,8008,2012-01-24,High City Derby Divas,,
Apple Ya'Hair,79,"21st January, 2014",Hawkesbury/Hills Area Roller Derby,,Australia
Apple sass,0x0x,"14th April, 2014",,,Canada
Apple smacks,612,2007-08-01,North Star Roller Girls,,
Apple*Teaser,69,2010-06-28,Otautahi Roller Derby,,
Applebite,915,"21st January, 2014",Cambridge Rollerbillies,,United Kingdom
Applesmack,,"8th August, 2015",,,United States
Applicious,,2006-11-28,Sioux Falls Roller Dollz,,
April Arsekick,13,"20th January, 2014",North Cheshire Victory Rollers,,United Kingdom
April Arsekick,13,2012-04-23,North Cheshire Victory Rollers,,
April Bloodgate,h8u,"10th May, 2016",,,United States
April Cruel,75,2010-10-14,GTA Rollergirls,,
April Cruel,75,"1st July, 2016",ToRD,,Canada
April Eightball,8,2006-12-10,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
April Fools,0401,2006-04-28,Central Coast Roller Derby,,
April Ludskate,94,"28th February, 2017",Classic City Rollergirls,,United States
April Maim,0405,"29th June, 2015",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
April May Dismember,4512,2011-03-27,Black Rose Rollers,,
April Mayhem,,"1st September, 2019",Greenville Derby Dames,,United States
April Mayhem,,2011-04-11,Juneau Rollergirls,,
April O Steel,88,2011-08-22,Kent Roller Girls,,
April O'Kill,939,2012-04-18,Beckley Area Derby Dames,,
April O'Squeal,4T3,2011-08-01,W.A. Roller Derby,,
April O'Steel,88,"21st January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
April O'Wheel,934,"8th July, 2014",Rollerderby Erfurt,,Germany
April Ohmygodareyouintroublenow,,2008-08-12,Eves of Destruction Roller Derby,,
April Showers,95,2012-02-17,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
April Showers,86,"4th February, 2022",,,United Kingdom
April Sin,33,2010-03-29,Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,
April-May-Dismember,11,"18th November, 2015",,,United States
Aprilla the Hun,444,"21st January, 2014",South Side Derby Dolls,,Australia
Aprilla the Hun,444,2008-01-02,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Apteryx Borealis,42,2012-01-20,Gold City Roller Girls,,
Aqua Holic,409,"22nd May, 2015",All City Rollers,,United States
Aqua Knock U Out,,2012-02-07,Kitsap Derby Brats,,
Aqua Tofana,,"17th September, 2021",,,Canada
Aquabrat!,32A,2010-04-19,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Aquaholic,409,2010-03-12,Alachua County Rollers,,
Aquamarine,6,"21st January, 2014",Cherry Bomb Charmers Junior Roller Derby,,United States
AquariCRUSH,217,"22nd January, 2014",Boulder County Bombers,,United States
Aquarius RyZing,314,"27th May, 2015",,,Canada
Aquilla,,2011-02-17,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
ArAttack Asses,911,2012-03-07,Arnhem Fallen Angels,,
Arabian Frights,795,"25th September, 2017",Granite City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Arachna,13,2012-04-16,Aarhus Derby Danes,,
Arachna Phoebe,261,2010-06-15,Brisbane City Rollers,,
ArachniWheels,,2010-06-02,Rose City Rosebuds,,
Aralia Spine,66,"21st January, 2014",Treasure Valley Rollergirls,,United States
Arbitraitor,69,2011-05-04,Tampa Bay Men's Roller Derby,,
Arc Blast,628,"9th July, 2016",Bay Area Derby,,United States
Arc Flash,R364,"21st January, 2014",Wasatch Roller Derby,,United States
Arc-Flash,18,2011-10-12,Saskatoon Roller Derby,,
ArcHer Back,711,2011-03-25,Strong Island Derby Revolution,,
Arcadia Major,26,"7th March, 2020",Grand Raggidy Roller Derby,,United States
Arcane,21,2009-01-15,MO-KAN Roller Girlz,,
Arcane Sugar,10,"5th March, 2014",Arch Rival Roller Girls,,United States
Arcane Sugar,10!,2010-01-11,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Arcee Firebolt,,2011-02-28,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Arcenator,81,"23rd September, 2014",Diablo City Burnouts,,United States
Arch Emily,22,"20th January, 2014",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Arch Emily,22,2011-09-05,Croydon Roller Derby,,
Arch Enema,02,"21st January, 2014",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Arch Enemy,04,"25th April, 2015",Suck City Rock 'n Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
ArchAngel,,"6th December, 2017",San Marcos River Rollers,,United States
Archangel,96,"12th June, 2017",,,Germany
Archbitch of Slamterbury,138,2010-07-15,Royal City Rollergirls,,
Archibald,Jeerleader,2009-04-06,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Archie Lee,59,2006-12-27,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Archie the Pirate,Mascot,2009-07-07,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Architorture,,2011-12-02,Belle City Roller Girls,,
Arctic Reign,907,"14th December, 2016",Fayetteville Roller Derby,,United States
Arctic Wolfsbane,08,"2nd April, 2014",Lafayette Brawlin' Dolls,,United States
ArcticFoxxx,15,"6th February, 2015",Diamond City Roller Derby,,Canada
Arcylen'Iwi,1984,"22nd March, 2018",Smokin' Wheels,,Poland
Arden Fast,77,"25th March, 2014",Medway Mayhem Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ardilla,19,"25th April, 2017",2x4 Roller Derby,,Argentina
Ardna Eel,31,2009-03-18,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Ardy Wallbanger,33,"27th June, 2015",,,United States
Areal Mermaid,6810,2011-12-14,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Areal Nighmare,116,2010-07-26,Bradentucky Bombers,,
Arefstotle,404,"21st January, 2014",Dunedin Derby,,New Zealand
Arefted Devilopment,,2009-12-21,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Arenita,369,"5th February, 2014",,,Argentina
Areola,51,2009-08-25,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Aretha Breaklimbs,,2010-06-22,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Aretha Spankin',89,2007-12-20,Texas Rollergirls,,
Argo,19,2008-06-17,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Argo,000's,"21st January, 2014",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Argy Barby,69,2008-10-15,Hidden City Derby Girls,,
Argyle Spankr,$25,2011-07-12,Borderland Roller Derby,,
Ari Gotcha,789,5/8/12,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
AriVederci,1981,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Aria 51,010,"19th February, 2018",Dead River Derby,,United States
Aria Kiddinme,42,"9th November, 2015",Cornfed Derby Dames,,United States
Ariana Doomsde,D00msd3,"1st May, 2019",W.A.R.D,,Australia
Arie Hell,126,2012-04-13,rocKArollers,,
Arie Hell,126,"21st January, 2014",rocKArollers,,Germany
Ariel Arsenal,64,"25th April, 2016",,,United States
Ariel Assassin,732,"17th September, 2015",Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,United States
Ariel Assault,,"29th January, 2015",,,United States
Ariel Assault,AK-47,"21st January, 2014",Dark Horse Roller Derby,,United States
Ariel Assault,23,,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Ariel Assault,,"10th August, 2014",Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,United States
Ariel Attack,21,"4th May, 2015",Warrin' Wrecking Dolls,,United States
Ariel Attack,44,2009-10-29,Central Mass Roller Derby,,
Ariel Attack,626,"5th March, 2016",Northern Brisbane Rollers,,Australia
Ariel Bomber,B-57,2012-01-17,Tournament City Derby,,
Ariel Combatte,(we are) 138,2008-07-16,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
Ariel Crushstation,,"28th January, 2016",,,United States
Ariel Demon,333,2009-08-26,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Ariel Detonation,321,"26th February, 2015",North Cheshire Victory Rollers,,United Kingdom
Ariel Offensive,29,2010-01-28,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Ariel Onslaught,f-14,2010-11-12,Emerald Coast Roller Derby,,
Ariel Onslaught,F14,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Ariel Pain,,2012-01-31,Rodeo City Rollergirls,,
Ariel Wildfire,23,"18th February, 2016",Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,United States
Ariel assault,,"11th February, 2017",Rockabellas,,Australia
Ariel-LA-twister,606,2011-06-12,Mendocino County Roller Derby,,
Aries,26,"26th May, 2020",North Texas Roller Derby,,United States
Aries A. Fliktion,9,2011-11-12,St. Cloud Area Roller Dolls,,
Aries A. Fliktion,9,"21st January, 2014",Saint Cloud Area Roller Dolls,,United States
Aries Fury,1's,2006-08-27,East Texas Bombers,,
Aris Stomple,365,"22nd November, 2014",Kill Devil Derby Brigade,,United States
Arista Crash,331,2011-04-20,Lehigh Valley Rollergirls,,
Arithmatrix,800,2012-03-03,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Arithmekixxx,Staff,2010-03-05,Vette City Roller Derby,,
Arithmetrix,800,2012-02-26,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Arizona,,"7th September, 2014",Morenci Mafia,,United States
Arizona Lightning,23,2010-02-26,Assault City Roller Derby,,
Arión Costillar,0 a la izquierda,"23rd January, 2014",B.A.R.D.,,Argentina
Ark Angel,501,2009-11-02,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Ark Enemy,782,"1st March, 2017",,,United States
ArkAngel De La Mort,1790,2010-06-13,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Arkebusara,,"5th February, 2020",Örebro roller derby,,Sweden
Arkham,1920,"9th May, 2014",PFM,,United States
Arkham Angel,,"7th June, 2015",,,United States
Arky de Sade,81,"6th May, 2018",Androscoggin Fallen Angels,,United States
Arlene Latrine,,2006-12-10,Rubber City Demolition Dolls,,
Arlequina,51,"29th April, 2014",Iron Ladies Roller Derby,,Brazil
Arline Gasoline,AZ-1441,"8th July, 2020",,,United States
Arm & Hammer,F1,2011-04-01,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Arm & Slam'er,17,2011-01-02,Chippewa Valley Roller Girls,,
Arm & Slam'er,17,"1st March, 2017",Chippewa Valley Roller Derby,,United States
ArmaGouddou,4892,"7th October, 2015",Roller Derby Panthers,,France
ArmaGwendolyn,1616,"20th January, 2014",Region Rat Rollers,,United States
Armada Latina,481,2011-11-14,Arctic Roller Derby,,
Armagayddon,162,"24th January, 2014",Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,United States
Armagedda,f666,"11th May, 2015",Deskarriadas roller derby,,Chile
Armageddoll,87,2011-04-08,Tropic Terrors Derby League,,
Armageddon Rose,,2010-07-03,Sunshine Coast Roller Girls,,
Armageddon Smashed,,2010-03-11,Towns Villains Roller Derby,,
Armajennon,33,2012-03-16,Southern Delaware Rollergirls,,
Armajennon,33,"21st January, 2014",Southern Delaware Rollergirls,,United States
Armalite Angie,30-30.150,2007-09-12,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Armando Roll,8008,"21st January, 2014",Flathead Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Armbreaker,713,"21st January, 2014",South simcoe rebel rollers,,Canada
Arme Smash,1019,"2nd April, 2014",War Town Bombshells,,United States
Armed & Hammered,79,"20th February, 2014",Enterprise Roller Derby,,United States
Armed Bandit,01,2010-04-01,Glasgow Roller Girls,,
Armed Intervention,7700,2011-07-21,Tar Sand Betties Roller Derby,,
Armed Kandy,45,2009-05-15,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Armed and Hammered,79,2010-09-27,Cheyenne Capidolls Roller Derby,,
Armenian ASSault-Her,,2011-07-06,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Armie Doll,317,"21st January, 2014",G*Force,,United States
Armie Doll,317,"6th May, 2014",G*force,,United States
Armies Doll,317,"21st January, 2014",G*Force,,United States
Armitage Shanks,86,"3rd May, 2014",Milton Keynes Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Armorkillo,,2010-04-27,Amsterdam Derby Dames,,
Armr'd Rose,444,2011-12-14,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Army of Aimee,REF,2012-02-26,Magic City Rollers,,
Arnageddon,2012,"29th January, 2014",Richter City,,New Zealand
Arni Ged Um,1717,2011-07-07,Hellfire Harlots,,
Arnica Mehameha,620,"21st October, 2015",Anjou Derby Girls,,France
Arnold,626,"19th August, 2018",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Arnold Schwartz-a-Skater,,2010-04-21,Sonoma County Roller Derby,,
Arnold Schwarzereffer,,"21st January, 2014",One Love Roller Dolls,,Belgium
Arnold Sportnburger,,"25th September, 2014",Bath City Roller Girls,,United States
Arockalypse,94,2012-03-02,Crescent City Derby Devils,,
Arolla Borealis,1839,"16th June, 2017",,,United States
Arratack Phoenix,73,2011-04-22,Arnhem Fallen Angels,,
Arrested developer,2x4,2008-11-26,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Arresting Bitch Face,,"15th February, 2015",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Arrow Dynamic,4,2011-03-31,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Arrow Ghent,REF,2008-02-11,Green Country Roller Girls,,
Arry Bo,,2010-11-08,Lincolnshire Bombers,,
Arry'Bo,99,"16th November, 2015",Lincolnshie Bombers Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Arse'n'all,42,"5th April, 2016",Auckland Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
ArseNic,33,"9th July, 2015",Railtown Loco Rollers,,United Kingdom
Arsen Elle,44 Mag,2007-05-24,Wichita Falls Derby Dames,,
ArseniXX,33,"1st May, 2014",B.M.O Roller Derby Girls,,France
Arsenic Angel,3,2009-05-19,Corpus Christie Maiden Texas Derby,,
Arsenic Cupcake,8,"4th June, 2014",Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,United States
Arsenic Kitty,33,"7th August, 2016",,,United States
Arsenic Martini,1.5oz,2009-09-09,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Arsenic N' Lace,,"1st November, 2017",,,United States
Arsenio Brawl,cb550,2007-11-11,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Arsey Nic,33,2011-04-11,Northland Nightmares,,
Arson Annie,451,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Arson Annie,,2007-01-10,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Arson Crafts,111,2010-08-12,Philly Rollergirls,,
Arson Elbows,TNG1,2011-11-11,Southcentral Michigan Renegade Rollitia,,
Arson Fire,17,2011-10-04,South East Saskatchewan Roller Derby Association,,
Arson Tina,2-2 tango,2011-02-22,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Arson Welles,,2011-09-16,Indianapolis Quad Squad,,
Art Attack,489PCE,"11th August, 2015",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Art Carnage,333,"21st January, 2014",West Coast Derby Knockouts / Overlords,,United States
Art Hole,91,"28th October, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Art O'Phishal,REF,2007-08-07,Windy City Rollers,,
Art Vandelay,43,2012-01-30,Sailor City Rollers,,
Art of War,13,"22nd January, 2014",taranaki roller corps,,New Zealand
Art*Attack,2007,2012-02-20,Santiago Roller Derby,,
ArtaChoker,714,2012-03-26,Fargo Moorhead Derby Girls,,
Artctic Roll,2412,2011-08-05,Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,
ArtemiXX,3022,"12th August, 2015",Androscoggin Fallen Angels,,United States
Artemis,105,"9th October, 2016",Dockyard Derby Dames,,United States
Artemis Anarchy,,2011-10-10,Sisterhood of Steel,,
Artemis Foul,32,"18th May, 2018",Old Capitol City,,United Kingdom
Artemis Foul,,"2nd August, 2017",Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Artemis FoulHer,13,"17th January, 2015",Petersburg Ragnarok Rollers,,United States
Artemis Foulmouth,,2011-09-16,Rose City Rollers,,
Artemis Foulmouth,,2011-03-14,Rose City Rollers,,
Artemis Huntress,13,"19th February, 2014",stone cold foxes,,United States
Artemis Prime,212,2010-06-04,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Artemis Prime,59,"30th January, 2014",Eves of Destruction Roller Derby,,Canada
Artemischief,43,,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Artemisia Nova,"11,1 LY",2010-01-24,Richter City Roller Derby,,
Artemiss,88,"17th April, 2019",,,United States
Artepissed,SOX2,2011-11-26,Bemidji Babe City Rollers,,
Artful Dent,42,"25th February, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Artful DodGem,360,"25th March, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Artful Dodger,,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Arth Riddick,102,"3rd June, 2016",Battlefield Roller Derby,,United States
Arthur Dented,42,2011-08-01,Southern Discomfort Roller Derby,,
Arthur.I.Tis,,2012-03-12,Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,
Arti Chokehold,818,2010-06-17,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Arti-Choke,934,"18th October, 2016",Ssrd,,Australia
ArtiChokeYa,221,"8th January, 2017",Dubuque Bomb Squad,,United States
Artic Assassin,666,2011-12-05,Boom Town Derby Dames,,
Artic Blast Her,818,2011-06-08,Midnight Sun Roller Girlz,,
Artic Fox,44,2011-07-02,Yukon Roller Girls,,
Artie FM,418,"7th March, 2014",Arch Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Artillery Clinton,,2006-04-14,Dead City Rollers,,
Artillery Shell,B-17,2011-07-14,Crossroads City Derby,,
Artimus Pyledriver,,"24th January, 2014",Chicagoland Officiating United,,United States
Artimus Pyledriver,,,,,
Artistic Quinn,9,"6th March, 2019",BMO Roller derby girls,,France
Artoo,4H,"24th January, 2014",Jewel City Rollergirls,,United States
Artoo Beat You,06,"5th January, 2017",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Artoo Detoonate,33,"22nd January, 2014",Montreal Roller Derby // Providence Roller Derby,,United States
Arts & Crash,42,"12th May, 2020",,,United States
Arts N' Crass,97,2011-07-15,Central Mass Roller Derby,,
Arts and Crash,,2009-02-12,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Arty Farty,8:5,2012-01-23,Gothenburg Roller Derby,,
Arty McSly,88,"22nd July, 2014",Dorset Knobs Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
ArtyFact,,"16th November, 2015",Bombers,,United Kingdom
Arwen Red,75,2010-03-30,Croydon Roller Derby,,
Ary HELL,666,"21st September, 2018",Roller derby Rimouski,,Canada
Arya Dunne,17,2009-12-21,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Arya Hurtin,1337,2012-02-23,Shadow City Rollers,,
Arya Snark,7,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Arya Snark,13,"2nd July, 2015",NEO Roller Derby,,United States
Arya Snark,934,"27th August, 2014",Ladies of HellTown,,Brazil
Arya Snark,80,"28th January, 2014",Northside Rollers,,Australia
Arya Spark,,"19th June, 2016",,,United States
Arya Stark Ravin',5M,"12th June, 2014",DuPage Derby Dames (fresh meat),,United States
Arya Stuck,,"1st May, 2014",,,Australia
Arysthrottle,,"15th April, 2014",,,United Kingdom
As You Swish,77,"24th January, 2014",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
AsSazin,8,"5th October, 2018",Grimsby roller derby,,United Kingdom
Asa Clubs,911,2009-03-23,Roc City Roller Derby,,
Asa Diamonds,1,2010-02-01,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Asa Hurtz,,2010-02-28,Wicked Outlaws Roller Derby,,
Asa Spades,1,2011-02-12,Amsterdam Derby Dames,,
Asajj Skatress,1503,2012-04-01,West Kentucky Rockin Rollers,,
Asaulty Siren,,2011-07-10,Pow! Town Roller Derby,,
Ash B. Rotten,25,"16th March, 2014",Port City Junior Roller Girls,,United States
Ash Bandicoot,999,"21st January, 2014",Limerick Roller Derby,,Ireland
Ash Catch-Em,,"7th June, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Ash Clown,,"25th April, 2016",Charlotte Roller Girls,,United States
Ash Crush Her,4u,2010-01-11,South Side Roller Derby,,
Ash Deck'em,#25,"21st January, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Ash E Slashy,06660,"28th October, 2016",,,United States
Ash E. Slashie,,"17th July, 2017",,,Canada
Ash Hol,839,"21st January, 2014",Montreal Roller Derby,,Canada
Ash Hol,519,2010-11-18,Border City Brawlers,,
Ash Kicker,24,"6th July, 2016",,,United States
Ash Kicker,49,"27th January, 2014",West Sound Rollergirls,,United States
Ash Krush'em,151,"11th December, 2015",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
Ash Smash'em,,"1st April, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Ash Smasher,22,"24th January, 2014",Viva Roller Derby,,United States
Ash Smasher,22,2011-07-28,VIVA Roller Derby,,
Ash Tag,24,"13th September, 2017",Somer City Roller Derby,,United States
Ash Wheeliams,REF,2009-08-19,Torpedo Bay Roller Girls,,
Ash Whippin,3,"2nd April, 2014",Black Hills Roller Derby,,United States
Ash Whoopin',428,"15th January, 2015",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Ash Wreckem,151,"15th March, 2018",Whitecourt Roller Derby League,,Canada
Ash on Fire,81,"20th August, 2016",East Side Derby Girls,,United States
Ash'em Bash'em,g280,"30th December, 2014",prison city derby dames,,United States
"Ash, Housewares",Staff,2011-10-15,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
Ash-Kicker,24/7,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Ash-hole,628,"10th March, 2017",Valley of the derby dollinquents,,United States
Asha Killjoy,237,"10th July, 2015",,,United States
AsheVillain,10,"22nd January, 2014",Blue Ridge Rollergirls,,United States
Asher Dasher,0to60,2011-07-08,North Pole Babes in Toyland,,
Ashes 2 Smashes,3443,"26th July, 2016",CRDL,,Australia
Ashes Boomstick,1300,2012-01-24,Marietta Derby Darlins,,
Ashes of Roses,1978,"20th February, 2015",Rocky Mountain Roller Girls,,United States
Ashes t'Ashes,2,"2nd February, 2016",Queen City Roller Girls,,United States
Ashes to Ashes,1348,"9th January, 2016",Charlotte Roller Girls,,United States
Ashes to Ashes,11,"17th March, 2014",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
Ashes to Bashes,808,"23rd January, 2014",Suffolk Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ashfault,66,2011-03-17,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Ashinator,2000,2010-09-13,Appalachian Rollergirls,,
Ashley Blood,,2010-07-20,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Ashley Catch'em,150,2008-03-09,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Ashley Menu,007,"4th December, 2015",La Boucherie de Paris,,France
Ashley Quinn,666,"12th January, 2019",Stray Beez Rimini Roller Derby,,Italy
Ashley Thudd,305,"22nd January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Ashley Thudd,Retired 2/11/13,2007-05-11,MTL Roller Derby,,
Ashmole,782,"24th October, 2016",Parliament of Pain,,Netherlands
Ashmonger,1337,"21st January, 2014",Roller Derby Rennes / Men's Derby Rennes,,France
Ashno,30,2012-04-13,One World Roller Derby,,
Ashodda Strych9,9,2011-03-22,Dakota Derby,,
AshphixC8,333,2012-06-07,West Kootenay Women's Roller Derby,,
Ashphyxiate,96,2007-12-18,Team Elite,,
Ashton Butcher,×,2010-10-16,Roller Girls of the Apocalypse,,
Ashtroid,0,2011-11-21,Mountain Maulers Roller Derby,,
Ashy Slashy,2623,"2nd May, 2019",High Tide Derby,,United States
Ashy Slashy,3110,"19th January, 2018",Coventry Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
"Ashy Slashy, Destroyer of Worlds",,"5th October, 2016",Mad Rollin' Dolls,,United States
AsiL-X,24/seven,2010-02-08,MTL Roller Derby,,
Asia Minor,007,2010-08-24,TBD (delete 9/27/13),,
Asia Whiskey,90,"14th July, 2015",Beet City Bombers,,United States
Asian Assassin,36,2007-06-04,Port City Roller Girls,,
Asian Assassin,36,"21st January, 2014",Port City Roller Girls,,United States
Asian Chow Down,X,2006-12-18,Dominion Derby Girls,,
Asian Flush,10,"24th August, 2017",Soul City Sirens,,United States
Asian Invasion,27,2007-04-09,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Asian Orange,,"22nd May, 2016",,,United States
Asian Orange,1967,2007-05-07,Disaster City Roller Girls,,
Asian Persuasion,323,2010-06-16,Hudson Valley Horrors,,
Asian Redneck,816,"22nd August, 2017",,,United States
Asian Sinsation,,2008-09-02,Naptown Roller Girls,,
Asian Zing,6,"8th April, 2017",Brighton Roller Dollz,,United States
Asian Zing,G6,2011-08-03,Brighton Roller Dollz,,
Asian of Death,308ci,2011-07-21,Northside Rollers,,
Asista Suicide,,2007-10-19,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Ask Me About Free Beer,40oz,2011-08-01,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Askin Forit,1010,2010-02-19,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Asonya Face,99,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Asonya Face,,2010-04-23,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Asori Bruizer,1956,"3rd April, 2014",Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Asphalt,10,"28th January, 2014",Greenville Derby Dames,,United States
Asphalt Amazon,19,2010-11-23,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Asphalt Anarchy,,2008-10-13,Victoria Rollergirls,,
Asphault Annie,,2006-06-30,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Asphyxi,,2010-03-19,Rose City Rollers,,
AsphyxiAsian,\(0.o)/,"21st January, 2014",Whidbey Island Roller Girls,,United States
Asproboy,333,2012-02-10,Moreton Bay Roller Derby,,
Ass Coach Beir,6.16.793,2011-04-20,River Region Rollergirls,,
Ass Fault,,"12th August, 2014",,,United States
Ass Force One,4,2012-02-04,BlackLand Rockin'K-Rollers,,
Ass N Junk,57,2012-02-21,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Ass PincHer,123,2011-11-14,Arctic Roller Derby,,
Ass kick Astley,2,"8th December, 2015",Doonhame derby dolls,,United Kingdom
Ass of Sin,101,2010-06-17,Sin Cal Derby Vixens,,
Ass of death,1,"11th September, 2015",Växjö roller derby,,Sweden
Ass-A-Sin,500,"22nd January, 2014",Blue Jay Rollers,,Brazil
Ass-A-Steel Savage,,2010-12-29,Grand Rapids Area Roller Derby,,
Ass-Sassy'N,L33t,"21st January, 2014",Lisbon Grrrls Roller Derby,,Portugal
Ass-trology,143,5/3/12,NorCal Rollergirls,,
AssHellOff,k2000,"21st January, 2014",Roller Derby Toulouse,,France
Assacyn,32,"5th March, 2015",CWB FORCE,,Brazil
Assail'Her Jerri,92proof,2010-05-27,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
Assailer Moon,180,"21st January, 2014",Perth Roller Derby,,Australia
AssaltNPepper,*27*,"1st February, 2016",,,United States
Assalting Caramel,,2011-11-30,Seattle Derby Brats,,
AssassCin,007,2007-08-27,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Assassin Asian,2,2011-11-16,Black Rose Rollers,,
Assassin Claw,77,"22nd September, 2015",Roller Derby Panthers,,France
Assassin Smackaround,96,2012-04-23,The Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,
Assassin Zelda,34S,"28th September, 2014",Roller Derby Karlsruhe,,Germany
Assassin's Mead,401,"22nd June, 2015",Brighton Rockers Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Assassin's Speed,5455,"6th February, 2014",VRDL,,Australia
AssassinAsian,2,"24th January, 2014",Black Rose Rollers,,United States
AssassinKate,51,"4th May, 2014",Wrangell Roller Derby,,United States
AssassinN8,N8,2010-03-26,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Assassina,28,"30th July, 2020",Riot Rollers Darnstadt,,Germany
AssassinateHer,911,"8th November, 2015",Port City Roller Derby Girls,,United States
AssassinateHet,911,"8th November, 2015",Port City Roller Derby Girls,,United States
Assassinatrix,86'd,2009-01-17,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Assault & Pepper,B52,"21st January, 2014",Sheffield,,United Kingdom
Assault 'Em Pepper,25,"8th April, 2019",Border City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Assault 'N Cattery,,2008-06-11,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Assault 'N' Pepper,5,2012-02-10,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Assault Disney,101,"21st January, 2014",Reef City Roller Girls,,Australia
Assault Disney,101,2011-02-12,Reef City Roller Girls,,
Assault E Sailor,1776,"8th January, 2015",,,United States
Assault E. Senorita,,2009-10-11,Tragic City Rollers,,
Assault E. Señorita,1800,"14th June, 2016",Druid City Dames,,United States
Assault M. Boca,19,2012-04-28,Bay State Brawlers Roller Derby,,
Assault N. Pepper,1776,"17th February, 2016",CTRG,,United States
Assault T' Red Head,,2009-12-15,Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,
Assault Trifle,M16,2010-10-18,Middlesbrough Milk Rollers,,
Assault Ventress,808,"4th February, 2014",OCRG,,United States
Assault and Pepper,7,"24th January, 2014",Boom Town Derby Dames,,United States
Assault n' Flattery,22,2009-02-04,Boston Derby Dames,,
Assault'n'Vinegar,,"29th May, 2018",Rhine Rebels Basel,,Switzerland
Assault-N-Pepa,,"18th April, 2017",,,United States
Assault-N-Pepa,13,"7th May, 2014",Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,United States
Assault-t Shellback,845,"22nd January, 2014",Hooligans Roller Derby,,United States
Assaulted P-Nut,413,2010-11-08,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Assaulted Pretzel,717,"4th May, 2014",Anthracite Derby Dames,,United States
Assaultin' Pepa,86,,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Assaultin' Pepa,86,"21st January, 2014",Rocky Mountain Rollergirlsq,,United States
Assaultine Cracker Jackers,11,"21st January, 2014",McLean County MissFits,,United States
Assaultine Cracker Jackers,11,2010-08-13,McLean County MissFits,,
Assaulting caramel,2,"30th April, 2015",,,United States
Assaulty B,42,"28th January, 2020",Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,United States
Assaulty Ms. D'Meanor,365,2011-11-26,Bemidji Babe City Rollers,,
Assaulty Peanut,808,"12th July, 2017",Miami's Vice City Rollers,,United States
Assay Kicker,REF,2011-02-11,NJ Hellrazors,,
Asset,34,2007-11-01,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Assie Gallore,007,2010-05-25,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Assimilator Suzi,7OF9,"23rd January, 2014",Diamond Valley Roller Derby Club,,Australia
Asskaban Slam,21,"10th February, 2015",Floral City Roller Girls,,United States
Assman,REF,2009-03-11,Grand Strand Rollergirls,,
Assparagus AssAssin,B9,2011-06-09,East Lansing Roller Riot,,
Assquatch,43,"30th December, 2017",Derby Devils,,United States
Asstastic,619,2010-08-11,Quad City Rollers,,
Asstroid,47,"21st January, 2014",Stockholm Roller Derby,,Sweden
Asstronomical,,2011-01-29,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
Asstronutcrusher,1701,2010-01-16,Sac City Rollers,,
Asta la vista,09,"25th October, 2017",LKPG Go’rullaz RDC,,Sweden
Aster Disaster,00,"17th January, 2016",,,United States
Aster Risk,386,"21st January, 2014",Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Asterisk,8,"28th September, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Asteroid Alice,7,2010-06-28,Swansea City Slayers,,
Asthmaddy,Co2,2008-02-05,Disaster City Roller Girls,,
Aston Martini,510hp,2010-03-02,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Aston Villain,237,"13th September, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Astra Zombie,138,2006-11-06,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Astranomic Assault,13,2007-11-14,Vero Beach Rollergirls,,
Astrid,14,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Astrid Death,,"18th October, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Astrid Smash,°+1,2010-12-12,Belle City Roller Girls,,
Astro Boyd,S0NS,"17th February, 2014",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
Astro Creep,2000,2011-08-22,Shoreline Roller Derby,,
Astro Glide,33,"31st August, 2017",SRDL,,Canada
Astro Glide,°,,The Fanny Pack,,
AstroBoyToy,7403,2010-11-28,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
AstroKat,98,"30th September, 2019",Winnipeg Roller Derby League,,Canada
AstroMeow,94,"7th March, 2018",Grand Raggidy Roller Derby,,United States
Astronaughty,101,2007-10-19,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Astronaughty,13,"26th June, 2016",Red Hot Chilli Rollers Inc.,,Australia
Asuka the Ouch,717,2011-04-07,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Asylem,91,2010-02-01,Inland Empire Derby Divas,,
Asylum Alice,2,2011-01-05,Tournament City Derby,,
Asylum Angel,8,2012-04-15,Gympie Helltown Rollerz,,
Asylum Annie,25,"4th October, 2015",,,United Kingdom
At 'em Bomb,,"28th May, 2020",,,Australia
Atari Joykick,2600,2010-09-10,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Atari Panic,2600,5/8/12,Mid-Hudson Misfits Roller Derby,,
Ate Track,415,"7th May, 2015",Rolling Ravens,,United States
Atha's Sin,111,"28th April, 2015",SSRG,,United Kingdom
Athena,7,2007-01-31,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Athena DeCrime,30,"21st January, 2014",Windy City Rollers,,United States
Athena DeCrime,30,,Windy City Rollers,,
Athena Latina,0,"21st January, 2014",Boom Town Derby Dames,,United States
Athena Thrasher,,2012-04-17,Jackson Hole Juggernauts,,
Athena Thundermuff,911,2011-10-31,Reno Roller Girls,,
Athenea Moon,82,"24th February, 2016",Córdoba Roller Derby,,Argentina
Athletic Support-Her,"9""",2009-02-10,Houston Roller Derby,,
Athora T.,01,2009-12-08,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Atilla da Hood,00,2011-01-04,NV East Roller Girls,,
Atilla the Dunn,,2010-10-04,Ohio Valley Roller Girls,,
Atilla the Hunny,73,"20th January, 2014",Newtown rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Atilley the Hun,360,2010-01-11,Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,
Atkins Riot,44,"7th May, 2015",Swansea City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Atl Ignite,,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Atl Ignite,471,"25th April, 2014",,,United States
Atlantic Slammin',742,2010-02-10,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
Atlas Shoved,,"27th July, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Atlas Slugged,711,2012-03-29,Capital City Skull Crushers,,
Atley P. North,1011011,"4th July, 2015",League of Cthullu,,United Kingdom
AtmosFear,99,2006-04-15,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Atom Ant,2112,"2nd August, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Atom Bomb Baby,333,"21st July, 2021",Carson Victory Rollers,,United States
Atom Bombshell,,2012-04-21,Loco Roller Derby,,
Atom Cockroach,31,2012-02-04,Ladies of Helltown,,
Atom Crusher,REF,2012-04-30,Central Coast Roller Derby,,
Atom Eve,5,2006-06-07,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Atom Smash-her,235,"30th October, 2014",Orlando Roller Derby,,United States
Atom Smash-her U-238,,2012-04-11,Resort City Roller Dolls,,
Atom-Bomb-Baby,13,"26th February, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Atom-Nic-Bomb,,"26th January, 2014",Cornwall Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Atomatrix,03,2008-12-29,Oly Rollers,,
Atomi Cat,685,"25th January, 2014",Nottingham Hellfire Harlots,,United Kingdom
Atomic Affliction,Room 101,"20th January, 2014",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
Atomic Alex,920,2007-11-11,Bradentucky Bombers,,
Atomic Angel,4,2011-07-15,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Atomic Ant,9000,"17th October, 2015",Lisbon Grrrls Roller Derby,,Portugal
Atomic Ape,138,"12th October, 2018",SO Derby,,United States
Atomic Bern,351,"24th January, 2014",Fraser Coast United Rollers,,Australia
Atomic Betty,Room 215,2008-11-15,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Atomic Blonde,13,"30th January, 2019",Capital City Crushers,,United States
Atomic Blonde,27,"23rd April, 2015",Kings County Derby Queens,,United States
Atomic Blonde,,2009-02-20,Houston Roller Derby,,
Atomic Bomb,99,"19th February, 2015",WKRRJDL,,United States
Atomic BombChelle,415,2011-07-13,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Atomic Bombino,1945,2009-06-19,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Atomic Bombshell,,2011-12-13,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Atomic Bon,,"26th February, 2018",,,Canada
Atomic Boom,92,"12th April, 2018",Hel’z Belles,,United States
Atomic Cherry,88,2008-12-08,Western Sydney Rollers,,
Atomic Cupcake,444,2011-04-07,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Atomic Dom,369,"19th May, 2015",Surrey,,United Kingdom
Atomic Fire,O2,,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Atomic Hawk,999,2011-03-10,Colorado Roller Derby,,
Atomic Hellkatz,,2011-02-13,Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,
Atomic Hittin,L36,2010-09-27,Liverpool Roller Birds,,
Atomic Hittin',L36,"21st January, 2014",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
Atomic Hollycaust,(Squareroot) 9,2011-12-21,Tulsa Derby League,,
Atomic Kylider,6,"27th October, 2015",Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Atomic Mel-Down,U 235,2010-09-29,Gainesville Roller Rebels,,
Atomic Mom,321,"20th November, 2015",Prairieland Punishers,,United States
Atomic Mom,66,2006-09-21,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Atomic Nosebleed,240,2011-03-03,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Atomic Paige,,"28th March, 2016",,,United States
Atomic Pixie,303,"1st June, 2015",Scarborough Slammers,,United Kingdom
Atomic Psycho Killer,888,"26th January, 2016",Costa Rica Liga Roller Derby,,Costa Rica
Atomic Ruby,,"19th July, 2021",,,Australia
Atomic Sass,199,2010-05-05,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Atomic Shocker,,"7th August, 2015",Dogwood Holy Rollers,,United States
Atomic Slam,180bpm,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Atomic Toaster,78,2007-10-19,West Yellowhead Roller Derby,,
Atomic Tori,61,"18th February, 2015",,,United States
Atomic Tutu,2:2,2011-08-01,W.A. Roller Derby,,
Atomic Von Vengeance,11,2011-05-23,Coventry City Derby,,
Atomic Wedgie,505,"11th April, 2014",Tweed valley Vikings,,Australia
Atomic Whistle,,,,,
Atomic Whistle,REF,5/14/12,Copenhagen Roller Derby,,
Atomic Zombie,813,"1st March, 2017",Rum City Derby Dolls,,Australia
Atomic panda,11,"22nd January, 2017",Lothian derby dolls,,United Kingdom
AtomicBombshell,92,"6th April, 2016",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Atomick Bomb,777,"25th July, 2015",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Atomik Ann,627,2011-12-05,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Atrevete,21,2011-04-07,Single Handed Roller Derby,,
Atropos,9,"22nd April, 2019",,,United States
Atropos,8,2011-10-16,Tarragona Roller Derby,,
Atta Grrrl,8,2010-11-04,Central City Rollergirls,,
Atta Kontrol,22,"25th January, 2014",Clarksville Roller Derby/Red River Sirens,,United States
Attack of the Kraken,88,"16th April, 2015",SufferCity Sweethearts / Lidköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Attack-O-Belle,a113,"3rd August, 2015",S.W.A.T roller derby,,United Kingdom
Attackagawea,2050,2009-04-01,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Attackagawea,2050,"20th January, 2014",Lowcountry Highrollers,,United States
Attackery Binx,,"31st October, 2015",,,United States
Attackin' Kraken,,"18th October, 2016",Shoreline Roller Derby,,United States
Attax Deductions,,2010-08-14,Twin Cities Junior Roller Derby,,
Attaxyl Rose,151,2006-03-29,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Attempted Merida,25,"26th March, 2016",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Attention Deficit Destroyer,314,"15th November, 2017",Hellions of Troy,,United States
Atticus Flinch,56,"27th January, 2014",New York Shock Exchange,,United States
Atticus Flinch,24,2011-02-22,New York Shock Exchange,,
Atticus Lynch,,2006-10-16,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Atticus pinch,,"8th July, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Attila the Honey,24,2008-07-02,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Attila the Hunny,434,"20th November, 2016",Piedmont Riot,,United States
Attila the Mum,434,2011-02-22,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
Attila the Nun,406,2010-12-17,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Attitude Queen,,"21st May, 2016",Dirtroad Derby Dames,,United States
Attn. Deficit,0 (shiny),"22nd January, 2014",Dead Girl Derby,,United States
Attny Outlaw,Aces & 8's,2010-12-11,Dead Girl Derby,,
Attorney Jenneral,,,,,
Attorney MisConduct,8.4,2011-04-28,Three Rivers Roller Derby,,
Attorney at Brawl,,"12th January, 2015",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Attractive Nuisance,3479,"16th June, 2016",Sac City Rollers,,United States
Attractive Nuisance,TWO3,2009-09-16,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Atypical feMEL,80/4,5/15/12,Texoma Roller Derby,,
Au Contraire,923,2009-07-27,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Au Naturel,1613,"14th February, 2014",Pike peak derby dame,,United States
Au Roar-Voir,19,"7th August, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Aub Zombie,1984,"5th January, 2015",301 Derby Dames,,United States
Aub Zombie,,"5th August, 2017",SRDL,,Canada
Aubrey Anne of Tarth,27,"12th July, 2016",Orlando Roller Derby,,United States
Aubrey Rough,643,2011-06-08,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Aubrey Scarza,BM0,"7th May, 2014",Wirral Whipiteres Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Aubrey Tuff,,2011-03-02,Mountain Derby Girls,,
Auburn Assasin,22,2010-11-23,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Auburn Rubber,8,2010-08-11,Fog City Rollers,,
Aud-acity,3,"21st January, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
AudBrawl,19nb,2010-05-27,CoMo Derby Dames,,
AudTopsy,,"2nd July, 2014",,,United States
Auda Belle Payne,130,2010-05-23,Little City Roller Girls,,
Audacious Rebel,20-140,2007-09-13,Indpendent 4/25/13,,
Audacity,365,"14th August, 2017",Tokyo Roller Girls,,Japan
Audacity,410,"21st January, 2014",River City Rollergirls,,United States
Audi,5000,2009-03-31,Duke City Derby,,
Audi Rageous,37,2010-03-01,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Audi- Yos,184,2012-01-14,South Simcoe Rebel Rollers,,
Audi-my-way,A6,2008-02-05,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Audible Gasp,,"26th November, 2019",,,Belgium
Audio Darling,COACH,2012-04-26,Port Scandalous Roller Derby,,
Auditor,1040,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
Audracity,2911,2011-11-08,Naptown Roller Girls,,
Audracity,,"18th May, 2016",,,United States
Audrageous,999,"11th June, 2019",Northwoods Derby Knockouts,,United States
Audrenaline Rush,42,"20th September, 2016",Crooked River Roller Girls,,United States
Audrey Autopsy,2D4,2010-07-07,Sandusky Rollergirls,,
Audrey Autopsy,,"29th January, 2016",,,United States
Audrey Deathburn,,"23rd January, 2015",,,United States
Audrey Deathburn,7 1/8,2010-03-01,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Audrey Deck Burn,82,2011-10-06,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
Audrey Floorburn,61,2010-05-02,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
Audrey Get Burned,77,2011-04-14,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Audrey Headburn +,1+2+1+1,2007-01-07,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Audrey Headburn \,9,2008-04-18,I-5 Rollergirls,,
Audrey Heartburn,000,2010-03-09,Triple Sword Roller Girls,,
Audrey HellBurn,4D,"13th September, 2021",Calebrutes United League,,France
Audrey Hellborn,666,"17th April, 2015",OC Roller Girls,,United States
Audrey Hellborn,1134,2007-10-19,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Audrey Hipburn,H2S04,2007-07-28,Palmetto State Rollergirls,,
Audrey Hipburn,75,"24th January, 2014",Clarksville Roller Derby,,United States
Audrey Hipburn,10,"21st January, 2014",Blackpool Roller Derby League,,United Kingdom
Audrey II Deadly,1158,"27th June, 2017",Seven Valley Rollers,,United States
Audrey Rinkburn,1,2011-08-11,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Audrey Rugburn,9,,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Audrey Stubborn,14,"30th September, 2015",Eastside RocknRollers Enschede,,Netherlands
Audrey Thorne,57,"6th December, 2016",Bear City Roller Derby,,Germany
Audrey TuffBurn,2,"12th February, 2015",River City Dames of Anarchy,,United States
Audreynaline,33,"14th May, 2017",Glasgow roller derby,,United Kingdom
Audzilla,87,2008-03-08,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Audzilla,33,"14th July, 2016",Androscoggin Fallen Angles,,United States
Auf Wiederslain,314,"5th April, 2019",Wakey Wheeled cats,,United Kingdom
Auggie Von Butcher,7253,2010-05-23,Little City Roller Girls,,
August Crush,8,"3rd February, 2018",,,United States
August N Fury,AneMaul 4,2008-06-09,Western NJ Outlaws,,
Aumentada,16,"9th March, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
Aundie Bomb,1up,2012-02-16,Central Kansas Derby Coalition,,
Aunrey Hepburn,'61,2008-11-13,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Aunt Agony,36,"4th February, 2014",Area 705 Roller Derby,,Canada
Aunt E. Maim,22oz,2010-02-11,Glass City Rollers,,
Aunt Flo,28,2006-05-07,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Aunt Jam Imma,,2010-10-25,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Aunt JeMaimya,750ml,2011-04-05,Reign Valley Vixens,,
Aunt Skally,96,2012-04-30,Oxford Wheels Of Gory,,
Aunt Slappy,15,2011-02-13,Rebel County Rollers,,
Aunti Christ + Spawn of San Juan,666,,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Aunti Depressant,,2007-01-25,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Auntie Ballistic,99,2010-03-28,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Auntie Bawdy,,"28th April, 2018",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
Auntie Bellum,,2009-11-09,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Auntie Climax,39,2009-09-22,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Auntie Climax,39,"27th January, 2014",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Auntie Embolism,F5,2007-01-12,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Auntie Establishment,58,2008-05-11,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Auntie HitsToo Mean,35,2008-02-10,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Auntie Inflammatory,,2011-01-14,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Auntie Maim,2112,"10th June, 2014",,,United States
Auntie Maimed,143,"27th March, 2015",Roc City Roller Derby,,United States
Auntie Massacre,36,2012-01-09,Renegade Rebels,,
Auntie Matter,815,"16th October, 2015",Madison Roller Derby,,United States
Auntie Psykottek,2+2=JELLO,2009-08-25,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Auntie Social,10,"27th August, 2019",Exeter Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Auntie Social,,"20th July, 2016",,,United States
Auntie Terror,907,2007-10-19,London Rollergirls,,
Auntie Thesis,,2010-12-15,Crossroads City Derby,,
Auntie Venom,20,"20th August, 2014",Pirate City Rollers,,New Zealand
Auntie Venom,,"1st February, 2014",Mendocino County Roller Derby,,United States
Auntie Virus,H1N1,2011-11-05,North Coast Roller Derby,,
Auntie Virus,H1N1,"2nd May, 2018",Derby City Roller Girls,,United States
Auntie War,%99,2012-03-09,Apple City Roller Derby,,
Aunty Aggro,1080,5-23-12,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Aunty Jack,,2012-02-21,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Aural Fetish,440,"10th September, 2015",301 Derby Dames,,United States
Auror Berniealis,9.75,2011-09-03,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Aurora Bor E Malice,25,2011-09-15,South Simcoe Rebel Rollers,,
Aurora BoreASS KICK,Just18,2011-10-12,Burlington Bombers Roller Derby,,
Aurora Borey-ALL-ASS,00,2011-09-16,DC Rollergirls,,
Aurora Borey-ALL-ASS,00,"21st January, 2014",DC Rollergirls,,United States
Aurora Brawler,,"24th February, 2014",Kernow Rollers,,United Kingdom
Aurora Brutalis,17,2007-10-19,Rose City Rollers,,
Aurora Bully BadAss,711,2011-07-25,Muddy River Rollers,,
Aurora Gorealis,,2012-06-11,Big Island Babes,,
Aurora Gorealis,974,"16th September, 2015",Helgin Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Aurora Gory Alice,70.5,2006-08-13,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Aurora Gory Alice,,"25th January, 2014",Capital City Rollers,,Canada
Aurora Lynx,7,"22nd November, 2017",Helltown Hellcats Helsingborg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Aurora N. Goodtime,68,2011-03-13,Flint City Derby Girls,,
Aurora Thunder,7,"21st January, 2014",Carolina Rollergirls,,United States
Aurora Thunder,777,2010-02-15,Western Sydney Rollers,,
Aurora Whorealis,111,2007-07-20,North Star Roller Girls,,
Aurore Brawlealis,1984,2010-08-02,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
Aurore picture show,107,"7th November, 2021",Les passeuses dames,,France
