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Created February 22, 2019 14:42
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"nbformat_minor": 1,
"cells": [
"execution_count": 1,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "Collecting\n Using cached\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: numpy>=1.8.2 in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from systemml==1.1.0) (1.13.1)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: scipy>=0.15.1 in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from systemml==1.1.0) (0.17.0)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: pandas in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from systemml==1.1.0) (0.17.1)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: scikit-learn in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from systemml==1.1.0) (0.17)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: Pillow>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from systemml==1.1.0) (3.0.0)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: python-dateutil in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->systemml==1.1.0) (2.4.2)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: pytz>=2011k in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas->systemml==1.1.0) (2018.4)\nRequirement not upgraded as not directly required: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/src/bluemix_jupyter_bundle.v106/notebook/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas->systemml==1.1.0) (1.10.0)\nBuilding wheels for collected packages: systemml\n Running bdist_wheel for systemml ... \u001b[?25ldone\n\u001b[?25h Stored in directory: /gpfs/fs01/user/sd72-5c78ef3376bcb4-2ccd90524418/.cache/pip/wheels/75/ca/50/f14a0f1cec72222376f5ced7749629ca44194d8245c2e4939d\nSuccessfully built systemml\n\u001b[31mtensorflow 1.2.1 has requirement bleach==1.5.0, but you'll have bleach 2.0.0 which is incompatible.\u001b[0m\n\u001b[31mtensorflow 1.2.1 has requirement html5lib==0.9999999, but you'll have html5lib 0.999999999 which is incompatible.\u001b[0m\nInstalling collected packages: systemml\n Found existing installation: systemml 1.1.0\n Uninstalling systemml-1.1.0:\n Successfully uninstalled systemml-1.1.0\nSuccessfully installed systemml-1.1.0\n"
"source": "#!pip install --upgrade systemml\n!pip install --upgrade\n!ln -s -f ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/systemml/systemml-java/*.jar ~/data/libs/"
"execution_count": 2,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "Name: systemml\r\nVersion: 1.1.0\r\nSummary: Apache SystemML is a distributed and declarative machine learning platform.\r\nHome-page:\r\nAuthor: Apache SystemML\r\nAuthor-email:\r\nLicense: Apache 2.0\r\nLocation: /gpfs/global_fs01/sym_shared/YPProdSpark/user/sd72-5c78ef3376bcb4-2ccd90524418/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages\r\nRequires: pandas, scipy, Pillow, numpy, scikit-learn\r\nRequired-by: \r\n"
"source": "!pip show systemml"
"execution_count": 3,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"data": {
"text/plain": "u'2.1.3'"
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": "sc.version"
"execution_count": 4,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver\nArtifact-Id: systemml\nBuild-Jdk: 1.8.0_111\nBuild-Time: 2018-01-11 16:39:06 CST\nBuilt-By: biuser\nCreated-By: Apache Maven 3.0.5\nGroup-Id: org.apache.systemml\nMain-Class: org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript\nManifest-Version: 1.0\nMinimum-Recommended-Spark-Version: 2.1.0\nVersion: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT\n\n"
"source": "from systemml import MLContext, dml\n# Create a MLContext object\nml = MLContext(sc)\n# And print the information of SystemML version\nprint("
"execution_count": 5,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"data": {
