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Tending to my plants

Autumn (Bee) bee-san

Tending to my plants
View GitHub Profile
a = "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d"
b = "cb4cc28df0fdbe0ecf9d9662e294b118092a5735"
a = list(a)
b = list(b)
percent = 0
for counter, value in enumerate(a):
if value == b[counter]:
function prettify(document){
// Turns an array of words into lowercase and removes stopwords
const stopwords = ["a", "share", "linkthese", "about", "above", "after", "again", "against", "all", "am", "an", "and", "any","", "are","aren't","as","at","be","because","been","before","being","below","between","both","but","by","can't","cannot","could","couldn't","did","didn't","do","does","doesn't","doing","don't","down","during","each","few","for","from","further","had","hadn't","has","hasn't","have","haven't","having","he","he'd","he'll","he's","her","here","here's","hers","herself","him","himself","his","how","how's","i","i'd","i'll","i'm","i've","if","in","into","is","isn't","it","it's","its","itself","let's","me","more","most","mustn't","my","myself","no","nor","not","of","off","on","once","only","or","other","ought","our","ours","ourselves","out","over","own","same","shan't","she","she'd","she'll","she's","should","shouldn't","so","some","such","than","that","that's","the","their","theirs","them","them
function prettify(document){
// Turns an array of words into lowercase and removes stopwords
const stopwords = stopwords_array
// turn document into lowercase words, remove all stopwords
var document = document.replace(/[.,]/g, '');
let document_in_lowercase = document.split(" ").map(function(x){ return x.toLowerCase() });
return document_in_lowercase.filter( x => !stopwords.includes(x) );
For item in dictionary:
if multiSet(WORD) == multiSet(item):
print("elvis is an anagram of " + item)
dictionary = ["dogs", "lives", "live", "train"]
WORD = "elvis"
data = pd.read_csv("creditcardcsvpresent.csv
function inverseDocumentFrequency(document){
// calculates the inverse document frequency of every sentence
const words_without_stopwords = prettify(document);
const unique_words_set = uniqueWords(words_without_stopwords);
const sentences = document.split(".").map(item => item.trim());
sentences[0] = sentences[0].substring(146);
const lengthOfDocuments = sentences.length;
// prettifys each sentence so it doesn't have stopwords
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "TL;DR - Summary of BBC news articles",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "This extension creates a summary of BBC news articles using TF*IDF",
"icons": {
"48": "icons/border-48.png"
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "TL;DR - Summary of BBC news articles",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "This extension creates a summary of BBC news articles using TF*IDF",
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*://*"],
"js": ["jquery.js", "tldr.js"]
// get all text from .story-body within p tags on a BBC news web article
let $article = $('.story-body').find('p').text();
// insert text into body of document
let insert = $('.story-body').prepend(TFIDF($article));