Aussie Ausborn,19,2012-03-19,Gorge Roller Girls,,
Austin,1966,2011-10-02,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Austin Massacre,,"8th February, 2014",azdd,,United States
Austin Plow-Her,1400,2011-01-02,Rock City Riot,,
Austin Plow-Her,666,"25th July, 2017",Revolution Roller Derby,,United States
Austin Tatious,,2012-02-29,Red Rock 'N Roller Derby,,
Austin Wheelie,51,2009-11-27,Leeds Roller Dolls,,
Austintatious,512,"20th January, 2014",Puget Sound Outcasts,,United States
Austin’tacious,39,"25th August, 2019",South Island Sirens,,Australia
Auston Smashews,34,"6th January, 2019",E-Ville Roller Derby,,Canada
Austro-Hungarian Umpire,,2010-11-10,Dead Girl Derby,,
Aut2bNice,414,"30th September, 2018",Southern Maryland Roller Derby,,United States
Auto Blonde,41,2008-06-30,Muddy Water Murder Dolls,,
Auto Mag,.44,"23rd August, 2016",,,United States
Auto Manic,55,2009-11-19,Dragon City Derby Dolls,,
Autobahndit,894,"27th February, 2016",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Autolux,1993,2010-09-08,Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby,,
Automatic Pain,0730,2012-03-18,JBLM Bettie Brigade,,
Automaton,1093,"18th September, 2016",Fog City Rollers,,Canada
Autopsy Turvy,21g,2010-07-28,Des Moines Derby Dames,,
Autopsy Turvy,425,"2nd February, 2018",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Autopsy Turvy,127,"28th March, 2016",Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,United States
Autopsy Turvy,206,"17th February, 2016",Dundee Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Autopsyana,14,2011-11-05,North Coast Roller Derby,,
Auttomic,02,,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Autum Stardust,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Autumn Atticweapon,AK47,2007-01-05,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Autumn Bomb,420,2008-07-22,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
Autumn Bomb,072,"10th May, 2014",Heartland Hellcats,,United States
Autumn Bomb,072,"10th May, 2014",,,United States
Autumn Bomb,515,"28th May, 2018",FFF Junior Foxtails,,United States
Autumn Daze,333,"3rd March, 2020",Exeter Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Autumn Fall,9,"17th January, 2019",,,United Kingdom
Autumn I. Way,11,2009-08-06,North Star Roller Girls,,
Autumn Wreckquiem,78,2011-10-06,Hudson Valley Horrors,,
Autumn von Rotten,1031,2006-11-13,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Autumnal EquiKNOX,,2010-07-04,Eerie Roller Girls,,
Autumnatic,,2007-01-25,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Autumnus Nicneven,75,2008-01-16,Torpedo Bay Roller Girls,,
Autumnus Prime,401,"9th May, 2016",AZDD,,United States
Ava Adore,00,"19th November, 2014",Chat Noir Roller Derby,,Argentina
Ava Adore,C14,"24th January, 2014",Tipperary Roller Girls,,Ireland
Ava Assassin,300,2010-09-10,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Ava Bonesetter,43,2012-02-29,Roller Derby Hannover,,
Ava Da Kedavra,76,"29th January, 2014",Borderland Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Ava Gore,42,"21st January, 2014",Carolina Rollergirls,,United States
Ava Jay-jay,33,2011-02-02,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Ava Kedavra,68,2008-01-17,Victoria Rollergirls,,
Ava La Tool,88,"31st May, 2016",Cape Fear Roller Girls,,United States
Ava Launcher,88,2012-01-04,Gallatin Roller Girlz,,
Ava Launcher,88,"19th February, 2014",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Ava Rage,333,2010-09-27,Liverpool Roller Birds,,
Ava Tarr,1101,2011-02-07,Ohio Roller Girls,,
AvaTart,411,2010-07-09,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Avada Kadava,7,"2nd July, 2015",Barockcity Rollerderby,,Germany
Avada Kaz'davra,85,2011-08-02,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Avada KeDebra,440,"12th August, 2021",La Derby dolls,,United States
Avada Kedavra,7,"21st January, 2014",Rainier RollerGirls,,United Kingdom
Avada Kedzavra,934,"7th December, 2016",,,United Kingdom
AvadaKedavra,934,"30th October, 2015",A-City Rollers Guild,,Canada
Avah Slam Lincoln,13,"21st January, 2014",Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,United States
Avakova Slapabich,21,2009-12-05,Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,
Avalanche,,2010-11-16,Rose City Rollers,,
Avalanche,K2,"23rd January, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Avalanche k2,,2011-06-16,Rose City Rollers,,
Avayla Bull,24/7,2010-01-14,Battle Born Derby Demons,,
Ave Fénix,39,5/10/12,Barcelona Roller Derby,,
Ave Satani,42,2007-12-29,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
AvengHer,559,2009-10-29,Western NJ Outlaws,,
Avenge Her,767,"8th October, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Avenged Centerfold,0.5,2011-11-29,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Avengelyne,88,2010-09-27,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Avenger Holyfield,KO,2012-06-11,Drive-By City Rollers,,
Avenger Snowflake,13,2010-09-02,Rebel County Rollers,,
Avenging Angel,,2009-02-09,Rose City Rollers,,
Average Joe,staff,2009-10-26,Maine Roller Derby,,
Average Joe,,,,,
Avernus,,2008-04-07,Derby Revolution of Bakersfield,,
Aversion Mary,π,2006-09-25,River City Rollergirls,,
AviDrone,222,"2nd February, 2020",,,Israel
Avian Flew,H5N1,"2nd July, 2016",,,United States
Aviatrix,,2011-05-04,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Avid divA,101,"27th March, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Avida Sane,L8R,2010-06-10,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Aviee Bustn Azz,Coach,2010-10-21,Derby Revolution of Bakersfield,,
Avihater,47,2010-10-26,Potential Fresh Meat Practice Squad,,
Aviva Vendetta,511,"25th August, 2019",South Island Sirens,,Australia
Avo Smash,,"4th October, 2018",,,Australia
Avocado Smash,,"18th August, 2019",Bristol Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Avona Biteu,898,2010-03-12,Fargo Moorhead Derby Girls,,
Avril La Mean,11,"7th December, 2016",Dessert Dolls Roller Derby,,United States
Avril La'Fiend,,"30th April, 2018",London Rockin' Rollers,,United Kingdom
Avril LaMean,,"18th March, 2015",Hertfordshire,,United Kingdom
Avril Obscene,,"21st January, 2014",GTAR,,Canada
Avril Obscene,4d10,2011-08-09,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
Avyshankher,03,2011-04-07,Single Handed Roller Derby,,
Aw Naw Conda,626,"26th October, 2017",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
Aw0wwDerbyScore,727,2011-10-22,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
AwFull Nelson,10,2011-01-10,Bakken Derby Girls League,,
AwFully Good,79,"19th July, 2015",Area 705 / PRD (Peterborough),,Canada
Awasti,22,"24th January, 2014",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
AweSome Sauce,55,"21st January, 2014",Jefferson State Roller Derby,,United States
Aweful dodger,045,"21st February, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Awesome AdjustHer,N3RD,2011-01-09,No Coast Derby Girls,,
Awesome Possum,3,2011-07-21,Rocketeer Rollers,,
Awesomeness Prime,P2,"7th March, 2014",Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,United States
Awesomesauce,444,"22nd January, 2014",Castle Rock 'n' Rollers,,United States
Awesomness Prime,P2,2011-03-17,Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,
Awful Purdy,1222,"20th January, 2014",Rocky Mountain Roller Girls,,United States
Awful Waffle,73,2009-01-23,Independent Ref,,
Awkan,77™,"1st November, 2016",Dock City Rollers,,Sweden
Awkward Moment,,"26th March, 2015",Nidaros Roller Derby,,Norway
Awnry O'Hulligan,37,2010-07-21,Rose City Rollers,,
Awooo,000,"3rd January, 2016",Wolfpack Roller Derby,,United States
Awwburn Fury,205,"24th January, 2014",Texas Outlaws,,United States
Axcess Denied,403,"16th March, 2015",Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,United States
Axe A. Dental,DH1712,2008-12-03,Providence Roller Derby,,
Axe Grinder,555,"8th January, 2018",Third Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Axe S. D'Nied,,2011-05-01,Denali Destroyer Dolls,,
Axe of Kindness,,"28th May, 2017",WA Roller Derby (WARD),,Australia
Axel Breaker,23,2012-04-18,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Axel Fury,0732,"24th January, 2014",Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,Japan
Axel Massacre,15,"22nd January, 2014",Deadend Derby,,New Zealand
Axel Massacre,15,2011-01-12,Dead End Derby,,
Axelle Raven,67,"21st January, 2014",Western Sydney Rollers,,Australia
Axelle Raven,,2011-06-28,Margaret River Roller Derby,,
Axhandle Anthony,,"26th January, 2021",,,United States
Axiom Addict,314,2010-09-08,Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby,,
Axis Of Evon,,2009-03-17,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Axis denied,403,"4th October, 2015",Sheffield steel roller girls,,United Kingdom
Axis of Stevil,,"29th September, 2014",Jerzey Derby Brigade,,United States
Axl Blows,4848,"13th September, 2018",Cheshire Hellcats,,United Kingdom
Axl Blows,,,Rose City Rollers,,
Axl Morose,241,2011-12-17,San Fernando Valley Roller Derby,,
Axl Rhoads,217,2010-03-17,River Valley Roller Girls,,
Axl Rogue,42,2011-03-13,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Axl Rolls,,2007-11-11,Diamond State Roller Girls,,
Axl Slash-R,87,2011-04-11,Northland Nightmares,,
Axl-Rage,515,"21st March, 2014",Brazos Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Axle Adams,STAFF,2007-07-20,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Axle Adams,,"6th May, 2014",Rat City Rollergirls,,United States
Axle Beauz,F5,"21st January, 2014",Fox Cityz Foxz,,United States
Axle Folly,REF,2008-10-19,Granite City Roller Girls,,
Axle Greaser,40oz,2007-12-14,Pacific Roller Derby,,
Axle Red,34,"22nd May, 2017",Reaper's Crew,,France
Axle Rose,187,"19th February, 2014",,,United States
Axle Rosie,87,,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Axle Rosie,2,"20th January, 2014",Capital City Rollin' Rebels,,United States
Axle Sparx,AK47,2011-01-25,Malice Springs Roller Derby,,
Axle Stential,420 Friendly,2011-03-14,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Axle Stential,7mm,"2nd April, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Axlegrinder McQueen,741,"14th May, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Axlegrinder McQueen,1203,2011-08-02,Central City Rollergirls,,
Axles of Evil,58,,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Axn4it,2-2,"4th March, 2014",Gulf Coast Rollergirls\LAFITTE'S LADIES,,United States
Axon Impulse,70,"23rd March, 2018",Twin City Roller Derby,,United States
Axta Grind,211,2007-12-05,Red Rockettes Recreational Roller Derby,,
Axtual Malice,1964,2010-03-23,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Axxident,,2008-01-12,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Aya Yai,555,"27th January, 2014",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Aya Yai,555,2012-06-11,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Ayan Nee,911,"20th January, 2014",Rebellion Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ayarollah Ghomeggi,90%,2012-01-12,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Ayatollah of Roller,,2012-04-02,Perth Roller Derby,,
Ayda Storm,5.0,"13th May, 2014",Wakey Wheeled Cats,,United Kingdom
Ayda Storm,5.0,2011-11-10,Wakey Wheeled Cats,,
Aye Carlee,1014,2010-11-13,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Aye Kilt'R,513,"24th March, 2014",G.I. Janes,,United States
Aye KiltR,,,,,
Ayleen Like-achola,7,2010-02-27,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Aylin matte,1313,"24th January, 2014",tacones bandidos,,Chile
Aym 2 Misbehave,44,2011-05-02,Rome Rollergirls,,
Ayn Rancid,13,2010-08-18,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
Ayn Randy,2621,2012-04-20,Treasure Valley Rollergirls,,
Ayumi Storm,637,"31st March, 2014",Wild wood Rollers,,United States
Ayush,,"11th October, 2016",,,Australia
AzKabam,81,"15th October, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Azabache,18,"25th March, 2015",Osorno Roller Derby,,Chile
Azalée Dying,389,"22nd January, 2014",Roller Derby Québec,,Canada
Azeret,,2010-03-22,Ann Richards Rollergirls,,
Azil,515,"6th November, 2019",Psykoquad,,France
AzkaBAM!,12,"11th February, 2019",Hartford Area Roller Derby,,United States
Azkajam,XY390,"20th January, 2014",Dub city derby girls,,United States
Azkajam,293,"4th October, 2018",Border City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Azonic,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Azota Shakur,,"19th October, 2016",Rumtown Rollerpunks,,Puerto Rico
Azteca Wrecka,37,"7th November, 2016",Demolitia Derby Queens,,United States
Aztek Lunatik,20,2010-02-01,Inland Empire Derby Divas,,
Azul Fuego,,2009-05-02,Austin Derby Brats: Texas Rollergirls' Junior League,,
Azuleja,18,"29th May, 2014",Black Swan,,Argentina
Azz Beader,16,"11th February, 2015",River City Dames of Anarchy,,United States
Azz Catch-Em,151,"21st January, 2014",Dead girl derby,,United States
Azz Catch-Em,151,2010-12-11,Dead Girl Derby,,
AzzKaBam,731,2011-03-11,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Azzy Starr,17,5-25-12,Mother City Mayhem Roller Derby,,
Aïe Be Back,44,"15th November, 2016",Sam Roller Derby,,France
A’damn,12,"19th June, 2018",Poznań Roller Derby League,,Poland
A’Blazing Grace,,,,,
B A Frey'd,CF98,"14th July, 2014",Hwy 14 Roller Derby Association,,Canada
B Afraid,48,2008-12-09,Canberra Roller Derby,,
B B Got Bakk,,"7th February, 2014",Mason-Dixon Roller Vixens,,United States
B Bomber,51,2009-11-05,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
B Bruisen,,"25th February, 2018",,,United States
B Bruisin U,22,2010-03-13,M.I.A. Derby Girls,,
B Buff Bruise Her,269,2011-01-14,Lea County Roller Wenches,,
B CZAR,13,2008-01-29,Sault Roller Derby,,
B Elsie Bub,666,2009-10-21,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
B Flossin,32,5/16/12,Devil Dog Derby Dames,,
B Head R,911,2009-06-09,Riverside Riptides,,
B MURDA,187,2008-10-15,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
B Noddy,XB360,"21st January, 2014",Gem City Roller Girls,,United States
B Paws E,258,"17th March, 2018",,,United States
B Recka,77,"3rd November, 2015",,,United Kingdom
B Ruthless,624,2011-10-10,Battle Creek Cereal Killers,,
B Sharp,3,"7th May, 2018",New Jersey Roller Derby,,United States
B Side,45 RPM,2010-08-11,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
B Stang,,2009-09-20,San Diego Roller Derby,,
B Sting,U238,"6th May, 2015",Otway Derby Dolls,,Australia
B Tsunami,,2011-07-02,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
B of the Bang,,5/6/12,Oxford Roller Derby,,
B tease N,5,2008-01-12,Oly Rollers,,
B'Dunkadunk,187,2006-10-02,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
B'Elanna Torrid,656,"21st January, 2014",Independent,,Canada
B'Kra$h'N,22,2011-10-11,Apple City Roller Derby,,
B'NEFAST,112,"27th October, 2016",Red Valentines,,France
B'Ouch,480,2011-03-14,Van Diemen Rollers,,
B'Rabbit,6mile,2011-01-31,Unforgiven Roller Girls,,
B'Stroyer,69,2006-03-13,Mission City Brawlin Betties,,
B'Tempted,226,2011-12-15,Boulder County Bombers,,
B'Wrecka,121,2011-10-20,Coffs Coast Derby,,
B'kini whacks,21,2007-09-13,Queen City Roller Girls,,
B'ner,REF,2010-10-09,Classic City Rollergirls,,
B'ner,,"6th December, 2015",Classic City Rollergirls,,United States
B-17,17,2006-09-26,Queen City Roller Girls,,
B-52 Bomb Her,52,2012-04-18,Niagara Roller Girls,,
B-Beep,77,"6th February, 2014",Sunshine Coast Area Rollers,,Australia
B-Cup Brawler,629,2011-11-08,Naptown Roller Girls,,
B-Dazzled,04,2009-09-09,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
B-FLATtened,13,2011-05-17,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
B-Force,1,2012-04-18,Anarchic Die Hard Derby,,
B-Header,222,2007-07-08,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
B-Hit,9394,2011-08-08,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
B-Hitz,9394,"10th March, 2014",DRRD,,Canada
B-Jewell'd,,"5th November, 2014",Central Missouri Roller Derby,,United States
B-One Bomber,22,2009-04-21,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
B-RADical,STAFF,2011-11-08,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
B-Rad,Upside down 5,2006-03-28,Memphis Roller Derby,,
B-Rad,310,"21st January, 2014",Slick City Rollerz,,United States
B-Ran,,2010-12-01,Skee Town Skirtz,,
B-Ray,,2007-04-19,Dallas Derby Devils,,
B-Roll,35mm,"1st September, 2015",NoHo Rolling Ravens,,United States
B-Squared,2943,2011-11-08,Naptown Roller Girls,,
B-Train,11,2006-11-26,Angel City Derby Girls,,
B-Ware,,2009-06-22,Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,
B-Wrecks,,"2nd May, 2018",Brisbane City Rollers,,Australia
B-Wrex,5120,"1st April, 2020",,,United Kingdom
B-Wrex,8150,2012-04-27,10th Mountain Roller Dolls,,
B-fly,24,2009-07-07,Blackwater Rollers,,
B-rock,12,2010-03-07,Wicked Wahine Derby Association,,
B-side blaze,,2008-10-06,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
B-xXxtreme,xXx,2008-03-04,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
B. AGGRESSIV,21,"23rd September, 2017",Wet City Rollers,,Norway
B. Baggins,11T1,"20th January, 2014",580 RollerGirls,,United States
B. CapitateHer,+52,"20th July, 2015",,,United Kingdom
B. CapitateHer,52,2009-02-18,Angel City Derby Girls,,
B. Friendly,3,"20th January, 2014",River Valley Roller Girls,,United States
B. Longinazoo,200,2009-11-30,Phoenix Rattleskates/Dry Heat Rattleskates,,
B. Melicious,4-3v3r,2007-01-17,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
B. Nasty,,,Derby Rotten Scoundrels,,
B. Radddd,,2009-05-18,Connecticut Death Quads,,
B. Trix Rotter,079,2011-09-22,MK Roller Derby,,
B. Ver Cleaveher,57,"21st January, 2014",Jerzey Derby Brigade,,United States
B. Zerk,Manager,2010-04-05,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
B.A. Baracus,,2011-04-07,GateKeepers Roller Derby,,
B.A. Bazookas,AK-47,"16th June, 2014",,,United States
B.A. Be-Reckless,1101,"28th January, 2014",De kevins,,Belgium
B.A. Betty,999,2011-10-15,Central Michigan Roller Derby,,
B.A. Block'us,18,2011-08-08,Dublin Roller Girls,,
B.A. Blondie,31,2011-09-06,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
B.A. Chica,23,2009-09-22,Cal Skate Roller Derby,,
B.A. Douglas,1972,5/6/12,Oxford Roller Derby,,
B.A. Douglas,1972,"5th November, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
B.A. Payne,77,2010-11-28,Skyland Roller Girls,,
B.A. StrykHer,769,2011-10-02,Sick Town Derby Dames,,
B.A.B.S the Bruiser,13,"26th March, 2016",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
B.A.B.S. the Bruiser,Lucky 13,2010-07-28,Brighton Roller Dollz,,
B.A.C.,,2012-03-19,Sioux Falls Roller Dollz,,
B.A.Freud,72,"3rd June, 2015",,,United Kingdom
B.A.M,75,"30th January, 2014",Bow Valley Roller Derby,,Canada
B.A.M!,14,2010-11-30,Illinois Valley Vixens,,
B.A.M.,13,"7th May, 2014",Meatgrinders Bremen,,Germany
B.A.T.s,00,2008-01-25,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
B.ADDY,07,"28th January, 2014",Whakatane Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
B.B. Basher,b45h,2006-03-29,Steel City Derby Demons,,
B.B. Burlesque,1868,2009-05-11,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
B.B. Queen,18,"18th March, 2017",Zombie Rollergirlz Münster,,Germany
B.B. Whatever,04,"28th September, 2014",Riot Rollers Darmstadt,,Germany
B.B. Wolfe,,,Chicago Men's Roller Derby,,
B.Battery,27,"24th January, 2014",Jewel City Roller Girls,,United States
B.F. Goodbytch,45 rpm,2006-12-10,NEO Roller Derby,,
B.F. SkinHer,250,"21st January, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
B.F. Skinya,86,"20th January, 2014",okc outlaws,,United States
B.F. Skinya,88,2011-05-24,OKC Outlaws Roller Derby,,
B.Gaze,4,2011-10-17,Namur Roller Girlz,,
B.J. HARMstrong,134,2009-09-07,Queen City Roller Girls,,
B.J. Hooker,36*24*36,2006-04-01,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
B.Melicious,81,"10th December, 2014",Lindsay Roller Derby,,Canada
B.O.A.,4,2007-04-09,Dixie Derby Girls,,
B.O.B,343,2008-11-25,Battle Born Derby Demons,,
B.O.B.,808,"27th March, 2017",Casco Bay Gentlemen's Derby,,United States
B.O.B.,REF,2008-06-19,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
B.Rogue Vigilante,Z0MB,2012-01-08,CT Rollergirls,,
B.T.K,187,2009-01-08,Dead End Derby,,
B.Trix Rotter,079,"20th January, 2014","Milton Keynes Roller Derby, The Concrete Cows",,United Kingdom
B.Victorious,4,"21st January, 2014",Cherry Bomb Charmers Junior Roller Derby,,United States
B000M,909,"5th January, 2015",Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,United States
BA Block'us,18,"20th January, 2014",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
BABS,611,2011-06-24,Green Country Roller Girls,,
BABS,,"24th November, 2014",,,United States
BABY BIOHAZARD,H1N1,"8th February, 2014",NORTH WALES ROLLER DERBY,,United Kingdom
BACKLASH,80S,"20th January, 2014",Richland County Regulators Roller Derby Team,,United States
BACON,11,2010-01-15,Harbor City RollerDames,,
BAD FISH,Ref,"11th March, 2017",Lockeford Liberators,,United States
BAD KIMISTRY,,"10th February, 2018",Perth Roller Derby,,Australia
BAD WOLF,69,"6th November, 2014",Roller Derby Östersund,,Sweden
BAD WOLF,,"21st January, 2014",ECRD,,United States
BADASS,30,"19th December, 2018",Valencia Roller Derby,,Spain
BADITUDE,228,2012-04-03,Dutchland Rollers,,
BAILey Legal,18,2012-03-02,Crescent City Derby Devils,,
BAM B,13,"13th August, 2016",Dread Pirate Rollers,,Australia
BAM Bina,4-18,2010-12-15,Tucson Roller Derby,,
BAM Stars,63,"3rd February, 2014",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
BAM!Bi Brawler,2204,"1st March, 2015",,,Australia
BAM!b,,"3rd February, 2015",,,Canada
BAM!bi SLAM!bi,98 3/4%,"14th September, 2015",Sun City Roller Girls,,United States
BAMBI BAM BAM,2919,"24th February, 2017",Nantes Derby Girls,,France
BAMBY,69,"17th July, 2015",Cape Town Rollergirls,,South Africa
BAMBi,31,"21st January, 2014",Southampton City rollers,,United Kingdom
BAMFi,117,"1st May, 2014",,,United States
BAMber,360,2011-12-17,San Fernando Valley Junior Derby,,
BAMbi,071,"12th May, 2015",Parliament of Pain,,Netherlands
BAMbi,31,"17th February, 2014",Southampton city rollers,,United Kingdom
BAMphetamine,19,2010-03-11,Hellgate Rollergirls,,
BAMphibian,SG1,"23rd January, 2014",Central Coast Roller Girls,,Australia
BAMvicious,555,"21st January, 2014",Air Raid Roller Girls,,United States
BANKAI,<3,"12th May, 2017",NWRD,,United Kingdom
BARBWIRE,M34N,"25th April, 2015",Dread Pirate Rollers,,Australia
BARF!!!,38C,"22nd January, 2014",Denver Roller Dolls,,United States
BASHful-lee,,"21st January, 2014",E.C.R.D,,United States
BASS Master,867-5309,2011-02-09,Burlington Bombers Roller Derby,,
BAT CAT,553,2010-04-12,DC Rollergirls,,
BATTLE SCAR GILLACTICA,741,"4th October, 2017",Bellingham Roller Betties,,United States
BATass,100,"21st May, 2014",Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,United States
BAZooka,007,"11th June, 2015",,,Australia
BArf,,2006-09-21,Steel City Derby Demons,,
BB Blast-her,94,2012-01-30,Gladstone Roller Derby,,
BB Bloodlust,,2012-03-22,Golden Isles Roller Derby,,
BB Bomber,#83,"8th June, 2016",,,United States
BB Bombshell,666,2008-10-24,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
BB Bones,333,2011-12-13,North East Roller Derby,,
BB Gun,,2010-01-24,709 Derby Girls,,
BB Hate,,"4th September, 2015",OC Roller Girls,,United States
BB HellCat,88,"10th March, 2018",Beet city bombers,,United Kingdom
BB Homemaker,1980,"21st January, 2014",Backwoods bombshells,,United States
BB McGee,,2011-01-14,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
BB Sangre,0+,2012-01-30,Sailor City Rollers,,
BB Sk8,,"15th January, 2018",,,United States
BB Skate,77,"25th January, 2018",Molly Roger Rollergirls,,United States
BB rise Core,,"6th March, 2017",,,Argentina
BB-H8,31,"19th February, 2016",Borderland Brawlers Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BB-H8,C3p0,"17th February, 2016",San Diego Derby Dolls,,United States
BB-H8,333,"20th March, 2017",,,United States
BB-H8!,,"1st March, 2016",,,Australia
BB-HATE,613,"29th August, 2017",709 Roller Derby,,Canada
BB-HATE!,918,"26th June, 2016",Wreckin' Roller Rebels,,United States
BB-Hate,8,"9th January, 2016",,,United States
BB-K8,,"30th January, 2016",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
BB-Lady,00,"21st January, 2014",Barnsley Black Heart Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
BB-SK8,808,"6th December, 2016",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
BB-SK8,8,"21st December, 2015",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
BB-Sk8,008,"29th February, 2016",Inland Empower Derby,,United States
BB-Skate,8,"1st April, 2016",,,United Kingdom
BB-sk8,1701,"10th January, 2017",York Minxters,,United Kingdom
BB-sk8,,"3rd January, 2016",Arizona Derby Dames,,United States
BBGonzales,,"22nd April, 2014",,,United States
BC Lucid,462,"14th October, 2016",Roswell Sugar Zombies,,United States
BDI,12:34AM,2009-11-13,Toronto Junior Roller Derby,,
BDS,,2009-01-03,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
BDonka Kong,3912,"18th May, 2015",A-Town Roller Derby,,United States
BE Affraid,No 8,"22nd September, 2014",Suck City Derby Dolls,,Netherlands
BE Afraid,No 8,"23rd September, 2014",Suck City Rock 'n Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
BEARD,,"11th July, 2014",Capital City Derby Dolls,,Canada
BEARTILLERY,834R,"21st January, 2014",Barnsley Black Heart Rollers,,United Kingdom
BEAST,,"25th November, 2014",natural born rollers,,United States
BEAST COAST,9999,"3rd February, 2014",Carolina Rollergirls,,United States
BEATLE JUICE,777,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
BEATrick KIDDO,52,"1st February, 2017",Prague City Roller Derby,,Czech Republic
BEATrix buckIT,5,"21st January, 2014",Oakland County Roller Derby,,United States
BEE STing,8,"30th May, 2018",Mass Attack Roller Derby,,United States
BEKAH H8,H8,2012-01-13,Far North Derby Dolls,,
BENNY DOOM,,"27th August, 2016",,,Australia
BETTE PINCH,36,2008-07-02,Middlesbrough Milk Rollers,,
BEX Addiction,,2008-10-28,Richland County Regulators,,
BEX EQ SHUNR,19,"10th March, 2015",Kindersley Roller Derby League,,Canada
BF SkinHer,915,2011-02-01,Prison City Derby Dames,,
BFF,Staff,2011-02-07,Ohio Roller Girls,,
BFG,,"20th July, 2016",,,United States
BG Smack,90,"20th January, 2014",Houston Roller Derby,,United States
BIG Red,64,"7th February, 2014",RRDG,,United States
BILD DES TODES,Manuela Henao,"30th May, 2017",Spring City Rollers,,Colombia
BIMBOrella,36D,2009-01-02,Castle Bombers Roller Girls,,
BIONIC LEdGe,26,"18th April, 2015",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
BISH BASH BUSH,8,2011-09-16,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
BITTERFLY,,"2nd August, 2015",,,United States
BJ Bandit,2276,2010-03-09,Reno Roller Girls,,
BJ Hott Mess,,2011-07-17,Sioux City Roller Dames,,
BJ Tallywhacker,Staff,2009-03-25,Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,
BJ bad A,.38,2011-10-24,Red Rockettes Recreational Roller Derby,,
BJ got $MACK,5150,2012-06-11,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
BJaMmin,Staff,2011-05-09,Catawba Valley Roller Girls,,
BK Brawler,,2010-04-28,Red Stick Roller Derby,,
BLACK IVY,20,"16th November, 2014",CORDOBA ROLLER DERBY,,Argentina
BLACK SUGAR,9,"6th October, 2015",DEATH DERBY CREW,,New Caledonia
BLACK X SMITH,x24x,"1st July, 2015",Tiger Bay Brawlers,,United Kingdom
BLACKEYESKY,34,"21st January, 2014",Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,United States
BLOCKBUSTER,1924,"13th July, 2016",Roller Derby Vigo,,Spain
BLOODY PICKA,1nce a mth,2009-04-06,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
BO Bituary,DOA,2009-02-10,Houston Roller Derby,,
BOB 'The Rasta' Ninja,304,2011-08-28,Farm Fresh Roller Girls,,
BOB the Derby Queen,,"24th February, 2018",E-ville Roller Derby,,Canada
BOBBY FLAYER,18,"30th January, 2014",EVES OF DESTRUCTION,,Canada
BODYCZECH,82,"24th January, 2014",Prague City Roller Deby,,Czech Republic
BOMB-bay,B52,"21st January, 2014",Desert Dolls Roller Derbyt,,United States
BONNIE CANFLY,14,2012-01-16,B.M.O. Roller Derby Girls,,
BOO!,1969,"5th April, 2014",FRANKLIN COUNTY FURIES,,United States
BOOB,8008,"25th January, 2015",Durango Roller Girls,,United States
BOOGA,4X4,"7th September, 2014",Auckland Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
BOOKEND TRIXIE,31,2010-01-05,Oly Rollers,,
BOOM,800M,"20th January, 2014",Spa town roller girls,,United Kingdom
BOOM BOOM BELLE,4610,"4th March, 2014",Gulf Coast Roller Girls,,United States
BOOM BOOM Pow,90%,2010-01-23,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
BOOM Shaka Laka,49,2011-02-02,Rage City Rollergirls,,
BOOM! ShakeTheRoom,00,"6th July, 2015",Charlottesville Derby Dames,,United States
BOOM!!! Cupcake,109,2012-02-03,Rocket City Roller Girls,,
BOOMbay Safire,976,2009-09-10,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
BOOMble Bee,1495,"27th February, 2020",Pájaros Pintados Roller Derby,,Uruguay
BOOTY HUNTER,5150,2008-10-20,Disaster City Roller Girls,,
BOOtiful Disaster,311,"12th August, 2015",HCDD,,United States
BOP steady,11,"8th September, 2016",,,Bermuda
BOTulism,,2007-04-07,Duke City Derby,,
BOW LEGGED,009,"5th May, 2018",,,Australia
BRAN BAM!,88,"22nd May, 2015",NCDA,,United States
BREAKER tHIGHs,511,5/2/12,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
BRENDA BRUISE 'N BANGZ,1994,"24th June, 2015",A-TOWN ROLLER DERBY,,United States
BREWtal Hips,143,2011-08-28,Bay City Rollers,,
BRICK,127,"3rd October, 2017",Muscogee Roller Girls,,United States
BRICKS,44,"18th May, 2015",Mackay City Roller Maidens,,Australia
BROCK N' ROLL,424,"2nd April, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
BRU1S-H3R,13,"8th October, 2014",The Pass Punishers Roller Derby,,United States
BRUISE DEALER,09,2012-01-16,B.M.O. Roller Derby Girls,,
BRUT'AL,626,"6th October, 2015",DEATH DERBY CREW,,New Caledonia
BRUTALULU,0W,2012-03-19,Black Mamba Junior Derby,,
BRUTALicious,510,2011-03-19,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
BRUTALicious,510,"14th June, 2016",Big Easy Roller Girls,,United States
BRUTICUS,J19,"22nd January, 2014",Mount Militia Derby Crew,,New Zealand
BUDGE,,"4th February, 2018",,,United Kingdom
BUKKAKE Cake,64,"1st April, 2020",GALLATIN ROLLER DERBY,,United States
BUNNICULA,***,2007-11-15,Providence Roller Derby,,
BUNSandAMMO,,2009-01-11,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
BUSTIN BAWLER,33,"2nd July, 2015",ALOHA CITY ROLLERS,,United States
BUTTCRACK BETTY,E4,"24th June, 2015",A-TOWN ROLLER DERBY,,United States
BYCROFT,143,"25th October, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Ba Ba Blacksheep,4WD,2011-04-01,Trinity Roller Derby,,
Ba Ba Boom,666,"28th March, 2018",Rocket Dolls Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
Ba Dum Tush,141,2012-01-12,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Ba Low Me,227,2011-02-21,Black-n-Bluegrass Rollergirls,,
Ba$h,212,"21st January, 2014",Dread Pirate Rollers,,Australia
BaCilla Skräck,36,"31st March, 2014",Malmö Royal Roller Derby,,Sweden
BaDD Medicine,,"8th May, 2014",,,United States
BaPOW!,62,2012-01-12,Parliament of Pain,,
Baaa-DD Kitty,808,"21st January, 2014",M.I.A. Derby Girls,,United States
Baaad Ginger,1714,"20th January, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Baam Baam,333,,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Baarp,308,"24th April, 2017",,,Australia
Baba GHOULash,21,5/15/12,Hellfire Harlots,,
Baba Jaga,5,2011-01-25,Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,
Baba Karnage,1337,"23rd September, 2014",London Rockin Rollers,,United Kingdom
Baba YAGA,,"16th January, 2022",,,United States
Baba Yaga,202,2011-02-17,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
Baba Yaga,,"18th January, 2019",,,United States
Babara Barfight,101,2011-03-15,Crime City Rollers,,
Babbie,48,"9th March, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
Babbling Brooke,80,2010-06-18,South Island Sirens Roller Derby,,
Babcocked & Loaded,357,2011-09-29,Dutchland Rollers,,
Babe A Fett,525,2011-11-02,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Babe Ballistic,11,2012-04-23,The Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,
Babe E. Crack Ribs,418,"16th July, 2021",Wine Town Rollers,,United States
Babe E. Quakes,,2009-02-05,Burn City Rollers,,
Babe Gnarley,5150,2011-06-12,Mendocino County Roller Derby,,
Babe Grohl,1211,"5th February, 2014",Rochester Royal Rollers Recreational Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Babe Lincoln,40,2008-09-18,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Babe Malicious,86,2007-04-06,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Babe Marley,710,"10th April, 2017",Vindicated Vixens,,United States
Babe Marley,,2010-07-20,Richland County Regulators,,
Babe O' Fett,666,"20th September, 2016",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Babe O' Fett,Slv1,"20th January, 2014",Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,United States
Babe Rainbow,3,2011-04-02,Red Rockettes Recreational Roller Derby,,
Babe RastoBetch,6,2012-04-16,Revelstoke Roller Derby Association,,
Babe Ross,143,"22nd January, 2018",Rocky Mountain Roller Girls,,United States
Babe Runner,321,"4th November, 2018",Rocky Mountain Roller GIrls,,United States
Babe Runner,REF,2010-11-09,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Babe Runner,1211,"31st January, 2020",Cape Girardeau Roller Derby,,United States
Babe Ruthless,,"5th August, 2017",,,United States
Babe Ruthless,9,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Babe Ruthless,,"6th August, 2017",roller river girls,,United States
Babe Sapien,,2009-04-20,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Babe Toothless,117,"16th April, 2015",SufferCity Sweethearts / Lidköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Babe Trooper,50,2010-10-03,Thunder Bay Roller Derby,,
Babe View,207,2007-03-30,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Babe Vigoda,56,2009-03-06,CT RollerGirls,,
Babe Vigoda,,"26th June, 2019",,,United States
Babe With The POW,,"2nd August, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Babe With The Power,212,"27th July, 2015",Stoke City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Babe Wrath,66,2010-09-25,Bay Rollers,,
Babe of Prey,27,"17th February, 2020",Ann Arbor Roller Derby,,United States
Babe the Blue Fox,218,"5th March, 2020",,,United States
Babe-a-Saurus Wrecks,26,"21st January, 2014",Nickel city roller derby,,Canada
Babe-ilon,3,2008-09-02,RockTown Rollers,,
Babe-onic Plague,,"6th July, 2015",,,United States
Babe-raham Laiken,8,"13th May, 2014",J-Town Roller Girls,,United States
BabeWire91,,"31st March, 2020",,,Canada
Babeater,0,2012-03-05,Gray City Rebels,,
Babee Dust,13,"1st April, 2014",G.I. JANES,,United States
BabeeCakez,25,"11th September, 2014",Rolling Thunder Dames,,United States
Babelfishy,292,"7th May, 2016",Twin State Derby,,United States
Babeonic Plague,1348,2010-08-08,Perth Roller Derby,,
Babeous Corpus,,2010-12-29,Grand Rapids Area Roller Derby,,
Baberaham Lincoln,4 score 7 beers ago,2008-10-24,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Baberslam Linkin,1863,"1st December, 2015",Two Rivers Roller Derby,,United States
Babet-Sit-Here,07,"3rd February, 2022",Amiens roller derby,,France
Babewulf,7,2011-04-10,Fog City Rollers,,
Babilonia,88,"6th November, 2017",Bruxas da Ilha Roller Derby,,Brazil
Babooski,,2011-10-20,East Central Roller Derby,,
Babracadabra,15,2010-06-18,South Island Sirens Roller Derby,,
Babs Havok,,2010-06-04,Mississippi Brawl Stars,,
Babs the Barbarian,33,2011-03-31,Dirt City Roller Rats,,
Babs van Hel,66,"21st January, 2014",Vienna Roller Derby,,Austria
Babushkill,1-15,2011-08-14,Toronto Roller Derby,,
"Baby ""T""",05,2011-02-01,Lakeland Ladykillers Roller Derby,,
Baby Anarchy,0,"1st February, 2018",Tilted Thunder,,United States
Baby Anvil,33,2007-04-23,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Baby B-hatch,27,"26th February, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Baby B. Snap,,2008-03-14,Cornfluence Crush Derby,,
Baby Back Bacon,21,2011-02-18,Bakersfield Junior Roller Derby,,
Baby Bash,80 Proof,2007-05-01,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
Baby Beast,15,2011-07-02,Metropolitan Roller Derby,,
Baby Beast,16,"19th January, 2018",RedRum Renegades,,United States
Baby Beatdown aka The Rib Buster,,"28th February, 2015",,,United States
Baby Beerest,6pk,2012-01-01,Downriver Roller Dollz,,
Baby Bird,3,2012-02-08,Camel City Thrashers,,
Baby BiteHer,,2011-12-10,James River Fury,,
Baby Blackheart,72,"23rd January, 2014",Quad City Rollers,,United States
Baby Blackheart,22,2009-03-03,Sauk Valley Sirens,,
Baby Blount,47,2011-06-26,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
Baby Blue,22,"26th January, 2016",EastSide Derby Girls,,United States
Baby Boom,10cm,"3rd June, 2017",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Baby Bootcha,360,"10th December, 2015",La Boucherie de Paris,,France
Baby Brawler,,"1st January, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Baby Bruise,87,"30th October, 2016",Fort Collins Roller Derby,,United States
Baby Bruise,87,2008-03-10,Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,
Baby Bruiser,911,"18th May, 2015",Freaky Mons'ter Derby Ladies,,Belgium
Baby Burns,42,"16th June, 2017",Little Rascals JRD (lockeford Liberators),,United States
Baby Buster,5000,2012-01-27,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Baby Cakes,86,"4th April, 2014",Wrangell Roller Derby,,United States
Baby Carrot,,"26th February, 2017",,,United States
Baby Daddy,00HN00,2011-03-19,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
Baby Doll,,"12th December, 2017",,,United States
Baby Drums,,"19th November, 2016",,,Canada
Baby Face,444,"9th November, 2015",Bloody Patchol',,France
Baby Face,97,"21st January, 2014",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Baby Face Half Nelson,1982,"4th August, 2014",Wasteland Derby Dames,,United States
Baby Face Kill-Her,333,2010-05-21,Lilac City Rollergirls,,
Baby Face Kill-her,333,"21st January, 2014",Lilac City Roller Girls,,United States
Baby Face Miller,N26,2010-03-29,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Baby FighterFly,13,"17th June, 2014",Bathurst Roller Derby,,Australia
Baby Fighterfly,1000 Corpses,2006-07-06,Providence Roller Derby,,
Baby Firecracker,:3,"30th May, 2015",,,United States
Baby Frat,1017,2011-01-11,Totally Committed Derby Girls,,
Baby Fuck Off,13,2010-05-24,Dragon City Derby Dolls,,
Baby G,,2011-01-05,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Baby Giraffe,12,2012-02-06,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Baby Giraffe,2,"24th January, 2014",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
Baby Girl Bam Bam,9,"1st March, 2015",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Baby Girl BamBam,9,2011-03-17,Cal Skate Roller Derby,,
Baby Girl Meltin,SK8,2011-09-12,Marietta Derby Darlins,,
Baby Girl Trouble,54-46,5-18-12,Abilene Derby Dames,,
Baby Glock Back,,"11th January, 2019",Conroe Cutthroats,,United States
Baby Got Smack,77,2010-11-14,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Baby Got Track,b12,2012-02-11,Kansas City Banked Beauties,,
Baby Goth,666,"16th September, 2017",Mayhem Maydens,,United States
Baby Hellicious,1930,"26th January, 2019",,,Sweden
Baby Hercules,15,"12th September, 2015",kerr county roller derby,,United States
Baby Huey,47,2011-07-23,Infinite Mass Roller Derby,,
Baby Huey,#847,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Baby J,918,2011-04-22,Crown City Rollerz,,
Baby Jane,,"23rd June, 2015",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Baby Jane Hurts'em,3131,5/14/12,Grin 'n Barum,,
Baby Jane Migraine,,"28th July, 2018",,,United States
Baby Jebus,REF,2009-01-17,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Baby Jones,,2012-01-18,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Baby Jones Locker,20k,"30th April, 2016",Arch Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Baby Kakes,350,2009-12-14,Hurricane Alley Roller Derby,,
Baby Kat,444,"13th August, 2021",,,United Kingdom
Baby Kicks,A55,5-29-12,Munich Rolling Rebels,,
Baby Lou Tattoo,,2010-10-04,Ohio Valley Roller Girls,,
Baby Mama Trauma,904,"20th January, 2014",Roe City Rollers,,United States
Baby Mama's Drama,,2009-05-02,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Baby Mayhem,,"25th December, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Baby Merciless,007,"21st January, 2014",Black Hearts Derby Girls,,Brazil
Baby Nuclear,011,2011-02-11,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Baby Panda Slide,,"11th May, 2015",Helltown Hellcats Helsingborg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Baby Peach,22,2009-02-07,Mamas Bad Derby Girls,,
Baby Razor,R25,"28th January, 2014",Crimson Vipers Roller Derby Bergamo,,Italy
Baby Roll,152,"8th April, 2016",Heart city sirens,,Sweden
Baby Ruthless,,"24th September, 2015",,,United States
Baby Shamer,1722,"7th January, 2018",Third Coast Rollerderby,,United States
Baby Sheegoth,F23,"21st January, 2014",Gävle Roller Derby,,Sweden
Baby Skates,42,"28th November, 2014",B-Town Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Baby Skates Nelson,,2007-11-14,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Baby Slice,47,"7th December, 2020",,,Australia
Baby Snakes,55,2007-04-14,Lilac City Rollergirls,,
Baby Splice,1971,2008-10-20,Rated PG Rollergirls,,
Baby Splice,98,"30th April, 2017",Maiden city flyers,,United Kingdom
Baby Steps,134,"24th November, 2015",O-Town Roller Derby,,Denmark
Baby Stripes,1337,"20th January, 2014",Nottingham Hellfire Harlots,,United Kingdom
Baby Sugar,33,2012-06-13,Tar Sand Betties Roller Derby,,
Baby T-Retts,22,"21st January, 2014",Bedfordshire Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Baby Vamp,27,"28th January, 2014",,,Argentina
Baby Weiss,Retired 5/24/13,2007-07-28,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Baby bot,,2009-03-31,Duke City Derby,,
Baby bullet,5,"28th January, 2014",Enchanted Island,,Puerto Rico
Baby doll,910,"30th October, 2015",Easo Avengers,,Spain
Baby wants Blood,13,"28th April, 2015",Zombie Rollergirlz Münster,,Germany
BabyBat,1808,"31st August, 2016",Infinity roller derby,,United States
BabyDoll,15,"21st January, 2014",Femme fatal roller dolls,,United States
BabyDriller,0721,"24th January, 2014",,,Argentina
BabyGirl Trouble,54-46,"22nd January, 2014",Bexar County Roller Girls,,United States
BabySk8s,8,"21st January, 2014",DD - Dunedin Derby,,New Zealand
BabyWantsBlood,13,"22nd October, 2014",Zombie Rollergirlz,,Germany
BabyWantsBlood,13,2012-02-14,Zombie Rollergirls,,
Babycakes,85,2009-03-09,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Babycakes,85,"11th February, 2015",Newcastle Roller Derby League,,Australia
Babydoll,24,2011-09-18,West Kentucky Rockin Rollers,,
Babydoll Nightmare,,"12th April, 2014",North Wales Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Babydoll-Gone Wrong,1266,2012-02-07,Carson Victory Rollers,,
Babyface Assassin,"4'10.5""",2009-02-10,Texas Rollergirls,,
Babyface Bam Bam,.08,2009-08-20,Gas City Rollers League,,
Babyface Bandit,709,2011-03-10,Key City Roller Derby,,
Babyface Basher,13,2009-12-10,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Babyface Nellie,.45 caliber,2008-01-21,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Babygirl,1,2011-11-21,Mountain Maulers Roller Derby,,
Babylon the grave,,2008-02-08,Duke City Derby,,
Babylonian SlammerlBE,17,2011-09-21,ToadSuck Derby Dames,,
Babysita,1800,"24th October, 2021",Valencia Roller Derby,,Spain
Babyskates Mcgee,476,"4th March, 2016",Bvrd,,Canada
Babyslam,79,2011-07-15,Kent Roller Girls,,
Bacardi Bruiser,005,2011-01-21,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Bacardi She-breeze,151 dark,2010-07-23,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Bacardi n Coke,,2010-02-20,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Baccha Nailya,,2011-03-14,Rose City Rollers,,
Bachicholina,777,2011-07-02,Sailor City Rollers,,
Bachomp,1100,2011-08-07,Ballarat Roller Derby,,
Bachstreet Brawler,222,"18th January, 2016",Dorset Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Back Ali Brawler,9/17,2008-06-09,Battle Born Derby Demons,,
Back Alley Bejay,406,2011-02-16,Electric City Roller GrrrlZ,,
Back Alley Bruiser,0.5,2008-08-07,Sick Town Derby Dames,,
Back Alley sally,420,2008-09-18,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Back Aly Bludgeoner,40oz,2006-03-13,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Back Bender,m6,2011-12-27,Zombitches,,
Back Breaking Betty,,"1st January, 2016",AZRD,,United States
Back Draft Betty,911,2011-06-02,South Florida Rollergirls,,
Back Flash,70,2011-08-29,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Back Hand Bella,2015,2011-04-28,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Back Seat Betty,S1NR,"21st January, 2014",Rage City Rollergirls,,United States
Back Stabbath,4311,2009-10-21,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Back2front,1727,"9th May, 2014",Durham City Rolling Angels,,United Kingdom
BackFire,42,2012-01-24,4 Corners Rollergirls,,
Backdoor Bandit,REF,2011-09-29,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Backdoor Bettie,,2011-09-06,Heart of Appalachia Roller Derby,,
Backdraft Burns,720,2009-08-11,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
Backhand Bettie,,2010-02-18,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Backlash Boston,BB,2008-04-27,Richter City Roller Derby,,
Backman,322,"18th January, 2022",Roller Derby Lille RDL,,France
Backroad Barbie,12,2011-01-09,South Central Roller Girls,,
Backroom Brawler,525,2010-08-11,Quad City Rollers,,
Backseat Betty,S1NR,2011-02-02,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Backstabbing Betty,11,2009-08-18,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Backstitch Bambi,4,"28th January, 2020",Storm City Roller Derby,,United States
Backwards Kate,B52,2011-02-27,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
Backwoods Jess,Retired,2008-03-07,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Backwoods SLASH-her,187,2012-01-31,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Backwoods baby,420,"26th September, 2017",Mayhem maydens,,United States
Bacon & Legs,4 days,2009-09-08,Mission City Brawlin Betties,,
Bacon 8'Her,24 - 4evr,"23rd July, 2014",4th Meridian Roller Sports,,Canada
Bacon Ate Her,,,,,
Bacon Bergina,15%,2011-07-02,Yukon Roller Girls,,
Bacon Bits,,2012-06-06,Prairieland Punishers,,
Bacon Bitz,3.14,"9th September, 2019",,,United States
Bacon Brad,5,"16th December, 2015",Tulsa Derby League,,United States
Bacon Smutty,26,2011-10-25,South West Angels of Terror,,
Bacon Stripper,007,"22nd September, 2014",Resurrection Roller Girls Junior Derby,,United States
Bacon bits,54,"8th June, 2016",,,United States
Bacon lil Hearts,97,"21st January, 2014",Damzel Dollz,,United States
Bacon-blitz,.380,"6th March, 2019",,,United States
Baconator,528,"20th May, 2015",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Baconator,1959,"18th April, 2017",Boulder County Bombers,,United States
Bad A Bling,71,2010-04-02,Thunder Bay Roller Derby,,
Bad Abbeytude,1313,"8th September, 2018",Darlings of Destruction,,United States
Bad Abbitude,9,"23rd January, 2019",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Andi,,2008-04-15,Rushmore Rollerz,,
Bad Apple,724,"27th June, 2017",Capital City Crushers,,United States