"text/html": "<div>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n <thead>\n <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n <th></th>\n <th>fixed acidity</th>\n <th>volatile acidity</th>\n <th>citric acid</th>\n <th>residual sugar</th>\n <th>chlorides</th>\n <th>free sulfur dioxide</th>\n <th>total sulfur dioxide</th>\n <th>density</th>\n <th>pH</th>\n <th>sulphates</th>\n <th>alcohol</th>\n <th>quality</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <th>0</th>\n <td>7.4</td>\n <td>0.70</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.9</td>\n <td>0.076</td>\n <td>11</td>\n <td>34</td>\n <td>0.9978</td>\n <td>3.51</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>9.4</td>\n <td>5</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>1</th>\n <td>7.8</td>\n <td>0.88</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>2.6</td>\n <td>0.098</td>\n <td>25</td>\n <td>67</td>\n <td>0.9968</td>\n <td>3.20</td>\n <td>0.68</td>\n <td>9.8</td>\n <td>5</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>2</th>\n <td>7.8</td>\n <td>0.76</td>\n <td>0.04</td>\n <td>2.3</td>\n <td>0.092</td>\n <td>15</td>\n <td>54</td>\n <td>0.9970</td>\n <td>3.26</td>\n <td>0.65</td>\n <td>9.8</td>\n <td>5</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>3</th>\n <td>11.2</td>\n <td>0.28</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>1.9</td>\n <td>0.075</td>\n <td>17</td>\n <td>60</td>\n <td>0.9980</td>\n <td>3.16</td>\n <td>0.58</td>\n <td>9.8</td>\n <td>6</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>4</th>\n <td>7.4</td>\n <td>0.70</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.9</td>\n <td>0.076</td>\n <td>11</td>\n <td>34</td>\n <td>0.9978</td>\n <td>3.51</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>9.4</td>\n <td>5</td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>",
"text/plain": " fixed acidity volatile acidity citric acid residual sugar chlorides \\\n0 7.4 0.70 0.00 1.9 0.076 \n1 7.8 0.88 0.00 2.6 0.098 \n2 7.8 0.76 0.04 2.3 0.092 \n3 11.2 0.28 0.56 1.9 0.075 \n4 7.4 0.70 0.00 1.9 0.076 \n\n free sulfur dioxide total sulfur dioxide density pH sulphates \\\n0 11 34 0.9978 3.51 0.56 \n1 25 67 0.9968 3.20 0.68 \n2 15 54 0.9970 3.26 0.65 \n3 17 60 0.9980 3.16 0.58 \n4 11 34 0.9978 3.51 0.56 \n\n alcohol quality \n0 9.4 5 \n1 9.8 5 \n2 9.8 5 \n3 9.8 6 \n4 9.4 5 "
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": "# The code was removed by Watson Studio for sharing."
"execution_count": 6,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": "def add_label (row):\n if row['quality'] >= 7 :\n return 1\n return 0\n\ndf['label'] = df.apply (lambda row: add_label (row), axis=1)"
"execution_count": 7,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"data": {
"text/html": "<div>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n <thead>\n <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n <th></th>\n <th>fixed acidity</th>\n <th>volatile acidity</th>\n <th>citric acid</th>\n <th>residual sugar</th>\n <th>chlorides</th>\n <th>free sulfur dioxide</th>\n <th>total sulfur dioxide</th>\n <th>sulphates</th>\n <th>alcohol</th>\n <th>label</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <th>0</th>\n <td>7.4</td>\n <td>0.700</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.9</td>\n <td>0.076</td>\n <td>11</td>\n <td>34</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>9.4</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>1</th>\n <td>7.8</td>\n <td>0.880</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>2.6</td>\n <td>0.098</td>\n <td>25</td>\n <td>67</td>\n <td>0.68</td>\n <td>9.8</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>2</th>\n <td>7.8</td>\n <td>0.760</td>\n <td>0.04</td>\n <td>2.3</td>\n <td>0.092</td>\n <td>15</td>\n <td>54</td>\n <td>0.65</td>\n <td>9.8</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>3</th>\n <td>11.2</td>\n <td>0.280</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>1.9</td>\n <td>0.075</td>\n <td>17</td>\n <td>60</td>\n <td>0.58</td>\n <td>9.8</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>4</th>\n <td>7.4</td>\n <td>0.700</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.9</td>\n <td>0.076</td>\n <td>11</td>\n <td>34</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>9.4</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>5</th>\n <td>7.4</td>\n <td>0.660</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.8</td>\n <td>0.075</td>\n <td>13</td>\n <td>40</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>9.4</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>6</th>\n <td>7.9</td>\n <td>0.600</td>\n <td>0.06</td>\n <td>1.6</td>\n <td>0.069</td>\n <td>15</td>\n <td>59</td>\n <td>0.46</td>\n <td>9.4</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>7</th>\n <td>7.3</td>\n <td>0.650</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.2</td>\n <td>0.065</td>\n <td>15</td>\n <td>21</td>\n <td>0.47</td>\n <td>10.0</td>\n <td>1</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>8</th>\n <td>7.8</td>\n <td>0.580</td>\n <td>0.02</td>\n <td>2.0</td>\n <td>0.073</td>\n <td>9</td>\n <td>18</td>\n <td>0.57</td>\n <td>9.5</td>\n <td>1</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>9</th>\n <td>7.5</td>\n <td>0.500</td>\n <td>0.36</td>\n <td>6.1</td>\n <td>0.071</td>\n <td>17</td>\n <td>102</td>\n <td>0.80</td>\n <td>10.5</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>10</th>\n <td>6.7</td>\n <td>0.580</td>\n <td>0.08</td>\n <td>1.8</td>\n <td>0.097</td>\n <td>15</td>\n <td>65</td>\n <td>0.54</td>\n <td>9.2</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>11</th>\n <td>7.5</td>\n <td>0.500</td>\n <td>0.36</td>\n <td>6.1</td>\n <td>0.071</td>\n <td>17</td>\n <td>102</td>\n <td>0.80</td>\n <td>10.5</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>12</th>\n <td>5.6</td>\n <td>0.615</td>\n <td>0.00</td>\n <td>1.6</td>\n <td>0.089</td>\n <td>16</td>\n <td>59</td>\n <td>0.52</td>\n <td>9.9</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>13</th>\n <td>7.8</td>\n <td>0.610</td>\n <td>0.29</td>\n <td>1.6</td>\n <td>0.114</td>\n <td>9</td>\n <td>29</td>\n <td>1.56</td>\n <td>9.1</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>14</th>\n <td>8.9</td>\n <td>0.620</td>\n <td>0.18</td>\n <td>3.8</td>\n <td>0.176</td>\n <td>52</td>\n <td>145</td>\n <td>0.88</td>\n <td>9.2</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>15</th>\n <td>8.9</td>\n <td>0.620</td>\n <td>0.19</td>\n <td>3.9</td>\n <td>0.170</td>\n <td>51</td>\n <td>148</td>\n <td>0.93</td>\n <td>9.2</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>16</th>\n <td>8.5</td>\n <td>0.280</td>\n <td>0.56</td>\n <td>1.8</td>\n <td>0.092</td>\n <td>35</td>\n <td>103</td>\n <td>0.75</td>\n <td>10.5</td>\n <td>1</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>17</th>\n <td>8.1</td>\n <td>0.560</td>\n <td>0.28</td>\n <td>1.7</td>\n <td>0.368</td>\n <td>16</td>\n <td>56</td>\n <td>1.28</td>\n <td>9.3</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>18</th>\n <td>7.4</td>\n <td>0.590</td>\n <td>0.08</td>\n <td>4.4</td>\n <td>0.086</td>\n <td>6</td>\n <td>29</td>\n <td>0.50</td>\n <td>9.0</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>19</th>\n <td>7.9</td>\n <td>0.320</td>\n <td>0.51</td>\n <td>1.8</td>\n <td>0.341</td>\n <td>17</td>\n <td>56</td>\n <td>1.08</td>\n <td>9.2</td>\n <td>0</td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>",
"text/plain": " fixed acidity volatile acidity citric acid residual sugar chlorides \\\n0 7.4 0.700 0.00 1.9 0.076 \n1 7.8 0.880 0.00 2.6 0.098 \n2 7.8 0.760 0.04 2.3 0.092 \n3 11.2 0.280 0.56 1.9 0.075 \n4 7.4 0.700 0.00 1.9 0.076 \n5 7.4 0.660 0.00 1.8 0.075 \n6 7.9 0.600 0.06 1.6 0.069 \n7 7.3 0.650 0.00 1.2 0.065 \n8 7.8 0.580 0.02 2.0 0.073 \n9 7.5 0.500 0.36 6.1 0.071 \n10 6.7 0.580 0.08 1.8 0.097 \n11 7.5 0.500 0.36 6.1 0.071 \n12 5.6 0.615 0.00 1.6 0.089 \n13 7.8 0.610 0.29 1.6 0.114 \n14 8.9 0.620 0.18 3.8 0.176 \n15 8.9 0.620 0.19 3.9 0.170 \n16 8.5 0.280 0.56 1.8 0.092 \n17 8.1 0.560 0.28 1.7 0.368 \n18 7.4 0.590 0.08 4.4 0.086 \n19 7.9 0.320 0.51 1.8 0.341 \n\n free sulfur dioxide total sulfur dioxide sulphates alcohol label \n0 11 34 0.56 9.4 0 \n1 25 67 0.68 9.8 0 \n2 15 54 0.65 9.8 0 \n3 17 60 0.58 9.8 0 \n4 11 34 0.56 9.4 0 \n5 13 40 0.56 9.4 0 \n6 15 59 0.46 9.4 0 \n7 15 21 0.47 10.0 1 \n8 9 18 0.57 9.5 1 \n9 17 102 0.80 10.5 0 \n10 15 65 0.54 9.2 0 \n11 17 102 0.80 10.5 0 \n12 16 59 0.52 9.9 0 \n13 9 29 1.56 9.1 0 \n14 52 145 0.88 9.2 0 \n15 51 148 0.93 9.2 0 \n16 35 103 0.75 10.5 1 \n17 16 56 1.28 9.3 0 \n18 6 29 0.50 9.0 0 \n19 17 56 1.08 9.2 0 "
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": "df = df.drop(['quality', 'density', 'pH'], axis=1)\ndf.head(20)"
"execution_count": 8,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": "from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split\n\ndf_x_train, df_x_test, df_y_train, df_y_test = train_test_split(df, df['label'], test_size=0.2)"
