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Last active July 19, 2023 17:29
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SD120 - Asymptotic Expansions in SageMath
FROM sagemath/sagemath:9.7
USER root
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ENV PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin"
RUN pip3 install notebook
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"# Asymptotic Expansions and the `AsymptoticRing`\n",
"Joint work with Thomas Hagelmayer, Clemens Heuberger, Daniel Krenn, ..."
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"git shortlog -n -s -- src/sage/rings/asymptotic | wc -l\n",
" 31\n",
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"An asymptotic expansion is an expression like\n",
"$$ 5z^3 + 4z^2 + O(z) $$\n",
"as $z\\to\\infty$, or\n",
"$$ 3 x^42 y^2 + 7 x^3 y^3 + O(x^2) + O(y) $$\n",
"as $x, y\\to\\infty$."
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"*Reminder:* big-Oh (*Bachmann-Landau*) notation expresses a class of functions of (specified) bounded growth:\n",
"$$f(n) = O(g(n)) :\\iff \\exists n_0 > 0, C > 0 \\forall n > n_0: |f(n)| \\leq C |g(n)|$$"
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"$n = O(n)$, $n = O(n^2)$, $n! = O(n^n) = O(e^{n \\log n})$"
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"**Want:** Computations with such expressions in SageMath.\n",
"Why not just use the already existing `PowerSeriesRing`?"
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"PSR.<n> = PowerSeriesRing(QQ)\n",
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"n + O(n)"
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"n + O(n^2) # in PSR, n -> 0 instead of -> oo (workaround possible ...)"
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"n*log(n) # hmm. :-/"
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"Logarithmic growth is not exotic, appears naturally in e.g. $n!$ and of course also in applications like Analysis of Algorithms (e.g., Mergesort (among many others): $O(n \\log n)$ comparisons ...)"
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"**Want (actually):** Flexible structure able to handle a broad spectrum of expansions like\n",
"$$ \\sqrt{\\pi} e^{n\\log n} - 42 n^2 \\log(n)^{3/2} + \\frac{1 + \\sqrt{5}}{2} n \\log(n) \\log(\\log(n)) + O(\\log(n)/n) $$"
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"## ... well, then we'll just implement it ourselves!\n",
"- Initial implementation within GSoC 2015 (Student: BH, Mentors: Daniel Krenn, Clemens Heuberger),\n",
"- gradual improvements over the years,\n",
"- recently (GSoC 2022): initial implementation of new feature (Student: Thomas Hagelmayer, Mentor: BH, Clemens Heuberger)"
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"- [Overview](\n",
"- [Documentation of the main structure, `AsymptoticRing`]("
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"# What can it do? Demo Time!\n",
"### Creating an `AsymptoticRing`"
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"SCR = SR.subring(no_variables=True)\n",
"SCR # our coefficient ring"
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"A = AsymptoticRing(\n",
" growth_group='QQ^n * n^QQ * log(n)^QQ', # \"structure\" of the expansions\n",
" coefficient_ring=SCR,\n",
" default_prec=7, # default precision\n",
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"n = A.gen()\n",
"n # the \"asymptotic variable\", we consider n -> oo ..."
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"Creation of expansions *just works*™️:"
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"%display typeset"
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"expansion = (\n",
" 42 * (1/3)^n * n^(5/2) * log(n)^2 \n",
" + O((1/3)^n * n * log(n)^(1/2))\n",
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"## Basic Expansion Arithmetic\n",
"Addition, subtraction, multiplication and absorption (via $O$-terms) is easy!"
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"(n^2 + n + 1) + (2*n + O(n^(-1)))"
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"n^2 + O(n) - O(n)"
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"O(n^2 + n + 1)"
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"(1 + 1/n) * (n^3 - n^2 + n + O(n^0)) # O(n^0) = O(1)"
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"More operations that work out of the box: division, taking $\\exp$ / $\\log$: if necessary, the expressions are expanded as series. Number of terms before cutoff depends on chosen default precision."
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"(n - 1) / (n^3 + n^2 + O(n))"
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"exp(1 + 1/n^2)"
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"Advanced computations are possible as well, e.g. computing the power of some asymptotic expansion to another asymptotic expansion:"
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"(1 + 1/n)^n"
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"## Asymptotic Expansion Generators\n",
"Asymptotic expansions of certain well-known objects (like binomial coefficients $\\binom{kn}{n}$) can be accessed easily via *generators*: `asymptotic_expansion`."
