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function getXHR(url, callback) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
if (this.status == 200 || this.status == 0) {
} else {
alert('Request failed')
benbishop / IOSResourceManager
Last active December 21, 2015 02:09
A simple way to reuse your Strings.xml file from your Xamarin.Android app in Xamarin.IOS. To use, this all you have to do is include the Strings.xml file in the root of your project as a Bundle Resource.
public static class ResourceManager
static XDocument stringsDoc;
static XDocument integersDoc;
static ResourceManager ()
stringsDoc = XDocument.Load ("Strings.xml");
integersDoc = XDocument.Load ("Integers.xml");
benbishop / Xamarin iOS Environment Util
Created November 19, 2013 12:04
A simple utility class to help keep track of various environment attributes.
using System;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Rendr.iOS.Util
public static class Environment
public static bool IsIOS7{
benbishop / ViewGroup.SetChildrenEnabled
Created March 5, 2014 20:13
A C# Xamarin Class Extension for ViewGroup that lets you easily disable all contents of ViewGroup from touches.
using System;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
namespace Rendr.Community
public static class UIExtensions
public static void SetChildrenEnabled (this ViewGroup group, bool enabled)
benbishop / DismissSegue
Created June 5, 2014 15:11
A custom UIStoryboardSegue class for dismissing modals in Xamarin.iOS
using System;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
namespace Rendr
[Register ("DismissSegue")]
public class DismissSegue:UIStoryboardSegue
public DismissSegue (IntPtr param) : base (param)