Bad Apple,,"8th February, 2017",Gastonia Junior Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Apple,6 cubed,"27th September, 2016",Key West Derby Dames,,United States
Bad Apple-Jam-N,3-2-1,2008-04-29,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Bad As Pitch,001,"27th April, 2017",Gastonia Junior Roller Derby,,United States
Bad As* Nat,00,2012-02-02,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Bad Ash,31,"10th January, 2015",Girls Rollin In The South G.R.I.T.S.,,United States
Bad Ash,510,2010-09-08,Dutchland Rollers,,
Bad Ash Baby,201,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Bad Ass Barbie,3.14,2011-01-09,Sandusky Rollergirls,,
Bad Ass Boopster,911,2012-01-22,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Bad Ass Mama,23,2008-06-09,Bay State Brawlers,,
Bad Ass Mo' Foe,151,2009-02-18,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Bad Ass Radish,8,2012-03-07,One World Roller Derby,,
Bad Ass Shiraz,29,2011-12-05,Towns Villains Roller Derby,,
Bad Ass'assin,666,2011-02-23,MK Roller Derby,,
Bad Ass-tra,,"28th July, 2017",,,United States
Bad Asset,1929,"9th August, 2017",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Asset,1929,2009-09-27,DC Rollergirls,,
Bad Assets,156,"8th October, 2014",Hard Breaking Dolls,,Czech Republic
Bad Assidity,22,2011-04-01,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Bad Astra,,"20th July, 2017",,,United States
Bad Astra,61,2011-04-26,East Coast Devastation,,
Bad Astral,33,2012-04-18,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Bad Astral,33,"21st January, 2014",Flood Water Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Astrid,451,"4th May, 2017",South Sound Roller Derby League,,United States
Bad Att-her-tude,28,"21st June, 2019",Coastal junior,,Australia
Bad Aunty,22,"30th September, 2018",The Badlands Hellraisers,,Canada
Bad B,26,"16th January, 2017",Roswell Sugar Zombies,,United States
Bad Baby Jammer,3,2008-06-10,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Bad Bacon,,"22nd March, 2015",,,Norway
Bad Bambi,17,"20th May, 2017",Southern Oregon Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Beth & Beyond,0,"21st December, 2015",Barbed Wire Betties,,United States
Bad Betty,333,2006-05-07,Phoenix City Rollers,,
Bad Billy,415PC,"4th February, 2014",,,United States
Bad Bird,1411,5/14/12,Copenhagen Roller Derby,,
Bad Boyes,8,"3rd January, 2015",Eves of Destruction,,Canada
Bad Brain,37,"6th October, 2018",Rolling Rezdore,,Italy
Bad Brains Betty,2.71 lbs,2011-02-02,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Bad Bromance,510,"19th April, 2017",Pittsburgh Blue Streaks,,United States
Bad Catittude,.357,2007-11-08,Springfield Rollergirls,,
Bad Cattitude,C47,"15th March, 2015",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Bad Charlotte,93,2010-10-13,Harbor Girls e.V.,,
Bad Crack,,"30th August, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Bad Credit,$0.00,2008-05-22,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Bad Czech,2222,"22nd May, 2015",Parlor City Tricks,,United States
Bad Czech Bo-Hotty,93.9,2012-03-22,Durango Roller Girls,,
Bad Czek,,2007-11-24,Richland County Regulators,,
Bad D'MeanHer,1107,"11th May, 2017",Southern harm derby dames,,United States
Bad Daddy Yan,16,2010-04-21,Central City Rollergirls,,
Bad Daddy Yan,16,"25th January, 2017",Crash Test Brummies,,United Kingdom
Bad Data,n/0,2011-10-27,Rolling Hills Derby Dames,,
Bad Dhal,9,"24th January, 2019",,,United States
Bad Dirt,13:7,2009-06-27,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Bad Element,221,"21st January, 2014",Texas Rollergirls Rec,,United States
Bad English,6789,2010-01-11,South Side Roller Derby,,
Bad Es,729,"10th November, 2017",The Cannibal Marmots,,France
Bad Etta Kett,44,"23rd January, 2014",Geelong Roller Derby League,,Australia
Bad Fad,440,2011-01-02,Chippewa Valley Roller Girls,,
Bad Faith,5x5,2008-10-15,London Rollergirls,,
Bad Gal Ri-Ri,,"23rd June, 2015",SRDL,,Canada
Bad Girlfriend,69,2008-12-03,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Bad Grandad,56,"2nd August, 2015",Suffolk Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bad Grognasse,,2011-12-01,Switchblade RollerGrrrls,,
Bad Hattie Tude,888,"16th July, 2015",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bad Hattitude,55,2011-12-17,Plymouth City Roller Girls,,
Bad Hombre,,"5th September, 2017",Arlington Derby Avengers,,United States
Bad Horse,777,"12th October, 2014",Royal City Royal Girls,,Canada
Bad Influence,56,2010-08-11,Texas Rollergirls,,
Bad Injury,,2007-10-19,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Bad Intentions,97,2009-08-27,Atomic City Roller Girls,,
Bad Intentions,,"5th August, 2017",Cookeville Demolition Dolls,,United States
Bad JU JU,24,"16th May, 2017",Capital City Crushers,,United States
Bad Jazzy,1701,"2nd February, 2014",Foothills Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Bad Jelly,555,2008-05-21,Pirate City Rollers,,
Bad Jinx,87,"26th March, 2015",Chaos Crushers Coblenz,,Germany
Bad JuJu,050,"22nd May, 2015",Rockin' City Rollergirls,,United States
Bad JuJu,777,"25th April, 2017",Auburn Gold Diggers,,United States
Bad JuJu,74,,Memphis Roller Derby,,
Bad JuJu,71,"9th March, 2014",HBRD,,New Zealand
Bad Juju,999,"7th March, 2018",Columbia Junior Rollers,,United States
Bad Juju,74,"20th January, 2014",Memphis Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Juju,88,"21st January, 2014",Hooligans Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Karma,2112,"3rd August, 2016",Auburn Gold Diggers,,United States
Bad Karma Dharma,10+1,2009-09-24,Junction City Roller Dolls,,
Bad Kimestry,101,2007-03-03,NorCal Rollergirls,,
Bad Kitten,07,"17th January, 2017",Lion Girls Roller Derby Leon,,Spain
Bad Kitty,2000,2010-08-13,Van Diemen Rollers,,
Bad Kitty,14,"20th January, 2014",The Norfolk Brawds,,United Kingdom
Bad L. Fury,33 1/3,2012-04-26,Rollergirls In Pagosa (R.I.P.),,
Bad Lady,53,2008-03-11,Fairbanks Rollergirls,,
Bad Lattitude,58*N,2011-12-31,Rock Island Rollers,,
Bad Leone,,"29th May, 2020",,,United Kingdom
Bad Lil' Boo,,2009-07-15,Undead Bettys,,
Bad Luck,13,"17th July, 2015",Cape Town Mens Derby,,South Africa
Bad Luck Baby,,"24th June, 2020",Rock Coast Rollers,,United States
Bad Luck Betty,,2009-04-01,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Bad Luck Charm,357,2008-03-14,Fox Cityz Foxz,,
Bad Lux,138,"21st January, 2014",San Fernando Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Madditude,84,"25th September, 2017",Border City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bad Mama Jama,27,"20th July, 2015",Heavy ArmHER Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Mamma Jamma,,2009-11-05,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Bad Mamma Johna,,,Renegade Rollergirls (AZ),,
Bad Manager,2010,"21st November, 2015",DEVIL STATE DERBY LEAGUE,,Australia
Bad Manders,2405,"20th January, 2014",Bairn City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bad Medi Zen,42,"11th March, 2016",Orange County Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Medicine,48,2008-02-21,M.I.A. Derby Girls,,
Bad Milk,93,"21st January, 2014",Spa Town Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bad Mo Flo,2 Low,2009-12-17,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Bad Momma,33,"23rd January, 2014",Floodwater,,United States
Bad Monkey,1973,2012-01-13,Med City Mafia,,
Bad Mood Rising,REF,"18th August, 2016",Roller Derby Le Havre,,France
Bad Mopy,45,2011-04-14,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Bad Mother,1,2011-06-19,Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,
Bad Mother,010,"8th September, 2014",B.C. Rollers,,United States
Bad Mother,2204,"17th July, 2016",Blue Mountains Roller Derby League,,Australia
Bad News Baca,99,"23rd March, 2017",Junction City Roller Dolls,,United States
Bad News Barbie,101,2011-04-04,Nidaros Roller Derby,,
Bad News Baroness,76,2008-11-07,Nashville Rollergirls,,
Bad News Bear,31,"21st January, 2014",Worcester Roller Derby,,United States
Bad News Bella,14,"20th July, 2014",Rhein Neckar Delta quads,,Germany
Bad News Betty,27,2011-03-17,Cal Skate Roller Derby,,
Bad News Betty,#27,"20th February, 2015",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Bad News Blockovich,817,2011-10-08,Dundee Roller Girls,,
Bad News Booty,30,"22nd November, 2016",Roughneck Roller Derby,,United States
Bad News Brown,1981,"26th January, 2015",Deathrow Hull,,United Kingdom
Bad News Bruise,,"5th November, 2015",Green Mountain Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Omen,999,2007-02-27,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Bad Penny,1 cent,,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Bad Perdita,7,2012-02-14,Zombie Rollergirls,,
Bad Person,55,2009-12-31,Boston Derby Dames,,
Bad Pitt,REF,2007-11-11,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Bad Plan,11,2011-01-06,Dom City Dolls,,
Bad Plan,11,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Bad Press,403,2011-07-12,Borderland Roller Derby,,
Bad Princess,6665,"10th March, 2014",DRRD,,Canada
Bad Princess,,2011-10-11,Kingston Derby Girls,,
Bad Rabbit,00,"30th January, 2019",,,United States
Bad Ref.utation,,2006-06-25,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
Bad Relijen,73,2011-06-15,Hellfire Harlots,,
Bad Reputation,,"19th September, 2014",Association Rouen Roller Derby (ARRD),,France
Bad Request,400,2011-06-23,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Bad Rhi-ality,,2012-06-02,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Bad Roll-mance,48,2011-04-28,Undead Bettys,,
Bad Romantic,69,2010-02-08,Second City Roller Bullies,,
Bad Rx,78,"1st March, 2015",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Santa,32,2011-12-04,Copenhagen roller derby,,
Bad Seed,84,"26th March, 2015",Blackpool Roller Derby League,,United Kingdom
Bad Seed,2,2006-09-21,DC Rollergirls,,
Bad Sushi,241,2010-10-19,Ark Valley High Rollers,,
Bad Teacher,3,2011-07-31,Pink Peril Roller Derby,,
Bad Temp-Her,34D,2011-04-05,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Bad Temper Alli,7-25,2009-04-30,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Bad Toubab,76,"12th October, 2015",HEAD HUNTERS - ASPTT NARBONNE,,France
Bad Trip,47,"6th November, 2015",Evolution Rollerderby,,United Kingdom
Bad Vibrations,113,"5th January, 2015",Nor Cal Roller Girls,,United States
Bad Weasel,35,"20th July, 2015",Paris Roller Girls,,France
Bad Wolf,K9,"28th September, 2014",Roller Derby Karlsruhe,,Germany
Bad Wolf,42,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Bad Wolf,1019,"29th July, 2015",Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,United States
Bad Wolf,826,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Bad Wolf,,"21st January, 2014",Portland Renegade Roller Derby,,United States
Bad Wolf,299,"21st January, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Bad Wolf,301,"12th May, 2015",The Parliament of Pain The Hague roller derby,,Netherlands
Bad Wolf,<3<3,2011-05-10,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Bad girl,37,"14th May, 2015",Deskarriadas roller derby,,Chile
Bad in Plaid,1-2-8,2009-02-01,Man's Ruin Roller Derby,,
Bad news b'erin,30,2011-03-19,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
Bad to the Bonita,2,5/12/12,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Bad'Ass Kitty,76,"13th October, 2015",Rocket Dolls Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
"Bad, Bad Lexy Brown",02,2011-04-13,Monashee Roller Girls,,
Bad-Elle Royale,11,"21st February, 2014",The Fraternity of Rogue Skaters,,United Kingdom
Bad-Elle Royale,11,2009-11-27,Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,
Bad-Weather Heather,63,2007-02-05,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Bad-assen,455,2011-08-20,No Coast Derby Girls,,
BadAZZ Mother Cutter,11D2,"21st January, 2014",Jazz City Dire Skates,,United States
BadAsh,11,"10th April, 2014",BRDL,,Canada
BadAsh Booher,B00,"23rd January, 2014",Classic City Rollergirls,,United States
BadAss ACE,9,2008-04-29,Sioux City Roller Dames,,
BadAss Baby,102,2011-11-14,Arctic Roller Derby,,
BadAss Bruise Her,914th,2011-08-23,Rockin' Rural Roller Girls,,
BadAss Lass,518,"29th April, 2014",Berkshire Band-Itz Roller Derby,,United States
BadAss Lass,518,2009-04-15,Pittsfield Panty Raid Roller Derby,,
BadMotorFinger,27,2011-03-29,Hawkesbury/Hills Area Roller Derby,,
BadTess,080,"4th September, 2015",Roadkill rollers,,Netherlands
BadZillAss,73,2011-12-04,Copenhagen roller derby,,
Bada Bing Bada Boom,15,2010-02-15,Duke City Derby (Taos),,
Bada Bing King,33,2010-03-01,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Badaboom Box,800M,"10th March, 2015",Mad Rollin' Dolls,,United States
Badam,42,"21st January, 2014",Tyne and Fear,,United Kingdom
Badass Babs,,2011-10-05,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Badass Babuska,13,2011-10-18,LuleΠRoller Derby,,
Badass Barbie,,"21st January, 2014",Capital City Rollers,,Canada
Badass Maggie,1209,2011-02-07,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Badassaraba,REF,2012-04-01,NorSask Roller Derby,,
Badbushka,27,2011-07-28,Blue Mountains Roller Derby,,
Badd Mudda Trucka,96 Beers,2007-06-16,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Badda Doom,187,2011-07-01,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Baddie Cake,786,"9th March, 2015",Rocky View Rollers,,Canada
Baddie Issues,,"3rd September, 2020",Derby City Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Baddie Long Legs,36,"20th January, 2014",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Baddie Long Legs,"36""","21st January, 2014",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Baddkompany,187,2009-11-30,Single Handed Roller Derby,,
Baddy Long Legs,55,2010-06-28,Otautahi Roller Derby,,
Baddy Long-Legs,55,"22nd January, 2014",Dead End Derby,,New Zealand
Badeline Kahn,Staff,2011-02-07,Race City Rebels Roller Derby,,
Badger Badger,Ti22,"9th July, 2014",Oil City Derby Girls,,Canada
Badger Hyde,42,"4th December, 2018",Jackson Hole Juggernauts,,United States
Badger to the Bone,,2011-12-07,Windy City Rollers,,
BadgerBadger,64,"28th January, 2014",Malmö Royal Rollerderby,,Sweden
Badgerspit,l33t,"16th December, 2019",Deadly Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Badgirl,14,"23rd May, 2015",Indómitas roller derby,,Argentina
Badgirl Bubby,75,2009-11-18,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Badkimestry,101,"24th January, 2014",Viva Roller Derby,,United States
Badlicous,18,2011-07-10,Bad Bunny Roller Menen,,
Badluck Schleprock,13,2011-08-02,Unforgiven Roller Girls,,
Badmoon Risner,25:17,2009-08-07,South Bay Derby Mizfitz,,
Badness,11,"24th November, 2018",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Badonka BOOM!,36.24.36,"22nd January, 2014",Dead Girl Derby KC,,United States
Badonka Bam,86,2010-02-18,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Badonka-konk,,"5th October, 2017",,,United States
Badtaste,13,"13th April, 2017",Little apple derby dolls,,United States
Bady Two-Shoes,13,"19th December, 2014",Maniac Monsters Mainz,,Germany
Bae Harbor Butcher,415,"13th November, 2019",,,United States
Bae O' Wulf,,"28th June, 2018",,,United States
Bae Stormy,,"15th May, 2017",Roller Derby 72,,France
Bae Toven,1770,"11th February, 2017",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Baga whips,1.40,"6th November, 2021",Wakey Wheeled Cats,,United Kingdom
Bagarella,25,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
BagelHot,00,2009-07-26,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Bagheera,33,"31st August, 2015",,,Argentina
Bagzilla,7,2011-05-23,Southern Utah Derby,,
Bahama Yo Mama,88,"11th March, 2017",,,United States
Bahr Fight,77,"22nd January, 2014",Sac City Rollers,,United States
Bahr Fly,NSO,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Bahrbarian,,"9th February, 2018",Rolla Rockets,,United States
Bail-Out,55,"20th November, 2017",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Bailey BrawlR,99,"7th July, 2014",Grand Junction Roller Girls,,United States
Bailey BrawlR,.38spc,2010-08-02,Grand Junction Roller Girls,,
Bailey Bruiser,,"30th August, 2017",,,Canada
Bailey's Comet,1622,"21st January, 2014",Richter City Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Bailey's Irish,7,2012-06-13,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
Baileys Comet,2701,2011-08-31,Maui Rollergirls,,
Baileys Irish Scream,55,"21st January, 2014",Independent,,United States
Baileys Irish Scream,55,2012-01-09,Ring City Rollergirls,,
Baillerina,506,2011-05-06,Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,
Bait-n-Switch,1111,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Bajagitty Ann,1331,2010-12-07,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Bake 'N' Destroy,C4K3,"14th February, 2014",Surrey Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Bake Nskate,,2011-05-13,Mountain Gateway Sisterhood of Steel,,
Baked Alaska,,2010-04-25,Duke City Derby,,
Baked Beanz,,2010-10-26,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Baker Acted,350,"21st July, 2015",Palm Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Baker Babe,13,"23rd January, 2014",Belleville Roller Derby,,Canada
Baker Breakher,,2008-06-16,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Baker's Shovin',13,"21st February, 2015",Blackpool roller derby league,,United Kingdom
Bakeracted,350*,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Bakin' Bad,1337,"21st January, 2014",Aire Force One,,United Kingdom
Bako Bumpin Krissy,43,2009-07-07,Bakersfield Rollergirls,,
Baks Treat,1224,2011-11-13,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Bala Perdida,15,"22nd January, 2018",As Brigantias,,Spain
Bala-Reina,905,2011-03-13,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Bala~Ryna BaKbrAker,,2010-05-24,Skee Town Skirtz,,
Balboa's Bitch,10,2011-02-06,Loco Roller Derby,,
Bald Bastard,429,2011-08-31,Rockcity Rollers,,
Bald Ego,393,"19th May, 2017",,,Canada
Bald Evil,,2012-02-13,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Bald Kegel,15,"21st July, 2018",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
Bald Piggy,.2u,"14th April, 2014",Wine Town Rollers,,United States
Baldie locks,3bears,"17th December, 2014",Dorset Knobs,,United Kingdom
Baldilocks,1980,"24th November, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bali Hai Bomb,,2009-08-05,Kauai Derby Divas,,
Balicarmen,11,2011-07-02,Metropolitan Roller Derby,,
Balistika,O43O,2010-09-14,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
Baliztic Bulldog,4,"15th June, 2017",NJRD,,United States
Balkan X,78,"23rd January, 2014",Portland Mens Roller Derby,,United States
Ball B'Erin,47,"22nd March, 2019",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Ball Baron,d20,2006-06-01,Dead City Rollers,,
Ball Blake'Her,44,"21st January, 2014",Coastal knockouts (CKO),,Australia
Ball Bustin Blondie,9MM,2010-07-26,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Ball Bustin' Bruin,REF,2010-12-07,Snake Pit Derby Dames,,
Ball N. Chain,213,2010-05-27,Blackwater Rollers,,
Ball Zach,29,2011-06-30,"Quadfathers, The",,
BallSack Betty,4,"27th May, 2020",Gallatin Roller Derby,,United States
Ballance of Power,77,"14th May, 2014",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Ballbarian Buster,00,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Ballbreaker Becky,3,2008-01-02,Pacific Roller Derby,,
Ballbuster Keaton,,"11th July, 2016",,,United States
BalleReamYa Barbie,22,2011-01-29,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Ballereaper,666,"22nd June, 2016",Blue mountains roller derby league,,Australia
Ballerinka Barbie,728,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Ballista Blockheart,,2009-02-11,Carolina Rollergirls,,
Ballista Blockheart,67,"20th January, 2014",Camel City Thrashers,,United States
Ballisti Kat,83,2009-02-19,Spokane's Outlawed Roller Derby,,
Ballistic Betty,,2010-06-04,Eerie Roller Girls,,
Ballistic Binty,,2011-06-29,North Coast Nightmares,,
Ballistic Bomber,B50,2011-06-16,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Ballistic Miss L,720,2007-08-15,Pair 'O Dice City Derby,,
Ballistic Tendencies,42,"21st March, 2015",Cape Cod Roller Derby,,United States
Ballistic Whistle,20,2007-02-05,London Rollergirls,,
BallisticOreo,,"24th August, 2018",Cape Fear Roller Girls - Referee,,United States
Ballistyk Barbie,3,"20th April, 2015",,,United States
Balliztic,9.8,"15th May, 2017",NJRD,,United States
Balls,42,"25th January, 2017",Scarborough slammers,,United Kingdom
Balls to the Walberg,b4lls,2010-08-06,North Star Roller Girls,,
Balls-Out Betty,7,,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
Ballsley Deep,Ref,2012-03-18,JBLM Bettie Brigade,,
Ballsy brunette,,"29th May, 2014",Durham city rolling angels,,United Kingdom
Ballzonya,0-0,2011-03-21,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
Ballzy Malzy,3,"7th October, 2016",Montreal Roller Derby,,Canada
Balrog,10,"12th September, 2018",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Baltic Basterd,308,"7th February, 2014",H.O.S.S.A.,,Germany
Baltic Punch,55,2010-11-23,Harbor Girls e.V.,,
Baltic Queen,1725,"15th April, 2015",Otautahi Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Balzac,566,"6th February, 2017",Heartland Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Bam B Smears,02,2011-03-03,McLean County MissFits,,
Bam BaLam,DJ,2009-02-10,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Bam Bam,89,"28th January, 2014",Whakatane Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Bam Bam,25,"28th February, 2014",Auburn Outlaws Roller Derby,,United States
Bam Bam Bambi,11,2010-01-19,Barockcity Rollerderby,,
Bam Bam Bash-her,,2010-04-13,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Bam Bam Belial,29,2009-09-22,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Bam Bam Bigelow,26,2011-04-28,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Bam Bam Block-Her,143,2009-12-08,West Texas Roller Dollz,,
Bam Bam Bone-Z,,2006-03-04,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Bam Bam Boom,0TT,"17th October, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bam Bam Boomer,,,Chi*Town Sirens Roller Derby,,
Bam Bam Brawler,777,2010-02-23,RockTown Rollers,,
Bam Bam Hot Damn,13 13,2010-04-15,Providence Roller Derby,,
Bam Bam McCha-Cha,37,,Dominion Derby Girls,,
Bam Bam McGee,43,2011-06-16,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bam Bam Rebel,9,"22nd March, 2015",Mouse River Rollers,,United States
Bam Bam Rebel,8,"2nd September, 2019",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Bam Bam Thunderjam,54,2009-11-16,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Bam Bam Tiffalo,105,2011-01-02,M.I.A. Derby Girls,,
Bam Bee,,"1st May, 2018",Pcdd,,United States
Bam Beesly,122,"10th March, 2018",High Altitude Roller Derby,,United States
Bam BooHoo,69,2010-07-09,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Bam Marjillra,129,"24th January, 2014",Gawler Roller Derby League,,Australia
Bam Solo,47,"2nd April, 2017",Durham City Rolling Angels,,United Kingdom
Bam Taylor-Wood,22,"21st January, 2014",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
Bam Taylor-Wood,22,2010-04-27,Arnhem Fallen Angels,,
Bam Wow,69,2010-01-21,Dirty Verde Roller Derby,,
Bam o' Shanter,8,"2nd March, 2020",,,United Kingdom
Bam!- Deerest,33,2010-11-22,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Bam!Bi,10,"27th February, 2018",Poison Apples Derby,,United States
Bam-Bam,60,"6th April, 2016",,,United States
Bam-Bam,10,"3rd April, 2014",Tenerife Roller Derby,,Spain
Bam-Bam A Go-Go,'73,2008-07-31,Illinois Derby,,
Bam-zilla,412,2010-09-28,Snake Pit Derby Dames,,
Bam.beast,148,"7th May, 2014",Meatgrinders Bremen,,Germany
BamBam,77,2007-02-07,Derby City Roller Girls,,
BamBam,22,"17th May, 2015",,,United Kingdom
BamBam,,"22nd April, 2015",,,United States
BamBam Black,13,"3rd April, 2014",,,Australia
BamBam BootySlam,XOXO,"21st January, 2014",Undead Bettys Roller Derby,,United States
BamBam BootySlam,X0X0,2011-11-20,Undead Bettys,,
BamBamBoo,05,"26th January, 2016",Surrey roller girls,,United Kingdom
BamBee,12,"29th July, 2014",Rum city rink rats,,Australia
BamBruiz'Er,,"19th December, 2014",Ark Valley High Rollers,,United States
Bama Bangher,22,2011-02-14,Hurricane Honyiez,,
Bama Banshee,,2012-03-27,Lilac City Rollergirls,,
Bama Basher,911,2012-03-14,River Regions RollerGirls,,
Bama Basher,911,"20th January, 2014",Capital City Rollin Rebels,,United States
Bama Brewser,86,2006-05-16,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Bama Hamma,328,"4th August, 2017",Bombers,,United States
Bama Slamma,55,"4th August, 2015",South Jersey Roller Derby,,United States
Bamabell,1963,2011-04-03,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Bamazon Warrior,407,"23rd October, 2018",Milton Keynes Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bamb'hit,,"19th September, 2018",,,France
Bambam Ali,159,"24th January, 2014",WestSide Derby Dollz,,Australia
Bambamsam,,2010-09-17,Sun State Roller Girls,,
Bambara,360,"23rd February, 2017",Rock and roller queens,,Colombia
Bamber,88,"7th July, 2015",,,United States
Bambi,11,"29th June, 2014",The Rolling Valkyries,,United Kingdom
Bambi,,2008-05-13,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Bambi Ann Thump Her,85,2011-08-02,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Bambi Beat 'em Up,<3,"20th January, 2014",Cologne Roller Derby,,Germany
Bambi Beat Down,F34R,2011-11-12,Inland Empire Derby Divas,,
Bambi Bedlam,22,"21st January, 2014",Chesterfield Roller Derby Team,,United Kingdom
Bambi Blackheart,1918,5/10/12,W.A. Roller Derby,,
Bambi Blackout,9,2010-06-03,Central Vermont Roller Derby,,
Bambi Blockbuster,42,"10th July, 2014",Suck City Rock 'n Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
Bambi Bloodlust,16 oz,2012-03-12,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Bambi Bloodlust,16,"21st January, 2014",Prairieland Punishers,,United States
Bambi Bombshell,00,"12th March, 2015",Bone Breakin Kittens,,Germany
Bambi Boozled,40,"4th April, 2014",Hel'z Belles,,United States
Bambi Boozled,40,2012-02-01,Hel'z Belles,,
Bambi Bray,21,2010-09-02,Rebel County Rollers,,
Bambi Bruiser,11,2012-04-22,New Jersey Roller Derby,,
Bambi CrushBone,13,2009-11-14,Helsinki Roller Derby,,
Bambi Deerdevil,11,"12th April, 2018",Roller Derby Brno Freakshow,,Czech Republic
Bambi Dextrous,XJ4.0,2011-01-12,City of Fists Rollergirls,,
Bambi Dextrous,313,"29th May, 2015",WA Roller Derby,,Australia
Bambi Hunter,88,"16th May, 2019",709 Roller Derby,,Canada
Bambi Kill,50,2012-03-14,Di-Dollz Roller Derby,,
Bambi Kill'Her,# 13,"2nd May, 2014",RDBC,,France
Bambi Killer,11,"14th April, 2014",Black Thunders Derby Dames (Madrid),,Spain
Bambi L. Zebub,809,"21st January, 2014",DuPage Derby Dames,,United States
Bambi Lance,5446,2009-02-15,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Bambi Lance,,,,,
Bambi Romano,Coach,2011-01-02,Fog City Rollers,,
Bambi ThumpHer,,,,,
Bambi Von Hell,,2010-09-17,Sun State Roller Girls,,
Bambi in the Headlights,F34R,"3rd February, 2014",OC Roller Girls,,United States
Bambi on Ice,11,2010-11-24,Rotterdam Death Row Honeys,,
Bambi on ice,128,"24th July, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Bambi von Doom,D00M,2010-08-31,Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,
Bambi von Smash'er,411,2008-12-09,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Bambi's Revenge,42,2007-11-11,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Bambi. thumpHer,1942,2011-08-29,South Sea Roller Derby,,
BambiBomber,1983,2010-04-21,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
BambiVicious,396,2011-12-04,Copenhagen roller derby,,
Bambidextrous,23,"26th November, 2017",Miltonkeynes roller derby,,United Kingdom
Bambina,555,2012-04-30,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Bambino,212,"3rd July, 2017",Newcastle Roller Derby League,,Australia
Bambino,81,"12th March, 2018",Foothill Foxy Flyers,,United States
Bambitch,12,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
Bambix,76,2012-02-04,BlackLand Rockin'K-Rollers,,
Bambo,44,"19th August, 2015",Ayrshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bambolina,M-16,2011-08-10,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Bamboo,8,2012-01-12,Parliament of Pain,,
Bamboo-zel,1409,"16th January, 2020",Border City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bambootie,008,2011-07-18,Echo City Knockouts,,
Bamboozle,22,"19th November, 2021",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Bamboozler,31,2009-01-14,KC Roller Warriors,,
Bambule,66,2010-05-19,Bear City Roller Derby,,
Bamcat,2112,"20th January, 2014",Bay State Brawlers,,United States
Bamf,92,"28th September, 2017",Deathrow Hull,,United Kingdom
Bamm Bamm BJ,,2008-03-05,Oil City Derby Girls,,
Bamm Bamm Brewskie,40oz,2007-08-16,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Bammer,24,2012-01-15,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
Bammy Zuko,1138,"16th November, 2014",Fierce Valley Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bampf!,10,2011-06-24,Los Alamos Derby Dames,,
Bamzoni,7805,"8th May, 2018",Durham Region Roller Derby,,Canada
BanHammer,Blb1,"10th November, 2016",Cruel Ducks Pau,,France
BanShe,Staff,2010-09-01,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Banan-a-rammer,83,2007-01-01,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Banana Bam Cakes,j_,2010-08-17,Morgantown Roller Vixens,,
Banana Bazooka,,"6th April, 2016",Maui Meaniehune Jr. Roller Derby,,United States
Banana Berserker,138,"27th September, 2016",Västerås Roller Derby,,Sweden
Banana Havoc,612,2011-12-31,MTL Roller Derby,,
Banana Kamikaze,8,"21st April, 2017",Rayo Dockers Valencia Roller Derby,,Spain
Banana Ram'Her,83,2007-07-14,Rolling Hills Derby Dames,,
Banana RamHer,80085,"22nd November, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Banana Rammer,83,"22nd May, 2015",,,United States
Banana Sassin,213,"29th December, 2015",Garden State Rollergirls,,United States
Banana Skid,123,"16th March, 2019",Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,Sweden
Banana Slam Her,,2012-01-08,CT Rollergirls,,
Banana Slamcakes,182,2011-08-31,Maui Rollergirls,,
Banana Split Lip,2,"21st January, 2014",Confluence Crush Roller Derby,,United States
Banana Split Lip,,2008-03-14,Cornfluence Crush Derby,,
Banana Splitter,525,"2nd April, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Banana Splitz,137,"17th February, 2018",Doonhame Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Banana Splitz,2,2010-11-30,Illinois Valley Vixens,,
Banana Squashimoto,,5/8/12,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
Bananarchy,84,2011-05-02,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Bananna Slugger,16.5cm/min,2012-01-06,Humboldt Roller Derby,,
Band-Aid,316,"3rd August, 2015",New Hampshire Roller Derby,,United States
Bandage Girl,123,"26th November, 2018",Velvet Owls,,France
Bandana Bandit,007,"20th March, 2014",Toowoomba City Rollers,,Australia
Bandana Split,710,"24th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Bandersnatch,,"2nd April, 2014",High Tide Roller Derby,,United States
Bandersnatch,9,2009-01-16,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Bandida,1337,"7th August, 2015",Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,United States
Bandit,7,"12th August, 2014",Mansfield Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bandit Angel,18,"6th February, 2014",Echo City Knockouts,,United States
Bandit Monkey,,"23rd November, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bandit Queen,3,2012-04-16,Aarhus Derby Danes,,
Bandit San Vicente,66,2007-08-01,Orange County Roller Girls,,
"Bandit, The",10-4,,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Bandita,138,"24th January, 2014",Cape Cod Roller Derby,,United States
Bandita La Bruise,5446,2009-04-22,Heart of Appalachia Roller Derby,,
Bandita Von Tease,40V,2008-10-20,Rated PG Rollergirls,,
Bandolero cal,45,"25th September, 2016",Demonios Volcanicos,,Chile
Bandsaw Betty,101,2010-11-29,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Bandy Da Bout,3-22-19,"31st January, 2020",,,United States
Bandysnatch,19,2012-02-20,Santiago Roller Derby,,
Bane-Ana,1B,2007-05-07,New York Shock Exchange,,
Baneberry,37,2012-04-14,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Bang Bang,84NG,"21st January, 2014",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bang Bang,7,"23rd May, 2016",Heavy ArmHer Roller Derby,,United States
Bang Bang Barbie,309,2010-04-19,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Bang Bang Betty,79,2011-11-11,Blue Mountains Roller Derby,,
Bang Bang Boogie,9,"20th January, 2014",Los Coños - Hamilton,,Canada
Bang Bang Kapow Kapow,99,2009-06-25,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Bang Bang LaDesh,57,2006-03-07,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
Bang Bang Lou Lou,4B2,"24th January, 2014",Gold City Rollers,,Australia
Bang Bang LouLou,4B2,2011-08-01,W.A. Roller Derby,,
Bang Crosby,1954,"21st January, 2014",Big Easy Rollergirls,,United States
Bang Crosby,1954,2008-03-29,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
Bang Errrs,,"19th July, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bang Her Rang,904,"9th September, 2015",,,United States
Bang Splat,,"25th May, 2015",WA Roller Derby,,Australia
Bang Splat,2782,2011-08-01,W.A. Roller Derby,,
Bang Tiny,4,"21st January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bang'em Langham,376,2011-01-13,MTL Roller Derby,,
Bang'n Lyca,808,5/6/12,Oxford Roller Derby,,
Bang-a-Rang Faye,2.10,2011-05-19,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Bang-her n smash,,"10th January, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Bang-on,10,2011-03-18,Ume Radical Rollers,,
BangCock Dangerous,23,"11th February, 2015",RiverCity Dames of Anarchy,,United States
BangCock Dangerous,23,"13th January, 2016",River City Dames of Anarchy,,United States
BangHer Hard,+1,2009-02-16,Sun City Roller Girls,,
Bangarang,4+2,"21st January, 2014",Blacksnake Roller Girls,,United States
Bangarang,713,"6th July, 2018",Chattanooga Roller Girls,,United States
Bangarang Blonde,408,"21st January, 2015",Kitchener LOCO,,Canada
Bangarang Rufio,0,"22nd January, 2014",Tallahassee Rollergirls,,United States
Bangarella,4711,2011-05-17,Bear City Roller Derby,,
Bangerang Bambi,73,2011-01-14,Snake Pit Derby Dames,,
Bangers,,"8th December, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Bangers & Smash,H8R,"24th January, 2014",Tournament City Derby Dolls,,Canada
Bangers 'N' SMASH,74,"20th January, 2014",Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,United States
Bangers 'N' SMASH,0y,2011-01-20,Missile Mountain Roller Derby,,
Bangers 'n' smash,21,"8th February, 2014",North east roller derby,,Australia
Bangers and Smash,27/3,2011-05-20,Furness Firecrackers,,
Bangers n Crash,02,"27th January, 2014",Dorset Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bangerz,4,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bangerz,4,"21st January, 2014",Evolution,,United Kingdom
Bangerz N Smash,150,"21st January, 2014",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Bangin' Bailey,514,"16th February, 2015",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Bangin' Mama Betty,Staff,2010-03-16,Lakeland Derby Dames,,
Bangkok Blondie,007,2010-10-28,Three Rivers Roller Derby,,
Bangover,85C,2012-03-19,Dom City Dolls,,
Bangs McCoy,22,2009-01-07,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Bangshee Bones,212,"21st September, 2014",Boomtown Rollers,,Ireland
Banguerang,2012,2010-12-02,MTL Roller Derby,,
Bangus Young,8008,2010-11-04,Winnipeg Roller Derby,,
Banian Basher,77,2010-11-30,Illinois Valley Vixens,,
Banjo Patti,p471,2012-04-14,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Banjo PounderHer Some,p471,"23rd January, 2014",South Seas Roller Derby,,Australia
Bank Roll,10K,2009-07-28,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Banks Boy,22,2010-03-15,Tulsa Derby League,,
Banned 4 Life,,2011-06-17,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Banned Aid,777,2010-11-14,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Banned Anna,713,"10th October, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Bannock Slap,350,2009-09-25,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Banshee,92,"21st January, 2014",Boom Town Derby Dames,,United States
Banshee,,"4th July, 2019",Rolla Rockets,,United States
Banshee,030,"2nd October, 2017",ORDL,,New Zealand
Banshee,36,"31st May, 2016",DDRD,,United States
Banshee Bar Brawler,C8,2011-04-13,Oil City Derby Girls,,
Banshee Barbrawler,C8,"2nd March, 2014",Hwy 14 Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Banshee Bombshell,52,"4th August, 2015",Badfish Roller Derby,,United States
Banshee Bombshell,41,"26th May, 2016",,,United States
Banshee Booker,,"19th October, 2016",,,United States
Banshee Got Back,88,2011-03-20,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Banshee Killdare,1923,2012-04-09,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Banshee Recital,98,2007-09-30,Derby Revolution of Bakersfield,,
BansheeBoom,36,"12th February, 2017",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Bantam Phantom,19,"17th December, 2018",Seattle Derby Brats,,United States
Banzai Becks,333,2010-07-09,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Banzai Buffy,,2012-02-13,Dakota City Demolition Crew,,
Banzai Buttercup,8,"21st January, 2014",Rock Island Rollers,,United States
Banzai!,408,2010-11-05,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Bar Belle,20.4 kilos/45 lbs,2009-07-03,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Bar Brawl Walters,,2009-01-18,Calgary Roller Derby Association,,
Bar Fight Barbie,1006,2010-09-24,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Bar Scar Sally,13,2006-11-26,Winnipeg Roller Derby,,
BarCode,REF,2010-11-09,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
BarFly,LXXXVI,2006-06-07,Rose City Rollers,,
BarKnuckle Bill,NSO 0,"10th March, 2014",Long Island Roller Rebels,,United States
Baragouine,420,"16th September, 2019",Roller Derby Rennes,,France
Barakuda,88,"12th June, 2020",Vratislavia MadChix Roller Squad,,Poland
Barb Barian,,"10th September, 2021",,,United States
Barb Dwyer,33rpm,2010-02-20,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Barb Dwyer,203,"21st June, 2017",Inland Empire Derby Divas,,United States
Barb Elle,68,"15th October, 2016",Mad Wreckin Dolls,,United States
Barb Gnarley,74,"31st May, 2016",Cape Fear Roller Girls,,United States
Barb Gored'Em,850,"27th February, 2015",Sitka Sound Slayers,,United States
Barb Wire,610,"27th May, 2015",Aalborg Roller Derby,,Denmark
Barb Wired,377,2011-10-02,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Barb Wired,437,"17th January, 2016",Hereford Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Barba Fett,5LV1,2007-07-06,West Kentucky Rockin Rollers,,
Barbaboob's,13,"9th December, 2018",PsykoQuad's,,France
Barbae,53,"15th March, 2018",Drrd,,Canada
Barbalicious,1337,2006-09-21,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Barbara AmBush,1600,2007-04-08,Texas Rollergirls,,
Barbara Barfight,101,2011-09-29,Crime City Rollers,,
Barbara Bomb,86,"15th July, 2016",Mine Monsters Oberhausen,,Germany
Barbara Brawlters,,2010-10-14,Windy City Rollers,,
Barbara Bullett,,2012-01-17,Rose City Rollers,,
Barbara Bushwhacker,27,"22nd January, 2014",Hard Knox Roller Girls,,United States
Barbara Bushwhacker,27,2006-06-01,Hard Knox Roller Derby,,
Barbara Butch,M0F0,2011-05-08,Chicago Outfit,,
Barbara Coa,140lbs,,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Barbara Cuda,972,"17th December, 2018",Roller Derby Bordeaux Club,,France
Barbara Felldown,99,"29th March, 2021",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
Barbara Gore-ton,Iss.#359,2011-03-10,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Barbara Goredon,359,"17th February, 2014",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
Barbara Slamwyck,REF,2012-04-21,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Barbara Sparadrap,911,2011-12-01,Switchblade RollerGrrrls,,
Barbarella,66,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Barbarian Barbie,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Barbarian Librarian,020.92,2007-07-22,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Barbarian Librarian,0209,"21st January, 2014",Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,United States
Barbarian Princess,1.618,"8th May, 2015",Blueridge Rollergirls,,United States
Barbariane of El,11,2011-11-12,Dieppe Roller Derby,,
Barbaric Acid,150,"2nd April, 2015",Bristol Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Barbaric Fairy,46,2011-06-06,Dead End Derby,,
Barbarie,105,"25th May, 2018",,,Spain
Barbarie,105,"17th January, 2017",Lion Girls Roller Derby León,,Spain
Barbarolla,404,"20th January, 2014",Dundee Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Barbarryck,0715,"7th January, 2019",Border City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Barbazu,618,"22nd February, 2016",,,Netherlands
Barbe rouste,883,"13th October, 2015",Association rouen roller derby (ARRD),,France
Barbecutioner,19,2012-03-28,Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Girls,,
Barbed Fire,no.8,2011-04-05,Bay City Rollers,,
Barbed Fire,NO8,"22nd January, 2014",Whenua Fatales,,New Zealand
Barbelé,499 daN,2012-01-09,Roller Derby Quebec,,
Barber Chop,17,2010-06-09,Mason Dixon Roller Vixens,,
Barbercidal Betty,,2012-03-29,Tragic City Rollers,,
Barberella,007,"7th July, 2014",Rolling Thunder Dames,,United States
Barberica,708,"5th April, 2017",,,United States
Barberika,× + 1,2007-03-09,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Barberika.,789,2009-03-05,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Barberry,13,2010-08-03,Sugar Loathe Derby Girls,,
Barberry,131,"21st January, 2014",Ladies of HellTown,,Brazil
Barbi Medik,911,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Barbi Slyde,505,2010-02-05,Rogue Roller Derby,,
Barbicidal Maniac,4.5,"21st January, 2014",Oil City Derby Girls,,Canada
Barbicide,187,,Tucson Roller Derby,,
Barbicide Betsey,24,2012-06-11,Saskatoon Roller Derby,,
Barbie Basher,,2009-11-26,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Barbie Basher,44,"21st May, 2014",Viva Roller Derby,,United States
Barbie Basher,59,"20th January, 2014",Junction City Roller Dolls,,United States
Barbie Basher,02,"8th January, 2015",mistresses of mayhem,,United States
Barbie Beatdown,1776,2011-09-04,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Barbie Beretta,45,2011-02-16,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Barbie Biturate,18mg,2008-03-21,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Barbie Blitz,,"4th May, 2015",,,United States
Barbie Bloodshed,,2011-06-09,Vicious Vixens,,
Barbie Bombshell,Perfect 10,2010-04-15,Crossroads City Derby,,
Barbie Bont,99,2011-07-15,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Barbie Boop,555,2006-07-06,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Barbie Brawl,00,"12th August, 2019",Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Barbie Brawl,OO7,,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Barbie Bruiser,88,"29th May, 2014",LKPG Go'Rullaz RDC,,Sweden
Barbie Bruisevelt,666,"14th June, 2018",,,Canada
Barbie Bulletcatcher,15,"20th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Barbie Crash,77,2008-09-25,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Barbie Danger,38DD,2007-02-03,Seatown Sisters of Slant,,
Barbie Fett,,"26th February, 2015",Barbed Wire Betties,,United States
Barbie Fett,1138,"10th March, 2017",Deadly Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Barbie Got Back,230,2007-09-13,Rockford Rage,,
Barbie Grosse Menteuse,5,"20th October, 2016",La Boucherie de Paris,,France
Barbie Hurl,,2010-11-03,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Barbie Kill,19,"13th October, 2017",Iron Ladies Roller Derby Blumenau,,Brazil
Barbie Killer,10,"3rd March, 2014",Rosario Roller Derby,,Argentina
Barbie Killer,420,2011-05-02,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Barbie Maliboobs,18,"24th January, 2014",Complot Derby Club,,Chile
Barbie Mauler,40DD,2010-09-30,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Barbie McAssKICKER,1959,2008-09-08,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Barbie O'Havoc,37,"24th January, 2014",J-Town Roller Girls,,United States
Barbie Q,27,"23rd March, 2017",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Barbie Q,2-3,2006-10-06,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Barbie Schemehouse,54,"21st January, 2014",Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
Barbie Skates,91,5/8/12,South Side Roller Derby,,
Barbie Slayer,188,"22nd January, 2014",Stockholm Roller Derby,,Sweden
Barbie Slayer,188,"27th September, 2016",The Royal Swedish Rollerderby,,Sweden
Barbie Tuerie,28,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
Barbie Turik,17,2011-02-03,2x4 Roller Derby,,
Barbie Turique,1312,"23rd December, 2017",RATM - Men's Roller Derby Arras,,France
Barbie U H8,120,2011-04-14,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Barbie WIRE,212 (degree symbol),2011-09-07,Central California Area Derby,,
Barbie the Barbarian,29,"4th January, 2015",Roadkill Rollers,,Netherlands
Barbie the WildChild,20,2012-01-05,Tulare Roller Derby,,
Barbie'Ture,999,"1st February, 2018",Burning Mussels - Le Havre,,France
Barbie'n Yourface,913,"28th February, 2018",Knee Breakers On Wheels,,France
Barbie*DeaD,88,2012-02-20,Santiago Roller Derby,,
BarbieBlox,343,"17th December, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Barbiegirl,REF,2009-01-07,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
Barbirolla,187,"20th January, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Barbitchuit,,2006-11-30,AK Roller Derby League,,
Barbonic Plague,105,2008-09-28,Rubber City Rollergirls,,
Barbra Booey,LD-50,2011-01-09,DC Rollergirls,,
Barbra-ism,3A35,"12th October, 2014",north cheshire victory rollers,,United Kingdom
Barbrahella on Wheels,88,2008-05-06,Rose City Rollers,,
Barbrarian,11,2010-01-27,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Barbwire,12.5,"20th January, 2014",Dark Horse Roller Derby,,United States
Barbwire Barbie,20,2011-09-01,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Barby Dahl,34-24-34,2010-06-02,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
BarbyLone,26,"12th October, 2017",Les Gueuses de Pigalle,,France
Barbàrie,815,"29th January, 2017",,,Spain
Bard Up,REF,2011-09-08,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Bare Bones,27,2011-01-29,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Bare Knuckle Smack,74,2009-01-23,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Bare Knuckles Brawler,,"25th February, 2015",Northshore Roller Derby,,United States
Bare Thrills,19,"20th January, 2014",Cambridge Rollerbillies,,United Kingdom
Bare-Grillz,1980AD,2011-02-20,Northside Rollers,,
BareLeigh Legal,18,2008-02-14,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Barefoot Banshee,,2009-04-01,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Barefoot Cuntessa,,2009-05-10,Okanagan Derby Girls,,
Bareknuckle Barbie,888,2010-01-16,Sac City Rollers,,
Bareknuckle Fox,,"9th April, 2017",Twin City Knockers,,United States
Barely Legal,,"24th February, 2016",,,United States
Barf Simpson,742,"30th April, 2014",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Barfboy,84RF,2011-04-22,Arnhem Fallen Angels,,