"execution_count": 9,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": "from systemml.mllearn import LogisticRegression\nlogistic = LogisticRegression(spark)"
"execution_count": 10,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "BEGIN MULTINOMIAL LOGISTIC REGRESSION SCRIPT\nReading X...\nReading Y...\n-- Initially: Objective = 886.53524393617, Gradient Norm = 25411.93692503367, Trust Delta = 0.005680862770971049\n-- Outer Iteration 1: Had 1 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 125.92748666017587, Predicted = 125.6613187282504 (A/P: 1.0021), Trust Delta = 0.022243910462940473\n -- New Objective = 760.6077572759941, Beta Change Norm = 0.005680862770971048, Gradient Norm = 19014.33742328914\n \n-- Outer Iteration 2: Had 1 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 201.38602395390944, Predicted = 169.79336943773797 (A/P: 1.1861), Trust Delta = 0.022243910462940473\n -- New Objective = 559.2217333220847, Beta Change Norm = 0.017859509448882673, Gradient Norm = 5317.0784271281855\n \n-- Outer Iteration 3: Had 2 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 41.65333705623482, Predicted = 38.38813648629335 (A/P: 1.0851), Trust Delta = 0.027900032770952595\n -- New Objective = 517.5683962658499, Beta Change Norm = 0.02224391046294047, Gradient Norm = 980.9289662506095\n \n-- Outer Iteration 4: Had 2 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 8.873480514389087, Predicted = 8.700000631889218 (A/P: 1.0199), Trust Delta = 0.043520556402896295\n -- New Objective = 508.69491575146077, Beta Change Norm = 0.0279000327709526, Gradient Norm = 201.9412923152867\n \n-- Outer Iteration 5: Had 1 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 5.599881616549112, Predicted = 5.780445322456403 (A/P: 0.9688), Trust Delta = 0.05997471625720839\n -- New Objective = 503.09503413491166, Beta Change Norm = 0.043520556402896295, Gradient Norm = 622.927223770613\n \n-- Outer Iteration 6: Had 2 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 7.64358559517035, Predicted = 7.399335228861549 (A/P: 1.033), Trust Delta = 0.09146383761840256\n -- New Objective = 495.4514485397413, Beta Change Norm = 0.059974716257208384, Gradient Norm = 283.5102786223076\n \n-- Outer Iteration 7: Had 3 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 12.85697942878005, Predicted = 12.94450202578477 (A/P: 0.9932), Trust Delta = 0.1537454036538291\n -- New Objective = 482.59446911096126, Beta Change Norm = 0.09146383761840254, Gradient Norm = 301.4654259995004\n \n-- Outer Iteration 8: Had 3 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 22.037134182637374, Predicted = 22.033423802897687 (A/P: 1.0002), Trust Delta = 0.4093391057959914\n -- New Objective = 460.5573349283239, Beta Change Norm = 0.15374540365382908, Gradient Norm = 274.1284793996171\n \n-- Outer Iteration 9: Had 3 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 53.399629607838165, Predicted = 53.28640853581296 (A/P: 1.0021), Trust Delta = 1.337665136823052\n -- New Objective = 407.1577053204857, Beta Change Norm = 0.4093391057959914, Gradient Norm = 381.6091200225985\n \n-- Outer Iteration 10: Had 4 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 129.7520498998589, Predicted = 139.49199989938177 (A/P: 0.9302), Trust Delta = 2.214458365930755\n -- New Objective = 277.40565542062683, Beta Change Norm = 1.3376651368230523, Gradient Norm = 2953.8022160211594\n \n-- Outer Iteration 11: Had 2 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 23.26350462457492, Predicted = 21.198661299412525 (A/P: 1.0974), Trust Delta = 2.214458365930755\n -- New Objective = 254.1421507960519, Beta Change Norm = 0.045531247574098745, Gradient Norm = 836.4392759596549\n \n-- Outer Iteration 12: Had 4 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 142.35947571804314, Predicted = 132.88211760289428 (A/P: 1.0713), Trust Delta = 3.3689876452392467\n -- New Objective = 111.78267507800878, Beta Change Norm = 2.2144583659307555, Gradient Norm = 779.7756021432907\n \n-- Outer Iteration 13: Had 1 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 1.2704846825436817, Predicted = 1.2086819920083829 (A/P: 1.0511), Trust Delta = 3.3689876452392467\n -- New Objective = 110.5121903954651, Beta Change Norm = 0.0031000764545240983, Gradient Norm = 76.45635077484538\n \n-- Outer Iteration 14: Had 