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Becky Conning beckyconning

View GitHub Profile
var container, stats;
var camera, scene, renderer;
var projector, plane;
var mouse2D, mouse3D, ray, theta = 45,
isShiftDown = false, isCtrlDown = false,
target = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 200, 0 );
Crafty.c("Metronome", {
_bpm: 85,
_resolution: 64,
_beatsPerBar: 4,
_period: function() {
var beatPeriod = (60000 / this._bpm) / (this._resolution / this._beatsPerBar);
return beatPeriod;
_startTime: 0,
_timeNow: 0,
// Domain Specific Language:
ActualBrowserWorld.prototype.startObjectEditor = function (callback) {
var self = this;
.assertTitle("*Object Editor")
self.browser.testComplete(function() {
As a video game developer
I want to develop a video game without being hungry
So that I will be happy and more productive
Scenario: Work on a video game without any doughnuts
Given I do not have any doughnuts
When I try to program or create other assets for a video game
Then I should be hungry
Scenario: Will's birthday
javascript:goToURLWithoutFirstOfClass=function(url,className){var iframeElement=fullWindowIframeWithURL(url);coverUpElement=document.body.appendChild(documentSizeForegroundWhiteDiv());iframeElement.onload=function(e){removeFirstOfClassFromPage(url,className);"#ffffff";coverUpElement.parentNode.removeChild(coverUpElement);};document.body.appendChild(iframeElement);};fullWindowIframeWithURL=function(url){iframeElement=document.createElement("IFRAME");iframeElement.setAttribute('src',url);'100%';'100%';'absolute';;;'9999';return iframeElement;};documentSizeForegroundWhiteDiv=function(){var divElement=document.createElement('div');'100%';'100%';'absolute';"#ffffff";;divEleme
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board_size, snake_length, snake_positions, snake_vector, fruit_position = 15, 3, [[5,6],[5,5],[5,4]], [1,0], [rand(15), rand(15)] # set game board size, snake starting position, snake starting direction and fruit position
system "stty -icanon -echoke" # set console to non-canonical mode so it doesn't require end of line to get input
loop do # loop infinitely
if ( input = select([$stdin], nil, nil, 0.2) ) then if ( STDIN.getc.chr == "\e" ) then if ( STDIN.getc == ?[) then input = STDIN.getc end end end # get input
if ( input == ?A ) then snake_vector = [0,-1] elsif ( input == ?B ) then snake_vector = [0,1] elsif ( input == ?C ) then snake_vector = [1,0] elsif ( input == ?D ) then snake_vector = [-1,0] end # set snake movement direction based on input
if ( snake_positions.last == fruit_position ) then snake_length, fruit_position = snake_length + 1, [rand(board_size), rand(board_size)] elsif ( snake_positions.index(fruit_position) ) then fruit_position = [rand(board_size), rand(board_size)] elsif ( ( snak
describe("Infographic", function() {
var infographic;
beforeEach(function() {
infographic = Infographic();
$table = $('table');
describe("updateFromTable($table)", function() {
expectedCenter, expectedCenter, (expectedDiameter / 2)
format.csv {
:type => "text/csv",
:filename => "review.csv",
:dispostion => 'attachment',
:status => '200 OK'