Barfboy,84RF,"21st January, 2014",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
Barge Simpson,56,"22nd January, 2014",Western Sydney Rollers,,Australia
Bargie Gunderson,701,"17th February, 2014",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Barilyn Monroe,94,,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Barium,137.33,2007-11-21,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Barium Bambi,266,"15th July, 2021",Druid City Dames,,United States
Barker,Coach,2010-08-17,South West Sydney Rockets,,
Barker,38,"3rd August, 2015",mount militia derby crew,,New Zealand
Barking Spider,P00T,"20th January, 2014",Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,United States
Barmy Balmford,739,"31st March, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Barnabash,0uch,"20th January, 2014",Tyne and fear,,United Kingdom
Barnes,5,"16th February, 2015",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Barnes & Nail Her,22,"20th January, 2014",Springfield's Queen City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Barnes & NailHer,22,2012-02-10,Springfield's Queen City Roller Derby,,
Barney Rebel,999BC,2010-11-09,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Barney Rumble,,2010-04-09,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Barney Trouble,1984,"14th October, 2014",Nottingham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Barney Trubble,,"21st January, 2014",Copenhagen Roller Derby,,Denmark
Baron Eurchild,,2010-10-03,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Baron Refschild,REF,2012-02-21,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
Baron Von GERSH,0151,"21st January, 2014",Liverpool roller birds,,United Kingdom
Baron von Punchausen,238,2011-02-04,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Baron von Refthofen,80,2010-11-22,Gainesville Roller Rebels,,
Baronella McDread,420,"21st January, 2014",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Baroness A-Bomb,,5/2/12,Flint City Derby Girls,,
Baroness Von Bast,277,2010-11-17,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Baroness Von Bloodshed,0,2011-04-15,Harbour City Rollers,,
Baroness Von Brutal,8669,2012-02-21,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Baroness Von Spike,665,2010-07-15,Royal City Rollergirls,,
Baroness of Riot,10,2011-02-01,Chilli Padi Derby Grrrls,,
Barra Couga,25 & Under,2006-05-13,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Barra-Cute-A,,"7th May, 2015",,,United States
BarraChuba,1 Bite,2010-11-07,Oakland Derby Diamonds,,
Barracuda,5am,"21st January, 2014",Toxic Lima Roller Derby,,Peru
Barracuda,00,,Cincinnati Rollergirls,,
Barracuda,90,"9th March, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
Barracuda Barbie,,"26th February, 2014",ARD,,United States
Barracuda Barbie,69,2008-12-16,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Barracuda Betty,70,2011-06-12,Energetic City Roller Derby,,
Barracuda Blues,5am,5/4/12,Toxic Lima Roller girls,,
Barracuda Bob,REF,2009-06-01,River City Rollergirls,,
Barran Vulcan,,"7th November, 2019",Vienna Roller Derby,,Austria
Barre Belle,1802,"5th August, 2018",Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
Barrelhouse Bessy,10,2007-09-28,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Barrelin' Monroe,10-57,"6th June, 2019","Capital City Roller Girls, JXN, MS",,United States
Barrelin' Monroe,1949,"22nd May, 2015",CoMo Derby Dames,,United States
Barrelin' Monrogue,,"28th April, 2019",,,Australia
Barrellyn Gunhoe,12,2008-07-16,Geelong Roller Derby League,,
Barrelyn Revolver,9,2011-03-27,Black Rose Rollers,,
Barretta,9mm,2012-01-26,Treasure Valley Rollergirls,,
Barricade,911,2010-04-08,Richter City Roller Derby,,
Barrie DeHatchet,"10""",2012-04-10,Hereford Roller Girls,,
Barrie Slamders,20,2011-10-14,Oakland Derby Diamonds,,
Barrier Grief,22,"1st August, 2015",Dorset Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Barrilete Cosmico,,"7th May, 2016",Desalmadas,,Argentina
Barry Fight,1 on 1,2007-11-29,Central City Rollergirls,,
Barry Fight,11,"24th January, 2014",Central City Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Barry Heaver,18,"5th November, 2015",Heart City Sirens,,Sweden
Barry McCaulkener,STAFF,2007-07-16,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Barry Scott,69,"22nd April, 2017",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Barry Tone,,2009-11-24,Diamond State Roller Girls,,
Barry Whiteboy,923,2011-04-23,Shore Points Roller Derby,,
Barry m. Deep,COACH,2011-12-02,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Barry'em,6 ft under,"2nd August, 2014",Humboldt Roller Derby,,United States
Barsebäx,32,"22nd March, 2016",Sundsvall Demolition Rollers,,Sweden
Barsky the Butcher,6049102376,"30th May, 2015",,,Canada
Bart O'Nella,,2010-09-08,Watertown Roller Derby,,
Bartacus,882,"28th February, 2016",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
Barth Nix,95,"11th December, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Barth Vader,37,"14th June, 2016",LOCO,,Canada
Barty Ouch,394,"24th February, 2015",Ayrshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Basement Kat,23,2010-08-10,Light City Derby,,
Basement Staxx,85,2011-02-01,Light City Derby,,
Basement Staxx,85,"24th January, 2014",Murder City Roller Girls,,Australia
Basement Staxx,43,"7th July, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Bash,12,"21st January, 2014",Big bucks high rollers,,United Kingdom
Bash 'Em Babe,518,"11th April, 2021",Soco Derby Dollz,,United States
Bash Bandicoot,419,"23rd October, 2021",Wine Town Rollers,,United States
Bash Bunny,143,"13th October, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Bash Em Rouge,148,2012-03-15,Bexar County Roller Girls,,
Bash Er'in,17,"31st July, 2019",Yorkshire Terrors Junior Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bash Gordon,MI5,2011-09-16,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Bash Her Bones,,2010-03-19,Rose City Rollers,,
Bash N Bolt,3325,"4th April, 2017",Rimutaka Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Bash N Cari,24/7,2010-03-13,Vero Beach Rollergirls,,
Bash N Cari,24/7,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bash N Carrie,55,"27th February, 2014",Conroe Roller Derby,,United States
Bash N Dash,8T,2011-04-07,Ozarks Derby Brigade,,
Bash N. Onya,2,2009-02-17,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Bash Potato,505,"21st March, 2017",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bash Prompt,24,"20th August, 2014",Light City Derby,,Australia
Bash Sheba,71,"19th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Bash Sheba,85,"25th June, 2015",Wasatch Roller Derby,,United States
Bash and Body Works,,"18th January, 2016",,,United States
Bash n Bronco,444,2011-03-16,Rosebud Rebels Roller Derby,,
Bash to the Future,88,"21st January, 2014",Carolina Roller Derby,,United States
Bash'Her Fett,,2010-06-02,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Bash'em Rouge,148,"22nd January, 2014",Bexar County Roller Girls,,United States
Bash'r Fancy N.H.C,7,5-22-12,Golden State Roller Girls,,
Bash'r Fanyc N.H.C.,007,2012-04-20,Golden State Roller Girls,,
Bash-Full,,"4th March, 2015",North Coast Nightmares,,Canada
Bash-Full,613,2007-01-08,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Bash-Her,128,"21st October, 2021",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Bash-full Lee,"6'0""",2012-02-13,Moab Roller Derby,,
BashAss WallopHer,×,2010-12-06,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
BashBunny,143,"26th January, 2014",Wiltshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BashHer Boze,13,"31st May, 2016",Capital City Roller Girls,,United States
Basha,17,"20th October, 2014",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Basha Bloodaxe,947AD,"20th January, 2014",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
Basha Bloodaxe,947AD,2012-01-03,Liverpool Roller Birds,,
Basha Fierce,717,"18th September, 2017",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Basha Fierce 88,88,2012-04-18,Anarchic Die Hard Derby,,
Basha Kneesta,716,"21st January, 2014",Free state roller derby,,United States
Basha ROO,198,"15th November, 2014",Bairns City Rollers,,United Kingdom
BashaBelle,3.147,2009-07-25,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Bashalisk,H155,"9th December, 2017",,,Canada
Bashedy Ann,,2010-06-02,Rose City Rosebuds,,
Bashem' Up Barbie,est. 1959,2008-11-25,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Basher Barbie,1BFF,2009-03-17,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
Basherbel,962,"23rd January, 2014",Twin Towns Derby Brats Inc,,Australia
Bashful,A113,"7th May, 2015",Bristol UK,,United Kingdom
Bashful Babe,,2010-11-03,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Bashful Betty,087,"27th February, 2014",North East Roller Derby,,Australia
Bashfull Bruiser,BFT,2011-03-05,Desert Dolls Roller Derby League,,
Bashie Hedzin,333,2008-02-11,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
Bashin Blondie,12,5/4/12,Zoo City Rollers,,
Bashin Robin,32,"26th March, 2016",Heavy ArmHer,,United States
Bashin Robyns,,2011-08-11,Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,
Bashin' Berserker,83,2010-11-24,Glasgow Roller Girls,,
Bashin' Betty,8,2010-11-08,Whidbey Island Roller Girls,,
Bashin' Binky,111,2006-04-21,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Bashin' Bombshell,21,"23rd June, 2017",Viqueens,,United States
Bashin' Bombshell,4,5/7/12,San Angelo Roller Girls League,,
Bashin' Brownie,83,2012-06-04,Northside Fury Roller Derby,,
Bashing Baby Doll,47,"16th January, 2015",Chick Whips,,United States
Bashing Beautician,0711,"21st January, 2014",Far North Derby,,United States
Bashing Bindy,,2011-10-06,Gas City Roller Derby Association,,
Bashing Skulls,,2011-08-24,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Bashington Bear,58,"21st January, 2014",Leeds Roller Dolls,,United Kingdom
Bashion Queen,,2012-01-08,Kill Devil Derby Brigade,,
Bashley Banks,,2011-09-29,709 Derby Girls,,
Bashley Bashyourfacein,28,2011-05-25,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Bashley Blaze,001,2007-07-17,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Bashley Bones,110,"7th May, 2014",,,United States
Bashley Bruise'Her,34,"16th October, 2015",Dupage Derby Dames,,United States
Bashley Hurtsalot,213,2011-06-20,Fair City Rollers,,
Bashley Juggs,36DD,2006-10-29,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Bashley Olson,82,2006-04-08,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Bashonista,,2010-11-16,Rose City Rollers,,
Bashville,925,"8th May, 2016",Northamptonshire roller derby,,United Kingdom
Bash’er Fierce,21,"2nd May, 2018",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Basil Bloodlust,REF,2011-02-02,Burning River Roller Girls,,
Basil Brush-Off,,,,,
Basket Case Betty,13.7,2010-12-15,Crossroads City Derby,,
Basket casey,213,2011-08-18,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Basketcase,73,"28th January, 2017",Fremont county cherry bombs,,United States
Bass Ackwards,REF,2010-12-12,Mid-State Sisters of Skate,,
Bass Ackwards,321,"21st January, 2014",ACR,,United States
Bass Ackwards,321,"22nd May, 2015",ACR Hunnies,,United States
Bass Ackwards,Ref,"3rd April, 2014",Rusty River Alliance,,Canada
Bass Akwardz,53,"2nd April, 2015",Big River Brawlers Roller Derby,,United States
Bass Invader,,,,,
Bass Invader,215,"21st January, 2014",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Basset Case,610,2011-09-11,Rocktown Rollers,,
Bassline Bolter,1970,"4th April, 2017",Otautahi Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Bastard Amber,,2011-10-12,GTA Rollergirls,,
Bastet,111,"4th May, 2015",Metropolitan Roller Derby Chile,,Chile
Bastet Case,262,"28th November, 2018",CaiRollers,,Egypt
Baston LaGarce,721,"26th January, 2014",Nasty pécheresses Montreuil,,France
Basura Blanca,3.24,2010-02-27,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Bat Cat,,"5th May, 2019",,,United States
Bat Crap Crazy,594,"21st March, 2015",High Tide Roller Derby,,United States
Bat L. Royale,^O^,2008-01-14,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Bat Ma'am,26,"12th February, 2015",Rage City Rollergirls,,United States
Bat Ma'am,26,2012-04-09,Rage City Roller Girls,,
Bat Mangled,13,"8th January, 2016",Van Dieman Rollers,,Australia
Bat Outta Hell,12,"18th February, 2016",Androscoggin Fallen Angels,,United States
Bat Outta Mel,10,"21st January, 2014",Oxford Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bat R Up,1000,2008-12-03,Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,
Bat Runner,133Mhz,2012-01-30,Cranium Basher Dolls,,
Bat Sk8 Crazy,48,2011-05-16,Republic of Korea Derby,,
Bat Witch,5,"29th October, 2019",Chrome Sirens Roller Derby,,Poland
Bat Яollin' Romy,07,"12th July, 2016",Mine Monsters Oberhausen,,Germany
Bat'em Around,97,2010-03-13,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Bat-Hit Crazy,#041,"21st January, 2014",Wakey Wheeled Cats,,United Kingdom
Bat-Hurl,89,"5th February, 2018",Mass Attack Roller Derby,,United States
Bat-Ma'am,1940,"19th October, 2015",Diamond Valley Roller Derby Club,,Australia
BatAss,100%,2006-12-14,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
BatGirl Barb,67,"10th November, 2018",Avon River Rollers,,Canada
BatNanAss,86,"18th May, 2017",,,Denmark
BatOuttaHell,77,"11th February, 2014",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
BatS hit Crazy,32,"25th January, 2014",Southern Delaware Roller Girls,,United States
BatShitCrazy,0260,"3rd September, 2015",Central coast roller derby United,,Australia
Batann,42,"23rd April, 2017",Dust City Rollers,,Austria
Batata Fiend,138,"3rd March, 2014",Rosario Roller Derby,,Argentina
Batbaby,10,"21st January, 2014",Dundee Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Batfinnk,1701,"22nd November, 2015",Staffordshire Devil Dogs,,United Kingdom
Batgirl,777,2007-12-05,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
Bath As-Salts,16,"26th April, 2017",Emerald City Roller derby,,United States
Bath Vader,34,"21st September, 2016",Bath Roller Derby Girls,,United Kingdom
Batman,87,2011-07-02,Sailor City Rollers,,
Baton Rogue,,2011-11-29,Red Stick Roller Derby,,
Batstitch Crazy,421,"18th May, 2018",,,United States
Batsy Thunderbolt,13,2010-09-22,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
Batsy Wayne,449,"14th February, 2017",Nantes Derby Girls,,France
Batter Queen,13,"26th January, 2014",Petersburg Ragnarok Rollers,,United States
Batterd Sav,4,2011-03-20,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Battered Sausage,#912,"21st January, 2014",London Rollergirls Recreational League,,United Kingdom
Battered Sausage,#911,"20th January, 2014",London Rollergirls Recreational League,,United Kingdom
Batterfly,.393,2009-06-17,Little Steel Derby Girls,,
Batterin' Gram,64,2007-09-22,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Battering Ma'am,,"5th August, 2016",Rose city rollers,,United States
Battering Pam,11,"24th January, 2014",Rock Island Rollers,,United States
Battershy,27,"20th January, 2014",Bairn City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Batterworth,1117,"30th May, 2018",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Battery Operated,2AA,2008-03-31,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Batting Lashes,11:11,2011-09-07,Northampton Shoetown Slayers,,
Battle Alex,66,2008-02-21,South Florida Rollergirls,,
Battle Angel,2012,2010-08-02,El Paso Roller Derby,,
Battle Angel,99,"5th April, 2020",Bradentucky BOMBERS,,United States
Battle Ass,,"14th September, 2021",,,Sweden
Battle Axle,3,"12th March, 2014",Doonhame Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Battle Barbie,82,2010-11-23,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Battle Beast,88,"5th April, 2016",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Battle Bee,1314,2011-01-29,Fierce Valley Roller Girls,,
Battle Cat Royale,8,"26th January, 2014",Arctic Roller Derby,,Norway
Battle Cat Royale,10,2011-11-14,Arctic Roller Derby,,
Battle Dwarf,717,"30th January, 2019",Parliament of Pain,,Netherlands
Battle E. Portman,3.14,"20th January, 2014",FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,United States
Battle E. Portman,,2008-10-12,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Battle Hips,36BB,2010-03-28,High City Derby Divas,,
Battle Lynn,,"29th September, 2017",Cornfed Derby Damea,,United States
Battle Ready Betty,138,2006-06-01,Hard Knox Roller Derby,,
Battle Sheep,006,"14th May, 2016",,,Denmark
Battle Siren,118,"23rd November, 2018",Plymouth city roller derby,,United Kingdom
Battle Tank,T34,2010-05-08,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Battle TeacHER,33,2008-03-31,South Side Roller Derby,,
Battle kitten,0447544706,"21st August, 2016",,,Australia
Battle-Ax Barbie,1369,2010-08-27,Space Coast Rocket Jockeys,,
BattleCat,84,"24th January, 2014",Railtown Loco Rollers,,United Kingdom
BattleJax,11-19,"21st January, 2014",Boom Town Derby Dames,,United States
BattleSwan,2,"25th June, 2016",Sox Pistols,,United Kingdom
BattleZone,,"8th February, 2022",,,United States
Battleaxe,63,2006-06-11,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Battlecat,4,2006-08-01,Eves of Destruction Roller Derby,,
Battlecat,9,"21st January, 2014",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
Battlefrog,120,"11th March, 2015",Mad Rollin Dolls,,United States
Battlejuice,82,"15th July, 2016",Mine Monsters Oberhausen,,Germany
Battlerina,613,2012-03-05,River City Rollergirls,,
Battlescar,,"30th October, 2014",Rockcity Rollers,,Netherlands
Battlescar Galactica,*,2007-01-15,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Battlescar Hiptastica,624,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Battlestar Galactikate,,"28th February, 2016",DuPage Derby Dames,,United States
Battlestar Grrrlactica,77,"21st January, 2014",Chaos Crushers Coblenz,,Germany
Battlestar Kick Asstica,,2008-01-04,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Battlestar Smashtica,66,2012-01-30,Murray River Derby Dames,,
Battlestar Valkyrie,44,"21st January, 2014",Miami's Vice City Rollers,,United States
Battletoed,,"2nd October, 2019",Shoreline Roller Derby,,United States
Battlin' Bea Arthur,,2007-01-25,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Batty Acid,2.0,2011-07-02,Thunder City Derby Sirens,,
Batty Belfry,13,2007-12-07,Sac City Rollers,,
Batty ClockHer,113,"21st January, 2014",Palouse River Rollers,,United States
Batty Oracle,NU52,"17th April, 2014",Confluence Crush Roller Derby,,United States
Batty Page,,2007-05-17,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Batty to the Bone,4,"12th July, 2018",South Shore Roller Girls,,United States
Batwing,C3PO,"21st July, 2014",SCD,,Australia
Baum Threat,10-89,2009-10-02,Hell Rio Rollers,,
Bawdy Czech,217,2006-06-25,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
Bawdy Lee Harm,911,2010-06-07,Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,
Bawdy McAnick,,"21st August, 2014",Monterey Bay derby Dames,,United States
Bawdy Slam,1-900,2009-09-27,DC Rollergirls,,
Bawlz,1UP,5/1/12,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Baws Kitty,,,,,
Bay Harbor Butcher,305,2010-06-30,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Bay in the stars,#2290,"24th January, 2014",Lado oscuro roller derby,,Argentina
Bay of Undies,33,"18th January, 2018",,,Canada
Bay-O-Net,7P,"1st May, 2014",Rocky View Roller Derby Assoc.,,Canada
BayBay WayLay,91,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Bayonetta,90,"25th January, 2014",Chacalas,,Mexico
Bayou BabyDoll,113,"24th January, 2014",Boom Town Derby Dames,,United States
Bayou Badass,27,2009-04-17,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Bayou Booty,504,"30th July, 2019",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Bayou Butcher,81,"7th December, 2016",Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,United States
Bayou Butcher,Grr9,2011-03-21,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
BayouCity Badazz,713,"26th April, 2014",NOVA Roller Derby,,United States
Bayshore Bruiser,05,2012-01-17,Riptide Rollers,,
Bayy,666,"12th February, 2018",Brazos valley durby,,United States
Bazerk,007,"11th June, 2015",,,Australia
Bazinga,37,2010-09-20,South Side Roller Derby,,
Bazinga,314,"3rd April, 2014",Pile O Bones Derby Club,,Canada
Bazinga,73,"22nd January, 2014",Houston Roller Derby,,United States
Bazinga Bettie,78,2010-11-02,Burn City Rollers,,
Bazinga!,20,"11th March, 2017",Liga Tucumán Roller Derby,,Argentina
Bazinga!,20,"11th March, 2017",,,Argentina
Bazofia,95,"2nd May, 2017",Bastardas,,Argentina
Bazooka,323,"19th February, 2015",WKRRJDL,,United States
Bazooka Betty,22,2012-01-22,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Bazooka Betty,20,"3rd April, 2014",Tri-City Roller Derby,,Canada
Bazooka Joan,9,2006-06-17,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Bazooka Joe,49,,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
Bazooka Salt,186,"27th October, 2015",Seaside Siren Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Bazooka Salt,12,2011-04-21,London Rollergirl_s Rec League,,
Bazuca,60,"8th July, 2019",Metropolitan Roller Derby,,Chile
Bcup Teacup,34b,"3rd June, 2015",Angel City Derby Girls,,United States
Be Bop A Lola,09,2011-07-26,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
Be Bop-Her Lula,127,2011-02-10,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Be Good Haine,56,"25th January, 2014",Psyko'quads,,France
Be Pressure,UP5,"3rd April, 2014",St. Albert Heavenly Rollers,,Canada
Be Trippin,11,"12th August, 2015",High City Derby Divas,,United States
Be'Were Wolf,H0W1,"21st January, 2014",Swansea City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Be-emzebub,337,"22nd June, 2018",Leeds Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BeBe Gunns,$99,,Dallas Derby Devils,,
BeBe KaBoom,321,2009-06-17,Flint City Derby Girls,,
BeBe Skate,888,"29th May, 2016",,,United States
BeBe Tango,343,2011-04-05,West Kentucky Rockin Rollers,,
BeBe Tango,343,"24th January, 2014",Midstate Mayhem Roller Derby,,United States
BeVenge,42,2012-03-20,Darwin Roller Girls,,
BeVenge,42,"22nd January, 2014",Darwin Roller Girls,,Australia
BeX,36,"24th January, 2014",OH! Roller Derby,,"Korea, Republic of"
BeXrated,315,2011-11-03,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Bea Aggressive,6,2007-10-19,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Bea Artch,247,2011-09-20,Varsity Derby,,
Bea Attitude,40 oz,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Bea Bea,8,"29th August, 2016",Nottingham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bea Chazz,9dime,2010-07-05,Rogue Rollergirls,,
Bea Fraid,666,"21st January, 2014",Nickel City Roller Derby,,Canada
Bea Hynd Barz,252Life,2011-04-19,Limestone CrusHers Roller Derby,,
Bea Ligerent,FU,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Bea Line,212,2008-03-10,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Bea N. Hayve,373,2010-12-15,Tucson Roller Derby,,
Bea Naughty,27,,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Bea Nimble,111,2012-01-02,Maine Roller Derby,,
Bea Obscene,7 of 9,2011-11-11,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Bea Sneeze,52,"16th March, 2017",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Bea Sting,13,"13th November, 2015",,,United States
Bea T. Down,270,2011-01-10,Bakken Derby Girls League,,
Bea T. Her-Out,43,2011-08-06,Royal Victory Derby Girls,,
Bea Tera-Fied,77,2010-03-09,Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,
Bea Trix Mamba,D2,2008-11-24,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Bea Ware,,"23rd April, 2018",,,United States
Bea Ware,350ppm,2008-04-29,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bea-fraid,8,"28th October, 2014",Suck City Rock 'n Roller Derby Dolls,,Netherlands
BeaTricks Plotter,823,2010-06-17,Alachua County Rollers,,
Beach Bully,757,"22nd November, 2014",Kill Devil Derby Brigade,,United States
Beach Slap,808,2012-01-18,Saint Cloud Area Roller Dolls,,
Beaches,12,"13th March, 2017",Nwo,,Canada
Beachy Headcase,45,"21st January, 2014",Bourne bombshells,,United Kingdom
Beads-O-Matic,,2009-05-02,Austin Derby Brats: Texas Rollergirls' Junior League,,
Beah Demon,,"7th May, 2018",,,United States
Beak-,47,"17th January, 2017",Lion Girls Roller Derby León,,Spain
Beaker,00,2010-11-09,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Bealzabub Betty,13,2008-09-05,Lost Highway Roller Derby,,
Bean,09,"27th August, 2019",Exeter Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bean Machine,53,2011-01-17,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Bean Machine,21,"26th March, 2015",Blackpool,,United Kingdom
Bean Masher,,2011-06-19,Tulare Kings Roller Derby,,
Bean of Hearts,813N,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
Bean-A-Bitch,24/7,2011-03-03,Timber Town Derby,,
BeanMachine,78,"30th August, 2016",Stoke city Rollers,,United Kingdom
BeanStalkin'ya,247,"20th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Beanie,2003,"5th July, 2016",VDL Juniors,,Australia
Beanie Baby,232,2010-09-09,Tall City Roller Betties,,
Beanie Bones,,2010-12-01,Skee Town Skirtz,,
Beanie Stalker,,"12th July, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Beanie Stalker,,"12th July, 2014",Dundee Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Beans,24,"5th February, 2014",Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,United States
Beans,44,"21st April, 2015",Lilac City,,United States
Beans,1/2decaf,2010-07-16,Santa Cruz Derby Girls,,
Beans Aranguren,725,"19th July, 2018",Scarborough Slammers,,United Kingdom
Beans On Toe-Stops,19,"19th November, 2015",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Beanstalker,11,2010-10-03,Thunder Bay Roller Derby,,
Beantown Bomber,,2010-07-27,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Beantown Brawler,,2008-02-09,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Bear,32,2010-03-28,Newcastle Roller Girls,,
Bear,32,"22nd January, 2014",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bear Acuda,182,"25th February, 2018",MRD,,United States
Bear Attack,12,"26th January, 2014",Oxford Wheels of Gory,,United Kingdom
Bear B.hind,8,"10th July, 2017",Railtown Loco Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bear Chest Hairs,42,"26th February, 2015",Barnsley Black Heart Rollers / Aire Force One,,United Kingdom
Bear Claw,133,2011-06-16,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bear Drylls,1,2011-04-07,Ozarks Derby Brigade,,
Bear Jew,,"16th July, 2014",Skating Official,,United States
Bear Keg,1100cc,2008-05-27,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Bear Knuckles,4-7,2011-07-02,Pueblo Devil Dollz,,
Bear Knuckles,15,"7th March, 2019",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Bear Kylls,110,2010-02-10,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Bear Kylls,,"17th March, 2016",Cheshire HellCats Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bear L. Rolle,2X,2011-01-02,Rock City Riot,,
Bear Lee Giveashit,1 FTW,2009-09-21,Capital District Mens Roller Derby,,
Bear Lee Human,,"20th July, 2015",Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,United States
Bear Lee Human,,2010-01-12,Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,
Bear Paw,21,"21st January, 2014",Whiskey Renegades,,Canada
Bear Paw,21,2010-11-04,Whiskey Renegade Rollers,,
Bear Thrylls,66,2011-11-10,Wakey Wheeled Cats,,
Bear Thug,78,2012-01-18,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Bear-a-Cuda,N8V,"15th April, 2014",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
Bear-devil,25,2011-03-20,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Bear-ly Angelic,776,"21st January, 2014",Western Sydney Rollers,,Australia
Bear-zerker,0305,"7th September, 2017",,,Australia
Bearacuda,,"14th April, 2014",,,United States
Bearbarella,873,"9th November, 2019",Cherry City Roller Derby,,United States
Bearbarian,19,"1st December, 2021",3City Piranhas,,Poland
Bearcat,18,"6th November, 2015",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Bearded Bowser,13,"4th July, 2015",Memphis Roller Derby,,United States
Bearded Dragon,247,"27th October, 2015",B-Town Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Beardstein,,5/7/12,OR Renegades,,
Beardy Wizzard,080,"18th January, 2016",Dorset Knobs Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bearing Vixen,523,2010-05-21,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Bearlesque,411,"22nd March, 2018",,,United States
Bearzerker,86,"14th October, 2021",York Monsters,,United Kingdom
Beast,33,"15th March, 2018",Cape Town Rollergirls,,South Africa
Beast,666,2008-07-22,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Beast Baby,L1L1,"3rd May, 2015",Southern CoEd Roller Derby (SCERD),,United Kingdom
Beast From the East,,"30th April, 2018",Beach Brawl Sk8er Dolls,,United States
Beast Infection,19,"14th September, 2016",Green Mountain Roller Derby,,United States
Beast Infection,533,2006-08-04,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
Beast Lightnin',114,"7th December, 2016",Southern Discomfort Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Beast Lightning,167,"10th March, 2019",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Beast Lightning,,"24th January, 2014",Detroit Derby Girls,,United States
Beast Mode,24,"31st March, 2015",Dixie Derby Girls,,United States
Beast Mode Belle,#311,"10th February, 2014",,,United States
Beast Unchained,68,"25th January, 2014",Barbed Wire Betties,,United States
Beast Unleashed,87,"21st January, 2014",Bourne Bombshells,,United Kingdom
Beast Witherspoon,333,2010-07-15,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Beast Witherspoon,17,"28th October, 2014",Jerzey Derby Brigade,,United States
Beast of Bourbon,777,"20th January, 2014",Crescent City Derby Devils,,United States
Beast of Burton,666,2009-03-04,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Beast of Eden,8757,"17th October, 2015",Mad Wreckin Dolls,,United States
Beast of Eden,808,2011-07-15,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Beast of Hurtin',909,5/1/12,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Beast of the Eastern Wild,92,"28th August, 2016",Zurich City Roller Girlz,,Switzerland
Beast-Tamer,11,2012-02-08,Woodstock Roller Derby,,
BeastMode,100,"4th July, 2015",Clarksvillain RollerGirls,,United States
BeastMode,7715,"14th February, 2016",Sonoma County Roller Derby,,United States
BeastMode,813,"21st January, 2014",Tampa bay mens roller derby,,United States
Beastee Bella,99,2010-10-06,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Beaster Bunny,88,2011-01-26,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Beastie,823,"23rd February, 2018",,,United States
Beastie,90,"12th July, 2020",Dread Pirate Rollers,,Australia
Beastie Bob,16,2011-02-13,Copenhagen Roller Derby,,
Beastie Girl,10,"12th February, 2014",Switchblades RollerGrrrls,,France
Beastilucious,,2009-10-23,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Beasting,80,"29th September, 2021",,,United States
Beastla,25,"28th August, 2017",Bodø Roller Derby,,Norway
Beastleigh,907,"3rd November, 2016",Dothan Roller Derby,,United States
Beastly Belle,379,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Beastly Bit,1039,2011-04-13,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
Beastly Rican Beat'N,187,"10th July, 2015",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Beastmaster,,2011-05-02,Wreckin Roller Rebels,,
Beastmode,813,2012-06-07,Tampa Bay Men's Roller Derby,,
Beastro,7118,2009-04-06,"Quadfathers, The",,
Beasty Alli,,2011-05-22,North Louisiana Roller Dollz,,
Beat 'em up Scotty,H1,"21st January, 2014",Rainbow Revolution Roller Girls,,United States
Beat A Blocker,C3R1,"20th January, 2014",NWRD,,United Kingdom
Beat Around the Bush,40,2010-05-19,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Beat Arthur,staff,2009-11-21,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Beat Box LeRoux,00,2011-02-18,Fiend Queens Roller Derby,,
Beat Boxxx McRocks,.99cents,2011-08-08,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Beat Boxxx Mcrocks,99,"21st January, 2014","Durham Region Roller Derby, Peterborough Roller Derby",,Canada
Beat It Piaf,27,"21st January, 2014",Helltown Hellcats - Helsingborg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Beat Me Up Scotty,2612,"1st January, 2015",B-Town Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Beat Me Up Stotty,1701,"24th October, 2021",Aire Force One,,United Kingdom
Beat Monkey,808,2011-06-28,Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,
Beat Monkey,808,"7th February, 2014",Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,United Kingdom
Beat N' Harass,24/7,2007-09-15,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Beat Poet,,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Beat Rose,14,2010-04-21,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Beat Up Juice,118,"7th December, 2015",La Boucherie de Paris,,France
Beat a Peach,678,"2nd February, 2018",Connecticut Roller Derby,,United States
Beat a Trick Kiddo,VOL1,2012-02-13,Savannah Derby Devils,,
Beat'N Herass,537,"8th January, 2015",mistresses of mayhem,,United States
Beat'em Juice,14,2011-01-06,Dom City Dolls,,
Beat'er Block'er,50mg,"20th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Beat'er Pan,1952,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Beat'er Parker,23,2007-06-21,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Beat'er Rottentail,"6'4""",2010-11-24,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Beat'er Von Sleeze,99,2012-04-02,Reef City Roller Girls,,
Beat'n-Chix Kiddo,Vol 1&2,2009-01-23,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Beat'on The Quads,242,2011-02-24,Roller Derby Quebec,,
Beat-Catch-U,,2009-06-23,Syndicate Roller Girls,,
Beat-Her Rabbit,84,2010-08-08,Perth Roller Derby,,
Beat-Her Venkman,626,"21st January, 2014",Battle Born Derby Demons,,United States
Beat-U-tiful,,2012-03-03,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Beat-a-Trick Kiddo,VOL1,"21st January, 2014",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
Beat-her Parker,62,"23rd March, 2014",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Beat-her von Teese,14,"14th January, 2017",Hertfordshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BeatEmUp Buttercup,52,2010-02-23,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
BeatHer Bailey,011,"26th August, 2014",Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,United States
BeatHer Bailey,01100010,2007-05-16,Pacific Roller Derby,,
BeatHer Cottontail,,"12th January, 2022",Arizona Roller Derby,,United States
BeatHerUp Scotty,69,2011-09-27,Daylesford Derby,,
BeatNikki,314,"27th July, 2016",Assault City,,United States
BeatTrix LeStrangle,08CT,"24th January, 2014",Providence Roller Derby,,United States
Beata Bitch Blue,Round 1,2009-01-23,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Beata Bitchdown,72,2011-12-06,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Beata Blauen,19,2011-07-08,Tacones Bandidos,,
Beatchix Kiddo,1002,"24th July, 2019",Rolla Rockets,,United States
Beaten Mess,17,"11th April, 2015",Suffolk Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Beater Blocker,23,"21st January, 2014",Doonhame Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Beater Ora,,"28th April, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Beater Pan-Tease,1976,2007-02-06,MTL Roller Derby,,
Beater Parker,1962,"22nd June, 2016",Nottingham roller derby,,United Kingdom
Beater Venkman,,2011-05-17,Stateline Roller Derby Divas,,
Beater Venkman,2368,"3rd June, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Beater Von Tease,666,2009-05-08,Triple Sword Roller Girls,,
Beater Von Teese,1349,"26th July, 2015",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Beatermax,,2009-12-07,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Beatin' Bam!!B,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Beating Disorder,29,2011-04-21,London Rollergirls,,
Beating Heartless,99,"15th October, 2014",Jet City Rollergirls,,United States
Beatings From Asbury Park,07712,"20th August, 2021",,,United States
Beatloaf,,2009-01-23,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Beatrax Kiddo,73,"9th July, 2018",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
Beatricks Plotter,823,"22nd May, 2015",All City Rollers,,United States
Beatrix,5,"7th May, 2016",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Beatrix Beatdown,5,"17th December, 2016",,,United States
Beatrix Blocker,490,"18th February, 2016",Leeds Roller Dolls,,United Kingdom
Beatrix Clobber,1000%,2011-09-13,Terrorz of Tiny Towns Roller Derby,,
Beatrix Garrotter,,2011-10-16,Valleys Roller Dolls,,
Beatrix Got'er,1902,"21st January, 2014",Seven Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Beatrix Got'er,1902,2012-03-15,Severn Roller Torrent,,
Beatrix Kiddo,V118,"22nd January, 2014",RCRD & MMDC,,New Zealand
Beatrix Kill-o,88,2011-01-10,Morgantown Roller Vixens,,
Beatrix R. Forkids,5678,"27th April, 2017",PennJersey Roller Derby,,United States
Beatrix Rotter,101,"6th August, 2014",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Beatrix Rotter,20,"11th August, 2019",Exeter Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Beatrix Slaughter,434,"15th November, 2014",Bairn City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Beatrix Slaughter,42,2006-03-28,Independent (TBD 9/30/13),,
Beatrix Wicked,,2011-02-02,Burning River Roller Girls,,
Beatrix sKiddo,Vol. 81,2006-10-16,Big Easy Rollergirls,,
Beatrix ÒBeaÓ Lawless,11,2012-02-01,Hel'z Belles,,
Beats Per Minute,3345,2009-11-06,MTL Roller Derby,,
Beats per minute,3345,"21st January, 2014",Mainland misfits,,Canada
Beatsy Ross,1776,2011-01-25,Soul City Sirens,,
Beattie Sedgwick,777,2008-07-20,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Beatts Yer Arse,,2010-02-24,VIVA Roller Derby,,
Beatus,T1D,"24th January, 2014",Jewel City Roller Girls,,United States
Beatwood Mac,1967,2012-01-15,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Beau Diddle,25,2011-07-18,Girls Rollin in the South (GRITS),,
Beau Gosse,42,2010-03-15,Tulsa Derby League,,
Beau Luxe,1307,2012-01-12,Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,
Beau Mangles,33,2011-01-10,Cenla Derby Dames,,
Beau Mangles,33,"21st January, 2014",Cenla Rollergirls,,United States
Beau Tanker,REF,2009-02-03,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Beau Tiny,,"9th February, 2016",Mass Attack Roller Derby,,United States
Beau Toxic,101,"10th October, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Beaucoup Bang Bang,5$,2011-02-24,Roller Derby Quebec,,
Beaut Vicious,17,2006-03-07,Summit City Rollers,,
Beauti-Fuelled,02,"24th January, 2014",Murder City Roller Girls,,Australia
Beautiful Deadly,,2012-01-18,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Beautiful Death,,2009-08-23,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Beautiful Dirty Rich,120,2011-09-23,Maui Roller Girls,,
Beautiful Disaster,86em,2008-05-25,Pittsfield Panty Raid,,
Beautiful Disaster,#83,"8th August, 2015",OSRDA,,Canada
Beautiful Disaster,619,"28th February, 2017",Roswell Sugar zombies,,United States
Beautiful Disaster,311,"25th May, 2019",Rockin city rebels,,United States
Beautiful Disaster,,"30th April, 2014",,,United States
Beautiful Munster,00,2010-06-17,Sin Cal Derby Vixens,,
Beautiful Nightmare,2907,"21st January, 2014",Prarieland Punishers,,United States
Beautiful Strangle-her,3845,2011-04-25,Sin Cal Derby Vixens,,
Beautiful Tragedy,68,2010-07-25,Duke City Derby (Taos),,
Beautiful Trauma,,"13th March, 2018",Arizona Derby Dames,,United States
Beauty & Beast Mode,16,"6th February, 2017",Hemet Roller Derby,,United States
Beauty Anna Beast,411,"29th July, 2019",Black Rose Rollers,,United States
Beauty Collision,921,"19th February, 2015",WKRRJDL,,United States
Beauty Fiend,64,"16th May, 2016",Arizona Renegades,,United States
Beauty IsA Beast,262,2010-07-16,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
Beauty Killer,G650,"29th March, 2015",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Beauty Queen From Mars,D21,2011-06-22,Evolution Rollergirls,,
Beauty School Knockout,55,2008-06-17,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Beauty Terrorist,79,5/8/12,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
Beauty and Deceased,6 Feet Under,2007-09-18,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Beauty n Beast Mode,16,"4th March, 2017",Hemet Roller Derby,,United States
Beauty the Beast,313,2011-01-25,Ocala Cannibals Roller Derby,,
Beaux Toxx,504,"22nd January, 2014",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Beaux Toxx,504,2010-10-13,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Beaver Bandit,20,2010-01-24,709 Derby Girls,,
Beaver Basher,N49,2011-02-14,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Beaver Canoe,17,2007-12-30,Eves of Destruction Roller Derby,,
Beaver Cleaver,5122,"18th January, 2020",,,United States
Beaver Cleaver,33,2006-03-17,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Beaver Destruction,96,2009-06-27,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Beaver Jam,78,"19th April, 2015",Killamazoo derby darlings,,United States
Beaver Mansbridge,,2010-11-04,GTA Rollergirls,,
Beaver Trapper,1619,2010-03-03,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Beaver Vendetta,54,5/15/12,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Beaver Weaver,16,2010-03-30,Perth Roller Derby,,
Bebe Banger,1337,2009-05-20,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Bebe Blitz,52,2011-03-03,Plymouth City Roller Girls,,
Bebe Blitz,52,"27th January, 2014",Plymouth City Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bebe Brewski,52,2007-05-05,Port City Roller Girls,,
Bebe Dahl,007,"24th January, 2015",South Central Roller Girls,,United States
Bebe H8,,"8th May, 2017",,,United States
Bebe Hive,,"3rd February, 2014",Carolina Rollergirls,,United States
Bebe Le-strangle,,2010-05-27,Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,
Bebe McBash,33,"22nd January, 2014",Dead End Derby,,New Zealand
Bebopper,8,"5th September, 2014",Rolling Thunder Dames,,United States
Bec,79,"19th September, 2019",Wirral Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bec N Kill,,2010-08-15,Gladstone Roller Derby,,
Bec-Tacular,,"28th February, 2014",Rum City Derby Dolls,,Australia
BecRec,,2012-01-07,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Becca Bomb,B52,2010-08-27,Dundee Roller Girls,,
Becca bruiser,,2012-02-29,Charlies Derby Dolz,,
BeccaCuda,Barrel of a .45,2011-09-01,Benton County Derby Dames,,
BeccaDaWrecka,,"11th December, 2014",,,United States
Beccanator,801.5,2009-05-19,Blackwater Rollers,,
Beccaroo,10,"21st January, 2014",Barnsley Black Heart Rollers,,United Kingdom
Beccatrix Lestrange,42,"1st July, 2016",Border City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Becci Messer,VR138,"21st July, 2014",Rhein Neckar Delta Quads,,Germany
Beck,D13,2011-03-20,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Beck Off,3,"22nd December, 2014",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Beck-n-hateher,108,2008-08-15,Wilkes Barre Roller Radicals,,
BeckOff Bitch,UR #1,2008-10-15,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Becka blocker gorey,52,"21st January, 2014",The Norfolk Brawds,,United Kingdom
Becka the Wrecka,1984,2006-04-28,Dominion Derby Girls,,
Beckah Hipchecka,361,"15th April, 2018",,,Germany
Becker Wrecker,11-16,"14th November, 2015",Arizona Derby Dames,,United States
Beckie Thump,74,"24th January, 2014",Convict City Rollers,,Australia
Beckoning!,16,2011-06-28,Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,
Becks,82,"29th May, 2017",,,Germany
Becky Bites Back,666,5/13/12,Beet City Bombers,,
Becky Bloodnut,31,2009-04-19,Ballarat Roller Derby,,
Becky Boop,413,"28th April, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Becky Boop,,"27th March, 2015",Roller Underground,,United States
Becky Booty,866,,Houston Roller Derby,,
Becky Bulldoz-Her,2012,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Becky Bulldoz-Her,2012,2011-01-09,South Central Roller Girls,,
Becky Bulldozer,15,"26th April, 2015",Suck City Rock 'n Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
Becky Hipcheckie,.44,"27th June, 2014",,,United States
Becky Lawless,8,2010-02-12,Stockholm Roller Derby,,
Becky Reckless,,2010-05-28,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Becky Sharp,pr2,2009-07-27,Acadiana Good Times Rollers,,
Becky The Butcher,99c,2006-03-29,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Becky Von Smasher,21,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Becky with the Good Hair,"26""","18th September, 2017",San Diego Roller Derby,,United States
Becky with the Good Hair,"26""","17th January, 2017",Renegade Rollerderby,,United States
Beckysaurus Wrex,1412,"2nd May, 2017",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bectacular,75,2012-02-25,Rum City Derby Dolls,,
Becuz I. Can,30.06,2010-09-21,Hurricane Alley Roller Derby,,
Bedazzlynn Grrrrrl,,2012-04-02,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Beddie Badass,22,"18th June, 2019",,,United States
Bedhead Breaelle,17,"24th March, 2015",Hwy 14 Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Bedlam,66,"27th May, 2019",Hertfordshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bedlam Belle,1330,2009-02-04,Boston Derby Dames,,
Bee A. Frayed,789,2007-01-22,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Bee Anchor,71,"11th December, 2019",,,Germany
Bee Bee Sting,25,"21st January, 2014",Cape Cod Roller Derby,,United States
Bee Bones,833,"4th February, 2014",Iron Ladies Roller Derby Blumenau,,Brazil
Bee Bop Her,1 (1X),"22nd January, 2014",The Rushmore Rollerz,,United States
Bee Devil,73,"26th May, 2015",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Bee Emazing,833,"7th August, 2018",,,Australia
Bee Nauty,190 proof,"23rd January, 2014",Battle Creek Cereal Killers,,United States
Bee Peachy,23,2012-04-18,Niagara Roller Girls,,
Bee Ruthless,327,"29th June, 2017",,,United States
Bee Sting,101,2007-11-15,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Bee Sting,94,"11th September, 2018",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Bee Strange,v1.0,2008-11-19,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Bee Warned,,2011-01-07,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Bee'CHa,33,"27th November, 2014",Oslo Roller Derby,,Norway
Bee-Bop,,2010-04-24,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Bee-Bop-Her,,2010-04-12,Rushmore Rollerettas,,
Bee-Yatch,101,2011-10-08,Nasty Nessies Roller Girls,,
Bee-Yatch,101,"30th March, 2016",Inverness City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bee-atch Stingher,,"26th December, 2018",TXRD,,United States
BeeBee DeVille,,2008-05-18,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
BeeBee Gunn,,2012-01-26,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
BeeBee MaGee,B00,2011-09-12,Renegade Derby Dames,,
BeeLicious,10-10,2010-09-21,Hurricane Alley Roller Derby,,
BeeRawler,833,"30th June, 2015",SouthLand Sirens Roller Derby,,Ireland
BeeRawler,f15t,"20th January, 2014",Waterford City Viqueens,,Ireland
Beeb L Blox,4T2,"23rd January, 2014",Mean City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Beech Brawl,5,"12th July, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Beech Slap,31,2010-08-07,Imposters Roller Girls,,