6 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 52.0413869703997, Predicted = 43.83269698561232 (A/P: 1.1873), Trust Delta = 3.3689876452392467\n -- New Objective = 58.4708034250654, Beta Change Norm = 2.144334665934133, Gradient Norm = 232.65413978099696\n \n-- Outer Iteration 15: Had 1 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 0.2252797771509023, Predicted = 0.22632059952129874 (A/P: 0.9954), Trust Delta = 3.3689876452392467\n -- New Objective = 58.245523647914496, Beta Change Norm = 0.0019455540291209933, Gradient Norm = 14.462519119783435\n \n-- Outer Iteration 16: Had 6 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 8.353810588805231, Predicted = 7.308864176690613 (A/P: 1.143), Trust Delta = 3.3689876452392467\n -- New Objective = 49.891713059109264, Beta Change Norm = 1.2785739258802455, Gradient Norm = 12.93630926150778\n \n-- Outer Iteration 17: Had 6 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 0.7983619878183106, Predicted = 0.7507722690054874 (A/P: 1.0634), Trust Delta = 3.3689876452392467\n -- New Objective = 49.093351071290954, Beta Change Norm = 0.6017329611214042, Gradient Norm = 3.24120811553839\n \n-- Outer Iteration 18: Had 8 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 2.073106432311832, Predicted = 2.2149466238534763 (A/P: 0.936), Trust Delta = 3.9933935949816224\n -- New Objective = 47.02024463897912, Beta Change Norm = 3.368987645239246, Gradient Norm = 12.233444279342025\n \n-- Outer Iteration 19: Had 6 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 0.7976444220426941, Predicted = 0.745360988252125 (A/P: 1.0701), Trust Delta = 3.9933935949816224\n -- New Objective = 46.22260021693643, Beta Change Norm = 0.5358251976052949, Gradient Norm = 1.6586761231347218\n \n-- Outer Iteration 20: Had 8 CG iterations, trust bound REACHED\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 1.502251073892971, Predicted = 1.426047381146908 (A/P: 1.0534), Trust Delta = 4.24034461110513\n -- New Objective = 44.72034914304346, Beta Change Norm = 3.993393594981622, Gradient Norm = 11.089098207455248\n \n-- Outer Iteration 21: Had 5 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 0.3259645710807675, Predicted = 0.34153710785484753 (A/P: 0.9544), Trust Delta = 4.24034461110513\n -- New Objective = 44.39438457196269, Beta Change Norm = 0.5224155068302326, Gradient Norm = 1.379028164679143\n \n-- Outer Iteration 22: Had 11 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 0.40792904317866885, Predicted = 0.39636030874268946 (A/P: 1.0292), Trust Delta = 4.24034461110513\n -- New Objective = 43.98645552878402, Beta Change Norm = 2.4143792307018406, Gradient Norm = 4.57542701017853\n \n-- Outer Iteration 23: Had 2 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 3.5418243957963114E-4, Predicted = 3.541066293346005E-4 (A/P: 1.0002), Trust Delta = 4.24034461110513\n -- New Objective = 43.98610134634444, Beta Change Norm = 5.576355913218783E-4, Gradient Norm = 0.3946294027758169\n \n-- Outer Iteration 24: Had 6 CG iterations\n -- Obj.Reduction: Actual = 0.0026711548840623323, Predicted = 0.002655988055070485 (A/P: 1.0057), Trust Delta = 4.24034461110513\n -- New Objective = 43.98343019146038, Beta Change Norm = 0.03159971049178642, Gradient Norm = 0.025163127711154733\nTermination / Convergence condition satisfied.\nSystemML Statistics:\nTotal execution time:\t\t1.138 sec.\nNumber of executed Spark inst:\t2.\n\n\n[Stage 0:> (0 + 0) / 2]\n[Stage 0:=============================> (1 + 1) / 2]\nSystemML Statistics:\nTotal execution time:\t\t0.002 sec.\nNumber of executed Spark inst:\t0.\n\nSystemML Statistics:\nTotal execution time:\t\t0.006 sec.\nNumber of executed Spark inst:\t0.\n\n \n\nLogisticRegression score: 1.000000\n"
"source": "print('LogisticRegression score: %f' %, df_y_train.values).score(df_x_test.values, df_y_test.values))"
"execution_count": null,
"cell_type": "code",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": ""
"metadata": {
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"display_name": "Python 2 with Spark 2.1",
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"pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
"codemirror_mode": {
"version": 2,
"name": "ipython"
"nbformat": 4
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