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Английские статьи на юридическую тему

Английские статьи на юридическую тему

Английские статьи на юридическую тему

Юридические словари и учебники на английском языке
Статья на английском на юридическую тему
Английский язык

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Навойчик ; кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Г. Под редакцией кандидата филологических наук О. Английский язык для студентов-правоведов: Пособие представляет собой заключительную часть учебно-методического комплекса по английскому языку для студентов юридических специальностей. В него вошли текущие, промежуточные и итоговые тесты для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов. Предназначено для оценки знаний студентов по английскому языку в области юриспруденции. Предложенные в пособии тесты направлены на проверку приобретенных обучаемыми знаний по лексике, грамматике, а также по отдельным видам речевой деятельности — чтению и переводу, аудированию, письму. Данные тесты отражают современные методические приемы оценки знаний студентов: Предназначены как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы студентов. Nonetheless, in the aggregate, this is a vast army of lawtrained men and women. The profession is, and always has been, quite diverse. There are many legal worlds. To begin with, there is the world of the big firm. We know in general what the work is: Another staple of law practice is real estate: Estate work is also common to big firms and little firms alike. Big firms handle these affairs for captains of industry and for great old families. Middle-sized do the same for the medium-rich — manufacturers of plastic novelties, owners of restaurants, car-wash companies, apartment buildings. Small-town lawyers and solo practitioners handle farm estates. Some branches of practice do tend toward specialization. However, few lawyers are totally specialized. Big-firm lawyers cover many fields and many problems. But there are areas they definitely do not touch. Some lawyers with one-shot clients struggle to make ends meet; others earn heaps of money. Not a single woman was admitted to the bar before the s. Indeed, when women tried to break into this all-male club, they met resistance and reluctance, to say the least. Opinions changed, but slowly and grudgingly. Equality of opportunity is not an easy goal to achieve, especially with regard to barriers of class. The cost of legal education is one of these barriers. Many came from lawyerly or professional backgrounds not from working-class backgrounds. There are law schools in every major city and in almost every state, Alaska is one of the few that lacks this modern amenity. These law schools are both different from each other and much the same. They are remarkably similar in curriculum and method. They also tend to impose the same general requirements: But law schools are quite different in prestige, money and power — and in quality of faculty and students. Harvard, Yale, Berkley, and Chicago can afford huge research libraries; small schools cannot. Lawyers, like Americans in general, are joiners. They are united into a strong, permanent organization — the American Bar Association, the ABA, in short. There are also state, county, and city bar associations. But the ABA is still not an association of all American lawyers. No one has to join it though it has a huge membership. Law and lawyers are expensive. Many people who want or need a lawyer have trouble paying the price. For civil cases, the situation is more complicated. A few lawyers have always made it a practice to do some work free for poor clients. The number of people working in legal field is great. Big law firms prefer to employ specialists from the well-known law schools. Most big firms do not deal with litigation. The social position of a client defines the firm which will handle the affair. Nobody wants to deal with farm estates. Specialization among lawyers is not very popular. Practically there are no fields which big-firm lawyers do not touch upon. The profession of a lawyer has always been a prestigious one and only for the white. Not all lawyers are members of the American Bar Association. Big firms handle estate work for …. Middle-sized firms do the work for the medium-rich — …. Some lawyers specialize in …. Small-firm lawyers and solos deal with …. For many years of American history a lawyer meant …. Equality of opportunity is not …. Lawyers tend to come from …. Law schools are similar in …. But law schools are quite different in …. American lawyers are united into …. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. The legal profession is divided … two branches. Both barristers and solicitors are professions held … high regard. The training and career structures … the two kinds of lawyers are quite separate. If a person has a legal problem she or he is … trouble or concerned … a question of inheritance or transfer … property he will go to a solicitor. Solicitors deal … all the day-to-day work of preparing legal documents … buying and selling houses, they do the legal work involved … conveyancing, probate, divorce. Solicitors work … court cases for their clients outside the court. Solicitors have the right to speak … the lowest Courts. Barristers are experts … the interpretation of the law. Barristers advise … really difficult matters. Solicitors engage a barrister to whom they hand … the task of representing the client … the court. Barristers spend a lot of time … paper