Beef,100%,2010-04-04,Texas Rollergirls,,
Beef,0007,"26th March, 2015",BRDL,,United Kingdom
Beef Benderloin,20oz,2009-02-25,Philly Rollergirls,,
Beef Lawless,,"11th July, 2016",,,United States
Beef Supreme,A1,2012-04-04,A-Town Roller Girlz,,
BeefCake Barbie,,2011-11-03,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
BeefQuake,ML9,2010-12-09,Cowtown Butchers Mens Roller Derby,,
Beefcake,,"13th January, 2016",Borderland Brawlers Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Beefcake Bettee,04,2012-01-16,Powder River Rousta 'Bout It Betties,,
Beefcake Girl,3,2011-01-23,Mississippi Valley Mayhem,,
Beefy Dom-Her,333,2011-06-07,Battle Creek Cereal Killers,,
Beefy Penankle,604,2012-03-22,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Beefy Sir Vixen,604,2011-12-21,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Beefy Vanderhuge,MST3000,2009-09-05,Glass City Rollers,,
Beefy Vanderhuge,,"1st February, 2014",Glass City Rollers,,United States
Beel Z. Bubba,,2008-12-15,DC Rollergirls,,
Beelz Bob,,2006-10-20,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Beelzababe,6ft Under,2006-10-06,Jet City Rollergirls,,
BeelzeBabe,666,"27th September, 2016",Ring City RollerGirls,,United States
BeelzeBec,333,"19th December, 2015",staffordshire devil dogs,,United Kingdom
BeelzeBetsy,667,2011-03-10,North Texas Derby Revolution,,
Beelzebarbie,REF,2011-02-02,Burning River Roller Girls,,
Beelzebelle,666,2006-03-29,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Beelzeboobs,,"31st March, 2015",,,United States
Beelzeboss,1337,"19th July, 2014",,,United States
Beelzeboss,,2007-01-09,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Beelzebru,783,"26th October, 2020",Ladies of Helltown,,Brazil
Beelzebubbles,999,"22nd September, 2017",Providence Roller Derby,,United States
Beelzebubbles,000,"25th July, 2014",Savannah Derby Devils,,United States
Beelzebunny,1983,2011-07-07,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Beelzebutt,669,"30th October, 2017",Bridgetown Derby,,United States
Beelzeebub ThrasherJaws,86,2006-09-25,River City Rollergirls,,
Beemo,21,"29th November, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Beep Beep,20 sixXx,2011-10-22,Bayou Outlaw Roller Girls,,
Beep!,,2006-08-06,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
Beep-Beep,5,"10th November, 2017",,,France
Beer B Wench,23,2012-02-04,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Beer Is My Mantra,,2008-11-04,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Beer N. Skittles,10-56,2011-01-09,Skate the Wilderness,,
Beer Necessities,12,2012-03-22,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Beer Nuts,,2009-05-21,Rushmore Rollerz,,
Beer dead Jon,73,"5th September, 2015",,,United Kingdom
BeerN'Stein Bear,30,"20th October, 2015",Charlotte Roller Girls,,United States
Beercules,,"4th November, 2016",O-Town Roller Derby,,Denmark
Beernard la Tenancière,279,"19th February, 2019",The Cannibal Marmots,,France
Beertester,1664,2011-05-04,London Rockin Rollers,,
Bees Knees,42nd Street,2010-04-19,Bull Falls Roller Derby,,
Bees Whacks,5338,2011-03-24,Portland Men's Roller Derby,,
Beet It,143,"5th January, 2018",,,Czech Republic
Beet'Hell'Juice,22,"5th March, 2015",,,Austria
Beethoven's Fist,,"21st January, 2014",Jet City,,United States
Beethoven's Fist,5,2010-07-08,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
Beetle Blue,24,"22nd October, 2017",Magic Island Roller Derby Circle,,Brazil
Beetle Crusher,53,"20th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
BeetleBruise,87,"27th October, 2015",Cheshire Hellcats Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BeetleJukes,167,"21st December, 2015",Denver Roller Derby,,United States
BeetleJules,46,"2nd May, 2014",SAM Roller Derby,,France
Beetlecruise,34,2011-08-05,Red Lion Roller Derby,,
Beetlejam,,"30th July, 2020",,,United States
Beetlejess,,"22nd May, 2018",,,United States
Beetlejuice,428,"5th February, 2014",2x4 roller derby,,Argentina
Beetus Bytch,1994,"26th March, 2019",,,United States
Beetz,7,"19th September, 2017",Greenville Derby Dames,,United States
Beezlebitch,666,"25th November, 2016",Oil City Rollers,,Norway
Beezus Christ,3:29,2011-07-14,Twin State Derby Upper Valley Vixens,,
Begon for Mercy,47,2011-10-11,West Yellowhead Roller Derby,,
Behemoth Bettie,× +1,2009-02-26,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Behexen,,2011-03-14,Rose City Rollers,,
Beige Thunder,REF,2011-08-10,London Rollergirl_s Rec League,,
Beirut Bombshell,M80,2007-04-17,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Bek CanTearAss,6,2011-07-28,VIVA Roller Derby,,
Bek N Call,,,,,
Beka rekanize,859,2008-11-17,Black-n-Bluegrass Rollergirls,,
Bekah Body Chekah,0807,2011-01-29,Kitsap Derby Brats,,
BekahSioux Massacre,7,2011-05-18,Mississippi Rollergirls,,
Beki Band-Aid,13,2010-03-25,Ladies of Hell Town,,
Beki Band-Aid,13,"13th February, 2014",Ladies of HellTown,,Brazil
Bekka Nail Ya,Infinity,2008-11-25,Sick Town Derby Dames,,
Bekyll'n Hyde,119,"21st January, 2014",Kill Devil Derby Brigade,,United States
Bel Ting,23,2010-09-26,Towns Villians Roller Derby,,
Bela Kiss,58,2012-02-08,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Bela Lowblowsi,Plan 9,2008-06-06,Dutchland Rollers,,
Bela Lugreasy,,2007-03-10,Coos County Rollergirls,,
Bela Tripps LeStrange,7587,2011-02-13,Iron Mountain Roller Girls,,
Belcher Knoxxx,857,2011-10-14,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Belfast Brawler,REF,2011-07-07,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Belgian Awful,812,2011-07-15,Central Mass Roller Derby,,
Belgian BeHELLa,11,2012-03-27,Eastside Derby Girls,,
Belgian Bob,88,2011-09-29,Crime City Rollers,,
Belinda Scarlisle,87,2010-03-03,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Bell Curves,272,"14th May, 2015",Terminal City Rollergirls,,Canada
Bell Lashings,04,2011-05-03,Bay Rollers,,
Bell On Wheels,412,"11th April, 2015",Barbed Wire Betties,,United States
Bell Von Killer,3486,2011-07-28,Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby,,
Bella B' Brewzyn,313,2011-03-21,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
Bella B'Flat,84bpm,2010-09-27,Liverpool Roller Birds,,
Bella B'Flat,84 bpm,"20th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bella Backstabber,13,2010-05-13,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Bella Ballistic,88,2011-02-10,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Bella Barbaro,46,2010-09-13,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Bella Barbie,17,"24th January, 2014",Red River Roller Derby,,United States
Bella Barbie,17,2012-03-14,Red River Roller Derby,,
Bella Barfight,,2010-04-25,Duke City Derby,,
Bella Barfighter,89,"8th May, 2017",Mine Monsters Oberhausen,,Germany
Bella Bashnheads,88,2010-10-18,A'Salt Creek Roller Girls,,
Bella Beast,2014,"29th January, 2014",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Bella Beatya,TK65,2009-02-19,Escanaba Rollin Hellcats,,
Bella Bedlam,137,2008-12-08,Reno Roller Girls,,
Bella Belligerent,413,"21st January, 2014",Miami's Vice City Rollers,,United States
Bella Belligerent,,2012-06-06,Prairieland Punishers,,
Bella Berserker,3,2010-09-01,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Bella Berzerk,212,"12th January, 2017",Aurora 88s,,United States
Bella Blindside,,2010-09-09,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Bella Blueblood,365,2008-09-14,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Bella Blurr,333,2011-06-21,Gawler Roller Derby,,
Bella Bomb-ba,383,2011-08-03,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Bella Bomber,999,2012-03-02,South County Derby Girls,,
Bella Bombetta,206,2010-10-10,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
Bella Bones,X0X0,"13th May, 2014",Ohio Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Bella Bong,Retired,2008-04-01,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Bella Boomerang,16,"26th November, 2014",Oslo Roller Derby,,Norway
Bella Brawler,,2008-08-05,Kootenay Roller Derby,,
Bella BruiseHer,35mm,"19th February, 2014",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Bella Bruja,726,2011-03-25,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Bella Brute,8,"21st January, 2014",Montgomery County Minions,,United States
Bella Bustalip,49,2011-09-06,Port City Roller Girls,,
Bella Constrictor,8U4 dinner,2010-04-15,Rose City Rollers,,
Bella Contusione,567,2011-07-13,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Bella Cose,215,2009-09-22,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Bella Cull'em,1901,2011-06-15,Newcastle Roller Girls,,
Bella D'Brawl,13,"21st January, 2014",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Bella Da Brawl,619,"20th April, 2017",,,United States
Bella Da' Vil,,"13th July, 2017",,,United States
Bella Dauntless,SBD-3,2012-03-23,Five 40 Roller Girls,,
Bella DeBrawl,11,"26th May, 2015",Sault Roller Derby,,Canada
Bella DeBrawl,,"3rd November, 2014",,,New Zealand
Bella DeRink,007,2007-09-19,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Bella Disastro,1976,2011-08-22,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Bella Dominator,6,2010-05-11,Bay City Rollers,,
Bella Dona Banshee,,2012-01-31,Rodeo City Rollergirls,,
Bella Donna,42,,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Bella Doom,13,2010-03-07,SINtral Valley Derby Girls,,
Bella Doom,13,"24th January, 2014",SINtral Valley Derby Girls,,United States
Bella DuBois,3121-oh,2008-10-24,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Bella Dubious,3121-oh,"23rd January, 2014",Northside Rollers,,Australia
Bella Fay'tal,,2010-02-16,Slaughter County Roller Vixens,,
Bella Fire,26,"21st January, 2014",Kansas City Roller Warriors,,United Kingdom
Bella Fire,1/2 pt,2009-01-19,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Bella Funshine,23,2012-02-22,Capital City Crushers,,
Bella Fury,7,2009-06-21,Hidden City Derby Girls,,
Bella G Rant,653,2010-04-27,Salt Spring Island Rollergirls,,
Bella Gunnes,88,2011-07-08,Tacones Bandidos,,
Bella Hematoma,21g,2009-12-21,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Bella Jerrent,429,2006-07-06,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bella Karloffa,99,"21st January, 2014",H.O.S.S.A.; Hamburg Harbor Girls,,Germany
Bella Karloffa,REF,2010-10-13,Harbor Girls e.V.,,
Bella Kicks Deranged,511,2012-02-02,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Bella Kixx,,2012-03-03,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Bella Knockarella,11,2011-10-05,Ruhrpott Roller Girls,,
Bella La Strange,9,2010-09-22,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Bella LaBrawl,,"23rd November, 2021",El Paso Roller Derby,,United States
Bella LeBrawl,109,"5th February, 2014",Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bella Luce,36,2011-01-17,Lake City Roller Dolls,,
Bella Lugosi,13,"9th February, 2016",,,United States
Bella Lunatic,28d,5/3/12,Northshore Roller Derby,,
Bella Lunatic,28,"20th January, 2014",Northshore Roller Derby,,United States
Bella Mafia,168,2009-04-18,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Bella Massacre,214,2010-03-19,Rose City Rollers,,
Bella Morte,163,"1st March, 2017",CVRG,,United States
Bella Muerta,76,"1st February, 2014",Charlottesville Derby Dames,,United States
Bella Muerte,138,"14th July, 2015",San Gabriel Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bella Muerte,1101,"26th January, 2015",Emerald Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Bella No Way,927,5-24-12,Clarksville Roller Derby,,
Bella Phoenix,39,"22nd September, 2018",,,United States
Bella Psych,5150,"24th November, 2015",Quad City Misfits,,United States
Bella Rage,1981,2008-03-26,Sonoma County Roller Derby,,
Bella Rebelde,711,2012-04-13,One World Roller Derby,,
Bella Russkia,T-34,,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
Bella Seni,31,2011-01-18,Space Coast Rocket Jockeys,,
Bella Slugosi,333,"11th January, 2016",Dockyard Derby Dames,,United States
Bella Slugosi,111,2010-07-11,South Bend Roller Girls,,
Bella Sol,17,2009-09-26,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
Bella Spitfire,101,"22nd January, 2014",Dead End Derby,,New Zealand
Bella Spitfire,101,2011-06-06,Dead End Derby,,
Bella Stilleto,111,2010-10-03,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Bella Subversion,Retired 1/23/14,2010-09-17,Reef City Roller Girls,,
Bella Thabrawl,387,2011-04-04,Murder City Roller Girls,,
Bella Thiccs Lestrange,319,"12th November, 2019",Tallahassee Rollergirls,,United States
Bella Thorn,'83,5/12/12,Jr. Jacksonville Rollergirls,,
Bella Trauma,5,2012-04-18,Niagara Roller Girls,,
Bella Tricks,51,"17th October, 2015",Västerås Roller Derby,,Sweden
Bella Tricks,,"1st March, 2014",Capital City Rolin' Rebels,,United States
Bella Trigger,,"31st August, 2019",,,United Kingdom
Bella Tripps-her,AG2G,2012-03-17,Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,
Bella Trix,,"8th April, 2020",,,United States
Bella Trixx,14,"10th December, 2014",Lindsay Roller Derby,,Canada
Bella Victrix,423,"31st August, 2017",Northern Lightning Rollergirls,,Netherlands
Bella Von Bastard,h8,"2nd April, 2014",Srdl,,Canada
Bella Von CrusHer,SiO2,2011-03-21,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Bella VonDetta,9mm,2010-05-06,Voodoo Derby Dollz Roller Derby Association,,
Bella Zooka,BZ52,2010-09-27,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Bella beat down,716,"12th December, 2014",,,United States
Bella deBrawl,2631,"22nd July, 2015",Eastside Derby Girls,,United States
Bella deBruisa,R.I.P,2010-11-23,Harbour City Rollers,,
Bella the Housecat,,"28th September, 2018",,,United Kingdom
Bella trips deranged,1066,"27th January, 2014",Plymouth City Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bella von bastard,h8,2007-12-10,Saskatoon Roller Derby,,
Bella-Dawna,,"21st July, 2021",Orange County Roller Derby,,United States
Bella-Trips Le Slam,507,"21st January, 2014",Coventry City Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Bella-go-go-see,,2006-06-17,Detroit Derby Girls,,
BellaDonna,Ref,"6th February, 2016",Reef City Roller Girls,,Australia
BellaTits Lestrange,7,"10th May, 2015",Devil State Derby League,,Australia
BellaTrax,,"16th January, 2017",,,United States
Bellacosity,77,2012-03-15,Brown County Derby Derbu'taunts,,
Bellacuda,480,2010-09-26,Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,
Belladonna,777,"9th March, 2018",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Belladonna,,"21st January, 2014",Denver Roller Derby,,United States
Belladonna,86,"29th August, 2019",Imperial Valley,,United States
Belladonna BruzHer,00,2011-01-10,Cenla Derby Dames,,
Belladonna Hillfire,42,"8th June, 2017",Northamptonshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Belladonna Moma,22,2011-04-29,Mountain Mauler's Roller Derby,,
Belladonna Nightshade,22,2009-03-04,Torpedo Bay Roller Girls,,
Bellah BombHer,8733,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Bellastitch Thestrange,,"20th January, 2014",Wirral Whipiteres Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bellatricks Deranged,713,"20th November, 2015",JBLM Bettie Brigade,,United States
Bellatricks Lestrange,04,"18th March, 2015",,,United States
Bellatrips Lestrange,,"15th June, 2017",,,United States
Bellatrix,88,"16th March, 2015",,,Canada
Bellatrix Deranged,1134,"6th March, 2018",,,United States
Bellatrix Deranged,d00m,"24th January, 2014",Galway City She Devils,,Ireland
Bellatrix Deranged,514,"20th September, 2016",I.C. Wreckers,,United States
Bellatrix LaPain,,2010-10-14,Windy City Rollers,,
Bellatrix LePain,93,"3rd April, 2014",Springfield Roller Girls,,United States
Bellatrix LeRage,311,"31st May, 2016",,,United States
Bellatrix LeStrangle,,2011-05-10,North Louisiana Roller Dollz,,
Bellatrix LeStrangle,428,"25th January, 2014",Traverse City Roller Derby,,United States
Bellatrix Lestrangle,93,"25th July, 2017",Classic city Roller girls,,United States
Bellatrixter,51,2012-03-26,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Bellawhips Lestrange,934,"9th November, 2015",Downriver Roller Dollz,,United States
Bellawulf,4,"23rd March, 2016",Suburbia,,United States
Belldandy,7,"11th February, 2015",Roller Derby Panthers,,France
Belle,,"21st January, 2014",Independant NSO,,United Kingdom
Belle Air Bomber,57,2009-06-03,Central Mass Roller Derby,,
Belle Anger,21,2011-05-27,Amsterdam Derby Dames,,
Belle Barracuda,GrindU40,2011-07-15,Gulf Coast Roller Girls,,
Belle Basswhoop,642,2010-10-27,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Belle Bleeder,07,2012-03-28,Emerald Coast Roller Derby,,
Belle Block H,,2011-10-08,Nasty Nessies Roller Girls,,
Belle Bottom,1969,2011-03-18,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Belle Breaker,11,"12th March, 2014",Doonhame Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Belle Camino,1970,2011-02-18,Tar Sand Betties Roller Derby,,
Belle Cha Blknblu,,2010-04-09,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Belle Curve,,2007-02-21,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Belle DeBrawl,84,2007-08-03,Mackay City Roller Maidens,,
Belle Diablo,666,,Philly Rollergirls,,
Belle Diablo,13,"12th May, 2017",Maitland Roller Derby,,Australia
Belle Dozer,261,"24th January, 2014",Granite State Roller Derby,,United States
Belle E Dancer,67,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Belle E. Dancer,67,2008-01-08,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Belle Envy,2373,"20th March, 2014",The Painted Birds,,Uruguay
Belle Fast,4,"22nd May, 2015",Northshore Roller Derby and Mississippi Rollergirls,,United States
Belle Fast Bomber,M80,2006-09-07,Dutchland Rollers,,
Belle Fastway,5315,"31st March, 2015",,,Canada
Belle For Leather,245,"21st January, 2014",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Belle Guinness,049,2009-09-21,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Belle Isle Hurtya,1879,"24th January, 2014",Detroit Derby Girls,,United States
Belle Kabong,5x5,2011-08-01,Gold Coast Derby Grrls,,
Belle La Bruise,33,2010-02-15,Blue Mountains Roller Derby,,
Belle Maladies,25,2011-04-11,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Belle Mastiff,K9,2011-12-17,San Fernando Valley Roller Derby,,
Belle Maul Her,Exit 98,2007-10-22,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Belle Morte,4,"22nd January, 2014",Kannapolis Rollergirls,,United States
Belle N. Somebashin',G-9,2006-10-24,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Belle O' The Brawl,,"1st April, 2015",South shore roller girls,,United States
Belle On Wheels,411,"11th March, 2020",Soul City Sirens,,United States
Belle On Wheels,805,"9th April, 2019",DSDL,,Australia
Belle RIGHT hooks,1619,2008-03-10,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Belle Rebelle,21,2012-01-17,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Belle Ringer,22,"8th January, 2015",,,United States
Belle Scarr,31,2011-02-05,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Belle Scorcho,85,2011-10-15,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Belle Sorenson,83,"13th February, 2014",,,France
Belle Star,98,"5th November, 2015",Riot Rollers Darmstadt,,Germany
Belle Starr,1889,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Belle Starr,32,"11th June, 2019",CCRD,,United States
Belle T-Her,500,2011-05-24,Haunted City Rollers,,
Belle T-her,500,"28th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Belle Tabitch,187,2011-01-14,Snake Pit Derby Dames,,
Belle Tauro,101,"27th April, 2016",Jersey Royal Rollers,,United Kingdom
Belle Tolls,4 thee,2010-02-14,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Belle Wringer,203,2009-08-07,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Belle Wringer,203,"21st January, 2014",Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Belle Z. Bub,29,"15th January, 2015",Vernal Derby Dolls,,United States
Belle Zébuth,699,"22nd February, 2018",Roller Derby Bordeaux Club,,France
Belle for Leather,245,2011-03-09,Dublin Roller Girls,,
Belle from Hell,14,"25th February, 2018",Bonebreakers Bern,,Switzerland
Belle of the Brawl,235,"26th January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Belle of the Brawl,1954,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Belle of the Brawl,18,"1st March, 2019",Druid City Dames,,United States
Belle on Wheels,182,"23rd July, 2014",TXRG Jr,,United States
Belle on Wheels,TANK,2009-03-03,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
Belle on Wheelz,,"11th September, 2018",Rock Town Roller Derby,,United States
Belle the Beast,7,"27th May, 2017",Canberra Roller Derby League,,Australia
Belle the Butcher,510,"6th February, 2014",South Side Derby Dames,,United States
Belle's Bub,,2007-02-21,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Belle's Hell De Lux,6,2010-11-23,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Belle-istic,13,2008-11-09,Rainy City Roller Girls,,
BelleBuster,,"23rd April, 2017",,,United States
BelleFire,808,"22nd January, 2014",Whitsunday Roller Derby League,,Australia
Belleboa,,"24th March, 2015",Demolition City Roller Derby,,United States
Bellefast,5678,2012-02-12,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Bellicose Bambi,11,"24th October, 2014",Hallam Hellcats,,United Kingdom
Bellicose Blonde,c476,"3rd April, 2014",SWSRDA,,Canada
Bellicose Blondie,212,"20th January, 2014",Fort Myers Derby Girl,,United States
Bellicose Blondie,12:2,2009-05-22,Fort Myers Derby Girls,,
Bellicose Bombshell,829,"16th July, 2015",Beet City Bombers,,United States
Belligerent Barbie,31,2008-08-15,Man's Ruin Roller Derby,,
Belligerent Bex,199,"14th October, 2014",Long Island Roller Rebels,,United States
Belliqueuse,127,"28th January, 2018",The Cannibal Marmots,,France
Bellistic,00,"28th May, 2017",Dust City Rollers,,Austria
Bellona,3-24,2012-03-13,Kansas City Banked Beauties,,
Bellona Bashem,1010,"25th January, 2014",Alabama Roller Derby,,United States
Bellota,#91,"9th May, 2017",Bastardas Roller Derby,,Argentina
Bells Angel,8311,2012-02-08,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Belly Roller,17,2012-01-19,Savanna Foxes Roller Derby Bras'lia,,
Belly Roller,17,"22nd January, 2014",Wing City Angels,,Brazil
Bellydonna Loller,42,2010-10-18,Lahti Roller Derby,,
Belt-Her Face,103,2011-11-28,Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild,,
Belta Force,21,2011-02-14,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Belta Goodrem,Legs 11,2011-01-26,Margaret River Roller Derby,,
Beltane Wytch,1967,2010-03-30,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Belzebubben,667,"26th April, 2015",Växjö Roller Derby,,Sweden
Ben Dejo,,2010-02-20,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Ben Der Over,REF,2011-03-22,Dakota Derby,,
Ben Drinkin,REF,2009-04-14,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Ben Hurrt,8888,"21st January, 2014",Crash Test Brummies,,United Kingdom
Ben Lee,STAFF,2011-12-05,Towns Villains Roller Derby,,
Ben O. Verbitch,,2011-08-02,Unforgiven Roller Girls,,
Ben Shermanator,2906,2012-04-23,Bunbury Roller Derby,,
Ben Ton Hammer,10,"7th April, 2016",DKRD,,United Kingdom
Ben Wa,,,,,
Ben WhEley,627,"7th April, 2016",Nottingham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Ben-Detta,,2010-05-28,Imposters Roller Girls (The),,
Ben-Ten-Derizer,,"24th January, 2014",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bend Her,REF,2011-07-07,Prince Albert Roller Derby,,
Bend Over Hackwards,500,"9th March, 2019",Dublin Roller Derby,,Ireland
Bend-Her Rodriguez,40%,"24th January, 2014",Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,Japan
BendHer Blackenblue,2+7=9,2009-03-19,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
BendHer Rules,2,"14th April, 2015",Cleveland Men's Roller Derby,,United States
BendURgender,315,2009-10-10,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Bendejo,01000101,"17th March, 2017",,,United States
Bendi clock'er,,"22nd January, 2014",Lmrd,,Canada
Bendy Wendy,,2008-03-08,DV8 Derby Skaterz,,
Benedict Cumbersmash,221b,"23rd November, 2016",Charlotte Roller Girls,,United States
Benforcer,12,2011-07-13,Westside Derby Dollz,,
Beni Hannah,Sake 101,2011-07-27,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Beniote Sex-Teen,16,2012-03-14,Roller Derby Quebec,,
Benjamin Bark Atter,REF,2010-04-04,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Benjamin Spanklin,REF,2010-10-16,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Benneh,42,2012-03-12,Light City Derby,,
Benni Boop,,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Benni Lugosi,0,2011-03-25,Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,
Benni Lugosi,462,"8th February, 2014","The Inhuman League, Deathrow Hull",,United Kingdom
Bennie the Jet,529,2012-01-05,Tulare Roller Derby,,
Benny Bruiser,REF,2011-01-26,Margaret River Roller Derby,,
Benny Kill,480-217,2011-03-20,Nidaros Roller Derby,,
Benny Kill,217,"20th January, 2014",Nidaros Roller Derby,,Norway
Beno,17,"21st January, 2014",Lincolnshire rolling thunder,,United Kingdom
Benoîte Sex-Teen,16,"22nd January, 2014",Roller Derby Québec,,Canada
Bensanity,COACH,2012-06-01,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Bent Reznor,,2008-01-02,CoMo Derby Dames,,
Bento Boxer,,"21st January, 2014",Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,United States
Benton,17,"21st January, 2014",Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,United States
BerNasty,7,"7th April, 2014",Minnesota RollerGirls,,United States
Beracooter,456,2007-02-05,Salt City Derby Girls,,
Berd of Prey,,2011-02-13,Rebel County Rollers,,
Bereft,84,"21st January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bereft,84,2012-01-05,Furness Firecrackers,,
Berensen,1312,"21st January, 2014",Bonebreakers Bern,,Switzerland
Beretta Berry,,2011-12-01,Switchblade RollerGrrrls,,
Beretta Betty,,2006-10-24,Star City Rollergirls,,
Beretta Block-Her,9mm,"21st January, 2014",quad city derby bombshells,,United States
Beretta Brass,333,2011-10-10,Battle Creek Cereal Killers,,
Beretta Brit,92,2010-02-03,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Beretta Garbo,9mm,2006-09-15,The Fanny Pack,,
Beretta Michaels,80s,2009-05-26,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Bergvicious,240,2010-12-30,V Town Derby Dames,,
Beri d'Hachet,360,2011-03-12,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Berle Scout,83,2010-07-11,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Berlin,89,2009-12-20,Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls,,
Berlin Betty,,2010-08-16,Spindletop Rollergirls,,
Berlin Brawl,10,2007-07-09,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Berlin Wall,89,2009-07-05,Orlando Psycho City Derby Girls,,
Bermuda Biangle,369,"14th November, 2018",Angel City Derby,,United States
Bermuda Rose,50,2010-11-29,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Bermuda Thigh Tangles,184,2012-02-21,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Bern In Hell,666,"24th March, 2014",Blackpool Roller Derby League,,United Kingdom
Bernadeath Peters,17,"22nd January, 2016",,,United States
Bernadeath Wish,17,"23rd January, 2016",,,United States
Bernadette Chikrac,16,"28th April, 2019",,,France
Bernadette Crashenbash,221,"12th March, 2019",,,United States
Berner Babe,00,"9th April, 2016",Rockie veiw rollers,,Canada
Berni THE BOLT,817,2010-08-07,Imposters Roller Girls,,
Berni the bolt,817,"18th March, 2014",The Imposters roller girls,,United Kingdom
Bernice Python,666,2011-03-01,Kingsford Krush,,
Bernie Bridges,,"3rd December, 2014",Convict City Roller Derby League - Ref,,Australia
Bernie Sensation,REF,2011-01-18,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Bernie Smack,REF,2008-08-11,Greater Jacksonville Roller Derby,,
Bernie Wreckster,23,2011-11-15,Valdosta Venom,,
Berny White,51,"18th June, 2015",Italian,,Italy
Berny White,51,"18th June, 2015",Crimson Vipers RD Bergamo,,Italy
Berocca Bama,17,"14th April, 2017",Granite City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Berretta Barbie,.50,2012-01-01,Downriver Roller Dollz,,
Berri D. Hatchett,801,"3rd August, 2014",Full Metal Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Berri-licious,514,2011-04-05,Pound Cakes,,
Berry Bad,88,2012-06-03,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Berry Barrage,,"31st August, 2019",Fayetteville roller derby,,United States
Berry Bomb,827,"19th February, 2015",WKRRJDL,,United States
Berry Boom Boom,23,2012-02-02,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Berry Boom Boom,23,"20th January, 2014",Suburbia roller derby,,United States
Berry D'Alive,97,"30th April, 2015",SSRG,,United Kingdom
Berry Furious,,2011-11-16,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Berry Got Back,1889,"18th January, 2016",,,United States
Berry Maneltoe,Coach,2008-02-27,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Berry Nasty,718,2010-05-05,SoCal Derby,,
Berry Short Quake,4326,"23rd September, 2018",Granite State Roller Derby,,United States
Berry vicious,156,"30th March, 2019",TRC- Taranaki Roller Corps,,New Zealand
Berserk Fever,37,"6th February, 2014",La Plata Roller Derby,,Argentina
Bert Hert,,,,,
Berta Butcher,24/7,2009-06-15,Bremen Rollergirls,,
Berth Knuckles,74,2007-08-02,Black-n-Bluegrass Rollergirls,,
Bertha Blue Blazes,717,"30th January, 2014",Twin State Derby,,United States
Bertha Control,Staff,2008-08-22,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Bertha Mae Breakya,0630,2011-01-29,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Bertha Venus,c.1482,2008-01-07,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Bertha Victory,16,2010-07-08,Plattsburgh Roller Derby,,
Bertie Bash-it,296,"22nd August, 2014",Brid Rock n Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bertie Bee Stings,04,"21st January, 2014",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bertie Butt,13,"12th October, 2017",les Tamponneuses,,France
Bertie Dastard,1615em,"20th January, 2014",Knights of Oldham Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bertie Guillotine,72,"21st January, 2020",,,United Kingdom
Bertolt Wrecked,,"12th February, 2018",Gotham Girls,,United States
Bertrand Hustle,,2011-09-15,Nashville Rollergirls,,
BeruBitch,-40,2011-02-24,Roller Derby Quebec,,
Beryl Belligerent,12,2011-07-14,Tri-Valley Roller Girls,,
Berzerk,19,"27th July, 2017",,,United States
Berzerka Salt,9,2011-10-28,Little Steel Derby Girls,,
Berzerker,12,,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Besame Bunny,L0L,2009-04-14,Undead Bettys,,
Bess B. Scared,XX,2009-09-22,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bess B. Ware,,2008-07-14,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Bess Irv-Cold,Labatt 50,2009-04-01,Stockholm Roller Derby,,
Bess Kind,17,"20th July, 2015",Rhythm and Bruise (Montréal Roller Derby Junior),,Canada
Bessie May Muerta,707,2012-04-28,Ventura County Derby Darlins,,
Bessie Smithereens,54,2009-12-02,Crescent City Derby Devils,,
Bessy Black-eye,79,2010-10-19,Ark Valley High Rollers,,
Best Bette,21,2011-03-17,Cal Skate Roller Derby,,
Bestia,13,"22nd February, 2016",,,Chile
Bestia Loca,18,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
Bestie Girl,10,"25th November, 2014",Roller Derby Lille,,France
Bet Meddler,1913,2010-08-04,Flint City Derby Girls,,
Bet Tea Clock Her,,"4th March, 2016",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Bet-T RockA-Chick,909,2010-02-15,Bemidji Babe City Rollers,,
Bet. T. Bomb,15,2007-11-20,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Beta Blocka,,"18th April, 2016",,,Australia
Beta Blocker,101,"13th March, 2017",Border City Roller Derby,,Canada
Beta Blocker,812,"2nd September, 2019",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Betabell,202,"30th June, 2018",,,Mexico
Betch,304,"23rd January, 2014",The Stone Cold Foxes Roller Derby,,United States
Beteleuse,404,2011-07-26,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
Betelgeuse,777,"9th November, 2017",,,United States
Beten Boppin,21,2009-07-07,Bakersfield Rollergirls,,
"Beth ""Chap Your Ass"" Chapman",,"7th September, 2019",Derby City Roller Girls,,United States
"Beth ""The Booty Hunter"" Chapman",,"7th September, 2019",,,United States
Beth Adder,20,2010-06-15,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Beth Amphetamine,187,"2nd October, 2016",,,New Zealand
Beth Amphetamine,0,,Windy City Rollers,,
Beth From Above,50,"5th April, 2016",Anchor City Rollers,,Canada
Beth Leppard,625,"20th January, 2014",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Beth Metal,,"29th December, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Beth Metal,43,2008-04-19,Central City Rollergirls,,
Beth Penalty,35-Life,,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Beth Rave,8008,2010-12-02,MTL Roller Derby,,
Beth Row,20 - life,"28th April, 2014",Carolina Rollergirls,,United States
Beth Row,100,"28th March, 2016",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Beth Row,,2007-05-15,Carolina Rollergirls,,
Beth Salts,500mg,"27th January, 2014",Maine Roller Derby,,United States
Beth Sentence,11,2009-11-30,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Beth Sentence,46,"7th December, 2014",Tiger Bay Brawlers,,United Kingdom
Beth Steel,54-46,2008-11-19,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Beth Threat,23,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Beth Wish,211,"14th September, 2015",Texas Rollergirls,,United States
Beth Wish,10,2010-12-08,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Beth of Death,333,"24th January, 2014",Red Bluff Derby Girls,,United States
Beth or Glory,79,2011-11-10,Wakey Wheeled Cats,,
Beth'n Destruction,,"3rd January, 2016",,,United Kingdom
BethAnne DeStruction,0xC00021A,2008-07-24,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Bethanne Phetamine,908,"31st August, 2021",,,United States
Bethanol,E85,2011-02-11,Shadow City Rollers,,
Bethany Slamilton,,"13th September, 2021",,,United States
Bethcon1,strych9,2012-03-01,Reading Derby Girls,,
Bethemoth,51,"5th February, 2020",Rotterdam Roller Derby,,Netherlands
Bethinator,21/7,"7th November, 2014",PCRG,,United Kingdom
BethleHammer,428,2012-01-09,Ring City Rollergirls,,
BethleMayhem,,2010-11-08,Lincolnshire Bombers,,
Bethy Rough,247,"29th November, 2014",Oslo Rollerderby,,Norway
Bethylated Spirit,,"24th April, 2018",WA Roller Derby,,Australia
Beto Velez,175,"28th November, 2014",Roller Mobsters,,Argentina
Betsey Bellicose,,2010-04-24,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Betsey Hitya,Ko'd,2007-11-11,Palmetto State Rollergirls,,
Betsie Bruiser,,"20th March, 2021",,,United States
Betsy Basher,111,2010-11-29,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Betsy Blackheart,,,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Betsy Boombox,1313,2010-09-19,Gent GO-GO Roller Girls,,
Betsy Boss,1776,2011-07-27,Brandywine Roller Girls,,
Betsy Bourbon,504,2010-05-07,Brighton Rockers Roller Derby,,
Betsy Nails,6d,"22nd January, 2014",Rat City,,United States
Betsy Nails,Staff,2011-04-11,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Betsy Sue McGoo,82,5-23-12,Bethel Derby Divas,,
Betsy Toss,1776,2011-04-28,Three Rivers Roller Derby,,
Betsy Wrecksie,,2007-09-10,Sioux Falls Roller Dollz,,
Betsy Wrecksie,76,"20th January, 2014",Minnesota RollerGirls,,United States
Betsy von Horror,666,2011-10-02,Tampere Rollin' Hos,,
Betta Block'er,,"11th March, 2017",Androscoggin Fallen Angels,,United States
Betta PunishHer,,"27th October, 2017",SO Derby,,United States
Betta RecogKnives,11,"30th August, 2015",Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Betta WarnHer,12,"21st January, 2014",Beckley Area Derby Dames,,United States
Betta Watch'it,14,2009-11-30,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Bettacall,000,2011-11-03,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Bette Churass,32,2008-11-20,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Bette Davis Thighs,63,"18th March, 2015",Mad Rollin Dolls,,United States
Bette Devious,666,2011-03-27,Five 40 Roller Girls,,
Bette Fatal,88,2011-03-08,Flathead Valley Roller Derby,,
Bette Grinch,83,"10th April, 2014",Mansfield Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bette Mangler,,,Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,
Bette Midler Crisis,,2011-06-09,Margaret River Roller Derby,,
Bette MutilateHer,23,2010-08-30,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Bette Noir,73,"21st January, 2014",London Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Bette Noir,73,2006-04-28,London Rollergirls,,
Bette Outta Hell,72,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bette Outta Hell,72,2010-05-19,Central City Rollergirls,,
Bette R. ThanFiction,42,2010-10-11,High City Derby Divas,,
Bette Rage,885,"5th December, 2015",Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Bette Skiddler,40,2011-08-01,W.A. Roller Derby,,
Bette Skidler,,"21st March, 2016",Bridgend Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bette Thislehert,623,2010-09-10,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Better Brawl Saul,,"29th August, 2014",Romsey Town Rollerbillies,,United Kingdom
Better Off Red,80,"23rd January, 2015",Albany All Stars,,United States
Betti Boom,00,"22nd September, 2015",Vienna Roller Derby,,Austria
Betti CrockHer,8,2010-01-15,Pacific Roller Derby,,
Betti Luv,33,"4th February, 2014",San Gabriel Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Betti Luv,33,2012-02-29,Prison City Derby Dames,,
Betti Spaghetti,68,"30th January, 2015",Crossroads City Derby,,United States
Bettie 12GAGE,12G,2007-04-11,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Bettie B. Goode,12,2011-02-13,Rebel County Rollers,,
Bettie BLACKOUT,17,"20th February, 2017",,,United States
Bettie Ballbuster,10-35,2010-02-16,Sugartown Rollergirls,,
Bettie Bam Bam,3,"26th May, 2015",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
Bettie Bangs,11550,2011-03-10,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Bettie BareKnuckles,40oz,2012-02-03,Rocket City Roller Girls,,
Bettie BareKnuckles,,"11th March, 2014",Five 40 Roller Girls,,United States
Bettie BasHer,33,2010-10-18,Newcastle Roller Girls,,
Bettie Batter,1975,2011-10-05,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Bettie Bellringer,,2009-05-10,Okanagan Roller Derby Girls,,
Bettie Berserker,,"24th June, 2015",Dirtroad Derby Dames,,United States
Bettie Blackeye,99,2011-11-29,580 Roller Girls,,
Bettie Blockade,,2007-11-17,Oly Rollers,,
Bettie Blox,6311,"1st May, 2016",Sacred City Derby Girls,,United States
Bettie Bombas,138,"9th October, 2016",Swan City Roller Derby,,United States
Bettie Bond,007,2006-10-10,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Bettie Bond,007,"21st January, 2014",Molly Roger Rollergirls,,United States
Bettie Bootheel,13,2010-11-06,Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,
Bettie Broad Beater,3B,"11th August, 2014",Texarkana Roller Derby League,,United States
Bettie Bronxx,629,2011-02-20,Arizona Rollergirls,,
Bettie Bulldoze,94,2007-10-14,Man's Ruin Roller Derby,,
Bettie Cage,,2009-02-16,CoMo Derby Dames,,
Bettie Davis Dies,7,2011-06-08,Midnight Sun Roller Girlz,,
Bettie HaSkull,333,"20th January, 2014",Jefferson State Maidens of Mayhem,,United States
Bettie HissyFit,23,2011-12-04,Copenhagen roller derby,,
Bettie J. Angel,1930,2011-11-16,Hartford Area Roller Derby,,
Bettie Knock-Her,,"15th August, 2017",,,United States
Bettie Krueger,82,"28th August, 2016",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Bettie Kruger,78,,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Bettie Lockdown,1870,2010-11-14,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Bettie Mal Seizure,451,"21st January, 2014",Nottingham Hellfire Harlots,,United Kingdom
Bettie Mercury,42,"27th January, 2014",,,United States
Bettie Mercury,,,,,
Bettie Mercury,42,2006-06-02,Pair O' Dice City Derby,,
Bettie Munster,138,5/1/12,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Bettie Off Dead,$2,2008-04-16,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Bettie Pain,34F,"24th January, 2014",709 Roller Derby,,Canada
Bettie Pain,DD,2010-01-24,709 Derby Girls,,
Bettie Plague,14,2007-10-22,Hidden City Derby Girls,,
Bettie Rage,,"3rd December, 2014",Rainy City Roller girls,,United Kingdom
Bettie Rage,846,"22nd October, 2015",Växjö Roller Derby,,Sweden
Bettie Rage,12,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Bettie Rage,87,"25th August, 2017",Mississippi Brawl Stars,,United States
Bettie Rage,1950,"11th June, 2016",Northside Rollers,,Australia
Bettie Rage,9002,"25th October, 2017",LKPG Go'Rullaz RDC,,Sweden
Bettie Rage,,"27th March, 2015",Oil City Roller Derby,,Canada
Bettie Rage,13,"10th July, 2014",River Region Roller Girls,,United States
Bettie Rage,,"7th May, 2014",,,United States
Bettie Stitch'em,1616,2011-03-11,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Bettie Trubble,88,"21st January, 2014",Bedfordshire rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Bettie Trubble,88,2009-04-06,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Bettie Venom,LD99,"21st January, 2014",Finger Lakes Lunachicks,,United States
Bettie Von Carnage,42,2010-01-05,Rollin' Roulettes Roller Derby,,
Bettie rage,,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Bettie the Bruiser,1313,2011-06-21,Gawler Roller Derby,,
Bettie the Kid,20,2010-07-16,Monterey Bay Derby Dames,,
Bettie to Rumble,,2009-06-09,Chinook City Roller Derby,,
Bettie von Beatcha,,2010-06-07,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Bettsy Bear,812,"15th October, 2017",Rebellion Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bettsy Bruis'er,2410,"21st January, 2014",Southern CoEd Roller Derby (SCERD),,United Kingdom
Betty 'Brufen,112,2011-02-14,Dorset Rollergirls,,
Betty Aim Fire,0,2008-01-21,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Betty B. Brutal,27,2011-04-13,Oil City Derby Girls,,
Betty B. Prayin',89,2008-12-08,Western Sydney Rollers,,
Betty B. Quick,,"24th January, 2014",Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,United States
Betty B. Quick,40,2010-09-16,Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,
Betty B. Ready,L8,2010-03-02,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Betty B. Tough,897,"22nd April, 2017",Maine Roller Derby,,United States
Betty BOOM,,"8th October, 2014",Rubber City Roller Girls,,United States
Betty Backhand,32,"19th February, 2014",Nor Cal Roller Girls,,United States
Betty Bad JuJu,,"17th May, 2019",,,United States
Betty BadTouch,4,2010-07-03,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Betty Badlands,,2011-11-03,Terminal City Rollergirls,,
Betty Badtouch,4,"2nd April, 2014",Orangeville Roller Girls,,Canada
Betty Balboa,73,"21st May, 2016",Rough Diamond Rebels,,United States
Betty Ballistic,,"15th August, 2015",Deadwood regulators,,United States
Betty Bamalam,00,2007-05-21,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Betty Bang Bang,,2010-11-21,Mo-Kan Roller Girlz,,
Betty Bangarang,#69,"20th January, 2014",Riverside Rebels Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Betty Bangtastic,13,"2nd May, 2014",Grim Reavers roller derby,,United Kingdom
Betty Banzai,69,"7th May, 2014",Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,United Kingdom
Betty Banzai,69,2010-11-13,Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,
Betty Barge Ass,41,2009-03-10,Gold Coast Roller Derby,,
Betty Barracuda,127,2010-08-02,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Betty Barrrett,.50 cal,2009-12-16,Magnolia Roller Vixens,,
Betty Bash,31,2011-09-20,Graveyard Queens,,
Betty Bathory,23,2009-11-01,Red Lion Roller Derby,,
Betty Battle Axe,37,5-29-12,Worcester Roller Derby,,
Betty Battle Axe,37,"21st January, 2014",Worcester Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Beatdown,00,,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Betty Bedlam,85,2009-06-27,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Betty Beefcake,4000,"18th May, 2016",Spokannibals,,United States
Betty Beefchoker,69,"2nd April, 2015",Riverside Rebels Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Betty Beezarre,H8,"21st January, 2014",Munich Rolling Rebels,,Germany
Betty Believit,000,2011-11-28,Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild,,
Betty Beretta,.40cal,2009-04-01,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Betty Beretta,92,"24th January, 2014",Ann Arbor Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Beware,5150,2009-05-15,Dirty Verde Roller Derby,,
Betty Biceps,72,2010-11-03,Nanaimo Nemesis Roller Girls,,
Betty Biohazard,BSL4,"9th October, 2014",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Betty Biteme,2058,2012-01-09,Ring City Rollergirls,,
Betty Black Death,Maria Svensson,"21st June, 2018",,,United States
Betty Blackenblue,35,2010-06-07,Bay Rollers,,
Betty Blackout,OU812,2010-11-30,Illinois Valley Vixens,,
Betty Blaster,C4,"20th January, 2014",NV East Roller Girls,,United States
Betty Blastoff,,2007-06-15,Duke City Derby,,
Betty Blight,36,2011-10-08,Peterborough Roller Derby League,,
Betty Blitz,586,"8th June, 2017",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Betty Blitzkrieg,13.6eV,2009-08-23,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Betty Blitzkrieg,702,"30th December, 2014",Eves of Destruction,,Canada
Betty Blizzard,246,2012-05-31,Mother City Mayhem Roller Derby,,
Betty Blizzard,47,"24th January, 2014",Cape Town Rollergirls,,South Africa
Betty BlockHer,,"20th January, 2016",,,United States
Betty Blocker,,"21st September, 2019",Oxford Wheels of Gory,,United Kingdom
Betty Blockher,Retired,,Chicago Outfit,,
Betty Bloodaxe,13,"24th March, 2014",Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,United Kingdom
Betty Bloodlust,44,,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Betty Bloodshed,28,2010-10-16,Central City Rollergirls,,
Betty Bloodsucker,619,2010-07-11,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Betty Blowme,502,2010-04-18,Watertown Roller Derby,,
Betty Bodacious Boobs,8008,2011-03-16,Syndicate Roller Girls,,
Betty Bollocks,2,2010-05-21,Lilac City Rollergirls,,
Betty Bolts,889,2011-01-10,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Betty Bolts,889,"20th January, 2014",Shasta Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Bomber,,"13th September, 2017",,,United States
Betty Bomber,23,,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Betty Bombshell,23,"13th May, 2014",J-Town Roller Girls,,United States
Betty BoneDriver,7734,"23rd January, 2015",Mistresses of Mayhem,,United States
Betty Bonebreak-her,114,"16th July, 2017",Miami Vice City Rollers,,United States
Betty Bonecrusher,82,2006-03-29,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Betty Bones,12,2008-01-15,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Betty BooHoo,Lucky13,2011-10-02,Tampere Rollin' Hos,,
Betty BooYah,3773,"21st January, 2014",Rocky Mountain Roller Girls,,United States
Betty BooYah,3773,2011-04-27,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Betty Boobs,38c,2010-11-09,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Betty Boobz,,"5th June, 2015",,,United States
Betty Boom,C4,,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Betty Boom,0811,"22nd January, 2014",Nottingham Hellfire Harlots,,United Kingdom
Betty Boom,88,"3rd September, 2015",Central Coast Roller Derby United,,Australia
Betty Bopit 2ya,80,2011-05-06,Okanagan Shuswap Roller Derby Association,,
