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There's a box for that

Brad Wood bdw429s

There's a box for that
View GitHub Profile
echo "this is a recipe"
list --system
cfsetting( requestTimeout="999999");
results = [:];
cfloop( from="1", to="2", index="x", step=2 ){
rows = (x)^3;
variables.qry = queryNew("id,name", "integer,varchar" );
cfloop( from=1, to=rows, index="i", step=4 ){
qry.addRow([[i,"brad wood#i#"], [i+2,"Rachel wood#i#"], [i+3,"Luis Majano#i#"], [i+4,"Gavin Pickin#i#"]]);
bdw429s / task.cfc
Last active February 23, 2022 22:50
Scan a folder of jars recursively for CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability
* Scan all jars in folder recursivley for log4j vuln
component {
property name="progressableDownloader" inject="ProgressableDownloader";
property name="progressBar" inject="ProgressBar";
* @scanPath absolute or relative path to folder to look for jars
bdw429s / gist:8c6991423fb8e5521edeea6ffdf5a15e
Created February 2, 2022 21:27
Pull Requests for Lucee 5.3.9
LDEV-3473 - Lower log level to info to keep from blowing up production logs
LDEV-3735 - QoQ allows divide by zero
LDEV-3830 - remove optimization to ensure distincts
LDEV-3822 - stricter QoQ order by validation
LDEV-3823 - SELECT DISTINCT with ORDER BY in QoQ incompatibility - ACF
LDEV-3801 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in QoQ with using ORDER BY
LDEV-3522 - QoQ cast()/convert() functions not fully implemented
LDEV-3736 - QoQ doesn't convert empty strings to 0 in arithmetic operations
LDEV-3734 - QoQ treats nulls differently than real DB's in arithmetic expressions
LDEV-3804 - Throw exception, don't return it
foo = 'bar';
<cfset baz = foo>
bum = baz;
<cfdump var="#bum#">
bdw429s / task.cfc
Created October 6, 2021 03:32
CommandBox Task Runner for creating Screenshot of website with Microsoft's Playwright lib
component {
function run( webURL='' ) {
if( !directoryExists( resolvePath( 'lib' ) ) ) {
command( 'install "jar:"' ).run();
command( 'install "jar:"' ).run();
command( 'install "jar:"' ).run();
command( 'install "jar:"' ).run();
bdw429s / STIG-CFConfig.json
Created January 27, 2020 20:06
Here is an example lockdown for a ColdFusion server that can be applied via CFConfig
bdw429s / gist:25db10d3f8a1b4df1826b8eca96e1d8f
Created November 19, 2019 22:27
Lucee missing DNS entries
bdw429s / task.cfc
Created January 17, 2019 19:09
CommandBox Task Runner to download packages from RiaForge
* Scrape all the binaries from RiaForge
component {
property name="progressableDownloader" inject="ProgressableDownloader";
property name="progressBar" inject="ProgressBar";
function run() {
directoryCreate( resolvePath( 'downloads' ), true, true );
var projects = deserializeJSON( fileRead( '' ) );
This script will take a relative path to a CFC or CFM file in your application, analyze it's corresponding bytecode and
measure approximately how many Bytes of bytecode were generated for each line of your CFML code. There's not any one-to-one
correlation between CFML code and bytecode. Some lines of your source code generate no bytecode such as comments or whitespace.
Other lines of CFML code may generate hundreds of bytes of code.
This is more for the fun of it. It has been tested on Lucee It will not work on Adobe and may cease to work on
future versions of Lucee if the BCEL library is no longer bundled by default.