"cell_type": "code",
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"asymptotic_expansions.Binomial_kn_over_n(n, k=2, precision=4)"
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"#### Harmonic Numbers\n",
"... are defined as $H_n = \\sum_{k=1}^n \\frac{1}{k}$. We have implemented their expansion directly via a generator:"
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"asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)"
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"#### Catalan Numbers\n",
"... are given by $C_n = \\frac{1}{n+1} \\binom{2n}{n}$, and can be obtained by dividing the asymptotic expansion of the central binomial coefficient (available via `asymptotic_expansions.Binomial_kn_over_n`) by $n+1$:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"id": "0223eb9e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"catalan_n = (\n",
" asymptotic_expansions.Binomial_kn_over_n(n, k=2, precision=5)\n",
" / (n + 1)\n",
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"## Singularity Analysis\n",
"For explicity given generating functions, our module can extract the coefficient growth by means of singularity analysis directly: this is implemented as a method of the underlying asymptotic ring.\n",
"Consider the well-known\n",
"$$ \\mathrm{Catalan}(z) = \\frac{1 - \\sqrt{1 - 4z}}{2z}. $$"
"cell_type": "code",
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"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def catalan(z):\n",
" return (1 - sqrt(1 - 4*z))/(2*z)"
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"catalan(x).series(x==0, 6)"
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"metadata": {
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"source": [
"C_n = A.coefficients_of_generating_function(\n",
" function=catalan,\n",
" singularities=(1/4,),\n",
" precision=5\n",
"cell_type": "code",
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"catalan_n - C_n"
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"Harmonic numbers have the generating function\n",
"$$ \\sum_{n\\geq 0} H_n z^n = -\\frac{\\log(1 - z)}{1 - z}. $$"
"cell_type": "code",
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"id": "a92e2545",
"metadata": {
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"H_n = A.coefficients_of_generating_function(\n",
" function=lambda z: -log(1 - z)/(1 - z),\n",
" singularities=(1,),\n",
" precision=10\n",
"cell_type": "code",
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"metadata": {
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"asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=10) - H_n"
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"#### Inverse Functions\n",
"There is also a generator that extracts the coefficient growth of a function $y(z)$ satisfying the implicit equation $y(z) = z \\Phi(y(z))$ (\"singular inversion\" -- Flajolet–Sedgewick, Analytic Combinatorics, Chapter VI.7); the *usual conditions* with respect to $\\Phi$ need to hold."
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"*Example:* the generating function $y(z)$ of unary-binary-ternary trees satisfies\n",
"$$ y = z (1 + 3y + 3y^2 + y^3). $$"
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"source": [
"assume(SR.an_element() > 0) # required to make coercions work better ...\n",
"tree_asy = asymptotic_expansions.InverseFunctionAnalysis(\n",
" var=n,\n",
" phi=lambda y: 1 + 3*y + 3*y^2 + y^3,\n",
" precision=7,\n",
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"## New feature: [$B$-Terms](\n",
"... are like $O$-terms, but without implicitly hidden constants:\n",
"$$ f(n) = B_{n\\geq n_0}(C \\cdot g(n)) :\\iff \\forall n \\geq n_0: |f(n)| \\leq C |g(n)| $$"
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"id": "c8a70b10",
"metadata": {
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"A.<n> = AsymptoticRing(\"n^QQ\", QQ, default_prec=6)\n",
"A.B(42*n^2, valid_from=5)"
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"$B$-term arithmetic sometimes requires some thinking!"
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"11*n + A.B(3*n, valid_from=1)"
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"metadata": {
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"source": [
"A.B(42*n^2, valid_from=5) - A.B(5*n^2, valid_from=5)"
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"execution_count": null,
"id": "461d0d51",
"metadata": {
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"source": [
"n^2 + A.B(19/n, valid_from=42) + O(1/n)"
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"id": "9cd775c4",
"metadata": {
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"A.B(5*n^3, valid_from=7) + A.B(3*n, valid_from=10)"
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"... **lots** of open tasks in the context of $B$-term arithmetic!\n",
"- Make arithmetic work for more complex growths than just monomials\n",
"- Implement some form of integral estimate to make series expansions with $B$-terms work\n",
"- $B$-term GSoC [meta issue #31922](\n",
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"... and even more tasks for asymptotic expansions in general, see [meta issue #17601]("
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"# Internals of the `AsymptoticRing`"
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"%display plain"
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"source": [
"AR.<m, n> = AsymptoticRing(\"QQ^m * m^QQ * log(m)^QQ * n^QQ * log(n)^QQ * log(log(n))^QQ\", QQ, default_prec=5)\n",
"expr = 42 * 3^m * n + n^2 * log(log(n))^(1/2) + O(log(m)/n) + O(n)\n",
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"Expansion data is stored in a `MutablePoset`, order is determined from specification of growth group!"
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"Summands are elements from corresponding `TermMonoid` classes (e.g., `ExactTermMonoid`, `OTermMonoid`, ...)"
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"terms = list(expr._summands_)\n",
"[s.parent() for s in terms]"
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"... and terms primarily hold a growth, with is an element from a given growth group:"
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"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"terms[0], terms[0].growth"
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