Betty Bounce'em,87,2011-01-10,Morgantown Roller Vixens,,
Betty Bourbon,,"24th January, 2014",,,United States
Betty Bout It,200,2009-02-03,Little Steel Derby Girls,,
Betty Bowser,,"15th July, 2016",Mine Monsters Oberhausen,,Germany
Betty Breathtaker,330,2011-09-04,Arizona Roller Derby,,
Betty Brickhouse,26,2011-03-07,Sarasota Roller Girls,,
Betty Bruis'Her,1134,"7th February, 2014",Highland Roller Derby League,,Canada
Betty Bruise 'n' Belt,957,2011-09-18,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Betty Bruiser,0711,"30th July, 2015",Rough Diamond Rebels,,United States
Betty Bruises,,2012-01-12,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Betty Brutal,44,"10th March, 2018",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Betty BrutalizHER,44,2011-11-12,Portneuf Valley Bruisers RDA,,
Betty Brute,930,"5th April, 2016",North Cheshire Victory Rollers,,United Kingdom
Betty Bumpers,38DD,2006-06-01,Dead City Rollers,,
Betty BumpsnBruises,333,"22nd January, 2014",Traverse City Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Bunz,55,"21st January, 2014",DuPage Derby Dames,,United States
Betty Burnout,,2007-06-11,Richland County Regulators,,
Betty Burp,17,"2nd February, 2014",Alp'n Rockets Roller Derby,,Italy
Betty Bustabuns,,2011-06-22,Quad City Rollers,,
Betty Buttbruiser,517E,2010-11-11,Toronto Junior Roller Derby,,
Betty Byebye,13,2012-02-23,Nidaros Roller Derby,,
Betty Cabooze,101,"13th September, 2018",Roller Derby Kiel,,Germany
Betty Chase,8,"25th September, 2015",Spa Town Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Betty Clobber,425û,2008-10-24,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Betty Clock Her,54,"25th January, 2014",,,United States
Betty Clock'er,,"14th July, 2016",Rockabellas roller Derby league,,Australia
Betty ClockHer,12 servings,2009-02-12,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
Betty ClockHer,14,"24th January, 2014",Southern Delaware roller girls,,United States
Betty Crack-Her,,2011-07-18,Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens,,
Betty Crack-Her,303,"21st January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Betty Crack-her,303,"20th January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Betty CrackAhoe,12tsp,"20th February, 2014",Yuma Roller Derby League,,United States
Betty CrackHer,375,"21st January, 2014",Wasatch Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Cracker,16 oz,2007-05-14,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Betty CrasHer,6ft,2011-01-17,RockTown Rollers,,
Betty Crockblocker,,2012-01-04,Hell Rio Rollers,,
Betty Crotchbreaker,,"13th January, 2020",,,United States
Betty D'Blunt,222,2011-01-10,Bakken Derby Girls League,,
Betty D. Reaper,12,2011-07-08,Oslo Roller Derby,,
Betty Da'BAMF,1805,2011-10-26,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Betty Deadheader,736,2010-11-29,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Betty Doom,506,"22nd January, 2014",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
Betty Drillder,86'd,2009-09-25,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Betty Fhite,88 1/2,2010-12-30,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
Betty Fight,13,"21st October, 2021",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Fishnetty,333,2009-01-08,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Betty Flame Thrower,7,"11th August, 2021",,,Australia
Betty Flight,89,2011-01-21,Coffs Coast Derby,,
Betty Floored,15,2008-11-17,Glass City Rollers,,
Betty Ford Cynic,H16H,"20th January, 2014",Columbia Quad Squad,,United States
Betty Ford Cynic,H16H,2012-03-22,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Betty Ford Galaxy,12,,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Betty Ford Galaxy,12 steps,"22nd January, 2014",Rainier Roller Girls,,United States
Betty Fright,18,2010-11-21,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Betty FugetaBOUTit,360°,"15th June, 2016",Durham Region Roller Derby,,Canada
Betty FugetaBOUTit,360¡,2011-08-08,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Betty Gauge,00B,2007-12-14,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Betty Gesserit,6,"31st May, 2018",Peninsula Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Gesserit,,2011-01-14,Dutchland Rollers,,
Betty Grapple,30,2009-08-25,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Betty Guns,11,2010-11-18,Border City Brawlers,,
Betty Harlot,13,2011-03-15,Wilkes Barre Roller Radicals,,
Betty Harris,129,"21st June, 2016",Roller Grrrl Gang,,Germany
Betty Hellblazer,81,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Betty Hellblazer,81,2011-04-16,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Betty Hollywood,,2010-06-27,Dodge City Rollers,,
Betty Jukes,19,5/12/12,Jr. Jacksonville Rollergirls,,
Betty KnockHER,,2008-02-14,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Betty Knocker,24,"13th August, 2015",Rockabellas Roller Derby League,,Australia
Betty Knox,18,2010-07-02,MK Roller Derby,,
Betty Knox,18,"20th January, 2014","Milton Keynes Roller Derby, The Concrete Cows",,United Kingdom
Betty LaRude,222,,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Betty Licious,57,2008-12-03,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Betty Lu Tattoo,13,2011-09-07,Central California Area Derby,,
Betty Lumpkins,,"18th August, 2015",,,United States
Betty Machete,11,2007-03-03,Central City Rollergirls,,
Betty Machete,102,"17th February, 2014",Bay City Rollers,,New Zealand
Betty Machete,1UP,"19th October, 2014",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
Betty Mayhem,99,"21st January, 2014",Acadiana Roller Girls,,United States
Betty McBäm,49,"21st January, 2014",Roller Girls of the Apocalypse,,Germany
Betty Minefield,47,2012-06-11,Lincoln Land Roller Derby,,
Betty OOP,404,"9th November, 2016",Duke City Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Oops,1/5,2009-08-25,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Betty Oups!,342102,"6th October, 2014",SAM Roller Derby,,France
Betty Page-Turner,1040,2010-01-03,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Betty Pin-U-Up,6,"21st January, 2014",Cedar Rapids Rollergirls,,United States
Betty Plague,2422,"14th January, 2016",Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
Betty Pooped,,2010-03-25,Ladies of Hell Town,,
Betty Rage,,"30th January, 2015",Rocky View Rollers,,Canada
Betty Raige,27,"6th December, 2014",East Side Derby Girls,,United States
Betty Razor Blades,7,"11th August, 2021",,,Australia
Betty Rebel,,"28th July, 2017",,,United States
Betty Rebel,,2012-03-03,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Betty Recognize,,"2nd July, 2015",,,United States
Betty Riot,69,"28th September, 2014",Zombie Rollergirlz,,Germany
Betty Rocker,350,"24th November, 2018",Mid Atlantic Roller Derby,,United States
Betty Rocker,,"10th March, 2016",,,Australia
Betty Rocker,13,2007-05-15,NOtown Roller Derby,,
Betty Rugburn,40 oz.,2007-05-28,Stockton Derby Dames,,
Betty Rumble,11,,Greensboro Roller Derby,,
Betty Rumble,11,"26th January, 2015",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Betty Say Your Prayers,,"19th June, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Betty Schnockered,147,2011-08-22,Shoreline Roller Derby,,
Betty Scraper,D8,2011-07-07,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Betty Shocker,21 in the stink,2011-11-03,Roller Derby Quebec,,
Betty Skalker,7:25,2010-02-10,Ottawa Roller Derby,,
Betty Slaughter,,2010-08-12,GTA Rollergirls,,
Betty Smak-her,350,"10th March, 2015",Reading Derby Girls,,United States
Betty Smite,,"25th May, 2015",United States,,United States
Betty Spaghetti,31,"24th January, 2014",Red River Roller derby,,United States
Betty Spaghetti,31,2012-03-14,Red River Roller Derby,,
Betty Spite,3.31.25,2006-07-01,Boston Derby Dames,,
Betty Swat,16,2012-04-26,Grey Bruce Roller Derby,,
Betty Switch,90,2012-04-05,Lehigh Valley Rollergirls,,
Betty Switch Blade,7,"11th August, 2021",,,Australia
Betty Swollox,00,2009-05-10,London Rockin Rollers,,
Betty Swoobies,3110,"16th November, 2016",Belfast City Rockets,,United Kingdom
Betty TaRoll,42,,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Betty Terror,34E,2010-06-16,Central City Rollergirls,,
Betty Theft,,2011-09-18,Derby Lite,,
Betty Theft,,"21st January, 2014",Derby Lite,,United States
Betty Trubble,10,"18th September, 2014",Crossroads City Derby,,United States
Betty Vedder,10,"25th February, 2015",Wreckin' Roller Rebels,,United States
Betty Ven Detta,25,2007-01-11,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Betty Watch Out,37,"23rd January, 2014",Diamond Valley Roller Derby Club,,Australia
Betty Whiplasher,,"8th February, 2018",Arizona derby dames,,United States
Betty White Knuckles,1990,2010-09-23,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Betty White Knuckles,16,"19th July, 2015",Midstate Mayhem,,United States
Betty White Stripes,1922,5/9/12,Granite State Roller Derby,,
Betty White Trash,769,"23rd January, 2014",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
Betty White Walker,4,"19th May, 2018",Worcester Roller Derby (WoRD),,United States
Betty Whoop Boop,,2007-09-10,Sioux Falls Roller Dollz,,
Betty Whoop-Ass,133,"20th January, 2014",Bairn City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Betty Wipeout,66,2010-10-03,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Betty Wreckognize,187,2009-01-17,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Betty Yokosuka,77,"20th January, 2014",Dread Pirate Rollers,,Australia
Betty or Not,33,2011-03-25,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Betty ramPage,8,2011-03-11,Northern Lightning Rollergirls,,
Betty ramPage,762,"21st June, 2014",Border City Brawlers,,Canada
Betty rumble,99,"22nd January, 2014",Palouse river rollers,,United States
Betty.D.Bombshell,36-24-36,"21st May, 2016",,,United States
Betty.D.Bombshell,1007,2007-01-16,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Bettygogo,999,2007-05-21,Glasgow Roller Girls,,
Bety Buttin,9699,2011-09-15,South Simcoe Rebel Rollers,,
Betzkrieg,80,"10th April, 2017",Assassination City Roller Derby,,United States
Betzy Poop,2,2011-12-15,Appalachian Rollergirls,,
Beulah Ballbreaker,11,2010-07-07,Rebellion Roller Derby,,
Beuller,,2011-06-21,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Bev O'Lution,9,2011-09-16,Boulder County Bombers,,
Bev O'lution,9,"20th January, 2014",Boulder County Bombers,,United States
Bev Rage,5pm,2010-01-01,Northshore Roller Derby,,
Bev Rage,5PM,"20th January, 2014",Northshore Roller Derby,,United States
Bev Rage,261,"8th October, 2016",Big Easy Rollergirls,,United States
Beverlee Crush-her,69,2006-08-08,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Beverly Crusher,,"3rd February, 2018",FoCo Roller Derby,,United States
Beverly Eerie,1138,2011-01-12,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Beverly Hells,90210,,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Beverly Hells,90210,"21st January, 2014",Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,United States
Beverly Killbilly,37919,2006-06-01,Hard Knox Roller Derby,,
Beverly Kills,90210,,Houston Roller Derby,,
Beverly Wheelbilly,,2008-05-12,Richland County Regulators,,
Beverly crusHer,,"10th July, 2014",,,Canada
Bevienator,101,2012-02-25,Rum City Derby Dolls,,
Bevienator,101,"28th February, 2014",Rum City Derby Dolls,,Australia
Bevo Kill,4749,2008-05-14,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Bewitched Betty,STAFF,2011-10-10,Snake Pit Derby Dames,,
Bex Appeal,41,2010-11-19,Rainy City Roller Dolls,,
Bex Bob-omb,808,"24th April, 2017",Sonoma County Roller Derby,,United States
Bex Ed.,42,"21st January, 2014",Roller Girls of the Apocalypse,,Germany
Bex Machina,402,"17th January, 2017",North Star Roller Girls,,United States
Bex Payne,9-er,2012-01-19,Clarksville Roller Derby,,
Bex Pest,69,"14th May, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bex Pest,,"14th July, 2015",North Wales Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bex Pistol,54,2006-07-17,Cincinnati Rollergirls,,
Bex Pistols,,"25th November, 2014",DC Rollergirls,,United States
Bex Ray Spex,462,"23rd January, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Bex The Bruiser,1187,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bex-Hit Wounds,06,2010-06-24,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Bex-plosion,13,2007-01-24,CoMo Derby Dames,,
BexPloitation,SK8,2011-11-10,Mackay City Roller Maidens,,
Bexcalibur,6,2010-02-28,Texas Rollergirls,,
Bexecute,24,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bexecutioner,77,"20th February, 2017",Killahurtz,,United Kingdom
Bexi-cana,830,2007-12-11,San Antonio Roller Derby,,
Bexicutioner,25,"17th September, 2017",Railtown Loco Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bexorcist,78,"12th December, 2016",,,New Zealand
Bexorcist,931,2008-11-12,London Rollergirls,,
Bexrated,81,"19th March, 2014",The Imposters Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bexter Morgan,,2010-06-02,Rose City Rollers,,
Bexterminate,,"12th March, 2019",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bexterminator,86,2011-06-09,Ring City Rollergirls,,
Bexvart,,"15th February, 2018",,,Sweden
Bexxasaurus,743,"5th September, 2018",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bexxx DeVille,49,2010-07-05,Peace Region Roller Dolls,,
Bexy Time,777,"31st May, 2015",Whakatane Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
BeyonSlayer,101101,"9th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Beyona Rampage,316,2011-08-09,San Antonio Roller Derby,,
Beyonce Rollz,,2010-08-04,Duluth/Superior Junior Roller Derby,,
Beyond Slay Knowles,,"9th July, 2016",,,United States
Beyond ThunderDame,16,"13th October, 2015",Big Easy Rollergirls,,United States
Beyonda Leerious,613,2011-03-11,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Beyonslay,Staff,2006-03-06,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
BezZombie,13,2009-04-19,Ballarat Roller Derby,,
Bezoomny Soomka,42,2011-10-23,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
BeëlzeBecks,13,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
BeëlzeBooty,666,"21st January, 2014",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
Beëlzebabe,667,"28th September, 2016",Key West Derby Dames,,United States
Bface,Staff,2011-05-09,Spindletop Rollergirls,,
Bhang Lassi,1019,2011-09-30,Highland Roller Girls,,
Bhurty McFly,642,"28th January, 2014",Mons'ter Munch Derby Dudes,,Belgium
Bi polar roller,22,"3rd July, 2018",,,Australia
Bi-Ass'd Opinion,7175,2009-07-14,Junction City Roller Dolls,,
Bi-Furious,88,"29th May, 2015",Angel City Derby Girls,,United States
Bi-Furious,50/50,2010-09-01,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Bi-Furious,1307,"14th June, 2017",Greenville Derby Dames,,United States
Bi-Roller Disorder,REF,2008-12-23,Dutchland Rollers,,
Bi-Vacious,6X,"15th January, 2015",Randall County Roller Dames,,United States
Bi-Vacious,16,2011-03-30,Route 66 Roller Derby,,
Bi-eaux Hazard,7,2008-12-02,Cajun Rollergirls,,
BiG DADDY'S ADDiCTiON,1466,2011-08-29,Paradise Roller Girls,,
BiPola Barb,REF,2011-12-05,Towns Villains Roller Derby,,
BiPola Lola,5150,"22nd January, 2014",Deschutes County Haters,,United States
BiPola Lola,,,,,
BiPolar Bare,NSO,"25th June, 2014",Jet City RollerGirls,,United States
BiPolar Roller,203,"24th April, 2015",,,United States
BiPolar Roller,76,2007-03-20,Sac City Rollers,,
BiPolar Roller,500 mg,"23rd May, 2015",NPDD,,United States
BiPolaroid,SX-70,2011-12-13,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Bia Bitch,U812,2010-06-29,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
Bianca,24,"7th January, 2015",Grits,,United States
Bianca Bonecrush-her,610,2008-07-10,Man's Ruin Roller Derby,,
Bianca Bullet,,2008-03-18,Hub City Derby Dames,,
Bianca Donk,220lbs,"2nd November, 2015",Minnesota Men's Roller Derby,,United States
Bianca Dunk,,"27th May, 2017",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Bianca Dunk,15¡,2009-03-07,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Bianca O'Blivion,83,2006-12-18,Carolina Rollergirls,,
Bianca Sciarreta,85,2011-04-05,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Bianka Trohl,10/31,2007-07-27,Tucson Roller Derby,,
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boobs,12,"21st January, 2014",Midwest Roller Derby Collective,,United States
Bibbity Bobbity Boom,,,,,
Bibbity Bobbity Boom,50,"16th March, 2014",Lansing Derby Vixens,,United Kingdom
Bibbity Bobbity Bruise,204,2011-09-30,Derby Revolution of Bakersfield--Derby Brats,,
Bibi Bruizer,,5/4/12,Suck City Rock 'n Roller Dolls,,
Bibim Bop-ya,,,,,
Bible ThumpHER,,2012-04-05,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Biblio Wreckya,22,"23rd January, 2018",El Paso Roller Derby,,United States
Bibliosteak,42,"11th March, 2017",Nasty Pêcheresses,,France
Bicked Witch,Pi3,2011-02-07,Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,
Bicked Witch,12,"24th January, 2014",Killamazoo Derby Darlins,,United States
Bicky Monkey,18,"20th January, 2014",Blackland Rockin'K-Rollers,,Belgium
Biddy Love PK,99,"21st January, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Biddy the Bomber,22,2006-11-14,Derby City Roller Girls,,
Bidi Bidi Bomb Bomb,78,2009-07-27,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bidi-Bidi BumBlock,956,"26th July, 2019",Bellingham Roller Betties,,United States
Bidounours,789,"25th March, 2014",Roller Derby 84 Cherry Blood,,France
Bien Warrior,69,"15th July, 2015",Black Swan Roller Derby,,Argentina
Biertrix,1664,2008-09-12,Rainy City Roller Girls,,
Bif,11,2011-09-22,Rez City Rollers,,
Bif Booi,2,"10th December, 2014",Penticton Pistoleras,,Canada
Biff Baff,33,2010-06-23,Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,
Biff Brawler,,2012-03-17,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Biff Breakit,14BC,2010-11-11,Toronto Junior Roller Derby,,
Biff Cannon,26,"12th October, 2016",Black Diamond Rollers,,United States
Biff Curtains,R18,2011-05-24,Pirate City Rollers,,
Biff Malibu,151,"3rd December, 2014",Area 705 Roller Derby,,Canada
Biff Quick,1337,2011-01-02,Rock City Riot,,
Biffany & Co,19,2011-02-10,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Biffany & Co.,19,2011-02-17,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Biffed Naked,,2011-07-12,Borderland Roller Derby,,
Biffiny,199,"26th January, 2014",Rum city rink rats,,Australia
Biffle Tannen,667,"20th January, 2014",Mons'ter munch derby dude,,Belgium
Biffy Collide-oh,915,"25th January, 2014",WestSide Derby Dollz,,Australia
Biffy Miffy,K1P1,"21st January, 2014",,,Australia
"Big ""B"" littlel ""itch""",,2011-03-04,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Big Al,none,,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Big Al,91,"24th April, 2015",Chemical Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Big Asset,333,"28th May, 2015",Pow! Town Roller Derby,,Canada
Big Bad George,418,"9th February, 2020",York Minxters Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Big Bad Jo,13,"7th May, 2014",North Wales Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Big Bad Wolff,u571,"3rd January, 2015",Mouse River Rollers,,United States
Big Badda Boom,,"2nd April, 2014",Black River Rollers,,United States
Big Bang,3210,"24th February, 2017",Les filles de Neptune (Nantes),,France
Big Bang Fury,360,"5th April, 2020",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Big Bang Fury,4U,"7th February, 2014",,,United States
Big Banger,13.7,2011-03-21,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
Big Barda,,"2nd January, 2020",Renegade Rollergirls of Tucson,,United States
Big Barda,,"6th March, 2019",,,United Kingdom
Big Ben,7,"19th February, 2014",Conroe cutthroats,,United States
Big Ben,7,"19th February, 2014",,,United States
Big Benny,186K,2011-07-01,Plattsburgh Roller Derby,,
Big Bertha,1 wood,2009-12-29,Worcester Roller Derby,,
Big Bertha,61,"3rd April, 2014",Badfish Roller Derby,,United States
Big Bill Meanville,,2011-08-27,Tournament City Derby,,
Big Bird,5,"3rd March, 2019",Roller Derby Groningen,,Netherlands
Big Bird,REF,2011-07-15,Gulf Coast Roller Girls,,
Big Bling,G6,2011-02-20,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Big Block Betty,35,"16th January, 2019",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
Big Booty Judy,2517,"13th May, 2014",Salisbury Roller Girls,,United States
Big Booty Judy,778,2011-11-01,Rockford Rage,,
Big Bop Her,19,2011-05-01,Halifax Roller Derby,,
Big Brad Wolf,,"6th November, 2015",CCRG,,United States
Big Brad Wolf,,,,,
Big Bradd Wolfe,13,"20th January, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Big Buster Willow,REF,2010-10-28,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Big Butt Light,,2010-11-29,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Big Chees,13,2008-05-27,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Big Chest'her,,"17th September, 2015",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
Big City Fights,17,2011-03-15,Wilkes Barre Roller Radicals,,
Big Country,01N8,2010-11-22,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Big D,,2011-01-25,Mountain Gateway Sisterhood of Steel,,
Big Daddy,,,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Big Daddy,B13,"20th January, 2014",Montpellier derby club - Kamiquadz,,France
Big Daddy Smooth,99,"12th March, 2015",Appalachian Roller Girls,,United States
Big Daddy Voodoo,,2009-04-08,Little City Roller Girls,,
Big Dan Hero,205,2011-06-16,NEO Roller Derby,,
Big Drawzz,30,"20th January, 2014",Bexar County Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Big Dyke Energy,624,"7th September, 2019",Toronto Roller Derby,,Canada
Big Eazy,3/11,2010-05-04,NOtown Roller Derby,,
Big Evil,97,2011-05-21,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Big Fruit,77,2012-01-24,Marietta Derby Darlins,,
Big Fun,76,2009-02-22,Dominion Derby Girls,,
Big G,205,"21st January, 2014",Hereford Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Big Gulp,711,"15th November, 2015",Rocky View Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Big Guns,7,5/5/12,Coventry City Derby Dolls,,
Big Guns,7,"21st January, 2014",Coventry City Derby Dolls,,United Kingdom
Big Guns Bentham,33,"9th December, 2015",York Minxters,,United Kingdom
Big Head,62,"6th November, 2017",BMO RDG,,France
Big Headed Honky,59 1/4,2006-08-13,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Big Hit Bordeaux,57,2008-12-03,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Big Hitties,,2010-11-17,Richland County Regulators,,
Big Ivory,,2008-04-26,South Side Roller Derby,,
Big J Ruckus,971,"11th August, 2015",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Big Jo Highwheels,21,2012-01-23,Roller Derby Porto,,
Big Johnson,64in,2011-02-13,Battle Born Derby Demons,,
Big Johnson,,"22nd June, 2014",,,United States
Big Jon Slayd,87,2011-09-12,Twin Cities Terrors,,
Big Ka-Luna,17,2011-04-07,Ozarks Derby Brigade,,
Big Kahuna,,"21st January, 2014",South Side Derby Dolls,,Australia
Big Kapowski,8409,2010-09-26,Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,
Big Kitties,00,"2nd April, 2014",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Big Kitties,00,2010-01-21,Saskatoon Roller Derby,,
Big Krenowsky,427,2010-05-11,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Big League Chew,1023,2011-02-04,B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls,,
Big Lebrawlski,300,"3rd May, 2020",Tallahassee RollerGirls,,United States
Big Leplowski,98,"29th September, 2019",Sydney Roller Derby League,,Australia
Big Mack,71,"21st July, 2015",Swamp City Roller Rats,,New Zealand
Big Mama,0510,"16th April, 2015",SufferCity Sweethearts / Lidköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Big Meat,4256,2011-03-18,TBD (delete 9/27/13),,
Big Mix,77,"9th July, 2018",York Minxters,,United Kingdom
Big Momma,1717,2010-05-10,Syndicate Roller Girls,,
Big Money,ref,2010-09-22,Sintral Florida Derby Demons,,
Big Money Honey,100,2010-10-13,Billings Roller Derby,,
Big Mumma,75,"25th January, 2014",Northern Brisbane Rollers,,Australia
Big N Plenty,,2010-02-20,Race City Rebels Roller Derby,,
Big Nasty,8 speed,2009-07-03,Texas Rollergirls,,
Big Nasty,8 speed,"14th September, 2015",Texas Rollergirls,,United States
Big Nick,68,2007-09-18,Resurrection Roller Girls,,
Big Nig Rig,FORD,2009-10-07,Sugartown Rollergirls,,
Big O,32,2010-02-13,Severn Roller Torrent,,
Big PaPa,Coach,2008-06-19,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
Big Peacock,44,2012-01-06,Bangor Roller Derby,,
Big Pippin',808,2011-07-20,South Bend Roller Girls,,
Big Poppa,,"21st July, 2015",Palm Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Big Poppa D. Skillmaster,Coach,2007-12-07,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Big Poppa Razzi,,"24th January, 2014",Detroit Derby Girls,,United States
Big Poppa Wop,REF,2008-08-13,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Big Rac Attack,57,2008-07-22,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Big Rac Attack,57,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Big Ragu,24,2011-03-01,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
Big Red,32,"7th October, 2018",TCRD,,Canada
Big Red,69,2008-01-09,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Big Red,,,,,
Big Red Bloodshed,104,2009-04-17,Gem City Rollergirls,,
Big Red Riding Hood,22,2011-04-21,Soul City Sirens,,
Big Rig,23,"20th July, 2015",FCDG - Pack Men,,Canada
Big Rig Lola,86,"29th August, 2015",NoHo,,United States
Big Robowski,Staff,2011-04-14,Cherry City Derby Girls,,
Big Sexy,811,"21st January, 2014",Ft. Myers Derby Girls,,United States
Big Shorty,158,"21st October, 2017",Westside Derby Dollz,,Australia
Big Show,1,2010-02-19,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Big Smack & Fries,199,"21st January, 2014",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Big Smack & Fries,199,2010-10-18,Newcastle Roller Girls,,
Big Smack Ben,REF,2012-04-02,Reef City Roller Girls,,
Big T,,"12th August, 2015",Preston Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Big T Energy,99,"2nd January, 2020",Gotham Girls,,United States
Big Tasty,192,"9th February, 2018",Rainy City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Big Tickets,DDD,2008-02-01,Belle City Roller Girls,,
Big Tony,G123,"21st May, 2014",Michiana Mens Roller Derby,,United States
Big Trix Skiddo,68,2010-03-11,Towns Villains Roller Derby,,
Big Trouble In Little Gina,,"29th July, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Big Trouble In little Gina,,"30th July, 2014",,,United States
Big Truck,,2010-02-26,Mid Iowa Rollers,,
Big Tuna,REF,2011-08-18,Castle Rock N' Rollers,,
Big Ugly,72,"21st January, 2014",Cincinnati Rollergirls,,United States
Big Ugly Bang,30 Thousand,2011-12-16,Heart of Appalachia Roller Derby,,
Big Vinny's Kid,13,2006-05-26,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
Big Wang Theory,5,2011-01-05,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Big Wheel,REF,2007-07-13,Coos County Rollergirls,,
Big Wheels,613,"5th October, 2018",Rock Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Big Whoop,,"1st March, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Big Whoop!,,,,,
Big Willie Style,14,2010-11-28,Greensboro Roller Derby,,
Big Willy DIE-r,REF,2008-03-21,Providence Roller Derby,,
Big Willy Style,510,"22nd January, 2014",Cornwall Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Big Wimpy Wiener,1,"20th July, 2017",Tucson Roller Derby,,United States
Big bird,,"29th November, 2018",Grim Reapers,,Canada
Big in Japan,000,2010-04-13,Durango Roller Girls,,
Big-Edd,,"20th February, 2014",,,United Kingdom
BigBaddaBoom,0803,"15th January, 2018",,,United Kingdom
BigCalSuth,53,"24th February, 2015",Inverness City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BigCatMerv,STAFF,2007-09-16,London Rollergirls,,
BigFoot,,"3rd February, 2020",Barrow Infernos,,United Kingdom
BigNessy,831,2010-08-17,Pacific Roller Derby,,
BigTurtle,00,2011-02-11,Randall County Roller Dames,,
Bigdog,73,"10th February, 2019",Dread pirate rollers,,Australia
Bigfoot,6',2012-04-30,Methow Valley Roller Girls,,
Bigg Fish,8199,"21st January, 2014",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Bigg Rigg,815,2010-10-06,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Biggie Brawls,D2,"21st January, 2014",Columbia Quad Squad,,United States
Biggie Brawls,29,"18th September, 2016",Terminal City Rollergirls,,Canada
Biggie Falls,666,2012-01-30,Hammer City Roller Gilrs,,
Biggie Knocks,,2011-06-21,West Coast Junior Derby Knockouts,,
Biggie Smalls,,"16th January, 2019",,,United States
Biggie Talls,97,"21st January, 2014",Puget Sound Outcast Derby,,United States
Biggie Talls,97,2011-03-13,Oly Rollers,,
Biggin' Tastee,,2010-05-18,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Biggus Trickus,,2010-11-08,Lincolnshire Bombers,,
Biggy Deez,2,2010-12-13,Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,
Biggy Smallz,23,2007-10-14,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Bigmouth strikes again,,"16th March, 2016",Wakey Wheeled Cats,,United Kingdom
Bigtails,819,"24th January, 2019",Ann Arbor,,United States
Bijou Blacnbleu,75,2006-08-04,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bijou Blacnbleu,75,"21st January, 2014",RMRG,,United States
Biker Betty,218,"15th February, 2018",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Biker Butt,404,"4th September, 2018",SO Derby,,United States
Bikini Brawler,111,2009-09-15,Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,
Bikini Brawler,111,"22nd November, 2016",Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,New Zealand
Bikini Daiquiri,,2010-11-13,Anfetamina Roller Girls,,
Bikini Killer,36,"2nd May, 2016",Flathead Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bikini Killer,L1,2006-03-03,DC Rollergirls,,
Bikini Skills,6,2010-02-08,MTL Roller Derby,,
Bikini Spider,88,2007-12-18,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Bilbo Basher,44,2010-03-28,High City Derby Divas,,
Bilbo Body-Baggins,R2D2,"14th July, 2014",,,United States
Bilbo Stabbins,42,"21st January, 2014",Dire Skates,,United States
Bilbo T. Baggins,REF,2007-09-10,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Bildo,"10""",2006-08-27,ICT Roller Girls,,
Bile Driver,,"24th July, 2018",,,United States
Bill Belicheat,,2008-06-30,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Bill Hind Justice,REF,2010-10-18,A'Salt Creek Roller Girls,,
Bill Igerent,9116,"21st January, 2014",Jersey Boys Roller Derby,,United States
Bill Murray,REF,2011-08-14,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Bill Of Fights,REF,2012-01-31,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bill Skates,Staff,2010-03-01,Chicago Outfit,,
Bill Sykes,ref,2011-02-04,Haunted City Rollers,,
Bill-collect-her,6725,2007-12-08,Star City Rollergirls,,
Bille,9,"1st November, 2016",Dock City Rollers,,Sweden
Billi BadAss,3,2009-05-22,River City Rollergirls,,
Billiam,REF,2009-08-31,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Billie Basketcase,227,2010-09-26,Houston Roller Derby,,
Billie Bayonet,777,2009-08-25,Tri-County Rolling Militia,,
Billie Bitchslap,27,2006-11-25,Black-n-Bluegrass Rollergirls,,
Billie Boilermaker,17oz,2006-04-08,Rat City Rollergirls,,
Billie Brawl-a-day,,"18th June, 2016",,,United States
Billie Brawliday,,2009-07-01,Carolina Rollergirls,,
Billie Clobberday,1915,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Billie Club,212,2007-01-12,KC Roller Warriors,,
Billie D. Kiddo,1859,2009-06-10,CoMo Derby Dames,,
Billie Evil,18,2009-11-03,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Billie Evil,18,"20th January, 2014",Five 40 Rollergirls,,United States
Billie Holocaust,,2007-11-11,Richland County Regulators,,
Billie Holocaust,88,"8th January, 2015",Richland County Regulators,,United States
Billie Horrorday,3,2010-11-14,Basingstoke Roller Derby,,
Billie Idle,73,2006-05-12,Prison City Derby Dames,,
Billie Jean BadAss,,2012-04-02,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Billie Jeans,1,"18th September, 2015",Aalborg Combat Bullies,,Denmark
Billie Jinx,1000,"18th March, 2015",Nantes Derby Grils,,France
Billie L. Riot,03,2011-10-17,Namur Roller Girlz,,
Billie Legstrong,21,"20th May, 2021",,,United States
Billie Lux,55,2010-11-06,Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,
Billie Machette,87,2010-05-17,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Billie Maul-A-Day,44,2008-10-30,Burn City Rollers,,
Billie Mean,7,2007-01-16,Route 66 Roller Derby,,
Billie Midol,28/7,2007-02-28,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Billie Pistol,44,2010-06-08,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Billie Ray Virus,REF,2010-05-10,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Billie Rubin,1974,"22nd January, 2014",LMRD,,Canada
Billie Scream Queen,223,2009-11-04,Rollergirls of Southern Indiana,,
Billie Verdin,,"24th January, 2014",,,Australia
Billie Whizz,20,2008-10-18,Central City Rollergirls,,
Billie no name,101,"20th January, 2014",Blackpool roller derby league,,United Kingdom
Billy Badboy,22,"28th February, 2014",Rum City Rink Rats,,Australia
Billy Brawldwin,,2011-02-05,Nashville Rollergirls,,
Billy Bumbler,91,2011-12-04,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Billy Fight All,,2008-04-13,DC Rollergirls,,
Billy Foulplay,1936,2010-09-26,Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,
Billy Gunz,,"21st January, 2014",Slaughterhouse,,United States
Billy HomicIdol,34,"9th February, 2017",Central Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Billy Motion,747,2010-01-22,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Billy Rae Siren,1 Hit Wonder,2007-04-06,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Billy Red Lyons,,"11th January, 2018",,,United States
Billy Rock,5678,2010-09-14,South East Sask Roller Derby Association,,
Billy Rock,56,"21st January, 2014",Mouse River Rollres,,United States
Billy Spleen,41,2012-01-12,Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,
Billy T Maims,273,2012-02-21,Newcastle Roller Derby,,
Billy The Skid,21 RIP,"9th December, 2014",Penticton Pistoleras,,Canada
Billy Wood,,,Providence Roller Derby,,
Billy the Butcher,b33fy,2012-02-29,Roller Derby Manchester,,
Billy the Skid,99,"21st January, 2014",Limerick Roller Derby (Pigtown Boys),,Ireland
Billy the kick kid,,2012-02-08,Holy Wheels Menace from Liege,,
Billy-Ray Serious,7,2011-04-18,Bisman Bombshellz,,
BillyBob,79,"14th February, 2015",STRG,,United Kingdom
Biloxi Bruise,228,2006-03-07,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Bim Bim Bot,,2006-08-27,Duke City Derby,,
Bim'Po,2105,"19th February, 2018",Roller derby Saint Dizier,,France
Bimbambum,,"19th March, 2014",Roller Derby Valdivia,,Chile
Bimbo,536,2010-11-28,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Bimbo Baggins,79,2010-07-31,Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,
Bimbo Slice,,2010-03-22,Independent (TBD 9/30/13),,
Bin Chicken,21,"15th October, 2018",DREAD PIRATE ROLLERS,,Australia
Bin Dog,716,"20th March, 2021",Kingston City Rollers,,Australia
Bin Dog,716,"20th October, 2015",West Side Derby Dollz,,Australia
Bin Rollin,68,2011-07-07,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Bin-Bin,,"26th April, 2016",Wolfpack,,United States
Bina Pleasure,24,"21st January, 2014",Granite City Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Binary Demon,1101₂,"1st March, 2019",Roller Derby Iceland,,Iceland
Bing Bang,6075,"10th January, 2016",Greensboro Roller Derby,,United States
Bing Bong,111,"7th June, 2016",Mount Militia Derby Crew,,New Zealand
Binge Beater,8,2012-02-21,Corpus Chrisite Maiden Texas Derby,,
Bingo Babe,28,"31st March, 2014",G.I. Janes,,United States
Bingo!,5X,"21st January, 2014",Cologne Roller Derby,,Germany
Binky BoomBoom,8,2010-07-31,Thunder City Derby Sirens,,
Binky Tuscadero,,"9th January, 2017",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Bins Bitch,69,2012-01-11,Chilli Queens Roller Derby League,,
Bint Imperial,893,"21st January, 2014",Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Binty Vicious,20,2011-04-16,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Binty Vicious,20,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bio Bombshell,91,"3rd August, 2015",Sintral Valley Derby Girls,,United States
Bio Bombshell,,,,,
Bio Weapon,810,2011-07-13,Westside Derby Dollz,,
Bio-Diesel,B-100,2010-08-31,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Bio-HazarJess,LD50,"28th January, 2014",Twin State Derby,,United States
BioATTAC-k,198,"10th August, 2018",Black Thunders Derby Dames Madrid,,Spain
BioHazard,22,"1st March, 2015",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
BioHazard,,"2nd January, 2015",,,Canada
BioHazardous Bombshell,,2008-09-25,Sick Town Derby Dames,,
BioTearHer,1010,"21st January, 2014",Charlottesville Derby Dames,,United States
BioWeapon,810,"25th January, 2014",Northside Rollers,,Australia
Biohazard,52,2009-07-20,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Biohazard,R2D2,"21st January, 2014",Swan City Derby,,Australia
Biohazard,1851,"15th July, 2021",Druid City Dames,,United States
Biohazard,,"17th May, 2015",cochrane derby gurlz,,Canada
Biohazard Betty,BSL4,2010-11-13,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Bionic BabyDoll,0x42,2007-09-23,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Bionic Beaver,492,"26th January, 2014",Hidden City Derby Girls,,United States
Bionic Beaver,911,2012-01-10,Havasu HitGirls,,
Bionic Beotchy,2,"24th January, 2014",Jewel City Roller Girls,,United States
Bionic Bessi,47,"13th March, 2016",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bionic Betty,29,"23rd May, 2017",Southampton City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bionic Bombshell,b52,2010-10-29,Roc City Roller Derby,,
Bionic Boom,32,2012-06-01,Wichita Falls Derby Dames,,
Bionic Booty,81,2009-02-19,Prison City Derby Dames,,
Bionic Brawlberry,7,"22nd January, 2014",Sarnia Roller Derby League,,Canada
Bionic Bug,92,2012-02-08,Woodstock Roller Derby,,
Bionic Bunny,1226,"30th January, 2014",FRDA,,Canada
Bionic Chicken,v.2.56,2011-03-13,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Bionic Lefty,Ti22,2012-03-13,Kansas City Banked Beauties,,
Bionic Ninja,911,"12th August, 2014",Otautahi Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Bionic PIN-up,157.5,"23rd January, 2014",Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,United States
Bionic Plague,C#,2009-10-14,Richter City Roller Derby,,
Bionic Steam,25,"21st January, 2014",Gent Go-Go Roller Girls,,Belgium
Bionic Woman,68 1/2,2008-06-09,South Side Roller Derby,,
Bionica,36,"20th January, 2014",Fort Myers Derby Girls,,United States
Bionica Rollerbot,,2011-01-20,Shasta Roller Derby,,
Bionica Steele,1131,"19th April, 2014",Daville Roller Derby,,United States
Bionichic,22 Ti,2009-03-17,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
Bionichrome,,2009-11-13,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Bionik Blitz,888,5/2/12,LA Derby Dolls,,
Bionika ---,TI22,2008-10-24,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Bioshock,56,"10th February, 2017",Meatgrinders Rollergirls Bremen,,Germany
Bip Bip,8060,"10th September, 2019",Lille,,France
Bipola Lola,,2009-01-26,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
Bipolar,21,"29th April, 2016",Athens Roller Derby,,Greece
Bipolar Barbie,808,2011-02-22,Salisbury Rollergirls,,
Bipolar Bear,302,"13th May, 2014",Pittsburgh Derby Brats,,United States
Bipolar Express,310,"6th June, 2019",Cocheco Valley Rollers,,United States
Bipolar Express,,2007-04-19,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Bipolar Express Z,,"21st July, 2015",denver roller derby,,United States
Bipolar Roller,9,"5th August, 2018",,,United States
Bipolar Xpress,787,"13th August, 2018",Columbia QuadSquad,,United States
Bipolar-Bare,77,"20th April, 2018",Mackay City Roller Maidens,,Australia
Bippity Boppity BASH,12,"16th November, 2017",Worcester Roller Derby,,United States
Birching Bomb,,2008-12-12,Lincolnshire Bombers,,
Birchslap,2 cord,2010-04-04,Harbor City RollerDames,,
Bird Dog,COACH,2012-01-01,Downriver Roller Dollz,,
Bird Hips,126,"21st December, 2014",Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bird O'prey,H4wk,"5th April, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bird of Pain,303,2011-10-31,Leeds Roller Dolls,,
Bird of Prey,1223,"8th February, 2016",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Birdie,A2J2,2010-09-25,Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby,,
Birdie,302,"2nd May, 2019",,,Sweden
Birdman,16,"7th February, 2014",Perth Mens Derby,,Australia
Birds the Ward,,2011-04-29,South Coast Roller Derby,,
Birdy Black Eye,86,2011-04-29,Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,
Birdy Wolfgang,5,2011-12-31,MTL Roller Derby,,
Birgit Outta my Face,3.14,2010-07-08,Cedar Valley Derby Divas,,
Birl-S.Q. Shovegirl,F602,2011-04-22,Arnhem Fallen Angels,,
Birney Kawanawitz,,2006-12-17,Tragic City Rollers,,
Birt Control,,2007-05-11,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Bisco Fever,57S,2011-03-21,Cheyenne Capidolls Roller Derby,,
Biscuit,74,2008-05-14,Team Awesome,,
Biscuit Kid,828,"21st January, 2014",Suck City Rock'n Roller Dolls,,Netherlands
Biscuits,128,"2nd December, 2019",Northeast Roller derby,,Australia
Biscuits & Crazy,615,"10th November, 2015",Strong Island Derby Revolution,,United States
Biscuits 'n Crazy,8up,2008-08-14,Lafayette Brawlin' Dolls,,
Biscuits 'n Crazy,8UP,"30th July, 2014",Lafayette Brawlin Dolls,,United States
Bisexual Intellectual,74,2010-09-22,South Florida Rollergirls,,
Bish Bash Josh,343,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bish Plz!,99,"2nd April, 2014",Muscogee Roller Girls,,United States
Bish-Bash-Bosh,000,"13th November, 2014",BRG,,United Kingdom
Bishop,00,"6th January, 2020",Kennebec Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bishop,REF,2009-03-05,RockTown Rollers,,
Bismarck,509,"10th July, 2014",,,Canada
Bismashual,15,"22nd March, 2018",Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,United States
Bisounours,B150u,"3rd May, 2018",Calebrute,,France
Biss Atch,,2008-10-02,Syndicate Roller Girls,,
"Bit Shift, Please",2,"10th May, 2018",,,United States
Bit-O-Honey,42,2009-11-17,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Bitch Amen,1176,2011-09-01,Chinook City Roller Derby,,
Bitch Ass Drunk,86'ed,2011-03-14,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Bitch B Rollin',9,"16th December, 2014",toowoomba city rollers,,Australia
Bitch Buchannon,,"3rd March, 2015",Vienna Roller Derby,,Austria
Bitch Cassidy,,"6th December, 2016",Bear City Roller Derby,,Germany
Bitch Cassidy,121,2009-03-09,Gotham Girls Roller Derby,,
Bitch E. Rich,815,2010-03-29,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Bitch Forrester,86,2012-02-12,Lahti Roller Derby,,
Bitch Got Rum,,2011-08-10,Tulare Kings Roller Derby,,
Bitch Hazel,926,2009-08-19,Chesapeake Roller Derby,,
Bitch Hips,15,"24th January, 2014",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Bitch Hit Bardot,,"23rd May, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Bitch Hunt,951,"12th September, 2016",,,United States
Bitch Jagger,76,2010-09-26,Pueblo Derby Devil Dollz,,
Bitch On Wheels,21Forever,2009-09-26,SinCal Derby Vixens,,
Bitch Perfect,14,"2nd July, 2017",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Bitch Perfect,92,"27th February, 2019",Grim Reapers,,Canada
Bitch Please!!!,003,2006-04-28,Duke City Derby,,
Bitch Puddin',Triple 5's,2009-03-05,Silicon Valley Roller Girls,,
Bitch Slap,11,2008-12-03,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Bitch Slap,247,"12th December, 2016",Otautahi Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Bitch Stolma,2 times,2011-02-27,Portsmouth Roller Wenches,,
Bitch Take Out,13,"27th June, 2015",,,United States
Bitch Tits,800cc,2012-03-27,Mission City Brawlin' Betties,,
Bitch and Famous,24/7,2007-12-27,Dead End Derby,,
Bitch*Bathory,T-1000,2011-03-20,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Bitch-Slap-Betty,57,2010-11-30,Sac City Rollers,,
BitchKC,10,2011-11-01,East Vic Roller Derby,,
BitchTits,69,"6th May, 2016",Inverclyde Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bitchalicious Barbie,40,2011-11-16,First Settlement Derby Dames,,
Bitchard Slammins,,"8th June, 2015",,,United States
Bitcharella,303,2010-04-26,Pirate City Rollers,,
Bitchbgone,410,2011-08-29,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Bitchcraft,666,"3rd September, 2015",Heart City Sirens,,Sweden
Bitchcraft,39,"21st September, 2015",Cork City Firebirds,,Ireland
Bitchell,79,2010-07-20,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Bitchell,7,"24th November, 2016",Toowoomba city rollers,,Australia
Bitchell,66,"9th December, 2017",,,Australia
Bitches Bruze,802,2007-11-08,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
Bitches Bruze,802,"20th January, 2014",Elm City Derby Damez,,United States
Bitches Get Stitches,35,"22nd August, 2017",Swamp City Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Bitches N Hos,H2O,"10th December, 2014",High city derby divas,,United States
Bitches-N-Hos,H20,2010-03-28,High City Derby Divas,,
Bitchhiker,3m 45s,2011-03-20,Northern Rivers Roller Derby,,
Bitchie Cunningham,,2006-09-01,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Bitchie McCaw,7,2011-04-18,BoomTown Brawlettes Roller Derby,,
Bitchie McCaw,,"13th April, 2015",Dead End Derby,,New Zealand
Bitchie Valens,2*3*52,2007-01-24,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Bitchie Valens,2359,"20th January, 2014",Dixie Derby Girls,,United States
Bitchii The Killer,13A,"30th January, 2014",LISBON GRRRLS ROLLER DERBY,,Portugal
Bitchilicious,M-80,2011-03-23,Mouse River Rollers,,
Bitchin Bella,7,2012-01-22,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Bitchin Camaro,,,Rose City Rollers,,
Bitchin Spider,1.5,2011-08-28,Bay City Rollers,,
Bitchin Vixen,6E,2010-09-04,BoomTown Brawlettes Roller Derby,,
Bitchin' Buckles,2020,"17th March, 2015",Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,United States
Bitchin' Charge,0202,"21st December, 2017",Worcester Roller Derby,,United States
Bitchin' Glitch,,"3rd February, 2022",Aalborg Roller Derby,,Denmark
Bitchin' Johnny,3825,"8th June, 2014",MAD Derby,,United States
Bitchin' MicSleazy,HTTP 404,2008-04-10,River City Rollergirls,,
Bitchin' Mona,REF,2011-08-08,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Bitchin' N Rollin',O0O,2010-11-03,Watertown Roller Derby,,
BitchinBlonde,,2011-09-20,Lambton County Derby,,
Bitchkrieg,,"15th November, 2015",,,United States
Bitchlyn,007,"1st August, 2021",,,United States
Bitchn Heelz N Wheelz,Hi-5,2012-04-24,Texoma Roller Derby,,
BitchonabrooM,sp311,"4th April, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bitchonabroom,H3LL,2010-09-18,Manchester Roller Derby,,
Bitchslap Barbie,-98,2006-04-01,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Bitchy 'n' Scratchy,58008,2008-04-12,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Bitchy Bobbie,33,2011-10-12,Burlington Bombers Roller Derby,,
Bitchy Edwards,4real,2011-10-16,Valleys Roller Dolls,,
Bitchy Kitten,0.08,,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bitchy Longstockings,2,2010-11-10,Capital City Rollers,,
Bitchy Sambora,,2010-11-27,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Bitchy Sambora,20,"21st January, 2014",Jerzey Derby Brigade,,United States