work apart from their actual appearances … court where they wear wigs and gowns in keeping … the extreme formalities of the proceeding. District judges are responsible … procedural steps in court proceedings. Judges themselves are not a separate profession: Closely related … judicial independence is the doctrine of judicial immunity. A federal magistrate judge is a full-time judicial office, although in some courts it is filled … a part-time basis. A number of reforms have been suggested: Юридическая профессия in England is divided into two branches: Barristers and solicitors have their own характерные функции и от-. The solicitor is юрист широкого профиля. Solicitors deal with all the day-to-day work of подготовка юридических документов for buying and selling houses, составление завещаний. Solicitors work on court cases of развод, супружеские вопросы, воз-. In a civil action the solicitor has the right выступать в низших судах. Most barristers are профессиональные адвокаты but it is a mistake считать барристера только адвокатом. A student must pass a group of examinations чтобы получить юридическую степень and then to proceed to a vocational course. Federal magistrate judges are назначаются by the court. Barristers консультируют really difficult legal matters. Статусом королевского советника награждаются about 30 counsellors a year by the Queen. The judge is председательствующий чиновник в суде. The traditional function of judges is применять существующие нормы права to the case before them. После того, как все доказательства представлены the judge summarizes the case for the jury. Closely related to судейской независимости is the doctrine of судей-. Federal magistrate judges занимают должность for eight years. The magistrate judge is уполномочен to decide the case and вынести окончательное судебное решение in the name of the district court. When you are your own boss you can отказаться от дел или клиентов when you disagree morally with the legal principles expensed by the clients. Federal magistrate judges выполняют two kinds of functions. During the apprenticeship students are taught how ведутся предвари-. Make key word transformations to fit the sentences. Barristers spend a lot of time at paper work apart from. Judges in the United States initially come to the bench after a … of professional experience. Most of the professional bodies who gave evidence including the Senate and the Law Society … fusion. Each lawyer could … his own practice to the needs of his clients. You are going to listen the solicitor speaking about advantages and disadvantages of his work. For statements 1—6 decide which of the choices A, B or C is the correct one. When the speaker left University over twenty years ago,. Law Society examinations have stayed the same as they are now. Law Society examinations were different then. In comparison with other professions in England and Wales solicitors are. A very large number of solicitors in England and Wales work. The Law Society examination is called now. Solicitors in England and Wales. You are going to listen to a legal expert Charles Andrews giving a piece of legal advice to radio callers. The landlord who wants the students to leave his house lives. The students could sue their landlord for. FAQ Обратная связь Вопросы и предложения. Upload Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? Катомахина Утверждено на заседании кафедры английского языка гуманитарных факультетов 29 октября г. Савченко Под редакцией кандидата филологических наук О. Васючковой Английский язык для студентов-правоведов: Achievement Tests Reading Comprehension Task 1. Mark the statements which are true. Complete the following sentences. Women were not admitted …. Think of a brief outline of the text. Vocabulary Check Task 1. Produce the whole sentence in English. Barristers and solicitors have their own характерные функции и от- дельный аппарат управления. Solicitors work on court cases of развод, супружеские вопросы, воз- врат долгов, незначительные преступления. Closely related to судейской независимости is the doctrine of судей- ской неприкосновенности. During the apprenticeship students are taught how ведутся предвари- тельные расследования, составляются документы, осуществляется подготовка к слушанию дела. Barristers are experts in … of the law. A barrister always enters … at the lower … level. Federal magistrate judges hold … on a variety of …. Choose the correct item. England is almost unique in having two different kinds of …. If a person has a legal problem he will go to a …. In a civil action solicitors have the right to speak in …. Barristers are experts in … of the Law. The judges … new laws. Magistrates are … by special committees. All federal judges hold office during …. When the speaker left University over twenty years ago, A. In comparison with other professions in England and Wales solicitors are A. A very large number of solicitors in England and Wales work A. The Law Society examination is called now A. Solicitors in England and Wales A. The landlord who wants the students to leave his house lives A. The students could sue their landlord for A. Челов-й фактор в мен-те. In a civil action the solicitor deals with … some debts,. Taking the legal profession as a whole, there is one …. Many people believe that … between barristers and so-. Many judges have been …, some have been office …. The concept of … independence means that in … cases. The Royal Commission was … in to investigate.

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