Bitchy de Vinci,690W,2011-10-11,Republic of Korea Derby,,
Bitchy the Killer,978,2009-04-04,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
BitchyKiYay,6,"8th February, 2014",Roskilde Roller Derby,,Denmark
Bitchycarebear,,"18th January, 2020",,,United States
Bitchypoo,4 Thieves,2011-03-01,Chesapeake Roller Derby,,
Bite Me Betty,E4,2012-04-03,Hermiston Melon Smashers,,
Bite Size,411,2010-11-17,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Bite Spark,62,"9th July, 2018",Lincolnshire Bombers Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bite-Size Bruiser,77,2010-02-24,Mason Dixon Roller Vixens,,
BiteSize Brawler,411,"21st January, 2014",The Strong Island Derby Revolution,,United States
Bitsy Bonecrusher,245,2009-10-15,Renegade Rollergirls (CA),,
Bitta Badness,12,"6th April, 2017",Avon River Rollers,,Canada
Bitta Hellbill E,3VI,2011-11-11,Southcentral Michigan Renegade Rollitia,,
Bitten,V,2009-03-18,Central Oklahoma Roller Derby Assoc.,,
Bitter,,,Rose City Rollers,,
Bitter Ail,60ibu,2008-01-17,Victoria Rollergirls,,
Bitter Apple,39,"10th January, 2016",River Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Bitter Barbie,42,"21st January, 2014",Boom Town Derby Dames,,United Kingdom
Bitter Bettie,6,2007-08-06,Hurricane Alley Roller Derby,,
Bitter Blonde Ailment,100,"23rd February, 2015",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Bitter Brewski,408,"7th February, 2017",Little apple derby dolls,,United States
Bitter Buffalo,629,2011-02-21,Black-n-Bluegrass Rollergirls,,
Bitter Fluff,321,"21st January, 2014",Dunedin Derby,,New Zealand
Bitter Hitter,16,"20th January, 2014",Mobiles Derby Darlings,,United States
Bitter Honey,29,2011-05-16,Republic of Korea Derby,,
Bitter Knitch,2,"14th July, 2015",Cape Cod Roller Derby,,United States
Bitter Mongrel,333,"10th October, 2015",WestSide Derby Dollz,,Australia
Bitter Pill,78,2011-08-10,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Bitter Roots,,2011-06-16,Rose City Rollers,,
Bitter Roots,406,"21st January, 2014",Rose City Rollers/Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
Bitter Spice,24/7,2011-05-10,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Bitter Swede,29,2010-02-19,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Bitter Sweet,<3,2008-08-12,Birmingham Blitz Dames,,
Bitter Sweet n Low,,2010-10-04,Walla Walla Sweets Roller Girls,,
Bitter Whine,14%,2009-08-18,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Bitter sweet kill,,"2nd May, 2019",,,United Kingdom
Bitter twisted,,"2nd May, 2015",Stoke City rollers,,United Kingdom
Bitter-Sweet Heart,161,2011-06-06,Dead End Derby,,
BitterCup,813,2008-12-30,Demolition City Roller Derby,,
BitterHittan,68,"9th December, 2014",Stockholm rollerderby,,Sweden
BitterNes,,2011-04-11,Gold Coast Roller Derby,,
BitterSweet,56,"1st March, 2015",Cal Skate Roller Derby,,United States
Bittercream Cakes,400F,2012-03-17,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Bittersweet Black Dahlia,12,"9th October, 2016",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Bittersweet Black Dahlia,7,"21st July, 2016",,,Germany
Bittersweet Bruiser,87,2011-04-03,Hermiston Roller Divas,,
Bittersweet Typhony,,2011-10-25,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Bittnerotic,30,"1st March, 2017",Chippewa Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Bitty Bast'rd,1/2,2010-04-09,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Bitty Bitch,86'ed,2010-03-11,Hellgate Rollergirls,,
Bitty Boom Boom,88,"21st January, 2014",New Jersey Roller Derby,,United States
Bitty Boom Boom,88,2007-11-11,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Bitty Brute,77,"16th July, 2014",Molly Roger Rollergirls,,United States
Bitty Cent,,2011-01-13,Steel City Derby Demons,,
Bity Smash Her,731,2011-08-06,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Bitz N. Pieces,56,"21st January, 2014",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
Bitz-O-Fury,,2011-01-14,Mission City Brawlin Betties,,
Bitzy Flash,198,2007-09-07,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Biz,,2007-01-02,Dead City Rollers,,
Biz E Bee,,2010-04-02,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Biz Vicious,812,2011-10-22,Ann Arbor Derby Dimes,,
Bizkits 'n' Crazy,,"9th November, 2015",Burning River Roller Derby,,United States
Bizzle,57,"21st January, 2014",Wasatch Roller Derby,,United States
Bizzo BizWhack,9,2007-03-27,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Bizzquick,,"7th March, 2019",,,United States
Bjoink,3,2009-03-13,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Bjorn to hate,,"9th July, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bjuled,70,2010-03-31,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Björn Ironslam,5ft of Fury,"2nd February, 2019",CJRV,,United States
BlaBla CraSh,,"11th January, 2016",,,France
BlaBlaBla,950,"8th February, 2017",Roller derby panthers,,France
BlaXican Ninja,080,"20th July, 2015",River City Rollergirls,,United States
BlacK MumbA,22,"23rd January, 2014",SSRD,,Australia
Black & Blue Bird,30,2008-12-01,Spokane's Outlawed Roller Derby,,
Black & Bluestocking,,"17th July, 2017",,,United States
Black & Right,,"22nd January, 2014",Kingston Derby Girls,,Canada
Black 'N Blue Berries,,"11th August, 2018",Free State Roller Derby,,United States
Black 'N' Bloo-mers,,2010-03-03,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Black Adder,,2010-09-17,Sun State Roller Girls,,
Black Agath,23,"22nd March, 2018",Smokin' Wheels,,Poland
Black Amberconda,32,2012-01-19,Mid-State Sisters of Skate,,
Black Attack,8,"22nd January, 2014",Kingston Derby Girls,,Canada
Black Attack,,2011-04-19,Limestone CrusHers Roller Derby,,
Black Banshee,,2011-05-31,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Black Barbie,808,2011-01-25,Tahoe Derby Dames,,
Black Bauer,Coach,2010-04-15,Crossroads City Derby,,
Black Belt Barbie,12,2010-05-12,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Black Belt Barbie,501,"9th December, 2014",Quad City Misfits,,United States
Black Belt Betty,4th dan,2008-04-29,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Black Betty,,2006-12-17,Tragic City Rollers,,
Black Betty,482,"2nd February, 2015",Cambridge Rollerbillies,,United Kingdom
Black Betty White,,2012-03-04,Salt Spring Island Roller Derby,,
Black Bird,SR71,2011-04-15,Beach Brawl Sk8r Dolls,,
Black Bliss,01,2011-07-08,Tacones Bandidos,,
Black Bubblez,77,2009-11-05,Emerald City Junior Gems,,
Black Calavera,21,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
Black Canary,,2012-03-03,Capital City Rollers,,
Black Cat,13,2007-08-08,South Side Roller Derby,,
Black Cat,89,"26th January, 2014",Psyko'Quads,,France
Black Cherry,C-4,2006-10-20,CT RollerGirls,,
Black Cherry,C4,"20th January, 2014",Connecticut RollerGirls,,United States
Black Cleod,,"24th January, 2014",River City Renegades,,United States
Black Dahlia,4,2010-09-02,Rebel County Rollers,,
Black Death,,2012-02-14,Nasty Nessie Roller Girls,,
Black Death,13,"27th March, 2014",Inverness City,,United Kingdom
Black Diamond,76,,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Black Don't Crack,,"21st May, 2018",,,United States
Black Donna-Lee,2.4.80,2006-08-13,Hammer City Roller Girls,,
Black Dynomite,3072,2010-08-13,Northside Rollers,,
Black Eye Banzai,10k,"20th November, 2018",Chrome Sirens Roller Derby,,Poland
Black Eye Betty,50,"14th July, 2015",,,United States
Black Eye Betty,732,2007-05-02,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Black Eye Bock-Scar,29,2011-08-08,Dublin Roller Girls,,
Black Eye Candy,42,"24th January, 2014",Capital City Rollers,,Canada
Black Eye Juicyfer,83,2011-04-16,Helsinki Roller Derby,,
Black Eye Sky,34,2011-03-21,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
Black Eye Sue,934,"23rd January, 2014",Naptown Roller Girls,,United States
Black Eye Susan,09,2006-04-21,Philly Rollergirls,,
Black Eye Susan,00,"14th May, 2014",Pittsburgh East Roller Villains,,United States
Black Eyed Beauty,4-12,2011-01-02,Umpqua Valley Roller Vixens,,
Black Eyed Peace,REF,2010-04-17,WI River Valley Rollergirls,,
Black Eyed Petey,42,2011-10-04,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Black Eyed Skeez,313,,Detroit Derby Girls,,
Black Eyed Tease,68,2010-12-08,Tragic City Rollers,,
Black Eyed Tease,"74""","20th January, 2014",OC Roller Girls,,United States
Black Fang,311,"19th February, 2015",WKRRJDL,,United States
Black Flower,105,"17th October, 2017",Wheels on Fire,,Argentina
Black Fox,,"28th January, 2014",Nantes derby girl,,France
Black Francis,125,2011-02-22,Hollister Derby Girls,,
Black Fury,23,"25th July, 2016",,,Argentina
Black Gold,24K,2011-04-21,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Black HarleyQuinn,1908,"23rd July, 2015",,,United States
Black Heart Betty,922,"8th September, 2016",Glass City Roller,,United States
Black I Chan,,2009-04-06,Mid Michigan Derby Girls,,
Black Ice,903,2012-04-09,Rage City Roller Girls,,
Black Ice,906,"21st January, 2014",Burning River Roller Girls,,United States
Black Irish Betty,,"24th April, 2015",LadyHawks,,United States
Black Islet,5146,2010-12-11,Mitten Mavens,,
Black Jack Bettie,21,2009-01-29,Torpedo Bay Roller Girls,,
Black Jackie,21,2008-03-31,DC Rollergirls,,
Black Lady Love,227,"10th January, 2018",,,United States
Black Lion,1215,"17th October, 2018",Wheels On Fire,,Argentina
Black Little Bee,7,"22nd January, 2014",Chilli Queens Roller Derby League,,Brazil
Black Lizzard,59,2008-06-17,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Black Lung Betty,000,"20th January, 2014",Yellow Rose Derby Girls,,United States
Black Magic Woman,6,2008-05-06,Slaughterhouse Derby Girls,,
Black Magick,22,2011-01-02,Olympia Underground Derby,,
Black Mamba,,2012-01-09,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
Black Mamba,05,"24th January, 2014",Roller derby Toluca,,Mexico
Black Mamba,Retired 7/11/13,2006-08-08,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Black Mamba,24,"25th March, 2014",Cherry Blood,,France
Black Mamba,13,"21st January, 2014",Devilish Molotovers Derby League,,Brazil
Black Mamba,333,"18th May, 2017",Crimson Vipers Roller Derby Bergamo,,Italy
Black Market Baby,40K,2009-07-07,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Black MomBah,,"25th August, 2021",,,United States
Black Mum-Bah,180,"21st July, 2014",johnstown roller girls,,United States
Black N DeckHer,1009,5/1/12,North Country Lumber Jills,,
Black Neon,,"1st April, 2019",,,United Kingdom
Black Orchid,,2011-01-20,Tri-County Rolling Militia,,
Black Out Betty,Y02K,2012-04-30,Sandusky Rollergirls,,
Black Panther,888,2009-06-22,Dead End Derby,,
Black Pearl,87,"29th March, 2015",Oil city Rollers,,Norway
Black Pearl,72,"24th January, 2014",Margaret River Roller Derby,,Australia
Black Pixie,8,2009-03-25,Capital City Crushers,,
Black Rabbit,377,"13th June, 2014",,,Argentina
Black Reaver,666,"11th October, 2015",Northern Brisbane Rollers,,Australia
Black Reign,368,5/8/12,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
Black Rhonda,117,"22nd May, 2015",Dakota City Demolition Crew,,United States
Black Rose,606,"8th June, 2015",Maldonado,,Uruguay
Black Rose,606,"8th June, 2015",Maldonado Roller Derby,,Uruguay
Black Ruby,760,2012-04-04,South Coast Roller Derby,,
Black Sabbatha,,,Rose City Rollers,,
Black Sam@,13,"27th January, 2014",Psyko'Quads,,France
Black Sapphire,81,"23rd October, 2014",,,United States
Black Shadow,7,"10th February, 2014",,,Argentina
Black Slammath,5150,2011-08-15,Richter City Roller Derby,,
Black Snake Moana,LIX,2008-04-30,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Black Snow,6666,2011-05-01,Halifax Roller Derby,,
Black Stabbath,,"14th August, 2017",,,United States
Black Star Heroine,60 mg,2007-11-08,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Black Sunshine,33,2007-08-31,North Star Roller Girls,,
Black Swan,,"25th January, 2014",Rose City Rollers,,United States
Black Thorn,999,2012-02-13,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Black Tooth,90,"5th April, 2014",Junior Galiano Island,,Canada
Black Tooth Grinner,1m1,"22nd January, 2014",Sun State Roller Girls,,Australia
Black Velvet,1029,"19th January, 2015",,,United States
Black Velvet,1029,2012-03-06,Mad Wreckin' Dolls,,
Black Venom,1010,2011-02-07,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Black Widder,1.75 liters,2011-02-22,Hollister Derby Girls,,
Black Widow,(208) 819-1820,"3rd May, 2015",Snake Pit Derby Dames,,United States
Black Widow,13,"24th November, 2014",Nuclear Free Roller Derby,,Canada
Black Widow,0660,2012-02-06,LOCO Roller Derby,,
Black Widow,8,"14th May, 2014",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Black Widow,,"13th March, 2015",Central Maine Derby,,United States
Black Widow,,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Black and Blue Belle,17,2010-04-06,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Black and Blue Bird,24,"31st December, 2016",,,United States
Black and Blue Jean,1337,2009-03-11,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Black blok,16,"21st January, 2018",Psyko’Quads,,France
Black blood,707,"11th May, 2015",Deskarriadas roller derby,,Chile
Black eyd Betty,69,"6th March, 2014",,,United States
Black n Blu-J,NSO,2012-04-23,Independent Ref,,
Black n Blue,217,"10th September, 2017",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Black n Blue Dahlia,718,"22nd September, 2017",Providence Roller Derby,,United States
Black n Bluebonnet,93.7,2010-08-11,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Black n' DeckHer,1009,"20th January, 2014",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
Black owl,59,2012-02-11,Zombitches,,
Black sheep,42,"19th January, 2017",As Brigantias roller derby A Coruña,,Spain
Black viking,07,"17th February, 2020",,,Argentina
Black x Smith,x24x,2010-06-08,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Black*n*Blue Barbie,,"6th October, 2015",,,United States
Black-Eyerish,34,2008-04-29,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Black-eyed P,7 directions,2009-03-13,Rollergirls of Central Kentucky (ROCK),,
BlackAndDeckHer,,"19th February, 2018",,,United States
BlackCat,822,"12th February, 2016",Roundtown Roller Dolls,,United States
BlackEye Betty,1732,"30th January, 2019",Garden State Roller Girls,,United States
BlackHart BlockHer,.357,"30th August, 2015",Inland Northwest Roller DERBY,,United States
BlackHyde Penelope,15,2010-12-07,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
BlackMagic,7,"24th January, 2014",Yeppoon Roller Derby,,Australia
BlackSmith,00,"2nd November, 2017",Inverness City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BlackaHontas,90,2012-03-05,Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,
Blackbeard,314,"11th September, 2018",Ballarat Roller Derby League,,Australia
Blackberry Jam,,2009-07-29,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Blackblocker,666,2011-11-14,Crime City Rollers,,
Blackblood,23,2011-07-25,Terrassa Derby Rockets,,
Blackbury Clobber Her,1/2 pint,2011-02-16,Brazos Valley Derby Girls,,
Blackbury ClobberHer,1/2 pint,"22nd January, 2014",Bexar County Roller Girls,,United States
Blackcat Karnage,13,2011-07-03,Toowoomba City Rollers,,
Blackened Bluewing,999,2011-11-26,Bemidji Babe City Rollers,,
Blackeye Barbie,59,"7th June, 2016",Sac City Rollers,,United States
Blackeye Betsey,999,2011-08-16,SINtral Valley Derby Girls,,
Blackeye Betsey,999,"22nd January, 2014",,,United States
Blackeye Fairy,14,2011-02-12,Reef City Roller Girls,,
Blackeye Fairy,14,"22nd January, 2014",Cairns Derby Dolls,,Australia
Blackeye-Bockscar,29,"20th January, 2014",Boomtown Rollers,,Ireland
Blackheart,,,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Blackice,88,"6th February, 2014",North East Roller Derby,,Australia
Blackie Braless,71,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Blackie Carbon,est 1969,2011-06-04,Somerset and Exeter Derby Girls,,
Blackjack Belle,21,"21st January, 2014",Newcastle Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Blackjack Belle,21,2007-10-19,Newcastle Roller Girls,,
Blackout,44,2010-05-04,Ballarat Roller Derby,,
Blackout,2904,"20th January, 2014",Brussels Derby Pixies,,Belgium
Blackout,26,"15th April, 2015",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Blackout Betty,B33R,"21st December, 2015",State College Area Roller Derby,,United States
Blackout Brandi,00,2010-03-05,Vette City Roller Derby,,
Blackout Menace,36,2010-10-27,Gladstone Roller Derby,,
Blackout Rose,333,2011-02-03,Bunbury Roller Derby,,
Blackout Susan,13,2009-02-19,Rideau Valley Roller Girls,,
Blackrock Bruiser,198,2012-02-27,Queen City Roller Girls,,
Blackstone,REF,2010-06-27,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Blacktears,3,"15th April, 2014",deskarriadas roller derby,,Chile
Blacktop Betty,,2006-04-14,Victoria Rollergirls,,
Blacky Doll,,"3rd March, 2016",ORD,,France
Blackzilla,905,2006-06-30,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Blade,"6""",,Texas Rollergirls,,
Blade E MacBeth,17,"21st January, 2014",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Blade Maiden,"10""","1st August, 2018",Sick Town Derby Dames,,United States
Blade Runner,16,2010-06-21,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Blade Runner,38,"1st February, 2015",BRD,,United Kingdom
Blade Spinity,36,"27th September, 2017",Storm City Roller Girls,,United States
BladeSlinger,88,2011-04-05,Fairbanks Rollergirls,,
Blades of Glory,567,"24th March, 2016",,,United States
Blades of Payne,1904,2011-05-23,Killa Hurtz Roller Girls,,
Bladeybug,(official),"20th January, 2014",FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,United States
Blaggard,407,2006-08-27,London Rollergirls,,
Blah Blah,,"11th September, 2019",Red Rock Rollers,,United States
Blair,,2010-08-06,North Star Roller Girls,,
Blair Block,11,"3rd April, 2014",OKRD,,Canada
Blair Block,XI,2010-04-07,Okanagan Roller Derby Girls,,
Blair Brawldorf,X0X0,2011-09-18,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Blair Wench,3,2010-05-30,Lea County Roller Wenches,,
Blair Witch Pro-Check,,"1st October, 2019",,,United States
Blaise LeFleur,F5,2011-07-31,Dakota Derby,,
Blaise of Glory,46,"20th January, 2014",Milton Keynes Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blaizen Peaches,88,2011-01-08,Bayou Outlaw Rollergirls,,
Blake N Blue,26,2010-01-04,Grand Raggidy Roller Girls,,
Blake Sabbath,4,"12th March, 2015",,,Canada
Blam Blam,8,"12th September, 2015",Staffordshire devil dogs,,United Kingdom
Blame Canada,1867,"2nd April, 2014",Whitsundays Roller Derby League,,Australia
Blammo Suzuki,8,5/6/12,Oxford Roller Derby,,
Blammo!,2/3,2007-05-22,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Blanca Riot,74,2010-11-24,Bellingham Roller Betties,,
Blanch Davidian,51,,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Blanch duBrawl,08,"20th January, 2014",northside fury roller derby,,United States
Blanche Deathereaux,559,2010-05-27,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Blanche Deck-a-Hoe,47,"19th November, 2021",Saskatoon Roller Derby League,,Canada
Blanche Deckaho,Retired 9/14/13,2008-10-24,Savannah Derby Devils,,
Blanche Devastate'Ahoe,,"30th January, 2014",Auburn Gold Diggers,,United States
Blanche Devastate'Ahoe,242,"10th February, 2014",Auburn Gold Diggers,,United States
Blanche Devastate'Ahoe,,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Blanche DeverRollz,,"9th August, 2017",Derby Dolls,,United States
Blanche Devereauxxx,65+,2008-09-29,Mad Rollin' Dolls,,
Blanche Devil Roll,31,2011-01-18,Tahoe Derby Dames,,
Blanche Du Scar,451,"29th March, 2015",Scarborough Slammers,,United Kingdom
Blanche Neige,29,2012-04-22,Switchblade RollerGrrrls,,
Blanche Teigne,72,2011-09-06,Nantes Derby Girls,,
Blanka,7,"21st January, 2014",,,Australia
Blankitty Blank Blank Blank it,85,2012-02-01,Hel'z Belles,,
Blankity Blank It!,87,"22nd February, 2014",OHRG,,United States
Blaq N Blujee,1220,"8th February, 2019",Angel City Derby,,United States
Blaque Eyed Affair,007,2012-04-11,Balsam Mountain Roller Girls,,
Blaque Jac,21,"20th January, 2014",Tampa Roller Derby,,United States
Blaque Jac,21,2009-04-16,Bradentucky Bombers,,
Blaque'N DeckHER,N0 BS,"4th April, 2014",Central Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Blaque'N DeckHER,N0 BS,"20th January, 2014",Central Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Blarney Smash,24601,2011-01-30,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Blarney StonYa,3/17,2008-01-14,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Blasian Bayou,1212,"4th July, 2015",Grassroots Rollergirls,,United States
Blasphemoose,317,"13th December, 2015",Southern Oregon Roller Girls,,United States
Blasphemous Girl,85,2011-05-23,Gawler Roller Derby,,
Blasphemy,33,"24th January, 2014",Liga Roller Derby DF,,Mexico
BlasphÉmi,17,"21st December, 2018",Bataillon 819,,Canada
Blast,80,"19th August, 2014",Boomtown Rollers,,Ireland
Blast Femur,82,2006-07-30,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Blast'Em,911,"14th February, 2016",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blast-Her Master,,2008-01-14,Man's Ruin Roller Derby,,
Blaster Ash,22,2011-02-17,Twin City Knockers,,
Blaster Pussycat,65,2007-07-26,Suburbia Roller Derby,,
Blasterpiece,272,"21st February, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Blastfemi,78,2010-11-30,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Blastfemi,833R,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Blasting Cap,Ref,2012-03-12,Eastern Carolina Brawling Betties,,
Blaston,,"11th August, 2016",,,Sweden
Blasé,#13,"5th February, 2014",Iron Ladies Roller Derby Blumenau,,Brazil
Blaxican-Mamba,143,2012-06-09,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Blaze N Butterfly,,2010-07-27,Fox Cityz Foxz,,
Blaze N Hussy,769,2012-02-13,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Blaze N. Confused,17,2008-04-18,Assault City Roller Derby,,
Blaze O'Glory,,"26th October, 2015",,,United States
Blaze O'Gory,911,"22nd February, 2015",Southern Delaware Roller Girls,,United States
Blaze Pascal,3.14,2009-08-19,Torpedo Bay Roller Girls,,
Blaze Runner,,"12th November, 2017",,,United Kingdom
Blaze Scarr,69,2011-03-19,Crescent City Derby Devils,,
Blaze of Fury,8,2010-06-03,Central Vermont Roller Derby,,
Blaze of Glaurie,0707,"2nd February, 2015",Mistresses of mayhem,,United States
Blaze of Gory,W00T,2010-02-10,London Rockin Rollers,,
Blaze of Lori,451,"21st January, 2014",Independent,,United States
BlazeWalker,832,2011-09-28,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
Blazen Booty,22,"24th January, 2014",Minnesota Southbound Rollers,,United States
Blazen Glory,5,2007-07-16,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Blazen Glory,5,"21st January, 2014",Northwest Arkansas Rollerderby,,United States
Blazen Siren,000,2011-04-04,Murder City Roller Girls,,
Blazen TheaTrix,,"16th June, 2018",Rock Town Roller Derby,,United States
Blazey Susan,,"25th March, 2021",,,Canada
Blaze~n~Craze,1013,2008-04-24,Mid Michigan Derby Girls,,
Blazin Angirah,91,2011-03-11,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Blazin Cajun,66,"23rd January, 2014",Kill Devil Derby Brigade,,United States
Blazin Daze,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Blazin Kryptonite,428,"21st January, 2014",Aloha City Rollers,,United States
Blazin Witch,42,2012-01-05,Tulare Roller Derby,,
Blazin' Agony,420s,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Blazin' Amazin',511,2011-10-03,Southern Belle's Roller Derby,,
Blazin' Asian,44,2011-04-21,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Blazin' Asian,,"27th January, 2014",,,United States
Blazin' Asian,44,"11th June, 2014",Lowcountry Highrollers,,United States
Blazin' Barbie,59,2009-08-07,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Blazin' Betty,5115,2010-07-10,La Crosse Skating Sirens,,
Blazin' Blitz,LIT1,2010-02-20,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Blazin' Blondie,79,"12th May, 2015",The Parliament of Pain - The Hague Roller Derby,,Netherlands
Blazin' Bran 1369,1369,2012-01-17,Girls Rollin in the South (GRITS),,
Blazin' Britches,26mph,2008-11-21,Paper Valley Roller Girls,,
Blazin' Cajun,,2012-01-08,Kill Devil Derby Brigade,,
Blazin' Flower,88,"18th June, 2015",Rough Diamond Rebels,,United States
Blazin' Foxy,666,2009-11-01,Ruhrpott Roller Derby,,
Blazin' Fury,143,5-24-12,Hard Knox Roller Girls,,
Blazin' Grace,911,"7th February, 2017",301 Derby Dames,,United States
Blazin' Phoenix,28,2010-09-05,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Blazin' Raisin,199,"3rd July, 2016",Otautahi Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Blazing Belle,12,2012-01-10,Furness Firecrackers,,
Blazing Bones,61,"3rd April, 2014",Light City Derby,,Australia
Blazing Inferno,,2008-10-21,Windy City Rollers,,
Blazing Zombie,13,"23rd April, 2014",Wing City Angels,,Brazil
Blazting Pazt,142,"24th October, 2018",York Minxters,,United Kingdom
"Blcoker, Texas Danger",H0wdy,2010-02-03,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Bled Zeppelin,32,2012-04-11,Mississippi Delta Roller Derby,,
Blee+,184,"30th November, 2016",Adrenaline roller derby,,Chile
Bleed Free,66,"7th April, 2015",South Shore Roller Girls,,United States
Bleed Only Memory,1024,"4th February, 2014",Roe City Rollers,,United States
Bleed the 5th,1St¡,2010-04-19,Bull Falls Roller Derby,,
Bleeda Ford,,2009-05-10,Rose City Rosebuds,,
Bleeder of the Pack,2,2011-08-21,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Bleeder of the Pack,470ml,"27th January, 2014",Northside Rollers,,Australia
Bleedin' Eden,69,"19th November, 2017",North Coast Nightmares,,Canada
Bleedin' Gums Murphy,11D9,2008-03-07,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Bleeding Glory,321,"27th March, 2018",Twin State Derby,,United States
Bleeding Heart,35%,2010-11-09,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Bleeding Rainbow,,2009-01-05,Providence Roller Derby,,
Bleedith Piaf,,2011-03-01,South Island Sirens Roller Derby,,
Blender,44,"22nd January, 2014",LMRD,,Canada
Bleu J. Bombshell,,"10th November, 2017",Charm City Roller Girls,,United States
Bleu Steel,,"4th April, 2014",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Bleu Streak,,2008-07-14,Connecticut Death Quads,,
Blew By You,2,"20th January, 2014",Denver Roller Dolls,,United States
Blew Mountain Bomber,22,2010-01-29,Cape Fear Roller Girls,,
Blew Raven,14,2012-06-13,Tar Sand Betties Roller Derby,,
Blicker Hardly Newer,Staff,2011-01-07,Burn City Rollers,,
Blight Rabbit,9,2011-06-07,CenMo Men's Roller Derby,,
Blind Banshee,212,2007-01-11,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Blind Betty,REF,2011-04-01,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Blind Dog,REF,2009-03-18,Wasatch Roller Derby,,
Blind Fury,09,"14th July, 2015",Beet City Bombers,,United States
Blind Io,,,,,
Blind Io,,"15th November, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Blind Mag,22,2008-12-03,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Blind Maulin',44,"4th May, 2014",Salish Sea Rollers,,Canada
Blind N Deaf,22,"2nd March, 2016",Dothan Roller Derby,,United States
Blind Sider,15,2008-03-29,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Blind side,619,"2nd February, 2016",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Blind side Beater,713,"21st January, 2014",Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,Sweden
Blindside,20/20,2007-07-12,Houston Roller Derby,,
Blindside Blondie,714,"9th October, 2017",Juice Box Crushers,,United States
Bling Blaster,24,2011-05-25,TBD (delete 6/12/13),,
Bling Bling,35,,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Bling It On,222,"21st January, 2014",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Bling It On,222,2010-06-09,Dub City Derby Girls,,
Blink 1SK8E2,182,"28th July, 2016",Vice City Rollers (Miami),,United States
Blink N. Misser,W0W,2011-01-10,Morgantown Roller Vixens,,
Blinky,,2007-01-25,Riverside Rollergirls,,
Blinky Kill,A823.2,"2nd May, 2018",Canberra Roller Derby League,,Australia
Bliss 'n' Vinegar,51,"5th March, 2018",Rodeo City Rollergirls,,United States
Bliss Blackout,9000,2011-01-19,Severn Roller Torrent,,
Bliss Blackout,9000,"21st January, 2014",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Bliss Krieg,1939,"9th December, 2014",Penticton Pistoleras,,Canada
Bliss Star,4,2011-02-20,Northside Rollers,,
Bliss ~ Krieg,1939,"30th September, 2018",SORDA,,Canada
Bliss ~ Krieg,1939,2012-02-12,South Okanagan Roller Derby Association,,
Blissfit,83,"26th February, 2018",Resurrection Roller Girls,,United States
Blissful Brutality,,2011-09-04,Hertfordshire Helles Belles,,
Blissfully Sycho,K9,2012-05-31,West Kentucky Rockin Rollers,,
Blissfully Sycho,K9,"20th January, 2014",West Kentucky Rockin Rollers,,United States
Blista Payne,333,2011-04-05,Bay City Rollers,,
Blister Sister,711,2010-07-15,Royal City Rollergirls,,
Blister Sister,2711,"12th August, 2014",Royal City Roller Girls,,Canada
Blisterine,7oz,2011-06-30,Peninsula Roller Girls,,
Blitz,198,"14th July, 2019",Dorset Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Blitz,,2010-02-06,Houston Roller Derby,,
Blitz,3,"11th December, 2015",Southern Harm Derby Dames,,United States
Blitz Bigelow,16,2010-07-03,Sunshine Coast Roller Girls,,
Blitz Bits,209,2012-04-27,10th Mountain Roller Dolls,,
Blitz Britva,NC17,2011-07-17,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Blitz Cadaver,124,2012-04-20,Outlaw Renegade Roller Girls Orange County,,
Blitz Craig,55,2008-09-04,Mens UK Roller Derby Association,,
Blitz Kreger,Staff,2011-06-07,Battle Creek Cereal Killers,,
Blitz Kriek,7713,"11th December, 2015",Gueuses de Pigalles,,France
Blitz Lemon,22,5-23-12,Ohio Roller Girls,,
Blitz McGee,8.5,2011-03-05,Sis-Q Rollerz,,
Blitz N Pieces,99,2011-06-13,Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,
Blitz Please,12,"22nd January, 2014",Dock City Rollers,,Sweden
Blitz Taylor,9,2011-03-11,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Blitz Ventura,,"21st January, 2014",Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,United States
Blitz Ventura,351,"1st June, 2017",,,United States
Blitz Vixen,,2010-06-21,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Blitz Zicke,77,2011-05-04,Pinellas County Roller Girls,,
Blitz'n Bill,44,2011-02-10,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Blitz'n BitchCraft,,"16th February, 2021",Northern Brisbane Rollers,,Australia
Blitz'n Vixen,17,2007-08-05,Sun State Roller Girls,,
Blitzburgh,57,"26th January, 2014",Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,United States
Blitzen,13,2011-06-08,Midnight Sun Roller Girlz,,
Blitzen Bomb'er,52,2011-07-08,North Pole Babes in Toyland,,
Blitzin 'Giggles,77,2010-11-14,Red Deer Roller Derby Association,,
Blitzkreig Bambi,777,2011-08-10,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Blitzkreig Barbie,55,2010-09-30,Gold Coast Roller Derby,,
Blitzkreig Vixen,,2010-06-21,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Blitzkrieg,101,"26th January, 2014",Southern discomfort,,United Kingdom
Blitzkrieg Babs,870,2010-05-13,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Blitzkrieg Babs,13,"12th March, 2017",Vienna Roller Derby,,Austria
Blitzkrieg Baby,9,"2nd February, 2014",Stuttgart Valley Rollergirls,,Germany
Blitzkrieg Baby,9,2007-10-19,Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,
Blitzkrieg Barbie,505,"7th September, 2014",Watertown Roller Derby,,United States
Blitzkrieg Becca,42,"19th June, 2018",,,United States
Blitzkrieg Beck,77,2009-01-05,Little Steel Derby Girls,,
Blitzkrieg Bettie,36-34-36,2007-05-08,Radioactive City Rollergirls,,
Blitzkrieg Block,7734,"27th January, 2018",Norrköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Blitzkrieg Blondie,610,2008-10-03,Green Mountain Derby Dames,,
Blitzkrieg Bombshell,1134,"31st July, 2014",Deadly Darlings,,Germany
Blitzkrieg Bootgirl,1488,2011-05-11,Hellmilton Roller Ghouls,,
Blitzkrieg Bop-Her,1-2-3-4!,2009-05-21,V-Town Derby Dames,,
Blitzkrieg Bopper,44,"21st January, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Blitzkrieg Deluxe,MP40,"23rd January, 2014",South Sea Roller Derby,,Australia
Blitzkrieg Deluxe,MP40,2010-11-23,South Sea Roller Derby,,
Blitzkrieg Foxx,11,2012-01-19,Savanna Foxes Roller Derby Bras'lia,,
Blitzkrieg Nicki,888,"28th January, 2019",Fighting Frauliens,,Canada
BlitzkriegBaker,8675309,2008-12-16,Rage City Rollergirls,,
Blitzo Del Toro,89,"14th July, 2015",Suffolk Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blixten McQueer,,"14th November, 2019",,,Sweden
Blizz the Barbarian,69,2011-01-06,Green Valley Roller Girls,,
Blizzard,54,2010-09-01,Bristol Roller Derby,,
Blizzard,124,"17th December, 2016",,,United States
Blizzard Warning,11,2011-05-08,Fargo Moorhead Derby Girls,,
Blizzard of Aus,61,2010-07-14,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Blizzard of OZ,273,"16th June, 2014",Southern Discomfort,,United Kingdom
Blk&Blu Dahlia,710,"21st May, 2018",,,United States
Blo' de Cologne,2711,"6th February, 2015",GTARollergirls,,Canada
Bloc Holliday,00,2011-03-17,Southern Illinois Roller Girls,,
Bloc Holliday,45,"23rd September, 2017",Bristol Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BlocKandy,c430,2011-07-01,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Block & DeckHer,280,"21st January, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Block & Decker,18v,2012-04-20,London Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Block & Deckher,124,"21st January, 2014",Boomtown Rollers,,Ireland
Block & Roll,28,"1st February, 2018",Wreckin Roller Rebels,,United States
Block 'n' Deck'er,705,"17th March, 2014",granite city roller girls,,United Kingdom
Block 'n' Roll,85,"17th June, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Block Beauty,,2011-04-21,South West Angels of Terror,,
Block Beauty,21,"21st January, 2014",SWAT,,United Kingdom
Block Booty,03,2011-05-06,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Block Buster,33,2010-02-16,Gainesville Roller Rebels,,
Block Clocker,24-7,2011-09-10,Sacred City Derby Girls,,
Block Clocker,24-7,"21st January, 2014",Sacred City Derby Girls,,United States
Block DJ,13,"15th July, 2016",Sunderland Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Block Dahlia,514,2012-03-12,Eastern Carolina Brawling Betties,,
Block Dahlia,56,"20th February, 2016",Pfm,,United States
Block E.Horror,77,2007-04-03,Central City Rollergirls,,
Block Glocker,137,"1st July, 2014",Cambridge Rollerbillies,,United Kingdom
Block Holliday,1881,"14th November, 2019",,,United States
Block Jess Monster,200,"18th August, 2015",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Block Lesnar,187,2011-06-04,Chautauqua County Roller Derby,,
Block Lesnar,434,"21st September, 2015",NPT Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Block Lobster,B52,"21st January, 2014",Southern Discomfort Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Block Lobster,B-52,2012-04-01,NorSask Roller Derby,,
Block Lobster,B52,"21st January, 2014","Beach Cities Roller Derby, Badfish Roller Derby",,United States
Block Mafia,13,2011-10-11,Angels of Anarchy,,
Block Mage,00,"28th February, 2015",Chattanooga Roller Girls,,United States
Block Magic Woman,22,"2nd August, 2016",Rhein Neckar Delta Quads,,Germany
Block Mark'et,1911,"13th February, 2015",Suffolk Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Block Mess Monster,23,"14th September, 2016",San Antonio Sugar Skulls,,United States
Block Momba,5,"22nd May, 2015",Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,United States
Block Momba,5,2009-06-04,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Block N Tackle,103,2010-01-15,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Block N' Deck Her,M16,"26th January, 2014",,,Canada
Block N' Roll,28,2011-03-11,CoMo Derby Dames,,
Block N'Deck'her,13,"21st January, 2014",Maitland Roller Girls,,Australia
Block Nes Monster,2,"12th August, 2016",WasteLand Derby Dames,,United States
Block Ness Monster,61,2010-09-02,Tweed Valley Rollers,,
Block Ness Monster,57,"10th October, 2017",Rainier Roller Girls,,United States
Block Ness Monster,565,"17th March, 2015",Mad Rollin' Dolls,,United States
Block Ness Monster,212,"17th July, 2016",Durham City Rolling Angels,,United Kingdom
Block N’Deck’Her,16,"30th September, 2018",Anchor City Rollers,,Canada
Block Party,411,5/9/12,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Block Rockin' Beast,314,"15th June, 2016",Cornwall Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Block Rockin' Beatrix,44,2011-03-01,South Island Sirens Roller Derby,,
Block Rockin' Boots,55,2010-11-11,Northamptonshire Roller Girls,,
Block Sabbath,52,"20th July, 2014",Rhein-Neckar Delta Quads,,Germany
Block Samson,47,2012-01-20,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Block Star,26,2008-09-17,Central City Rollergirls,,
Block Tease,333,"11th November, 2016",,,Canada
Block Teaser,91,"7th May, 2014",Hulls Angels Roller Dames,,United Kingdom
Block Widow,47,"8th January, 2019",Royal City Roller Derby,,Canada
Block Widow,1,"7th May, 2014",Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,United States
Block Widow,8,"20th January, 2014",Barnsley Black Heart Rollers,,United Kingdom
Block Widow,42,"21st January, 2014",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Block n Blue,,2011-09-04,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Block n Roll,131,"15th October, 2016",Toowoomba City Rollers,,Australia
Block out,7795,2011-11-12,Wirral Whipiteres Roller Derby,,
Block the Democrat Vote,,"15th April, 2021",Gallatin Roller Derby,,United States
Block'N'Roll,S83B,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Block'N'TacHer,445,"25th January, 2014",North East Roller Derby,,Australia
Block'n'Roll,0711,"4th February, 2017",Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz,,Germany
Block'n'Rolla,,"10th July, 2015",Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,United States
"Block, Knock, & Barrel",,"26th September, 2018",Palouse River Rollers,,United States
"Block, Paper, Scissors",123,"4th April, 2014",Southern Alberta Junior Roller Derby,,Canada
Block-Lova,3,2011-08-31,Maui Rollergirls,,
Block-N-Deck-Her,007,"3rd April, 2014",Saskatoon Junior Roller Derby Leagie,,Canada
Block-it Launch-her,218,"11th October, 2018",Plymouth City Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
BlockBust'Her,64,"18th April, 2018",Sugar Sands Roller Dolls,,United States
BlockHit Murphy,84,"20th January, 2014",MKRD,,United Kingdom
BlockHopper,10,"26th May, 2017",NWRD,,United Kingdom
BlockSucker,X0,"13th October, 2014",Aarhus Derby Danes,,Denmark
BlockTrooper,,"9th October, 2018",Holy Terrors Saintes France,,France
BlockYa Harding,16,2011-12-05,Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,
Blocka B*tch,129,"20th January, 2014",Desert Dolls Roller Derby,,United States
Blocka Lotapus,,"30th January, 2014",Swamp City Roller Rats,,New Zealand
BlockaBitch,129,2009-08-01,Desert Dolls Roller Derby League,,
Blockabella,59,"24th June, 2015",rocKArollers - Roller Derby Karlsruhe,,Germany
Blockabitch WheelHer,18,2009-02-09,South Side Roller Derby,,
Blockahontas,42,"6th September, 2018",Mine monsters,,Germany
Blockaneer,46,"24th January, 2014",Rum City Derby Dolls,,Australia
Blockasaurus Rex,,2010-04-09,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Blockaway Bitch,69,2011-04-05,Sugar Loathe Derby Girls,,
Blockaway Peach,314,"11th March, 2015",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Blockbeard,8,"19th February, 2016",Aire Force One,,United Kingdom
Blocked & Loaded,X3,2009-04-14,Undead Bettys,,
BlockedHer Who,10,"13th October, 2015",Demolition City Roller Derby,,United States
Blockem's Razor,πr²,"28th January, 2015",Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,United States
Blocker-Bye-Baby,53,2012-03-21,Central City Rollergirls,,
Blockerbye Baby,14,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Blockerbye Baby,14,"14th May, 2014",Birmingham Blitz Dames,,United Kingdom
Blockerella,27,"30th December, 2015",Poison Apples,,United States
Blocking Jay,817,"17th March, 2015",Prairie fire roller girls of laramie county,,United States
Blockingjay,D13,"20th January, 2014",Nottingham Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Blockingjay,#14,"16th November, 2015",Helltown Hellcats,,Sweden
Blockingjay,,"17th May, 2019",,,United States
Blockkit Bardot,121,2011-08-05,TBD (delete 8/29/13),,
Blocklava,808,"15th November, 2016",Richland county regulators,,United States
Blockminster FloorHer,860,"23rd June, 2016",Blue Ridge Rollergirls,,United States
Blockness,68,"16th February, 2014",Hawkes Bay Roller Derby,,New Zealand
Blockness Monster,1312,"28th September, 2018",Nasty Pecheresses,,France
Blockness Monster,,"7th September, 2019",,,United States
Blockodile Dundee,M8,2011-01-11,Lafayette Brawlin' Dolls,,
Blockoli,84,"6th January, 2018",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Blocksteady,86,"21st February, 2015",Northamptonshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blocksteady Cat,44,"6th April, 2017",Linz Roller Derby,,Austria
Blocktease,37,"16th January, 2019",Tri-County Roller Derby,,Canada
Blocktimus Prime,64,2011-01-12,Dead End Derby,,
Blocktopus,"20,000 leagues",2009-01-26,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Blocktopus,6203,"30th April, 2018",Durham City Rolling Angels,,United Kingdom
Blocktopussy,18,"16th April, 2015",Norrköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Blocktopussy,007,"6th February, 2014",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
Blocktor Död,394,"8th March, 2015",LKPG Go'Rullaz RDC,,Sweden
Blocktor Who,13,"25th April, 2016",Cheshire Hellcats Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blocktor Zoidberg,486,"21st January, 2014",Surrey Rollerboys,,United Kingdom
Blockwork Orange,809,"27th June, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Blockwork Orange,809,2011-07-07,Central City Rollergirls,,
Blocky Balboa,TK0,"13th March, 2015",Auburn Outlaws,,United States
Blocky Balboa,1228,2011-04-22,Crown City Rollerz,,
Blocky Horror,147,"6th April, 2016",Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blocky Horror,4711,"16th June, 2017",Gem City Roller Derby,,United States
Blocky Marciano,49-0,2008-04-20,East Texas Bombers,,
Blocque Cousteau,3000 bpi,2010-04-26,South Jersey Derby Girls,,
Bloctopushy,213,"12th June, 2017",Kent Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Blocutus of Borg,326,"11th September, 2016",,,Canada
Blodfot,15,"2nd December, 2015",,,Norway
Bloksana Villanelle,,"4th April, 2019",Twin City Roller Derby,,United States
Blomi Malone,702,"30th January, 2016",,,United Kingdom
Blon 'D' Bombshell,146,"15th June, 2017",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Blon Noxious,11,2010-02-27,Cen-Tex Sirens,,
Blond Blush,7,"23rd June, 2015",Worst Warsaw Derby Team,,Poland
Blond Bomb,23,2011-12-30,Lilac City Pixies,,
Blond o-Matic,EGG8,"20th March, 2014",The Painted Birds,,Uruguay
Blondage,16,2010-02-18,Walla Walla Sweets Roller Girls,,
Blondage,81,"22nd January, 2014",SSRD,,Australia
Blondage,52,"11th April, 2018",Stoke City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Blondazon,808,2010-06-21,Old Capitol City Roller Girls,,
Blonde & Dangerous,,2011-10-25,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Blonde Affliction,,2011-05-06,Winnipeg Roller Derby,,
Blonde AmBitchin',,"29th January, 2018",,,United States
Blonde Amazon,111,2006-08-07,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Blonde Ambeachin,17,"7th February, 2018",,,United States
Blonde Ambition,43,"26th May, 2015",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Blonde Assassin,007,2011-02-18,Bakersfield Junior Roller Derby,,
Blonde Bandita,98,2010-02-18,Walla Walla Sweets Roller Girls,,
Blonde Baron,,2008-06-18,Lava City Roller Dolls,,
Blonde Barracuda,69,2012-02-08,Woodstock Roller Derby,,
Blonde Bomber,88,"12th February, 2014",Sunshine Coast area rollers.,,Australia
Blonde Bomber,,"21st January, 2014",Rock Coast Rollers,,United States
Blonde Bombshelby,3-2-1,2011-05-10,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Blonde Bombshell,11:11,"26th March, 2014",Spindletop rollergirls rec,,United States
Blonde Brawler,801,2010-02-23,Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,
Blonde Bruiser,17,"21st January, 2014",Beckley Area Derby Dames,,United States
Blonde Bulldozer,28,2011-02-20,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
Blonde Bullett,,2007-06-07,Stone Cold Foxes,,
Blonde Burgundy,779,2010-11-28,Greensboro Roller Derby,,
Blonde Deception,10,"16th September, 2016",Southern Harm Derby Dames,,United States
Blonde Dynamite,KaB00M,2009-07-16,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Blonde Force Trauma,16,2011-01-28,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Blonde Force Trauma,4,"19th February, 2015",LadyHawks,,United States
Blonde Fury,621,2006-05-11,NOVA Roller Derby,,
Blonde Hit Wonder,24,"18th April, 2014",Copenhagen Roller Derby,,Denmark
Blonde Justice,9-1-1,"28th October, 2014",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United States
Blonde Mamba,229,2009-12-01,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Blonde Mayhem,13,2011-02-22,Brandywine Roller Girls,,
Blonde Moment,69,"22nd January, 2014",Whenua Fatales,,New Zealand
Blonde N Bitchin',28,2007-04-18,Oly Rollers,,
Blonde Phantom,,2009-09-29,Providence Roller Derby,,
Blonde Rambition,009,2012-01-13,Med City Mafia,,
Blonde Reaper,75,2009-07-20,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Blonde Sided,308,2011-01-02,Chippewa Valley Roller Girls,,
Blonde Sided,29,"26th January, 2016",River City Rollergirls,,United States
Blonde Slambition,,2011-07-10,Pow! Town Roller Derby,,
Blonde Slambition,343,"28th May, 2015",POW! TOWN,,Canada
Blonde Tornado,,2011-07-10,Pow! Town Roller Derby,,
Blonde Zombie,44,2009-10-06,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Blonde from Hell,666,"10th December, 2014",Fugitivas Roller Punk,,Colombia
Blonde'N'Brawl,970,2011-10-21,Grand Valley Vixens,,
BlondeZilla,,2009-09-10,Sioux Falls Roller Dollz,,
Blondefabulous,11,2011-06-18,Pasco County Derby Dollz,,
Blonder Bruiser,17,2012-04-18,Beckley Area Derby Dames,,
Blonderambition,235,"12th October, 2016",Helgin,,United Kingdom
Blondeshell,B52,"23rd November, 2014",Hel'z Belles Roller Derby,,United States
Blondie,26,"7th February, 2019",301 Derby Dames,,United States
Blondie Ama Zombie,66,,Oil City Derby Girls,,
Blondie Apocalypse,504,"6th June, 2014",West Sound Rollergirls,,United States
Blondie Bardot,1969,2011-07-01,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Blondie Blood Soak,00,2011-03-20,Mouse River Rollers,,
Blondie Bomb-Her,B-52,2006-10-29,Jet City Rollergirls,,
Blondie Brewz-Her,512,2011-03-21,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
Blondie Carnage,5,"25th January, 2014",Psyko'Quads,,France
Blondie Clocks,12,2010-06-27,Orange County Roller Girls,,
Blondie Dangerfield,17,"23rd July, 2017",San Marcos River Rollers,,United States
Blondie Deadhead,112,2011-09-29,Crime City Rollers,,
Blondie Destroyer,28,2010-08-07,Whidbey Island Roller Girls,,
Blondie Knocks,007,2009-10-23,CoMo Derby Dames,,
Blondie Knocks,007,"7th May, 2014",Como Derby Dames,,United States
Blondie Lawless,78,"2nd April, 2014",SRDL,,Canada
Blondie XXX,9181,"21st January, 2014",CKRG,,United States
Blondie's Curse,99,"13th March, 2014",Rock Coast Rollers,,United States
Blondini,,2011-04-11,Northland Nightmares,,
Blondita,H2O2,2011-05-04,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Blondomination,11,2011-01-09,G-Town Beat Down Derby,,
Blood Anya,808,2010-10-12,Abilene Derby Dames,,
Blood Bain,67,2011-11-29,580 Roller Girls,,
Blood Bath,777,"9th February, 2016",OSRDA,,Canada
Blood Bath and Beyond,300,"8th October, 2018",Wreckin’ Roller Rebels,,United States
Blood Bathory,650,"12th February, 2017",Tri City Roller Derby,,Canada
Blood Bunny,,"28th March, 2018",,,United States
Blood Clottia,2U,2006-08-11,Rose City Rollers,,
Blood Countess,1300,2010-02-13,Stockholm Roller Derby,,
Blood DIEmond,2.42,2012-03-27,Eastside Derby Girls,,
Blood Duchess,1865,2011-12-23,Northampto_n Shoetown Slayers,,
Blood Eagle,866,"20th June, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Blood Flowers,0609,2012-01-14,South Simcoe Rebel Rollers,,
Blood Gin,10E,2011-04-13,Oil City Derby Girls,,
Blood Klotz,7,"13th March, 2018",Prairieland Punishers,,United States
Blood Lust,,2008-11-11,South Side Roller Derby,,
Blood Muffin,26,2011-08-08,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Blood N' Butter,350,2010-12-20,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Blood RAAin,AA,2006-05-24,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Blood Red Bird,3,2009-09-22,Granite City Roller Girls,,
Blood Red Cherry,11,2010-12-16,Toto Destruction,,
Blood Shek N Tears,40oz,2011-05-19,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Blood Spencer,11,"9th February, 2018",Bembel Town Rollergirls,,Germany
Blood Stain,,2012-02-09,Sick Town Derby Dames,,
Blood Storm,00078,2008-05-28,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Blood Thirsty,0neg,2010-05-20,Undead Bettys,,
Blood Thirsty Drusilla,1860,5/12/12,Spartanburg Deadly Dolls,,
Blood Thirsty Kirstie,54-46,2010-07-15,Royal City Rollergirls,,
Blood Thunder,,"20th August, 2015",Barnyard Bruisers,,United States
Blood Thursty,59B,"22nd January, 2014",River City Rollers,,New Zealand
Blood Vixen,0+,2011-11-30,Duluth/Superior Roller Derby,,
Blood Wheels,23-8A,"24th January, 2014",Santiago City Roller Girls,,Chile
Blood dancer,606,"21st April, 2017",Bloodthirsty Roller Girls,,United States
Blood n bone barbie,15,2009-07-06,Van Diemen Rollers,,
Blood n' Guts,20,"18th July, 2015",Beet City Bombers,,United States
Blood n' Rockets,57,2011-01-25,Dodge City Rollers,,
Blood-Stained Angel,17,2011-02-01,South West Sydney Rockets,,
BloodBath & Beyond,<0,2006-07-18,Pioneer Valley Roller Derby,,
BloodCat,,2007-08-01,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
BloodJen,13,"15th June, 2015",RebelTown Rollers,,United States
BloodStorm,1039,"17th January, 2017",SFVRD,,United States
Bloodbath & Beyond,910,"9th November, 2015",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Bloodbath Bettie,,2006-03-28,Boston Derby Dames,,
Bloodbath Bettie,1-4-1,"23rd May, 2017",,,United States
Bloodbath Binki,888,2010-07-27,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Bloodbath Blondie,7,2010-11-29,Fairbanks Rollergirls,,
Bloodbath McGrath,907,"21st January, 2014",Central Maine Roller Derby,,United States
Bloodbath!,04,"13th February, 2019",Mansfield Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bloodfest Barbie,68,"19th June, 2016",Gulf Coast Roller Girls,,United States
Bloodfest at Tiffany's,69,5-29-12,Munich Rolling Rebels,,
Bloodfest at Tiffany's,69,"21st January, 2014",Munich Rolling Rebels,,Germany
Bloodhoney,10,2011-04-04,Fierce Valley Roller Girls,,
Bloodie Faerie,6006s!,2010-02-27,Texas Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Blooding Raider,X7,2010-12-01,Cannibales Dolls,,
Bloodlust Barbie,B34,2010-08-07,Forest City Derby Girls,,
Bloodnut Badger,x99,2010-08-08,Perth Roller Derby,,
Bloodnut Betty,53,2009-11-24,Van Diemen Rollers,,
Bloodnut Betty,53,"4th April, 2014",Devil State Derby League,,Australia
Bloodred Kelly,4,"21st January, 2014",Barockcity Rollerderby,,Germany
Bloodred Kelly,4,"28th January, 2014",South German Mens Rollerderby,,Germany
Bloodrunner,3.14,2012-01-23,Roller Derby Porto,,
Bloodshed Bonnie,120,2007-04-09,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Bloodshed Red,,2009-09-13,Columbia QuadSquad,,
Bloodspill Blonde,,2008-10-09,Royal Windsor Roller Girls,,
Bloodspilla,829,2010-08-30,Port Scandalous Roller Derby,,
Bloodsucker,37,2012-02-04,DuPage Derby Dames,,
Bloodthirsty Thursday,,"25th July, 2017",Lisbon Grrrls Roller Derby,,Portugal
Bloodweiser,40,2007-12-11,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Bloodwig Van Skatehoven,5th,2011-12-13,North East Roller Derby,,
Bloodwig Van Skatehoven,5th,"8th February, 2014",North East Roller Derby,,Australia
Bloody Bambi,2,"20th March, 2014",The Painted Birds,,Uruguay
Bloody Bambi,72,"9th March, 2017",Linz Roller Derby,,Austria
Bloody Barbie,08/15,2009-11-04,Graveyard Queens,,
Bloody Barbie,17,"5th October, 2018",Banshees Roller Derby Bassa Friulana,,Italy
Bloody Bathory,269,2006-09-01,Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Bloody Berry,19,"13th March, 2017",Worst Warsaw Derby Team,,Poland
Bloody Berry,,2011-01-29,Kitsap Derby Brats,,
Bloody Betty,22,2011-02-22,Roller Derby Toulouse,,
Bloody Biatchotti,29,"22nd January, 2014",Roller Derby Dresden,,Germany
Bloody Bifteck,96,2011-10-17,Namur Roller Girlz,,
Bloody Blanche,43,2011-01-27,Wiliston Wreckhers,,
Bloody Blossom,47,2010-09-20,Lakeland Ladykillers Roller Derby,,
Bloody Blossom,33,"4th April, 2014",Lakeland Ladykillers Roller Derby League,,Canada
Bloody Bondage,,2011-10-05,Ruhrpott Roller Girls,,
Bloody Bones,#111,"21st August, 2014",Rocket Dolls Roller Derby Coimbra,,Portugal
Bloody Boop,3vil,2010-02-19,Durham Region Roller Derby,,
Bloody Bunny,97,2009-03-11,Barockcity Rollerderby,,
Bloody Charlie,75,"12th March, 2015",The royal swedish roller derby,,Sweden
Bloody Charlie,75,2012-04-23,The Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,
Bloody Charms,81,"20th January, 2014",Mobile Derby Darlings,,United States
Bloody Cherry,44,"21st January, 2014",Zürich City Rollergirlz,,Switzerland
Bloody Cherry,4,2011-09-06,Nantes Derby Girls,,
Bloody Cianci,2012,2007-03-12,Providence Roller Derby,,
Bloody Crazy!,911,"22nd December, 2017",Brass Knuckle Derby Dames,,Canada
Bloody Crumpet,1792,2011-09-20,Varsity Derby,,
Bloody Cupcake,0,2010-11-09,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Bloody Death,13,2010-11-24,Monadnock Region Roller Derby,,
Bloody Del Fire,150,2010-07-06,Wakey Wheeled Cats,,
Bloody Destroyed,199mm,2012-01-30,Cranium Basher Dolls,,
Bloody Dublin,1920,5/10/12,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
Bloody Egg,06,2011-07-02,Buenos Aires Roller Derby,,
Bloody Elle,1134,,Chicago Outfit,,
Bloody Fairy,138,"29th September, 2014",Deadly Darlings Düsseldorf,,Germany
Bloody Fanny,3,"26th March, 2016",Sundsvall Demolition Rollers,,Sweden
Bloody Fiasco,888,2010-05-17,Coastal Assassins Roller Derby,,
Bloody Franklin,,"9th September, 2017",,,Australia
Bloody GaGa,267 bc,2011-10-26,Assassination City Roller Derby,,
Bloody Gnawer,920,"22nd January, 2014",Geelong Roller Derby League,,Australia
Bloody Guthrie,82,"19th September, 2017",Gothenburg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Bloody Harry,23D,2011-08-08,Dublin Roller Girls,,
Bloody Hel,,"1st March, 2016",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
Bloody Hell,4311,2010-06-08,Houston Roller Derby,,
Bloody Holly,16,"31st March, 2016",Stoke City Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bloody Holly,,"1st November, 2018",,,Australia
Bloody Holly,74,2006-06-25,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bloody Holly,73,"20th August, 2015",Otautahi Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Bloody Horee,323,2012-01-01,K-Town Derby Dolls,,
Bloody Irony,11,"6th November, 2014",Helltown Hellcats - Helsingborg Roller Derby,,Sweden
Bloody Isis,28,2012-06-11,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Bloody Jam,5 de copas,"21st January, 2014",B.A.R.D.,,Argentina
Bloody Jozy,307,"26th March, 2014",Cherry Blood,,France
Bloody Juliet,625,2010-11-12,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Bloody KISS,28,"26th January, 2016",Aalborg roller derby,,Denmark
Bloody Kansas,61,"29th January, 2019",Air Raid Roller Derby,,United States
Bloody Kerry,651,2012-02-13,Moab Roller Derby,,
Bloody Kisses,1313,2010-11-19,Central New York Roller Derby,,
Bloody Knuckles Betty,109TKO,2010-03-05,Maine Roller Derby,,
Bloody Laces,2,2011-11-03,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Bloody Lovett,,2011-04-13,Comox Valley Rink Minx Rollergirls,,
Bloody Lovett,101,"21st January, 2014",Renegade Derby Dames,,Canada
Bloody Maiden,666,"21st January, 2014",,,Canada
Bloody Mary,4,,Texas Rollergirls,,
Bloody Mary,M00,"2nd September, 2015",Deathrow Hull,,United Kingdom
Bloody Mary Magdalene,316,2012-01-23,Kallio Rolling Rainbow,,
Bloody Melly,F95,"18th February, 2014",Deadly Darlings Düsseldorf,,Germany
Bloody Mercy,95,"4th August, 2017",Roller Derby Tampico Madero: Jaibronas,,Mexico
Bloody Merry,66,"8th June, 2016",Balsam Mountain Jr Roller Derby,,United States
Bloody Merry,17,"1st May, 2018",,,Poland
Bloody Mery,18,"19th January, 2017",As Lobas de Morgana - Ourense,,Spain
Bloody Mess Jess,88,2010-04-30,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Bloody Miri,954,"21st January, 2014",Peninsula Roller Girls,,United States
Bloody Molly,,2011-05-10,North Louisiana Roller Dollz,,
Bloody Mum,133,2012-04-12,Les Quads de Paris,,
Bloody Nickers!,V8,"9th July, 2015",Armidale Roller Derby,,Australia
Bloody Nightmarry,23,2012-02-04,BlackLand Rockin'K-Rollers,,
Bloody Nora,88,2010-12-23,Cornwall Roller Derby,,
Bloody Nory,10,"17th January, 2017",Lion Girls Roller Derby León,,Spain
Bloody Penny,1832,2011-03-29,Hawkesbury/Hills Area Roller Derby,,
Bloody Poppins,71,"22nd January, 2014",Roller Derby Québec,,Canada
Bloody Poppy,4,"22nd January, 2016",Black Rebell Roller Derby Club Leiria,,Portugal
Bloody Professor,98%,"20th January, 2014",Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby,,United States
Bloody Raccoon,5,"21st January, 2014",Freaky Mons'ter Derby Ladies,,Belgium
Bloody Rose,,2010-03-22,Ann Richards Rollergirls,,
Bloody Summers,97,"24th September, 2018",,,United States
Bloody Sunday,99,2010-07-09,Paradise Roller Girls,,
Bloody T-Bone,A-1,2008-10-16,Lowcountry Highrollers,,
Bloody Two Shoes,99,"7th April, 2017",Lansing Roller Derby,,United States
Bloody Valentina,1402,"19th January, 2016",Bedfordshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bloody Valentine,14,2007-05-14,London Rockin Rollers,,
Bloody Valentine,1402,"19th January, 2016",Bedfordshire Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bloody Viper,017,"30th November, 2015",Bone-crushing Hyenas,,Italy
Bloody Vumpire,REF,2011-11-01,East Vic Roller Derby,,
Bloody Warrior,17,"25th January, 2014",,,Peru
Bloody Waters,7734,2010-08-19,Gulf Coast Rollergirls,,
Bloody White,K1LL,"21st June, 2014",Border City Brawlers,,Canada
Bloody reaper,13,"5th June, 2016",Navarre-gulf breeze derby dolls,,United States
Bloody'ell,231,"5th August, 2016",Wakey Wheeled Cats,,United Kingdom
Bloody2Shoes,,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Bloody2Shoes,132,2011-02-27,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
BloodyCanvas,31,2011-10-15,Lansing Derby Vixens,,
BloodyLicious,,2011-11-15,Cenla Derby Dames,,
BloodyMary,005,"9th August, 2017",Cape Town Rollergirls,,South Africa
BloodyMary,005,"25th August, 2017",Cape Town Rollergirls,,South Africa
Bloodyend,696,"5th February, 2014",,,Argentina
Bloodyknuckles McChiPants,6,2011-08-11,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Bloodz n bruises,,"3rd October, 2014",Di-Dollz Roller Derby,,France
Bloomin Bloss,929,2011-10-20,Coffs Coast Derby,,
Blooper,111,"6th October, 2018",,,Uruguay
Blossem the Bruiser,,2011-06-22,Quad City Rollers,,
Blossom Bruiso,5,2006-04-28,Windy City Rollers,,
Blossom Kill,40%,2010-09-27,Liverpool Roller Birds,,
Blossom Rocket,,2011-06-09,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
Blossy Britches,,"23rd January, 2014",Whenua Fatales Roller Derby League,,New Zealand
Blow Anne Emerson,8,2010-11-06,Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,
Blow Bye,17,2011-01-29,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Blow Hole,20k,2010-09-30,Angel City Derby Girls,,
Blow Job,,2008-07-22,Houston Roller Derby,,
Blow Torturer,88,2011-04-28,Imposters Rollergirls,,
Blow Up Betty,23,2009-03-03,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Blowing b'LIZ-hard,,"24th January, 2014",SRG Lille,,France
Blownfuse,333,2006-10-03,Memphis Roller Derby,,
Blox & Knox OYA,126,2011-12-30,Lilac City Pixies,,
Blox Mulder,11,"22nd February, 2017",Canberra Roller Derby League,,Australia
Blox Mulder,0,"23rd February, 2018",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bloxanne,74,2011-07-17,Hot Wheel Roller Derby,,
Bloxie Blackout,LD50,2011-05-10,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Bloxxy Brown,96,"8th June, 2017",Resurrection Roller Girls,,United States
Blu Bayou,75mph,2006-09-28,Cincinnati Rollergirls,,
Blu BombHer,24,"21st April, 2015",frda,,Canada
Blu Brawls,010,"14th December, 2016",GTA Rollergirls,,Canada
Blu Eyed Genicide,89,2010-08-27,Molly Roger Rollergirls,,
Blu Hail Razer,747,"8th January, 2018",Third Coast,,United States
Blu Wail,42,"28th April, 2016",Bay State Brawlers,,United States
BluBellistic,MK84,"21st January, 2014",GGRD,,United States
BluEyed Devi,333,2011-06-14,Dire Skates,,
Blud Bublz,,2008-03-22,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
BludVayne,13,2012-04-04,A-Town Roller Girlz,,
Bludapest,011,"25th March, 2016",Pink Peril Roller Derby,,Netherlands
Bludgeon & Tonic,,"24th June, 2016",Gem City Rollergirls,,United States
Bludgeon Malone,1923,2011-04-06,Inhuman League,,
Bludgeon Mary,80,,Tallahassee Rollergirls,,
Bludger,300!,"7th August, 2014",Arnhem Fallen Angels,,Netherlands
Blue,-1,"21st January, 2014",Sugar Loathe Derby Girls,,Brazil
Blue 'Chelle,12th,2011-03-25,Long Island Roller Rebels,,
Blue Angel,5,2011-01-25,Dodge City Rollers,,
Blue Babe,0x,"21st January, 2014",,,United States
Blue Ballin' Bandit,46ddd,2007-07-07,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Blue Barracuda,,"28th October, 2016",,,United States
Blue Beat-her,1703,2010-03-09,Triple Sword Roller Girls,,
Blue Berry Clobber,,2011-11-16,Alamo City Rollergirls,,
Blue Blaze,04,"29th January, 2014",Swamp City Roller Rats,,New Zealand
Blue Blaze,4,5/8/12,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
Blue Bomber,12,"16th June, 2017",Dorset Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Blue Brawls,70s,"1st August, 2016",Sun City Roller Girls,,United States
Blue Brawls,REF,2011-07-14,Richland County Regulators,,
Blue Chaos,321,"29th December, 2015",SRT,,United Kingdom
Blue Chip,614,"21st January, 2014",Atomic City Roller Girls,,United States
Blue Chip,614,2012-06-06,Atomic City Rollergirls,,
Blue Crush,6/15,2011-05-17,Durango Roller Girls,,
Blue Crush,,"13th August, 2015",USRDL,,Australia
Blue Cyanide,26,"2nd September, 2015",NSRD,,United States
Blue D. Venom,58,2012-02-16,Namur Roller Girls,,
Blue Dragon Brawl,228,"21st January, 2014",,,Belgium
Blue Eyed Bomber,85,"7th May, 2014",Rolla Vicious Vixens,,United States
Blue Eyed Bruiser,2020,"9th January, 2016",Wilkes Barre Scranton Roller Radicals,,United States
Blue Eyed Monster,16,2010-05-02,Sac City Rollers,,
Blue Eyed Pistol,380,2010-05-04,NOtown Roller Derby,,
Blue Falcon,1369,2012-02-21,Bleeding Heartland Rollergirls,,
Blue Falcon,1369,"21st January, 2014",San Diego Roller Derby,,United States
Blue Felix,,"22nd May, 2018",Sioux Falls Roller Dollz,,United States
Blue Hellvet,,"25th June, 2015",SURDL,,Australia
Blue J,,"17th February, 2021",,,United States
Blue Jitsu,747,2010-03-03,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Blue Knight,55,2009-08-18,Dry Heat Militia,,
Blue LaBoom,17,"13th April, 2014",Reaper rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Blue Mauli,H2SO4,2007-01-04,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
Blue Mayhem,H4,,San Antonio Roller Derby,,
Blue Me Away,REF,2012-02-04,New River Valley Rollergirls,,
Blue Meanie,8,2008-12-17,Dead End Derby,,
Blue Messiah,N3,2008-09-02,Naptown Roller Girls,,
Blue Meth,14,"17th January, 2017",Lion Girls Roller Derby,,Spain
Blue Monday,1984,2006-04-21,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Blue Moon Shiner,4,2010-09-02,Charlottesville Derby Dames,,
Blue Murder,08/15,2011-01-21,Granite City Roller Girls,,
Blue Orchid,237,"24th August, 2015",Druid City Dames,,United States
Blue Ridge Riot,A-10,2011-12-27,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Blue River Bombshell,GBU-31,2011-05-26,Kokeshi Roller Dolls,,
Blue Ruin,xx5,2008-02-26,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Blue Ruin,25,"21st January, 2014",Emerald City Roller Girls,,United States
Blue Scream of Death,1101,"3rd September, 2015",Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,United States
Blue Scream of Death,1101,2009-12-14,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Blue Screen of Ref,REF,2011-07-13,Hellions of Troy Roller Derby,,
Blue Sheila,47,2011-11-20,Sirens Of Smash Roller Derby Nelson Bays,,
Blue Siren,323,2010-05-19,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Blue Skate Special,$3.99,2006-04-21,Tragic City Rollers,,
Blue Skittles,00F,2012-03-13,Ridge Meadows Roller Derby,,
Blue Smoke,812,"26th September, 2018",,,United States
Blue Spark,121,2011-02-10,Convict City Roller Derby,,
Blue Steele,411,2010-02-23,RockTown Rollers,,
Blue Stitch Kisses,404,"7th February, 2014",South Side Derby Dames,,United States
Blue Storm,cat5,2011-01-14,Mission City Brawlin Betties,,
Blue Suede Bruise,1379,2012-01-12,Seaside Siren Roller Girls,,
Blue Thunder,269,"21st May, 2015",3 City Piranhas Roller Derby,,Poland
Blue Thunder,269,"21st May, 2015",3City Piranhas Roller Derby,,Poland
Blue Thunder,9,2011-01-27,Forx Roller Derby,,
Blue ThunderStorm,02,2012-02-20,Santiago Roller Derby,,
Blue Tick,,"14th January, 2019",,,Germany
Blue Tits,44,"22nd January, 2015",Scarborough Slammers,,United Kingdom
Blue Wrenegade,2880,2011-03-12,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Blue tooth,71,"2nd November, 2020",Bollnäs Roller Derby,,Sweden
Blue'dy Ash,63,"30th January, 2019",Les Folles Gèrent,,Switzerland
Blue-Eyed Banshee,84,2008-11-11,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Blue-Eyed Devil,77,"4th August, 2014",Wasteland Derby Dames,,United States
BlueBelle Bruise-Her,5,2011-07-28,South Okanagan Roller Derby Association,,
BlueBelle Bruise-Her,5,"4th April, 2014",South Okanagan Roller Derby Association,,Canada
BlueBury Ruffin,1902,2011-03-10,Alachua County Rollers,,
BlueJ,,2010-07-23,Houston Roller Derby,,
Bluebelle Bruise-Her,5,"9th December, 2014",Penticton Pistoleras,,Canada
Blueberry,,2008-03-14,Arch Rival Roller Girls,,
Blueberry Bomber,B52,2011-02-18,Bakersfield Junior Roller Derby,,
Blueberry Clobberer,350¡,2011-11-11,Oklahoma Victory Dolls,,
Blueberry Clobberer,350°,"20th January, 2014",Oklahoma City Roller Derby,,United States
Blueberry MILF'n,314,2012-01-20,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Blueberry Slamcakes,REF,2011-06-24,Steel City Derby Demons,,
BlueberryCrush,2020,2011-04-02,Red Rockettes Recreational Roller Derby,,
Bluegrass Bang-Her,859,"21st January, 2014",Rogue Rollergirls,,United States
Bluenose,1959,"28th August, 2019",Exeter roller derby,,United Kingdom
Blueshift,593H,"10th February, 2014",Varsity Derby League,,Australia
Bluette Steel,444,"18th August, 2014",,,Canada
Blunder Bussey,292,"22nd January, 2014",York Minxters,,United Kingdom
Blunder Woman,925,2009-05-06,Pikes Peak Derby Dames,,
Blunder Woman,777,"1st February, 2014",Margaret River Roller Derby,,Australia
BlunderBird,7407,"28th November, 2014",Full Metal Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Blunderbolt,451,"11th January, 2017",Severn Roller Torrent,,United Kingdom
Blunderbust,10:20,"1st June, 2016",Worcester Wyldlings,,United Kingdom
Blunt Chaos,77,2009-03-15,Route 66 Roller Derby,,
Blunt Damage,007,2010-06-21,Twin Cities Terrors,,
Blunt Force,420,2011-12-14,Chemical Valley Rollerigirls,,
Blunt Force,420,"10th July, 2014",Revolution Roller Derby,,United States
Blunt Force Barbie,100K,"18th February, 2015",,,United States
Blunt Force Donna,,"21st June, 2021",,,Canada
Blunt Force Drama,7T5,2012-04-03,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Blunt Force Mama,,2011-01-25,Soul City Sirens,,
Blunt Force Mama,911,"23rd April, 2019",,,United States
Blunt Force Tonya,1111,"2nd December, 2018",Niagara Roller Girls,,Canada
Blunt Force Trauma,999,2006-05-12,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Blunt Hangry,1904,"26th May, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Blunt Trauma-Mama,911,2011-07-27,Hurrican Alley Roller Derby,,
Blur,299,"21st January, 2014",All City Rollers,,United States
Blur D'Lee,4,2009-09-22,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Blurry Legal,REF,2006-12-28,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Blushes,47,"27th January, 2014",Dorset Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Blushin' Roulette,,"31st January, 2022",Ohio Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Bluto Blaster,REF,2012-02-26,Magic City Rollers,,
Blyndeaz A. Bat,REF,2009-01-07,Assault City Roller Derby,,
Bo Burn'em,24,"15th July, 2016",Spokannibals,,United States
Bo Dacious,80,2007-05-16,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bo Dangles,REF,2008-05-23,Carolina Rollergirls,,
Bo Deadly,202,"12th December, 2017",Gotham Rec,,United States
Bo DeckHer,10,2010-05-18,Lakeland Derby Dames,,
Bo Derelict,p,2011-07-02,Yukon Roller Girls,,
Bo FREAKING Toxin,26.2,2011-08-08,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Bo Jacks'em,34,"7th March, 2015",Texas Rollergirls,,United States
Bo Job,,2010-04-24,Redditch Rebel Rollers,,
Bo Jukes,629,5/12/12,Jr. Jacksonville Rollergirls,,
Bo Locks,KP76,2012-04-20,London Rollergirls Recreational League,,
Bo Locks,KP76,"21st January, 2014",London Rockin' Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bo Mangles,130,"12th July, 2016",Surrey Roller Girls,,United Kingdom
Bo Peep,,2008-08-01,Independent (TBD 10/31/13),,
Bo Skiddley,79,2008-11-17,Perth Roller Derby,,
Bo Spangles,453,2012-04-10,Hereford Roller Girls,,
Bo SucuBust-Her,69,"19th April, 2017",Little Apple Roller Bombers,,United States
Bo Toxic,26,"29th March, 2016",Naptown Roller Girls,,United States
Bo Toxic,619,2007-07-12,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
BoB,81,"2nd April, 2014",NRRD,,Australia
BoToxic Bruz'her,911,2008-12-23,Charlotte Roller Girls,,
Boa Constrictor,1mainsqueeze,2009-03-18,Little Steel Derby Girls,,
Boa D'Slayer,00F,"20th January, 2014",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
Boa Restrictor,81,2010-10-26,Lake Erie Derby Dames,,
Boann,007,"13th April, 2016",Gallatin Roller Girlz,,United Kingdom
BoardHer Bandit,9,2010-07-09,Unforgiven Roller Girls,,
Bob Bowler,300,"4th April, 2014",Border City Roller Derby League,,Canada
Bob Butt Bexy,606,5/14/12,Copenhagen Roller Derby,,
Bob Gnarly,420,"10th September, 2016",Surrey Roller Boys (Jammerwockies),,United Kingdom
Bob Gnarly,,2012-03-05,Tampa Bay Derby Darlins,,
Bob Humbug,REF,2011-08-08,Dallas Derby Devils,,
Bob Humbug,,"21st January, 2014",Dallas Derby Devils,,United States
Bob Loblaw,,"1st March, 2016",Bellingham Roller Betties,,United States
Bob Loblaw,37,2010-07-30,Rocky Mountain Rollergirls,,
Bob Morane,20,"5th June, 2018",Lutece Destroyeuses,,France
Bob Noxious,Staff,,Brewcity Bruisers,,
Bob Probert,,2011-08-24,NV East Roller Girls,,
Bob Slayer,44,"20th January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bob Zombie,28:06:42:12,2011-03-24,Southland Slashers Roller Derby,,
Bob the Track Queen,,"21st July, 2018",Oxford Wheels of Gory,,United Kingdom
Bob'a Fetish,2323,"24th March, 2015",,,Spain
Bob'n Weave,71,2010-07-02,Leeds Roller Dolls,,
Bob-ombshell,8,"21st January, 2014",Mainland Misfits,,Canada
Bob-ombshell,215,"21st January, 2014",Memphis Roller Derby,,United States
Bob-ombshell,,"21st January, 2014",Mainland Misfits,,Canada
Boba AmFettamean,13,2011-07-02,Galway Roller Derby,,
Boba Basher,,"17th August, 2015",Aloha City Rollers,,United States
Boba Fatale,8084,"28th January, 2016",Toronto Roller Derby,,Canada
Boba Fatale,50,"6th February, 2016",Rage City Rollergirls,,United States
Boba Femme,Episode V,2010-06-21,Long Beach Roller Derby,,
Boba Fett-Up,206,"22nd January, 2014",North Shore Roller Derby,,United States
Boba Fettale,2,"27th February, 2016",,,United States
Boba Fettish,32,2010-06-08,Tiger Bay Brawlers,,
Boba Fettish,16,"1st June, 2016",New Braunfels Wurst Girls,,United States
Boba Hitt,17,"23rd January, 2014",The Stone Cold Foxes Roller Derby,,United States
Boba Mett,21,"24th November, 2017",Maniac Monsters Mainz,,Germany
Boba Phatt,1977,2012-04-28,Chemical City Derby Girls,,
Boba Ref,32 BBY,2009-01-23,GateKeepers Roller Derby,,
Boba Threat,IG88,2010-06-21,Twin Cities Terrors,,
Boba Threat,13,"22nd January, 2014",York Minxters Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Boba Thrett,S1,"21st January, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Boba fetch,,"14th May, 2016",,,United States
Bobarolla,68,"13th July, 2017",Croydon Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bobbers McGee,JD19,"14th December, 2015",PARDL,,Canada
Bobbi Bruise-Shea,74,2010-03-01,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bobbi Fett,198,2010-09-27,Liverpool Roller Birds,,
Bobbi Girl,23,2008-08-01,Cajun Rollergirls,,
Bobbi Gore,1972,2011-08-22,New Hampshire Roller Derby,,
Bobbi Jo Reutless,18,"26th January, 2017",,,United States
Bobbi McGiollotine,225,2010-12-11,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Bobbi Pin,2010,2010-12-30,Cornfed Derby Dames,,
Bobbi Pinudown,39,"19th December, 2017",Midstate Mayhem,,United States
Bobbi Pro-Hurt,24,2010-11-15,Brighton Roller Dollz,,
Bobbi Pro-Hurt,24,"28th January, 2014",Brighton Roller Dollz,,United States
Bobbi Slamher,19,2010-09-03,St. Chux Derby Chix,,
Bobbi Slay,115,"3rd April, 2015",,,United States
Bobbi Sox 'Em,212,2010-09-07,River Valley Roller Girls,,
Bobbi SoxHer,773,,Sydney Roller Derby League,,
Bobbi TerrORR,,2010-12-29,Grand Rapids Area Roller Derby,,
Bobbi-Sox Fox,54,2009-02-09,Gas City Rollers League,,
Bobbie Backseat,8 inches,2007-06-18,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Bobbie Bang-Bang,22,2008-07-14,Fierce Valley Roller Girls,,
Bobbie Beefcake,13,"29th January, 2018",Cadillac roller derby league,,United States
Bobbie Carnage,,2006-10-20,Penn Jersey Roller Derby,,
Bobbie Gore,,"25th October, 2016",Drrd,,Canada
Bobbie Knockout,22,2011-02-03,Bunbury Roller Derby,,
Bobbie McBleed,12,2011-03-05,Fort Wayne Derby Girls,,
Bobbie PinsU,48,"3rd October, 2014",Boulder County Bombers,,United States
Bobbin Weaver,23,"22nd January, 2014",WDD,,Australia
Bobble Yum,,2006-08-04,FoCo Girls Gone Derby,,
Bobbly moskate-o,5,"20th May, 2017",Otway derby dolls,,Australia
Bobby Bash-eh,9,2011-09-01,MINOR THREAT JUNIOR ROLLER DERBY,,
Bobby Blocks,223,"4th February, 2014",Bodoe Roller Derby,,Norway
Bobby Boo-Shea,9,"31st March, 2015",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Bobby Brady,8,2010-08-03,"Quadfathers, The",,
Bobby Dazzler,75,2011-10-31,Leeds Roller Dolls,,
Bobby Doo Shea,,"26th May, 2014",Wild Wood Rollers,,United States
Bobby Horr,69,2009-09-25,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Bobby Knightmare,Coach,"25th April, 2014",Palouse River Rollers,,United States
Bobby Light,1.21,2010-06-15,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Bobby McREffin,REF,2010-02-24,San Diego Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bobby Mean,234,"21st January, 2014",Liverpool Roller Birds,,United Kingdom
Bobby Pin Vixen,9117,"15th June, 2015",Carson Victory Rollers,,United States
Bobby Pinz,13,"19th June, 2014",Demolitia Derby Queens,,United States
Bobby Smack,44,"1st June, 2016",Varsity,,Australia
Bobby Smacks,118,2008-04-04,Harbor City RollerDames,,
Bobcat,588,"14th December, 2016",HRD,,United Kingdom
Bobcat Goldskate,808,"29th November, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bobcat-woman,3.5,"21st July, 2017",Roller derby reunion,,Reunion
Bobicat,X3,2010-05-04,Crime City Rollers,,
Bobkat,3.5g,2010-03-10,Charm City Roller Girls,,
Bobo barbie,22,2011-11-14,Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,
Bobscene Behavior,606,2010-09-05,Auld Reekie Roller Girls,,
Bobus Maximus,,,,,
Bobus Maximus,808,2011-01-28,Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,
Bobus Maximus,808,"2nd April, 2014",Sheffield Steel Rollergirls,,United Kingdom
Boby Lapointe,1722,"24th January, 2014",Les Veuves Noires,,France
Bobzilla,808,2010-12-12,Belle City Roller Girls,,
Bockscar Bambi,21 kt,"20th January, 2014",Wicked City Derby Damez,,United States
Bockscar Bambi,,2011-10-25,Jerzey Derby Brigade,,
Bodacious,,"20th January, 2014",Slaughter House Derby Girls,,United States
Bodacious Baxter,505,2012-04-18,Beckley Area Derby Dames,,
Bodacious Bird,52,"5th March, 2018",,,United States
Bodacious Bri,333,"3rd April, 2015",Dub City Derby Girls,,United States
Bodacious D,40-36-42,2008-11-17,Glass City Rollers,,
Bodacious Ta-Tas,13,"20th January, 2014",Red River Sirens,,United States
Bodacious TaTas,13,2012-06-07,Clarksville Roller Derby,,
Bodda Gettya,T1GR,"21st January, 2014",Tampa,,United States
Bode Lee Harm,13,2012-03-29,Capital City Skull Crushers,,
Bodhi Slapva,5,2010-04-24,Central Arkansas Roller Derby,,
Bodi-Count Bodiford,2126,2012-04-10,Illinois Derby League,,
Bodil von Bödel,68,"6th October, 2015",Örebro Roller Derby - Nerike Knockouts,,Sweden
Body Bag,REF,2008-12-18,Eastern Iowa Outlaws,,
Body Bag Betty,13,2010-01-15,Perth Roller Derby,,
Body Bag Betty,N1N,"21st January, 2014",Perth Roller Derby,,Australia
Body Bag Pags,REF,2011-04-04,TBD (delete 6/27/13),,
Body Count,38 special,2007-06-19,Inland Empire Derby Divas,,
Body Drop,"20""",2006-12-06,Summit City Rollers,,
Body Horror,666,"30th November, 2015",athens roller derby,,Greece
Body Shot,151,"13th April, 2015",Brazos Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Body Shot,151,2011-06-25,Brazos Valley Derby Girls,,
Body Snatcher,57,"23rd February, 2017",Dunedin Derby,,New Zealand
BodySnatcher,22,"24th June, 2015",Big Easy Rollergirls,,United States
Bodybag Barbie,419,"16th May, 2021",,,United States
Bodysnatcher,85,2010-10-06,Derby Revolution of Bakersfield--Derby Brats,,
Boezerk,455,2009-01-18,Sun State Roller Girls,,
Boffaliscious,16,2011-01-05,Tournament City Derby,,
Bog Boss Lin,62,2011-03-17,Cal Skate Roller Derby,,
Bogan Bitch,68,2010-09-05,Pirate City Rollers,,
Bogan Pride,,2010-09-17,Sun State Roller Girls,,
Bogue,,5/8/12,Swamp City Roller Rats,,
Bohdachus,811,"29th July, 2014",Rum city rink rats,,Australia
Bohemeth Rhapsody,1975,5-23-12,Canberra Roller Derby,,
Bohemian Blasphemy,HG-80,2010-08-17,Morgantown Roller Vixens,,
Bohemian Blasphemy,HG80,"21st January, 2014",Morgantown Roller Vixens,,United States
Bohemian Blitzkrieg,22,2010-06-02,Peoria Push Derby Dames,,
Bohemian Bombshell,76,"21st December, 2015",Babe City Rollers,,United States
Bohemian Bruisin Bombshelle,0602,2012-03-09,Omaha Rollergirls,,
Bohemian Bullet,G6,2011-01-29,Central Coast Roller Derby,,
Bohemian Ho Divil,99,2011-04-18,Bisman Bombshellz,,
Bohemian Rhapsody,88,"16th January, 2017",,,Argentina
Bohemian Slapcity,REF,2011-01-26,Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby,,
Bohemian Smacksody,,2012-01-27,Tallahassee RollerGirls,,
Bohemian Smacksody,227,"23rd December, 2015",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Bohica Cupcake,,2011-08-16,Salina Sirens,,
Boi Division,10,2010-05-28,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Boi Gorge,241,,Atlanta Rollergirls,,
Boi*kott,19,"21st July, 2016",Bashing Battlecats Bielefeld,,Germany
Boing Boing,17,"10th August, 2014",Copenhagen Roller Derby,,Denmark
Boioioioing,007,2011-07-09,Magic City Rollers,,
Bola ConstrictHer,3799,"29th August, 2015",Cherry City Derby Girls,,United States
Bola Constricther,,,,,
Bold Move Buttons,,"10th March, 2019",,,United States
Bold Roser,,2011-03-01,Seattle Derby Brats,,
Bolder Dash,,2010-06-13,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Boldy Knocks,,2009-04-11,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Bollard,11,2010-09-01,Portsmouth Pirates Scruvy Dogs,,
BolleRover,,2010-12-29,Grand Rapids Area Roller Derby,,
Bollock Obama,7ft,"12th September, 2014",The Inhuman League,,United Kingdom
Bollock Obama,7FT,2011-01-28,Inhuman League,,
Bollywood Basher,50%,2012-03-27,Mission City Brawlin' Betties,,
Bollywood Brawler,72,"8th July, 2014",BCRD,,United States
Bolo the Bouncer,9,2011-01-09,Sandusky Rollergirls,,
Bolshe Vixen,986,,TBD (delete 7/5/13),,
Bolshy,R57,"12th February, 2014",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bolt Action,15,2012-03-26,Fargo Moorhead Derby Girls,,
Bolter,,"21st January, 2014",Deadly Darlings Düsseldorf,,Germany
Bom Zo'Way,27,"23rd January, 2014",Tweed Valley Rollers,,Australia
Bom'chelle Fatale,112,2010-03-19,Rose City Rollers,,
BomBarb,52,2009-01-07,Rat City Rollergirls,,
BomBarrederix,#911,"25th January, 2014",Les Trackeuses du Péri'Gore (Périgueux),,France
Bomb A Gin,,2009-02-12,Richland County Regulators,,
Bomb A'ppetit,3,"2nd July, 2014",Jacksonville Rollergirls,,United States
Bomb Balurina,64,"22nd September, 2015",Cork City Firebirds,,Ireland
Bomb Chele,46,"13th August, 2016",East Valley Roller Derby,,United States
Bomb Chelle,53,"16th September, 2016",Shoreline roller derby,,United States
Bomb Clancey,REF,2011-08-17,Fog City Rollers,,
Bomb DeLuise,76,2011-02-02,Savannah Derby Devils,,
Bomb DiggaDee,27,"21st January, 2014",Pottstown Roller Derby Rockstars,,United States
Bomb Dolly,069,2011-04-13,Cardiff Roller Collective,,
Bomb Dylan,61,2010-02-12,Naughty Pines Derby Dames,,
Bomb Gnarly,760,"22nd January, 2014",Beach Cities Roller Derby,,United States
Bomb Gnarly,,2012-02-03,Rocket City Roller Girls,,
Bomb Jovi,404,"28th September, 2016",Key West Derby Dames,,United States
Bomb Jovi,973,"6th December, 2017",Montreal Roller Derby,,Canada
Bomb Jovi,3É2É1ÉPOW!,2012-03-16,Southern Delaware Rollergirls,,
Bomb Loader Bettie,2W1,"19th March, 2014",Rogue Rollergirls,,United States
Bomb N Belle,B52,2011-06-07,Victorian Roller Derby,,
Bomb Nikkity,52,2011-08-09,Jacksonville Roller Girls,,
Bomb Pop,45,2008-02-10,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Bomb Quad,18,2010-12-04,Atomic Cupcakes Junior Roller Derby,,
Bomb Qui Qui,53,5/15/12,SINtral Valley Derby Girls,,
Bomb R. Betty,REF,2011-08-10,Tokyo Roller Girls,,
Bomb Scott,RIP 2/19/80,2011-03-18,Tilted Thunder Rail Birds,,
Bomb Shell,1138,"16th July, 2015",Wolverhampton Honour Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bomb Shell,77,"30th January, 2014",grdl,,Australia
Bomb Shelly,B-54,2008-02-07,Star City Rollergirls,,
Bomb Threat,911,"30th March, 2015",Riptide Rollers,,Canada
Bomb Twist Baby,5678s,2011-07-17,Gothenburg Roller Derby,,
Bomb Vivant,37,"16th December, 2014",PFM,,United States
Bomb Voyage,400,2008-11-11,Roc City Roller Derby,,
Bomb Weasley,B52,"21st January, 2014",Southampton CIty Rollers,,United Kingdom
Bomb of Finland,87,"28th March, 2017",Copenhagen Roller Derby,,Denmark
Bomb shell,24,"9th April, 2014",East kootenay,,Canada
Bomb*Shell*Blitz,138,2009-04-17,Independent (TBD 9/30/13),,
"Bomb, James Bomb",007,"4th October, 2021",Central Coast Roller Derby,,United States
Bomb-Diggity,b00m,"21st January, 2014",JBLM Bettie Brigade,,United States
BombArie,1701,"27th January, 2014",Dom City Dolls,,Netherlands
BombCat,.32,2012-04-01,NorSask Roller Derby,,
BombChelle,B-52,"21st January, 2014",Yellowknife Rollergirls,,Canada
BombChelle,316,"30th April, 2015",yuba county roller derby LLC,,United States
BombShelley,,"21st July, 2019",,,Canada
BombTrix,524,2012-04-26,Rollergirls In Pagosa (R.I.P.),,
Bomba B,,"25th July, 2019",,,Austria
Bombadee,00,2006-10-22,Houston Roller Derby,,
Bombarda Maxima,394,"19th May, 2016",,,Australia
Bombardier,1897,"8th January, 2016",Norrköping Roller Derby,,Sweden
Bombastic Bumblebee,54,2011-12-08,Kassel Roller Derby,,
Bombay,360,"24th August, 2015",Otautahi rollers,,New Zealand
Bombay Betty,334,2011-07-02,Yukon Roller Girls,,
Bombchel,22,2007-08-21,Gold Coast Roller Derby,,
Bombchell,24,"6th August, 2015",,,United States
Bombchu,8038,"14th March, 2016",Mad Wreckin Dolls,,United States
Bombe Ash,458,"4th October, 2014",SAM Roller Derby,,France
Bombegranate,87,"13th May, 2014",Ohio Valley Roller Girls,,United States
Bombegranate Spice,42,"13th December, 2019",,,United States
Bomber,39,"4th August, 2016",BC Rollers,,United States
Bomber Bettie,B52,"30th December, 2014",Prison City Derby Dames,,United States
Bomber Betty,35,"11th January, 2017",Aurora 88s Roller Derby,,United States
Bomber Boyle,20,2011-07-02,Galway Roller Derby,,
Bomber Girl,B52,2012-01-14,Jellyfish Girls,,
Bomberella,,2009-12-19,Bellingham Roller Betties,,
Bombertello,669,"12th August, 2017",North Wales Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bombin' Bonny,9,2009-05-20,Coastal Plains Derby Dames,,
Bombina Painbow,90,"7th May, 2014",Meatgrinders Bremen,,Germany
Bombing Nova,14,"2nd March, 2014",Aalborg Roller Derby,,Denmark
Bomblebee,2,"19th February, 2019",The Cannibal Marmots,,France
Bombon Asesino,36,"6th February, 2014",,,Argentina
Bombora,1805,2011-02-14,Brisbane City Rollers,,
Bombs Away May,,2011-02-05,Houston Roller Derby,,
Bombs Over Bacon,411,2011-09-01,Minnesota Roller Girls,,
Bombschell,,"12th October, 2018",,,Austria
Bombshel-B,409,"16th March, 2017",Druid City Dames,,United States
Bombshell B.B.,22,2011-11-20,Hidden City Derby Girls,,
Bombshell Bam,45,2011-10-01,Royal Wondsor Rollergirls,,
Bombshell Bell,33 1/2,2011-04-05,Pound Cakes,,
Bombshell Bella,,"12th May, 2017",St.Chux Derby Chix,,United States
Bombshell Belle,11,"4th March, 2015",,,United Kingdom
Bombshell Betty,1-900,2008-01-31,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Bombshell Birdie,411,2011-03-07,Sarasota Roller Girls,,
Bombshell Bone,206,"15th September, 2015",West Texas Roller Dollz,,United States
Bombshell Boomer,62,"10th May, 2014",Cape Girardeau Roller Girls,,United States
Bombshell Brawler,#95,"23rd January, 2014",OCRD,,United States
Bombshell Bruiser,727,"20th January, 2014",pikes peak derby dames,,United States
Bombshell Chevelle,454,2012-03-16,Cowboy Capital Rollergirls,,
Bombshell Diggity,,2011-03-02,Mountain Derby Girls,,
Bombshell Fatale,7,"29th January, 2018",,,United States
Bombshell Gizmo,21,2012-01-09,Lake City Roller Dolls,,
Bombshell Michelle,C-4,2011-12-23,Wasteland Derby Dames,,
Bombshell Shock,99,2007-12-18,Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls,,
Bombshell Shock,99,"21st January, 2014",Mass Attack Roller Derby,,United States
Bombshell from Hell,666,2011-01-09,Sandusky Rollergirls,,
Bombsicle,79,2012-01-06,Crown City Rollerz,,
Bombtrack,1-2-3,2010-04-21,Cincinnati Rollergirls,,
Bombtrack,1-2-3,"21st January, 2014",Cincinnati Rollergirls,,United States
Bombón Asesino,07,"15th October, 2016",Wonderclan,,Argentina
Bon Bon Jovi,,"5th September, 2019",Casa Grande Roller Derby,,United States
Bon E Crusher,206,"20th January, 2014",Beckley Area Derby Dames,,United Kingdom
Bon Skate,74,2011-09-18,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Bon Snott,2820,2010-08-08,Central City Rollergirls,,
Bon Wild,,"21st September, 2015",Leeds Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bon-Bandida,459,2012-03-03,Happy Valley Derby Darlins,,
BonBon Boom,459,"21st January, 2014",Wasatch Roller Derby,,United States
BonBonBlock,133,"12th May, 2015","The Parliament of Pain, the Hague roller derby",,Netherlands
BonEtello,860,"9th June, 2016",Stone Cold Foxes,,United States
Bona Contention,107,"3rd September, 2017",Circle City Derby Girls,,United States
Bona Contention,Ten7,2009-03-12,Circle City Derby Girls,,
Bona Lisa,18000,2010-03-29,Twin City Derby Girls,,
Bona Petite,789,"8th November, 2016",Cornfed Derby Dames,,United Kingdom
Bonafied Lovin',,2012-04-18,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Bonanza Jellybean,101,,Dixie Derby Girls,,
Bonch Monster,,2008-09-25,Sick Town Derby Dames,,
Bond Fury,007,2010-01-11,Texas Outlaws Roller Derby,,
Bond Girl,007,2009-02-25,Bakersfield Rollergirls,,
Bondage Barbie,1,2010-10-10,Clarence Valley Roller Derby,,
Bondage Bitch,,2010-02-22,Albany All Stars Roller Derby,,
Bondage N. Clyde,,5-17-12,Shasta Roller Derby,,
Bondiola,04,"6th February, 2014",Dirty Fucking Dolls,,Argentina
Bondy and Discipline,REF,2011-09-20,Varsity Derby,,
Bone Breaker,34,"22nd January, 2014",Pensacola Roller Gurlz,,United States
Bone Clawford,,"22nd March, 2016",,,United States
Bone Collecter,#028,"5th February, 2015",Nor Cal Roller Girs,,United States
Bone Collectionis,5,2011-07-25,Terrassa Derby Rockets,,
Bone Collector,357,"24th November, 2015",,,United States
Bone Collector,028,"5th February, 2015",Nor Cal Roller Girls,,United States
Bone Crawford,Staff,,Jersey Shore Roller Girls,,
Bone Crusher,33,"13th January, 2019",Aalborg Roller Derby,,Denmark
Bone Daddy,1369,"9th January, 2022",,,United States
Bone Dancer,000,2011-11-11,Blue Mountains Roller Derby,,
Bone Digger,1280AD,2012-01-24,4 Corners Rollergirls,,
Bone Diggity,206,2011-04-25,Pile O'Bones Derby Club,,
Bone Eata,4N6,2011-04-02,Fabulous Sin City Rollergirls,,
Bone Freak,206,"26th January, 2014",,,United States
Bone Junior,36DD,2011-04-02,Red Rockettes Recreational Roller Derby,,
Bone Kollector,187,2011-08-31,Otautahi Roller Derby League,,
Bone Machine,1111,2009-11-06,MTL Roller Derby,,
Bone Marin,22,"19th September, 2017",Greenville Derby Dames,,United States
Bone Marra,423,"2nd September, 2015",Kerr County Roller Derby,,United States
Bone Oscillator,15,"13th March, 2018",,,United States
Bone Punks-N-Harm Her Knee,132 killories,2011-10-14,Oakland Derby Diamonds,,
Bone Saw,35,2007-01-10,Garden State Rollergirls,,
Bone Setter,,2010-12-20,Triple Threat Derby Girls,,
Bone Shaker,38,2009-03-09,Adelaide Roller Derby,,
Bone Snatcher,11,2012-02-14,Zombie Rollergirls,,
Bone Thrasher,236,2012-02-03,Terrorz of TIny Towns Roller Derby,,
Bone Thugs n Carmody,143,"20th January, 2014",,,United States
Bone Yard Brawler,,2010-12-20,Emerald City Roller Girls,,
Bone-A-Part,18,5/4/12,Sulphur City Steam Rollers,,
Bone-Skull Pipsqueak,,2009-05-02,Austin Derby Brats: Texas Rollergirls' Junior League,,
Bone-Z Bo,17,"25th May, 2017",Roswell Roller Derby,,United States
Bone-apétit,206,"23rd March, 2016",Riot City Ravens,,United Kingdom
Bone-ita Apple Boom,732,"30th December, 2016",Seattle Derby Brats,,United States
BoneJangles,905,"4th May, 2018",,,United States
BoneSaw Betty,D3AD,"21st January, 2014",Ocala Cannibals Roller Derby,,United States
BoneZ McBruiser,buck 09,"21st January, 2014","Backwoods Bombshells Roller Derby, LLC",,United States
Bonebreaker Barbie,NCC-1701,2008-02-13,River City Rollergirls,,
Bonecheck Betty,38,2011-03-03,McLean County MissFits,,
Bonecrusher,116,2006-12-15,Bakersfield Rollergirls,,
Bonecrusher Barbie,1031,2009-12-27,Salt City Derby Girls,,
Bonefide Trouble,254,"21st July, 2015",Los Alamos Derby Dames,,United States
Bonehawk,29,"2nd April, 2014",,,Canada
Bonehawk,29,2008-04-22,Saskatoon Roller Derby,,
Bonehew Breaker,1979,2010-11-13,West Coast Derby Knockouts,,
Bones,77,"21st December, 2015",Suburbia Roller Derby,,United States
Bones,,,Lonestar Rollergirls,,
Bones,1701,"20th January, 2014",Manchester Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Bones E. Bruiser,206,2011-04-07,Harrisburg Area Roller Derby,,
Bones Jones,,2011-05-13,Mountain Gateway Sisterhood of Steel,,
Bones McBreakin',3030,"23rd January, 2014",Southern Oregon Rollergirls,,United States
Bones McBreakin',3O3O,2010-09-14,Jefferson State Rollers,,
Bones O'Fury,5,2011-11-28,Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild,,
Bones Patrol,12,2008-04-29,Denver Roller Dolls,,
Bones Thugs and Disharmony,34,2011-03-10,San Diego Roller Derby,,
Bonesaw Barbie,44,2011-02-06,RockTown Rollers,,
Bonesaw Betty,D3AD,2011-01-25,Ocala Cannibals Roller Derby,,
Bonesaw Flame,11,"25th January, 2019",Tri-County Roller Derby,,Canada
Bonestorm,,2011-09-18,Derby Lite,,
Bonesy,34,"21st January, 2014",San Diego Roller Derby,,United States
Boney 'Em,28,"21st January, 2014",Furness Firecrackers,,United Kingdom
Boney Bam-bi,2511,"22nd August, 2014",Brid Rock n Rollers,,United Kingdom
Boney Danza,REF,2007-08-21,NEO Roller Derby,,
Boney Dashole,7,2011-01-03,Traverse City Roller Derby,,
Boney Em,82,"27th April, 2014",Mansfield Roller Derby,,United Kingdom
Boney L'Ass,521,"22nd January, 2014",Kingston Derby Girls,,Canada
Boney Lass-eration,626,"12th March, 2016",Boulder County Bombers,,United States
Boney M,12,"13th February, 2017",Heartland Roller Derby Association,,Canada
Boney M,54,"14th May, 2016",Roller Derby Leicester,,United Kingdom
Boney M,1221,2011-04-12,Salt Spring Island Roller Derby,,
Boney M,12,"25th June, 2016",HRDA,,Canada
Boney Maroney,911,2010-08-08,Bakersfield Diamond Divas,,
Boney Mary,25,"25th January, 2014",lisbon grrrls roller derby,,Portugal
Boney Smasheries,REF,2010-03-15,Cajun Rollergirls,,
Boneyard Bettsie,6ft under,2010-12-03,Route 66 Derby Chix,,
Bonez B. Kraken,,"16th December, 2014",Bellingham Roller Betties,,United States
Bonezy Adams,REF,2011-02-17,Tri City Roller Girls,,
Bong Jovi,420,2007-11-26,LA Derby Dolls (trademarked name),,
Boni Jovi,302,2008-08-26,E-Ville Roller Derby,,
Bonie Breaks,11,"29th December, 2014",anjou derby girls,,France
Bonita Bandita,86,2011-01-28,Kansas City Roller Warriors,,
Bonita Reckless,111,"20th January, 2014",Coachella Valley Derby Girls,,United States
Bonita WetherB.,300,2011-10-11,Apple City Roller Derby,,
Bonito,18,"19th October, 2017",Wheels On Fire,,Argentina
Bonjour Bae-atches,4,"3rd February, 2021",,,United States
Bonkers,333,"2nd February, 2020",Black diamond rollers,,United States
Bonkers,74,"1st July, 2015",East Coast Derby Dolls,,Australia
Bonkers Lola,F5,"16th October, 2016",Aalborg Roller Derby,,Denmark
Bonky Kong,4011,2007-05-22,Toronto Roller Derby,,
Bonnevillian,90 m/h,2007-03-01,South Texas Rolleristas,,
Bonni Knocksville,7,2011-01-29,Mainland Misfits Roller Derby Association,,
Bonnie,17,"21st March, 2014",,,Chile
Bonnie & Slide,Z28,2009-06-18,Ithaca League of Women Rollers,,
Bonnie 'n' COLLIDE,53,"20th January, 2014",The Norfolk Brawds,,United Kingdom
Bonnie B. Morbid,1476,2010-11-18,Border City Brawlers,,
Bonnie B. Witched,9 3/4,"24th January, 2014",Deadly Rival Roller Derby,,United States
Bonnie B.E.G.,69,"8th January, 2015",Charlotte Roller Girls,,United States
Bonnie Badass,1934,2012-01-13,Dockyard Derby Dames,,
Bonnie Balboa,3:03,2012-04-23,The Royal Swedish Roller Derby,,
Bonnie Bandit,.42L,"29th January, 2014",Almada Roller Girls,,Portugal
Bonnie Bang Bang,70,2009-07-20,Northern Brisbane Rollers,,
Bonnie Bashford,0141,"16th July, 2014",,,United Kingdom
Bonnie Bashford,0141,2012-04-11,Bedfordshire Rollergirls,,
Bonnie Beatdown,"""33""","21st January, 2014",,,United States
Bonnie Beatdown,33,2010-08-07,Terametixxx,,
Bonnie Black & Blue,13,2011-03-26,Abilene Derby Dames,,
Bonnie Black Bloc,1999,"21st January, 2014",Hudson Valley Horrors roller derby,,United States
Bonnie Blindside,,"4th February, 2016",,,United States
Bonnie Blindside,480,,Angel City Derby Girls,
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